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06/02/06 13:41:25 (18 years ago)

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  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/all_plots.html

    r82 r84  
    22      <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"> 
    3    <title>All plots of SAXO demo</title><link rel="stylesheet" href="saxo.css" type="text/css"><meta name="generator" content="DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.69.1"><meta name="keywords" content="idl, SAXO"></head><body bgcolor="white" text="black" link="#0000FF" vlink="#840084" alink="#0000FF"><div class="article" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title"><a name="all_plots"></a>All plots of SAXO demo</h2></div><div><div class="authorgroup"><div class="author"><h3 class="author"><span class="firstname">S&eacute;bastien</span> <span class="surname">Masson</span></h3><code class="email">&lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;</code></div><div class="author"><h3 class="author"><span class="firstname">Fran&ccedil;oise</span> <span class="surname">Pinsard</span></h3><code class="email">&lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;</code></div></div></div></div><hr></div><div class="toc"><p><b>Table of Contents</b></p><dl><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#d0e28">1. Introduction</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#d0e33">2. All plots</a></span></dt></dl></div><div class="sect1" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="d0e28"></a>1.&nbsp;Introduction</h2></div></div></div><p> 
    4 blabla  
    5     </p></div><div class="sect1" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="d0e33"></a>2.&nbsp;All plots</h2></div></div></div><p> 
     3   <title>All plots of SAXO demo</title><link rel="stylesheet" href="saxo.css" type="text/css"><meta name="generator" content="DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.69.1"><meta name="keywords" content="idl, SAXO"></head><body bgcolor="white" text="black" link="#0000FF" vlink="#840084" alink="#0000FF"><div class="article" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title"><a name="all_plots"></a>All plots of SAXO demo</h2></div><div><div class="authorgroup"><div class="author"><h3 class="author"><span class="firstname">S&eacute;bastien</span> <span class="surname">Masson</span></h3><code class="email">&lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;</code></div><div class="author"><h3 class="author"><span class="firstname">Fran&ccedil;oise</span> <span class="surname">Pinsard</span></h3><code class="email">&lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;</code></div></div></div></div><hr></div><div class="toc"><p><b>Table of Contents</b></p><dl><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#d0e28">1. Introduction</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#d0e36">2. All plots</a></span></dt></dl></div><div class="sect1" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="d0e28"></a>1.&nbsp;Introduction</h2></div></div></div><p> 
     4      This page gathers all plots used in <a href="firststeps.html?format=raw" target="_top">firststeps</a> and display them in one unique page to facilitate the search of plots examples. 
     5    </p></div><div class="sect1" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="d0e36"></a>2.&nbsp;All plots</h2></div></div></div><p> 
    66         </p><div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/basic_plot.png?format=raw"></td></tr></table></div><p> 
    77         <span> 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/all_plots_docbook.xsl

    r82 r84  
    3838    <title>Introduction</title> 
    3939    <para> 
    40 blabla  
     40      This page gathers all plots used in <ulink url="firststeps.html?format=raw">firststeps</ulink> and display them in one unique page to facilitate the search of plots examples. 
    4141    </para> 
    4242    </sect1> 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/getsaxo.html

    r80 r84  
    55  </title><link rel="stylesheet" href="saxo.css" type="text/css"><meta name="generator" content="DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.69.1"><meta name="keywords" content="idl, SAXO"></head><body bgcolor="white" text="black" link="#0000FF" vlink="#840084" alink="#0000FF"><div class="article" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title"><a name="d0e1"></a> 
    66    Get <span class="application">SAXO</span> 
    7   </h2></div><div><div class="authorgroup"><div class="author"><h3 class="author"><span class="firstname">S&eacute;bastien</span> <span class="surname">Masson</span></h3><code class="email">&lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;</code></div><div class="author"><h3 class="author"><span class="firstname">Fran&ccedil;oise</span> <span class="surname">Pinsard</span></h3><code class="email">&lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;</code></div></div></div><div><div class="revhistory"><table border="1" width="100%" summary="Revision history"><tr><th align="left" valign="top" colspan="2"><b>Revision History</b></th></tr><tr><td align="left">Revision 0.0</td><td align="left">May 2006</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">First draft</td></tr></table></div></div></div><hr></div><div class="toc"><p><b>Table of Contents</b></p><dl><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#create_saxo_env">1.  
     7  </h2></div><div><div class="authorgroup"><div class="author"><h3 class="author"><span class="firstname">S&eacute;bastien</span> <span class="surname">Masson</span></h3><code class="email">&lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;</code></div><div class="author"><h3 class="author"><span class="firstname">Fran&ccedil;oise</span> <span class="surname">Pinsard</span></h3><code class="email">&lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;</code></div></div></div><div><div class="revhistory"><table border="1" width="100%" summary="Revision history"><tr><th align="left" valign="top" colspan="2"><b>Revision History</b></th></tr><tr><td align="left">Revision 0.0</td><td align="left">May 2006</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">First draft</td></tr></table></div></div></div><hr></div><div class="toc"><p><b>Table of Contents</b></p><dl><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#create_saxo_env">1.  
    88      Create <span class="application">SAXO</span> environment 
    99    </a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#get_saxo_files">2.  
    6363          Contributors 
    6464        </h4></div></div></div><p> 
    65         <span><strong class="command">Contributors</strong></span> should better use the following command : 
     65        <span><strong class="command">Contributors</strong></span> should better use the following command (and replace login by your own login): 
    6666        </p><pre class="screen"> 
    6767  <code class="prompt">$</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">svn</strong></span> <code class="option">checkout</code> <em class="parameter"><code>svn+ssh://<em class="replaceable"><code>login</code></em></code></em> <em class="parameter"><code>SAXO_DIR</code></em></code></strong> 
    7878  <code class="prompt">$</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">cd</strong></span> <em class="parameter"><code>SAXO_DIR</code></em></code></strong> 
    7979          </pre><p> 
    80           ... and download it the latest version of the sources tar file: <a href="" target="_top">SAXO_DIR_.tar.gz</a> ( Mb). This tar.gzip file could also be downloaded with  
     80          ... and download it the latest version of the sources tar file: <a href="*.tar.gz" target="_top">SAXO_DIR_*.tar.gz</a> ( Mb). This tar.gzip file could also be downloaded with  
    8181        </p><div class="variablelist"><dl><dt><span class="term"><span><strong class="command">wget</strong></span></span></dt><dd><pre class="screen"> 
    82   <code class="prompt">$</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">wget</strong></span> <em class="parameter"><code></code></em></code></strong> 
     82  <code class="prompt">$</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">wget</strong></span> <em class="parameter"><code>*.tar.gz</code></em></code></strong> 
    8383          </pre></dd><dt><span class="term"><span><strong class="command">curl</strong></span></span></dt><dd><pre class="screen"> 
    84   <code class="prompt">$</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">curl</strong></span> <code class="option">-O</code> <em class="parameter"><code></code></em></code></strong> 
     84  <code class="prompt">$</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">curl</strong></span> <code class="option">-O</code> <em class="parameter"><code>*.tar.gz</code></em></code></strong> 
    8585          </pre></dd></dl></div><p>      
    8686        Untar the file 
    9393          Get <span class="application">SAXO</span> tests data files (... Mb) 
    9494        </h4></div></div></div><p> 
    95         If you want to use the tests programs, you need to download the data tests files (<code class="filename">TestsData_.tar.gz</code>), You may download theses files in  
     95        If you want to use the tests programs, you need to download the data tests files (<code class="filename">TestsData_*.tar.gz</code>), You may download theses files in  
    9696        </p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><code class="filename"><code class="envar">${HOME}</code>/My_IDL</code>. This is the easiest solution but it could be unconvenient if your <code class="envar">${HOME}</code> disk space is limited.</li><li>any other Directory of your choice. In that case, when using IDL, you will need to define the variable <code class="varname">iodir</code> to the Directory you choose in order to let IDL find the data tests files. This can be done either through the file (see <a href="#generate_init" title="3.&nbsp;&#xA;Generate your file&#xA;      "><a href="#generate_init" title="3.&nbsp;&#xA;Generate your file&#xA;      ">Section&nbsp;3, &#8220; 
    9797        Generate your file 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/getsaxo.xml

    r80 r84  
    1717  <articleinfo> 
    1818    <authorgroup> 
    19       <author><firstname>Sébastien</firstname><surname>Masson</surname><email></email></author> 
    20       <author><firstname>Françoise</firstname><surname>Pinsard</surname><email></email></author> 
     19      <author><firstname>Sébastien</firstname><surname>Masson</surname><email></email></author> 
     20      <author><firstname>Françoise</firstname><surname>Pinsard</surname><email></email></author> 
    2121    </authorgroup> 
    2222    <keywordset> 
    126126        </title> 
    127127      <para> 
    128         <command>Contributors</command> should better use the following command : 
     128        <command>Contributors</command> should better use the following command (and replace login by your own login): 
    129129        <screen  format="linespecific"> 
    130130  <prompt>$</prompt> <userinput><command>svn</command> <option>checkout</option> <parameter>svn+ssh://<replaceable>login</replaceable></parameter> <parameter>SAXO_DIR</parameter></userinput> 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/

    r81 r84  
    1010case "${1}" in 
    11    firststeps) 
     11   getsaxo) 
    1212      # ndate is the date in the file SAXO_RD_*.tar.gz 
    1313      ndate=$( echo ~/SAXO_RD/SAXO_RD_*.tar.gz ) 
    129129case "${1}" in 
    130130   firststeps) 
    131       szsrc=$( ls -lh ~/SAXO_RD/SRC/SAXO_RD_${ndate}.tar.gz | awk '{print $5}' ) 
    132       szdata=$( ls -lh ~/IDL/TestsData_${ndate2}.tar.gz | awk '{print $5}' ) 
    133       sed -e s/"\&date\;"/${ndate}/g \ 
    134           -e s/"\&date2\;"/${ndate2}/g \ 
    135           -e s/"\&szsrc\;"/${szsrc}/g \ 
    136           -e s/"\&szdata\;"/${szdata}/g \ 
    137           -e s/"\&figsplt_lev\;"/"${figsplt_lev}"/g \ 
     131      sed -e s/"\&figsplt_lev\;"/"${figsplt_lev}"/g \ 
    138132          -e s/"\&figsplt_orca2\;"/"${figsplt_orca2}"/g \ 
    139133          -e s/"\&figsplt_orca05\;"/"${figsplt_orca05}"/g \ 
    153147          -e s/"\&figspltt_orca2_stride\;"/"${figspltt_orca2_stride}"/g \ 
    154148          -e s/"\&figspltt_orca05_stride\;"/"${figspltt_orca05_stride}"/g \ 
     149          ${1}.xml > ${1}_${$}.xml  
     150   ;; 
     151   getsaxo) 
     152      szsrc=$( ls -lh ~/SAXO_RD/SRC/SAXO_RD_${ndate}.tar.gz | awk '{print $5}' ) 
     153      szdata=$( ls -lh ~/IDL/TestsData_${ndate2}.tar.gz | awk '{print $5}' ) 
     154      sed -e s/"\&date\;"/${ndate}/g \ 
     155          -e s/"\&date2\;"/${ndate2}/g \ 
     156          -e s/"\&szsrc\;"/${szsrc}/g \ 
     157          -e s/"\&szdata\;"/${szdata}/g \ 
    155158          ${1}.xml > ${1}_${$}.xml  
    156159   ;; 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/MATRICE/

    r31 r84  
    122122;   Still trying to get documentation of INDEX and NOT right, CM, 28 
    123123;     Sep 2000 (no code changes) 
    124 ; 
    125 ;  $Id:,v 1.2 2001/03/25 18:10:42 craigm Exp $ 
     124;   Correct bug for AND case, when input sets A and B each only have 
     125;     one unique value, and the values are equal.  CM, 04 Mar 2004 
     126;     (thanks to James B. jbattat at cfa dot harvard dot edu) 
     127;   Add support for the cases where the input data types are mixed, 
     128;      but still compatible; also, attempt to return the same data 
     129;      type that was passed in; CM, 05 Feb 2005 
     130;   Fix bug in type checking (thanks to "marit"), CM, 10 Dec 2005 
     131;   Work around a stupidity in the built-in IDL HISTOGRAM routine, 
     132;      which tries to "help" you by restricting the MIN/MAX to the 
     133;      range of the input variable (thanks to Will Maddox), CM, 16 Jan 2006 
     135;  $Id:,v 1.6 2006/01/16 19:45:22 craigm Exp $ 
    128 ; Copyright (C) 2000, Craig Markwardt 
     138; Copyright (C) 2000, 2004, 2005, 2006, Craig Markwardt 
    129139; This software is provided as is without any warranty whatsoever. 
    130140; Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute modified or 
    246256 endif 
     258  ;; Allow data to have different types, but they must be at least of 
     259  ;; the same "base" type.  That is, you can't combine a number with a 
     260  ;; string, etc. 
     261  ;; basetype 0:undefined 1:real number 6:complex number 7:string 
     262  ;;     8:structure 10:pointer 11:object 
     264  ;;          0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 
     265  basetype = [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 6, 7, 8, 6,10,11, 1, 1, 1, 1] 
    248267  ;; Check types of operands 
    249268  sz1 = size(a) & tp1 = sz1(sz1(0)+1) 
    250269  sz2 = size(b) & tp2 = sz2(sz2(0)+1) 
    251   if tp1 NE tp2 then begin 
     270  if tp1 LT 0 OR tp1 GE 16 OR tp2 LT 0 OR tp2 GE 16 then begin 
     271      message, 'ERROR: unrecognized data types for operands' 
     272      return, -1 
     273  endif 
     274  if basetype(tp1) NE basetype(tp2) then begin 
    252275      TYPE1_ERR: 
    253276      message, 'ERROR: both A and B must be of the same type' 
    254277      return, -1L 
    255278  endif 
    256   if tp1 EQ 8 OR tp1 EQ 10 AND tp1 EQ 11 then begin 
     279  if tp1 EQ 8 OR tp1 EQ 10 OR tp1 EQ 11 then begin 
    257280      TYPE2_ERR: 
    258281      message, 'ERROR: operands must be a numeric or string type' 
    310333              if NOT keyword_set(not1) AND NOT keyword_set(not2) then begin 
     335                  ;; Special case: if there are one in each set, and 
     336                  ;; they are equal, then the SHIFT() technique below 
     337                  ;; fails.  Do this one by hand. 
     338                  if na EQ 1 AND nb EQ 1 AND uu(0) EQ uu(1) then begin 
     339                      count = 1L 
     340                      if kind then return, 0L 
     341                      return, [uu(0)] 
     342                  endif 
    311344                  ;; If neither "NOT" is set, then find duplicates 
    312345                  us = 0L  ;; Save memory 
    349382      if (maxx-minn) GT floor(ma(0)) then goto, SLOW_SET_OP 
     384      ;; Work around a stupidity in the built-in IDL HISTOGRAM routine 
     385      if (tp1 EQ 2 OR tp2 EQ 2) AND (minn LT -32768 OR maxx GT 32767) then $ 
     386        goto, SLOW_SET_OP 
    351388      ;; Following operations create a histogram of the integer values. 
    352389      ha = histogram(a, min=minn, max=maxx) < 1 
    366403      if count EQ 0 then return, -1L 
    368       return, wh+minn 
     405      result = temporary(wh+minn) 
     406      if tp1 NE tp2 then return, result 
     407      szr = size(result) & tpr = szr(szr(0)+1) 
     409      ;; Cast to the original type if necessary 
     410      if tpr NE tp1 then begin 
     411          fresult = make_array(n_elements(result), type=tp1) 
     412          fresult(0) = temporary(result) 
     413          result = temporary(fresult) 
     414      endif 
     416      return, result 
    370418  endelse 
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.