Changeset 507 for trunk/SRC/Colors

02/23/17 19:20:43 (7 years ago)

update color palettes

1 edited


  • trunk/SRC/Colors/

    r479 r507  
     2; $Id$ 
     4; Copyright (c) 1982-2009, ITT Visual Information Solutions. All 
     5;       rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited. 
     8; NAME: 
     9;       LOADCT 
     11; PURPOSE: 
     12;       Load predefined color tables. 
     14; CATEGORY: 
     15;       Image display. 
     18;       LOADCT [, Table] 
     21;       Table:  The number of the pre-defined color table to load, from 0 
     22;               to 15.  If this value is omitted, a menu of the available 
     23;               tables is printed and the user is prompted to enter a table 
     24;               number. 
     27;       FILE:   If this keyword is set, the file by the given name is used 
     28;               instead of the file colors1.tbl in the IDL directory.  This 
     29;               allows multiple IDL users to have their own color table file. 
     30;               The specified file must exist. 
     31;       GET_NAMES: If this keyword is present AND DEFINED, the names 
     32;               of the color tables are returned as a string array. 
     33;               No changes are made to the color table. 
     34;       NCOLORS = number of colors to use.  Use color indices from 0 
     35;               to the smaller of !D.TABLE_SIZE-1 and NCOLORS-1. 
     36;               Default = !D.TABLE_SIZE = all available colors. 
     37;       SILENT: If this keyword is set, the Color Table message is suppressed. 
     38;       BOTTOM = first color index to use. Use color indices from BOTTOM to 
     39;               BOTTOM+NCOLORS-1.  Default = 0. 
     40;   RGB_TABLE: Set this keyword to a named variable in which to return 
     41;       the desired color table as an [NCOLORS, 3] array. 
     42;       If this keyword is set, then the color table is not loaded into 
     43;       the display, but is simply returned to the user. In addition, 
     44;       if RGB_TABLE is set then SILENT is also set to true. 
     46; OUTPUTS: 
     47;       No explicit outputs. 
     49; COMMON BLOCKS: 
     50;       COLORS: The IDL color common block. 
     52; SIDE EFFECTS: 
     53;       The color tables of the currently-selected device are modified. 
     56;       Works from the file: $IDL_DIR/resource/colors/colors1.tbl or the file specified 
     57;       with the FILE keyword. 
     59; PROCEDURE: 
     60;       The file "colors1.tbl" or the user-supplied file is read.  If 
     61;       the currently selected device doesn't have 256 colors, the color 
     62;       data is interpolated from 256 colors to the number of colors 
     63;       available. 
     65;       The colors loaded into the display are saved in the common 
     66;       block COLORS, as both the current and original color vectors. 
     68;       Interpolation:  If the current device has less than 256 colors, 
     69;       the color table data is interpolated to cover the number of 
     70;       colors in the device. 
     73;       Old.  For a widgetized version of this routine, see XLOADCT in the IDL 
     74;               widget library. 
     75;       DMS, 7/92, Added new color table format providing for more than 
     76;               16 tables.  Now uses file colors1.tbl.  Old LOADCT procedure 
     77;               is now OLD_LOADCT. 
     78;       ACY, 9/92, Make a pixmap if no windows exist for X windows to 
     79;               determine properly the number of available colors. 
     80;               Add FILE keyword. 
     81;       WSO, 1/95, Updated for new directory structure 
     82;       AB, 10/3/95, The number of entries in the COLORS common block is 
     83;               now always !D.TABLE_SIZE instead of NCOLORS + BOTTOM as 
     84;               before. This better reflects the true state of the device and 
     85;               works with other color manipulations routines. 
     86;   DLD, 09/98, Avoid repeating a color table name in the printed list. 
     87;   CT, Nov 2006: Added RGB_TABLE keyword. 
     90PRO loadct_i3, table_number, SILENT = silent, GET_NAMES = names, FILE=file, $ 
     91        NCOLORS = nc1, BOTTOM=bottom, RGB_TABLE=rgbTable 
     93compile_opt idl2 
     95common colors, r_orig, g_orig, b_orig, r_curr, g_curr, b_curr 
     98on_ioerror, bad 
     99on_error, 2             ;Return to caller if error 
     100get_lun, lun 
     102rgbTable = Arg_Present(rgbTable) 
     103silent = N_Elements(silent) ? silent : rgbTable 
     105if ! eq 'X' and !d.window eq -1 then begin  ;Uninitialized? 
     106;       If so, make a dummy window to determine the # of colors available. 
     107        window,/free,/pixmap,xs=4, ys=4 
     108        wdelete, !d.window 
     109        endif 
     111if n_elements(bottom) gt 0 then cbot = bottom > 0 < (!D.TABLE_SIZE-1) $ 
     112        else cbot = 0 
     113nc = !d.table_size - cbot 
     114if n_elements(nc1) gt 0 then nc = nc < nc1 
     116if nc eq 0 then message, 'Device has static color tables.  Can''t load.' 
     118if (n_elements(file) GT 0) then filename = file $ 
     119else filename = filepath('colors1.tbl', subdir=['resource', 'colors']) 
     121openr,lun, filename, /block 
     123ntables = 0b 
     124readu, lun, ntables 
     126; Read names? 
     127IF (n_params() eq 0 || arg_present(names) || ~silent) then begin 
     128    names = bytarr(32, ntables) 
     129    point_lun, lun, ntables * 768L + 1  ;Read table names 
     130    readu, lun, names 
     131    names = strtrim(names, 2) 
     132    IF arg_present(names) THEN goto, close_file  ;Return names? 
     135if n_params() lt 1 then begin   ;Summarize table? 
     136        nlines = (ntables + 2) / 3      ;# of lines to print 
     137        nend = nlines - ((nlines*3) - ntables) 
     138        for i=0, nend-1 do $            ;Print each line 
     139          print, format="(i3,'- ',a17, 3x, i3,'- ',a17, 3x, i3,'- ',a17)", $ 
     140            i, names[i], i+nlines, names[i+nlines], i+2*nlines < (ntables-1), $ 
     141                names[i+2*nlines < (ntables-1)] 
     142        if (nend lt nlines) then begin 
     143          for i=nend, nlines-1 do $ 
     144            print, format="(i3,'- ',a17, 3x, i3,'- ',a17)", $ 
     145              i, names[i], i+nlines, names[i+nlines] 
     146        endif 
     148        table_number = 0 
     149        read, table_number, PROMPT='Enter table number: ' 
     150        endif 
     152if (table_number ge ntables) or (table_number lt 0) then begin 
     153    message, 'Table number must be from 0 to ' + strtrim(ntables-1, 2) 
     156;Tables defined? 
     157if (~rgbTable && n_elements(r_orig) lt !d.table_size) then begin 
     158        r_orig = BYTSCL(indgen(!d.table_size)) 
     159        g_orig = r_orig 
     160        b_orig = r_orig 
     164if keyword_set(silent) eq 0 then $ 
     165        message,'Loading table ' + names[table_number],/INFO 
     166aa=assoc(lun, bytarr(256),1)    ;Read 256 long ints 
     167r = aa[table_number*3] 
     168g = aa[table_number*3+1] 
     169b = aa[table_number*3+2] 
     171if nc ne 256 then begin ;Interpolate 
     172        p = (lindgen(nc) * 255) / (nc-1) 
     173        r = r[p] 
     174        g = g[p] 
     175        b = b[p] 
     176        endif 
     178if (rgbTable) then begin 
     179    rgbTable = [[r], [g], [b]] 
     180endif else begin 
     181    r_orig[cbot] = r 
     182    g_orig[cbot] = g 
     183    b_orig[cbot] = b 
     184    r_curr = r_orig 
     185    g_curr = g_orig 
     186    b_curr = b_orig 
     187    tvlct,r, g, b, cbot 
     189goto, close_file 
     192  message, /CONTINUE, 'Error reading file: ' + filename + ', ' + !error_state.msg 
     195  free_lun,lun 
    55252    if arg_present(get_name) then begin 
    56253      if n_elements(numpal) EQ 0 then $ 
    57          loadct, file = nametbl, GET_NAME = get_name, _EXTRA = ex $ 
    58       ELSE loadct, numpal, file = nametbl, /silent, GET_NAME = get_name, _EXTRA = ex 
     254         loadct_i3, file = nametbl, GET_NAME = get_name, _EXTRA = ex $ 
     255      ELSE loadct_i3, numpal, file = nametbl, /silent, GET_NAME = get_name, _EXTRA = ex 
    59256    ENDIF ELSE BEGIN 
    60       if n_elements(numpal) EQ 0 then loadct, file = nametbl, _EXTRA = ex $ 
    61       ELSE loadct, numpal, file = nametbl, /silent, _EXTRA = ex 
     257      if n_elements(numpal) EQ 0 then loadct_i3, file = nametbl, _EXTRA = ex $ 
     258      ELSE loadct_i3, numpal, file = nametbl, /silent, _EXTRA = ex 
    62259    ENDELSE 
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