Changeset 495

04/17/14 10:49:43 (10 years ago)

fix thanks to coding rules; typo; dupe empty lines; trailing blanks

262 edited


  • trunk/SRC/Calendar/

    r493 r495  
    77; (variable of the common file cm_4cal): 'greg', '360d', 'noleap' 
    9 ; @categories  
     9; @categories 
    1010; Calendar 
  • trunk/SRC/Calendar/

    r371 r495  
    1111; longword integer with yyyymmdd format or double-precision 
    1212; floating-point with yyyymmdd.xx where xx is the fraction of the day 
    13 ; (xx=0 at 0am and 5 at 12am)  
     13; (xx=0 at 0am and 5 at 12am) 
    1515; @keyword GRADS 
    2020; Set this keyword equal to a named variable that will receive a 
    2121; longword integer or longword integer array representing the number of 
    22 ; the desired month (1 = January, ..., 12 = December).  
     22; the desired month (1 = January, ..., 12 = December). 
    2424; @keyword DAY 
    2525; Set this keyword equal to a named variable that will receive a 
    2626; longword integer or longword integer array representing the number of 
    27 ; the day of the month (1-31).   
     27; the day of the month (1-31). 
    2929; @keyword YEAR 
    3030; Set this keyword equal to a named variable that will receive a 
    3131; longword integer or longword integer array representing the number of 
    32 ; the desired year (e.g., 1994).   
     32; the desired year (e.g., 1994). 
    3434; @keyword HOUR 
    3535; Set this keyword equal to a named variable that will receive a 
    3636; longword integer or longword integer array representing the number of 
    37 ; the hour of the day (0-23).   
    38 ;  
     37; the hour of the day (0-23). 
    3939; @keyword MINUTE 
    4040; Set this keyword equal to a named variable that will receive a 
    4141; longword integer or longword integer array representing the number of 
    42 ; the minute of the hour (0-59).   
    43 ;   
     42; the minute of the hour (0-59). 
    4444; @keyword SECOND 
    4545; Set this keyword equal to a named variable that will receive a 
    5353; @restrictions 
    5454; Input param must be longword integer or double-precision floating-point 
    55 ;  
    5656; @examples 
  • trunk/SRC/Calendar/

    r378 r495  
    77; Calendar, String 
    9 ; @param yyyymmdd {in}{required} {type=scalor or array} 
     9; @param yyyymmdd {in}{required} {type=scalar or array} 
    1010; the date in the format yyyymmdd. 
  • trunk/SRC/Calendar/

    r371 r495  
    1414; Set this keyword equal to a named variable that will receive a 
    1515; longword integer or longword integer array representing the number of 
    16 ; the desired month (1 = January, ..., 12 = December).  
     16; the desired month (1 = January, ..., 12 = December). 
    1818; @keyword DAY 
    1919; Set this keyword equal to a named variable that will receive a 
    2020; longword integer or longword integer array representing the number of 
    21 ; the day of the month (1-31).   
     21; the day of the month (1-31). 
    2323; @keyword YEAR 
    2424; Set this keyword equal to a named variable that will receive a 
    2525; longword integer or longword integer array representing the number of 
    26 ; the desired year (e.g., 1994).   
     26; the desired year (e.g., 1994). 
    2828; @keyword HOUR 
    2929; Set this keyword equal to a named variable that will receive a 
    3030; longword integer or longword integer array representing the number of 
    31 ; the hour of the day (0-23).   
    32 ;  
     31; the hour of the day (0-23). 
    3333; @keyword MINUTE 
    3434; Set this keyword equal to a named variable that will receive a 
    3535; longword integer or longword integer array representing the number of 
    36 ; the minute of the hour (0-59).   
    37 ;   
     36; the minute of the hour (0-59). 
    3838; @keyword SECOND 
    3939; Set this keyword equal to a named variable that will receive a 
    4545; the date: longword integer with yyyymmdd format or double-precision 
    4646; floating-point with yyyymmdd.xx where xx is the fraction of the day 
    47 ; (xx=0 at 0am and 5 at 12am)  
     47; (xx=0 at 0am and 5 at 12am) 
    4949; @restrictions 
    5050; Input param must be longword integer or double-precision floating-point 
    51 ;  
    5252; @examples 
    7676  sztype = size(jday, /type) 
    7777  IF sztype NE 3 AND sztype NE 5 AND sztype LT 13 THEN BEGIN 
    78     dummy = report('Beware of input type, julian date must be long or double') 
     78    dummy = report('Beware of input type, Julian date must be long or double') 
    7979    stop 
    8080  ENDIF 
    8282  caldat, jday, month, day, year, hour, minute, second 
    84   res = (10000L*year + 100L*month + day)*(year GE 0) $ 
    85         +( 10000L*year - 100L*month - day)*(year LT 0) 
     84  res =  (10000L * year + 100L * month + day) * (year GE 0) $ 
     85       + (10000L * year - 100L * month - day) * (year LT 0) 
    8787  IF sztype NE 5 THEN return, long(res) $ 
    88   ELSE return, double(res) + (hour / 24.0d0) + (minute/1440.0d0) + (second / 86400.0d0) 
     88  ELSE return, double(res) + (hour / 24.0d0) + (minute / 1440.0d0) + (second / 86400.0d0) 
  • trunk/SRC/Calendar/

    r493 r495  
    9191  IF n_elements(key_caltype) EQ 0 THEN key_caltype = 'greg' 
    9292  if keyword_set(ndayspm) then key_caltype = '360d' 
    9494  NP = n_params() 
    9595; Process the input, if all are missing, use today's date. 
    107107; skipping from Oct. 4, 1582 to Oct. 15, 1582 
    108108      GREG = 2299171L           ; incorrect Julian day for Oct. 25, 1582 
    111110; Find the dimensions of the Result: 
    159158      ENDSWITCH 
    162160      min_calendar = -4716 
    163161      max_calendar = 5000000 
    183181      ENDIF 
    184182; by seb Aug 2003 - end 
    185 ; 
    187184      bc = (L_YEAR LT 0) 
    205202      ENDELSE 
    208204; hour,minute,second? 
    209205      IF (np GT 3) THEN BEGIN   ; yes, compute the fractional Julian date 
  • trunk/SRC/Colors/

    r479 r495  
    207207   ENDIF ELSE cb_label = '' 
    210209   IF KEYWORD_SET(vertical) THEN BEGIN 
  • trunk/SRC/Colors/

    r479 r495  
    6767; user in IDL 5.2 and higher.) 
    69 ; 
    7069; @keyword NAMES 
    7170; If this keyword is set, the return value of the function is 
  • trunk/SRC/Colors/

    r327 r495  
    5555  ENDIF 
    5656; do we have write access? 
    57   IF file_test(nametbl, /write) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN  
     57  IF file_test(nametbl, /write) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN 
    5858    noanswer = report(['You have no write access on file '+nametbl $ 
    5959                       , 'Do you want to copy '+nameshort+' in your MyIDL directory: '+homedir+' ?'] $ 
    6464      file_chmod, nametbl, /u_write              ; make sure we have write access 
    6565    ENDELSE 
    66   ENDIF  
     66  ENDIF 
    6767; make sure that we will really use nametbl name even if _EXTRA keyword is used 
    6868    if n_elements(ex) NE 0 then $ 
  • trunk/SRC/Colors/

    r327 r495  
    6160; Redraw the ramp image. 
    162161        gamma, color, use_values, ncolors, cbot, siz, w_height, show_win, $ 
    163162        updt_callback, p_updt_cb_data 
    166164IF eq state.draw THEN BEGIN    ;** PROCESS DRAWABLE EVENTS ** 
    402399; @file_comments 
    403 ; Like <proidl>XLOADCT</proidl> but fastest to write and call by default  
     400; Like <proidl>XLOADCT</proidl> but fastest to write and call by default 
    404401; the palette palette.tbl which can be in any directory 
    483480    gamma, color, use_values, ncolors, cbot, siz, w_height, show_win, $ 
    484481    updt_callback, p_updt_cb_data 
    487483   IF(XRegistered("xlct") NE 0) THEN return 
    517513   use_values=0 
    520515; Bases: 
    521516;  0 = slider base  (stretch bottom, stretch top, gamma) 
    535530    base = WIDGET_BASE(TITLE="Xlct", /COLUMN) 
    538532; Setting the managed attribute indicates our intention to put this app 
    539533; under the control of XMANAGER, and prevents our draw widgets from 
    542536; having that problem. 
    543537   WIDGET_CONTROL, /MANAGED, base 
    546539   show = WIDGET_DRAW(base, YSIZE=w_height, XSIZE=siz, /FRAME, RETAIN = 2) 
    572565   state.name_list = WIDGET_LIST(state.bases[2], VALUE = names, ysize = junk) 
    575567;               Drawable for transfer function 
    583575   state.draw = WIDGET_DRAW(state.bases[1], xsize = siz, ysize = siz, $ 
    584576                            /BUTTON_EVENTS, /MOTION_EVENTS) 
    587578   opt_id = state.bases[3] 
  • trunk/SRC/Colors/

    r325 r495  
    211211  common xp_com, xpw, state 
    212212  common colors, r_orig, g_orig, b_orig, r_curr, g_curr, b_curr 
    215214  cur_idx = state.cur_idx 
    360359         XMANAGER,  'xp_button_event',  base 
    364361      END 
    365362      else: 
    539536;                        Comment: May follow instructions gave by the prompter. 
    541 ; 
    542538;       Three sliders (R, G, and B) that allow the user to modify the 
    543539;       current color. 
    689685  state.plot_win = tmp 
    692687  ; Update the plots of RGB 
    693688  junk = XP_NEW_COLORS() 
  • trunk/SRC/Commons/

    r325 r495  
    3 ; @file_comments  
     3; @file_comments 
    44; this common is use only when we are in demo mode (7 minutes test) 
  • trunk/SRC/Computation/

    r493 r495  
    3030; @returns {type=2D xy array} 
    3131; barotropic stream function in Sv 
    32 ;  
    3333; @uses 
    3434; <pro>cm_4mesh</pro> 
    4242; - to be valid, mask must be equal to 0 at the bottom and on each 
    4343;   side of the domain along x direction 
    44 ; - define the common variables (of cm_4data)  
     44; - define the common variables (of cm_4data) 
    4545;       varname = 'BSF' 
    4646;       varunit = 'Sv' 
    47 ;       vargrid = 'F'  
     47;       vargrid = 'F' 
    4949; @examples 
    9393  IF keyword_set(refpoint) THEN BEGIN 
    9494    refind = neighbor(refpoint[0], refpoint[1], glamf[firstx:lastx, firsty:lasty], gphif[firstx:lastx, firsty:lasty], SPHERE = key_onearth) 
    95     IF n_elements(refvalue) EQ 0 THEN refval = - bsf[refind[0]] ELSE refval = refvalue - bsf[refind[0]]  
     95    IF n_elements(refvalue) EQ 0 THEN refval = - bsf[refind[0]] ELSE refval = refvalue - bsf[refind[0]] 
    9696    bsf = temporary(bsf) + refval 
    9797  ENDIF 
  • trunk/SRC/Computation/

    r371 r495  
    2727; @keyword MILLION {default=0}{type=scalar: 0 or 1} 
    2828; Activate to multiply returned array by 1.e6 
    29 ;  
    3030; @keyword _EXTRA 
    3131; Used to declare that this routine accepts inherited keywords 
    8989  gr = litchamp(uu, /grid) 
    90   IF gr NE '' THEN BEGIN  
     90  IF gr NE '' THEN BEGIN 
    9191    IF gr NE 'U' THEN return, report('the first parameter is not located on U grid, but on '+ strtrim(gr, 2) +'grid') 
    92   ENDIF  
     92  ENDIF 
    9393  gr = litchamp(vv, /grid) 
    94   IF gr NE '' THEN BEGIN  
     94  IF gr NE '' THEN BEGIN 
    9595    IF gr NE 'V' THEN return, report('the second parameter is not located on V grid, but on '+ strtrim(gr, 2) +'grid') 
    96   ENDIF  
     96  ENDIF 
    9797  u = litchamp(uu) 
    9898  v = litchamp(vv) 
  • trunk/SRC/Computation/

    r378 r495  
    2626; @keyword MILLION {default=0}{type=scalar: 0 or 1} 
    2727; Activate to multiply returned array by 1.e6 
    28 ;  
    2929; @keyword _EXTRA 
    3030; Used to declare that this routine accepts inherited keywords 
    8787  gr = litchamp(uu, /grid) 
    88   IF gr NE '' THEN BEGIN  
     88  IF gr NE '' THEN BEGIN 
    8989    IF gr NE 'U' THEN return, report('the first parameter is not located on U grid, but on '+ strtrim(gr, 2) +'grid') 
    90   ENDIF  
     90  ENDIF 
    9191  gr = litchamp(vv, /grid) 
    92   IF gr NE '' THEN BEGIN  
     92  IF gr NE '' THEN BEGIN 
    9393    IF gr NE 'V' THEN return, report('the second parameter is not located on V grid, but on '+ strtrim(gr, 2) +'grid') 
    94   ENDIF  
     94  ENDIF 
    9595  u = litchamp(uu) 
    9696  v = litchamp(vv) 
  • trunk/SRC/Computation/

    r493 r495  
    30 function e3t_3d, e1 = e1, e2 = e2, fstx = fstx, lstx = lstx, fsty = fsty, lsty = lsty  
     30function e3t_3d, e1 = e1, e2 = e2, fstx = fstx, lstx = lstx, fsty = fsty, lsty = lsty 
    3232  compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs 
    4848  ENDCASE 
    4949  e3t3d = arr2d[*] # e3t[firstzt:lastzt] 
    50   e3t3d = reform(e3t3d, nx, ny, nzt, /overwrite)     
     50  e3t3d = reform(e3t3d, nx, ny, nzt, /overwrite) 
    5252  IF keyword_set(key_partialstep) THEN BEGIN 
    6060    ok2 = inter(sea, where(bottom2 GE 0 AND bottom2 LT nzt)) 
    6161; apply e3t_ps to e3t_3D at the bottom of the ocean 
    62     IF ok[0]  NE -1 THEN BEGIN  
     62    IF ok[0]  NE -1 THEN BEGIN 
    6363; the bottom of the ocean in 3D index is: 
    6464      bottom  = (lindgen(nx*ny))[ok ] + nx*ny*(temporary(bottom ))[ok ] 
    6565      e3t3d[temporary(bottom )] = arr2d[ok ] * (e3t_ps[fstx:lstx, fsty:lsty])[ok ] 
    6666    ENDIF 
    67     IF ok2[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN  
     67    IF ok2[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN 
    6868      bottom2 = (lindgen(nx*ny))[ok2] + nx*ny*(temporary(bottom2))[ok2] 
    6969      e3t3d[temporary(bottom2)] = arr2d[ok2] * (e3t_ps[fstx:lstx, fsty:lsty])[ok2] 
    7070    ENDIF 
    71 ;  
    7272  ENDIF 
  • trunk/SRC/Computation/

    r493 r495  
    36   IF keyword_set(key_partialstep) THEN lastx = ( lastxu + 1 ) < ( jpi - 1 ) ELSE lastx = lastxu  
     36  IF keyword_set(key_partialstep) THEN lastx = ( lastxu + 1 ) < ( jpi - 1 ) ELSE lastx = lastxu 
    3737  nx = lastx - firstxu + 1 
    3838; get e3t 3D 
    4141  IF keyword_set(key_partialstep) THEN BEGIN 
    43 ; Rebuild the U-point 3D partial steps array from T-point 3D e3t_3D array  
     43; Rebuild the U-point 3D partial steps array from T-point 3D e3t_3D array 
    4545    tmp = shift(e3t3d, -1, 0, 0) 
    6060    IF nx EQ nxu + 1 THEN e3u3d = (temporary(e3u3d))[0:nx-2, *, *] 
    61 ;     
    6262  ENDIF ELSE e3u3d = temporary(e3t3d) 
  • trunk/SRC/Computation/

    r493 r495  
    4141  IF keyword_set(key_partialstep) THEN BEGIN 
    42 ; Rebuild the V-point 3D partial steps array from T-point 3D e3t_3D array  
     42; Rebuild the V-point 3D partial steps array from T-point 3D e3t_3D array 
    4343    tmp = shift(e3t3d, 0, -1, 0) 
    4444    IF ny EQ nyv THEN tmp[*, ny-1, *] = e3t3d[*, ny-1, *] 
    4949    IF ny EQ nyv + 1 THEN e3v3d = (temporary(e3v3d))[*, 0:ny-2, *] 
    50 ;     
    5151  ENDIF ELSE e3v3d = temporary(e3t3d) 
    6363  return, e3v3d 
  • trunk/SRC/Computation/

    r493 r495  
    4242  ENDCASE 
    4343  e3w_3d = arr2d[*] # e3w[firstzw:lastzw] 
    44   e3w_3d = reform(e3w_3d, nxt, nyt, nzw, /overwrite)     
     44  e3w_3d = reform(e3w_3d, nxt, nyt, nzw, /overwrite) 
    4646  IF keyword_set(key_partialstep) THEN BEGIN 
    6464    ENDIF 
    6565  ENDIF 
    66 ;  
    6767  return, e3w_3d 
  • trunk/SRC/Computation/

    r371 r495  
    99; @param FIELD 
    1010; The field for which we want to compute the gradient. A 2D (xy), 
    11 ; 3D (xyz or yt) or 4D (xyzt) array or a structure readable by  
     11; 3D (xyz or yt) or 4D (xyzt) array or a structure readable by 
    1212; <pro>litchamp</pro> and containing a 2D (xy), 3D (xyz or yt) or 4D (xyzt) array. 
    1313; Note that the dimension of the array must suit the domain dimension. 
    1818; @keyword MILLION {default=0}{type=scalar: 0 or 1} 
    1919; Activate to multiply returned array by 1.e6 
    20 ;  
    2121; @keyword _EXTRA 
    2222; Used to declare that this routine accepts inherited keywords 
  • trunk/SRC/Computation/

    r493 r495  
    3535; @returns {type=2D yz array} 
    3636; meridional stream function in Sv 
    37 ;  
    3838; @uses 
    3939; <pro>cm_4mesh</pro> 
    4747; - to be valid, mask must be equal to 0 at the bottom and on each 
    4848;   side of the domain along x direction 
    49 ; - define the common variables (of cm_4data)  
     49; - define the common variables (of cm_4data) 
    5050;       varname = 'MSF' 
    5151;       varunit = 'Sv' 
    101101; current -> transport 
    102   IF NOT keyword_set(transport) THEN vn = temporary(vn) * e3v_3d(/e1)  
     102  IF NOT keyword_set(transport) THEN vn = temporary(vn) * e3v_3d(/e1) 
    103103  vtr = temporary(vn) * msk 
    110110    maskout = reverse(temporary(maskout), 2) 
    111111  ENDIF 
    112 ;   
    113 ; defaut computation: 
     113; default computation: 
    114114;  msf = 1.e-6 * total(total(temporary(vtr), 1), 2, /cumulative) 
    115115; but we force the computation from bottom to up. 
    133133  IF (jpiglo EQ 182 AND jpjglo EQ 149) OR (jpiglo EQ 722 AND jpjglo EQ 511) $ 
    134      OR (jpiglo EQ 1442 AND jpjglo EQ 1021) OR (jpiglo EQ 4322 AND jpjglo EQ 3059) THEN BEGIN  
     134     OR (jpiglo EQ 1442 AND jpjglo EQ 1021) OR (jpiglo EQ 4322 AND jpjglo EQ 3059) THEN BEGIN 
    135135; find the i index with the northest latitude 
    136136    ind = (where(gphit[firstx:lastx, firsty:lasty] EQ max(gphit[firstx:lastx, firsty:lasty])))[0] mod nx 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/all_plots.html

    r416 r495  
    1919      <tr><td align="left">Revision 0.1</td><td align="left">29 August 2005</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">last Japanese version!</td></tr> 
    2020      <tr><td align="left">Revision 0.2</td><td align="left">May 2006</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">split with getsaxo</td></tr> 
    21       <tr><td align="left">Revision 0.3</td><td align="left">April 2008</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">migration from DocBook 4.2 to Docbook 5.0</td></tr> 
     21      <tr><td align="left">Revision 0.3</td><td align="left">April 2008</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">migration from DocBook 4.2 to DocBook 5.0</td></tr> 
    2323     </table></div></div></div><hr /></div><div class="toc"><p><b>Table of Contents</b></p><dl><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#intro">1. Introduction</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#allplots">2. All plots</a></span></dt></dl></div> 
    2626  <div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="intro" id="intro"></a>1. Introduction</h2></div></div></div> 
    2828    <p> 
    2929      This page gathers all plots used in <a class="link" href="firststeps.html" target="_top">firststeps</a> and display them in one unique page to facilitate the search of plots examples. 
    3131  </div> 
    3232  <div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="allplots" id="allplots"></a>2. All plots</h2></div></div></div> 
    3434    <div class="figure"><a name="basic_plot.png" id="basic_plot.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 1.  
    3535          plot ./figpng/basic_plot.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    3737      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="./figpng/basic_plot.png" alt="[plot ./figpng/basic_plot.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    3838          <p> 
    39             cf.  
     39            cf. 
    4040            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#basic_splot" target="_top"> splot </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    4141        </div></div> 
    4343    <div class="figure"><a name="basic_scontour1.png" id="basic_scontour1.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 2.  
    4444          plot ./figpng/basic_scontour1.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    4646      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="./figpng/basic_scontour1.png" alt="[plot ./figpng/basic_scontour1.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    4747          <p> 
    48             cf.  
     48            cf. 
    4949            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#basic_contour" target="_top"> scontour </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    5050        </div></div> 
    5252    <div class="figure"><a name="basic_scontour2.png" id="basic_scontour2.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 3.  
    5353          plot ./figpng/basic_scontour2.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    5555      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="./figpng/basic_scontour2.png" alt="[plot ./figpng/basic_scontour2.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    5656          <p> 
    57             cf.  
     57            cf. 
    5858            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#basic_contour" target="_top"> scontour </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    5959        </div></div> 
    6161    <div class="figure"><a name="basic_scontour3.png" id="basic_scontour3.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 4.  
    6262          plot ./figpng/basic_scontour3.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    6464      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="./figpng/basic_scontour3.png" alt="[plot ./figpng/basic_scontour3.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    6565          <p> 
    66             cf.  
     66            cf. 
    6767            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#basic_contour" target="_top"> scontour </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    6868        </div></div> 
    7070    <div class="figure"><a name="basic_splot1.png" id="basic_splot1.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 5.  
    7171          plot ./figpng/basic_splot1.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    7373      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="./figpng/basic_splot1.png" alt="[plot ./figpng/basic_splot1.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    7474          <p> 
    75             cf.  
     75            cf. 
    7676            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#basic_splot" target="_top"> splot </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    7777        </div></div> 
    7979    <div class="figure"><a name="basic_splot2.png" id="basic_splot2.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 6.  
    8080          plot ./figpng/basic_splot2.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    8282      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="./figpng/basic_splot2.png" alt="[plot ./figpng/basic_splot2.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    8383          <p> 
    84             cf.  
     84            cf. 
    8585            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#basic_splot" target="_top"> splot </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    8686        </div></div> 
    8888    <div class="figure"><a name="basic_splot3.png" id="basic_splot3.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 7.  
    8989          plot ./figpng/basic_splot3.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    9191      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="./figpng/basic_splot3.png" alt="[plot ./figpng/basic_splot3.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    9292          <p> 
    93             cf.  
     93            cf. 
    9494            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#basic_splot" target="_top"> splot </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    9595        </div></div> 
    9797    <div class="figure"><a name="basic_splot4.png" id="basic_splot4.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 8.  
    9898          plot ./figpng/basic_splot4.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    100100      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="./figpng/basic_splot4.png" alt="[plot ./figpng/basic_splot4.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    101101          <p> 
    102             cf.  
     102            cf. 
    103103            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#basic_splot" target="_top"> splot </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    104104        </div></div> 
    106106    <div class="figure"><a name="pltv.png" id="pltv.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 9.  
    107107          plot ./figpng/pltv.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    109109      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="./figpng/pltv.png" alt="[plot ./figpng/pltv.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    110110          <p> 
    111             cf.  
     111            cf. 
    112112            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltv" target="_top"> Formal quick look at 2D arrays: pltv </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    113113        </div></div> 
    115115    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_basic.png" id="tst_basic.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 10.  
    116116          plot ./figpng/tst_basic.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    118118      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="./figpng/tst_basic.png" alt="[plot ./figpng/tst_basic.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    119119          <p> 
    120             cf.  
     120            cf. 
    121121            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#basic_contour" target="_top"> scontour </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    122122        </div></div> 
    124124    <div class="figure"><a name="tvplus.png" id="tvplus.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 11.  
    125125          plot ./figpng/tvplus.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    127127      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="./figpng/tvplus.png" alt="[plot ./figpng/tvplus.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    128128          <p> 
    129             cf.  
     129            cf. 
    130130            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#tvplus" target="_top"> Quick look and explore 2D arrays: tvplus </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    131131        </div></div> 
    133133    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_lev_01.png" id="tst_plt_lev_01.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 12.  
    134134          plot figpng/tst_plt_lev_01.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    136136      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_lev_01.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_lev_01.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    137137          <p> 
    138             cf.  
     138            cf. 
    139139            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    140140        </div></div> 
    142142    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_lev_02.png" id="tst_plt_lev_02.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 13.  
    143143          plot figpng/tst_plt_lev_02.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    145145      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_lev_02.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_lev_02.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    146146          <p> 
    147             cf.  
     147            cf. 
    148148            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    149149        </div></div> 
    151151    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_lev_03.png" id="tst_plt_lev_03.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 14.  
    152152          plot figpng/tst_plt_lev_03.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    154154      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_lev_03.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_lev_03.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    155155          <p> 
    156             cf.  
     156            cf. 
    157157            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    158158        </div></div> 
    160160    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_lev_04.png" id="tst_plt_lev_04.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 15.  
    161161          plot figpng/tst_plt_lev_04.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    163163      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_lev_04.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_lev_04.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    164164          <p> 
    165             cf.  
     165            cf. 
    166166            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    167167        </div></div> 
    169169    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_lev_05.png" id="tst_plt_lev_05.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 16.  
    170170          plot figpng/tst_plt_lev_05.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    172172      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_lev_05.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_lev_05.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    173173          <p> 
    174             cf.  
     174            cf. 
    175175            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    176176        </div></div> 
    178178    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_lev_06.png" id="tst_plt_lev_06.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 17.  
    179179          plot figpng/tst_plt_lev_06.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    181181      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_lev_06.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_lev_06.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    182182          <p> 
    183             cf.  
     183            cf. 
    184184            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    185185        </div></div> 
    187187    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_lev_07.png" id="tst_plt_lev_07.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 18.  
    188188          plot figpng/tst_plt_lev_07.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    190190      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_lev_07.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_lev_07.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    191191          <p> 
    192             cf.  
     192            cf. 
    193193            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    194194        </div></div> 
    196196    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_lev_08.png" id="tst_plt_lev_08.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 19.  
    197197          plot figpng/tst_plt_lev_08.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    199199      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_lev_08.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_lev_08.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    200200          <p> 
    201             cf.  
     201            cf. 
    202202            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    203203        </div></div> 
    205205    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_lev_09.png" id="tst_plt_lev_09.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 20.  
    206206          plot figpng/tst_plt_lev_09.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    208208      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_lev_09.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_lev_09.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    209209          <p> 
    210             cf.  
     210            cf. 
    211211            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    212212        </div></div> 
    214214    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_lev_10.png" id="tst_plt_lev_10.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 21.  
    215215          plot figpng/tst_plt_lev_10.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    217217      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_lev_10.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_lev_10.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    218218          <p> 
    219             cf.  
     219            cf. 
    220220            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    221221        </div></div> 
    223223    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_lev_stride_01.png" id="tst_plt_lev_stride_01.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 22.  
    224224          plot figpng/tst_plt_lev_stride_01.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    226226      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_lev_stride_01.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_lev_stride_01.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    227227          <p> 
    228             cf.  
     228            cf. 
    229229            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    230230        </div></div> 
    232232    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_lev_stride_02.png" id="tst_plt_lev_stride_02.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 23.  
    233233          plot figpng/tst_plt_lev_stride_02.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    235235      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_lev_stride_02.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_lev_stride_02.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    236236          <p> 
    237             cf.  
     237            cf. 
    238238            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    239239        </div></div> 
    241241    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_lev_stride_03.png" id="tst_plt_lev_stride_03.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 24.  
    242242          plot figpng/tst_plt_lev_stride_03.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    244244      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_lev_stride_03.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_lev_stride_03.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    245245          <p> 
    246             cf.  
     246            cf. 
    247247            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    248248        </div></div> 
    250250    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_lev_stride_04.png" id="tst_plt_lev_stride_04.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 25.  
    251251          plot figpng/tst_plt_lev_stride_04.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    253253      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_lev_stride_04.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_lev_stride_04.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    254254          <p> 
    255             cf.  
     255            cf. 
    256256            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    257257        </div></div> 
    259259    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_lev_stride_05.png" id="tst_plt_lev_stride_05.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 26.  
    260260          plot figpng/tst_plt_lev_stride_05.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    262262      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_lev_stride_05.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_lev_stride_05.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    263263          <p> 
    264             cf.  
     264            cf. 
    265265            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    266266        </div></div> 
    268268    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_lev_stride_06.png" id="tst_plt_lev_stride_06.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 27.  
    269269          plot figpng/tst_plt_lev_stride_06.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    271271      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_lev_stride_06.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_lev_stride_06.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    272272          <p> 
    273             cf.  
     273            cf. 
    274274            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    275275        </div></div> 
    277277    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_lev_stride_07.png" id="tst_plt_lev_stride_07.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 28.  
    278278          plot figpng/tst_plt_lev_stride_07.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    280280      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_lev_stride_07.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_lev_stride_07.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    281281          <p> 
    282             cf.  
     282            cf. 
    283283            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    284284        </div></div> 
    286286    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_lev_stride_08.png" id="tst_plt_lev_stride_08.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 29.  
    287287          plot figpng/tst_plt_lev_stride_08.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    289289      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_lev_stride_08.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_lev_stride_08.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    290290          <p> 
    291             cf.  
     291            cf. 
    292292            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    293293        </div></div> 
    295295    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_lev_stride_09.png" id="tst_plt_lev_stride_09.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 30.  
    296296          plot figpng/tst_plt_lev_stride_09.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    298298      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_lev_stride_09.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_lev_stride_09.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    299299          <p> 
    300             cf.  
     300            cf. 
    301301            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    302302        </div></div> 
    304304    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_lev_stride_10.png" id="tst_plt_lev_stride_10.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 31.  
    305305          plot figpng/tst_plt_lev_stride_10.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    307307      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_lev_stride_10.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_lev_stride_10.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    308308          <p> 
    309             cf.  
     309            cf. 
    310310            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    311311        </div></div> 
    313313    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_orca05_01.png" id="tst_plt_orca05_01.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 32.  
    314314          plot figpng/tst_plt_orca05_01.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    316316      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_orca05_01.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_orca05_01.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    317317          <p> 
    318             cf.  
     318            cf. 
    319319            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    320320        </div></div> 
    322322    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_orca05_02.png" id="tst_plt_orca05_02.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 33.  
    323323          plot figpng/tst_plt_orca05_02.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    325325      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_orca05_02.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_orca05_02.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    326326          <p> 
    327             cf.  
     327            cf. 
    328328            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    329329        </div></div> 
    331331    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_orca05_03.png" id="tst_plt_orca05_03.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 34.  
    332332          plot figpng/tst_plt_orca05_03.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    334334      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_orca05_03.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_orca05_03.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    335335          <p> 
    336             cf.  
     336            cf. 
    337337            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    338338        </div></div> 
    340340    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_orca05_04.png" id="tst_plt_orca05_04.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 35.  
    341341          plot figpng/tst_plt_orca05_04.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    343343      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_orca05_04.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_orca05_04.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    344344          <p> 
    345             cf.  
     345            cf. 
    346346            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    347347        </div></div> 
    349349    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_orca05_05.png" id="tst_plt_orca05_05.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 36.  
    350350          plot figpng/tst_plt_orca05_05.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    352352      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_orca05_05.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_orca05_05.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    353353          <p> 
    354             cf.  
     354            cf. 
    355355            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    356356        </div></div> 
    358358    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_orca05_06.png" id="tst_plt_orca05_06.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 37.  
    359359          plot figpng/tst_plt_orca05_06.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    361361      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_orca05_06.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_orca05_06.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    362362          <p> 
    363             cf.  
     363            cf. 
    364364            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    365365        </div></div> 
    367367    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_orca05_07.png" id="tst_plt_orca05_07.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 38.  
    368368          plot figpng/tst_plt_orca05_07.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    370370      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_orca05_07.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_orca05_07.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    371371          <p> 
    372             cf.  
     372            cf. 
    373373            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    374374        </div></div> 
    376376    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_orca05_08.png" id="tst_plt_orca05_08.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 39.  
    377377          plot figpng/tst_plt_orca05_08.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    379379      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_orca05_08.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_orca05_08.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    380380          <p> 
    381             cf.  
     381            cf. 
    382382            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    383383        </div></div> 
    385385    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_orca05_09.png" id="tst_plt_orca05_09.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 40.  
    386386          plot figpng/tst_plt_orca05_09.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    388388      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_orca05_09.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_orca05_09.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    389389          <p> 
    390             cf.  
     390            cf. 
    391391            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    392392        </div></div> 
    394394    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_orca05_10.png" id="tst_plt_orca05_10.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 41.  
    395395          plot figpng/tst_plt_orca05_10.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    397397      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_orca05_10.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_orca05_10.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    398398          <p> 
    399             cf.  
     399            cf. 
    400400            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    401401        </div></div> 
    403403    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_orca05_stride_01.png" id="tst_plt_orca05_stride_01.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 42.  
    404404          plot figpng/tst_plt_orca05_stride_01.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    406406      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_orca05_stride_01.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_orca05_stride_01.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    407407          <p> 
    408             cf.  
     408            cf. 
    409409            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    410410        </div></div> 
    412412    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_orca05_stride_02.png" id="tst_plt_orca05_stride_02.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 43.  
    413413          plot figpng/tst_plt_orca05_stride_02.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    415415      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_orca05_stride_02.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_orca05_stride_02.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    416416          <p> 
    417             cf.  
     417            cf. 
    418418            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    419419        </div></div> 
    421421    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_orca05_stride_03.png" id="tst_plt_orca05_stride_03.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 44.  
    422422          plot figpng/tst_plt_orca05_stride_03.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    424424      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_orca05_stride_03.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_orca05_stride_03.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    425425          <p> 
    426             cf.  
     426            cf. 
    427427            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    428428        </div></div> 
    430430    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_orca05_stride_04.png" id="tst_plt_orca05_stride_04.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 45.  
    431431          plot figpng/tst_plt_orca05_stride_04.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    433433      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_orca05_stride_04.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_orca05_stride_04.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    434434          <p> 
    435             cf.  
     435            cf. 
    436436            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    437437        </div></div> 
    439439    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_orca05_stride_05.png" id="tst_plt_orca05_stride_05.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 46.  
    440440          plot figpng/tst_plt_orca05_stride_05.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    442442      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_orca05_stride_05.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_orca05_stride_05.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    443443          <p> 
    444             cf.  
     444            cf. 
    445445            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    446446        </div></div> 
    448448    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_orca05_stride_06.png" id="tst_plt_orca05_stride_06.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 47.  
    449449          plot figpng/tst_plt_orca05_stride_06.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    451451      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_orca05_stride_06.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_orca05_stride_06.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    452452          <p> 
    453             cf.  
     453            cf. 
    454454            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    455455        </div></div> 
    457457    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_orca05_stride_07.png" id="tst_plt_orca05_stride_07.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 48.  
    458458          plot figpng/tst_plt_orca05_stride_07.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    460460      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_orca05_stride_07.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_orca05_stride_07.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    461461          <p> 
    462             cf.  
     462            cf. 
    463463            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    464464        </div></div> 
    466466    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_orca05_stride_08.png" id="tst_plt_orca05_stride_08.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 49.  
    467467          plot figpng/tst_plt_orca05_stride_08.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    469469      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_orca05_stride_08.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_orca05_stride_08.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    470470          <p> 
    471             cf.  
     471            cf. 
    472472            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    473473        </div></div> 
    475475    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_orca05_stride_09.png" id="tst_plt_orca05_stride_09.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 50.  
    476476          plot figpng/tst_plt_orca05_stride_09.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    478478      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_orca05_stride_09.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_orca05_stride_09.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    479479          <p> 
    480             cf.  
     480            cf. 
    481481            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    482482        </div></div> 
    484484    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_orca05_stride_10.png" id="tst_plt_orca05_stride_10.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 51.  
    485485          plot figpng/tst_plt_orca05_stride_10.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    487487      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_orca05_stride_10.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_orca05_stride_10.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    488488          <p> 
    489             cf.  
     489            cf. 
    490490            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    491491        </div></div> 
    493493    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_orca2_01.png" id="tst_plt_orca2_01.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 52.  
    494494          plot figpng/tst_plt_orca2_01.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    496496      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_orca2_01.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_orca2_01.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    497497          <p> 
    498             cf.  
     498            cf. 
    499499            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    500500        </div></div> 
    502502    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_orca2_02.png" id="tst_plt_orca2_02.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 53.  
    503503          plot figpng/tst_plt_orca2_02.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    505505      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_orca2_02.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_orca2_02.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    506506          <p> 
    507             cf.  
     507            cf. 
    508508            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    509509        </div></div> 
    511511    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_orca2_03.png" id="tst_plt_orca2_03.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 54.  
    512512          plot figpng/tst_plt_orca2_03.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    514514      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_orca2_03.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_orca2_03.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    515515          <p> 
    516             cf.  
     516            cf. 
    517517            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    518518        </div></div> 
    520520    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_orca2_04.png" id="tst_plt_orca2_04.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 55.  
    521521          plot figpng/tst_plt_orca2_04.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    523523      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_orca2_04.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_orca2_04.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    524524          <p> 
    525             cf.  
     525            cf. 
    526526            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    527527        </div></div> 
    529529    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_orca2_05.png" id="tst_plt_orca2_05.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 56.  
    530530          plot figpng/tst_plt_orca2_05.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    532532      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_orca2_05.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_orca2_05.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    533533          <p> 
    534             cf.  
     534            cf. 
    535535            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    536536        </div></div> 
    538538    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_orca2_06.png" id="tst_plt_orca2_06.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 57.  
    539539          plot figpng/tst_plt_orca2_06.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    541541      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_orca2_06.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_orca2_06.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    542542          <p> 
    543             cf.  
     543            cf. 
    544544            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    545545        </div></div> 
    547547    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_orca2_07.png" id="tst_plt_orca2_07.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 58.  
    548548          plot figpng/tst_plt_orca2_07.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    550550      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_orca2_07.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_orca2_07.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    551551          <p> 
    552             cf.  
     552            cf. 
    553553            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    554554        </div></div> 
    556556    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_orca2_08.png" id="tst_plt_orca2_08.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 59.  
    557557          plot figpng/tst_plt_orca2_08.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    559559      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_orca2_08.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_orca2_08.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    560560          <p> 
    561             cf.  
     561            cf. 
    562562            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    563563        </div></div> 
    565565    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_orca2_09.png" id="tst_plt_orca2_09.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 60.  
    566566          plot figpng/tst_plt_orca2_09.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    568568      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_orca2_09.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_orca2_09.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    569569          <p> 
    570             cf.  
     570            cf. 
    571571            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    572572        </div></div> 
    574574    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_orca2_10.png" id="tst_plt_orca2_10.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 61.  
    575575          plot figpng/tst_plt_orca2_10.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    577577      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_orca2_10.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_orca2_10.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    578578          <p> 
    579             cf.  
     579            cf. 
    580580            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    581581        </div></div> 
    583583    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_orca2_stride_01.png" id="tst_plt_orca2_stride_01.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 62.  
    584584          plot figpng/tst_plt_orca2_stride_01.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    586586      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_orca2_stride_01.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_orca2_stride_01.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    587587          <p> 
    588             cf.  
     588            cf. 
    589589            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    590590        </div></div> 
    592592    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_orca2_stride_02.png" id="tst_plt_orca2_stride_02.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 63.  
    593593          plot figpng/tst_plt_orca2_stride_02.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    595595      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_orca2_stride_02.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_orca2_stride_02.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    596596          <p> 
    597             cf.  
     597            cf. 
    598598            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    599599        </div></div> 
    601601    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_orca2_stride_03.png" id="tst_plt_orca2_stride_03.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 64.  
    602602          plot figpng/tst_plt_orca2_stride_03.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    604604      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_orca2_stride_03.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_orca2_stride_03.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    605605          <p> 
    606             cf.  
     606            cf. 
    607607            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    608608        </div></div> 
    610610    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_orca2_stride_04.png" id="tst_plt_orca2_stride_04.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 65.  
    611611          plot figpng/tst_plt_orca2_stride_04.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    613613      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_orca2_stride_04.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_orca2_stride_04.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    614614          <p> 
    615             cf.  
     615            cf. 
    616616            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    617617        </div></div> 
    619619    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_orca2_stride_05.png" id="tst_plt_orca2_stride_05.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 66.  
    620620          plot figpng/tst_plt_orca2_stride_05.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    622622      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_orca2_stride_05.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_orca2_stride_05.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    623623          <p> 
    624             cf.  
     624            cf. 
    625625            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    626626        </div></div> 
    628628    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_orca2_stride_06.png" id="tst_plt_orca2_stride_06.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 67.  
    629629          plot figpng/tst_plt_orca2_stride_06.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    631631      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_orca2_stride_06.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_orca2_stride_06.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    632632          <p> 
    633             cf.  
     633            cf. 
    634634            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    635635        </div></div> 
    637637    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_orca2_stride_07.png" id="tst_plt_orca2_stride_07.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 68.  
    638638          plot figpng/tst_plt_orca2_stride_07.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    640640      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_orca2_stride_07.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_orca2_stride_07.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    641641          <p> 
    642             cf.  
     642            cf. 
    643643            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    644644        </div></div> 
    646646    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_orca2_stride_08.png" id="tst_plt_orca2_stride_08.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 69.  
    647647          plot figpng/tst_plt_orca2_stride_08.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    649649      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_orca2_stride_08.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_orca2_stride_08.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    650650          <p> 
    651             cf.  
     651            cf. 
    652652            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    653653        </div></div> 
    655655    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_orca2_stride_09.png" id="tst_plt_orca2_stride_09.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 70.  
    656656          plot figpng/tst_plt_orca2_stride_09.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    658658      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_orca2_stride_09.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_orca2_stride_09.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    659659          <p> 
    660             cf.  
     660            cf. 
    661661            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    662662        </div></div> 
    664664    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_plt_orca2_stride_10.png" id="tst_plt_orca2_stride_10.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 71.  
    665665          plot figpng/tst_plt_orca2_stride_10.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    667667      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_plt_orca2_stride_10.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_plt_orca2_stride_10.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    668668          <p> 
    669             cf.  
     669            cf. 
    670670            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#plt" target="_top"> Horizontal plots and maps </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    671671        </div></div> 
    673673    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltt_lev_01.png" id="tst_pltt_lev_01.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 72.  
    674674          plot figpng/tst_pltt_lev_01.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    676676      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltt_lev_01.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltt_lev_01.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    677677          <p> 
    678             cf.  
     678            cf. 
    679679            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltt" target="_top"> Hovmoellers and time series </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    680680        </div></div> 
    682682    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltt_lev_02.png" id="tst_pltt_lev_02.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 73.  
    683683          plot figpng/tst_pltt_lev_02.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    685685      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltt_lev_02.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltt_lev_02.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    686686          <p> 
    687             cf.  
     687            cf. 
    688688            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltt" target="_top"> Hovmoellers and time series </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    689689        </div></div> 
    691691    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltt_lev_03.png" id="tst_pltt_lev_03.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 74.  
    692692          plot figpng/tst_pltt_lev_03.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    694694      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltt_lev_03.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltt_lev_03.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    695695          <p> 
    696             cf.  
     696            cf. 
    697697            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltt" target="_top"> Hovmoellers and time series </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    698698        </div></div> 
    700700    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltt_lev_04.png" id="tst_pltt_lev_04.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 75.  
    701701          plot figpng/tst_pltt_lev_04.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    703703      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltt_lev_04.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltt_lev_04.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    704704          <p> 
    705             cf.  
     705            cf. 
    706706            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltt" target="_top"> Hovmoellers and time series </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    707707        </div></div> 
    709709    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltt_lev_05.png" id="tst_pltt_lev_05.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 76.  
    710710          plot figpng/tst_pltt_lev_05.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    712712      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltt_lev_05.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltt_lev_05.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    713713          <p> 
    714             cf.  
     714            cf. 
    715715            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltt" target="_top"> Hovmoellers and time series </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    716716        </div></div> 
    718718    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltt_lev_06.png" id="tst_pltt_lev_06.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 77.  
    719719          plot figpng/tst_pltt_lev_06.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    721721      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltt_lev_06.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltt_lev_06.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    722722          <p> 
    723             cf.  
     723            cf. 
    724724            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltt" target="_top"> Hovmoellers and time series </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    725725        </div></div> 
    727727    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltt_lev_stride_01.png" id="tst_pltt_lev_stride_01.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 78.  
    728728          plot figpng/tst_pltt_lev_stride_01.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    730730      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltt_lev_stride_01.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltt_lev_stride_01.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    731731          <p> 
    732             cf.  
     732            cf. 
    733733            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltt" target="_top"> Hovmoellers and time series </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    734734        </div></div> 
    736736    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltt_lev_stride_02.png" id="tst_pltt_lev_stride_02.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 79.  
    737737          plot figpng/tst_pltt_lev_stride_02.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    739739      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltt_lev_stride_02.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltt_lev_stride_02.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    740740          <p> 
    741             cf.  
     741            cf. 
    742742            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltt" target="_top"> Hovmoellers and time series </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    743743        </div></div> 
    745745    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltt_lev_stride_03.png" id="tst_pltt_lev_stride_03.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 80.  
    746746          plot figpng/tst_pltt_lev_stride_03.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    748748      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltt_lev_stride_03.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltt_lev_stride_03.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    749749          <p> 
    750             cf.  
     750            cf. 
    751751            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltt" target="_top"> Hovmoellers and time series </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    752752        </div></div> 
    754754    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltt_lev_stride_04.png" id="tst_pltt_lev_stride_04.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 81.  
    755755          plot figpng/tst_pltt_lev_stride_04.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    757757      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltt_lev_stride_04.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltt_lev_stride_04.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    758758          <p> 
    759             cf.  
     759            cf. 
    760760            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltt" target="_top"> Hovmoellers and time series </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    761761        </div></div> 
    763763    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltt_lev_stride_05.png" id="tst_pltt_lev_stride_05.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 82.  
    764764          plot figpng/tst_pltt_lev_stride_05.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    766766      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltt_lev_stride_05.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltt_lev_stride_05.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    767767          <p> 
    768             cf.  
     768            cf. 
    769769            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltt" target="_top"> Hovmoellers and time series </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    770770        </div></div> 
    772772    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltt_lev_stride_06.png" id="tst_pltt_lev_stride_06.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 83.  
    773773          plot figpng/tst_pltt_lev_stride_06.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    775775      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltt_lev_stride_06.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltt_lev_stride_06.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    776776          <p> 
    777             cf.  
     777            cf. 
    778778            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltt" target="_top"> Hovmoellers and time series </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    779779        </div></div> 
    781781    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltt_orca05_01.png" id="tst_pltt_orca05_01.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 84.  
    782782          plot figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_01.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    784784      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_01.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_01.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    785785          <p> 
    786             cf.  
     786            cf. 
    787787            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltt" target="_top"> Hovmoellers and time series </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    788788        </div></div> 
    790790    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltt_orca05_02.png" id="tst_pltt_orca05_02.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 85.  
    791791          plot figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_02.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    793793      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_02.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_02.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    794794          <p> 
    795             cf.  
     795            cf. 
    796796            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltt" target="_top"> Hovmoellers and time series </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    797797        </div></div> 
    799799    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltt_orca05_03.png" id="tst_pltt_orca05_03.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 86.  
    800800          plot figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_03.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    802802      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_03.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_03.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    803803          <p> 
    804             cf.  
     804            cf. 
    805805            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltt" target="_top"> Hovmoellers and time series </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    806806        </div></div> 
    808808    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltt_orca05_04.png" id="tst_pltt_orca05_04.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 87.  
    809809          plot figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_04.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    811811      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_04.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_04.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    812812          <p> 
    813             cf.  
     813            cf. 
    814814            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltt" target="_top"> Hovmoellers and time series </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    815815        </div></div> 
    817817    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltt_orca05_05.png" id="tst_pltt_orca05_05.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 88.  
    818818          plot figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_05.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    820820      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_05.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_05.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    821821          <p> 
    822             cf.  
     822            cf. 
    823823            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltt" target="_top"> Hovmoellers and time series </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    824824        </div></div> 
    826826    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltt_orca05_06.png" id="tst_pltt_orca05_06.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 89.  
    827827          plot figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_06.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    829829      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_06.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_06.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    830830          <p> 
    831             cf.  
     831            cf. 
    832832            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltt" target="_top"> Hovmoellers and time series </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    833833        </div></div> 
    835835    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltt_orca05_stride_01.png" id="tst_pltt_orca05_stride_01.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 90.  
    836836          plot figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_stride_01.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    838838      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_stride_01.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_stride_01.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    839839          <p> 
    840             cf.  
     840            cf. 
    841841            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltt" target="_top"> Hovmoellers and time series </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    842842        </div></div> 
    844844    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltt_orca05_stride_02.png" id="tst_pltt_orca05_stride_02.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 91.  
    845845          plot figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_stride_02.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    847847      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_stride_02.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_stride_02.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    848848          <p> 
    849             cf.  
     849            cf. 
    850850            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltt" target="_top"> Hovmoellers and time series </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    851851        </div></div> 
    853853    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltt_orca05_stride_03.png" id="tst_pltt_orca05_stride_03.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 92.  
    854854          plot figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_stride_03.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    856856      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_stride_03.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_stride_03.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    857857          <p> 
    858             cf.  
     858            cf. 
    859859            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltt" target="_top"> Hovmoellers and time series </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    860860        </div></div> 
    862862    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltt_orca05_stride_04.png" id="tst_pltt_orca05_stride_04.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 93.  
    863863          plot figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_stride_04.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    865865      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_stride_04.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_stride_04.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    866866          <p> 
    867             cf.  
     867            cf. 
    868868            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltt" target="_top"> Hovmoellers and time series </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    869869        </div></div> 
    871871    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltt_orca05_stride_05.png" id="tst_pltt_orca05_stride_05.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 94.  
    872872          plot figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_stride_05.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    874874      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_stride_05.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_stride_05.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    875875          <p> 
    876             cf.  
     876            cf. 
    877877            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltt" target="_top"> Hovmoellers and time series </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    878878        </div></div> 
    880880    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltt_orca05_stride_06.png" id="tst_pltt_orca05_stride_06.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 95.  
    881881          plot figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_stride_06.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    883883      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_stride_06.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_stride_06.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    884884          <p> 
    885             cf.  
     885            cf. 
    886886            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltt" target="_top"> Hovmoellers and time series </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    887887        </div></div> 
    889889    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltt_orca2_01.png" id="tst_pltt_orca2_01.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 96.  
    890890          plot figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_01.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    892892      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_01.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_01.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    893893          <p> 
    894             cf.  
     894            cf. 
    895895            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltt" target="_top"> Hovmoellers and time series </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    896896        </div></div> 
    898898    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltt_orca2_02.png" id="tst_pltt_orca2_02.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 97.  
    899899          plot figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_02.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    901901      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_02.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_02.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    902902          <p> 
    903             cf.  
     903            cf. 
    904904            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltt" target="_top"> Hovmoellers and time series </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    905905        </div></div> 
    907907    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltt_orca2_03.png" id="tst_pltt_orca2_03.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 98.  
    908908          plot figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_03.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    910910      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_03.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_03.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    911911          <p> 
    912             cf.  
     912            cf. 
    913913            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltt" target="_top"> Hovmoellers and time series </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    914914        </div></div> 
    916916    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltt_orca2_04.png" id="tst_pltt_orca2_04.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 99.  
    917917          plot figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_04.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    919919      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_04.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_04.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    920920          <p> 
    921             cf.  
     921            cf. 
    922922            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltt" target="_top"> Hovmoellers and time series </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    923923        </div></div> 
    925925    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltt_orca2_05.png" id="tst_pltt_orca2_05.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 100.  
    926926          plot figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_05.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    928928      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_05.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_05.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    929929          <p> 
    930             cf.  
     930            cf. 
    931931            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltt" target="_top"> Hovmoellers and time series </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    932932        </div></div> 
    934934    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltt_orca2_06.png" id="tst_pltt_orca2_06.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 101.  
    935935          plot figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_06.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    937937      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_06.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_06.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    938938          <p> 
    939             cf.  
     939            cf. 
    940940            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltt" target="_top"> Hovmoellers and time series </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    941941        </div></div> 
    943943    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltt_orca2_stride_01.png" id="tst_pltt_orca2_stride_01.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 102.  
    944944          plot figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_stride_01.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    946946      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_stride_01.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_stride_01.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    947947          <p> 
    948             cf.  
     948            cf. 
    949949            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltt" target="_top"> Hovmoellers and time series </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    950950        </div></div> 
    952952    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltt_orca2_stride_02.png" id="tst_pltt_orca2_stride_02.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 103.  
    953953          plot figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_stride_02.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    955955      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_stride_02.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_stride_02.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    956956          <p> 
    957             cf.  
     957            cf. 
    958958            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltt" target="_top"> Hovmoellers and time series </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    959959        </div></div> 
    961961    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltt_orca2_stride_03.png" id="tst_pltt_orca2_stride_03.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 104.  
    962962          plot figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_stride_03.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    964964      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_stride_03.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_stride_03.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    965965          <p> 
    966             cf.  
     966            cf. 
    967967            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltt" target="_top"> Hovmoellers and time series </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    968968        </div></div> 
    970970    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltt_orca2_stride_04.png" id="tst_pltt_orca2_stride_04.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 105.  
    971971          plot figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_stride_04.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    973973      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_stride_04.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_stride_04.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    974974          <p> 
    975             cf.  
     975            cf. 
    976976            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltt" target="_top"> Hovmoellers and time series </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    977977        </div></div> 
    979979    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltt_orca2_stride_05.png" id="tst_pltt_orca2_stride_05.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 106.  
    980980          plot figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_stride_05.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    982982      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_stride_05.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_stride_05.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    983983          <p> 
    984             cf.  
     984            cf. 
    985985            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltt" target="_top"> Hovmoellers and time series </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    986986        </div></div> 
    988988    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltt_orca2_stride_06.png" id="tst_pltt_orca2_stride_06.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 107.  
    989989          plot figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_stride_06.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    991991      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_stride_06.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_stride_06.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    992992          <p> 
    993             cf.  
     993            cf. 
    994994            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltt" target="_top"> Hovmoellers and time series </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    995995        </div></div> 
    997997    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_lev_01.png" id="tst_pltz_lev_01.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 108.  
    998998          plot figpng/tst_pltz_lev_01.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    10001000      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_lev_01.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_lev_01.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    10011001          <p> 
    1002             cf.  
     1002            cf. 
    10031003            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    10041004        </div></div> 
    10061006    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_lev_02.png" id="tst_pltz_lev_02.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 109.  
    10071007          plot figpng/tst_pltz_lev_02.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    10091009      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_lev_02.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_lev_02.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    10101010          <p> 
    1011             cf.  
     1011            cf. 
    10121012            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    10131013        </div></div> 
    10151015    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_lev_03.png" id="tst_pltz_lev_03.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 110.  
    10161016          plot figpng/tst_pltz_lev_03.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    10181018      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_lev_03.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_lev_03.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    10191019          <p> 
    1020             cf.  
     1020            cf. 
    10211021            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    10221022        </div></div> 
    10241024    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_lev_04.png" id="tst_pltz_lev_04.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 111.  
    10251025          plot figpng/tst_pltz_lev_04.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    10271027      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_lev_04.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_lev_04.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    10281028          <p> 
    1029             cf.  
     1029            cf. 
    10301030            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    10311031        </div></div> 
    10331033    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_lev_05.png" id="tst_pltz_lev_05.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 112.  
    10341034          plot figpng/tst_pltz_lev_05.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    10361036      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_lev_05.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_lev_05.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    10371037          <p> 
    1038             cf.  
     1038            cf. 
    10391039            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    10401040        </div></div> 
    10421042    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_lev_06.png" id="tst_pltz_lev_06.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 113.  
    10431043          plot figpng/tst_pltz_lev_06.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    10451045      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_lev_06.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_lev_06.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    10461046          <p> 
    1047             cf.  
     1047            cf. 
    10481048            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    10491049        </div></div> 
    10511051    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_lev_07.png" id="tst_pltz_lev_07.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 114.  
    10521052          plot figpng/tst_pltz_lev_07.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    10541054      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_lev_07.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_lev_07.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    10551055          <p> 
    1056             cf.  
     1056            cf. 
    10571057            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    10581058        </div></div> 
    10601060    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_lev_08.png" id="tst_pltz_lev_08.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 115.  
    10611061          plot figpng/tst_pltz_lev_08.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    10631063      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_lev_08.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_lev_08.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    10641064          <p> 
    1065             cf.  
     1065            cf. 
    10661066            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    10671067        </div></div> 
    10691069    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_lev_09.png" id="tst_pltz_lev_09.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 116.  
    10701070          plot figpng/tst_pltz_lev_09.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    10721072      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_lev_09.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_lev_09.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    10731073          <p> 
    1074             cf.  
     1074            cf. 
    10751075            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    10761076        </div></div> 
    10781078    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_lev_10.png" id="tst_pltz_lev_10.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 117.  
    10791079          plot figpng/tst_pltz_lev_10.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    10811081      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_lev_10.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_lev_10.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    10821082          <p> 
    1083             cf.  
     1083            cf. 
    10841084            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    10851085        </div></div> 
    10871087    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_lev_11.png" id="tst_pltz_lev_11.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 118.  
    10881088          plot figpng/tst_pltz_lev_11.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    10901090      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_lev_11.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_lev_11.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    10911091          <p> 
    1092             cf.  
     1092            cf. 
    10931093            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    10941094        </div></div> 
    10961096    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_lev_stride_01.png" id="tst_pltz_lev_stride_01.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 119.  
    10971097          plot figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_01.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    10991099      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_01.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_01.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    11001100          <p> 
    1101             cf.  
     1101            cf. 
    11021102            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    11031103        </div></div> 
    11051105    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_lev_stride_02.png" id="tst_pltz_lev_stride_02.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 120.  
    11061106          plot figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_02.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    11081108      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_02.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_02.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    11091109          <p> 
    1110             cf.  
     1110            cf. 
    11111111            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    11121112        </div></div> 
    11141114    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_lev_stride_03.png" id="tst_pltz_lev_stride_03.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 121.  
    11151115          plot figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_03.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    11171117      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_03.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_03.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    11181118          <p> 
    1119             cf.  
     1119            cf. 
    11201120            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    11211121        </div></div> 
    11231123    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_lev_stride_04.png" id="tst_pltz_lev_stride_04.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 122.  
    11241124          plot figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_04.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    11261126      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_04.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_04.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    11271127          <p> 
    1128             cf.  
     1128            cf. 
    11291129            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    11301130        </div></div> 
    11321132    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_lev_stride_05.png" id="tst_pltz_lev_stride_05.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 123.  
    11331133          plot figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_05.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    11351135      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_05.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_05.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    11361136          <p> 
    1137             cf.  
     1137            cf. 
    11381138            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    11391139        </div></div> 
    11411141    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_lev_stride_06.png" id="tst_pltz_lev_stride_06.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 124.  
    11421142          plot figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_06.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    11441144      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_06.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_06.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    11451145          <p> 
    1146             cf.  
     1146            cf. 
    11471147            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    11481148        </div></div> 
    11501150    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_lev_stride_07.png" id="tst_pltz_lev_stride_07.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 125.  
    11511151          plot figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_07.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    11531153      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_07.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_07.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    11541154          <p> 
    1155             cf.  
     1155            cf. 
    11561156            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    11571157        </div></div> 
    11591159    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_lev_stride_08.png" id="tst_pltz_lev_stride_08.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 126.  
    11601160          plot figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_08.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    11621162      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_08.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_08.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    11631163          <p> 
    1164             cf.  
     1164            cf. 
    11651165            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    11661166        </div></div> 
    11681168    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_lev_stride_09.png" id="tst_pltz_lev_stride_09.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 127.  
    11691169          plot figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_09.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    11711171      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_09.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_09.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    11721172          <p> 
    1173             cf.  
     1173            cf. 
    11741174            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    11751175        </div></div> 
    11771177    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_lev_stride_10.png" id="tst_pltz_lev_stride_10.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 128.  
    11781178          plot figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_10.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    11801180      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_10.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_10.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    11811181          <p> 
    1182             cf.  
     1182            cf. 
    11831183            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    11841184        </div></div> 
    11861186    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_lev_stride_11.png" id="tst_pltz_lev_stride_11.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 129.  
    11871187          plot figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_11.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    11891189      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_11.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_11.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    11901190          <p> 
    1191             cf.  
     1191            cf. 
    11921192            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    11931193        </div></div> 
    11951195    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_orca05_01.png" id="tst_pltz_orca05_01.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 130.  
    11961196          plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_01.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    11981198      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_01.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_01.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    11991199          <p> 
    1200             cf.  
     1200            cf. 
    12011201            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    12021202        </div></div> 
    12041204    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_orca05_02.png" id="tst_pltz_orca05_02.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 131.  
    12051205          plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_02.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    12071207      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_02.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_02.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    12081208          <p> 
    1209             cf.  
     1209            cf. 
    12101210            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    12111211        </div></div> 
    12131213    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_orca05_03.png" id="tst_pltz_orca05_03.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 132.  
    12141214          plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_03.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    12161216      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_03.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_03.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    12171217          <p> 
    1218             cf.  
     1218            cf. 
    12191219            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    12201220        </div></div> 
    12221222    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_orca05_04.png" id="tst_pltz_orca05_04.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 133.  
    12231223          plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_04.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    12251225      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_04.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_04.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    12261226          <p> 
    1227             cf.  
     1227            cf. 
    12281228            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    12291229        </div></div> 
    12311231    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_orca05_05.png" id="tst_pltz_orca05_05.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 134.  
    12321232          plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_05.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    12341234      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_05.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_05.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    12351235          <p> 
    1236             cf.  
     1236            cf. 
    12371237            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    12381238        </div></div> 
    12401240    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_orca05_06.png" id="tst_pltz_orca05_06.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 135.  
    12411241          plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_06.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    12431243      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_06.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_06.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    12441244          <p> 
    1245             cf.  
     1245            cf. 
    12461246            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    12471247        </div></div> 
    12491249    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_orca05_07.png" id="tst_pltz_orca05_07.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 136.  
    12501250          plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_07.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    12521252      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_07.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_07.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    12531253          <p> 
    1254             cf.  
     1254            cf. 
    12551255            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    12561256        </div></div> 
    12581258    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_orca05_08.png" id="tst_pltz_orca05_08.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 137.  
    12591259          plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_08.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    12611261      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_08.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_08.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    12621262          <p> 
    1263             cf.  
     1263            cf. 
    12641264            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    12651265        </div></div> 
    12671267    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_orca05_09.png" id="tst_pltz_orca05_09.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 138.  
    12681268          plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_09.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    12701270      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_09.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_09.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    12711271          <p> 
    1272             cf.  
     1272            cf. 
    12731273            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    12741274        </div></div> 
    12761276    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_orca05_10.png" id="tst_pltz_orca05_10.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 139.  
    12771277          plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_10.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    12791279      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_10.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_10.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    12801280          <p> 
    1281             cf.  
     1281            cf. 
    12821282            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    12831283        </div></div> 
    12851285    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_orca05_11.png" id="tst_pltz_orca05_11.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 140.  
    12861286          plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_11.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    12881288      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_11.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_11.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    12891289          <p> 
    1290             cf.  
     1290            cf. 
    12911291            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    12921292        </div></div> 
    12941294    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_orca05_12.png" id="tst_pltz_orca05_12.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 141.  
    12951295          plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_12.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    12971297      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_12.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_12.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    12981298          <p> 
    1299             cf.  
     1299            cf. 
    13001300            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    13011301        </div></div> 
    13031303    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_orca05_stride_01.png" id="tst_pltz_orca05_stride_01.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 142.  
    13041304          plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_01.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    13061306      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_01.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_01.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    13071307          <p> 
    1308             cf.  
     1308            cf. 
    13091309            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    13101310        </div></div> 
    13121312    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_orca05_stride_02.png" id="tst_pltz_orca05_stride_02.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 143.  
    13131313          plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_02.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    13151315      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_02.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_02.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    13161316          <p> 
    1317             cf.  
     1317            cf. 
    13181318            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    13191319        </div></div> 
    13211321    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_orca05_stride_03.png" id="tst_pltz_orca05_stride_03.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 144.  
    13221322          plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_03.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    13241324      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_03.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_03.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    13251325          <p> 
    1326             cf.  
     1326            cf. 
    13271327            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    13281328        </div></div> 
    13301330    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_orca05_stride_04.png" id="tst_pltz_orca05_stride_04.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 145.  
    13311331          plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_04.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    13331333      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_04.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_04.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    13341334          <p> 
    1335             cf.  
     1335            cf. 
    13361336            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    13371337        </div></div> 
    13391339    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_orca05_stride_05.png" id="tst_pltz_orca05_stride_05.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 146.  
    13401340          plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_05.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    13421342      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_05.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_05.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    13431343          <p> 
    1344             cf.  
     1344            cf. 
    13451345            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    13461346        </div></div> 
    13481348    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_orca05_stride_06.png" id="tst_pltz_orca05_stride_06.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 147.  
    13491349          plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_06.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    13511351      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_06.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_06.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    13521352          <p> 
    1353             cf.  
     1353            cf. 
    13541354            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    13551355        </div></div> 
    13571357    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_orca05_stride_07.png" id="tst_pltz_orca05_stride_07.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 148.  
    13581358          plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_07.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    13601360      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_07.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_07.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    13611361          <p> 
    1362             cf.  
     1362            cf. 
    13631363            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    13641364        </div></div> 
    13661366    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_orca05_stride_08.png" id="tst_pltz_orca05_stride_08.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 149.  
    13671367          plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_08.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    13691369      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_08.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_08.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    13701370          <p> 
    1371             cf.  
     1371            cf. 
    13721372            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    13731373        </div></div> 
    13751375    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_orca05_stride_09.png" id="tst_pltz_orca05_stride_09.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 150.  
    13761376          plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_09.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    13781378      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_09.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_09.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    13791379          <p> 
    1380             cf.  
     1380            cf. 
    13811381            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    13821382        </div></div> 
    13841384    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_orca05_stride_10.png" id="tst_pltz_orca05_stride_10.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 151.  
    13851385          plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_10.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    13871387      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_10.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_10.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    13881388          <p> 
    1389             cf.  
     1389            cf. 
    13901390            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    13911391        </div></div> 
    13931393    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_orca05_stride_11.png" id="tst_pltz_orca05_stride_11.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 152.  
    13941394          plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_11.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    13961396      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_11.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_11.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    13971397          <p> 
    1398             cf.  
     1398            cf. 
    13991399            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    14001400        </div></div> 
    14021402    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_orca2_01.png" id="tst_pltz_orca2_01.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 153.  
    14031403          plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_01.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    14051405      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_01.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_01.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    14061406          <p> 
    1407             cf.  
     1407            cf. 
    14081408            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    14091409        </div></div> 
    14111411    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_orca2_02.png" id="tst_pltz_orca2_02.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 154.  
    14121412          plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_02.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    14141414      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_02.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_02.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    14151415          <p> 
    1416             cf.  
     1416            cf. 
    14171417            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    14181418        </div></div> 
    14201420    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_orca2_03.png" id="tst_pltz_orca2_03.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 155.  
    14211421          plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_03.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    14231423      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_03.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_03.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    14241424          <p> 
    1425             cf.  
     1425            cf. 
    14261426            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    14271427        </div></div> 
    14291429    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_orca2_04.png" id="tst_pltz_orca2_04.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 156.  
    14301430          plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_04.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    14321432      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_04.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_04.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    14331433          <p> 
    1434             cf.  
     1434            cf. 
    14351435            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    14361436        </div></div> 
    14381438    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_orca2_05.png" id="tst_pltz_orca2_05.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 157.  
    14391439          plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_05.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    14411441      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_05.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_05.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    14421442          <p> 
    1443             cf.  
     1443            cf. 
    14441444            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    14451445        </div></div> 
    14471447    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_orca2_06.png" id="tst_pltz_orca2_06.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 158.  
    14481448          plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_06.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    14501450      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_06.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_06.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    14511451          <p> 
    1452             cf.  
     1452            cf. 
    14531453            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    14541454        </div></div> 
    14561456    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_orca2_07.png" id="tst_pltz_orca2_07.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 159.  
    14571457          plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_07.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    14591459      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_07.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_07.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    14601460          <p> 
    1461             cf.  
     1461            cf. 
    14621462            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    14631463        </div></div> 
    14651465    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_orca2_08.png" id="tst_pltz_orca2_08.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 160.  
    14661466          plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_08.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    14681468      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_08.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_08.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    14691469          <p> 
    1470             cf.  
     1470            cf. 
    14711471            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    14721472        </div></div> 
    14741474    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_orca2_09.png" id="tst_pltz_orca2_09.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 161.  
    14751475          plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_09.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    14771477      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_09.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_09.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    14781478          <p> 
    1479             cf.  
     1479            cf. 
    14801480            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    14811481        </div></div> 
    14831483    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_orca2_10.png" id="tst_pltz_orca2_10.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 162.  
    14841484          plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_10.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    14861486      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_10.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_10.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    14871487          <p> 
    1488             cf.  
     1488            cf. 
    14891489            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    14901490        </div></div> 
    14921492    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_orca2_11.png" id="tst_pltz_orca2_11.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 163.  
    14931493          plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_11.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    14951495      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_11.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_11.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    14961496          <p> 
    1497             cf.  
     1497            cf. 
    14981498            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    14991499        </div></div> 
    15011501    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_orca2_12.png" id="tst_pltz_orca2_12.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 164.  
    15021502          plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_12.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    15041504      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_12.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_12.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    15051505          <p> 
    1506             cf.  
     1506            cf. 
    15071507            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    15081508        </div></div> 
    15101510    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_orca2_stride_01.png" id="tst_pltz_orca2_stride_01.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 165.  
    15111511          plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_01.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    15131513      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_01.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_01.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    15141514          <p> 
    1515             cf.  
     1515            cf. 
    15161516            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    15171517        </div></div> 
    15191519    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_orca2_stride_02.png" id="tst_pltz_orca2_stride_02.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 166.  
    15201520          plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_02.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    15221522      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_02.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_02.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    15231523          <p> 
    1524             cf.  
     1524            cf. 
    15251525            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    15261526        </div></div> 
    15281528    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_orca2_stride_03.png" id="tst_pltz_orca2_stride_03.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 167.  
    15291529          plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_03.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    15311531      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_03.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_03.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    15321532          <p> 
    1533             cf.  
     1533            cf. 
    15341534            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    15351535        </div></div> 
    15371537    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_orca2_stride_04.png" id="tst_pltz_orca2_stride_04.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 168.  
    15381538          plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_04.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    15401540      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_04.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_04.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    15411541          <p> 
    1542             cf.  
     1542            cf. 
    15431543            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    15441544        </div></div> 
    15461546    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_orca2_stride_05.png" id="tst_pltz_orca2_stride_05.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 169.  
    15471547          plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_05.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    15491549      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_05.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_05.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    15501550          <p> 
    1551             cf.  
     1551            cf. 
    15521552            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    15531553        </div></div> 
    15551555    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_orca2_stride_06.png" id="tst_pltz_orca2_stride_06.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 170.  
    15561556          plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_06.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    15581558      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_06.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_06.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    15591559          <p> 
    1560             cf.  
     1560            cf. 
    15611561            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    15621562        </div></div> 
    15641564    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_orca2_stride_07.png" id="tst_pltz_orca2_stride_07.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 171.  
    15651565          plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_07.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    15671567      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_07.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_07.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    15681568          <p> 
    1569             cf.  
     1569            cf. 
    15701570            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    15711571        </div></div> 
    15731573    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_orca2_stride_08.png" id="tst_pltz_orca2_stride_08.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 172.  
    15741574          plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_08.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    15761576      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_08.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_08.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    15771577          <p> 
    1578             cf.  
     1578            cf. 
    15791579            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    15801580        </div></div> 
    15821582    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_orca2_stride_09.png" id="tst_pltz_orca2_stride_09.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 173.  
    15831583          plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_09.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    15851585      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_09.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_09.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    15861586          <p> 
    1587             cf.  
     1587            cf. 
    15881588            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    15891589        </div></div> 
    15911591    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_orca2_stride_10.png" id="tst_pltz_orca2_stride_10.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 174.  
    15921592          plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_10.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    15941594      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_10.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_10.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    15951595          <p> 
    1596             cf.  
     1596            cf. 
    15971597            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    15981598        </div></div> 
    16001600    <div class="figure"><a name="tst_pltz_orca2_stride_11.png" id="tst_pltz_orca2_stride_11.png"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 175.  
    16011601          plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_11.png</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    16031603      <div class="mediaobject"><table border="0" summary="manufactured viewport for HTML img" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_11.png" alt="[plot figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_11.png]" /></td></tr></table><div class="caption"> 
    16041604          <p> 
    1605             cf.  
     1605            cf. 
    16061606            <a class="link" href="firststeps.html#pltz" target="_top"> Vertical sections </a> in  First steps with SAXO </p> 
    16071607        </div></div> 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/all_plots_docbook.xsl

    r352 r495  
    2121remove ?format=raw 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/

    r468 r495  
    1010# ======== 
    12 # :: 
    13 # 
    14 # $ -i indir -idl_dir idl_dir 
     12# .. code-block:: bash 
     14# -i indir -idl_dir idl_dir 
    1616# DESCRIPTION 
    3434# SAXO_DIR=/usr/home/smasson/SAXO_DIR. 
    36 # For working in progress, you should checkout SAXO on a personnal 
     36# For working in progress, you should checkout SAXO on a personal 
    3737# directory and set SAXO_DIR to the working space. 
    4444# For SAXO in working space ${HOME}/SAXO_DIR_ws/ : 
    46 # :: 
    47 # 
    48 # $ ${SAXO_DIR}/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/ -i ${HOME}/SAXO_DIR_ws/SRC/ -idl_dir /usr/local_linux/idl/idl_6.4/idl/ 
     46# .. code-block:: bash 
     48#   ${SAXO_DIR}/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/ -i ${HOME}/SAXO_DIR_ws/SRC/ -idl_dir /usr/local_linux/idl/idl_6.4/idl/ 
    5050# For VARAMMA in working space /usr/home/fplod/incas/varamma/varamma_ws/ 
    52 # :: 
    53 # 
    54 # $ ${SAXO_DIR}/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/ -i /usr/home/fplod/incas/varamma/varamma_ws/ -idl_dir /usr/local_linux/idl/idl_6.4/idl/ 
    55 # 
     52# .. code-block:: bash 
     54#    ${SAXO_DIR}/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/ -i /usr/home/fplod/incas/varamma/varamma_ws/ -idl_dir /usr/local_linux/idl/idl_6.4/idl/ 
    5756# For POST_IT in working space /usr/lodyc/incas/fplod/post_it_ws/ 
    5857# with IDL 6.4 
    60 # :: 
    61 # 
    62 # $ ${SAXO_DIR}/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/ -i /usr/lodyc/incas/fplod/post_it_ws/ -idl_dir /usr/local_linux/idl/idl_6.4/idl/ 
     59# .. code-block:: bash 
     61#   ${SAXO_DIR}/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/ -i /usr/lodyc/incas/fplod/post_it_ws/ -idl_dir /usr/local_linux/idl/idl_6.4/idl/ 
    6463# For POST_IT in working space /usr/lodyc/incas/fplod/post_it_ws/ 
    6564# with IDL 7.0 
    67 # :: 
    68 # 
    69 # $ ${SAXO_DIR}/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/ -i /usr/lodyc/incas/fplod/post_it_ws/ -idl_dir /usr/local_linux/idl/idl70/ 
     66# .. code-block:: bash 
     68#   ${SAXO_DIR}/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/ -i /usr/lodyc/incas/fplod/post_it_ws/ -idl_dir /usr/local_linux/idl/idl70/ 
    7170# TODO 
    8180# add a parameter excludedir to exclude unwanted files like ./tools/ in POST_IT.# 
    8282# EVOLUTIONS 
    8383# ========== 
    103103case "${system}" in 
    104    AIX|IRIX64) 
    105       echo " www : no specific posix checking" 
    106    ;; 
    107    *) 
    108       set -o posix 
    109    ;; 
     104    AIX|IRIX64) 
     105        echo " www : no specific posix checking" 
     106    ;; 
     107    *) 
     108        set -o posix 
     109    ;; 
    122122if [ ${#} -lt ${minargcount} ] 
    124   echo "eee : not enought arguments (${#} vs ${minargcount})" 
    125   echo "${usage}" 
    126   exit 1 
     124     echo "eee : not enough arguments (${#} vs ${minargcount})" 
     125     echo "${usage}" 
     126     exit 1 
    133133# default indir directory 
    134 indir=$(pwd) 
    136136# read parameters on command line 
    137137while [ ${#} -gt 0 ] 
    139    case ${1} in 
    140       -i) 
    141          indir=${2} 
    142          shift 
    143       ;; 
    144  -idl_dir) 
    145  idl_dir=${2} 
    146  shift 
    147  ;; 
    148  -h) 
    149  echo "${usage}" 
    150  exit 0 
    151  ;; 
    152  *) # other choice 
    153  echo "${usage}" 
    154  exit 1 
    155  ;; 
    156  esac 
    157  shift # next flag 
     139    case ${1} in 
     140        -i) 
     141            indir=${2} 
     142            shift 
     143        ;; 
     144        -idl_dir) 
     145            idl_dir=${2} 
     146            shift 
     147        ;; 
     148        -h) 
     149            echo "${usage}" 
     150            exit 0 
     151        ;; 
     152        *) # other choice 
     153            echo "${usage}" 
     154            exit 1 
     155        ;; 
     156    esac 
     157    shift # next flag 
    217217for i in ${list_files} 
    219  # does it contains pro or function ? 
    220  egrep -iq '^ * *(pro|function)' ${i} 
    221  if [ ${?} -eq 0 ] 
    222  then 
    223   echo "print, '$( basename ${i} .pro ) :'" >> /tmp/docompileall${$}.pro 
    224   echo "resolve_all, resolve_either = '$( basename ${i} .pro )', skip_routines = ['xxx2ps','trends', 'label_gmt', 'report']" >> /tmp/docompileall${$}.pro 
    225  fi 
     219    # does it contains pro or function ? 
     220    egrep -iq '^ *      *(pro|function)' ${i} 
     221    if [ ${?} -eq 0 ] 
     222    then 
     223        echo "print, '$( basename ${i} .pro ) :'" >> /tmp/docompileall${$}.pro 
     224        echo "resolve_all, resolve_either = '$( basename ${i} .pro )', skip_routines = ['xxx2ps','trends', 'label_gmt', 'report']" >> /tmp/docompileall${$}.pro 
     225    fi 
    227227echo "exit" >> /tmp/docompileall${$}.pro 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/

    r468 r495  
    77# - build idldoc documentations 
    9 # SYNOPSYS 
     9# SYNOPSIS 
    1010# ======== 
    12 # `` -i indir -t title -o outdir -idl_dir idl_dir -idldoc_version idldoc_version -idldoc_dir idldoc_dir -e element -r refhtlm`` 
     12# .. code-block:: bash 
     14# -i indir -t title -o outdir -idl_dir idl_dir -idldoc_version idldoc_version -idldoc_dir idldoc_dir -e element -r refhtml`` 
    1416# DESCRIPTION 
    1719# Produce HTML files from IDL sources using idldoc. 
    19 # -i directory input 
    20 # -t title 
    21 # -o directory output 
    22 # -idl_dir idl_dir 
    23 # -idldoc_version idldoc_version 
    24 # -idldoc_dir idldoc_dir 
    25 # -e element 
    26 # -r refhtml 
     21# .. option:: -i <directory input> 
     22# .. option:: -t <title> 
     23# .. option:: -o <directory output> 
     24# .. option:: -idl_dir <idl_dir> 
     25# .. option:: -idldoc_version <idldoc_version> 
     26# .. option:: -idldoc_dir <idldoc_dir> 
     27# .. option:: -e <element> 
     28# .. option:: -r <refhtml> 
    2830# Two passes : first *classic* idldoc then some home made transformation 
    3537# By default, embedded ``idldoc`` 2.0 in SAXO is used. 
    37 # You can specified an other ``idldoc`` implentation by specify directory and 
    38 # version using *idldoc_dir* and *idldoc_version*. 
    39 # 
    40 # Be warned that assitant help is only available with ``idldoc 2.0``. 
     39# You can specified an other ``idldoc`` implementation by specify directory 
     40# and version using *idldoc_dir* and *idldoc_version*. 
     42# Be warned that assistant help is only available with ``idldoc 2.0``. 
    4244# Must be run two times to resolve internal links. 
    5153# SAXO_DIR=/usr/home/smasson/SAXO_DIR/. 
    53 # For working in progress, you should checkout SAXO on a personnal 
     55# For working in progress, you should checkout SAXO on a personal 
    5456# directory and set SAXO_DIR to the working space. 
    6365# To produce SAXO HTML outputs : 
    64 # :: 
    65 # 
    66 # $ cd ${SAXO_DIR}/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/ 
    67 # $ ${SAXO_DIR}/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/ -i ../.. -t "SAXO Documentation" -o ../idldoc_html_output/ -idl_dir /usr/local_linux/idl/idl_6.4/idl/ -e pro -r ../idldoc_html_output/ -e proidl -r /usr/local_linux/idl/idl_6.4/idl/help/online_help 
    68 # 
     67# .. code-block:: bash 
     69#    cd ${SAXO_DIR}/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/ 
     70#    ${SAXO_DIR}/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/ -i ../.. -t "SAXO Documentation" -o ../idldoc_html_output/ -idl_dir /usr/local_linux/idl/idl_6.4/idl/ -e pro -r ../idldoc_html_output/ -e proidl -r /usr/local_linux/idl/idl_6.4/idl/help/online_help 
    7072# To produce GEOMAG HTML outputs : 
    71 # :: 
    72 # 
    73 # $ cd /usr/home/fplod/incas/geomag/geomag_ws/ 
    74 # $ ${SAXO_DIR}/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/ -i . -t "GEOMAG Documentation" -o /usr/work/incas/${LOGNAME}/geomag/idldoc_html_output/ -idl_dir /usr/local_linux/idl/idl_6.4/idl/ -e pro -r ../idldoc_html_output/ -e proidl -r /usr/local_linux/idl/idl_6.4/idl/help/online_help -e progeomag -r /usr/work/incas/${LOGNAME}/idldoc_html_output/ 
     74# .. code-block:: bash 
     76#    cd /usr/home/fplod/incas/geomag/geomag_ws/ 
     77#    ${SAXO_DIR}/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/ -i . -t "GEOMAG Documentation" -o /usr/work/incas/${LOGNAME}/geomag/idldoc_html_output/ -idl_dir /usr/local_linux/idl/idl_6.4/idl/ -e pro -r ../idldoc_html_output/ -e proidl -r /usr/local_linux/idl/idl_6.4/idl/help/online_help -e progeomag -r /usr/work/incas/${LOGNAME}/idldoc_html_output/ 
    7779# To produce VARAMMA HTML outputs : 
    78 # :: 
    79 # 
    80 # $ cd /usr/home/fplod/incas/varamma/varamma_ws/ 
    81 # $ ${SAXO_DIR}/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/ -i . -t "VARAMMA Documentation" \ 
    82 #   -o /tmp/idldoc_html_output/ -idl_dir /usr/local_linux/idl/idl_6.4/idl/ \ 
    83 #   -idldoc_version 3.2 -idldoc_dir /usr/home/incas/francoise/ \ 
    84 #   -e pro -r ../idldoc_html_output/ -e proidl -r /usr/local_linux/idl/idl_6.4/idl/help/online_help 
     81# .. code-block:: bash 
     83#    cd /usr/home/fplod/incas/varamma/varamma_ws/ 
     84#    ${SAXO_DIR}/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/ -i . -t "VARAMMA Documentation" \ 
     85#    -o /tmp/idldoc_html_output/ -idl_dir /usr/local_linux/idl/idl_6.4/idl/ \ 
     86#    -idldoc_version 3.2 -idldoc_dir /usr/home/incas/francoise/ \ 
     87#    -e pro -r ../idldoc_html_output/ -e proidl -r /usr/local_linux/idl/idl_6.4/idl/help/online_help 
    8689# To produce POST_IT HTML outputs : 
    87 # :: 
    88 # 
    89 # $ cd /usr/lodyc/incas/fplod/post_it_ws/ 
    90 # $ ${SAXO_DIR}/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/ -i . -t "POST_IT/Documentation" -o /usr/work/incas/${LOGNAME}/idldoc_html_output/ -idl_dir /usr/local_linux/idl/idl_6.4/idl/ -e pro -r ${SAXO_DIR}/SRC/Documentation/idldoc_html_output/ -e proidl -r /usr/local_linux/idl/idl_6.4/idl/help/online_help -e propost_it -r /usr/work/incas/${LOGNAME}/idldoc_html_output/ 
     91# .. code-block:: bash 
     93#    cd /usr/lodyc/incas/fplod/post_it_ws/ 
     94#    ${SAXO_DIR}/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/ -i . -t "POST_IT/Documentation" -o /usr/work/incas/${LOGNAME}/idldoc_html_output/ -idl_dir /usr/local_linux/idl/idl_6.4/idl/ -e pro -r ${SAXO_DIR}/SRC/Documentation/idldoc_html_output/ -e proidl -r /usr/local_linux/idl/idl_6.4/idl/help/online_help -e propost_it -r /usr/work/incas/${LOGNAME}/idldoc_html_output/ 
    9296# TODO 
    125129# - fplod 20091112T101526Z (Linux) 
    127 #   * replace mv by cp -r because mv may no works accross filesystems 
    128 #   * add chek on outdir 
     131#   * replace mv by cp -r because mv may no works across filesystems 
     132#   * add check on outdir 
    130134# - fplod 20091112T084225Z (Darwin) 
    143147# * add idldoc_version and idldoc_dir parameters 
    144 # idldoc version is usefull because parameters of ``idldoc`` 
     148# idldoc version is useful because parameters of ``idldoc`` 
    145149# have been modified (see ``CHARSET`` in 3.1.1.). 
    149153# - fplod 2008-08-11T12:57:48Z (Darwin) 
    151 # * comments in this file in ReST format 
     155# * comments in this file in reStructuredText format 
    152156# * add ``-i``, ``-t`` and ``-o`` parameters 
    156160# * evaluation version 3.1.1 
    158 # we are not yet still ready to migrate to rst format because of lack of 
    159 # assistant transformation independant of IDLdoc release (at least 
    160 # between 2. and 3.) 
     162#   we are not yet still ready to migrate to reStructuredText format 
     163#   because of lack of assistant transformation independent of IDLdoc release 
     164#   (at least between 2. and 3.) 
    162166# - fplod 2008-01-10T08:13:41Z (Darwin) 
    195199# * externalisation of idldoc issues from 
    196200# * previous release of idldoc was 2.0 
    197 # * this tool can be checked by creating doc from Michael Galloy librayry 
     201# * this tool can be checked by creating doc from Michael Galloy library 
    198202# available on 
    199203# * version 
    204208case "${system}" in 
    205    AIX|IRIX64) 
    206       echo " www : no specific posix checking" 
    207    ;; 
    208    *) 
    209       set -o posix 
    210    ;; 
     209    AIX|IRIX64) 
     210        echo " www : no specific posix checking" 
     211    ;; 
     212    *) 
     213        set -o posix 
     214    ;; 
    218222usage=" Usage : ${command} -i indir -t title -o outdir [-idldoc_dir idldoc_dir -idldoc_version idldoc_version]" 
    220 # default ++ pas encore en parametre 
     224# default ++ pas encore en paramÚtre 
    235239if [ ${#} -lt ${minargcount} ] 
    237    echo "eee : not enought arguments" 
    238    echo "${usage}" 
    239    exit 1 
     241    echo "eee : not enough arguments" 
     242    echo "${usage}" 
     243    exit 1 
    242246while [ ${#} -gt 0 ] 
    244    case ${1} in 
    245       -i) 
    246          indir=${2} 
    247          shift 
    248          case ${indir} in 
    249             .) 
    250                indir=$(pwd) 
    251             ;; 
    252          esac 
    253       ;; 
    254       -t) 
    255          title=${2} 
    256          shift 
    257       ;; 
    258       -o) 
    259          outdir=${2} 
    260          shift 
    261       ;; 
    262       -idldoc_dir) 
    263          idldoc_dir=${2} 
    264          shift 
    265       ;; 
    266       -idldoc_version) 
    267          idldoc_version=${2} 
    268          shift 
    269       ;; 
    270       -idl_dir) 
    271          idl_dir=${2} 
    272          shift 
    273       ;; 
    274       -e) 
    275          element[${ielement}]=${2} 
    276          shift 
    277       ;; 
    278       -r) 
    279          refhtml[${ielement}]=${2} 
    280          shift 
    281          ielement=$(( ${ielement} + 1)) 
    282       ;; 
    283       -h) 
    284          echo "${usage}" 
    285          exit 0 
    286       ;; 
    287       *) 
    288          # other choice 
    289          echo "${usage}" 
    290          exit 1 
    291       ;; 
    292    esac 
    293    # next flag 
    294    shift 
     248    case ${1} in 
     249        -i) 
     250            indir=${2} 
     251            shift 
     252            case ${indir} in 
     253                .) 
     254                    indir=$(pwd)/ 
     255                ;; 
     256            esac 
     257        ;; 
     258        -t) 
     259            title=${2} 
     260            shift 
     261        ;; 
     262        -o) 
     263            outdir=${2} 
     264            shift 
     265        ;; 
     266        -idldoc_dir) 
     267            idldoc_dir=${2} 
     268            shift 
     269        ;; 
     270        -idldoc_version) 
     271            idldoc_version=${2} 
     272            shift 
     273        ;; 
     274        -idl_dir) 
     275            idl_dir=${2} 
     276            shift 
     277        ;; 
     278        -e) 
     279            element[${ielement}]=${2} 
     280            shift 
     281        ;; 
     282        -r) 
     283            refhtml[${ielement}]=${2} 
     284            shift 
     285            ielement=$(( ${ielement} + 1)) 
     286        ;; 
     287        -h) 
     288            echo "${usage}" 
     289            exit 0 
     290        ;; 
     291        *) 
     292            # other choice 
     293            echo "${usage}" 
     294            exit 1 
     295        ;; 
     296    esac 
     297    # next flag 
     298    shift 
    298302if [ ! -d ${outdir} ] 
    300    echo "eee : outdir (${outdir}) not found" 
    301    exit 1 
     304    echo "eee : outdir (${outdir}) not found" 
     305    exit 1 
    303307# check for permission access on outdir 
    304308if [ ! -x ${outdir} ] 
    306    echo " eee : ${outdir} not reachable" 
    307    exit 1 
     310    echo " eee : ${outdir} not reachable" 
     311    exit 1 
    311315if [ ! -w ${outdir} ] 
    313    echo " eee : ${outdir} not writable" 
    314    exit 1 
     317    echo " eee : ${outdir} not writable" 
     318    exit 1 
    325329cd ${idldoc_dir} 
    326330case ${idldoc_version} in 
    327    3.2) 
    328       cat << EOF > ${pro} 
     331    3.2) 
     332        cat << EOF > ${pro} 
    329333!path = expand_path('+' + '${idldoc_dir}') 
    330334idldoc,root="${indir}",title="${title}", $ 
    337    ;; 
    338    2.0) 
     341    ;; 
     342    2.0) 
    339343      cat << EOF > ${pro} 
    340344!path = expand_path('+' + '${idldoc_dir}') 
    360364if [ ${transform} -eq 1 ] 
    362    # In order to do not have to many revision in svn, we modify some 
    363    # lines produced by idldoc : 
    364    # - add Source link in each html file corresponding to a .pro file 
    365    # example : 
    366    # <td>Source</td> 
    367    # will be replaced by 
    368    # <td><a href="../../Calendar/" title="Source code of a file">Source</a></td> 
    369    # 
    370    # - remove version, date and time of idldoc production 
    371    # ++ je ne sais pas dire en sed la ligne suivant l'occurence de Modification date 
    372    # 
    373    # count of directory levels in output 
    374    # this count will be use to format relative path later 
    375    nblev1=$(echo ${outputtmp} | sed -e "s@/\$@@" |awk -F "/" '{print NF}') 
    376    # 
    377    list_html_pro=$(find ${outputtmp} -name "*.html" -exec grep -l "<title>.*\.pro" {} \;) 
    378    for file_html in ${list_html_pro} 
    379    do 
    380       # build the .pro file name 
    381       bfile=$(basename ${file_html} .html) 
    382       # retrieve the path of html file relative to output. 
    383       # This path will be used in "Source" link. 
    384       nblev2=$(dirname ${file_html} | sed -e "s@/\$@@" | awk -F "/" '{print NF}') 
    385       difflev=$((${nblev2} - ${nblev1})) 
    386       if [ ${difflev} -ge 2 ] 
    387       then 
    388          ilev=1 
    389          reloutput_html=".." 
    390          while [ ${ilev} -le ${difflev} ] 
    391          do 
    392             reloutput_html="${reloutput_html}/.." 
    393             ilev=$(( ${ilev} + 1 )) 
    394          done 
    395          relpath_html=$(dirname ${file_html} | \ 
     366    # In order to do not have too many revision in svn, we modify some 
     367    # lines produced by idldoc : 
     368    # - add Source link in each html file corresponding to a .pro file 
     369    # example : 
     370    # <td>Source</td> 
     371    # will be replaced by 
     372    # <td><a href="../../Calendar/" title="Source code of a file">Source</a></td> 
     373    # 
     374    # - remove version, date and time of idldoc production 
     375    #   ++ je ne sais pas dire en sed la ligne suivant l'occurrence de 
     376    #   Modification date 
     377    # 
     378    # count of directory levels in output 
     379    # this count will be use to format relative path later 
     380    nblev1=$(echo ${outputtmp} | sed -e "s@/\$@@" |awk -F "/" '{print NF}') 
     381    # 
     382    list_html_pro=$(find ${outputtmp} -name "*.html" -exec grep -l "<title>.*\.pro" {} \;) 
     383    for file_html in ${list_html_pro} 
     384    do 
     385        # build the .pro file name 
     386        bfile=$(basename ${file_html} .html) 
     387        # retrieve the path of html file relative to output. 
     388        # This path will be used in "Source" link. 
     389        nblev2=$(dirname ${file_html} | sed -e "s@/\$@@" | awk -F "/" '{print NF}') 
     390        difflev=$((${nblev2} - ${nblev1})) 
     391        if [ ${difflev} -ge 2 ] 
     392        then 
     393            ilev=1 
     394            reloutput_html=".." 
     395            while [ ${ilev} -le ${difflev} ] 
     396            do 
     397                reloutput_html="${reloutput_html}/.." 
     398                ilev=$(( ${ilev} + 1 )) 
     399            done 
     400            relpath_html=$(dirname ${file_html} | \ 
    396401            sed \ 
    397                -e "s@${outputtmp}@${reloutput_html}@" \ 
    398                -e "s@\$@/@") 
    399          # echo "relpath ${relpath_html})" 
    400       else 
    401          relpath_html="./" 
    402       fi 
    403       # echo "relpath ${relpath_html}/${bfile}" 
    404       sed \ 
    405          -e "s@<td >Source<\/td>@<td><a href=\"${relpath_html}/${bfile}.pro\" title=\"Source code of a file\">Source<\/a><\/td>@" \ 
    406          ${file_html} > ${file_html}_modify 
    407       mv ${file_html}_modify ${file_html} 
    408    done 
    409    list_html=$(find ${outputtmp} -name "*.html") 
    410    for file_html in ${list_html} 
    411    do 
    412       sed \ 
    413          -e "s/\(Generated by IDLdoc\)\( .* on .*\)\( -->\)/\1\3/" \ 
    414          -e "s/\(Produced by IDLdoc\)\( .* on .*\)\(<\/div>\)/\1\3/" \ 
    415          -e "/<h2>Produced on/d" \ 
    416          -e "/Modifcation:/d" \ 
    417          -e "/<td>... ... .* ..:..:.. ....<\/td>/d" \ 
    418          -e 's@<div class="value">@<div class="preformat">@' \ 
    419          -e 's/div\#file_comments {/div\#file_comments { white-space: pre;/' \ 
    420          -e 's@^ <fixe>@<pre>@' \ 
    421          -e 's@^ </fixe>@</pre>@' \ 
    422          -e 's@xhtml-transitional@xhtml1-transitional@' \ 
    423          ${file_html} > ${file_html}_modify 
    424       mv ${file_html}_modify ${file_html} 
    425    done 
    426    # suppress ".html" in idldoc-index*.html in lines like 
    427    # a parameter from the routine ./ReadWrite/idl-NetCDF/ncdf_read.html 
    428    list_html=$(find ${outputtmp} -name "idldoc-index*.html") 
    429    for file_html in ${list_html} 
    430    do 
    431       sed \ 
    432          -e "s/\(a parameter from the routine \)\(.*\)\(.html\)/\1\2/" \ 
    433          ${file_html} > ${file_html}_modify 
    434       mv ${file_html}_modify ${file_html} 
    435    done 
    436    nelement=${#element[@]} 
    437    ielement=1 
    438    while [ ${ielement} -le ${nelement} ] 
    439    do 
    440       # replace <element>ginette</element> by a sequence like 
    441       # <a href="./ginette.html">ginette</a> 
    442       ${SAXO_DIR}/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/ -i ${outputtmp} \ 
    443          -r ${refhtml[${ielement}]} \ 
    444          -e ${element[${ielement}]} 
    445       status=${?} 
    446       if [ ${status} -ne 0 ] 
    447       then 
    448          echo "eee : pb during for ${element}...</${element}>" 
    449          exit 1 
    450       fi 
    451       ielement=$(( ${ielement} + 1)) 
    452    done 
    453    # end of transform = 1 
     402            -e "s@${outputtmp}@${reloutput_html}@" \ 
     403            -e "s@\$@/@") 
     404            # echo "relpath ${relpath_html})" 
     405        else 
     406            relpath_html="./" 
     407        fi 
     408        # echo "relpath ${relpath_html}/${bfile}" 
     409        sed \ 
     410        -e "s@<td >Source<\/td>@<td><a href=\"${relpath_html}/${bfile}.pro\" title=\"Source code of a file\">Source<\/a><\/td>@" \ 
     411        ${file_html} > ${file_html}_modify 
     412        mv ${file_html}_modify ${file_html} 
     413    done 
     414    list_html=$(find ${outputtmp} -name "*.html") 
     415    for file_html in ${list_html} 
     416    do 
     417        sed \ 
     418        -e "s/\(Generated by IDLdoc\)\( .* on .*\)\( -->\)/\1\3/" \ 
     419        -e "s/\(Produced by IDLdoc\)\( .* on .*\)\(<\/div>\)/\1\3/" \ 
     420        -e "/<h2>Produced on/d" \ 
     421        -e "/Modification:/d" \ 
     422        -e "/<td>... ... .* ..:..:.. ....<\/td>/d" \ 
     423        -e 's@<div class="value">@<div class="preformat">@' \ 
     424        -e 's/div\#file_comments {/div\#file_comments { white-space: pre;/' \ 
     425        -e 's@^ <fixe>@<pre>@' \ 
     426        -e 's@^ </fixe>@</pre>@' \ 
     427        -e 's@xhtml-transitional@xhtml1-transitional@' \ 
     428        ${file_html} > ${file_html}_modify 
     429        mv ${file_html}_modify ${file_html} 
     430    done 
     431    # suppress ".html" in idldoc-index*.html in lines like 
     432    # a parameter from the routine ./ReadWrite/idl-NetCDF/ncdf_read.html 
     433    list_html=$(find ${outputtmp} -name "idldoc-index*.html") 
     434    for file_html in ${list_html} 
     435    do 
     436        sed \ 
     437        -e "s/\(a parameter from the routine \)\(.*\)\(.html\)/\1\2/" \ 
     438        ${file_html} > ${file_html}_modify 
     439        mv ${file_html}_modify ${file_html} 
     440    done 
     441    nelement=${#element[@]} 
     442    ielement=1 
     443    while [ ${ielement} -le ${nelement} ] 
     444    do 
     445        # replace <element>ginette</element> by a sequence like 
     446        # <a href="./ginette.html">ginette</a> 
     447        ${SAXO_DIR}/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/ -i ${outputtmp} \ 
     448        -r ${refhtml[${ielement}]} \ 
     449        -e ${element[${ielement}]} 
     450        status=${?} 
     451        if [ ${status} -ne 0 ] 
     452        then 
     453            echo "eee : pb during for ${element}...</${element}>" 
     454            exit 1 
     455        fi 
     456        ielement=$(( ${ielement} + 1)) 
     457    done 
     458    # end of transform = 1 
    455 # 
    457461if [ ${assistant} -eq 1 ] 
    459    # build a IDL file to launch idldoc 
    460    idldoc_log="/tmp/idldocassistant_${$}.log" 
    461    pro="/tmp/idldocassistant_${$}.pro" 
    462    case ${idldoc_version} in 
    463       3.2) 
    464          echo "iii : assistant is not feasable with idldoc > 2.0" 
    465       ;; 
    466       2.0) 
    467          cat << EOF > ${pro} 
     463    # build a IDL file to launch idldoc 
     464    idldoc_log="/tmp/idldocassistant_${$}.log" 
     465    pro="/tmp/idldocassistant_${$}.pro" 
     466    case ${idldoc_version} in 
     467        3.2) 
     468            echo "iii : assistant is not feasible with idldoc > 2.0" 
     469        ;; 
     470        2.0) 
     471            cat << EOF > ${pro} 
    468472!path = expand_path('+' + '${idldoc_dir}') 
    469473idldoc,root="${indir}",title="${title}", $ 
    474       ;; 
    475       *) 
    476          echo "eee : idldoc version not implemented ${idldoc_version}" 
    477          exit 1 
    478       ;; 
    479    esac 
    480    # launch IDL with the file built above 
    481    IDL_STARTUP=${pro};${idl_dir}/bin/idl 
    482    /bin/rm ${pro} 
    483    # In order to do not have to many revision in svn, we modify some 
    484    # lines produced by idldoc : 
    485    # examples : 
    486    # <!-- Generated by IDLdoc 2.0 on Wed Jun 7 10:25:28 2006 --> 
    487    # will be replaced by 
    488    # <!-- Generated by IDLdoc 2.0 --> 
    489    # <p><font color="gray" size="-3">&nbsp;&nbsp;Produced by IDLdoc 2.0 on Wed Sep 13 16:32:10 2006.</font></p> 
    490    # will be replaced by 
    491    # <p><font color="gray" size="-3">&nbsp;&nbsp;Produced by IDLdoc 2.0</font></p> 
    492    # <h2>Produced on Wed Jun 7 10:23:13 2006</h2> 
    493    # will be delete 
    494    # other lines will be deleted because the time is the time of checkout not 
    495    # the time of revision. 
    496    # the sequence of lines 
    497    #<dl> 
    498    # <dt>Last modification:</dt> 
    499    # <dd>Fri Jun 2 11:46:24 2006</dd> 
    500    # </dl> 
    501    # should also be removed ++ je ne sais pas dire en sed la ligne 
    502    # suivant l'occurence de Last modification 
    503    # replace *_param_* in href attributes because anchors are badly written 
    504    # with _keyword_ 
    505    #++ -e 's@\(href="#_.*\)\(_param_\)\(.*"\)@\1_keyword_\3@g' \ # ++ pb global 
    506    # ONLINE_HELP, book="../idldoc_assistant_output/idldoc-lib.adp", /full_path # won't work 
    507    # encaspulate example content in <pre> </pre> in idldoc assistant outputs 
    508    # Examples section is supposed to start with <h3>Examples</h3> 
    509    # and end is before <h3>Version history</h3> 
    510    list_html=$(find ${outputtmp} -name "*.html") 
    511    for file_html in ${list_html} 
    512    do 
    513       sed \ 
    514          -e "s/\(Generated by IDLdoc 2.0\)\( on .*\)\( -->\)/\1\3/" \ 
    515          -e "s/\(Produced by IDLdoc 2.0\)\( on .*\)\(\.<\/font>\)/\1\3/" \ 
    516          -e "/<h2>Produced on/d" \ 
    517          -e "/Last modification:/d" \ 
    518          -e "/<dd>... ... .* ..:..:.. ....<\/dd>/d" \ 
    519          -e '/href/s@_param_@_keyword_@g' \ 
    520          -e 's@<div class="value">@<div class="preformat">@' \ 
    521          -e 's/div\#file_comments {/div\#file_comments { white-space: pre;/' \ 
    522          -e 's@^ <fixe>@<pre>@' \ 
    523          -e 's@^ </fixe>@</pre>@' \ 
    524          -e "s@<h3>Examples</h3>@<h3>Examples</h3><pre>@" \ 
    525          -e "s@<h3>Version history</h3>@</pre><h3>Version history</h3>@" \ 
    526          ${file_html} > ${file_html}_modify 
    527       mv ${file_html}_modify ${file_html} 
    528    done 
    529    # 
    530    # replace <pro>ginette</pro> by a sequence like 
    531    # <a href="./ginette.html">ginette</a> 
    532    ${SAXO_DIR}/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/ -i ${outputtmp} -r ${outputtmp} -e pro 
    533    status=${?} 
    534    if [ ${status} -ne 0 ] 
    535    then 
    536       echo "eee : pb during for <pro>...</pro>" 
    537       exit 1 
    538    fi 
    539    # replace <proidl>ginette</proidl> by a sequence like 
    540    # <a href="./ginette.html">ginette</a> 
    541    ${SAXO_DIR}/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/ -i ${outputtmp} -r ${idl_dir}/help/online_help -e proidl 
    542    status=${?} 
    543    if [ ${status} -ne 0 ] 
    544    then 
    545       echo "eee : pb during for <proidl>...</proidl>" 
    546       exit 1 
    547    fi 
    548    # add the directory-overview.html from dir-files.html in idldoc_html_output 
    549    list_html=$(find ../idldoc_html_output -name dir-files.html) 
    550    for file_html in ${list_html} 
    551    do 
    552       fout=../idldoc_assistant_output/${file_html#../idldoc_html_output/*} 
    553       fout=${fout%/*}/directory-overview.html 
    554       cp ${file_html} ${fout} 
    555    done 
    556    # copy listings.css (needed by directory-overview.html files) 
    557    cp ../idldoc/resource/listings.css ${outputtmp} 
    558    # add an id in idldoc-lib.adp 
    559    cat << EOF > /tmp/adp_modification 
     478        ;; 
     479        *) 
     480            echo "eee : idldoc version not implemented ${idldoc_version}" 
     481            exit 1 
     482        ;; 
     483    esac 
     484    # launch IDL with the file built above 
     485    IDL_STARTUP=${pro};${idl_dir}/bin/idl 
     486    /bin/rm ${pro} 
     487    # In order to do not have too many revision in svn, we modify some 
     488    # lines produced by idldoc : 
     489    # examples : 
     490    # <!-- Generated by IDLdoc 2.0 on Wed Jun 7 10:25:28 2006 --> 
     491    # will be replaced by 
     492    # <!-- Generated by IDLdoc 2.0 --> 
     493    # <p><font color="gray" size="-3">&nbsp;&nbsp;Produced by IDLdoc 2.0 on Wed Sep 13 16:32:10 2006.</font></p> 
     494    # will be replaced by 
     495    # <p><font color="gray" size="-3">&nbsp;&nbsp;Produced by IDLdoc 2.0</font></p> 
     496    # <h2>Produced on Wed Jun 7 10:23:13 2006</h2> 
     497    # will be delete 
     498    # other lines will be deleted because the time is the time of checkout not 
     499    # the time of revision. 
     500    # the sequence of lines 
     501    #<dl> 
     502    # <dt>Last modification:</dt> 
     503    # <dd>Fri Jun 2 11:46:24 2006</dd> 
     504    # </dl> 
     505    # should also be removed ++ je ne sais pas dire en sed la ligne 
     506    # suivant l'occurrence de Last modification 
     507    # replace *_param_* in href attributes because anchors are badly written 
     508    # with _keyword_ 
     509    #++ -e 's@\(href="#_.*\)\(_param_\)\(.*"\)@\1_keyword_\3@g' \ # ++ pb global 
     510    # ONLINE_HELP, book="../idldoc_assistant_output/idldoc-lib.adp", /full_path # won't work 
     511    # encapsulate example content in <pre> </pre> in idldoc assistant outputs 
     512    # Examples section is supposed to start with <h3>Examples</h3> 
     513    # and end is before <h3>Version history</h3> 
     514    list_html=$(find ${outputtmp} -name "*.html") 
     515    for file_html in ${list_html} 
     516    do 
     517        sed \ 
     518        -e "s/\(Generated by IDLdoc 2.0\)\( on .*\)\( -->\)/\1\3/" \ 
     519        -e "s/\(Produced by IDLdoc 2.0\)\( on .*\)\(\.<\/font>\)/\1\3/" \ 
     520        -e "/<h2>Produced on/d" \ 
     521        -e "/Last modification:/d" \ 
     522        -e "/<dd>... ... .* ..:..:.. ....<\/dd>/d" \ 
     523        -e '/href/s@_param_@_keyword_@g' \ 
     524        -e 's@<div class="value">@<div class="preformat">@' \ 
     525        -e 's/div\#file_comments {/div\#file_comments { white-space: pre;/' \ 
     526        -e 's@^ <fixe>@<pre>@' \ 
     527        -e 's@^ </fixe>@</pre>@' \ 
     528        -e "s@<h3>Examples</h3>@<h3>Examples</h3><pre>@" \ 
     529        -e "s@<h3>Version history</h3>@</pre><h3>Version history</h3>@" \ 
     530        ${file_html} > ${file_html}_modify 
     531        mv ${file_html}_modify ${file_html} 
     532    done 
     533    # 
     534    # replace <pro>ginette</pro> by a sequence like 
     535    # <a href="./ginette.html">ginette</a> 
     536    ${SAXO_DIR}/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/ -i ${outputtmp} -r ${outputtmp} -e pro 
     537    status=${?} 
     538    if [ ${status} -ne 0 ] 
     539    then 
     540        echo "eee : pb during for <pro>...</pro>" 
     541        exit 1 
     542    fi 
     543    # replace <proidl>ginette</proidl> by a sequence like 
     544    # <a href="./ginette.html">ginette</a> 
     545    ${SAXO_DIR}/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/ -i ${outputtmp} -r ${idl_dir}/help/online_help -e proidl 
     546    status=${?} 
     547    if [ ${status} -ne 0 ] 
     548    then 
     549        echo "eee : pb during for <proidl>...</proidl>" 
     550        exit 1 
     551    fi 
     552    # add the directory-overview.html from dir-files.html in idldoc_html_output 
     553    list_html=$(find ../idldoc_html_output -name dir-files.html) 
     554    for file_html in ${list_html} 
     555    do 
     556        fout=../idldoc_assistant_output/${file_html#../idldoc_html_output/*} 
     557        fout=${fout%/*}/directory-overview.html 
     558        cp ${file_html} ${fout} 
     559    done 
     560    # copy listings.css (needed by directory-overview.html files) 
     561    cp ../idldoc/resource/listings.css ${outputtmp} 
     562    # add an id in idldoc-lib.adp 
     563    cat << EOF > /tmp/adp_modification 
    560564<!-- \$Id\$ --> 
    562    sed -e "/<\/profile>/r /tmp/adp_modification" \ 
    563       ../idldoc_assistant_output/idldoc-lib.adp > \ 
    564       ../idldoc_assistant_output/idldoc-lib.adp_${$} 
    565    mv ../idldoc_assistant_output/idldoc-lib.adp_${$} \ 
    566    ../idldoc_assistant_output/idldoc-lib.adp 
    567    rm /tmp/adp_modification 
    568    # check that the number of existing html files for each .pro file is 2! 
    569    for i in $( find ../.. -name "*.pro" ) 
    570    do 
    571       nhtml=$( find ../.. -name $( basename ${i} .pro ).html | wc -l ) 
    572       if [ ${nhtml} -ne 2 ] 
    573       then 
    574          echo "ERROR there is no 2 $( basename ${i} .pro ).html files" 
    575          find ../.. -name $( basename ${i} .pro ).html 
    576          echo 
    577       fi 
    578    done 
    579    # 
     566    sed -e "/<\/profile>/r /tmp/adp_modification" \ 
     567    ../idldoc_assistant_output/idldoc-lib.adp > \ 
     568    ../idldoc_assistant_output/idldoc-lib.adp_${$} 
     569    mv ../idldoc_assistant_output/idldoc-lib.adp_${$} \ 
     570    ../idldoc_assistant_output/idldoc-lib.adp 
     571    rm /tmp/adp_modification 
     572    # check that the number of existing html files for each .pro file is 2! 
     573    for i in $( find ../.. -name "*.pro" ) 
     574    do 
     575        nhtml=$( find ../.. -name $( basename ${i} .pro ).html | wc -l ) 
     576        if [ ${nhtml} -ne 2 ] 
     577        then 
     578            echo "ERROR there is no 2 $( basename ${i} .pro ).html files" 
     579            find ../.. -name $( basename ${i} .pro ).html 
     580            echo 
     581        fi 
     582    done 
     583    # 
    581585# copy of temporary outputs on final directory 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/faqsaxo.html

    r416 r495  
    1818      <tr><td align="left">Revision 0.0</td><td align="left">August 2006</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">First draft</td></tr> 
    1919      <tr><td align="left">Revision 0.1</td><td align="left">September 2006</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">+ onlinehelp</td></tr> 
    20       <tr><td align="left">Revision 0.2</td><td align="left">April 2008</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">migration from DocBook 4.2 to Docbook 5.0</td></tr> 
     20      <tr><td align="left">Revision 0.2</td><td align="left">April 2008</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">migration from DocBook 4.2 to DocBook 5.0</td></tr> 
    2121    </table></div></div></div><hr /></div> 
    2727<div class="qandaset"><dl><dt>1.  <a href="#general">General</a></dt><dd><dl><dt>1.1. <a href="#id1291134"> 
    119119<tr class="answer"><td align="left" valign="top"></td><td align="left" valign="top"><p> 
    120 Not yet.  
     120Not yet. 
    197 The search facility (<span class="guimenu">Search</span>) doesn't handle characters  
     197The search facility (<span class="guimenu">Search</span>) doesn't handle characters 
    198198like <code class="literal">-</code> and <code class="literal">|</code>. 
    206206If you need to draw some small figure like grid cell, you can encapsulate 
    207 the block to be shown in constant font  
     207the block to be shown in constant font 
    209209<code class="literal">; &lt;fixe&gt;</code> and 
    243243This will give <code class="filename">/tmp/list_sort</code> a list of sorted word 
    244 used in IDL files that are not in the default dictionnary. 
     244used in IDL files that are not in the default dictionary. 
    245245Some of these words are correct in IDL and SAXO vocabulary, so they do not have to be replaced but some typo can be found. 
    247 To find occurences of one of these misspelled words, you have to do this : 
     247To find occurrences of one of these misspelled words, you have to do this : 
    248248     </p><pre class="screen"> 
    249249       <code class="prompt">$</code> <strong class="userinput"><code>find . -name "*.pro" -exec grep -h "<em class="replaceable"><code>misspelled_word</code></em>" {} \;</code></strong> 
    250250     </pre><p> 
    252 We should improve this by providing some IDL and SAXO dictionnary.  
     252We should improve this by providing some IDL and SAXO dictionary. 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/faqsaxo.xml

    r408 r495  
    1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> 
     1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
    22<!DOCTYPE article [ 
    33<!ENTITY promptidl "idl&gt;"> 
    1616on pourra aussi s'inspirer de 
    18 !! on notera l'utilisation hypersioux de xinclude xpointer pour ne pas répéter 
    19 (avec des erreurs, forcément) ce qui est déjà écrit dans un autre document 
     18!! on notera l'utilisation hypersioux de xinclude xpointer pour ne pas répéter 
     19(avec des erreurs, forcément) ce qui est déjà écrit dans un autre document 
    23 bon finalement c'est pas si hyper rusé parce qu'on hérite du plan (sect1 par 
    24 exemple de l'entité incluse) 
     23bon finalement c'est pas si hyper rusé parce qu'on hérite du plan (sect1 par 
     24exemple de l'entité incluse) 
    2626<title>Frequently Asked Questions about SAXO</title> 
    2727  <info> 
    2828    <authorgroup> 
    29       <author><personname><firstname>Sébastien</firstname> <surname>Masson</surname></personname> <email></email></author> 
    30       <author><personname><firstname>Françoise</firstname> <surname>Pinsard</surname></personname> <email></email></author> 
     29      <author><personname><firstname>Sébastien</firstname> <surname>Masson</surname></personname> <email></email></author> 
     30      <author><personname><firstname>Françoise</firstname> <surname>Pinsard</surname></personname> <email></email></author> 
    3131    </authorgroup> 
    3232    <keywordset> 
    4949        <revnumber>0.2</revnumber> 
    5050        <date>April 2008</date> 
    51         <revremark>migration from DocBook 4.2 to Docbook 5.0</revremark> 
     51        <revremark>migration from DocBook 4.2 to DocBook 5.0</revremark> 
    5252      </revision> 
    5353    </revhistory> 
    136 Not yet. <!-- et de toute façon GDL est pour l'instant équivalent à la version 
     136Not yet. <!-- et de toute façon GDL est pour l'instant équivalent à la version 
    1371376.0 de IDL donc peut-etre que tout SAXO ne fonctionnerait pas --> 
    246 The search facility (<guimenu>Search</guimenu>) doesn't handle characters  
     246The search facility (<guimenu>Search</guimenu>) doesn't handle characters 
    247247like <literal>-</literal> and <literal>|</literal>. 
    307307This will give <filename>/tmp/list_sort</filename> a list of sorted word 
    308 used in IDL files that are not in the default dictionnary. 
     308used in IDL files that are not in the default dictionary. 
    309309Some of these words are correct in IDL and SAXO vocabulary, so they do not have to be replaced but some typo can be found. 
    312 To find occurences of one of these misspelled words, you have to do this : 
     312To find occurrences of one of these misspelled words, you have to do this : 
    313313     <screen> 
    314314       <prompt>$</prompt> <userinput>find . -name "*.pro" -exec grep -h "<replaceable>misspelled_word</replaceable>" {} \;</userinput> 
    318 We should improve this by providing some IDL and SAXO dictionnary. <!-- ++ --> 
     318We should improve this by providing some IDL and SAXO dictionary. <!-- ++ --> 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/firststeps.html

    r416 r495  
    1919      <tr><td align="left">Revision 0.1</td><td align="left">29 August 2005</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">last Japanese version!</td></tr> 
    2020      <tr><td align="left">Revision 0.2</td><td align="left">May 2006</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">split with getsaxo</td></tr> 
    21       <tr><td align="left">Revision 0.3</td><td align="left">April 2008</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">migration from DocBook 4.2 to Docbook 5.0</td></tr> 
     21      <tr><td align="left">Revision 0.3</td><td align="left">April 2008</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">migration from DocBook 4.2 to DocBook 5.0</td></tr> 
    2323     </table></div></div></div><hr /></div><div class="toc"><p><b>Table of Contents</b></p><dl><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#beforefirststeps">1. Before this</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#first_plots">2.  First plots 
 </a></span></dt><dd><dl><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#start_with_init">2.1.  Start IDL session: @init </a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#basic_plots">2.2.  Basic plots 
 </a></span></dt></dl></dd><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#gridded_data">3.  Explore gridded data (model outputs and observations) </a></span></dt><dd><dl><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#load_grid">3.1.  Load the data grid </a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#plt">3.2.  Horizontal plots and maps </a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#pltz">3.3.  Vertical sections </a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#pltt">3.4.  Hovmoellers and time series </a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#plt1d">3.5.  1D plots </a></span></dt></dl></dd></dl></div> 
    3131<div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="beforefirststeps" id="beforefirststeps"></a>1. Before this</h2></div></div></div> 
    3838  <div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="first_plots" id="first_plots"></a>2.  First plots 
    4040    <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="start_with_init" id="start_with_init"></a>2.1.  Start IDL session: <strong class="userinput"><code><span class="command"><strong>@init</strong></span></code></strong> </h3></div></div></div> 
    4242      <p> 
    4343Each IDL session using <span class="application">SAXO</span> must always start with: 
    8484    </div> 
    8585    <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="basic_plots" id="basic_plots"></a>2.2.  Basic plots 
    8787      <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"><a name="basic_splot" id="basic_splot"></a>2.2.1.  splot </h4></div></div></div> 
    9090      <p> 
    9191</p><div class="screenco"> 
    9393<pre class="screen"> 
    9494   <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span class="command"><strong>n = 10</strong></span></code></strong> 
    121121Save the figure seen on the screen as a (real, not a screen capture) postscript in only one command. 
    122122</p><div class="screenco"> 
    124124<pre class="screen"> 
    125125  <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span class="command"><strong>@ps</strong></span></code></strong> 
    139139  <div class="calloutlist"><table border="0" summary="Callout list"><tr><td width="5%" valign="top" align="left"><p><img src="images/callouts/1.png" alt="1" border="0" /></p></td><td valign="top" align="left"> 
    141141If needed, the name of the postscript will automatically be completed with .ps. Just hit return, if you want to use the default postscript name: <code class="filename"></code>. 
    143143    </td></tr></table></div> 
    191191Use the keyword small to produce multi plots figures. 
    192192</p><div class="screenco"> 
    194194<pre class="screen"> 
    195195  <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span class="command"><strong>splot, y, y^2, title = 'y = x^2', psym = 2, small <span class="inlinemediaobject"><img src="images/callouts/1.png" alt="1" /></span> = [1, 2, 1]</strong></span></code></strong> 
    199199  <div class="calloutlist"><table border="0" summary="Callout list"><tr><td width="5%" valign="top" align="left"><p><img src="images/callouts/1.png" alt="1" border="0" /></p></td><td valign="top" align="left"> 
    201201the <code class="computeroutput">small</code> keyword is a 3 elements vector which defines how we divide the page and in which case we should make the plot: [number of columns, number of rows, case number]. The case numbering is starting at 1, from top to bottom and left to right. 
    203203    </td></tr><tr><td width="5%" valign="top" align="left"><p><img src="images/callouts/2.png" alt="2" border="0" /></p></td><td valign="top" align="left"> 
    205205you must put <code class="computeroutput">/noerase</code> otherwise the second plot will be done in a new window. 
    207207    </td></tr></table></div> 
    212212      <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"><a name="basic_contour" id="basic_contour"></a>2.2.2.  scontour </h4></div></div></div> 
    214214      <p> 
    215215Following <span class="command"><strong><a class="link" href="#basic_splot" title="2.2.1.  splot">splot</a></strong></span> example, we provide <span class="command"><strong>scontour</strong></span> as a “<span class="quote">super <span class="command"><strong>contour</strong></span></span>”. 
    231231It can be used in combination with contour to make more complex plots: 
    232232</p><div class="screenco"> 
    234234<pre class="screen"> 
    235235  <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span class="command"><strong>ind = findgen(2*n)/(2.*n)</strong></span></code></strong> 
    306306  <div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="gridded_data" id="gridded_data"></a>3.  Explore gridded data (model outputs and observations) </h2></div></div></div> 
    308308    <p> 
    309309      This section briefly describes the main functionalities offered by SAXO to explore gridded data on regular or irregular grid. 
    312312    <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="load_grid" id="load_grid"></a>3.1.  Load the data grid </h3></div></div></div> 
    314314      <p> 
    315315As we focus in this section on the gridded data, we must first load the grid informations before reading and plotting the data. Loading the grid independently of the data allow you to reload the grid only when it is strictly necessary and not every time you access the data. In <code class="filename">${HOME}/SAXO_DIR/Tests/</code>, we provide several examples to load a grid. 
    377377    <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="plt" id="plt"></a>3.2.  Horizontal plots and maps </h3></div></div></div> 
    380380  A quick presentation of horizontal plots and maps is shown in <a class="link" href="../../Tests/" target="_top">tst_plt</a>. After loading any of the grid (for example with one of the <a class="link" href="#load_grid" title="3.1.  Load the data grid">above examples</a>). Just try: 
    407407    <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="pltt" id="pltt"></a>3.4.  Hovmoellers and time series </h3></div></div></div> 
    410410  A quick presentation of hovmoellers and time series is shown in <a class="link" href="../../Tests/" target="_top">tst_pltt</a>. After loading any of the grid (for example with one of the <a class="link" href="#load_grid" title="3.1.  Load the data grid">above examples</a>). Just try: 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/firststeps.xml

    r354 r495  
    1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> 
     1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
    22<!DOCTYPE article [ 
    33<!ENTITY % isolat1 SYSTEM ""> 
    4747  <info> 
    4848    <authorgroup> 
    49       <author><personname><firstname>Sébastien</firstname> <surname>Masson</surname></personname> <email></email></author> 
    50       <author><personname><firstname>Françoise</firstname> <surname>Pinsard</surname></personname> <email></email></author> 
     49      <author><personname><firstname>Sébastien</firstname> <surname>Masson</surname></personname> <email></email></author> 
     50      <author><personname><firstname>Françoise</firstname> <surname>Pinsard</surname></personname> <email></email></author> 
    5151    </authorgroup> 
    5252    <keywordset> 
    7373        <revnumber>0.3</revnumber> 
    7474        <date>April 2008</date> 
    75         <revremark>migration from DocBook 4.2 to Docbook 5.0</revremark> 
     75        <revremark>migration from DocBook 4.2 to DocBook 5.0</revremark> 
    7676      </revision> 
    536536      <title> Hovmoellers and time series </title> 
    538   A quick presentation of hovmoellers and time series is shown in <link xl:href="../../Tests/">tst_pltt</link>. After loading any of the grid (for example with one of the <link linkend="load_grid">above examples</link>). Just try: 
     538  A quick presentation of hovmöllers and time series is shown in <link xl:href="../../Tests/">tst_pltt</link>. After loading any of the grid (for example with one of the <link linkend="load_grid">above examples</link>). Just try: 
    539539  <screen> 
    540540  <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>tst_pltt</command></userinput> 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/

    r431 r495  
    1313# fplod 2008-04-15T10:53:26Z (Darwin) 
    1414# creation from 
    15 # adapation to docbook 5.0 
     15# adaptation to docbook 5.0 
    1717set -u 
    2424for i in tst_plt_lev_[0-9][0-9].png 
    26    figsplt_lev="${figsplt_lev} \<link xl:href=\"figpng\/${i}\"\>\&showfig\;\<\/link\>" 
     26    figsplt_lev="${figsplt_lev} \<link xl:href=\"figpng\/${i}\"\>\&showfig\;\<\/link\>" 
    2929for i in tst_pltz_lev_[0-9][0-9].png 
    31    figspltz_lev="${figspltz_lev} \<link xl:href=\"figpng\/${i}\"\>\&showfig\;\<\/link\>" 
     31    figspltz_lev="${figspltz_lev} \<link xl:href=\"figpng\/${i}\"\>\&showfig\;\<\/link\>" 
    3434for i in tst_pltt_lev_[0-9][0-9].png 
    36    figspltt_lev="${figspltt_lev} \<link xl:href=\"figpng\/${i}\"\>\&showfig\;\<\/link\>" 
     36    figspltt_lev="${figspltt_lev} \<link xl:href=\"figpng\/${i}\"\>\&showfig\;\<\/link\>" 
    4040for i in tst_plt_orca2_[0-9][0-9].png 
    42    figsplt_orca2="${figsplt_orca2} \<link xl:href=\"figpng\/${i}\"\>\&showfig\;\<\/link\>" 
     42    figsplt_orca2="${figsplt_orca2} \<link xl:href=\"figpng\/${i}\"\>\&showfig\;\<\/link\>" 
    4545for i in tst_pltz_orca2_[0-9][0-9].png 
    47    figspltz_orca2="${figspltz_orca2} \<link xl:href=\"figpng\/${i}\"\>\&showfig\;\<\/link\>" 
     47    figspltz_orca2="${figspltz_orca2} \<link xl:href=\"figpng\/${i}\"\>\&showfig\;\<\/link\>" 
    5050for i in tst_pltt_orca2_[0-9][0-9].png 
    52    figspltt_orca2="${figspltt_orca2} \<link xl:href=\"figpng\/${i}\"\>\&showfig\;\<\/link\>" 
     52    figspltt_orca2="${figspltt_orca2} \<link xl:href=\"figpng\/${i}\"\>\&showfig\;\<\/link\>" 
    5656for i in tst_plt_orca05_[0-9][0-9].png 
    58    figsplt_orca05="${figsplt_orca05} \<link xl:href=\"figpng\/${i}\"\>\&showfig\;\<\/link\>" 
     58    figsplt_orca05="${figsplt_orca05} \<link xl:href=\"figpng\/${i}\"\>\&showfig\;\<\/link\>" 
    6161for i in tst_pltz_orca05_[0-9][0-9].png 
    63    figspltz_orca05="${figspltz_orca05} \<link xl:href=\"figpng\/${i}\"\>\&showfig\;\<\/link\>" 
     63    figspltz_orca05="${figspltz_orca05} \<link xl:href=\"figpng\/${i}\"\>\&showfig\;\<\/link\>" 
    6666for i in tst_pltt_orca05_[0-9][0-9].png 
    68    figspltt_orca05="${figspltt_orca05} \<link xl:href=\"figpng\/${i}\"\>\&showfig\;\<\/link\>" 
     68    figspltt_orca05="${figspltt_orca05} \<link xl:href=\"figpng\/${i}\"\>\&showfig\;\<\/link\>" 
    7373for i in tst_plt_lev_stride_[0-9][0-9].png 
    75    figsplt_lev_stride="${figsplt_lev_stride} \<link xl:href=\"figpng\/${i}\"\>\&showfig\;\<\/link\>" 
     75    figsplt_lev_stride="${figsplt_lev_stride} \<link xl:href=\"figpng\/${i}\"\>\&showfig\;\<\/link\>" 
    7878for i in tst_pltz_lev_stride_[0-9][0-9].png 
    80    figspltz_lev_stride="${figspltz_lev_stride} \<link xl:href=\"figpng\/${i}\"\>\&showfig\;\<\/link\>" 
     80    figspltz_lev_stride="${figspltz_lev_stride} \<link xl:href=\"figpng\/${i}\"\>\&showfig\;\<\/link\>" 
    8383for i in tst_pltt_lev_stride_[0-9][0-9].png 
    85    figspltt_lev_stride="${figspltt_lev_stride} \<link xl:href=\"figpng\/${i}\"\>\&showfig\;\<\/link\>" 
     85    figspltt_lev_stride="${figspltt_lev_stride} \<link xl:href=\"figpng\/${i}\"\>\&showfig\;\<\/link\>" 
    8989for i in tst_plt_orca2_stride_[0-9][0-9].png 
    91    figsplt_orca2_stride="${figsplt_orca2_stride} \<link xl:href=\"figpng\/${i}\"\>\&showfig\;\<\/link\>" 
     91    figsplt_orca2_stride="${figsplt_orca2_stride} \<link xl:href=\"figpng\/${i}\"\>\&showfig\;\<\/link\>" 
    9494for i in tst_pltz_orca2_stride_[0-9][0-9].png 
    96    figspltz_orca2_stride="${figspltz_orca2_stride} \<link xl:href=\"figpng\/${i}\"\>\&showfig\;\<\/link\>" 
     96    figspltz_orca2_stride="${figspltz_orca2_stride} \<link xl:href=\"figpng\/${i}\"\>\&showfig\;\<\/link\>" 
    9999for i in tst_pltt_orca2_stride_[0-9][0-9].png 
    101    figspltt_orca2_stride="${figspltt_orca2_stride} \<link xl:href=\"figpng\/${i}\"\>\&showfig\;\<\/link\>" 
     101    figspltt_orca2_stride="${figspltt_orca2_stride} \<link xl:href=\"figpng\/${i}\"\>\&showfig\;\<\/link\>" 
    105105for i in tst_plt_orca05_stride_[0-9][0-9].png 
    107    figsplt_orca05_stride="${figsplt_orca05_stride} \<link xl:href=\"figpng\/${i}\"\>\&showfig\;\<\/link\>" 
     107    figsplt_orca05_stride="${figsplt_orca05_stride} \<link xl:href=\"figpng\/${i}\"\>\&showfig\;\<\/link\>" 
    110110for i in tst_pltz_orca05_stride_[0-9][0-9].png 
    112    figspltz_orca05_stride="${figspltz_orca05_stride} \<link xl:href=\"figpng\/${i}\"\>\&showfig\;\<\/link\>" 
     112    figspltz_orca05_stride="${figspltz_orca05_stride} \<link xl:href=\"figpng\/${i}\"\>\&showfig\;\<\/link\>" 
    115115for i in tst_pltt_orca05_stride_[0-9][0-9].png 
    117    figspltt_orca05_stride="${figspltt_orca05_stride} \<link xl:href=\"figpng\/${i}\"\>\&showfig\;\<\/link\>" 
     117    figspltt_orca05_stride="${figspltt_orca05_stride} \<link xl:href=\"figpng\/${i}\"\>\&showfig\;\<\/link\>" 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/

    r431 r495  
    66# !! exists only because graphics callouts are not yet available 
    7 # with xsl processing on XML/Docbook files (xsl stylesheet 1.70 and 
     7# with xsl processing on XML/DocBook files (xsl stylesheet 1.70 and 
    88# DocBook DTD 4.2) 
    2020# first release 
    22 # 
    2322set -u 
    2423set -o posix 
    2625case "${1}" in 
    27    0101|0201|mouse) 
    28       # screen capture to be commented by frames and callouts images 
    29       capture="figpng/xxx_${1}_org.png" 
    30    ;; 
    31    *) 
    32       echo "eee : unknown parameter ${1}" 
    33       exit 1 
    34    ;; 
     26    0101|0201|mouse) 
     27        # screen capture to be commented by frames and callouts images 
     28        capture="figpng/xxx_${1}_org.png" 
     29    ;; 
     30    *) 
     31        echo "eee : unknown parameter ${1}" 
     32        exit 1 
     33    ;; 
    3736if [ ! -f ${capture} ] 
    39    echo " eee : ${capture} not found" 
    40    exit 1 
     38    echo " eee : ${capture} not found" 
     39    exit 1 
    42 # 
    4846case ${capture} in 
    49    figpng/xxx_0101_org.png) 
    50       capture_xsize=520 #++ should be obtain by parsing identify result 
    51       capture_ysize=309 #++ should be obtain by parsing identify result 
    52       # 
    53       # description of frames (title, xmin, ymin, xmax,ymax) 
    54       # nb : title and label are not yet used but they may be added in a kind of 
    55       # comments 
    56       # later in xml as id or label 
    57       # now they are only here to remind us what we do 
    58       zone_nb=3 
    59       zone_t[1]="Data file" 
    60       zone_l[1]="datafile" 
    61       zone_rect[1]="26,53, 485,95" 
    62       zone_t[2]="Init method" 
    63       zone_l[2]="initmethod" 
    64       zone_rect[2]="78,101, 433,152" 
    65       zone_t[3]="Init program" 
    66       zone_l[3]="initprogram" 
    67       zone_rect[3]="3,159, 518,278" 
    68       #zone_t[1]="Data file" 
    69       #zone_l[1]="datafile" 
    70       #zone_rect[1]="5,55 515,90" 
    71       #zone_t[2]="Init file" 
    72       #zone_l[2]="initfile" 
    73       #zone_rect[2]="5,150 515,200" 
    74    ;; 
    75    figpng/xxx_0201_org.png) 
    76       capture_xsize=429 #++ should be obtain by parsing identify result 
    77       capture_ysize=630 #++ should be obtain by parsing identify result 
    78       # 
    79       # description of frames (title, xmin, ymin, xmax,ymax) 
    80       # nb : title and label are not yet used but they may be added in a kind of 
    81       # comments 
    82       # later in xml as id or label 
    83       # now they are only here to remind us what we do 
    84       zone_nb=10 
    85       # 
    86       zone_t[1]="Plot type" 
    87       zone_l[1]="plottype" 
    88       zone_rect[1]="3,24, 97,51" 
    89       zone_t[2]="Menu" 
    90       zone_l[2]="menu" 
    91       zone_rect[2]="108,24, 325,53" 
    92       zone_t[3]="OK" 
    93       zone_l[3]="ok" 
    94       zone_rect[3]="5,59, 44,86" 
    95       zone_t[4]="Page layout" 
    96       zone_l[4]="pagelayout" 
    97       zone_rect[4]="70,59, 193,86" 
    98       zone_t[5]="Variables list" 
    99       zone_l[5]="variableslist" 
    100       zone_rect[5]="209,60, 323,85" 
    101       zone_t[6]="Files list" 
    102       zone_l[6]="fileslist" 
    103       zone_rect[6]="2,95, 344,117" 
    104       zone_t[7]="Command text" 
    105       zone_l[7]="commandtext" 
    106       zone_rect[7]="2,126, 346,160" 
    107       zone_t[8]="Calendar" 
    108       zone_l[8]="calendar" 
    109       zone_rect[8]="2,169, 212,216" 
    110       zone_t[9]="Domdef" 
    111       zone_l[9]="domdef" 
    112       zone_rect[9]="16,227, 308,447" 
    113       zone_t[10]="Specifications" 
    114       zone_l[10]="specifications" 
    115       zone_rect[10]="1,458, 345,580" 
    116       # the next three lines are here to check calcultation of CALSPAIR units 
    117       # see 
    118       # if you want to use it, please add one to zone_nb 
    119       zone_t[11]="just to check full size rectangle" 
    120       zone_l[11]="check" 
    121       zone_rect[11]="0,0 ${capture_xsize},${capture_ysize}" 
    122    ;; 
    123    figpng/xxx_mouse_org.png) 
    124       capture_xsize=57 #++ should be obtain by parsing identify result 
    125       capture_ysize=82 #++ should be obtain by parsing identify result 
    126       # 
    127       # description of frames (title, xmin, ymin, xmax,ymax) 
    128       # nb : title and label are not yet used but they may be added in a kind of 
    129       # comments 
    130       # later in xml as id or label 
    131       # now they are only here to remind us what we do 
    132       zone_nb=3 
    133       zone_t[1]="Left" 
    134       zone_l[1]="left" 
    135       zone_rect[1]="3,14, 11,21" 
    136       zone_t[2]="Middle" 
    137       zone_l[2]="middle" 
    138       zone_rect[2]="21,14, 28,19" 
    139       zone_t[3]="Right" 
    140       zone_l[3]="right" 
    141       zone_rect[3]="39,14, 46,20" 
    142    ;; 
    143    *) 
    144       echo " eee : ${capture} not implemented" 
    145       exit 3 
    146    ;; 
     47    figpng/xxx_0101_org.png) 
     48        capture_xsize=520 #++ should be obtain by parsing identify result 
     49        capture_ysize=309 #++ should be obtain by parsing identify result 
     50        # 
     51        # description of frames (title, xmin, ymin, xmax,ymax) 
     52        # nb : title and label are not yet used but they may be added in a kind of 
     53        # comments 
     54        # later in xml as id or label 
     55        # now they are only here to remind us what we do 
     56        zone_nb=3 
     57        zone_t[1]="Data file" 
     58        zone_l[1]="datafile" 
     59        zone_rect[1]="26,53, 485,95" 
     60        zone_t[2]="Init method" 
     61        zone_l[2]="initmethod" 
     62        zone_rect[2]="78,101, 433,152" 
     63        zone_t[3]="Init program" 
     64        zone_l[3]="initprogram" 
     65        zone_rect[3]="3,159, 518,278" 
     66        #zone_t[1]="Data file" 
     67        #zone_l[1]="datafile" 
     68        #zone_rect[1]="5,55 515,90" 
     69        #zone_t[2]="Init file" 
     70        #zone_l[2]="initfile" 
     71        #zone_rect[2]="5,150 515,200" 
     72    ;; 
     73        figpng/xxx_0201_org.png) 
     74        capture_xsize=429 #++ should be obtain by parsing identify result 
     75        capture_ysize=630 #++ should be obtain by parsing identify result 
     76        # 
     77        # description of frames (title, xmin, ymin, xmax,ymax) 
     78        # nb : title and label are not yet used but they may be added in a kind of 
     79        # comments 
     80        # later in xml as id or label 
     81        # now they are only here to remind us what we do 
     82        zone_nb=10 
     83        # 
     84        zone_t[1]="Plot type" 
     85        zone_l[1]="plottype" 
     86        zone_rect[1]="3,24, 97,51" 
     87        zone_t[2]="Menu" 
     88        zone_l[2]="menu" 
     89        zone_rect[2]="108,24, 325,53" 
     90        zone_t[3]="OK" 
     91        zone_l[3]="ok" 
     92        zone_rect[3]="5,59, 44,86" 
     93        zone_t[4]="Page layout" 
     94        zone_l[4]="pagelayout" 
     95        zone_rect[4]="70,59, 193,86" 
     96        zone_t[5]="Variables list" 
     97        zone_l[5]="variableslist" 
     98        zone_rect[5]="209,60, 323,85" 
     99        zone_t[6]="Files list" 
     100        zone_l[6]="fileslist" 
     101        zone_rect[6]="2,95, 344,117" 
     102        zone_t[7]="Command text" 
     103        zone_l[7]="commandtext" 
     104        zone_rect[7]="2,126, 346,160" 
     105        zone_t[8]="Calendar" 
     106        zone_l[8]="calendar" 
     107        zone_rect[8]="2,169, 212,216" 
     108        zone_t[9]="Domdef" 
     109        zone_l[9]="domdef" 
     110        zone_rect[9]="16,227, 308,447" 
     111        zone_t[10]="Specifications" 
     112        zone_l[10]="specifications" 
     113        zone_rect[10]="1,458, 345,580" 
     114        # the next three lines are here to check calculation of CALSPAIR units 
     115        # see 
     116        # if you want to use it, please add one to zone_nb 
     117        zone_t[11]="just to check full size rectangle" 
     118        zone_l[11]="check" 
     119        zone_rect[11]="0,0 ${capture_xsize},${capture_ysize}" 
     120    ;; 
     121    figpng/xxx_mouse_org.png) 
     122        capture_xsize=57 #++ should be obtain by parsing identify result 
     123        capture_ysize=82 #++ should be obtain by parsing identify result 
     124        # 
     125        # description of frames (title, xmin, ymin, xmax,ymax) 
     126        # nb : title and label are not yet used but they may be added in a kind of 
     127        # comments 
     128        # later in xml as id or label 
     129        # now they are only here to remind us what we do 
     130        zone_nb=3 
     131        zone_t[1]="Left" 
     132        zone_l[1]="left" 
     133        zone_rect[1]="3,14, 11,21" 
     134        zone_t[2]="Middle" 
     135        zone_l[2]="middle" 
     136        zone_rect[2]="21,14, 28,19" 
     137        zone_t[3]="Right" 
     138        zone_l[3]="right" 
     139        zone_rect[3]="39,14, 46,20" 
     140    ;; 
     141    *) 
     142        echo " eee : ${capture} not implemented" 
     143        exit 3 
     144    ;; 
    151149while [ ${iz} -le ${zone_nb} ] 
    153    xymin=$(echo ${zone_rect[${iz}]} | awk '{print $1}') 
    154    xymax=$(echo ${zone_rect[${iz}]} | awk '{print $2}') 
    155    xmin=$(echo ${xymin} | awk -F "," '{print $1}') 
    156    xmax=$(echo ${xymax} | awk -F "," '{print $1}') 
    157    ymin=$(echo ${xymin} | awk -F "," '{print $2}') 
    158    ymax=$(echo ${xymax} | awk -F "," '{print $2}') 
    159    xmin_pc=$(echo "(${xmin} / ${capture_xsize}) * 10000" | bc -l) 
    160    xmin_pc=$(echo ${xmin_pc} } | awk -F "." '{print $1}') 
    161    ymin_pc=$(echo "(${ymin} / ${capture_ysize}) * 10000" | bc -l) 
    162    ymin_pc=$(echo ${ymin_pc} } | awk -F "." '{print $1}') 
    163    xmax_pc=$(echo "(${xmax} / ${capture_xsize}) * 10000" | bc -l) 
    164    xmax_pc=$(echo ${xmax_pc} } | awk -F "." '{print $1}') 
    165    ymax_pc=$(echo "(${ymax} / ${capture_ysize}) * 10000" | bc -l) 
    166    ymax_pc=$(echo ${ymax_pc} } | awk -F "." '{print $1}') 
    167    #echo "xmin_pc zone ${iz} = ${xmin_pc}" 
    168    #echo "ymin_pc zone ${iz} = ${ymin_pc}" 
    169    #echo "xmax_pc zone ${iz} = ${xmax_pc}" 
    170    #echo "ymax_pc zone ${iz} = ${ymax_pc}" 
    171    #read a 
    172    zone_rect_pc[${iz}]="${xmin_pc},${ymin_pc} ${xmax_pc},${ymax_pc}" 
    173    iz=$(( ${iz} + 1 )) 
     151    xymin=$(echo ${zone_rect[${iz}]} | awk '{print $1}') 
     152    xymax=$(echo ${zone_rect[${iz}]} | awk '{print $2}') 
     153    xmin=$(echo ${xymin} | awk -F "," '{print $1}') 
     154    xmax=$(echo ${xymax} | awk -F "," '{print $1}') 
     155    ymin=$(echo ${xymin} | awk -F "," '{print $2}') 
     156    ymax=$(echo ${xymax} | awk -F "," '{print $2}') 
     157    xmin_pc=$(echo "(${xmin} / ${capture_xsize}) * 10000" | bc -l) 
     158    xmin_pc=$(echo ${xmin_pc} } | awk -F "." '{print $1}') 
     159    ymin_pc=$(echo "(${ymin} / ${capture_ysize}) * 10000" | bc -l) 
     160    ymin_pc=$(echo ${ymin_pc} } | awk -F "." '{print $1}') 
     161    xmax_pc=$(echo "(${xmax} / ${capture_xsize}) * 10000" | bc -l) 
     162    xmax_pc=$(echo ${xmax_pc} } | awk -F "." '{print $1}') 
     163    ymax_pc=$(echo "(${ymax} / ${capture_ysize}) * 10000" | bc -l) 
     164    ymax_pc=$(echo ${ymax_pc} } | awk -F "." '{print $1}') 
     165    #echo "xmin_pc zone ${iz} = ${xmin_pc}" 
     166    #echo "ymin_pc zone ${iz} = ${ymin_pc}" 
     167    #echo "xmax_pc zone ${iz} = ${xmax_pc}" 
     168    #echo "ymax_pc zone ${iz} = ${ymax_pc}" 
     169    #read a 
     170    zone_rect_pc[${iz}]="${xmin_pc},${ymin_pc} ${xmax_pc},${ymax_pc}" 
     171    iz=$(( ${iz} + 1 )) 
    175173# build the new image ie build the convert command to be run 
    182180   -fill transparent" 
    184 # then loop on the frames to be drawed 
    185 iz=1 
    186 while [ ${iz} -le ${zone_nb} ] 
    187 do 
    188    leftcorner=$(echo ${zone_rect[${iz}]} | awk '{print $1}') 
    189    cmd="${cmd} -draw \"rectangle ${zone_rect[${iz}]}\" \ 
    190    -draw \"image over ${leftcorner} ${callout_xsize},${callout_ysize} 'images/callouts/${iz}.png'\"" 
    191    iz=$(( ${iz} + 1 )) 
    192 done 
    193 # 
    194 # 
    195 # +++ verrue mal codee... 
     182# then loop on the frames to be drawn 
     184while [ ${iz} -le ${zone_nb} ] 
     186    leftcorner=$(echo ${zone_rect[${iz}]} | awk '{print $1}') 
     187    cmd="${cmd} -draw \"rectangle ${zone_rect[${iz}]}\" \ 
     188    -draw \"image over ${leftcorner} ${callout_xsize},${callout_ysize} 'images/callouts/${iz}.png'\"" 
     189    iz=$(( ${iz} + 1 )) 
     192# +++ verrue mal codée... 
    196193# dans le cas mouse, je ne veux pas les cadres 
    197 # a voir si on integre proprement ou si on vire... 
     194# à voir si on intÚgre proprement ou si on vire... 
    198195if [ ${1} = mouse ] 
    202199    while [ ${iz} -le ${zone_nb} ] 
    203200    do 
    204         leftcorner=$(echo ${zone_rect[${iz}]} | awk '{print $1}') 
    205         cmd="${cmd} -draw \"image over ${leftcorner} ${callout_xsize},${callout_ysize} 'images/callouts/${iz}.png'\"" 
    206         iz=$(( ${iz} + 1 )) 
     201        leftcorner=$(echo ${zone_rect[${iz}]} | awk '{print $1}') 
     202        cmd="${cmd} -draw \"image over ${leftcorner} ${callout_xsize},${callout_ysize} 'images/callouts/${iz}.png'\"" 
     203        iz=$(( ${iz} + 1 )) 
    207204    done 
    209206# +++ verrue mal codee... 
    210 # 
    212208# last component of the convert command : the name of the output image 
    222218if [ ${convert_status} -ne 0 ] 
    224    echo " eee : convert doesn't work properly"  >> ${log} 
    225    echo " eee : return status = ${return_convert}"  >> ${log} 
    226    exit 2 
     220    echo " eee : convert doesn't work properly"  >> ${log} 
     221    echo " eee : return status = ${return_convert}"  >> ${log} 
     222    exit 2 
    228224echo " iii : image ${framecallouts} is ready" 
    229 echo " iii : you can add the following lines in XML/Docbook" 
     225echo " iii : you can add the following lines in XML/DocBook" 
    230226cat << EOF 
    235231while [ ${iz} -le ${zone_nb} ] 
    237    echo "<area id=\"${zone_l[${iz}]}\" coords=\"${zone_rect_pc[${iz}]}\"/>" 
    238    iz=$(( ${iz} + 1 )) 
     233    echo "<area id=\"${zone_l[${iz}]}\" coords=\"${zone_rect_pc[${iz}]}\"/>" 
     234    iz=$(( ${iz} + 1 )) 
    240236cat << EOF 
    248244while [ ${iz} -le ${zone_nb} ] 
    250    cat << EOF 
     246    cat << EOF 
    251247<callout arearefs="${zone_l[${iz}]}"> 
    255    iz=$(( ${iz} + 1 )) 
     251    iz=$(( ${iz} + 1 )) 
    257253cat << EOF 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/getsaxo.html

    r431 r495  
    1717    </div></div><div><span class="pubdate">svn Id of xml source file : $Id$<br /><br /></span></div><div><div class="revhistory"><table border="1" width="100%" summary="Revision history"><tr><th align="left" valign="top" colspan="2"><b>Revision History</b></th></tr> 
    1818      <tr><td align="left">Revision 0.0</td><td align="left">May 2006</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">First draft</td></tr> 
    19       <tr><td align="left">Revision 0.1</td><td align="left">April 2008</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">migration from DocBook 4.2 to Docbook 5.0</td></tr> 
     19      <tr><td align="left">Revision 0.1</td><td align="left">April 2008</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">migration from DocBook 4.2 to DocBook 5.0</td></tr> 
    2020    </table></div></div></div><hr /></div><div class="toc"><p><b>Table of Contents</b></p><dl><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#create_saxo_env">1.  Create SAXO environment </a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#get_saxo_files">2.  Get SAXO files </a></span></dt><dd><dl><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#saxo_local">2.1.  If you work at IDRIS, IPSL or LOCEAN </a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#saxo_svn">2.2.  If ??? is installed on your machine </a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#saxo_tar">2.3.  Get SAXO from a tar file </a></span></dt></dl></dd><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#generate_init">3.  Generate your file </a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#aftergetsaxo">4. After this</a></span></dt></dl></div> 
    2828  <div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="create_saxo_env" id="create_saxo_env"></a>1.  Create <span class="application">SAXO</span> environment </h2></div></div></div> 
    3030    <p> 
    3131      To simplify the explanation, we suppose that we install <span class="application">SAXO</span> in your <code class="filename">${HOME}</code>. 
    3333      </p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li> 
    3434         <code class="filename">${HOME}/SAXO_DIR</code> that will contain the source files of <span class="application">SAXO</span>. It should not be modified by the user to simplify later updates. 
    3636        </li><li> 
    3737         <code class="filename">${HOME}/My_IDL</code> that will contain user personal files (including modified <span class="application">SAXO</span> files, if needed). 
    3939       </li></ul></div><p> 
    4040    </p> 
    4747  </div> 
    5151 <div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="get_saxo_files" id="get_saxo_files"></a>2.  Get <span class="application">SAXO</span> files </h2></div></div></div> 
    5656    <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="saxo_local" id="saxo_local"></a>2.1.  If you work at IDRIS, IPSL or LOCEAN </h3></div></div></div> 
    5858      <p> 
    5959<span class="application">SAXO</span> is already installed at 
    6060</p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li> 
    6161           IDRIS, on <code class="systemitem">rhodes</code>: <code class="filename">/home/rech/eee/reee217/SAXO_DIR</code> 
    6363          </li><li> 
    6464           IPSL: <code class="filename">/home/smlod/SAXO_DIR</code> 
    6666          </li><li> 
    6767           LOCEAN: <code class="filename">/usr/home/smasson/SAXO_DIR</code> 
    6969         </li></ul></div><p> 
    7070If you can access one of these directories, there is no need to re-install <span class="application">SAXO</span> again! In that case, you only have to link <code class="filename">${HOME}/SAXO_DIR</code> to the appropriate directory: 
    8282    </div> 
    8686    <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="saxo_svn" id="saxo_svn"></a>2.2.  If <a class="link" href="" target="_top"><span class="application"> Subversion (svn)</span></a> is installed on your machine </h3></div></div></div> 
    8989      <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"><a name="saxo_svn_users" id="saxo_svn_users"></a>2.2.1.  Regular users </h4></div></div></div> 
    120120    </div> 
    124124    <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="saxo_tar" id="saxo_tar"></a>2.3.  Get <span class="application">SAXO</span> from a tar file </h3></div></div></div> 
    127127      <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"><a name="saxo_src_tar" id="saxo_src_tar"></a>2.3.1.  Get <span class="application">SAXO</span> source files ( Mb) </h4></div></div></div> 
    157157      </div> 
    159159      <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"><a name="saxo_data_tar" id="saxo_data_tar"></a>2.3.2.  Get <span class="application">SAXO</span> tests data files (238M Mb) </h4></div></div></div> 
    163163</p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li> 
    164164           <code class="filename">${HOME}/My_IDL</code>. This is the easiest solution but it could be inconvenient if your <code class="envar">${HOME}</code> disk space is limited. 
    166           </li><li> 
    167            <p>any other directory of your choice. In that case, when using IDL, you will need to define the variable <code class="varname">iodir</code> to the directory you choose in order to let IDL find the data tests files. This can be done either through the <code class="filename"></code> file (see <a class="xref" href="#generate_init" title="3.  Generate your file">Section 3, “ Generate your file ”</a>) or directly within IDL with the following command:  
     166          </li><li> 
     167           <p>any other directory of your choice. In that case, when using IDL, you will need to define the variable <code class="varname">iodir</code> to the directory you choose in order to let IDL find the data tests files. This can be done either through the <code class="filename"></code> file (see <a class="xref" href="#generate_init" title="3.  Generate your file">Section 3, “ Generate your file ”</a>) or directly within IDL with the following command: 
    168168</p><pre class="screen"> 
    169169 <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span class="command"><strong>iodir = <em class="replaceable"><code>the chosen directory</code></em></strong></span></code></strong> 
    189189    </div> 
    190190  </div> 
    192192    <div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="generate_init" id="generate_init"></a>3.  Generate your file </h2></div></div></div> 
    194194      <p> 
    195195To use <span class="application">SAXO</span>, we need to build an IDL script that we usually call "<code class="filename"></code>". This file contains a set of IDL commands and default definitions (paths and variables of the common files) that are necessary to <span class="application">SAXO</span>. Once it has been created, <code class="filename"></code> should the first executed command when starting IDL session. 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/getsaxo.xml

    r387 r495  
    1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> 
     1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
    22<!DOCTYPE article [ 
    33<!ENTITY % isolat1 SYSTEM ""> 
    2626  <info> 
    2727    <authorgroup> 
    28       <author><personname><firstname>Sébastien</firstname> <surname>Masson</surname></personname> <email></email></author> 
    29       <author><personname><firstname>Françoise</firstname> <surname>Pinsard</surname></personname> <email></email></author> 
     28      <author><personname><firstname>Sébastien</firstname> <surname>Masson</surname></personname> <email></email></author> 
     29      <author><personname><firstname>Françoise</firstname> <surname>Pinsard</surname></personname> <email></email></author> 
    3030    </authorgroup> 
    3131    <keywordset> 
    4242        <revnumber>0.1</revnumber> 
    4343        <date>April 2008</date> 
    44         <revremark>migration from DocBook 4.2 to Docbook 5.0</revremark> 
     44        <revremark>migration from DocBook 4.2 to DocBook 5.0</revremark> 
    4545      </revision> 
    4646    </revhistory> 
    215215          </listitem> 
    216216  <listitem> 
    217            <para>any other directory of your choice. In that case, when using IDL, you will need to define the variable <varname>iodir</varname> to the directory you choose in order to let IDL find the data tests files. This can be done either through the <filename></filename> file (see <xref linkend="generate_init"/>) or directly within IDL with the following command:  
     217           <para>any other directory of your choice. In that case, when using IDL, you will need to define the variable <varname>iodir</varname> to the directory you choose in order to let IDL find the data tests files. This can be done either through the <filename></filename> file (see <xref linkend="generate_init"/>) or directly within IDL with the following command: 
    219219 <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>iodir = <replaceable>the chosen directory</replaceable></command></userinput> 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/

    r430 r495  
    1414# fplod 2008-04-15T10:53:26Z (Darwin) 
    1515# creation from 
    16 # adapation to docbook 5.0 
     16# adaptation to docbook 5.0 
    1818set -u 
    2121case $( whoami ) in 
    22    smasson) 
    23       lgforge=smasson 
    24    ;; 
    25    floseb) 
    26       lgforge=smasson 
    27    ;; 
    28    *) 
    29       lgforge=saxo 
    30    ;; 
     22    smasson) 
     23        lgforge=smasson 
     24    ;; 
     25    floseb) 
     26        lgforge=smasson 
     27    ;; 
     28    *) 
     29        lgforge=saxo 
     30    ;; 
    6565sed -e s/"\&date\;"/${ndate}/g \ 
    66    -e s/"\&date2\;"/${ndate2}/g \ 
    67    -e s/"\&szsrc\;"/${szsrc}/g \ 
    68    -e s/"\&szdata\;"/${szdata}/g \ 
    69    -e s/"\&szallsvn\;"/${szallsvn}/g \ 
    70    -e s/"\&szsrcsvn\;"/${szsrcsvn}/g \ 
    71    -e s/"\&szdatasvn\;"/${szdatasvn}/g \ 
    72    getsaxo.xml > getsaxo_sed.xml 
     66-e s/"\&date2\;"/${ndate2}/g \ 
     67-e s/"\&szsrc\;"/${szsrc}/g \ 
     68-e s/"\&szdata\;"/${szdata}/g \ 
     69-e s/"\&szallsvn\;"/${szallsvn}/g \ 
     70-e s/"\&szsrcsvn\;"/${szsrcsvn}/g \ 
     71-e s/"\&szdatasvn\;"/${szdatasvn}/g \ 
     72getsaxo.xml > getsaxo_sed.xml 
    7474# exit 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/idlfiles/

    r239 r495  
    33; Working directory: /Users/sebastie/SAXO_RD 
    44; Date: Mon Jun 27 21:29:19 2005 
    77; This is the initialisation file. 
    8 ; it defines the !path and the defaut values of some of the common variables 
     8; it defines the !path and the default values of some of the common variables 
    1010; this is supposed to speed-up IDL... 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/infoupdatecm.html

    r416 r495  
    1717    </div></div><div><span class="pubdate">svn Id of xml source file : $Id$<br /><br /></span></div><div><div class="revhistory"><table border="1" width="100%" summary="Revision history"><tr><th align="left" valign="top" colspan="2"><b>Revision History</b></th></tr> 
    1818      <tr><td align="left">Revision 0.0</td><td align="left">July 2006</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">First draft</td></tr> 
    19       <tr><td align="left">Revision 0.1</td><td align="left">April 2008</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">migration from DocBook 4.2 to Docbook 5.0</td></tr> 
     19      <tr><td align="left">Revision 0.1</td><td align="left">April 2008</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">migration from DocBook 4.2 to DocBook 5.0</td></tr> 
    2020    </table></div></div></div><hr /></div><div class="toc"><p><b>Table of Contents</b></p><dl><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#intro">1. Introduction</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#disappeared">2. Commons disappeared</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#translation">3. Commons translations</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#otherkind">4. Commons transformations</a></span></dt></dl></div> 
    2424<div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="intro" id="intro"></a>1. Introduction</h2></div></div></div> 
    27 Since Changeset 68 (2006-05-09), some commons had diseappeared and others had been translated. 
     27Since Changeset 68 (2006-05-09), some commons had disappeared and others had been translated. 
    51 <code class="varname">coefpalit</code> had been replaced by keyword <code class="varname">LIGTHNESS</code> in <code class="filename"></code>. 
     51<code class="varname">coefpalit</code> had been replaced by keyword <code class="varname">LIGHTNESS</code> in <code class="filename"></code>. 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/infoupdatecm.xml

    r345 r495  
    1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> 
     1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
    22<article version="5.0" 
    99  <info> 
    1010    <authorgroup> 
    11       <author><personname><firstname>Sébastien</firstname> <surname>Masson</surname></personname> <email></email></author> 
    12       <author><personname><firstname>Françoise</firstname> <surname>Pinsard</surname></personname> <email></email></author> 
     11      <author><personname><firstname>Sébastien</firstname> <surname>Masson</surname></personname> <email></email></author> 
     12      <author><personname><firstname>Françoise</firstname> <surname>Pinsard</surname></personname> <email></email></author> 
    1313    </authorgroup> 
    1414    <keywordset> 
    2525        <revnumber>0.1</revnumber> 
    2626        <date>April 2008</date> 
    27         <revremark>migration from DocBook 4.2 to Docbook 5.0</revremark> 
     27        <revremark>migration from DocBook 4.2 to DocBook 5.0</revremark> 
    2828      </revision> 
    2929    </revhistory> 
    36 Since Changeset 68 (2006-05-09), some commons had diseappeared and others had been translated. 
     36Since Changeset 68 (2006-05-09), some commons had disappeared and others had been translated. 
    9494<title>Commons transformations</title> 
    96 <varname>coefpalit</varname> had been replaced by keyword <varname>LIGTHNESS</varname> in <filename></filename>. 
     96<varname>coefpalit</varname> had been replaced by keyword <varname>LIGHTNESS</varname> in <filename></filename>. 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/infoupdatekwd.html

    r416 r495  
    1717    </div></div><div><span class="pubdate">svn Id of xml source file : $Id$<br /><br /></span></div><div><div class="revhistory"><table border="1" width="100%" summary="Revision history"><tr><th align="left" valign="top" colspan="2"><b>Revision History</b></th></tr> 
    1818      <tr><td align="left">Revision 0.0</td><td align="left">June 2006</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">First draft</td></tr> 
    19       <tr><td align="left">Revision 0.1</td><td align="left">April 2008</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">migration from DocBook 4.2 to Docbook 5.0</td></tr> 
     19      <tr><td align="left">Revision 0.1</td><td align="left">April 2008</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">migration from DocBook 4.2 to DocBook 5.0</td></tr> 
    2020    </table></div></div></div><hr /></div><div class="toc"><p><b>Table of Contents</b></p><dl><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#intro">1. Introduction</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#translation">2. Keywords translations</a></span></dt></dl></div> 
    2424<div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="intro" id="intro"></a>1. Introduction</h2></div></div></div> 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/infoupdatekwd.xml

    r345 r495  
    1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> 
     1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
    22<article version="5.0" 
    99  <info> 
    1010    <authorgroup> 
    11       <author><personname><firstname>Sébastien</firstname> <surname>Masson</surname></personname> <email></email></author> 
    12       <author><personname><firstname>Françoise</firstname> <surname>Pinsard</surname></personname> <email></email></author> 
     11      <author><personname><firstname>Sébastien</firstname> <surname>Masson</surname></personname> <email></email></author> 
     12      <author><personname><firstname>Françoise</firstname> <surname>Pinsard</surname></personname> <email></email></author> 
    1313    </authorgroup> 
    1414    <keywordset> 
    2525        <revnumber>0.1</revnumber> 
    2626        <date>April 2008</date> 
    27         <revremark>migration from DocBook 4.2 to Docbook 5.0</revremark> 
     27        <revremark>migration from DocBook 4.2 to DocBook 5.0</revremark> 
    2828      </revision> 
    2929    </revhistory> 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/linkwiki.sed

    r416 r495  
    66# replace html link in wiki pages 
    7 # 
    98# TODO 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/mailing.html

    r416 r495  
    1616      <div class="author"><h3 class="author"><span class="firstname">Françoise</span> <span class="surname">Pinsard</span> <code class="email">&lt;<a class="email" href=""></a>&gt;</code></h3></div> 
    1717    </div></div><div><span class="pubdate">svn Id of xml source file : $Id$<br /><br /></span></div><div><div class="revhistory"><table border="1" width="100%" summary="Revision history"><tr><th align="left" valign="top" colspan="2"><b>Revision History</b></th></tr> 
    18       <tr><td align="left">Revision 0.2</td><td align="left">April 2008</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">migration from DocBook 4.2 to Docbook 5.0</td></tr> 
     18      <tr><td align="left">Revision 0.2</td><td align="left">April 2008</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">migration from DocBook 4.2 to DocBook 5.0</td></tr> 
    1919      <tr><td align="left">Revision 0.1</td><td align="left">September 2006</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">Mailing lists on are OK (thanks to Frédéric Bongat)</td></tr> 
    2020      <tr><td align="left">Revision 0.0</td><td align="left">May 2006</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">First draft</td></tr> 
    2626<div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="saxo-users" id="saxo-users"></a>1.</h2></div></div></div> 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/mailing.xml

    r351 r495  
    1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> 
     1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
    22<article version="5.0" 
    99  <info> 
    1010    <authorgroup> 
    11       <author><personname><firstname>Sébastien</firstname> <surname>Masson</surname></personname> <email></email></author> 
    12       <author><personname><firstname>Françoise</firstname> <surname>Pinsard</surname></personname> <email></email></author> 
     11      <author><personname><firstname>Sébastien</firstname> <surname>Masson</surname></personname> <email></email></author> 
     12      <author><personname><firstname>Françoise</firstname> <surname>Pinsard</surname></personname> <email></email></author> 
    1313    </authorgroup> 
    1414    <keywordset> 
    2020        <revnumber>0.2</revnumber> 
    2121        <date>April 2008</date> 
    22         <revremark>migration from DocBook 4.2 to Docbook 5.0</revremark> 
     22        <revremark>migration from DocBook 4.2 to DocBook 5.0</revremark> 
    2323      </revision> 
    2424      <revision> 
    2525        <revnumber>0.1</revnumber> 
    2626        <date>September 2006</date> 
    27         <revremark>Mailing lists on are OK (thanks to Frédéric Bongat)</revremark> 
     27        <revremark>Mailing lists on are OK (thanks to Frédéric Bongat)</revremark> 
    2828      </revision> 
    2929      <revision> 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/makefile

    r431 r495  
    270270        $< 
    273272$(DIRTMP)/all_plots.xml : \ 
    274273$(DIRTMP)/firststeps_full.xml \ 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/mini_notice.html

    r416 r495  
    2020      <tr><td align="left">Revision 0.0</td><td align="left">May 29, 2000</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">French release by Sébastien Masson</td></tr> 
    2121      <tr><td align="left">Revision 0.1</td><td align="left">July, 2002</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">Translation by Albert Fisher</td></tr> 
    22       <tr><td align="left">Revision 0.2</td><td align="left">July 20, 2006</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">HTML to XML/Docbook migration by Françoise Pinsard</td></tr> 
     22      <tr><td align="left">Revision 0.2</td><td align="left">July 20, 2006</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">HTML to XML/DocBook migration by Françoise Pinsard</td></tr> 
    2323      <tr><td align="left">Revision 1.0</td><td align="left">August, 2006</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">Major update by Steve Navarro</td></tr> 
    2424      <tr><td align="left">Revision 1.1</td><td align="left">September, 2006</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">Review by Sébastien Masson</td></tr> 
    25       <tr><td align="left">Revision 1.2</td><td align="left">April 2008</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">migration from DocBook 4.2 to Docbook 5.0</td></tr> 
    27      </table></div></div></div><hr /></div><div class="toc"><p><b>Table of Contents</b></p><dl><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#launchxxx">1. Launching XXX</a></span></dt><dd><dl><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#launch_xxx_1">1.1. idl&gt; xxx</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#launch_xxx_2">1.2. idl&gt; xxx, /separate</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#launch_xxx_3">1.3. idl&gt; xxx, restore = 'file.dat'</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#launch_xxx_4">1.4. idl&gt; xxx, ''</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#launch_xxx_5">1.5. idl&gt; xxx, '', keywd1 = 
, keywd2 = 
</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#launch_xxx_6">1.6. idl&gt; xxx, '', 'initgrid'</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#launch_xxx_7">1.7. idl&gt; xxx, '', 'initgrid', keywd1 = 
, keywd2 = 
</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#launch_xxx_8">1.8. idl&gt; xxx, '', 'initgrid', 'arg1, arg2, 
'</a></span></dt></dl></dd><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#wigdets">2. Description of XXX window</a></span></dt><dd><dl><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#plottypetxt">2.1. Plot type list</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#menutxt">2.2. The menu bar made up of 3 sub-menus</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#oktxt">2.3. OK button</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#pagelayouttxt">2.4. Page Layout</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#variableslisttxt">2.5. List of variables</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#fileslisttxt">2.6. List of open files</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#commandtexttxt">2.7. Command text</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#calendartxt">2.8. Calendar</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#domdeftxt">2.9. Define the domain</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#specificationstxt">2.10. Specify your plot</a></span></dt></dl></dd><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#mouseactions">3. Mouse Actions</a></span></dt><dd><dl><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#mouse">3.1. In the graphics window on a horizontal plot</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#multipleplots">3.2. Create multiple plots on the same sheet and make them interact</a></span></dt></dl></dd><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#crash">4. What should I do when it breakdown</a></span></dt></dl></div> 
     25      <tr><td align="left">Revision 1.2</td><td align="left">April 2008</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">migration from DocBook 4.2 to DocBook 5.0</td></tr> 
     27     </table></div></div></div><hr /></div><div class="toc"><p><b>Table of Contents</b></p><dl><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#launchxxx">1. Launching XXX</a></span></dt><dd><dl><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#launch_xxx_1">1.1. idl&gt; xxx</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#launch_xxx_2">1.2. idl&gt; xxx, /separate</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#launch_xxx_3">1.3. idl&gt; xxx, restore = 'file.dat'</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#launch_xxx_4">1.4. idl&gt; xxx, ''</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#launch_xxx_5">1.5. idl&gt; xxx, '', keywd1 = 
, keywd2 = 
</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#launch_xxx_6">1.6. idl&gt; xxx, '', 'initgrid'</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#launch_xxx_7">1.7. idl&gt; xxx, '', 'initgrid', keywd1 = 
, keywd2 = 
</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#launch_xxx_8">1.8. idl&gt; xxx, '', 'initgrid', 'arg1, arg2, 
'</a></span></dt></dl></dd><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#widgets">2. Description of XXX window</a></span></dt><dd><dl><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#plottypetxt">2.1. Plot type list</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#menutxt">2.2. The menu bar made up of 3 sub-menus</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#oktxt">2.3. OK button</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#pagelayouttxt">2.4. Page Layout</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#variableslisttxt">2.5. List of variables</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#fileslisttxt">2.6. List of open files</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#commandtexttxt">2.7. Command text</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#calendartxt">2.8. Calendar</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#domdeftxt">2.9. Define the domain</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#specificationstxt">2.10. Specify your plot</a></span></dt></dl></dd><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#mouseactions">3. Mouse Actions</a></span></dt><dd><dl><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#mouse">3.1. In the graphics window on a horizontal plot</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#multipleplots">3.2. Create multiple plots on the same sheet and make them interact</a></span></dt></dl></dd><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#crash">4. What should I do when it breakdown</a></span></dt></dl></div> 
    6969<div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"><a name="initmethodtxt" id="initmethodtxt"></a>1.1.2. Grid initialization method</h4></div></div></div> 
    7070  <p> 
    71     For visualising grilled data, you need to <a class="link" href="./firststeps.html#load_grid" target="_top">define the grid</a> on which are located the data. By default, <span class="guibutton">automatic grid construction with</span> is checked. This means that the grid will be defined by using the informations contained in the data file (through the IDL prodecure <span class="command"><strong>initncdf</strong></span>) without needing any other auxiliary file. If you checked <span class="guibutton">grid construction with other IDL batch or procedure</span>, this means that you don't want to use the default <span class="command"><strong>initncdf</strong></span> procedure to define the grid and you will provide your own IDL procedure or the so-called IDL batch file (a file which is called by using @, see IDL documentation). 
     71    For visualising grilled data, you need to <a class="link" href="./firststeps.html#load_grid" target="_top">define the grid</a> on which are located the data. By default, <span class="guibutton">automatic grid construction with</span> is checked. This means that the grid will be defined by using the informations contained in the data file (through the IDL procedure <span class="command"><strong>initncdf</strong></span>) without needing any other auxiliary file. If you checked <span class="guibutton">grid construction with other IDL batch or procedure</span>, this means that you don't want to use the default <span class="command"><strong>initncdf</strong></span> procedure to define the grid and you will provide your own IDL procedure or the so-called IDL batch file (a file which is called by using @, see IDL documentation). 
    7272  </p> 
    7777By default the name of the procedure is <span class="command"><strong>initncdf</strong></span>, its argument will be automatically defined so you cannot change them. If you checked <span class="guibutton">grid construction with other IDL batch or procedure</span>, you have to select the name of the IDL procedure or batch file and its suitable arguments and keywords. Note that if you select an IDL batch file you cannot give any parameter or keyword. 
    7878    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0102" id="fig_xxx_0102"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 2. Window xxx 1</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    8080      <div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0102.png" alt="Window xxx 1" /></div> 
    8181    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
    8989  </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0103" id="fig_xxx_0103"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 3. Oceania at 125 meters of depth with proper grid initialization</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    9191<div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0103.png" alt="Oceania at 125 meters of depth with proper grid initialization" /></div> 
    9292  </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
    150 <div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="wigdets" id="wigdets"></a>2. Description of XXX window</h2></div></div></div> 
     150<div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="widgets" id="widgets"></a>2. Description of XXX window</h2></div></div></div> 
    174174</td></tr><tr><td width="5%" valign="top" align="left"><p><img src="images/callouts/10.png" alt="10" border="0" /></p></td><td valign="top" align="left"> 
    175 <p>Spefications</p> 
    177177</div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
    183183    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0202" id="fig_xxx_0202"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 5. Different plot types available</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    185185<div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0202.png" alt="Different plot types available" /></div> 
    186186    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
    198198    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0203" id="fig_xxx_0203"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 6. The File menu</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    200200<div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0203.png" alt="The File menu" /></div> 
    201201    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
    211211    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0204" id="fig_xxx_0204"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 7. The Save As menu</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    213213<div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0204.png" alt="The Save As menu" /></div> 
    214214    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
    246246    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0205" id="fig_xxx_0205"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 8. The <span class="guisubmenu">Flag option</span> menu</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    248248<div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0205.png" alt="The Flag option menu" /></div> 
    249249    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
    266266    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0206" id="fig_xxx_0206"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 9. Number of Column</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    268268<div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0206.png" alt="Number of Column" /></div> 
    269269    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
    272272    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0206a" id="fig_xxx_0206a"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 10. Example: For 2 columns and 2 rows</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    274274<div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0206a.png" alt="Example: For 2 columns and 2 rows" /></div> 
    275275    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
    282282    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0207" id="fig_xxx_0207"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 11. Example of different variables available</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    284284<div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0207.png" alt="Example of different variables available" /></div> 
    285285    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
    292292    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0208" id="fig_xxx_0208"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 12. Example of list of open files</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    294294<div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0208.png" alt="Example of list of open files" /></div> 
    295295    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
    320320    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0301" id="fig_xxx_0301"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 13. Example: first plot in January, second plot is from January to December</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    322322<div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0301.png" alt="Example: first plot in January, second plot is from January to December" /></div> 
    323323    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
    329329  A series of widgets that allow specification of the min/max limits of the domain in longitude/x-index, latitude/y-index, and depth in levels or meters. 
    330330  </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0210_domain" id="fig_xxx_0210_domain"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 14. Domain by default</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    332332<div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0210.png" alt="Domain by default" /></div> 
    333333  </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
    334334  </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0401" id="fig_xxx_0401"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 15. Change Domain area: zoom on Oceania</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    336336<div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0401.png" alt="Change Domain area: zoom on Oceania" /></div> 
    337337  </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
    338338  </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0402" id="fig_xxx_0402"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 16. This configuration give us:</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    340340<div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0402.png" alt="This configuration give us:" /></div> 
    341341  </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
    342342  </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0403" id="fig_xxx_0403"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 17. Change depth area: between depth 125 and 126</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    344344<div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0403.png" alt="Change depth area: between depth 125 and 126" /></div> 
    345345  </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
    346346  </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0404" id="fig_xxx_0404"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 18. temperature of the ocean at depth 125 meters without proper land/sea mask</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    348348<div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0404.png" alt="temperature of the ocean at depth 125 meters without proper land/sea mask" /></div> 
    349349  </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
    358358  </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0501" id="fig_xxx_0501"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 19. min, max, and contour interval specifications</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    360360<div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0501.png" alt="min, max, and contour interval specifications" /></div> 
    361361  </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
    370370    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0502" id="fig_xxx_0502"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 20. The Color menu</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    372372<div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0502.png" alt="The Color menu" /></div> 
    373373    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
    379379  The “<span class="quote">keywords</span>” window allows specification of all desired keywords. There is a few examples of the use of this “<span class="quote">keywords</span>” window. 
    380380  </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0209" id="fig_xxx_0209"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 21. Without any additional keyword</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    382382<div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0209.png" alt="Without any additional keyword" /></div> 
    383383  </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
    384384  </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0210a" id="fig_xxx_0210a"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 22. Add <code class="varname">/realcont</code> keyword</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    386386<div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0210a.png" alt="Add /realcont keyword" /></div> 
    387387  </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
    388388  </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0210_realcont" id="fig_xxx_0210_realcont"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 23. Graphic with <code class="varname">/realcont</code> keyword</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    390390<div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0210.png" alt="Graphic with /realcont keyword" /></div> 
    391391  </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
    392392  </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0211a" id="fig_xxx_0211a"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 24. Add <code class="userinput">/realcont, map=[90,0,0], /ortho, cell_fill=2</code> keywords</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    394394<div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0211a.png" alt="Add /realcont, map=[90,0,0], /ortho, cell_fill=2 keywords" /></div> 
    395395  </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
    396396  </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0211" id="fig_xxx_0211"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 25. Graphic with <code class="literal">/realcont, map=[90,0,0], /ortho, cell_fill=2</code> keywords</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    398398<div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0211.png" alt="Graphic with /realcont, map=[90,0,0], /ortho, cell_fill=2 keywords" /></div> 
    399399  </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
    430430    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_mousell" id="fig_mousell"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 26. <abbr class="abbrev">LCL</abbr>---&gt;<code class="constant">plt</code></b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    432432      <div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_mousell.png" alt="LCL---&gt;plt" /></div> 
    433433    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
    436436    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0701" id="fig_xxx_0701"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 27. Horizontal Plot</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    438438      <div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0701.png" alt="Horizontal Plot" /></div> 
    439439    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
    444444    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_mouselm" id="fig_mouselm"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 28. <abbr class="abbrev">LCM</abbr>---&gt;<code class="constant">pltz</code></b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    446446      <div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_mouselm.png" alt="LCM---&gt;pltz" /></div> 
    447447    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
    450450    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0702" id="fig_xxx_0702"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 29. Vertical Plot</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    452452      <div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0702.png" alt="Vertical Plot" /></div> 
    453453    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
    458458    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_mouselr" id="fig_mouselr"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 30. <abbr class="abbrev">LCR</abbr>---&gt;<code class="constant">pltt</code></b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    460460      <div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_mouselr.png" alt="LCR---&gt;pltt" /></div> 
    461461    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
    464464    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0703" id="fig_xxx_0703"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 31. Common hovmoeller for xt and yt cuts</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    466466      <div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0703.png" alt="Common hovmoeller for xt and yt cuts" /></div> 
    467467    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
    498498    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_mousedl" id="fig_mousedl"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 32. <abbr class="abbrev">DCL</abbr>---&gt;“<span class="quote">reference</span>” frame</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    500500      <div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_mousedl.png" alt="DCL---&gt;reference frame" /></div> 
    501501    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
    504504    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0801" id="fig_xxx_0801"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 33. The “<span class="quote">reference</span>” frame is selected</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    506506      <div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0801.png" alt="The reference frame is selected" /></div> 
    507507    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
    512512    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_mousedm" id="fig_mousedm"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 34. <abbr class="abbrev">DCM</abbr>---&gt;“<span class="quote">target</span>” frame</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    514514      <div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_mousedm.png" alt="DCM---&gt;target frame" /></div> 
    515515    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
    518518    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0802" id="fig_xxx_0802"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 35. The “<span class="quote">target</span>” frame is selected</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    520520      <div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0802.png" alt="The target frame is selected" /></div> 
    521521    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
    525525    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_mousedr" id="fig_mousedr"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 36. <abbr class="abbrev">DCR</abbr>---&gt;erase the frame</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    527527      <div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_mousedr.png" alt="DCR---&gt;erase the frame" /></div> 
    528528    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
    557557    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0901" id="fig_xxx_0901"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 37. Frame with four plot</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    559559      <div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0901.png" alt="Frame with four plot" /></div> 
    560560    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
    575575    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0902a" id="fig_xxx_0902a"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 38. Command text area</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    577577      <div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0902a.png" alt="Command text area" /></div> 
    578578    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
    585585    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0902" id="fig_xxx_0902"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 39. The fourth plot with the keyword "nocontour"</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    587587      <div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0902.png" alt="The fourth plot with the keyword &quot;nocontour&quot;" /></div> 
    588588    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
    610610    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0903" id="fig_xxx_0903"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 40. Frame with five plot</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    612612      <div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0903.png" alt="Frame with five plot" /></div> 
    613613    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/mini_notice.xml

    r356 r495  
    1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> 
     1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
    22<!DOCTYPE article [ 
    33<!ENTITY % isolat1 SYSTEM ""> 
    2828update : 
    2929fplod 2006-07-20T08:45:14Z (Darwin) 
    30 . creation by hand made migration from mini_notice.html to XML/Docbook 
     30. creation by hand made migration from mini_notice.html to XML/DocBook 
    3131. installation part has been removed 
    3232. add images 
    3737  <info> 
    3838    <authorgroup> 
    39       <author><personname><firstname>Sébastien</firstname> <surname>Masson</surname></personname> <email></email></author> 
     39      <author><personname><firstname>Sébastien</firstname> <surname>Masson</surname></personname> <email></email></author> 
    4040      <author><personname><firstname>Albert</firstname> <surname>Fisher</surname></personname></author> 
    41       <author><personname><firstname>Françoise</firstname> <surname>Pinsard</surname></personname> <email></email></author> 
     41      <author><personname><firstname>Françoise</firstname> <surname>Pinsard</surname></personname> <email></email></author> 
    4242      <author><personname><firstname>Steve</firstname> <surname>Navarro</surname></personname></author> 
    4343    </authorgroup> 
    5151        <revnumber>0.0</revnumber> 
    5252        <date>May 29, 2000</date> 
    53         <revremark>French release by Sébastien Masson</revremark> 
     53        <revremark>French release by Sébastien Masson</revremark> 
    5454      </revision> 
    5555      <revision> 
    6161        <revnumber>0.2</revnumber> 
    6262        <date>July 20, 2006</date> 
    63         <revremark>HTML to XML/Docbook migration by Françoise Pinsard</revremark> 
     63        <revremark>HTML to XML/DocBook migration by Françoise Pinsard</revremark> 
    6464      </revision> 
    6565      <revision> 
    7171        <revnumber>1.1</revnumber> 
    7272        <date>September, 2006</date> 
    73         <revremark>Review by Sébastien Masson</revremark> 
     73        <revremark>Review by Sébastien Masson</revremark> 
    7474      </revision> 
    7575      <revision> 
    7676        <revnumber>1.2</revnumber> 
    7777        <date>April 2008</date> 
    78         <revremark>migration from DocBook 4.2 to Docbook 5.0</revremark> 
     78        <revremark>migration from DocBook 4.2 to DocBook 5.0</revremark> 
    7979      </revision> 
    8282     <pubdate>$Id$</pubdate> 
    8383  </info> 
    8685<sect1 xml:id="launchxxx"><title>Launching XXX</title> 
    141140<sect3 xml:id="initmethodtxt"><title>Grid initialization method</title> 
    142141  <para> 
    143     For visualising grilled data, you need to <link xl:href="./firststeps.html#load_grid">define the grid</link> on which are located the data. By default, <guibutton>automatic grid construction with</guibutton> is checked. This means that the grid will be defined by using the informations contained in the data file (through the IDL prodecure <command>initncdf</command>) without needing any other auxiliary file. If you checked <guibutton>grid construction with other IDL batch or procedure</guibutton>, this means that you don't want to use the default <command>initncdf</command> procedure to define the grid and you will provide your own IDL procedure or the so-called IDL batch file (a file which is called by using @, see IDL documentation). 
     142    For visualising grilled data, you need to <link xl:href="./firststeps.html#load_grid">define the grid</link> on which are located the data. By default, <guibutton>automatic grid construction with</guibutton> is checked. This means that the grid will be defined by using the informations contained in the data file (through the IDL procedure <command>initncdf</command>) without needing any other auxiliary file. If you checked <guibutton>grid construction with other IDL batch or procedure</guibutton>, this means that you don't want to use the default <command>initncdf</command> procedure to define the grid and you will provide your own IDL procedure or the so-called IDL batch file (a file which is called by using @, see IDL documentation). 
    144143  </para> 
    230 <sect1 xml:id="wigdets"><title>Description of XXX window</title> 
     229<sect1 xml:id="widgets"><title>Description of XXX window</title> 
    235234voir aussi message 
    236235peut-etre du nouveau dans les xsl depuis le 16 janvier 2005 
    237 peut-être essayé 
     236peut-être essayé 
    238237ce produit klickety est installable via fink sous mac 
    239238 --> 
    287286<callout arearefs="specifications"> 
    288 <para>Spefications</para> 
    629628Select a domain and select the horizontal plot (<constant>plt</constant>), vertical plot 
    630 (<constant>pltz</constant>), or the hovmoeller plot (<constant>pltt</constant>):</para> 
     629(<constant>pltz</constant>), or the hovmöller plot (<constant>pltt</constant>):</para> 
    632631The domain we'd like to select for the plot is determined by one of 
    644643<listitem><para>the <mousebutton>left</mousebutton> mouse button to create horizontal plots (<constant>plt</constant>)</para></listitem> 
    645644<listitem><para>the <mousebutton>middle</mousebutton> mouse button to create vertical plots (<constant>pltz</constant>)</para></listitem> 
    646 <listitem><para>the <mousebutton>right</mousebutton> mouse button to create common hovmoellers for xt and yt cuts (<constant>pltt</constant>)</para></listitem> 
     645<listitem><para>the <mousebutton>right</mousebutton> mouse button to create common hovmöllers for xt and yt cuts (<constant>pltt</constant>)</para></listitem> 
    711710    <figure xml:id="fig_xxx_0703"> 
    712       <title>Common hovmoeller for xt and yt cuts</title> 
     711      <title>Common hovmöller for xt and yt cuts</title> 
    713712      <mediaobject> 
    714713  <imageobject> 
    828 <!-- je n'arrive pas à utliser <stepalternatives> --> 
     827<!-- je n'arrive pas à utiliser <stepalternatives> --> 
    833832<abbrev>DCM</abbrev> in frame 3, <abbrev>LCM</abbrev> on the plot in frame 1 to create a vertical cut in frame 3.</para> 
    835 <abbrev>DCM</abbrev> in frame 4, <abbrev>LCR</abbrev> on the plot in frame 1 to create a hovmoeller in frame 4. 
     834<abbrev>DCM</abbrev> in frame 4, <abbrev>LCR</abbrev> on the plot in frame 1 to create a hovmöller in frame 4. 
    851 To redo the hovmoeller with the keyword <literallayout>/nocontour</literallayout> 
     850To redo the hovmöller with the keyword <literallayout>/nocontour</literallayout> 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/

    r468 r495  
    2929# 4.11. How do I match only the first occurrence of a pattern? 
    3030# in sed faq 
    31 #++ still not working perfectly because path of links on the different occurences of <pro>...</pro> may not be the same 
     31#++ still not working perfectly because path of links on the different 
     32# occurrences of <pro>...</pro> may not be the same 
    3233# ex: see : domdef and saveboxparam 
    3334# fplod 2007-06-26T13:32:06Z (Darwin) 
    34 # improvment for multiple occurences of <pro>...</pro> on one line 
     35# improvement for multiple occurrences of <pro>...</pro> on one line 
    3536# see 
    36 # Sed by example, Part 2 
     37# sed by example, Part 2 
    3738# especially for directory-overview files 
    3839# fplod 2007-03-20T14:02:14Z (Darwin) 
    5051while [ ${#} -gt 0 ] 
    52    case ${1} in 
    53       -i) 
    54          dirhtml=${2} 
    55          shift 
    56       ;; 
    57       -r) 
    58          refhtml=${2} 
    59          shift 
    60       ;; 
    61       -e) 
    62          element=${2} 
    63          shift 
    64       ;; 
    65       -h) 
    66          echo "${usage}" 
    67          exit 0 
    68       ;; 
    69       *) 
    70          # other choice 
    71          echo "${usage}" 
    72          exit 1 
    73       ;; 
    74    esac 
    75    # next flag 
    76    shift 
     53    case ${1} in 
     54        -i) 
     55            dirhtml=${2} 
     56            shift 
     57        ;; 
     58        -r) 
     59            refhtml=${2} 
     60            shift 
     61        ;; 
     62        -e) 
     63            element=${2} 
     64            shift 
     65        ;; 
     66        -h) 
     67            echo "${usage}" 
     68            exit 0 
     69        ;; 
     70        *) 
     71            # other choice 
     72            echo "${usage}" 
     73            exit 1 
     74        ;; 
     75    esac 
     76    # next flag 
     77    shift 
    8081if [ ! -d ${dirhtml} ] 
    82    echo "eee : ${dirhtml} not found" 
    83    exit 1 
     83    echo "eee : ${dirhtml} not found" 
     84    exit 1 
    8586# ++ check for readable/writable 
    8889if [ ! -d ${refhtml} ] 
    90    echo "eee : ${refhtml} not found" 
    91    exit 1 
     91    echo "eee : ${refhtml} not found" 
     92    exit 1 
    9394# ++ check for readable 
    9697if [ "${element}" == "" ] 
    98    echo "eee : ${element} empty" 
    99    exit 1 
     99    echo "eee : ${element} empty" 
     100    exit 1 
    104105if [ "${list_html_element}" == "" ] 
    106    echo "iii : no <${element}>...</${element}> in html files" 
     107    echo "iii : no <${element}>...</${element}> in html files" 
    108    for file_html in ${list_html_element} 
    109    do 
    110       #echo "file_html ${file_html}" 
    111       #read a 
    112       fpath=$(dirname ${file_html} | sed -e "s+\(${dirhtml}/\)\(.*\)+\2+") 
    113       #echo "fpath ${fpath}" 
    114       #read a 
    115       list_link=$(tr -s " " "\n" < ${file_html} | grep "<${element}>.*</${element}>" | sed -e "s/^.*<${element}>//" -e "s/<\/${element}>.*$//") 
    116       # echo "liste link" ${list_link} 
    117       # read a 
    118       for link in ${list_link} 
    119       do 
    120          # replace <element>something</element> by 
    121          #<a href="something.html">something</a> 
    122          # modulehtml is the html file name to be used 
    123          modulehtml=${link}.html 
    124          # lpath is the path on module relatively to the location of 
    125          # the html file containing the <element>...</element> 
    126          lpath=$(find ${refhtml} -name "${modulehtml}") 
    127          if [ "${lpath}" = "" ] 
    128          then 
    129             echo "eee : path of ${modulehtml} not found under ${refhtml}" 
    130             echo "eee : ${link} is used in ${file_html}" 
    131          else 
    132             lpath=$(dirname ${lpath} | sed -e "s+\(${refhtml}/\)\(.*\)+\2+") 
    133             #echo "path du fichier html ${fpath}" 
    134             #echo "lpath ${lpath}" 
    135             #read a 
    136             if [ "${lpath}" = "${fpath}" ] 
     109    for file_html in ${list_html_element} 
     110    do 
     111        #echo "file_html ${file_html}" 
     112        #read a 
     113        fpath=$(dirname ${file_html} | sed -e "s+\(${dirhtml}/\)\(.*\)+\2+") 
     114        #echo "fpath ${fpath}" 
     115        #read a 
     116        list_link=$(tr -s " " "\n" < ${file_html} | grep "<${element}>.*</${element}>" | sed -e "s/^.*<${element}>//" -e "s/<\/${element}>.*$//") 
     117        # echo "liste link" ${list_link} 
     118        # read a 
     119        for link in ${list_link} 
     120        do 
     121            # replace <element>something</element> by 
     122            #<a href="something.html">something</a> 
     123            # modulehtml is the html file name to be used 
     124            modulehtml=${link}.html 
     125            # lpath is the path on module relatively to the location of 
     126            # the html file containing the <element>...</element> 
     127            lpath=$(find ${refhtml} -name "${modulehtml}") 
     128            if [ "${lpath}" = "" ] 
    137129            then 
    138                path="./" 
    139             fi 
    140             if [ "${lpath:0:1}" = "/" ] 
    141             then 
    142                # absolute path 
    143                path=${lpath} 
     130                echo "eee : path of ${modulehtml} not found under ${refhtml}" 
     131                echo "eee : ${link} is used in ${file_html}" 
    144132            else 
    145                nblev=$(echo ${fpath} |  sed -e "s@/\$@@" | awk -F "/" '{print NF}') 
    146                relpath="" 
    147                ilev=1 
    148                while [ ${ilev} -le ${nblev} ] 
    149                do 
    150                   relpath="${relpath}../" 
    151                   ilev=$(( ${ilev} + 1 )) 
    152                done 
    153                path=${relpath}/${lpath} 
    154             fi 
    155             #echo "path ${path}" 
    156             #read a 
    157             cat <<EOF > /tmp/pro2href${$}.sed 
     133                lpath=$(dirname ${lpath} | sed -e "s+\(${refhtml}/\)\(.*\)+\2+") 
     134                #echo "path du fichier html ${fpath}" 
     135                #echo "lpath ${lpath}" 
     136                #read a 
     137                if [ "${lpath}" = "${fpath}" ] 
     138                then 
     139                    path="./" 
     140                fi 
     141                if [ "${lpath:0:1}" = "/" ] 
     142                then 
     143                    # absolute path 
     144                    path=${lpath} 
     145                else 
     146                    nblev=$(echo ${fpath} |  sed -e "s@/\$@@" | awk -F "/" '{print NF}') 
     147                    relpath="" 
     148                    ilev=1 
     149                    while [ ${ilev} -le ${nblev} ] 
     150                    do 
     151                        relpath="${relpath}../" 
     152                        ilev=$(( ${ilev} + 1 )) 
     153                    done 
     154                    path=${relpath}/${lpath} 
     155                fi 
     156                #echo "path ${path}" 
     157                #read a 
     158                cat <<EOF > /tmp/pro2href${$}.sed 
    1591601,/<${element}>${link}<\/${element}>/{x;/first/s///;x;s@<${element}>${link}<\/${element}>@<a href="${path}/${link}.html">${link}<\/a>@;} 
    161             sed -f /tmp/pro2href${$}.sed \ 
    162                ${file_html} > ${file_html}_modify 
    163             #diff  ${file_html}  ${file_html}_modify 
    164             #read a 
    165             mv ${file_html}_modify ${file_html} 
    166             rm /tmp/pro2href${$}.sed 
    167          fi 
    168       done 
    169    done 
     162                sed -f /tmp/pro2href${$}.sed \ 
     163                ${file_html} > ${file_html}_modify 
     164                #diff  ${file_html}  ${file_html}_modify 
     165                #read a 
     166                mv ${file_html}_modify ${file_html} 
     167                rm /tmp/pro2href${$}.sed 
     168            fi 
     169        done 
     170    done 
    171172exit 0 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/

    r452 r495  
    11#!/bin/bash -x 
    2 # 
    43# TODO 
    2322#   * do not anymore transfert tools and temporary files on download/ 
    25 #     already existing files have been removed manualy on 
     24#     already existing files have been removed manually on 
    2625#     saxo@forge:~/download/xmldoc/ 
    5453# . replace <pro>ginette</pro> by a sequence like 
    5554# <a href="./ginette.html">ginette</a> in idldoc html and assistant outputs 
    56 # . encaspulate example content in <pre> </pre> in idldoc assistant outputs 
     55# . encapsulate example content in <pre> </pre> in idldoc assistant outputs 
    5756# smasson Fri Sep 22 17:28:10 CEST 2006 
    5857# check that the number of existing html files for each .pro file is 2! 
    6564# au lieu de 
    67 # ++ prévenir l'auteur 
     66# ++ prévenir l'auteur 
    6867# fplod 2006-09-21T13:05:32Z (Darwin) 
    6968# add an svn id in idldoc-lib.adb after </profile> 
    8887# main is rename to websaxo 
    8988# fplod 2006-09-05T15:39:47Z (Darwin) 
    90 # add Source link in idldoc html outpout 
     89# add Source link in idldoc html output 
    9190# snlod/fplod 2006-08-25T08:30:36Z (Darwin) 
    9291# add for idldoc assistant 
    172171case $( whoami ) in 
    173    smasson) 
    174       lgforge=smasson 
    175    ;; 
    176    floseb) 
    177       lgforge=smasson 
    178    ;; 
    179    *) 
    180       lgforge=saxo 
    181    ;; 
     172    smasson) 
     173        lgforge=smasson 
     174    ;; 
     175    floseb) 
     176        lgforge=smasson 
     177    ;; 
     178    *) 
     179        lgforge=saxo 
     180    ;; 
    184183if [ ${lgforge} != smasson ] 
    186    doSRClocean=0 
    187    doDTAlocean=0 
    188    doSRCipsl=0 
    189    doDTAipsl=0 
    190    doSRCidris=0 
    191    doDTAidris=0 
     185    doSRClocean=0 
     186    doDTAlocean=0 
     187    doSRCipsl=0 
     188    doDTAipsl=0 
     189    doSRCidris=0 
     190    doDTAidris=0 
    197196# memorize current directory 
    198197# should be <working space>/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc 
    199 memopwd=$(pwd) 
    228 ;; 
    229 FL) 
    230    cat <<EOF > /tmp/compileall${$}.pro 
     227        ;; 
     228        FL) 
     229            cat <<EOF > /tmp/compileall${$}.pro 
    250 ;; 
    251 GDL) 
    252 ;; 
    253 *)  
    254 echo "eee : unknown application" 
    255 exit 1 
    256 esac 
    257 # 
    258    for i in $( find ${memopwd}/../.. -name "*.pro" | grep -iv label_gmt  | grep -iv report ) 
    259    do 
    260       # does it contains pro or function ? 
    261       egrep -iq '^ *    *(pro|function)' ${i} 
    262       if [ ${?} -eq 0 ] 
    263       then 
    264          echo "print, '$( basename ${i} .pro ) :'" >> /tmp/compileall${$}.pro 
    265          echo "resolve_all, resolve_either = '$( basename ${i} .pro )', skip_routines = ['xxx2ps','trends', 'label_gmt', 'report']" >> /tmp/compileall${$}.pro 
    266       fi 
    267    done 
    268    echo "exit" >> /tmp/compileall${$}.pro 
    269    IDL_STARTUP=/tmp/compileall${$}.pro 
    270 #++   ${idl_dir}/bin/idl &> /tmp/compileallerr_${$} 
    271 #++   ${idl_dir}/gdl &> /tmp/compileallerr_${$} 
    272    ${idl_dir}/fl  
    273    ${idl_dir}/fl &> /tmp/compileallerr_${$} 
     249        ;; 
     250        GDL) 
     251        ;; 
     252        *) 
     253            echo "eee : unknown application" 
     254            exit 1 
     255        ;; 
     256    esac 
     257    # 
     258    for i in $( find ${memopwd}/../.. -name "*.pro" | grep -iv label_gmt  | grep -iv report ) 
     259    do 
     260        # does it contains pro or function ? 
     261        egrep -iq '^ *  *(pro|function)' ${i} 
     262        if [ ${?} -eq 0 ] 
     263        then 
     264            echo "print, '$( basename ${i} .pro ) :'" >> /tmp/compileall${$}.pro 
     265            echo "resolve_all, resolve_either = '$( basename ${i} .pro )', skip_routines = ['xxx2ps','trends', 'label_gmt', 'report']" >> /tmp/compileall${$}.pro 
     266        fi 
     267    done 
     268    echo "exit" >> /tmp/compileall${$}.pro 
     269    IDL_STARTUP=/tmp/compileall${$}.pro 
     270    #++   ${idl_dir}/bin/idl &> /tmp/compileallerr_${$} 
     271    #++   ${idl_dir}/gdl &> /tmp/compileallerr_${$} 
     272    ${idl_dir}/fl 
     273    ${idl_dir}/fl &> /tmp/compileallerr_${$} 
    275    echo 
    276    echo 
    277    grep -i "error" /tmp/compileallerr_${$} 
    278    # grep -q "Compilation error(s)" /tmp/compileallerr_${$} 
    279    if [ ${?} -ne 0 ] 
    280    then 
    281       echo "ALL SAXO files are OK..." 
    282       rm -f /tmp/compileallerr_${$} /tmp/compileall${$}.pro 
    283    else 
    284       grep "Compilation error(s)" /tmp/compileallerr_${$} 
    285       echo "eee : see /tmp/compileallerr_${$}" 
    286       more /tmp/compileallerr_${$} 
    287       exit 1 
    288    fi 
    289    echo 
    290    echo 
     275    echo 
     276    echo 
     277    grep -i "error" /tmp/compileallerr_${$} 
     278    # grep -q "Compilation error(s)" /tmp/compileallerr_${$} 
     279    if [ ${?} -ne 0 ] 
     280    then 
     281        echo "ALL SAXO files are OK..." 
     282        rm -f /tmp/compileallerr_${$} /tmp/compileall${$}.pro 
     283    else 
     284        grep "Compilation error(s)" /tmp/compileallerr_${$} 
     285        echo "eee : see /tmp/compileallerr_${$}" 
     286        more /tmp/compileallerr_${$} 
     287        exit 1 
     288    fi 
     289    echo 
     290    echo 
    293293if [ ${dohtml} -eq 1 ] 
    295    # 
    296    # redo the HTML files 
    297    # 
    298    cd ${memopwd} 
    299    make clean 
    300    make html 
     295    # 
     296    # redo the HTML files 
     297    # 
     298    cd ${memopwd} 
     299    make clean 
     300    make html 
    303303if [ ${dowiki} -eq 1 ] 
    305    # 
    306    # redo the WIKI files 
    307    # 
    308    cd ${memopwd} 
    309    make clean 
    310    make tracwiki 
     305    # 
     306    # redo the WIKI files 
     307    # 
     308    cd ${memopwd} 
     309    make clean 
     310    make tracwiki 
    313313if [ ${dooldtest} -eq 1 ] 
    315    # make the old test 
    316    # 
    317    cd ${memopwd}/../../Tests/ 
    318    ./ 
    319    exit 0 
     315    # make the old test 
     316    # 
     317    cd ${memopwd}/../../Tests/ 
     318    ./ 
     319    exit 0 
    322322if  [ ${doidlwavedoc} -eq 1 ] 
    324    # 
    325    # redo idlwave doc 
    326    # 
    327    cd ${memopwd}/../.. 
    328    Documentation/idlwave_catalog -v -f saxo 
    329    exit 0 
     324    # 
     325    # redo idlwave doc 
     326    # 
     327    cd ${memopwd}/../.. 
     328    Documentation/idlwave_catalog -v -f saxo 
     329    exit 0 
    332332if  [ ${doidldoc} -eq 1 ] 
    334    # 
    335    # build HTML idldoc outputs 
    336    ${SAXO_DIR}/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/ \ 
    337       -i ../.. -t "SAXO Documentation" \ 
    338       -o ../idldoc_html_output/ 
    339       -idl_dir ${idl_dir} 
    340       -e pro -r ../idldoc_html_output/ \ 
    341       -e proidl -r /usr/local_linux/idl/idl_6.4/idl/help/online_help 
    342    doidldoc_html=${?} 
    343    if [ ${doidldoc_html} -ne 0 ] 
    344    then 
    345       echo "eee : pb with doidldoc html" 
    346       exit 1 
    347    fi 
    348    # 
    349    # build a idl file to launch idldoc 
    350    output=../idldoc_assistant_output/ 
    351    log="/tmp/idldocassistant_${$}.log" 
    352    pro="/tmp/idldocassistant_${$}.pro" 
    353    cat <<EOF > ${pro} 
     334    # 
     335    # build HTML idldoc outputs 
     336    ${SAXO_DIR}/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/ \ 
     337    -i ../.. -t "SAXO Documentation" \ 
     338    -o ../idldoc_html_output/ 
     339    -idl_dir ${idl_dir} 
     340    -e pro -r ../idldoc_html_output/ \ 
     341    -e proidl -r /usr/local_linux/idl/idl_6.4/idl/help/online_help 
     342    doidldoc_html=${?} 
     343    if [ ${doidldoc_html} -ne 0 ] 
     344    then 
     345        echo "eee : pb with doidldoc html" 
     346        exit 1 
     347    fi 
     348    # 
     349    # build a idl file to launch idldoc 
     350    output=../idldoc_assistant_output/ 
     351    log="/tmp/idldocassistant_${$}.log" 
     352    pro="/tmp/idldocassistant_${$}.pro" 
     353    cat <<EOF > ${pro} 
    354354!path = expand_path('+' + '../idldoc/') 
    361    # launch idl with the file built above 
    362    IDL_STARTUP=${pro};${idl_dir}/bin/idl 
    363    /bin/rm ${pro} 
    364    # In order to do not have to many revision in svn, we modify some 
    365    # lines produced by idldoc : 
    366    # examples : 
    367    # <!-- Generated by IDLdoc 2.0 on Wed Jun  7 10:25:28 2006 --> 
    368    # will be replaced by 
    369    # <!-- Generated by IDLdoc 2.0 --> 
    370    # <p><font color="gray" size="-3">&nbsp;&nbsp;Produced by IDLdoc 2.0 on Wed Sep 13 16:32:10 2006.</font></p> 
    371    # will be replaced by 
    372    # <p><font color="gray" size="-3">&nbsp;&nbsp;Produced by IDLdoc 2.0</font></p> 
    373    # <h2>Produced on Wed Jun  7 10:23:13 2006</h2> 
    374    # will be delete 
    375    # other lines will be deleted because the time is the time of checkout not 
    376    # the time of revision. 
    377    # the sequence of lines 
    378    #<dl> 
    379    #      <dt>Last modification:</dt> 
    380    #       <dd>Fri Jun  2 11:46:24 2006</dd> 
    381    #    </dl> 
    382    # should also be removed ++ je ne sais pas dire en sed la ligne 
    383    # suivant l'occurence de Last modification 
    384    # replace *_param_* in href attributes because anchors are badly written 
    385    # with _keyword_ 
    386    #++ -e 's@\(href="#_.*\)\(_param_\)\(.*"\)@\1_keyword_\3@g' \ # ++ pb global 
    387    #  ONLINE_HELP, book="../idldoc_assistant_output/idldoc-lib.adp", /full_path    # won't work 
    388    # encaspulate example content in <pre> </pre> in idldoc assistant outputs 
    389    # Examples section is supposed to start with <h3>Examples</h3> 
    390    # and end is before <h3>Version history</h3> 
    391    list_html=$(find ${output} -name "*.html") 
    392    for file_html in ${list_html} 
    393    do 
    394       sed \ 
    395          -e "s/\(Generated by IDLdoc 2.0\)\( on .*\)\( -->\)/\1\3/" \ 
    396          -e "s/\(Produced by IDLdoc 2.0\)\( on .*\)\(\.<\/font>\)/\1\3/" \ 
    397          -e "/<h2>Produced on/d" \ 
    398          -e "/Last modification:/d" \ 
    399          -e "/<dd>... ... .* ..:..:.. ....<\/dd>/d" \ 
    400          -e '/href/s@_param_@_keyword_@g' \ 
    401          -e 's@<div class="value">@<div class="preformat">@' \ 
    402          -e 's/div\#file_comments {/div\#file_comments { white-space: pre;/' \ 
    403          -e 's@^ <fixe>@<pre>@' \ 
    404          -e 's@^ </fixe>@</pre>@' \ 
    405          -e "s@<h3>Examples</h3>@<h3>Examples</h3><pre>@" \ 
    406          -e "s@<h3>Version history</h3>@</pre><h3>Version history</h3>@" \ 
    407          ${file_html} > ${file_html}_modify 
    408       mv ${file_html}_modify ${file_html} 
    409    done 
    410    # replace <pro>ginette</pro> by a sequence like 
    411    # <a href="./ginette.html">ginette</a> 
    412    ./ -i ${output} -r ${output} -e pro 
    413    status=${?} 
    414    if [ ${status} -ne 0 ] 
    415    then 
    416       echo "eee : pb during ./ for <pro>...</pro>" 
    417       exit 1 
    418    fi 
    419    # replace <proidl>ginette</proidl> by a sequence like 
    420    # <a href="./ginette.html">ginette</a> 
    421    ./ -i ${output} -r ${idl_dir}/help/online_help -e proidl 
    422    status=${?} 
    423    if [ ${status} -ne 0 ] 
    424    then 
    425       echo "eee : pb during ./ for <proidl>...</proidl>" 
    426       exit 1 
    427    fi 
    428    # add the directory-overview.html from dir-files.html in idldoc_html_output 
    429    list_html=$(find ../idldoc_html_output -name dir-files.html) 
    430    for file_html in ${list_html} 
    431    do 
    432      fout=../idldoc_assistant_output/${file_html#../idldoc_html_output/*} 
    433      fout=${fout%/*}/directory-overview.html 
    434      cp ${file_html} ${fout} 
    435    done 
    436    # copy listings.css (needed by directory-overview.html files) 
    437    cp ../idldoc/resource/listings.css ${output} 
    438    # add an id in idldoc-lib.adp 
    439    cat << EOF > /tmp/adp_modification 
     361    # launch idl with the file built above 
     362    IDL_STARTUP=${pro};${idl_dir}/bin/idl 
     363    /bin/rm ${pro} 
     364    # In order to do not have too many revision in svn, we modify some 
     365    # lines produced by idldoc : 
     366    # examples : 
     367    # <!-- Generated by IDLdoc 2.0 on Wed Jun  7 10:25:28 2006 --> 
     368    # will be replaced by 
     369    # <!-- Generated by IDLdoc 2.0 --> 
     370    # <p><font color="gray" size="-3">&nbsp;&nbsp;Produced by IDLdoc 2.0 on Wed Sep 13 16:32:10 2006.</font></p> 
     371    # will be replaced by 
     372    # <p><font color="gray" size="-3">&nbsp;&nbsp;Produced by IDLdoc 2.0</font></p> 
     373    # <h2>Produced on Wed Jun  7 10:23:13 2006</h2> 
     374    # will be delete 
     375    # other lines will be deleted because the time is the time of checkout not 
     376    # the time of revision. 
     377    # the sequence of lines 
     378    #<dl> 
     379    #      <dt>Last modification:</dt> 
     380    #       <dd>Fri Jun  2 11:46:24 2006</dd> 
     381    #    </dl> 
     382    # should also be removed ++ je ne sais pas dire en sed la ligne 
     383    # suivant l'occurrence de Last modification 
     384    # replace *_param_* in href attributes because anchors are badly written 
     385    # with _keyword_ 
     386    #++ -e 's@\(href="#_.*\)\(_param_\)\(.*"\)@\1_keyword_\3@g' \ # ++ pb global 
     387    #  ONLINE_HELP, book="../idldoc_assistant_output/idldoc-lib.adp", /full_path    # won't work 
     388    # encapsulate example content in <pre> </pre> in idldoc assistant outputs 
     389    # Examples section is supposed to start with <h3>Examples</h3> 
     390    # and end is before <h3>Version history</h3> 
     391    list_html=$(find ${output} -name "*.html") 
     392    for file_html in ${list_html} 
     393    do 
     394        sed \ 
     395        -e "s/\(Generated by IDLdoc 2.0\)\( on .*\)\( -->\)/\1\3/" \ 
     396        -e "s/\(Produced by IDLdoc 2.0\)\( on .*\)\(\.<\/font>\)/\1\3/" \ 
     397        -e "/<h2>Produced on/d" \ 
     398        -e "/Last modification:/d" \ 
     399        -e "/<dd>... ... .* ..:..:.. ....<\/dd>/d" \ 
     400        -e '/href/s@_param_@_keyword_@g' \ 
     401        -e 's@<div class="value">@<div class="preformat">@' \ 
     402        -e 's/div\#file_comments {/div\#file_comments { white-space: pre;/' \ 
     403        -e 's@^ <fixe>@<pre>@' \ 
     404        -e 's@^ </fixe>@</pre>@' \ 
     405        -e "s@<h3>Examples</h3>@<h3>Examples</h3><pre>@" \ 
     406        -e "s@<h3>Version history</h3>@</pre><h3>Version history</h3>@" \ 
     407        ${file_html} > ${file_html}_modify 
     408        mv ${file_html}_modify ${file_html} 
     409    done 
     410    # replace <pro>ginette</pro> by a sequence like 
     411    # <a href="./ginette.html">ginette</a> 
     412    ./ -i ${output} -r ${output} -e pro 
     413    status=${?} 
     414    if [ ${status} -ne 0 ] 
     415    then 
     416        echo "eee : pb during ./ for <pro>...</pro>" 
     417        exit 1 
     418    fi 
     419    # replace <proidl>ginette</proidl> by a sequence like 
     420    # <a href="./ginette.html">ginette</a> 
     421    ./ -i ${output} -r ${idl_dir}/help/online_help -e proidl 
     422    status=${?} 
     423    if [ ${status} -ne 0 ] 
     424    then 
     425        echo "eee : pb during ./ for <proidl>...</proidl>" 
     426        exit 1 
     427    fi 
     428    # add the directory-overview.html from dir-files.html in idldoc_html_output 
     429    list_html=$(find ../idldoc_html_output -name dir-files.html) 
     430    for file_html in ${list_html} 
     431    do 
     432        fout=../idldoc_assistant_output/${file_html#../idldoc_html_output/*} 
     433        fout=${fout%/*}/directory-overview.html 
     434        cp ${file_html} ${fout} 
     435    done 
     436    # copy listings.css (needed by directory-overview.html files) 
     437    cp ../idldoc/resource/listings.css ${output} 
     438    # add an id in idldoc-lib.adp 
     439    cat << EOF > /tmp/adp_modification 
    440440<!-- \$Id\$ --> 
    442    sed -e "/<\/profile>/r /tmp/adp_modification" \ 
     442    sed -e "/<\/profile>/r /tmp/adp_modification" \ 
    443443    ../idldoc_assistant_output/idldoc-lib.adp > \ 
    444444    ../idldoc_assistant_output/idldoc-lib.adp_${$} 
    445    mv ../idldoc_assistant_output/idldoc-lib.adp_${$} \ 
    446    ../idldoc_assistant_output/idldoc-lib.adp 
    447    rm /tmp/adp_modification 
    448    echo "iii : you can see log file in ${log}" 
    449    echo "iii : and look ${output}/idldoc-warnings.html#undoc" 
    450    # check that the number of existing html files for each .pro file is 2! 
    451    for i in $( find ../.. -name "*.pro" ) 
    452    do 
    453      nhtml=$( find ../.. -name $( basename ${i} .pro ).html | wc -l ) 
    454      if [ ${nhtml} -ne 2 ] 
    455      then 
    456         echo "ERROR there is no 2 $( basename ${i} .pro ).html files" 
    457         find ../.. -name $( basename ${i} .pro ).html 
    458         echo 
    459      fi 
    460    done 
     445    mv ../idldoc_assistant_output/idldoc-lib.adp_${$} \ 
     446    ../idldoc_assistant_output/idldoc-lib.adp 
     447    rm /tmp/adp_modification 
     448    echo "iii : you can see log file in ${log}" 
     449    echo "iii : and look ${output}/idldoc-warnings.html#undoc" 
     450    # check that the number of existing html files for each .pro file is 2! 
     451    for i in $( find ../.. -name "*.pro" ) 
     452    do 
     453        nhtml=$( find ../.. -name $( basename ${i} .pro ).html | wc -l ) 
     454        if [ ${nhtml} -ne 2 ] 
     455        then 
     456            echo "ERROR there is no 2 $( basename ${i} .pro ).html files" 
     457            find ../.. -name $( basename ${i} .pro ).html 
     458            echo 
     459        fi 
     460    done 
    463463if [ ${doTARsrc} -eq 1 ] 
    465    rev=$( svn info | grep -i revision | awk '{print $NF}' ) 
    466    localtarbase=/tmp/savesaxo_${$} 
    467    mkdir ${localtarbase}/ 
    468    # clean backup files : *~ 
    469    find ${memopwd}/../../.. -name "*~" -exec rm {} \; 
    470    # prepare the source tar (without the svn...) 
    471    # 
    472    cd ${memopwd}/../../.. 
    473    tar czf ${localtarbase}/SAXO_SRC_${ndate}r${rev}.tar.gz --exclude .svn SRC 
    474    # 
    475    # informations 
    476    echo "iii : following file may be copied on" 
    477    ls -l ${localtarbase} 
     465    rev=$( svn info | grep -i revision | awk '{print $NF}' ) 
     466    localtarbase=/tmp/savesaxo_${$} 
     467    mkdir ${localtarbase}/ 
     468    # clean backup files : *~ 
     469    find ${memopwd}/../../.. -name "*~" -exec rm {} \; 
     470    # prepare the source tar (without the svn...) 
     471    # 
     472    cd ${memopwd}/../../.. 
     473    tar czf ${localtarbase}/SAXO_SRC_${ndate}r${rev}.tar.gz --exclude .svn SRC 
     474    # 
     475    # informations 
     476    echo "iii : following file may be copied on" 
     477    ls -l ${localtarbase} 
    480480if [ ${doTARdata} -eq 1 ] 
    482    localtarbase=/tmp/savesaxo_${$} 
    483    mkdir ${localtarbase}/ 
    484    # 
    485    # prepare the data tar (without the svn...) 
    486    # 
    487    cd ${memopwd}/../../.. 
    488    tar czf ${localtarbase}/SAXO_DATA_${ndate}.tar.gz  --exclude .svn DATA 
    489    # 
    490    # informations 
    491    echo "iii : following file may be copied on" 
    492    ls -l ${localtarbase} 
     482    localtarbase=/tmp/savesaxo_${$} 
     483    mkdir ${localtarbase}/ 
     484    # 
     485    # prepare the data tar (without the svn...) 
     486    # 
     487    cd ${memopwd}/../../.. 
     488    tar czf ${localtarbase}/SAXO_DATA_${ndate}.tar.gz  --exclude .svn DATA 
     489    # 
     490    # informations 
     491    echo "iii : following file may be copied on" 
     492    ls -l ${localtarbase} 
    495495if [ ${doforge} -eq 1 ] 
    497    echo "iii : you will be asked ${lgforge} passwd two times" 
    498    if [ ${doTARsrc} -ne 1 ] 
    499    then 
    500       localtarbase=${1} 
    501    fi 
    502    scp ${localtarbase}/SAXO_*.tar.gz ${lgforge} 
    503    echo "iii : do not forget to update getsaxo.html" 
    504    echo "iii : \$ make ./getsaxo.html" 
    505    echo "iii : do not forget to clean ${localtarbase}" 
     497    echo "iii : you will be asked ${lgforge} passwd two times" 
     498    if [ ${doTARsrc} -ne 1 ] 
     499    then 
     500       localtarbase=${1} 
     501    fi 
     502    scp ${localtarbase}/SAXO_*.tar.gz ${lgforge} 
     503    echo "iii : do not forget to update getsaxo.html" 
     504    echo "iii : \$ make ./getsaxo.html" 
     505    echo "iii : do not forget to clean ${localtarbase}" 
    508508if [[ (${doDTAlocean} -eq 1) || (${doDTAipsl} -eq 1) ]] 
    510    echo "iii : you will be asked ${lgforge} passwd" 
    511    infodata=$(ssh ${lgforge} ls -lht /ipsl/forge/projets/saxo/download/SAXO_DATA_*.tar.gz | head -n 1) 
    512    filedata=$(echo ${infodata} | awk '{print $NF}') 
    513    filedata=$(basename ${filedata}) 
    514    cat <<EOF > job_data_$$ 
     510    echo "iii : you will be asked ${lgforge} passwd" 
     511    infodata=$(ssh ${lgforge} ls -lht /ipsl/forge/projets/saxo/download/SAXO_DATA_*.tar.gz | head -n 1) 
     512    filedata=$(echo ${infodata} | awk '{print $NF}') 
     513    filedata=$(basename ${filedata}) 
     514    cat <<EOF > job_data_$$ 
    516516cd SAXO_DIR 
    530530if [ ${doSRClocean} -eq 1 ] 
    532    # update src on cerbere 
    533    # 
    534    echo "iii : update src on cerbere" 
    535    ssh "svn update SAXO_DIR/SRC ; chmod -R 755 SAXO_DIR" 
     532    # update src on cerbere 
     533    # 
     534    echo "iii : update src on cerbere" 
     535    ssh "svn update SAXO_DIR/SRC ; chmod -R 755 SAXO_DIR" 
    538538if [ ${doDTAlocean} -eq 1 ] 
    540    # update data on cerbere 
    541    echo "iii : update data on cerbere" 
    542    scp job_data_$$ 
    543    ssh "chmod 755 job_data_$$ ; ./job_data_$$ ; rm -f job_data_$$" 
     540    # update data on cerbere 
     541    echo "iii : update data on cerbere" 
     542    scp job_data_$$ 
     543    ssh "chmod 755 job_data_$$ ; ./job_data_$$ ; rm -f job_data_$$" 
    546546if [ ${doSRCipsl} -eq 1 ] 
    548    # update src on calcul2 
    549    # 
    550    echo "iii : update src on calcul2" 
    551    ssh "svn update SAXO_DIR/SRC ; chmod -R 755 SAXO_DIR" 
     548    # update src on calcul2 
     549    # 
     550    echo "iii : update src on calcul2" 
     551    ssh "svn update SAXO_DIR/SRC ; chmod -R 755 SAXO_DIR" 
    554554if [ ${doDTAipsl} -eq 1 ] 
    556    # update data on cook 
    557    echo "iii : update data on cook" 
    558    scp job_data_$$ 
    559    ssh "chmod 755 job_data_$$ ; ./job_data_$$ ; rm -f job_data_$$" 
     556    # update data on cook 
     557    echo "iii : update data on cook" 
     558    scp job_data_$$ 
     559    ssh "chmod 755 job_data_$$ ; ./job_data_$$ ; rm -f job_data_$$" 
    562562if [ ${doSRCidris} -eq 1 ] 
    564    # update src on ulam 
    565    echo "iii : update src to ulam" 
    566    ssh -t ssh "svn update SAXO_DIR/SRC ; chmod -R 755 SAXO_DIR" 
     564    # update src on ulam 
     565    echo "iii : update src to ulam" 
     566    ssh -t ssh "svn update SAXO_DIR/SRC ; chmod -R 755 SAXO_DIR" 
    569569if [ ${doDTAidris} -eq 1 ] 
    571    # create the update script for ulam 
    572    if [[ (${doDTAlocean} -eq 0) && (${doDTAipsl} -eq 0) ]] 
    573 then 
    574       echo "iii : you will be asked ${lgforge} passwd" 
    575       infodata=$(ssh ${lgforge} ls -lht /ipsl/forge/projets/saxo/download/SAXO_DATA_*.tar.gz | head -n 1) 
    576       filedata=$(echo ${infodata} | awk '{print $NF}') 
    577       filedata=$(basename ${filedata}) 
    578    fi 
    579    cat <<EOF > job_data_idris_$$ 
     571    # create the update script for ulam 
     572    if [[ (${doDTAlocean} -eq 0) && (${doDTAipsl} -eq 0) ]] 
     573    then 
     574        echo "iii : you will be asked ${lgforge} passwd" 
     575        infodata=$(ssh ${lgforge} ls -lht /ipsl/forge/projets/saxo/download/SAXO_DATA_*.tar.gz | head -n 1) 
     576        filedata=$(echo ${infodata} | awk '{print $NF}') 
     577        filedata=$(basename ${filedata}) 
     578    fi 
     579    cat <<EOF > job_data_idris_$$ 
    581581cd SAXO_DIR 
    594    # update data on gaya 
    595    echo "iii : update data to gaya" 
    596    scp job_data_idris_$$ 
    597    ssh "chmod 755 job_data_idris_$$ ; ./job_data_idris_$$ ; rm -f job_data_idris_$$" 
     594    # update data on gaya 
     595    echo "iii : update data to gaya" 
     596    scp job_data_idris_$$ 
     597    ssh "chmod 755 job_data_idris_$$ ; ./job_data_idris_$$ ; rm -f job_data_idris_$$" 
    600600if [ ${dodocdownload} -eq 1 ] 
    602    echo "iii : you will be asked ${lgforge} passwd several times" 
    603    # 
    604    # copy files in a temporary directory 
    605    mkdir /tmp/download_${$}/ 
    606    cp -rp ../xmldoc /tmp/download_${$}/ 
    607    cp -rp ../idldoc_html_output /tmp/download_${$}/ 
    608    # 
    609    # remove tools files 
    610    find /tmp/download_${$}/ -name ".svn" -exec rm -rf {} \; 2> /dev/null 
    611    find /tmp/download_${$}/ -name "*.xml" -exec rm -rf {} \; 2> /dev/null 
    612    find /tmp/download_${$}/ -name "*.xsl" -exec rm -rf {} \; 2> /dev/null 
    613    find /tmp/download_${$}/ -name "*.sed" -exec rm -rf {} \; 2> /dev/null 
    614    find /tmp/download_${$}/ -name "*.sh" -exec rm -rf {} \; 2> /dev/null 
    615    find /tmp/download_${$}/ -name "makefile" -exec rm -rf {} \; 2> /dev/null 
    616    find /tmp/download_${$}/ -name "*~" -exec rm -rf {} \; 2> /dev/null 
    617    # 
    618    # replace relative path 
    619    # by 
    620    # on ulink lines containing some directories like ../../ToBeReviewed/ or ../../Tests/ or file like newheader.txt 
    621    list_html=$(find /tmp/download_${$}/ -name "*.html") 
    622    for file_html in ${list_html} 
    623    do 
    624       sed \ 
    625          -e "/Source code of a file/s+../.*/../+" \ 
    626          -e "/..\/..\/ToBeReviewed/s+../../+" \ 
    627          -e "/..\/..\/Tests/s+../../+"  \ 
    628          -e "/..\/..\/Calendar/s+../../+" \ 
    629          -e "/..\/newheader/s+../../+" \ 
    630          ${file_html} > ${file_html}_${$} 
    631       mv ${file_html}_${$} ${file_html} 
    632    done 
    633    echo 
    634    echo "give SAXO password if asked" 
    635    scp -rp /tmp/download_${$}/* 
    636    rm -rf /tmp/download_${$}/ 
     602    echo "iii : you will be asked ${lgforge} passwd several times" 
     603    # 
     604    # copy files in a temporary directory 
     605    mkdir /tmp/download_${$}/ 
     606    cp -rp ../xmldoc /tmp/download_${$}/ 
     607    cp -rp ../idldoc_html_output /tmp/download_${$}/ 
     608    # 
     609    # remove tools files 
     610    find /tmp/download_${$}/ -name ".svn" -exec rm -rf {} \; 2> /dev/null 
     611    find /tmp/download_${$}/ -name "*.xml" -exec rm -rf {} \; 2> /dev/null 
     612    find /tmp/download_${$}/ -name "*.xsl" -exec rm -rf {} \; 2> /dev/null 
     613    find /tmp/download_${$}/ -name "*.sed" -exec rm -rf {} \; 2> /dev/null 
     614    find /tmp/download_${$}/ -name "*.sh" -exec rm -rf {} \; 2> /dev/null 
     615    find /tmp/download_${$}/ -name "makefile" -exec rm -rf {} \; 2> /dev/null 
     616    find /tmp/download_${$}/ -name "*~" -exec rm -rf {} \; 2> /dev/null 
     617    # 
     618    # replace relative path 
     619    # by 
     620    # on ulink lines containing some directories like ../../ToBeReviewed/ or ../../Tests/ or file like newheader.txt 
     621    list_html=$(find /tmp/download_${$}/ -name "*.html") 
     622    for file_html in ${list_html} 
     623    do 
     624        sed \ 
     625        -e "/Source code of a file/s+../.*/../+" \ 
     626        -e "/..\/..\/ToBeReviewed/s+../../+" \ 
     627        -e "/..\/..\/Tests/s+../../+"  \ 
     628        -e "/..\/..\/Calendar/s+../../+" \ 
     629        -e "/..\/newheader/s+../../+" \ 
     630        ${file_html} > ${file_html}_${$} 
     631        mv ${file_html}_${$} ${file_html} 
     632    done 
     633    echo 
     634    echo "give SAXO password if asked" 
     635    scp -rp /tmp/download_${$}/* 
     636    rm -rf /tmp/download_${$}/ 
    640640if [ ${dowikiupdate} -eq 1 ] 
    642    # uncomment this following line if you want to start from scratch 
    643    # ssh mkdir -p /tmp/saxo 
    644    rsync -av --exclude=".DS_Store" --exclude=".svn" ./wiki/ 
    645    ssh trac-admin /ipsl/forge/projets/saxo/trac wiki load /tmp/saxo 
    646    # uncomment this following line if you want to leave without any trace 
    647    # ssh rm -rf /tmp/saxo 
     642    # uncomment this following line if you want to start from scratch 
     643    # ssh mkdir -p /tmp/saxo 
     644    rsync -av --exclude=".DS_Store" --exclude=".svn" ./wiki/ 
     645    ssh trac-admin /ipsl/forge/projets/saxo/trac wiki load /tmp/saxo 
     646    # uncomment this following line if you want to leave without any trace 
     647    # ssh rm -rf /tmp/saxo 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/saxo.css

    r183 r495  
    2 This CSS file contains specific choices of look and feel of SAXO  
     2This CSS file contains specific choices of look and feel of SAXO 
    4 One can overwrite here choices made in style.css (a quiet beautifull 
    5 CSS configuration set for dookbook found on the web 
     4One can overwrite here choices made in style.css (a quiet beautiful 
     5CSS configuration set for XML/DocBook found on the web 
    77update : 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/saxo_tracwiki.xsl

    r411 r495  
    2121because I did not yet correctly handle "* text" (with no linefeed) 
    6160car 1re xsl pour db5 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/style.css

    r139 r495  
    22/* DocBook CSS stylesheet of the project             */ 
    4 /* (c) Jean-Philippe Guérard - 14 août 2004                     */ 
    5 /* (c) Jean-Philippe Guérard - 14 August 2004                   */ 
     4/* (c) Jean-Philippe Guérard - 14 août 2004                     */ 
     5/* (c) Jean-Philippe Guérard - 14 August 2004                   */ 
    77/* Cette feuille de style est libre, vous pouvez la             */ 
    2020/* is only provided to help you understand this licence.        */ 
    22 /* La dernière version de cette feuille de style est toujours   */ 
    23 /* disponible sur :              */ 
    24 /* Elle est également disponible sur :                          */ 
     22/* La derniÚre version de cette feuille de style est toujours   */ 
     23/* disponible sur :              */ 
     24/* Elle est également disponible sur :                          */ 
    2525/*           */ 
    3030/*           */ 
    32 /* N'hésitez pas à envoyer vos commentaires et corrections à    */ 
    33 /* Jean-Philippe Guérard <>  */ 
     32/* N'hésitez pas à envoyer vos commentaires et corrections à    */ 
     33/* Jean-Philippe Guérard <>  */ 
    3535/* Please send feedback and bug reports to                      */ 
    36 /* Jean-Philippe Guérard <>  */ 
     36/* Jean-Philippe Guérard <>  */ 
    3838/* $Id: style.css,v 1.26 2005/09/28 20:42:47 fevrier Exp fevrier $ */ 
    40 /* Présentation générale du document */ 
     40/* Présentation générale du document */ 
    4141/* Overall document presentation */ 
    5252* { font-size: 100%; } 
    54 /* Gestion des textes mis en relief imbriqués */ 
     54/* Gestion des textes mis en relief imbriqués */ 
    5555/* Embedded emphasis */ 
    8282h6 {                  font-weight: bold; } 
    84 /* Nom de famille en petites majuscules (uniquement en français) */ 
     84/* Nom de famille en petites majuscules (uniquement en français) */ 
    8585/* Last names in small caps (for French only) */ 
    8787*[class~="surname"]:lang(fr) { font-variant: small-caps; } 
    89 /* Historique des révision */ 
     89/* Historique des révision */ 
    9090/* Revision History */ 
    112 /* Blocs litéraux : fond gris clair */ 
     112/* Blocs littéraux : fond gris clair */ 
    113113/* Literal blocs: light gray background */ 
    121 /* Programmes et captures texte : fond bleu clair */ 
     121/* Programmes et captures texte : fond bleu clair */ 
    122122/* Listing and text screen snapshots: light blue background */ 
    130 /* Les textes à remplacer sont surlignés en vert pâle */ 
     130/* Les textes à remplacer sont surlignés en vert pâle */ 
    131131/* Replaceable text in highlighted in pale green */ 
    133 *[class~="replaceable"] {  
     133*[class~="replaceable"] { 
    134134    background-color: #98fb98; 
    135135    font-style: normal; } 
    137 /* Tables : fonds gris clair & bords simples */ 
     137/* Tables : fonds gris clair & bords simples */ 
    138138/* Tables: light gray background and solid borders */ 
    173173    text-align: left; 
    174174    padding: 0.1em 0.3em; 
    175     empty-cells: show;  
     175    empty-cells: show; 
    178178/* Alignement des colonnes */ 
    179 /* Colunms alignment */ 
     179/* Columns alignment */ 
    181181td[align=center] ,  th[align=center]  { text-align: center; } 
    189189img { border: 0; } 
    191 /* Les liens ne sont pas soulignés */ 
     191/* Les liens ne sont pas soulignés */ 
    192192/* No underlines for links */ 
    194194:link , :visited , :active { text-decoration: none; } 
    196 /* Prudence : cadre jaune et fond jaune clair */ 
     196/* Prudence : cadre jaune et fond jaune clair */ 
    197197/* Caution: yellow border and light yellow background */ 
    219 /* Note importante : cadre jaune et fond jaune clair */ 
     219/* Note importante : cadre jaune et fond jaune clair */ 
    220220/* Important: yellow border and light yellow background */ 
    243 /* Mise en évidence : texte légèrement plus grand */ 
     242/* Mise en évidence : texte légÚrement plus grand */ 
    244243/* Highlights: slightly larger texts */ 
    250 /* Note : cadre bleu et fond bleu clair */ 
     249/* Note : cadre bleu et fond bleu clair */ 
    251250/* Notes: blue border and light blue background */ 
    273 /* Astuce : cadre vert et fond vert clair */ 
     272/* Astuce : cadre vert et fond vert clair */ 
    274273/* Tip: green border and light green background */ 
    296 /* Avertissement : cadre rouge et fond rouge clair */ 
     295/* Avertissement : cadre rouge et fond rouge clair */ 
    297296/* Warning: red border and light red background */ 
    299298*[class~="warning"] { 
    300299    border: solid 2px #ff0000; 
    301     background-color: #fff0f0;  
     300    background-color: #fff0f0; 
    302301    padding: 5px 1em; 
    303302    margin: 5px; 
    307306    vertical-align: middle; 
    311309*[class~="warning"] table { 
    321318/* Listes de renvois */ 
    322319/* Callout lists */ 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/svnbasiccommands.xml

    r408 r495  
    1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> 
     1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
    22<!DOCTYPE article [ 
    33<!ENTITY % isolat1 SYSTEM ""> 
    2121fplod 2008-12-03T17:36:01Z (Darwin) 
    23 XML/DocBook migration of from Sébastien Masson 
     23XML/DocBook migration of from Sébastien Masson 
    3131  <info> 
    3232    <authorgroup> 
    33       <author><personname><firstname>Sébastien</firstname> <surname>Masson</surname></personname> <email></email></author> 
     33      <author><personname><firstname>Sébastien</firstname> <surname>Masson</surname></personname> <email></email></author> 
    3434    </authorgroup> 
    3535 <pubdate>$Id$</pubdate> 
    125 If <replaceable>file_name</replaceable> is not in the working space (here ~/&project;), you must copy it.  
     125If <replaceable>file_name</replaceable> is not in the working space (here ~/&project;), you must copy it. 
    126126For example : 
    148148A         aaa 
    150  <prompt>$</prompt> <userinput>svn status</userinput> <lineannotation>check that <filename>aaa</filename> has beed add to the deposit</lineannotation> 
     150 <prompt>$</prompt> <userinput>svn status</userinput> <lineannotation>check that <filename>aaa</filename> has been add to the deposit</lineannotation> 
    152152A      aaa 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/tiplink.html

    r416 r495  
    1616      <div class="author"><h3 class="author"><span class="firstname">Françoise</span> <span class="surname">Pinsard</span> <code class="email">&lt;<a class="email" href=""></a>&gt;</code></h3></div> 
    1717    </div></div><div><span class="pubdate">svn Id of xml source file : $Id$<br /><br /></span></div><div><div class="revhistory"><table border="1" width="100%" summary="Revision history"><tr><th align="left" valign="top" colspan="2"><b>Revision History</b></th></tr> 
    18       <tr><td align="left">Revision 0.1</td><td align="left">April 2008</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">migration from DocBook 4.2 to Docbook 5.0</td></tr> 
     18      <tr><td align="left">Revision 0.1</td><td align="left">April 2008</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">migration from DocBook 4.2 to DocBook 5.0</td></tr> 
    2020      <tr><td align="left">Revision 0.0</td><td align="left">May 2006</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">First draft</td></tr> 
    2727<div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="tips" id="tips"></a>1. Tips</h2></div></div></div> 
    2929  <p> 
    3030There is a short selection of useful tips: 
    4242<div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="links" id="links"></a>2. Links</h2></div></div></div> 
    4444    <div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li> 
    4545<a class="link" href="" target="_top">David Fanning</a> web page 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/tiplink.xml

    r354 r495  
    1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> 
     1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
    22<article version="5.0" 
    99  <info> 
    1010    <authorgroup> 
    11       <author><personname><firstname>Sébastien</firstname> <surname>Masson</surname></personname> <email></email></author> 
    12       <author><personname><firstname>Françoise</firstname> <surname>Pinsard</surname></personname> <email></email></author> 
     11      <author><personname><firstname>Sébastien</firstname> <surname>Masson</surname></personname> <email></email></author> 
     12      <author><personname><firstname>Françoise</firstname> <surname>Pinsard</surname></personname> <email></email></author> 
    1313    </authorgroup> 
    1414    <keywordset> 
    2020        <revnumber>0.1</revnumber> 
    2121        <date>April 2008</date> 
    22         <revremark>migration from DocBook 4.2 to Docbook 5.0</revremark> 
     22        <revremark>migration from DocBook 4.2 to DocBook 5.0</revremark> 
    2323      </revision> 
    3131    <pubdate>$Id$</pubdate> 
    3232  </info> 
    3534<sect1 xml:id="tips"> 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/updatesaxo.html

    r416 r495  
    1616      <div class="author"><h3 class="author"><span class="firstname">Françoise</span> <span class="surname">Pinsard</span> <code class="email">&lt;<a class="email" href=""></a>&gt;</code></h3></div> 
    1717    </div></div><div><span class="pubdate">svn Id of xml source file : $Id$<br /><br /></span></div><div><div class="revhistory"><table border="1" width="100%" summary="Revision history"><tr><th align="left" valign="top" colspan="2"><b>Revision History</b></th></tr> 
    18       <tr><td align="left">Revision 0.1</td><td align="left">April 2008</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">migration from DocBook 4.2 to Docbook 5.0</td></tr> 
     18      <tr><td align="left">Revision 0.1</td><td align="left">April 2008</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">migration from DocBook 4.2 to DocBook 5.0</td></tr> 
    1919      <tr><td align="left">Revision 0.0</td><td align="left">May 2006</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">First draft</td></tr> 
    2020    </table></div></div></div><hr /></div><div class="toc"><p><b>Table of Contents</b></p><dl><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#saxo_local">1.  If you work at IDRIS, IPSL or LOCEAN </a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#saxo_svn">2.  If you got SAXO with ??? </a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#saxo_tar">3.  If you got SAXO from a ??? </a></span></dt></dl></div> 
    2727    <div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="saxo_local" id="saxo_local"></a>1.  If you work at IDRIS, IPSL or LOCEAN </h2></div></div></div> 
    2929      <p> 
    3030If you <a class="link" href="./getsaxo.html#saxo_local" target="_top">linked</a> your <code class="filename">${HOME}/SAXO_DIR</code> to 
    3434    </div> 
    3838    <div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="saxo_svn" id="saxo_svn"></a>2.  If you got SAXO with <a class="link" href="./getsaxo.html#saxo_svn" target="_top"><span class="application"> Subversion (svn)</span></a> </h2></div></div></div> 
    4040      <p> 
    4141You can check the status of your <code class="filename">${HOME}/SAXO_DIR</code> with the following command: 
    6363    </div> 
    6767    <div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="saxo_tar" id="saxo_tar"></a>3.  If you got SAXO from a <a class="link" href="./getsaxo.html#saxo_src_tar" target="_top">tar file</a> </h2></div></div></div> 
    6969      <p> 
    7070The only way to update SAXO is to re-download and reinstall the tar file as you done for the <a class="link" href="./getsaxo.html#saxo_src_tar" target="_top">first installation</a>. 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/updatesaxo.xml

    r354 r495  
    1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> 
     1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
    22<article version="5.0" 
    1010  <info> 
    1111    <authorgroup> 
    12       <author><personname><firstname>Sébastien</firstname> <surname>Masson</surname></personname><email></email></author> 
    13       <author><personname><firstname>Françoise</firstname> <surname>Pinsard</surname></personname><email></email></author> 
     12      <author><personname><firstname>Sébastien</firstname> <surname>Masson</surname></personname><email></email></author> 
     13      <author><personname><firstname>Françoise</firstname> <surname>Pinsard</surname></personname><email></email></author> 
    1414    </authorgroup> 
    1515    <keywordset> 
    2121        <revnumber>0.1</revnumber> 
    2222        <date>April 2008</date> 
    23         <revremark>migration from DocBook 4.2 to Docbook 5.0</revremark> 
     23        <revremark>migration from DocBook 4.2 to DocBook 5.0</revremark> 
    2424      </revision> 
    2525      <revision> 
    3131    <pubdate>$Id$</pubdate> 
    3232  </info> 
    3534    <sect1 xml:id="saxo_local"> 
    8483    </sect1> 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/websaxo.html

    r422 r495  
    1818      <tr><td align="left">Revision 0.0</td><td align="left">June 2006</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">First draft</td></tr> 
    1919      <tr><td align="left">Revision 0.1</td><td align="left">September 2006</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">rename to websaxo; use whatissaxo</td></tr> 
    20       <tr><td align="left">Revision 0.2</td><td align="left">April 2008</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">migration from DocBook 4.2 to Docbook 5.0</td></tr> 
     20      <tr><td align="left">Revision 0.2</td><td align="left">April 2008</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">migration from DocBook 4.2 to DocBook 5.0</td></tr> 
    22     </table></div></div></div><hr /></div><div class="toc"><p><b>Table of Contents</b></p><dl><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#whatissaxo">1. What is SAXO</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#whatsnew">2. What's new ?</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#getsaxo">3.  
     22    </table></div></div></div><hr /></div><div class="toc"><p><b>Table of Contents</b></p><dl><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#whatissaxo">1. What is SAXO</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#whatsnew">2. What's new ?</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#getsaxo">3. 
    2323Get SAXO 
    2424</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#support">4. Support</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#documentation">5. Documentation</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#saxoteam">6. SAXO team</a></span></dt></dl></div> 
    3030<div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="whatissaxo" id="whatissaxo"></a>1. What is SAXO</h2></div></div></div> 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/websaxo.xml

    r416 r495  
    1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> 
     1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
    22<!DOCTYPE article [ 
    33<!ENTITY % isolat1 SYSTEM ""> 
    2727  <info> 
    2828    <authorgroup> 
    29       <author><personname><firstname>Sébastien</firstname> <surname>Masson</surname></personname> <email></email></author> 
    30       <author><personname><firstname>Françoise</firstname> <surname>Pinsard</surname></personname> <email></email></author> 
     29      <author><personname><firstname>Sébastien</firstname> <surname>Masson</surname></personname> <email></email></author> 
     30      <author><personname><firstname>Françoise</firstname> <surname>Pinsard</surname></personname> <email></email></author> 
    3131    </authorgroup> 
    3232    <keywordset> 
    4848        <revnumber>0.2</revnumber> 
    4949        <date>April 2008</date> 
    50         <revremark>migration from DocBook 4.2 to Docbook 5.0</revremark> 
     50        <revremark>migration from DocBook 4.2 to DocBook 5.0</revremark> 
    5151      </revision> 
    6161                 parse="xml" 
    6262      xmlns:xi=""/> 
    63 <!-- je n'arrive pas à faire fonctionner la syntaxe xpath suivante comme dans 
     63<!-- je n'arrive pas à faire fonctionner la syntaxe xpath suivante comme dans 
    92 March 2006-May 2006 : migration of <emphasis role="bold">obsolete</emphasis> CVS repository + Sébastien Masson improvements in a beautiful <quote><application>trac</application>+<application>svn</application></quote> project. 
     92March 2006-May 2006 : migration of <emphasis role="bold">obsolete</emphasis> CVS repository + Sébastien Masson improvements in a beautiful <quote><application>trac</application>+<application>svn</application></quote> project. 
    167 Sébastien Masson 
     167Sébastien Masson 
    177 Clément De Boyer Montégut 
     177Clément De Boyer Montégut 
    187 Françoise Pinsard 
     187Françoise Pinsard 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/whatissaxo.html

    r416 r495  
    1818      <tr><td align="left">Revision 0.0</td><td align="left">May 2006</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">First draft</td></tr> 
    1919      <tr><td align="left">Revision 0.1</td><td align="left">August 2006</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">add introduction (previously in main.xml)</td></tr> 
    20       <tr><td align="left">Revision 0.1</td><td align="left">April 2008</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">migration from DocBook 4.2 to Docbook 5.0</td></tr> 
     20      <tr><td align="left">Revision 0.1</td><td align="left">April 2008</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">migration from DocBook 4.2 to DocBook 5.0</td></tr> 
    2121    </table></div></div></div><hr /></div><div class="toc"><p><b>Table of Contents</b></p><dl><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#whatissaxo">1. What is SAXO ?</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#prerequisites">2. Prerequisites</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#include">3. Include</a></span></dt></dl></div> 
    2525<div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="whatissaxo" id="whatissaxo"></a>1. What is SAXO ?</h2></div></div></div> 
    3636<div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="prerequisites" id="prerequisites"></a>2. Prerequisites</h2></div></div></div> 
    3838  <p> 
    3939    <span class="application">SAXO</span> needs at least <a class="link" href="" target="_top"><span class="trademark">IDL</span>™</a> 6.0. 
    4242    <p><span class="application">SAXO</span> can be used with the 7 minutes demo-mode (within the limitations of this mode: impossible to save data and create a file).</p> 
    4343  </div> 
    4646<div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="include" id="include"></a>3. Include</h2></div></div></div> 
    4848    <div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li> 
    4949<span class="application">idl-NetCDF</span> written and maintained by Alan Iwi 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/whatissaxo.xml

    r416 r495  
    1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> 
     1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
    22<!DOCTYPE article [ 
    33<!ENTITY % isolat1 SYSTEM ""> 
    2121  <info> 
    2222    <authorgroup> 
    23       <author><personname><firstname>Sébastien</firstname> <surname>Masson</surname></personname> <email></email></author> 
    24       <author><personname><firstname>Françoise</firstname> <surname>Pinsard</surname></personname> <email></email></author> 
     23      <author><personname><firstname>Sébastien</firstname> <surname>Masson</surname></personname> <email></email></author> 
     24      <author><personname><firstname>Françoise</firstname> <surname>Pinsard</surname></personname> <email></email></author> 
    2525    </authorgroup> 
    2626    <keywordset> 
    4242        <revnumber>0.1</revnumber> 
    4343        <date>April 2008</date> 
    44         <revremark>migration from DocBook 4.2 to Docbook 5.0</revremark> 
     44        <revremark>migration from DocBook 4.2 to DocBook 5.0</revremark> 
    4545      </revision> 
    4646    </revhistory> 
    6767    <para><application>SAXO</application> can be used with the 7 minutes demo-mode (within the limitations of this mode: impossible to save data and create a file).</para> 
    6868  </note> 
    69   <!-- ++un jour peut-être 
     69  <!-- ++un jour peut-être 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/whatsnew.html

    r416 r495  
    1818      <tr><td align="left">Revision 0.0</td><td align="left">May 2006</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">First draft</td></tr> 
    1919      <tr><td align="left">Revision 0.1</td><td align="left">June 2006</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">add date according to output of svn log</td></tr> 
    20       <tr><td align="left">Revision 0.2</td><td align="left">April 2008</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">migration from DocBook 4.2 to Docbook 5.0</td></tr> 
    21     </table></div></div></div><hr /></div><div class="toc"><p><b>Table of Contents</b></p><dl><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#intro">1. Introduction</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#changeset175">2. Changeset 175 (2006-09-13)</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#changeset174">3. Changeset 172-174 (2006-09-11/12)</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#changeset163">4. Changeset 163 (2006-08-29)</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#changeset152">5. Changeset 152 (2006-08-10)</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#changeset114">6. Changeset 114 (2006-06-19)</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#changeset73">7. Changeset 73 (2006-05-22)</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#changeset69">8. Changeset 69 (2006-05-11)</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#chgangeset68">9. Changeset 68 (2006-05-09)</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#changeset7">10. Changeset 7 (2006-04-24)</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#changeset2">11. Changeset 2 (revision date=2002-09-11 actually done 2006-04-13)</a></span></dt></dl></div> 
     20      <tr><td align="left">Revision 0.2</td><td align="left">April 2008</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">migration from DocBook 4.2 to DocBook 5.0</td></tr> 
     21    </table></div></div></div><hr /></div><div class="toc"><p><b>Table of Contents</b></p><dl><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#intro">1. Introduction</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#changeset175">2. Changeset 175 (2006-09-13)</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#changeset174">3. Changeset 172-174 (2006-09-11/12)</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#changeset163">4. Changeset 163 (2006-08-29)</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#changeset152">5. Changeset 152 (2006-08-10)</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#changeset114">6. Changeset 114 (2006-06-19)</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#changeset73">7. Changeset 73 (2006-05-22)</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#changeset69">8. Changeset 69 (2006-05-11)</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#changeset68">9. Changeset 68 (2006-05-09)</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#changeset7">10. Changeset 7 (2006-04-24)</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#changeset2">11. Changeset 2 (revision date=2002-09-11 actually done 2006-04-13)</a></span></dt></dl></div> 
    108 <div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="chgangeset68" id="chgangeset68"></a>9. Changeset 68 (2006-05-09)</h2></div></div></div> 
     108<div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="changeset68" id="changeset68"></a>9. Changeset 68 (2006-05-09)</h2></div></div></div> 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/whatsnew.xml

    r416 r495  
    1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> 
     1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
    22<article version="5.0" 
    99  <info> 
    1010    <authorgroup> 
    11       <author><personname><firstname>Sébastien</firstname> <surname>Masson</surname></personname> <email></email></author> 
    12       <author><personname><firstname>Françoise</firstname> <surname>Pinsard</surname></personname> <email></email></author> 
     11      <author><personname><firstname>Sébastien</firstname> <surname>Masson</surname></personname> <email></email></author> 
     12      <author><personname><firstname>Françoise</firstname> <surname>Pinsard</surname></personname> <email></email></author> 
    1313    </authorgroup> 
    1414    <keywordset> 
    3030        <revnumber>0.2</revnumber> 
    3131        <date>April 2008</date> 
    32         <revremark>migration from DocBook 4.2 to Docbook 5.0</revremark> 
     32        <revremark>migration from DocBook 4.2 to DocBook 5.0</revremark> 
    3333      </revision> 
    3434    </revhistory> 
    120 <sect1 xml:id="chgangeset68"> 
     120<sect1 xml:id="changeset68"> 
    121121<title>Changeset 68 (2006-05-09)</title> 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/wiki/WikiStart

    r422 r495  
    5050== SAXO team == 
    5352'''Sébastien Masson''' 
    5755'''Clément De Boyer Montégut''' 
    6158'''Françoise Pinsard''' 
    6259Project owner (trac, mailman and svn) 
    6561'''Olivier Thauvin'''[ IPSL forge] maintainer 
  • trunk/SRC/ForOldVersion/

    r459 r495  
    1 ; empty  
     1; empty 
  • trunk/SRC/ForOldVersion/

    r493 r495  
    1515;   IDL> @updatekwd 
    17 ; @restrictions  
     17; @restrictions 
    1818; the compatibility can be made only if the keywords 
    1919; given through _extra are given with their complete name 
  • trunk/SRC/Grid/

    r493 r495  
    379379  ENDIF 
    380380  IF keyword_set(xalreadycut) THEN BEGIN 
    381     xmin = 0  
    382     xmax = jpi - 1  
     381    xmin = 0 
     382    xmax = jpi - 1 
    383383    nxx = jpi 
    384384  ENDIF ELSE BEGIN 
    390390    ixminmesh = 0 > ixminmesh < ixmaxmesh 
    391391    jpi = ixmaxmesh-ixminmesh+1 
    392     xmin = ixminmesh  
     392    xmin = ixminmesh 
    393393    xmax = ixmaxmesh 
    394394    nxx = jpiglo 
    401401  ENDIF 
    402402  IF keyword_set(yalreadycut) THEN BEGIN 
    403     ymin = 0  
    404     ymax = jpj - 1  
     403    ymin = 0 
     404    ymax = jpj - 1 
    405405    nyy = jpj 
    406   ENDIF ELSE BEGIN  
    407407    jpjglo = long(ny) 
    408408    IF n_elements(yminmesh) NE 0 THEN iyminmesh = long(yminmesh[0]) ELSE iyminmesh  = 0l 
    413413    iyminmesh = 0 > iyminmesh < iymaxmesh 
    414414    jpj = iymaxmesh-iyminmesh+1 
    415     ymin = iyminmesh  
     415    ymin = iyminmesh 
    416416    ymax = iymaxmesh 
    417417    nyy = jpjglo 
    422422  ENDIF 
    423423  IF keyword_set(zalreadycut) THEN BEGIN 
    424     zmin = 0  
    425     zmax = jpk - 1  
     424    zmin = 0 
     425    zmax = jpk - 1 
    426426    nzz = jpk 
    427   ENDIF ELSE BEGIN  
    428428   jpkglo = long(nz) 
    429429    IF n_elements(zminmesh) NE 0 THEN izminmesh = long(zminmesh[0]) ELSE izminmesh  = 0l 
    433433    izminmesh = 0 > izminmesh < izmaxmesh 
    434434    jpk = izmaxmesh-izminmesh+1 
    435     zmin = izminmesh  
     435    zmin = izminmesh 
    436436    zmax = izmaxmesh 
    437437    nzz = jpkglo 
    516516  ELSE glamt = reform(glamt, nxx, /over) 
    517517  CASE size(glamt, /n_dimensions) OF 
    518     1:BEGIN  
     518    1:BEGIN 
    519519      IF n_elements(glamt) EQ 1 THEN glamt = replicate(glamt[0], jpi, jpj) $ 
    520520      ELSE glamt = glamt[xmin:xmax]#replicate(1, jpj) 
    550550  ELSE gphit = reform(gphit, nyy, /over) 
    551551  CASE size(gphit, /n_dimensions) OF 
    552     1:BEGIN  
     552    1:BEGIN 
    553553      IF n_elements(gphit) EQ 1 THEN gphit = replicate(gphit[0], jpi, jpj) $ 
    554554      ELSE gphit = replicate(1, jpi)#gphit[ymin:ymax] 
    646   IF n_elements(yreverse) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN  
     646  IF n_elements(yreverse) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN 
    647647    IF jpj GT 1 THEN BEGIN 
    648648      IF total(gphit[0, 1:jpj-1] LT gphit[0, 0:jpj-2]) GT jpj/2 THEN key_yreverse = 1 ELSE key_yreverse = 0 
    995 ; 
    997996; e1[tuvf] from degree to meters 
    11251124     AND total(tmask[*, 0, *]) EQ 0 AND total(tmask[*, jpj-1, *]) EQ 0 $ 
    11261125     AND total(tmask[0, *, *]) EQ 0 AND total(tmask[jpi-1, *, *]) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN 
    1127     IF NOT keyword_set(key_periodic) THEN BEGIN  
     1126    IF NOT keyword_set(key_periodic) THEN BEGIN 
    11281127      xminmesh = ixminmesh + 1 
    11291128      xmaxmesh = ixmaxmesh - 1 
    11361135      gphit = reverse(gphit, 2) 
    11371136      glamt = reverse(glamt, 2) 
    1138       tmask = reverse(tmask, 2)     
     1137      tmask = reverse(tmask, 2) 
    11391138      IF jpk EQ 1 THEN tmask = reform(tmask, jpi, jpj, jpk, /over) 
    11401139    ENDIF 
  • trunk/SRC/Grid/

    r451 r495  
    104104  zgr_varlist = strtrim(strlowcase(zgr_varlist), 2) 
    105105; is e3t a real 3D array? 
    106   IF (where(zgr_varlist EQ 'e3t'))[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN  
     106  IF (where(zgr_varlist EQ 'e3t'))[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN 
    107107    varinq = ncdf_varinq(cdfid, 'e3t') 
    108108    if varinq.ndims GE 3 THEN BEGIN 
    111111      ncdf_diminq, cdfid, varinq.dim[2], name, kkk 
    112112      IF iii EQ jpi AND jjj EQ jpj AND kkk EQ jpk THEN key_e3_3d = 1 
    113     ENDIF    
     113    ENDIF 
    114114  ENDIF 
    115115; is gdept a real 3D array? 
    116   IF (where(zgr_varlist EQ 'gdept'))[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN  
     116  IF (where(zgr_varlist EQ 'gdept'))[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN 
    117117    varinq = ncdf_varinq(cdfid, 'gdept') 
    118118    if varinq.ndims GE 3 THEN BEGIN 
    121121      ncdf_diminq, cdfid, varinq.dim[2], name, kkk 
    122122      IF iii EQ jpi AND jjj EQ jpj AND kkk EQ jpk THEN key_gdep_3d = 1 
    123     ENDIF    
     123    ENDIF 
    124124  ENDIF 
    137137  dimidy_m = ncdf_dimdef(cdfidout, 'y_m', jpj_m) 
    138138  dimidz = ncdf_dimdef(cdfidout, 'z', jpk) 
    139 ; global attributs 
     139; global attributes 
    140140  ncdf_attput, cdfidout, 'IDL_Program_Name', '', /GLOBAL 
    141141  ncdf_attput, cdfidout, 'Creation_Date', systime(), /GLOBAL 
  • trunk/SRC/Grid/

    r493 r495  
    297297      ncdf_diminq, cdfid, varinq.dim[2], name, kkk 
    298298      IF iii EQ jpiglo AND jjj EQ jpjglo AND kkk EQ jpkglo THEN key_gdep_3d = 1 
    299     ENDIF    
    300   ENDIF    
     299    ENDIF 
     300  ENDIF 
    301301; for compatibility with old versions of meshmask/partial steps 
    302302  e3t_ps = -1 
    315315        key_partialstep = 1 
    316316      ENDIF 
    317     ENDIF    
     317    ENDIF 
    318318  ENDIF 
    465465  ENDIF 
    466466; boundary conditions used to compute umask. 
    467   IF ncdf_varid(cdfid, 'umask') NE -1 THEN BEGIN  
     467  IF ncdf_varid(cdfid, 'umask') NE -1 THEN BEGIN 
    468468     varinq = ncdf_varinq(cdfid, 'umask') 
    469469     name = 
    482482  ENDIF ELSE umaskred = bytarr(jpj, jpk) 
    483483; boundary conditions used to compute fmask (1). 
    484   IF ncdf_varid(cdfid, 'fmask') NE -1 THEN BEGIN  
     484  IF ncdf_varid(cdfid, 'fmask') NE -1 THEN BEGIN 
    485485     varinq = ncdf_varinq(cdfid, 'fmask') 
    486486     name = 
    497497  ENDIF ELSE fmaskredy = bytarr(jpj, jpk) 
    498498; boundary conditions used to compute vmask 
    499   IF ncdf_varid(cdfid, 'vmask') NE -1 THEN BEGIN  
     499  IF ncdf_varid(cdfid, 'vmask') NE -1 THEN BEGIN 
    500500     varinq = ncdf_varinq(cdfid, 'vmask') 
    501501     name = 
    525525  ENDIF ELSE vmaskred = bytarr(jpi, jpk) 
    526526; boundary conditions used to compute fmask (2). 
    527   IF ncdf_varid(cdfid, 'fmask') NE -1 THEN BEGIN  
     527  IF ncdf_varid(cdfid, 'fmask') NE -1 THEN BEGIN 
    528528     varinq = ncdf_varinq(cdfid, 'fmask') 
    529529     name = 
    549549  IF (where(allvarname EQ 'e3t_0'))[0] NE -1 THEN fnamevar = ['e3t_0', 'e3w_0', 'gdept_0', 'gdepw_0'] $ 
    550   ELSE                                            fnamevar = ['e3t', 'e3w', 'gdept', 'gdepw']  
     550  ELSE                                            fnamevar = ['e3t', 'e3w', 'gdept', 'gdepw'] 
    551551  for i = 0, n_elements(fnamevar)-1 do begin 
    552552    varinq = ncdf_varinq(cdfid, fnamevar[i]) 
  • trunk/SRC/Grid/

    r475 r495  
    109109  zgr_varlist = strtrim(strlowcase(zgr_varlist), 2) 
    110110; is e3t a real 3D array? 
    111   IF (where(zgr_varlist EQ 'e3t'))[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN  
     111  IF (where(zgr_varlist EQ 'e3t'))[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN 
    112112    varinq = ncdf_varinq(cdfid, 'e3t') 
    113113    if varinq.ndims GE 3 THEN BEGIN 
    116116      ncdf_diminq, cdfid, varinq.dim[2], name, kkk 
    117117      IF iii EQ jpi AND jjj EQ jpj AND kkk EQ jpk THEN key_e3_3d = 1 
    118     ENDIF    
     118    ENDIF 
    119119  ENDIF 
    120120; is gdept a real 3D array? 
    121   IF (where(zgr_varlist EQ 'gdept'))[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN  
     121  IF (where(zgr_varlist EQ 'gdept'))[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN 
    122122    varinq = ncdf_varinq(cdfid, 'gdept') 
    123123    if varinq.ndims GE 3 THEN BEGIN 
    126126      ncdf_diminq, cdfid, varinq.dim[2], name, kkk 
    127127      IF iii EQ jpi AND jjj EQ jpj AND kkk EQ jpk THEN key_gdep_3d = 1 
    128     ENDIF    
     128    ENDIF 
    129129  ENDIF 
    141141  dimidy = ncdf_dimdef(cdfidout, 'y', jpj) 
    142142  dimidz = ncdf_dimdef(cdfidout, 'z', jpk) 
    143 ; global attributs 
     143; global attributes 
    144144  ncdf_attput, cdfidout, 'IDL_Program_Name', '', /GLOBAL 
    145145  ncdf_attput, cdfidout, 'Creation_Date', systime(), /GLOBAL 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/

    r434 r495  
    1818; @returns 
    19 ; structure: {x:x, y:y} containing the point position in north stereographic  
     19; structure: {x:x, y:y} containing the point position in north stereographic 
    2020; polar projection 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/

    r477 r495  
    5959; - June 2006: Sebastien Masson (smasson\ 
    61 ; 
    6261; @version 
    6362; $Id$ 
    66 PRO compute_fromirr_bilinear_weigaddr, olonin, olat, omsk, alonin, alat, amsk $  
     65PRO compute_fromirr_bilinear_weigaddr, olonin, olat, omsk, alonin, alat, amsk $ 
    6766                                     , weig, addr 
    102101      ENDIF ELSE omsk[*, 80:120] = 1b - bad[*, 80:120] 
    103102    ENDIF 
    104   ENDIF ELSE BEGIN  
    105104    IF n_elements(omsk) NE jpio*jpjo THEN BEGIN 
    106105      ras = report('input grid mask do not have the good size') 
    107106      stop 
    108107    ENDIF 
    109   ENDELSE  
    110   IF n_elements(amsk) EQ 1 AND amsk[0] EQ -1 THEN amsk = replicate(1b, jpia, jpja) ELSE BEGIN  
     108  ENDELSE 
     109  IF n_elements(amsk) EQ 1 AND amsk[0] EQ -1 THEN amsk = replicate(1b, jpia, jpja) ELSE BEGIN 
    111110    IF n_elements(amsk) NE jpia*jpja THEN BEGIN 
    112111      ras = report('output grid mask do not have the good size') 
    113112      stop 
    114113    ENDIF 
    115   ENDELSE  
     114  ENDELSE 
    117116; longitude, between 0 and 360 
    144143     ((jpio EQ 722 ) AND (jpjo EQ 522  OR jpjo EQ 521  OR jpjo EQ 520 )) OR $ 
    145144     ((jpio EQ 1442) AND (jpjo EQ 1021 OR jpjo EQ 1020 OR jpjo EQ 1019)) THEN alladdrm1[jpio-1, *] = alladdr[2, *] 
    147146  celladdr = lonarr(4, jpio*(jpjo-1)) 
    148147  celladdr[0, *] = alladdr 
    306305        END 
    307306      ENDCASE 
    308       IF cnt NE 0 THEN BEGIN  
     307      IF cnt NE 0 THEN BEGIN 
    309308        neig[i] = keep[(neighbor(xtmp, ytmp, goodlon[keep], goodlat[keep], sphere = onsphere))[0]] 
    310309      ENDIF ELSE neig[i] = (neighbor(alon[badaddr[i]], alat[badaddr[i]], goodlon, goodlat, sphere = onsphere))[0] 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/

    r481 r495  
    526526; Come back to the original index of atm grid without longitudinal overlap. 
    528 ; 
    529528  xaddr = temporary(xaddr) - toadd 
    530529  jpia = jpia - 2*toadd 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/

    r372 r495  
    1616; @param y3 {in}{required} 
    1717; 1d arrays of p elements, giving the edge positions. 
    18 ; The edges must be given as in <proidl>PLOT</proidl> to draw the  
     18; The edges must be given as in <proidl>PLOT</proidl> to draw the 
    1919; parallelogram. (see example). 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/

    r493 r495  
    3838; put 1 to force the extrapolated values to be larger than 0, same as using minval=0. 
    40 ; @keyword  
     40; @keyword 
    4141; _EXTRA to be able to call extrapolate with _extra keyword 
    102102  finztmp = finite(ztmp) 
    103103  nan = where(finztmp EQ 0, cnt_nan) 
    104   IF cnt_nan NE 0 THEN BEGIN  
     104  IF cnt_nan NE 0 THEN BEGIN 
    105105    ztmp[temporary(nan)] = 1.e20 
    106106    msk = temporary(msk) * temporary(finztmp) 
    125125; find the land points 
    126126  land = where(msk EQ 0, cnt_land) 
    127   IF keyword_set(fillxdir) THEN BEGIN  
     127  IF keyword_set(fillxdir) THEN BEGIN 
    128128    tst = total(msk[1:nx, 1:ny], 1) 
    129129    cnt_land = total(tst NE 0 AND tst NE nx) 
    130   ENDIF  
    131   IF keyword_set(fillydir) THEN BEGIN  
     130  ENDIF 
     131  IF keyword_set(fillydir) THEN BEGIN 
    132132    tst = total(msk[1:nx, 1:ny], 2) 
    133133    cnt_land = total(tst NE 0 AND tst NE ny) 
    134   ENDIF  
     134  ENDIF 
    136136  WHILE cnt LE nb_iteration AND cnt_land NE 0 DO BEGIN 
    164164; border of the array, we can compute the weight without shift 
    165165; (faster). 
    166 ;  
    167167    CASE 1 OF 
    168168      keyword_set(fillxdir):weight = msk[land+1]+msk[land-1] 
    215215; find the land points 
    216216    land = where(msk EQ 0, cnt_land) 
    217     IF keyword_set(fillxdir) THEN BEGIN  
     217    IF keyword_set(fillxdir) THEN BEGIN 
    218218      tst = total(msk[1:nx, 1:ny], 1) 
    219219      cnt_land = total(tst NE 0 AND tst NE nx) 
    220     ENDIF  
    221     IF keyword_set(fillydir) THEN BEGIN  
     220    ENDIF 
     221    IF keyword_set(fillydir) THEN BEGIN 
    222222      tst = total(msk[1:nx, 1:ny], 2) 
    223223      cnt_land = total(tst NE 0 AND tst NE ny) 
    224     ENDIF  
     224    ENDIF 
    226226  ENDWHILE 
    238238; add extra bands to avoid edge errors... 
    240   one = replicate(1, smwin)  
     240  one = replicate(1, smwin) 
    241241  IF keyword_set(x_periodic) THEN BEGIN 
    242242;   nx-smwin   nx-1    0       smwin-1                      nx-smwin      nx-1    0       smwin-1 
    243243;     |----------|     |----------|------------------------------|----------|     |----------| 
    244 ;     0      smwin-1  smwin   2*smwin-1                          nx  nx+smwin-1  nx+smwin nx+2*smwin-1  
     244;     0      smwin-1  smwin   2*smwin-1                          nx  nx+smwin-1  nx+smwin nx+2*smwin-1 
    245245    z   = [         z[nx-smwin:nx-1, *],         z,         z[0:smwin-1, *] ] 
    246246    msk = [ maskinput[nx-smwin:nx-1, *], maskinput, maskinput[0:smwin-1, *] ] 
    247247;; IF array_equal(z[0:smwin-1, *], z[nx:nx+smwin-1, *]) NE 1 THEN stop 
    248248;; IF array_equal(z[nx+smwin:nx+2*smwin-1, *], z[smwin:2*smwin-1, *]) NE 1 THEN stop 
    249   ENDIF ELSE BEGIN  
    250250    z   = [         one#(z[0, *])[*],         z,         one#(z[nx-1, *])[*] ] 
    251251    msk = [ one#(maskinput[0, *])[*], maskinput, one#(maskinput[nx-1, *])[*] ] 
    252   ENDELSE  
     252  ENDELSE 
    253253  z   = [ [  z[*, 0]#one], [  z], [  z[*, ny-1]#one] ] 
    254254  msk = [ [msk[*, 0]#one], [msk], [msk[*, ny-1]#one] ] 
    261261      z[0:smwin-1, *] = z[nx:nx+smwin-1, *] 
    262262      z[nx+smwin:nx+2*smwin-1, *] =  z[smwin:2*smwin-1, *] 
    263     ENDIF ELSE BEGIN  
     263    ENDIF ELSE BEGIN 
    264264      z[0:smwin-1, *] = one#(z[smwin, *])[*] 
    265265      z[nx+smwin:nx+2*smwin-1, *] = one#(z[nx+smwin-1, *])[*] 
    266     ENDELSE  
     266    ENDELSE 
    267267    z[*, 0:smwin-1] = z[*, smwin]#one 
    268268    z[*, ny+smwin:ny+2*smwin-1] = z[*, ny+smwin-1]#one 
    269   ENDFOR   
     269  ENDFOR 
    270270  z = temporary(z)*mskm1 + zorg*msk 
    271271  z = (temporary(z))[smwin:nx+smwin-1, smwin:ny+smwin-1] 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/

    r371 r495  
    2727; put 1 to force the extrapolated values to be larger than 0, same as using minval=0. 
    29 ; @keyword  
     29; @keyword 
    3030; _EXTRA to be able to call extrapsmooth with _extra keyword 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/

    r493 r495  
    6969; add extra bands to avoid edge errors... 
    7070    one = replicate(1, data_smwin) 
    71 ;     
    7272;   nx-smwin   nx-1    0       smwin-1                      nx-smwin      nx-1    0       smwin-1 
    7373;     |----------|     |----------|------------------------------|----------|     |----------| 
    74 ;     0      smwin-1  smwin   2*smwin-1                          nx  nx+smwin-1  nx+smwin nx+2*smwin-1  
     74;     0      smwin-1  smwin   2*smwin-1                          nx  nx+smwin-1  nx+smwin nx+2*smwin-1 
    7575; define boundaries (extra columns and rows) 
    7676    data = [ data[nx-data_smwin:nx-1, *], data, data[0:data_smwin-1, *] ] 
    7777    data = [ [data[*, 0]#one], [data], [data[*, ny-1]#one] ] 
    78     FOR i = 1, data_nsmooth DO BEGIN  
     78    FOR i = 1, data_nsmooth DO BEGIN 
    7979      data = smooth( temporary(data), data_smwin ) 
    8080; update boundaries 
    8383      data[*, 0:data_smwin-1] = data[*, data_smwin]#one 
    8484      data[*, ny+data_smwin:ny+2*data_smwin-1] = data[*, ny+data_smwin-1]#one 
    85     ENDFOR   
     85    ENDFOR 
    8686; keep only the interior domain 
    8787    data = (temporary(data))[data_smwin:nx+data_smwin-1, data_smwin:ny+data_smwin-1] 
    9090  IF method EQ 'boxmean' THEN BEGIN 
    9191    data = boxmean_interp(temporary(data), divx, divy) 
    9393    IF NOT keyword_set(inirr) THEN BEGIN 
    9494      data = fromreg(method, temporary(data), inlon, inlat, outlon, outlat, WEIG = weig, ADDR = addr, _extra = ex) 
    9797      data = fromirr(method, temporary(data), inlon, inlat, mask, outlon, outlat, -1, WEIG = weig, ADDR = addr) 
    9898    ENDELSE 
    99   ENDELSE  
     99  ENDELSE 
    101101  IF n_elements(gethan) EQ 1 THEN data = gethan > temporary(data) 
    102102  IF n_elements(lethan) EQ 1 THEN data = temporary(data) < lethan 
    103103  IF outmask_ind[0] NE -1 THEN data[outmask_ind] = set_outmskval 
    105105  if intype LE 3 THEN data = round(temporary(data)) 
    205205; mask is based on the first record (if record dimension 
    206206; exists). The input mask is build according to operator defined by INTESTOP 
    207 ; keyword (default NE) and the testing values defined as  
     207; keyword (default NE) and the testing values defined as 
    208208;   1) the second word of TESTOP if existing 
    209209;   2) MISSING_VALUE keyword 
    220220; contains 2 words. 
    221221; Note: do not mismatch with MISSING_VALUE used to detect missing 
    222 ; values at reach record.    
     222; values at reach record. 
    224224; @keyword OUTMISSING_VALUE {type=scalar} 
    250250; (Re)define the missing value in input data (missing values are treated 
    251251; like masked values and will be filled with extrapolation before 
    252 ; interpolation).  
     252; interpolation). 
    253253; Note: do not mismatch with (IN/OUT)MISSING_VALUE which are missing value 
    254254; used (in association with (IN/OUT)USEASMASK) to built the mask (that 
    384384    divx = round(gridout[0]) 
    385385    divy = round(gridout[1]) 
    386     IF jpiin MOD divx NE 0 THEN BEGIN  
     386    IF jpiin MOD divx NE 0 THEN BEGIN 
    387387      print, 'in boxmean method, the x size ('+strtrim(divx, 1)+') of the box used to average the data must divide the size of the x dimension ('+strtrim(jpiin, 1)+')' 
    388388      return 
    389389    ENDIF 
    390     IF jpjin MOD divy NE 0 THEN BEGIN  
     390    IF jpjin MOD divy NE 0 THEN BEGIN 
    391391      print, 'in boxmean method, the y size ('+strtrim(divy, 1)+') of the box used to average the data must divide the size of the y dimension ('+strtrim(jpjin, 1)+')' 
    392392      return 
    396396    outlon = inlon   &   outlon = boxmean_interp(outlon, divx, divy) 
    397397    outlat = inlat   &   outlat = boxmean_interp(outlat, divx, divy) 
    398     IF jpiout EQ 1 OR jpjout EQ 1 THEN BEGIN    
     398    IF jpiout EQ 1 OR jpjout EQ 1 THEN BEGIN 
    399399      outlon = reform(outlon, jpiout, jpjout, /overwrite) 
    400400      outlat = reform(outlat, jpiout, jpjout, /overwrite) 
    401     ENDIF  
    402   ENDIF ELSE BEGIN  
     401    ENDIF 
    403403    ncdf_getaxis, gridout, outdimidx, outdimidy, outlon, outlat, xaxisname = outxaxisname, yaxisname = outyaxisname 
    404404    get_gridparams, outlon, outlat, jpiout, jpjout, 2 
    405   ENDELSE  
     405  ENDELSE 
    407407; masks 
    415415    outmask = inmask 
    416416    IF inmask[0] NE -1 THEN outmask = boxmean_interp(outmask, divx, divy) 
    417   ENDIF ELSE BEGIN  
    418418    outmask = ncdf_getmask(maskout, MASKNAME = outmaskname, INVMASK = outinvmask, USEASMASK = outuseasmask $ 
    419419                           , MISSING_VALUE = outmissing_value, ADDSCL_BEFORE = outaddscl_before, TESTOP = outtestop) 
    420   ENDELSE  
     420  ENDELSE 
    422422; irregular grids? 
    518518          ELSE: 
    519519        ENDCASE 
    521521        FOR j = 0, varinq.natts-1 DO BEGIN 
    522522          name = ncdf_attname(inid, i, j) 
    531531          ENDCASE 
    532532        ENDFOR 
    534534        IF keyword_set(interp) AND outmask[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN 
    535535          IF n_elements(set_outmskval) NE 0 THEN outmiss[i] = set_outmskval 
    536536          ncdf_attput, outid, outvarid[i], '_fillvalue', outmiss[i] 
    537           ncdf_attput, outid, outvarid[i], 'missing_value', outmiss[i]  
     537          ncdf_attput, outid, outvarid[i], 'missing_value', outmiss[i] 
    538538        ENDIF 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/

    r433 r495  
    5151; lonout, latout are used only to know the output domain size 
    53 ; @keyword  
     53; @keyword 
    5454; _EXTRA to be able to call fromirr with _extra keyword 
    7878;   IDL> help, a, b 
    80 ; 2) use a and b that are now defined to bypass the computation of the weights  
     80; 2) use a and b that are now defined to bypass the computation of the weights 
    8181; and addresses and speed-up the computation! 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/

    r433 r495  
    66; 2 methods available: bilinear and imoms3 
    8 ; A "regular/rectangular grid" is defined as a grid for which  
     8; A "regular/rectangular grid" is defined as a grid for which 
    10 ; Each longitude lines have the same latitude and each latitude columns  
     10; Each longitude lines have the same latitude and each latitude columns 
    1111; have the same longitude. 
    13 ; @categories  
     13; @categories 
    1414; Interpolation 
    3838; @keyword ADDR {type=2d array or variable name} 
    39 ; 1) at the first call of fromreg:  
     39; 1) at the first call of fromreg: 
    4040; This keyword can be set to a named variable (undefined or equal to 0) into which the 
    4141; addresses used to perform the interpolation will be copied when the current routine exits. 
    5757; of the input data when performing the interpolation. 
    59 ; @keyword  
     59; @keyword 
    6060; _EXTRA to be able to call fromreg with _extra keyword 
    7575;  or if you have several fields to interpolate from the same source and target grids 
    76 ;  
    7777; 1) get back the weights and addresses in variables a and b 
    7878;   (that must be undefined or equal to 0 before calling fromreg 
    8181;   IDL> help, a, b 
    83 ; 2) use a and b that are now defined to bypass the computation of the weights and addresses  
     83; 2) use a and b that are now defined to bypass the computation of the weights and addresses 
    8484; and speed-up the computation! 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/

    r379 r495  
    88; sure they are 1D or 2D arrays 
    10 ; @categories  
     10; @categories 
    1111; Interpolation 
    2929;         n_dimensions dimensions when returned 
    31 ; @param in3  
     31; @param in3 
    3232; Case 1: name of the variable containing the latitude in the NetCDF file 
    3333; Case 2: returned number of points in longitudinal direction. 
    3939; @param in5 
    40 ; Case 1: returned latitudes array, with n_dimensions dimensions  
    41 ; Case 2: input scalar (1 or 2) to specify if lon and lat should be returned  
     40; Case 1: returned latitudes array, with n_dimensions dimensions 
     41; Case 2: input scalar (1 or 2) to specify if lon and lat should be returned 
    4242;         as 1D or 2D arrays. Note that if n_dimensions = 1, the grid must be 
    4343;         regular (longitude and latitudes can be described as 1D arrays). 
    5151; @param in8 {in} 
    52 ; Case 1: input scalar (1 or 2) to specify if lon and lat should be returned  
     52; Case 1: input scalar (1 or 2) to specify if lon and lat should be returned 
    5353;         as 1D or 2D arrays. Note that if n_dimensions = 1, the grid must be 
    5454;         regular (longitude and latitudes can be described as 1D arrays). 
    5959; @examples 
    61 ; 1)  
     61; 1) 
    6363;   IDL> ncdf_get_gridparams, '', 'glamt', 'gphit' $ 
    6464;            , olon, olat, jpio, jpjo, 2 
    66 ; 2)  
     66; 2) 
    6868;   IDL> ncdf_get_gridparams, olon, olat, jpio, jpjo, 2 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/

    r371 r495  
    3535; @keyword DELTA {default=4} 
    36 ; to speed up the program, we reduce the aera where we look for potential 
     36; to speed up the program, we reduce the area where we look for potential 
    3737; quadrilaterals containing (x,y). Delta defines the limit of the box 
    3838; centred on (x,y) with a zonal and meridional extent of delta degrees. 
    202202  ENDIF 
    204 ; 
    205204; the point is inside the quadrilateral if test eq 1 
    206205; with test equal to: 
    217216; row j of test corresponds to all the points localized in cell j 
    219   IF keyword_set(double) THEN one = 1.d ELSE one = 1.  
     218  IF keyword_set(double) THEN one = 1.d ELSE one = 1. 
    220219  nquad_1 = replicate(one, nquad) 
    221220  ntofind_1 = replicate(one, ntofind) 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/

    r372 r495  
    33; @file_comments 
    4 ; given  
     4; given 
    55;  - a list of points, (x,y) position 
    66;  - the x and y limits of a rectangular grid 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/

    r493 r495  
    1313; @param grid {in}{required}{type=scalar string} 
    1414; type of grid-point on which is located the array: 'T', 'U', 'V' or 'F' 
    15 ;  
    1616; @param psign {in}{optional}{type=1. or -1.}{default=1.} 
    6161  tst = arr[0, *, *, *] - arr[jpi-2, *, *, *] 
    6262  nberr = total(tst NE 0) 
    63   IF nberr NE 0 THEN BEGIN  
     63  IF nberr NE 0 THEN BEGIN 
    6464    IF keyword_set(verbose) THEN print, grid + 'east-west periodicity (1) : '+strtrim(nberr, 1)+' errors' 
    6565    IF keyword_set(verbose) AND nberr LE 10 THEN print, '     located on : ', where(tst NE 0) 
    6666    IF keyword_set(stop) THEN stop 
    6767    IF keyword_set(correction) THEN arr[0, *, *, *] = arr[jpi-2, *, *, *] 
    68     res = res + 1  
     68    res = res + 1 
    6969  ENDIF 
    7070  tst = arr[1, *, *, *] - arr[jpi-1, *, *, *] 
    7171  nberr = total(tst NE 0) 
    72   IF nberr NE 0 THEN BEGIN  
     72  IF nberr NE 0 THEN BEGIN 
    7373    IF keyword_set(verbose) THEN print, grid + 'east-west periodicity (2) : '+strtrim(nberr, 1)+' errors' 
    7474    IF keyword_set(verbose) AND nberr LE 10 THEN print, '     located on : ', where(tst NE 0) 
    7575    IF keyword_set(stop) THEN stop 
    7676    IF keyword_set(correction) THEN arr[jpi-1, *, *, *] = arr[1, *, *, *] 
    77     res = res + 1  
     77    res = res + 1 
    7878  ENDIF 
    8080; north pole periodicity 
    8282  CASE 1 OF 
    8383    (jpi EQ 182 AND jpj EQ 149) OR (jpi EQ 1442 AND jpj EQ 1021) OR (jpi EQ 4322 AND jpj EQ 3059):BEGIN ; this is ORCA2, 0RCA025, ORCA12... 
    8686          tst = arr[1:jpi-1, jpj-1, *, *] - psign * reverse(arr[1:jpi-1, jpj-3, *, *]) 
    8787          nberr = total(tst NE 0) 
    88           IF nberr NE 0 THEN BEGIN  
     88          IF nberr NE 0 THEN BEGIN 
    8989            IF keyword_set(verbose) THEN print, grid + 'grid: north pole periodicity (1) : '+strtrim(nberr, 1)+' errors' 
    9090            IF keyword_set(verbose) AND nberr LE 10 THEN print, '     located on : ', where(tst NE 0) 
    9191            IF keyword_set(stop) THEN stop 
    9292            IF keyword_set(correction) THEN arr[1:jpi-1, jpj-1, *, *] = psign * reverse(arr[1:jpi-1, jpj-3, *, *]) 
    93             res = res + 1  
     93            res = res + 1 
    9494          ENDIF 
    9595          tst = arr[1:jpi/2, jpj-2, *, *] - psign * reverse(arr[jpi/2:jpi-1, jpj-2, *, *]) 
    9696          nberr = total(tst NE 0) 
    97           IF nberr NE 0 THEN BEGIN  
     97          IF nberr NE 0 THEN BEGIN 
    9898            IF keyword_set(verbose) THEN print, grid + 'grid: north pole periodicity (2) : '+strtrim(nberr, 1)+' errors' 
    9999            IF keyword_set(verbose) AND nberr LE 10 THEN print, '     located on : ', where(tst NE 0) 
    100100            IF keyword_set(stop) THEN stop 
    101101            IF keyword_set(correction) THEN arr[jpi/2:jpi-1, jpj-2, *, *] = psign * reverse(arr[1:jpi/2, jpj-2, *, *]) 
    102             res = res + 1  
     102            res = res + 1 
    103103          ENDIF 
    104104        END 
    106106          tst = arr[1:jpi-1, jpj-1, *, *] - psign * reverse(arr[0:jpi-2, jpj-3, *, *]) 
    107107          nberr = total(tst NE 0) 
    108           IF nberr NE 0 THEN BEGIN  
     108          IF nberr NE 0 THEN BEGIN 
    109109            IF keyword_set(verbose) THEN print, grid + 'grid: north pole periodicity (1) : '+strtrim(nberr, 1)+' errors' 
    110110            IF keyword_set(verbose) AND nberr LE 10 THEN print, '     located on : ', where(tst NE 0) 
    111111            IF keyword_set(stop) THEN stop 
    112112            IF keyword_set(correction) THEN arr[1:jpi-1, jpj-1, *, *] = psign * reverse(arr[0:jpi-2, jpj-3, *, *]) 
    113             res = res + 1  
     113            res = res + 1 
    114114          ENDIF 
    115115          tst = arr[1:jpi/2, jpj-2, *, *] - psign * reverse(arr[jpi/2-1:jpi-2, jpj-2, *, *]) 
    116116          nberr = total(tst NE 0) 
    117           IF nberr NE 0 THEN BEGIN  
     117          IF nberr NE 0 THEN BEGIN 
    118118            IF keyword_set(verbose) THEN print, grid + 'grid: north pole periodicity (2) : '+strtrim(nberr, 1)+' errors' 
    119119            IF keyword_set(verbose) AND nberr LE 10 THEN print, '     located on : ', where(tst NE 0) 
    120120            IF keyword_set(stop) THEN stop 
    121121            IF keyword_set(correction) THEN arr[jpi/2-1:jpi-2, jpj-2, *, *] = psign * reverse(arr[1:jpi/2, jpj-2, *, *]) 
    122             res = res + 1  
     122            res = res + 1 
    123123          ENDIF 
    124124        END 
    126126          tst = arr[1:jpi-1, jpj-1, *, *] - psign * reverse(arr[1:jpi-1, jpj-4, *, *]) 
    127127          nberr = total(tst NE 0) 
    128           IF nberr NE 0 THEN BEGIN  
     128          IF nberr NE 0 THEN BEGIN 
    129129            IF keyword_set(verbose) THEN print, grid + 'grid: north pole periodicity (1) : '+strtrim(nberr, 1)+' errors' 
    130130            IF keyword_set(verbose) AND nberr LE 10 THEN print, '     located on : ', where(tst NE 0) 
    131131            IF keyword_set(stop) THEN stop 
    132132            IF keyword_set(correction) THEN arr[1:jpi-1, jpj-1, *, *] = psign * reverse(arr[1:jpi-1, jpj-4, *, *]) 
    133             res = res + 1  
     133            res = res + 1 
    134134          ENDIF 
    135135          tst = arr[1:jpi-1, jpj-2, *, *] - psign * reverse(arr[1:jpi-1, jpj-3, *, *]) 
    136136          nberr = total(tst NE 0) 
    137           IF nberr NE 0 THEN BEGIN  
     137          IF nberr NE 0 THEN BEGIN 
    138138            IF keyword_set(verbose) THEN print, grid + 'grid: north pole periodicity (2) : '+strtrim(nberr, 1)+' errors' 
    139139            IF keyword_set(verbose) AND nberr LE 10 THEN print, '     located on : ', where(tst NE 0) 
    140140            IF keyword_set(stop) THEN stop 
    141141            IF keyword_set(correction) THEN arr[1:jpi-1, jpj-2, *, *] = psign * reverse(arr[1:jpi-1, jpj-3, *, *]) 
    142             res = res + 1  
     142            res = res + 1 
    143143          ENDIF 
    144144        END 
    146146          tst = arr[1:jpi-1, jpj-1, *, *] - psign * reverse(arr[0:jpi-2, jpj-4, *, *]) 
    147147          nberr = total(tst NE 0) 
    148           IF nberr NE 0 THEN BEGIN  
     148          IF nberr NE 0 THEN BEGIN 
    149149            IF keyword_set(verbose) THEN print, grid + 'grid: north pole periodicity (1) : '+strtrim(nberr, 1)+' errors' 
    150150            IF keyword_set(verbose) AND nberr LE 10 THEN print, '     located on : ', where(tst NE 0) 
    151151            IF keyword_set(stop) THEN stop 
    152152            IF keyword_set(correction) THEN arr[1:jpi-1, jpj-1, *, *] = psign * reverse(arr[0:jpi-2, jpj-4, *, *]) 
    153             res = res + 1  
     153            res = res + 1 
    154154          ENDIF 
    155155          tst = arr[1:jpi-1, jpj-2, *, *] - psign * reverse(arr[0:jpi-2, jpj-3, *, *]) 
    156156          nberr = total(tst NE 0) 
    157           IF nberr NE 0 THEN BEGIN  
     157          IF nberr NE 0 THEN BEGIN 
    158158            IF keyword_set(verbose) THEN print, grid + 'grid: north pole periodicity (2) : '+strtrim(nberr, 1)+' errors' 
    159159            IF keyword_set(verbose) AND nberr LE 10 THEN print, '     located on : ', where(tst NE 0) 
    160160            IF keyword_set(stop) THEN stop 
    161161            IF keyword_set(correction) THEN arr[1:jpi-1, jpj-2, *, *] = psign * reverse(arr[0:jpi-2, jpj-3, *, *]) 
    162             res = res + 1  
     162            res = res + 1 
    163163          ENDIF 
    164164        END 
    171171          tst = arr[1:jpi-2, jpj-1, *, *] - psign * reverse(arr[1:jpi-2, jpj-2, *, *]) 
    172172          nberr = total(tst NE 0) 
    173           IF nberr NE 0 THEN BEGIN  
     173          IF nberr NE 0 THEN BEGIN 
    174174            IF keyword_set(verbose) THEN print, grid + 'grid: north pole periodicity : '+strtrim(nberr, 1)+' errors' 
    175175            IF keyword_set(verbose) AND nberr LE 10 THEN print, '     located on : ', where(tst NE 0) 
    176176            IF keyword_set(stop) THEN stop 
    177177            IF keyword_set(correction) THEN arr[1:jpi-2, jpj-1, *, *] = psign * reverse(arr[1:jpi-2, jpj-2, *, *]) 
    178             res = res + 1  
     178            res = res + 1 
    179179          ENDIF 
    180180        END 
    182182          tst = arr[1:jpi-2, jpj-1, *, *] - psign * reverse(arr[0:jpi-3, jpj-2, *, *]) 
    183183          nberr = total(tst NE 0) 
    184           IF nberr NE 0 THEN BEGIN  
     184          IF nberr NE 0 THEN BEGIN 
    185185            IF keyword_set(verbose) THEN print, grid + 'grid: north pole periodicity : '+strtrim(nberr, 1)+' errors' 
    186186            IF keyword_set(verbose) AND nberr LE 10 THEN print, '     located on : ', where(tst NE 0) 
    187187            IF keyword_set(stop) THEN stop 
    188188            IF keyword_set(correction) THEN arr[1:jpi-2, jpj-1, *, *] = psign * reverse(arr[0:jpi-3, jpj-2, *, *]) 
    189             res = res + 1  
     189            res = res + 1 
    190190          ENDIF 
    191191        END 
    193193          tst = arr[1:jpi-2, jpj-1, *, *] - psign * reverse(arr[1:jpi-2, jpj-3, *, *]) 
    194194          nberr = total(tst NE 0) 
    195           IF nberr NE 0 THEN BEGIN  
     195          IF nberr NE 0 THEN BEGIN 
    196196            IF keyword_set(verbose) THEN print, grid + 'grid: north pole periodicity (1) : '+strtrim(nberr, 1)+' errors' 
    197197            IF keyword_set(verbose) AND nberr LE 10 THEN print, '     located on : ', where(tst NE 0) 
    198198            IF keyword_set(stop) THEN stop 
    199199            IF keyword_set(correction) THEN arr[1:jpi-2, jpj-1, *, *] = psign * reverse(arr[1:jpi-2, jpj-3, *, *]) 
    200             res = res + 1  
     200            res = res + 1 
    201201          ENDIF 
    202202          tst = arr[jpi/2:jpi-1, jpj-2, *, *] - psign * reverse(arr[0:jpi/2-1, jpj-2, *, *]) 
    203203          nberr = total(tst NE 0) 
    204           IF nberr NE 0 THEN BEGIN  
     204          IF nberr NE 0 THEN BEGIN 
    205205            IF keyword_set(verbose) THEN print, grid + 'grid: north pole periodicity (2) : '+strtrim(nberr, 1)+' errors' 
    206206            IF keyword_set(verbose) AND nberr LE 10 THEN print, '     located on : ', where(tst NE 0) 
    207207            IF keyword_set(stop) THEN stop 
    208208            IF keyword_set(correction) THEN arr[jpi/2:jpi-1, jpj-2, *, *] = psign * reverse(arr[0:jpi/2-1, jpj-2, *, *]) 
    209             res = res + 1  
     209            res = res + 1 
    210210          ENDIF 
    211211        END 
    213213          tst = arr[1:jpi-2, jpj-1, *, *] - psign * reverse(arr[0:jpi-3, jpj-3, *, *]) 
    214214          nberr = total(tst NE 0) 
    215           IF nberr NE 0 THEN BEGIN  
     215          IF nberr NE 0 THEN BEGIN 
    216216            IF keyword_set(verbose) THEN print, grid + 'grid: north pole periodicity (2) : '+strtrim(nberr, 1)+' errors' 
    217217            IF keyword_set(verbose) AND nberr LE 10 THEN print, '     located on : ', where(tst NE 0) 
    218218            IF keyword_set(stop) THEN stop 
    219219            IF keyword_set(correction) THEN arr[1:jpi-2, jpj-1, *, *] = psign * reverse(arr[0:jpi-3, jpj-3, *, *]) 
    220             res = res + 1  
     220            res = res + 1 
    221221          ENDIF 
    222222          tst = arr[jpi/2:jpi-2, jpj-2, *, *] - psign * reverse(arr[0:jpi/2-2, jpj-2, *, *]) 
    223223          nberr = total(tst NE 0) 
    224           IF nberr NE 0 THEN BEGIN  
     224          IF nberr NE 0 THEN BEGIN 
    225225            IF keyword_set(verbose) THEN print, grid + 'grid: north pole periodicity (2) : '+strtrim(nberr, 1)+' errors' 
    226226            IF keyword_set(verbose) AND nberr LE 10 THEN print, '     located on : ', where(tst NE 0) 
    227227            IF keyword_set(stop) THEN stop 
    228228            IF keyword_set(correction) THEN arr[jpi/2:jpi-2, jpj-2, *, *] = psign * reverse(arr[0:jpi/2-2, jpj-2, *, *]) 
    229             res = res + 1  
     229            res = res + 1 
    230230          ENDIF 
    231231        END 
    241241  ENDIF 
    244243  RETURN,  res 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/

    r371 r495  
    7373  compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs 
    75 ; 
    7675  IF n_elements(lon0) NE n_elements(lat0) $ 
    7776    OR n_elements(lon0) NE n_elements(arc_dist) $ 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/

    r371 r495  
    3737; @keyword TWO_BY_TWO 
    38 ; If given, then <pro>map_npoints</pro> returns the distances between  
     38; If given, then <pro>map_npoints</pro> returns the distances between 
    3939; number n of P0 points and number n of P1 pointsi. 
    4040; In that case, np0 and np1 must be equal. 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/

    r372 r495  
    7373;      IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, California 
    7474;      Chapter 3, see p 52-56 
    75 ; 
    7776; @version 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/

    r372 r495  
    7272FUNCTION square2quadrilateral, x0in, y0in, x1in, y1in, x2in, y2in $ 
    73                              , x3in, y3in, xxin, yyin $  
     73                             , x3in, y3in, xxin, yyin $ 
    7474                             , DOUBLE=double 
  • trunk/SRC/Matrix/

    r493 r495  
    9797;     USER  - Applies user-defined function      no. of output elements 
    98 ; 
    10099;   It is possible to perform user-defined operations arrays using 
    173172; @examples 
    175 ;   First example:   
    176 ;   Shows how <pro>cmapply</pro> can be used to total the second dimension of  
     174;   First example: 
     175;   Shows how <pro>cmapply</pro> can be used to total the second dimension of 
    177176;   the array called IN. This is equivalent to OUT = TOTAL(IN, 2) 
    377376      end 
    380378  endcase 
  • trunk/SRC/Matrix/

    r493 r495  
    3434;   IDL> b = [6,1,3,2] 
    36 ;   IDL> res=different(a,b)  
     36;   IDL> res=different(a,b) 
    3737;              4           8 
    3838; Right because 4 and 8 are in a but not in b ! 
  • trunk/SRC/Matrix/

    r373 r495  
    138138   endcase 
  • trunk/SRC/Matrix/

    r378 r495  
    99; Calculation 
    11 ; @param a {in}{required}  
     11; @param a {in}{required} 
    1212; arrays of positive integers, which need not to be 
    1313; sorted. Duplicate elements are ignored, as they have no effect on the 
    1414; result 
    16 ; @param b {in}{required}  
     16; @param b {in}{required} 
    1717; see a 
    2323; -1. 
    25 ; @restrictions  
     25; @restrictions 
    2626; These functions will not be efficient on sparse sets with wide 
    27 ; ranges, as they trade memory for efficiency.  
     27; ranges, as they trade memory for efficiency. 
    2828; The <proidl>HISTOGRAM</proidl> function 
    2929; is used, which creates arrays of size equal to the range of the 
  • trunk/SRC/Matrix/

    r414 r495  
    1414; effect on the result 
    16 ; @param b {in}{required}  
     16; @param b {in}{required} 
    1717; see a 
    2020; an array containing the set of values in a and b. 
    22 ; @restrictions  
     22; @restrictions 
    2323; These functions will not be efficient on sparse sets with wide 
    24 ; ranges, as they trade memory for efficiency.  
     24; ranges, as they trade memory for efficiency. 
    2525; The <proidl>HISTOGRAM</proidl> function 
    2626; is used, which creates arrays of size equal to the range of the 
    3131;   IDL> a = [2,4,6,8] 
    3232;   IDL> b = [6,1,3,2] 
    33 ;   IDL> res=union(a,b)  
     33;   IDL> res=union(a,b) 
    3434;   IDL> print, res 
    3535;           1           2           3           4           5           6 
  • trunk/SRC/Matrix/

    r373 r495  
    1414; @examples 
    16 ;   IDL> a=zero_one(3)    
     16;   IDL> a=zero_one(3) 
    1717;   IDL> help,a 
    1818;   A               FLOAT     = Array[3] 
    2020;         0.00000      1.00000      0.00000 
    22 ;   IDL> a=zero_one(2,3)    
     22;   IDL> a=zero_one(2,3) 
    2323;   IDL> help,a 
    2424;   A               FLOAT     = Array[2, 3] 
  • trunk/SRC/Picture/

    r371 r495  
    1414; to 8-bit or 24-bit images on-screen are done automatically. 
    16 ; @categories  
     16; @categories 
    1717; Input/Output 
  • trunk/SRC/Postscript/

    r493 r495  
    5757            , LIGHTNESS=Lightness, _EXTRA=ex 
    59 ; 
    6059  compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs 
    9998            file_basename(nameps, '.ps') + '.ps' 
    10099; add path (psdir) and check that nameps is ok 
    101    nameps = isafile(nameps, iodir = psdir, /new)  
     100   nameps = isafile(nameps, iodir = psdir, /new) 
    103102; we define xsize, ysize, xoffset and yoffset 
  • trunk/SRC/Postscript/

    r493 r495  
    3131;     print_command+printer_machine_names[i]+' ' 
    3232; is working. default definition is '\lpr -P' 
    33 ; 
    3534; @history 
    204203; to print the postscript file. DIRECTPRINT must correspond to one of 
    205204; the names defined in the common variables printer_machine_names or 
    206 ; printer_human_names. useful to use printps in batch mode  
     205; printer_human_names. useful to use printps in batch mode 
    208207; @uses 
    289288; build the widget 
    291     keyword_set(directprint): BEGIN  
     290    keyword_set(directprint): BEGIN 
    292291; check if directprint is well defined 
    293292      printnumb = (where(strlowcase(printer_machine_names) EQ strlowcase(directprint)))[0] 
    305304; build the widget 
    307     ELSE:BEGIN  
    308       IF keyword_set(key_batch) THEN return  
     306    ELSE:BEGIN 
     307      IF keyword_set(key_batch) THEN return 
    309308      base = widget_base(/row, title = 'Postscript file: ' $ 
    310309                         + file_basename(nameps)) 
    359358  ENDCASE 
    362360  return 
  • trunk/SRC/ReadWrite/

    r493 r495  
    1919; or NCDF_VARID, or the name of the variable. 
    21 ; @keyword add_offset  
     21; @keyword add_offset 
    2222; Set this keyword to a named variable in which the value of 
    2323; add_offset attribute is returned. Return 0. if this attribute 
    5555; @keyword standard_name 
    5656; Set this keyword to a named variable in which the value of 
    57 ; standard_name (CF convention) is returned. Return empty string  
     57; standard_name (CF convention) is returned. Return empty string 
    5858; if this attribute does not exist. 
    6060; @keyword _EXTRA 
    61 ; defined only to be able to call <pro>ncdf_getatt</pro> with the  
     61; defined only to be able to call <pro>ncdf_getatt</pro> with the 
    6262; _EXTRA keyword 
    9494  long_name = '' 
    9595  standard_name = '' 
    96 ;  
    9797  varinq = ncdf_varinq(cdfid, varid) 
    9898  IF varinq.natts GT 0 THEN BEGIN 
    100100      attname = ncdf_attname(cdfid, varid, a) 
    101101      CASE strlowcase(attname) OF 
    102         'units':BEGIN  
     102        'units':BEGIN 
    103103          ncdf_attget, cdfid, varid, attname, tmp 
    104104          units = strcompress(strtrim(tmp, 2)) 
    105105        END 
    106         'calendar':BEGIN  
     106        'calendar':BEGIN 
    107107          ncdf_attget, cdfid, varid, attname, tmp 
    108108          tmp = strtrim(tmp, 2) 
    126126        'long_name':BEGIN 
    127127           ncdf_attget, cdfid, varid, attname, tmp 
    128            long_name = strtrim(tmp, 2)            
     128           long_name = strtrim(tmp, 2) 
    129129        END 
    130130        'standard_name':BEGIN 
    131131           ncdf_attget, cdfid, varid, attname, tmp 
    132            standard_name = strtrim(tmp, 2)            
     132           standard_name = strtrim(tmp, 2) 
    133133        END 
    134134        'add_offset':ncdf_attget, cdfid, varid, attname, add_offset 
    145145    IF strmid(missing_value, 0, 1, /reverse_offset) EQ 'f' THEN $ 
    146146       missing_value = strmid(missing_value, 0, strlen(missing_value)-1) 
    147     IF isnumber(string(missing_value), tmp) EQ 1 THEN BEGIN  
     147    IF isnumber(string(missing_value), tmp) EQ 1 THEN BEGIN 
    148148      missing_value = tmp 
    149149    ENDIF ELSE BEGIN 
    156156    add_offset = double(add_offset) 
    157157    scale_factor = double(scale_factor) 
    158   ENDIF ELSE BEGIN  
    159159    add_offset = float(add_offset) 
    160160    scale_factor = float(scale_factor) 
    163163  IF size(fileid, /type) EQ 7 THEN ncdf_close, cdfid 
    165165  return 
    166 END  
  • trunk/SRC/ReadWrite/

    r429 r495  
    7474; @history 
    7575; March 2007: Sebastien Masson (smasson\ 
    76 ; 
    7877; @version 
    171170    ENDFOR 
    172171    jpiglo = xcount[0] 
    173     IF n_elements(xmaxmesh) NE 0 THEN BEGIN  
     172    IF n_elements(xmaxmesh) NE 0 THEN BEGIN 
    174173      IF xmaxmesh GE 0 THEN ixmaxmesh = long(xmaxmesh[0]) ELSE ixmaxmesh = xcount[0] -1 + long(xmaxmesh[0]) 
    175174    ENDIF ELSE ixmaxmesh = xcount[0] - 1L 
    179178    jpifromx = xcount[0] 
    180179    jpi = jpifromx 
    181     IF xinq.ndims GE 2 THEN BEGIN  
     180    IF xinq.ndims GE 2 THEN BEGIN 
    182181      jpjglo = xcount[1] 
    183       IF n_elements(ymaxmesh) NE 0 THEN BEGIN  
     182      IF n_elements(ymaxmesh) NE 0 THEN BEGIN 
    184183        IF ymaxmesh GE 0 THEN iymaxmesh = long(ymaxmesh[0]) ELSE iymaxmesh = xcount[1] - 1L + long(ymaxmesh[0]) 
    185184      ENDIF ELSE iymaxmesh = xcount[1] - 1L 
    266265    idy = yinq.ndims GE 2 
    267266    jpjglo = ycount[idy] 
    268     IF n_elements(ymaxmesh) NE 0 THEN BEGIN  
     267    IF n_elements(ymaxmesh) NE 0 THEN BEGIN 
    269268      IF ymaxmesh GE 0 THEN iymaxmesh = long(ymaxmesh[0]) ELSE iymaxmesh = ycount[idy] - 1L + long(ymaxmesh[0]) 
    270269    ENDIF ELSE iymaxmesh = ycount[idy] - 1L 
    274273    jpjfromy = ycount[idy] 
    275274    jpj = jpjfromy 
    276     IF yinq.ndims GE 2 THEN BEGIN  
     275    IF yinq.ndims GE 2 THEN BEGIN 
    277276      jpiglo = ycount[0] 
    278       IF n_elements(xmaxmesh) NE 0 THEN BEGIN  
     277      IF n_elements(xmaxmesh) NE 0 THEN BEGIN 
    279278        IF xmaxmesh GE 0 THEN ixmaxmesh = long(xmaxmesh[0]) ELSE ixmaxmesh = ycount[0] - 1L + long(xmaxmesh[0]) 
    280279      ENDIF ELSE ixmaxmesh = ycount[0] - 1L 
  • trunk/SRC/ReadWrite/

    r399 r495  
    3030; To define (or redefine if the attribute is already existing) the 
    3131; missing values used with USEASMASK keyword. Note that this value is 
    32 ; not used if TESTOP keyword is given and contains 2 words.   
     32; not used if TESTOP keyword is given and contains 2 words. 
    3434; @keyword USEASMASK {type=scalar string} 
    3737; mask is based on the first record (if record dimension 
    3838; exists). The mask is build according to operator defined by TESTOP 
    39 ; keyword (default NE) and the testing values defined as  
     39; keyword (default NE) and the testing values defined as 
    4040;   1) the second word of TESTOP if existing 
    4141;   2) MISSING_VALUE keyword 
    8383;       Note that if ZMAXMESH < 0 then izmaxmesh is defined as izmaxmesh = jpkglo -1 + maxmesh 
    85 ; @keyword  
     85; @keyword 
    8686; _EXTRA to be able to call ncdf_getmask with _extra keyword 
    155155      ENDIF 
    156156    ENDFOR 
    158     IF n_elements(xmaxmesh) NE 0 THEN BEGIN  
     158    IF n_elements(xmaxmesh) NE 0 THEN BEGIN 
    159159      IF xmaxmesh GE 0 THEN ixmaxmesh = long(xmaxmesh[0]) ELSE ixmaxmesh = count[0] - 1L + long(xmaxmesh[0]) 
    160160    ENDIF ELSE ixmaxmesh = count[0] - 1L 
    165165    jpi = count[0] 
    167     IF n_elements(ymaxmesh) NE 0 THEN  BEGIN  
     167    IF n_elements(ymaxmesh) NE 0 THEN  BEGIN 
    168168      IF ymaxmesh GE 0 THEN iymaxmesh = long(ymaxmesh[0]) ELSE iymaxmesh = count[1] - 1L + long(ymaxmesh[0]) 
    169     ENDIF ELSE iymaxmesh = count[1] - 1L  
     169    ENDIF ELSE iymaxmesh = count[1] - 1L 
    170170    iymaxmesh  = 0 > iymaxmesh < (count[1] - 1L) ; make sure ixmaxmesh is not too big 
    171171    jpjglo = count[1] 
    176176    IF (mskinq.ndims EQ 3 AND withrcd EQ -1) OR (mskinq.ndims EQ 4) THEN BEGIN 
    177       IF n_elements(zmaxmesh) NE 0 THEN  BEGIN  
     177      IF n_elements(zmaxmesh) NE 0 THEN  BEGIN 
    178178        IF zmaxmesh GE 0 THEN izmaxmesh = long(zmaxmesh[0]) ELSE izmaxmesh = count[2] - 1L + long(zmaxmesh[0]) 
    179179      ENDIF ELSE izmaxmesh = count[2] - 1L 
    187187; read the variable for the first record 
    188188    ncdf_varget, cdfid, mskid, mask, count = count,  offset = offset 
    190190; get add_offset, scale factor and missing value attributes 
    191191    ncdf_getatt, cdfid, mskid, add_offset = add, scale_factor = scl, missing_value = miss 
    206206      IF op EQ 'EQ' THEN BEGIN 
    207207        op = 'NE' 
    208         invmask = 1b - keyword_set(invmask)  
     208        invmask = 1b - keyword_set(invmask) 
    209209      ENDIF 
    210       IF n_elements(tmp) EQ 1 THEN testval = miss ELSE testval = float(tmp[1])  
     210      IF n_elements(tmp) EQ 1 THEN testval = miss ELSE testval = float(tmp[1]) 
    211211      IF finite(testval) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN 
    212212        IF op NE 'NE' THEN mask = report('NaN test value can be used only with EQ or NE operator') ELSE mask = finite(mask) 
    217217          'LE':mask = mask LE testval 
    218218          'LT':mask = mask LT testval 
    219           'NE':BEGIN  
     219          'NE':BEGIN 
    220220; we have to take care of the float accuracy 
    221221            CASE 1 OF 
    231231    ENDIF 
    233     IF mask[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN  
     233    IF mask[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN 
    234234      mask = byte(round(mask)) 
    235235      if keyword_set(invmask) then mask = 1b - mask 
  • trunk/SRC/ReadWrite/

    r493 r495  
    1313; @param cdfid {in}{optional}{type=scalar} 
    14 ; the ID of the ncdf_file, if the file is already open.  
     14; the ID of the ncdf_file, if the file is already open. 
    1515; if not provided, ncdf_gettime open the file defined by filename 
    163163    'greg':key_caltype = 'greg' 
    164164    'gregorian':key_caltype = 'greg' 
    165     ELSE:BEGIN  
     165    ELSE:BEGIN 
    166166      dummy = report( ['unknown calendar type: '+calendar, 'we use gregorian calendar'] ) 
    167167      key_caltype = 'greg' 
    174174  value = strlowcase(value) 
    175   IF value NE 'true julian day' THEN BEGIN  
     175  IF value NE 'true julian day' THEN BEGIN 
    176176; time_counter:units = "seconds since 0001-01-01 00:00:00" ; 
    177177; time_counter:units = "minutes since 0001-01-01 00:00:00" ; 
  • trunk/SRC/ReadWrite/

    r371 r495  
    3232;   IDL> m=read_oasis('masks_orca_t106','or1t.msk',182,149,/i4) 
    34 ; see also  
     34; see also 
    3636;   IDL> scanoasis,'grids_orca_t106' 
  • trunk/SRC/ReadWrite/

    r372 r495  
    1818; @returns 
    1919; a structure that contains two elements: tdistcoast (the 
    20 ; distance for the t-points) and fdiscoast (the distance for the 
     20; distance for the t-points) and fdistcoast (the distance for the 
    2121; f-points). 
    7575                            , IBLOC=ibloc, JPBYT=jpbyt, NUMREC=numrec 
    77 ; 
    7877  compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs 
    8685   openr,numcost , iname_file, /get_lun, /swap_if_little_endian 
    8786; check the size of the file 
    88    filepamameters = fstat(numcost) 
     87   fileparameters = fstat(numcost) 
    8988; default parameter definition for ORCA2 
    9089   IF keyword_set(ibloc) THEN ibloc = long(ibloc) ELSE ibloc = 4096L 
    9796; number of records 
    9897   IF keyword_set(numrec) THEN numrec = long(numrec) ELSE numrec = 3L*jpk 
    99 ; difference between the record length and the size of the contened 
     98; difference between the record length and the size of the contained 
    10099; array. 
    101100   toomuch = reclen-jpiglo*jpjglo*jpbyt 
    102101; expected size computation 
    103102   size = numrec*reclen-toomuch 
    104    if size NE filepamameters.size then begin 
     103   if size NE fileparameters.size then begin 
    105104      ras = report(['The size of the file is not the expected one!', $ 
    106105      'Check your file or the values of ibloc, jpiglo,', $ 
  • trunk/SRC/ReadWrite/

    r327 r495  
    146146   openr,numrst , iname_file, /get_lun, /swap_if_little_endian 
    147147; check the size of the file 
    148    filepamameters = fstat(numrst) 
     148   fileparameters = fstat(numrst) 
    149149; parameter definition 
    150150   IF keyword_set(ibloc) THEN ibloc = long(ibloc) ELSE ibloc = 4096L 
    159159; expected size computation 
    160160   size = numrec*reclen-toomuch 
    161    if size NE filepamameters.size then begin 
     161   if size NE fileparameters.size then begin 
    162162      ras = report(['The size of the file is not the expected one!', $ 
    163163      'Check your file or the values of ibloc, jpiglo,', $ 
    233233   IF arg_present(en) THEN en = read3fromopa(numrst, params, 19) 
    237235   close, numrst 
    238236   free_lun, numrst 
    240238   return 
    245241;CDIR$ LIST 
  • trunk/SRC/ReadWrite/

    r493 r495  
    55; the file name must follow the following pattern: 
    66;     prefix + * +dates_description + * + suffix + *.nc 
    7 ;   - prefix suffix are described in the input parameters bellow  
     7;   - prefix suffix are described in the input parameters bellow 
    88;   - dates_description is described in the keyword datefmt 
    5050; @uses 
    5151;      @cm_general for the common variable "iodir" that specify the 
    52 ;      directory where the files are located   
     52;      directory where the files are located 
    5454; @restrictions 
    55 ;  see description part  
     55;  see description part 
    5757; @examples 
    6363; @history 
    64 ; 2011-04: Creation. Sebastien Masson (smasson\  
     64; 2011-04: Creation. Sebastien Masson (smasson\ 
    6666; @version 
    9090    'yi4mi2':d1_d2 = '*y[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]m[0-9][0-9]*'                                                                     ; yxxxxmxx 
    9191    'yi4':d1_d2 = '*y[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]*'                                                                                   ; yxxxx 
    92     ELSE:BEGIN  
     92    ELSE:BEGIN 
    9393      print, 'this date format is not accepted: ' + datefmt 
    9494      return, '' 
    9595    ENDCASE 
    9696  ENDCASE 
    9898; prefix + '*' + '_yyyymmdd_yyyymmdd_' + '*' + suffix + '*' + '.nc' 
    9999  IF strlen(suffix) - strpos(suffix, '.nc', /reverse_search) EQ 3 $ 
    104104  IF nb_file EQ 0 THEN BEGIN 
    105     print, 'file ' + nn + ' not found'  
     105    print, 'file ' + nn + ' not found' 
    106106    return, '' 
    107107  ENDIF 
    114114    CASE datefmt OF 
    115       'i8_i8':BEGIN  
     115      'i8_i8':BEGIN 
    116116        d1_d2 = stregex(file_list[i], '[0-9]{8}_[0-9]{8}', /extract) 
    117         d1d2 = STRSPLIT(d1_d2, '_', /EXTRACT )  
     117        d1d2 = STRSPLIT(d1_d2, '_', /EXTRACT ) 
    118118        date1 = long(d1d2[0]) 
    119119        date2 = long(d1d2[1]) 
    120120      END 
    121       'i6_i6':BEGIN  
     121      'i6_i6':BEGIN 
    122122        d1_d2 = stregex(file_list[i], '[0-9]{6}_[0-9]{6}', /extract) 
    123         d1d2 = STRSPLIT(d1_d2, '_', /EXTRACT )  
     123        d1d2 = STRSPLIT(d1_d2, '_', /EXTRACT ) 
    124124        date1 = long(d1d2[0]) 
    125125        date2 = long(d1d2[1]) 
    127127        date2 = jul2date(date2jul(date2 * 100L + 100L)) ; yyyymmdd (with dd the last day of the month) 
    128128      END 
    129       'i4_i4':BEGIN  
     129      'i4_i4':BEGIN 
    130130        d1_d2 = stregex(file_list[i], '[0-9]{4}_[0-9]{4}', /extract) 
    131         d1d2 = STRSPLIT(d1_d2, '_', /EXTRACT )  
     131        d1d2 = STRSPLIT(d1_d2, '_', /EXTRACT ) 
    132132        date1 = long(d1d2[0]) 
    133133        date2 = long(d1d2[1]) 
    139139        date2 = date1 
    140140      END 
    141       'i6':BEGIN  
     141      'i6':BEGIN 
    142142        date1 = long(stregex(file_list[i], '[0-9]{6}', /extract)) 
    143143        date1 = date1 * 100L + 1L                       ; yyyymm01 
    144144        date2 = jul2date(date2jul(date1 * 100L + 100L)) ; yyyymmdd (with dd the last day of the month) 
    145145      END 
    146       'i4':BEGIN  
     146      'i4':BEGIN 
    147147        date1 = long(stregex(file_list[i], '[0-9]{4}', /extract)) 
    148148        date1 = date1 * 10000L +  101L ; yyyy0101 
    149149        date2 = date1 * 10000L + 1231L ; yyyy1231 
    150150      END 
    151       'yi4mi2di2_yi4mi2di2':BEGIN  
     151      'yi4mi2di2_yi4mi2di2':BEGIN 
    152152        d1_d2 = stregex(file_list[i], 'y[0-9]{4}m[0-9]{2}d[0-9]{2}_y[0-9]{4}m[0-9]{2}d[0-9]{2}', /extract) 
    153         d1d2 = STRSPLIT(d1_d2, '_', /EXTRACT )  
     153        d1d2 = STRSPLIT(d1_d2, '_', /EXTRACT ) 
    154154        date1 = long(strjoin(strsplit(d1d2[0], '[ymd]', /extract))) 
    155155        date2 = long(strjoin(strsplit(d1d2[1], '[ymd]', /extract))) 
    156156      END 
    157       'yi4mi2_yi4mi2':BEGIN  
     157      'yi4mi2_yi4mi2':BEGIN 
    158158        d1_d2 = stregex(file_list[i], 'y[0-9]{4}m[0-9]{2}_y[0-9]{4}m[0-9]{2}', /extract) 
    159         d1d2 = STRSPLIT(d1_d2, '_', /EXTRACT )  
     159        d1d2 = STRSPLIT(d1_d2, '_', /EXTRACT ) 
    160160        date1 = long(strjoin(strsplit(d1d2[0], '[ymd]', /extract))) 
    161161        date2 = long(strjoin(strsplit(d1d2[1], '[ymd]', /extract))) 
    163163        date2 = jul2date(date2jul(date2 * 100L + 100L)) ; yyyymmdd (with dd the last day of the month) 
    164164      END 
    165       'yi4_yi4':BEGIN  
     165      'yi4_yi4':BEGIN 
    166166        d1_d2 = stregex(file_list[i], 'y[0-9]{4}_y[0-9]{4}', /extract) 
    167         d1d2 = STRSPLIT(d1_d2, '_', /EXTRACT )  
     167        d1d2 = STRSPLIT(d1_d2, '_', /EXTRACT ) 
    168168        date1 = long(strjoin(strsplit(d1d2[0], '[ymd]', /extract))) 
    169169        date2 = long(strjoin(strsplit(d1d2[1], '[ymd]', /extract))) 
    171171        date2 = date2 * 10000L + 1231L ; yyyy1231 
    172172      END 
    173       'yi4mi2di2':BEGIN  
     173      'yi4mi2di2':BEGIN 
    174174        d1_d2 = stregex(file_list[i], 'y[0-9]{4}m[0-9]{2}d[0-9]{2}', /extract) 
    175175        date1 = long(strjoin(strsplit(d1_d2, '[ymd]', /extract))) 
    176176        date2 = date1 
    177177      END 
    178       'yi4mi2':BEGIN  
     178      'yi4mi2':BEGIN 
    179179        d1_d2 = stregex(file_list[i], 'y[0-9]{4}m[0-9]{2}_y[0-9]{4}m[0-9]{2}', /extract) 
    180180        date1 = long(strjoin(strsplit(d1_d2, '[ymd]', /extract))) 
    182182        date2 = jul2date(date2jul(date1 * 100L + 100L)) ; yyyymmdd (with dd the last day of the month) 
    183183      END 
    184       'yi4':BEGIN  
     184      'yi4':BEGIN 
    185185        d1_d2 = stregex(file_list[i], 'y[0-9]{4}_y[0-9]{4}', /extract) 
    186186        date1 = long(strjoin(strsplit(d1_d2, '[ymd]', /extract))) 
    192192    if date1 - date le 0 and date - date2 le 0 then filename = file_list[i] 
    193193    i = i + 1 
    195   endwhile  
    197   if filename eq '' then BEGIN  
     195  endwhile 
     197  if filename eq '' then BEGIN 
    198198    print, strtrim(date, 1)+' not found in the following list of files:' 
    199199    FOR i = 0, nb_file-1 DO print, file_list[i] 
  • trunk/SRC/ReadWrite/

    r493 r495  
    4646; @returns 
    47 ; Structure readable by <pro>litchamp</pro> or an array if NOSTRUCT is  
     47; Structure readable by <pro>litchamp</pro> or an array if NOSTRUCT is 
    4848; activated. 
    6666; @history 
    67 ; 2011-04: Creation. Sebastien Masson (smasson\  
     67; 2011-04: Creation. Sebastien Masson (smasson\ 
    6969; @version 
    8181  IF n_params() NE 5 THEN return, report('rseries_ncdf needs 5 parameters') 
    8282  IF n_elements(sshprefix) EQ 0 THEN sshprefix = prefix 
    8383  IF n_elements(sshsuffix) EQ 0 THEN sshsuffix = suffix 
    85 ; take care ofd the precision of the calendar parameters...  
     85; take care ofd the precision of the calendar parameters... 
    8686  CASE size(date1, /type)  OF 
    8787    1:date1 = long(date1) 
    115115    IF cnt NE 0 THEN BEGIN 
    116116print, file_basename(filename) 
    117       IF keyword_set(fileslist) THEN BEGIN  
     117      IF keyword_set(fileslist) THEN BEGIN 
    118118        vlist = ncdf_listvars(filename) 
    119         IF (where(vlist EQ var_name))[0] NE -1 THEN flist = [flist, filename] ELSE BEGIN  
     119        IF (where(vlist EQ var_name))[0] NE -1 THEN flist = [flist, filename] ELSE BEGIN 
    120120          print, var_name + 'not found in the file ' + filename 
    121121          return, '' 
    122         ENDELSE  
    123       ENDIF ELSE BEGIN  
     122        ENDELSE 
     123      ENDIF ELSE BEGIN 
    124124        IF keyword_set(withssh) THEN BEGIN 
    125125          sshfilename = rseries_getname(sshprefix, sshsuffix, date, datefmt = datefmt) 
    132132        ELSE tmp = read_ncdf(var_name, date, date2, filename = filename, /nostruct, ssh = ssh, _extra = ex) 
    133133        IF n_elements(tmp) EQ 1 AND tmp[0] EQ -1 THEN return, -1 
    134 ; store the shape of the data     
     134; store the shape of the data 
    135135        sz = size(tmp) 
    136136        IF sz[0] GT ndims THEN BEGIN 
    137137          ndims = sz[0] 
    138           IF ndims EQ 0 THEN shape = [-1] ELSE BEGIN  
     138          IF ndims EQ 0 THEN shape = [-1] ELSE BEGIN 
    139139            IF jpt EQ 1 THEN shape = [sz[1:ndims], 1] ELSE shape = sz[1:ndims] 
    140           ENDELSE  
     140          ENDELSE 
    141141        ENDIF 
    142 ; concatenate the arrays (as vectors)   
     142; concatenate the arrays (as vectors) 
    143143        res = [temporary(res), (temporary(tmp))[*]] 
    144144        tseries = [temporary(tseries), time] 
    145       ENDELSE  
     145      ENDELSE 
    146146    ENDIF 
    148148    date = jul2date(date2jul(dd2)+1) 
    150150  ENDWHILE 
    152   IF keyword_set(fileslist) THEN BEGIN  
     152  IF keyword_set(fileslist) THEN BEGIN 
    153153    IF n_elements(flist) EQ 1 THEN return, '' ELSE return, flist[1:*] 
    154154  ENDIF 
    158158  time = tseries[1:*] 
    159159  jpt = n_elements(time) 
    160   IF jpt EQ 1 THEN BEGIN  
     160  IF jpt EQ 1 THEN BEGIN 
    161161    IF n_elements(shape) NE 1 THEN shape = shape[0:n_elements(shape)-2] 
    162162  ENDIF ELSE shape[n_elements(shape)-1] = jpt 
  • trunk/SRC/ReadWrite/

    r378 r495  
    8 ; 
    98; secondary subroutines used in the main subroutine named : 
    109; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
    12 ; 
    21 ; 
    22 ; SUBROUTINE (1)/(3) :  
     19; SUBROUTINE (1)/(3) : 
    2421; subroutine utilise ds le cas ou NOT_OUASSALU n est pas active 
    3734    , DIMSIZESU=dimsizes, UNLIMTABAU=unlimtaba, UNLIMAU=unlima $ 
    3835    , DIMIDASU=dimidas, NDIMTOTU=ndimtot, DNAMOSSU=dnamoss, DNAMAU=dnama $ 
    39     , IMPOSE_DNM_UNLU=impose_dnm_unl  
     36    , IMPOSE_DNM_UNLU=impose_dnm_unl 
    4238; ------- 
    5450    com = 'strd'+ikdp1st+' = writenc_strlc2str(supertab[ikd])' 
    5551    if not execute(com) then message,'PB : writenc_unlimdim_update, loop1 on dim tot ('+ikdp1st+'), dim '+iidp1st+', var '+nviv+'... stop' 
    56 endfor  
    5854; ------- 
    6258; --> on est en train de gerer une last dim d une var avec option oneunlim_all_samesizeandlast_unlim=1, 
    63 ;       i.e. : si une dim est definie en unlim=1 ALORS toutes les dim de meme taille ET last dim definie avant ou  
     59;       i.e. : si une dim est definie en unlim=1 ALORS toutes les dim de meme taille ET last dim definie avant ou 
    6460;       apres deviennent identiques a cette dim (ne font plus qu une, selon compatibilite nom de dim ET unlimited impose ou pas) 
    66 ;       DONC - soit cette dim est unlim=0 --> - soit on a deja une dim meme taille unlimited=1 alors: Si nom+unlim_impose compatibles,  
     62;       DONC - soit cette dim est unlim=0 --> - soit on a deja une dim meme taille unlimited=1 alors: Si nom+unlim_impose compatibles, 
    6763;                                               on passe notre dim courante a unlim=1 et elle sera assimile a celle qui 
    6864;                                               existe deja avec le meme nom precedent (car meme caracteristiques). Si nom+unlim incompatibles, 
    6965;                                               on va juste creer une nouvelle dim last not unlimited. 
    71 ;                                             - soit on a pas deja de dim meme taille et unlim=1, donc cas classique cette dim unlim=0 est  
     67;                                             - soit on a pas deja de dim meme taille et unlim=1, donc cas classique cette dim unlim=0 est 
    7268;                                               creee ou assimilee a une existante si nom et taille compatibles 
    7470;            - soit cette dim est unlim=1 --> - soit une dim unlim=1 existe deja, alors elle sera assimilee a celle-ci si noms compatibles 
    75 ;                                            
    76 ;                                             - soit une dim unlim=1 existe pas deja, alors cas plus complexe : pour eventuellement  
    77 ;                                               les mettre a jour, on doit parcourir les dimensions de meme taille pour separer les variables  
     72;                                             - soit une dim unlim=1 existe pas deja, alors cas plus complexe : pour eventuellement 
     73;                                               les mettre a jour, on doit parcourir les dimensions de meme taille pour separer les variables 
    7874;                                               dont la dim en question est la last, et les variables dont la dim est not la last 
    7975;                                                - soit on n a pas de variables qui ont une dim de meme taille en last dim, alors pas de mise 
    9490;                                                    donc WARNING pour dire qu en ajoutant des contraintes pour forcer dim unlim=0 ou 1 ou bien 
    9591;                                                    forcer le nom de la dim, alors on levera l ambiguite. 
    99 if unlima eq 0 then begin  
     93if unlima eq 0 then begin 
    10195    ; si on a une last dim not unlim, on check si des dim meme taille unlim1 qui existent pour les utiliser as same dim 
    114108        if (unl_imposed eq 0) and (dnames_imposed eq 0 or samnamokchgunlim) $ 
    115109          then unlima=1 ; ok pn peut changer unlim de la nouvelle dim qui pourra bien etre assimilee par la suite a une dim deja existante 
    117     endif  
     111    endif 
    119113endif else begin ; unlima = 1 --> cette last dim de la var est unlim=1 et donc unl_imposed = 1 aussi 
    124118    if aaddo[0] eq -1 then begin ; si une dim same kind pas deja definie --> update des dims precedentes ou create (sinon, on aura assimil...) 
    125     ; on a pas de dim meme taille avec unlim=1, donc on cherche si on a des last dims de meme taille  
     119    ; on a pas de dim meme taille avec unlim=1, donc on cherche si on a des last dims de meme taille 
    126120    ; pour les mettre a jour question var et les rendre unlim=1 si possible ou creer un new dim unlim sinon 
    127121        aabb = where(dimsizes - nn eq 0) ; et comme aucun n a same size et unlim=1 (cf au dessus) --> on tombe sur des dim unlim=0 !!!! 
    157151                          notlasdd = [ notlasdd, { u:aabb[iod]+1,v:[vnmarr[iij]],w:[ddparr[iij]]    $ 
    158152                                                   ,x:[nvararr[iij]],y:[lastad[iij]] } ] 
    159                     endelse  
    160                 endfor  
    161             endfor  
     153                    endelse 
     154                endfor 
     155            endfor 
    163157            if n_elements(lasdd) ne 0 then begin ; alors on a des vars qui ont la meme dim en taille ET last dim --> update/creation faisable 
    165159                listdwlast = lasdd[*].(0) 
    166160                nnndz=0 
    175169                          'ERR : attrib strdtmp 0b (dim'+strnbdo+', var'+nviv+')...stop' 
    176170                        ;print,'hello ',strdtmp.vardep_ndim.(3) 
    177                         if (where(strdtmp.vardep_ndim.(3) eq 0))[0] eq -1 and impose_dnm_unl[1, listdwlast[iad]-1] eq 0 then begin  
     171                        if (where(strdtmp.vardep_ndim.(3) eq 0))[0] eq -1 and impose_dnm_unl[1, listdwlast[iad]-1] eq 0 then begin 
    178172                        ; pour cette dim: que des var avec last ET son unlim est pas imposed: ok, on peut utiliser cette dim pour update 
    179173                            dimwzonlylast = listdwlast[iad] 
    180174                            nnndz = nnndz+1 
    181                         endif  
     175                        endif 
    182176                        IF iad EQ 0 THEN dimdone = [listdwlast[iad]] ELSE dimdone =  [dimdone, listdwlast[iad]] 
    183177                    endif 
    184                 ENDFOR  
     178                ENDFOR 
    186180                updatevara=0 
    194188                        ; on ajoute ces vars (si plus de 1 existe) qui ont dim unlim a la struct de dim choisie 
    195189                        ; 
    196                         strnbdu = string(dimwzonlylast,format=fmtbase)  
     190                        strnbdu = string(dimwzonlylast,format=fmtbase) 
    197191                        com = 'strdtmp1 = strd'+strnbdu 
    198192                        if not execute(com) then message, $ 
    207201                        endif else bbvdnd = strdtmp1.vardep_ndim ; ici pas d update var a faire (updatevara=0) 
    208202                        unlimtaba[dimwzonlylast-1] = 1 ; update de unlim !!! 
    209                         ;si dnames_imposed=1, on a selectionne des dims de meme nom ou nom non impose, donc nomdim=dnama[iid],  
     203                        ;si dnames_imposed=1, on a selectionne des dims de meme nom ou nom non impose, donc nomdim=dnama[iid], 
    210204                        ;si dnames_imposed=0, le nom de notre dim courante peut changer pour assimile a ancien nomdim dnamoss[dimwzonlylast-1] 
    211205                        ; -> ok gere par dnames_imposed... continue plus haut 
    212                         if n_elements(dnama) ne 0 then dnamoss[dimwzonlylast-1] = dnama[iid]  
     206                        if n_elements(dnama) ne 0 then dnamoss[dimwzonlylast-1] = dnama[iid] 
    213207                        strdtmp2={ dimid:strdtmp1.dimid,taille:strdtmp1.taille,nomdim:dnamoss[dimwzonlylast-1] $ 
    214208                                   ,unlimz:unlimtaba[dimwzonlylast-1],vardep_ndim:bbvdnd} ; on passe en unlim=1 ICI 
    217211                          'ERR : update strd unlim dim '+strnbdu+', loop: dim'+iidp1st+', var'+nviv+'... stop 0' 
    218212                        strdtmp1 = 0 & strdtmp2 = 0 
    219                     end  
    220                     0:begin  
     213                    end 
     214                    0:begin 
    221215                        ; aucune dim ne contient que des vars en last dim --> on doit cree une new dim 
    222216                        ; --> la dim iidp1st = nbdimvv sera donc pas creee mais assimilee a celle-ci 
    223217                        ;     on ne cree bien qu une seule dim au max par passage sur indice iid 
    225219                        ; pour creer nouvelle dim a laquelle la courante sera assimilee, il faut que les variables 
    226220                        ; ramenees dedans, proviennent de dim qui le permettent, vis a vis de nom de dim imposee et/ou unlim impose 
    227221                        noka = 0 
    228                         for iud=0,n_elements(lasdd)-1 do begin  
     222                        for iud=0,n_elements(lasdd)-1 do begin 
    229223                            if ( impose_dnm_unl[1, lasdd[iud].(0)-1 ] eq 0) then begin ; car unlim passe de 0 a 1 pour ces dim de vars 
    230224                                ndst = string(ndimtot, format = fmtbase) 
    232226                                if  ( ( impose_dnm_unl[0, lasdd[iud].(0)-1 ] eq 0 ) or ( dnamur eq  dnamoss[lasdd[iud].(0) -1]) ) then begin 
    233227                                    if noka eq 0 then begin 
    234                                         lasddoka = [lasdd[iud]]  
     228                                        lasddoka = [lasdd[iud]] 
    235229                                        listdwlastoka = [lasdd[iud].(0)] 
    236230                                    endif else begin 
    237231                                        lasddoka = [lasddoka,lasdd[iud]] 
    238232                                        listdwlastoka = [listdwlastoka,lasdd[iud].(0)] 
    239                                     endelse  
     233                                    endelse 
    240234                                    noka = noka + 1 
    241235                                endif else begin 
    244238                                          else notlasddoka = [notlasdd, lasdd[iud]] 
    245239                                    endif else notlasddoka = [notlasddoka, lasdd[iud]] 
    246                                 endelse  
     240                                endelse 
    247241                            endif 
    248242                        endfor 
    266260                            if not execute(com) then message, 'ERR : a la def (3) de la structure de dim' $ 
    267261                              +iidp1st+', var'+nviv+'... stop' 
    268                         endif ; else aucune last var de dim est ok pour aller ds la nouvelle dim creable... elle se creera toute seule apres  
     262                        endif ; else aucune last var de dim est ok pour aller ds la nouvelle dim creable... elle se creera toute seule apres 
    269263                    end 
    270264                    else:begin 
    272266                              +'unlimited demandee)... pour ne pas choisir ou supprimer une dim, on ne change aucune dim en unlimited. ' $ 
    273267                              +' --> Pour lever l''ambiguite si besoin, utiliser les champs unlim et dnames pour imposer des noms '      $ 
    274                               +'et carateristiques de dimensions et donner plus de contraintes pour la construction du netcdf (ou bien ' $ 
     268                              +'et caracteristiques de dimensions et donner plus de contraintes pour la construction du netcdf (ou bien ' $ 
    275269                              +'activer le mot cle /NOT_OUASSALU pour ne pas uniformiser les last dim des vars a unlimited dim).' 
    276270                        ;message, 'PB Z : on ne peut avoir que 0 ou max 1 dim avec que des var lasto ' $ 
    312306                            ENDIF 
    313307                            IF iad EQ 0 THEN dimdone = [listdwlast[iad]] ELSE dimdone =  [dimdone, listdwlast[iad]] 
    314                         ENDIF   
    315                     endfor  
     308                        ENDIF 
     309                    endfor 
    317311                endif ; else pas besoin de faire update sur les var car on a juste mis unlim a 1 ds dimwzonlylas 
    319313            endif ; else... on n a pas de dim meme taille dont une var depend en last dim --> on va creer new dim 
    321315        endif ; else... pas de dim deja definie et de meme taille, donc on va creer une new dim 
    323317    endif else begin ; else... on a deja une dim de meme taille et unlim=1, donc elle DOIVENT etre les memes car une seule dim unlim=1 
    325319        strnbd = string(aaddo[0]+1,format=fmtbase) 
    326320        com = 'strdtmp = strd'+strnbd 
    328322        if dnames_imposed eq 1 then if not (strdtmp.nomdim eq dnama[n_elements(dnama)-1]) then $ 
    329323          message,'PB : on specifie 2 dimensions unlimited avec 2 noms differents... impossible... stop' 
    331     endelse  
    333 endelse    
     325    endelse 
    339333; (3) re-mise en forme en supertab pour passer au prog principal 
    341 for ikd=0,ndimtot-1 do begin ; loop on dims pour mettre les champs vardep_ndim des struc dim en liste chainee  
     335for ikd=0,ndimtot-1 do begin ; loop on dims pour mettre les champs vardep_ndim des struc dim en liste chainee 
    342336    ikdp1st = string(ikd+1,format=fmtbase) 
    343337    com = 'strdlc = writenc_str2strlc(strd'+ikdp1st+')' 
    355 ; SUBROUTINE (2)/(3) :  
    356 ; 
    357 ; on remplace la 4ieme structure de structa par une liste chainee afin 
    358 ; d uniformaiser les format de strd (cf prog write_ncdf) pour les 
     347; SUBROUTINE (2)/(3) : 
     349; on remplace la 4e structure de structa par une liste chainee afin 
     350; d uniformiser les format de strd (cf prog write_ncdf) pour les 
    359351; passer facilement en argument au sous-prog writenc_unlimdim_update, sous forme de tablo de structures de 
    360352; meme type !!!! (utilise si writenc_unlimdim_update est utilise i.e. dans le cas ou la cle NOT_OUASSALU 
    378370if nvardepa lt 1 then message,'PB : aucune var ne depend de cette dim... impossible... stop' 
    380 ; Create an anonymous strucutre to contain list elements. Note that  
     372; Create an anonymous structure to contain list elements. Note that 
    381373; the next field is initialized to be a null pointer. 
    395387    ; set the name field of 'current' to the input string. 
    397389    (*current).vname = vnmarr[iidv] 
    398390    (*current).numdimdep = ddparr[iidv] 
    412404    current = next 
    414 endfor  
    416408if ptr_valid(next) then ptr_free, next 
    433 ; SUBROUTINE (3)/(3) :  
     425; SUBROUTINE (3)/(3) : 
    435427; convertit une structure contenant une liste 
    438430; writenc_unlimdim_update, i.e. dans le cas ou la cle NOT_OUASSALU n 
    439431; est pas activee, i.e. cas par defaut) 
    440 ; 
    462453        nvararr = [ nvararr, (*current).(2)     ] 
    463454        lastad  = [ lastad, (*current).(3)      ] 
    464     endelse  
     455    endelse 
    466457  ; set 'current' equal to the pointer in its own next field. 
    483 ;  
    486476; ------------------------- 
    488 ; 
    493480; ... ... .... ...    .. . ..  . 
    498 ; 
    500484; MAIN SUBROUTINE 
    506 ;  
    507 ; pro write_ncdf, var01,var02,var03,var04,var05,var06,var07,var08,var09,var10               $  
     490; pro write_ncdf, var01,var02,var03,var04,var05,var06,var07,var08,var09,var10               $ 
    508491;                ,var11,var12,var13,var14,var15,var16,var17,var18,var19,var20               $ 
    509492;                ,var21,var22,var23,var24,var25,var26,var27,var28,var29,var30               $ 
    510 ;                ,FILENAME=filename                                                         $  
     493;                ,FILENAME=filename                                                         $ 
    511494;                ,GLOBATTR=globattr                                                         $ 
    512495;                ,VARNAME=namevquick 
    514497; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    516 ; @file_comments  
     499; @file_comments 
    517500; Construct a netcdf file containing up to 30 variables of any 
    518 ; dimension (limited to 99 for now) with any attributes specified.  
     501; dimension (limited to 99 for now) with any attributes specified. 
    519502; We use structures to pass the fields (var and their attributes, and 
    520 ; global attr)   
     503; global attr) 
    522505; @returns 
    523506; a netcdf file containing the variable in the format specified 
    524 ; through keywords and variables  
    525 ; 
    526 ; @param var01 {in}{required}  
     507; through keywords and variables 
     509; @param var01 {in}{required} 
    527510;   - It can be simply a variable (scalar or array, of type : 
    528511;     byte,int,long,float,double or string), or a structure 
    529512;     containing the variable and its properties and attributes. At 
    530 ;     least one variable must be specified.  
     513;     least one variable must be specified. 
    531514;   - If a structure is given it should be of the following form (exple): 
    532515;     vv1 = {var:xaxis,name:'nav_lon',dname:'x',at0:{a:'units',b:'degrees_east'},at1:{a:'title',b:'longitude'}} 
    533516;     vv4 = {var:rain, name:'rain', unlim:1, dname:['x','y','t'],at0:{a:'units',b:'mm/day'},at4:{a:'missing_value',b:-9999.}} 
    534 ;     Namely, the if vv1 is a structure it MUST follow the following points:  
    535 ;       - attributes fields for the variable (at0,at1...) MUST be the last fields of the vv1 structure  
     517;     Namely, the if vv1 is a structure it MUST follow the following points: 
     518;       - attributes fields for the variable (at0,at1...) MUST be the last fields of the vv1 structure 
    536519;         and name of those fields (at0,at1...) are not important. 
    537 ;       - attributes MUST themselves be given in the form of a 2 field structure, containing the  
     520;       - attributes MUST themselves be given in the form of a 2 field structure, containing the 
    538521;         name of the attribute (a string), and its value (can be any type as the ones of variable) 
    539 ;       - order of the first fields is not important but they MUST have the names:  
     522;       - order of the first fields is not important but they MUST have the names: 
    540523;           'var'      : for the variable (scalar or array, of type:byte,int,long,float,double or string) 
    541524;           'name'     : for its name (a string), default value is var01,var02 etc... 
    542525;           'unlim'    : = 1 to specify that the last dim of the var must be UNLIMITED, =0 or not specified otherwise 
    543 ;           'dname'    : to give the names of the dimensions of the variable, in the same order as the var dimensions.  
     526;           'dname'    : to give the names of the dimensions of the variable, in the same order as the var dimensions. 
    544527;                        it is an array of string of dim = nbre de dim de la var. default is d01,d02 etc... 
    545528;       - the field 'var' MUST be there (a variable) but every others are optional 
    546 ;       - if a missing value exists for the variable and one wants to specify it, it MUST be specified  
    547 ;         somewhere in one of the attributes and the name of this attribute MUST be 'missing_value' (to be taken  
     529;       - if a missing value exists for the variable and one wants to specify it, it MUST be specified 
     530;         somewhere in one of the attributes and the name of this attribute MUST be 'missing_value' (to be taken 
    548531;         into account in the computing of the min-max of the variable), missing_value being not case sensitive 
    549532;         (MISSING_VALUE is also ok) 
    551 ; @param  var02, var03, .... var30 {in}{optional}  
     534; @param  var02, var03, .... var30 {in}{optional} 
    552535; All the variables/attributes to be written in the netcdf file, in 
    553536; the same way as the var01 (cf info above) 
    555 ; @keyword filename {in}{optional}  
     538; @keyword filename {in}{optional} 
    556539;  - a string giving the filename (including the path of the file) 
    557540;  - if not specified, it is set to iodir+'' 
    559 ; @keyword globattr {in}{optional}  
     542; @keyword globattr {in}{optional} 
    560543;  - a structure containing the global attributes for the 
    561544;    file. Similarly as for the attributes of the variable, this 
    562545;    structure contains 2-fields structures which are the global 
    563546;    attribute (first their name and second their value) 
    564 ;    exple: glbatt = {gb1:{a:'Grid',b:'regular 0.25'},gb2:{a:'Production',b:'clem'+systime()}}     
     547;    exple: glbatt = {gb1:{a:'Grid',b:'regular 0.25'},gb2:{a:'Production',b:'clem'+systime()}} 
    565548;  - if not specified in globattr, default case set production='date of 
    566549;    day' as a global attribute 
    568 ; @keyword VARNAME {in}{optional}  
     551; @keyword VARNAME {in}{optional} 
    569552;  - an array of char, same number of elements as the number of given 
    570553;    var 
    607590;          ,gb5:{a:'Grid', b:'regular 0.25 degres resolution'}$ 
    608591;        } 
    609 ;   IDL> write_ncdf, vv1, vv2, vv3, vv4, filename=fileoutnc, globattr=glbatt  
    610 ; 
    611 ; @history  
     592;   IDL> write_ncdf, vv1, vv2, vv3, vv4, filename=fileoutnc, globattr=glbatt 
     594; @history 
    612595; CBM 2007-09-10 
    613 ;  
    614 ; @todo  
    615 ; clem  
    616 ; 
    617 ;-  
     597; @todo 
     598; clem 
    618601pro write_ncdf, var01,var02,var03,var04,var05,var06,var07,var08,var09,var10    $ ; RQ : if more than 30 variables is needed, simply add 
    619602               ,var11,var12,var13,var14,var15,var16,var17,var18,var19,var20    $ ;      var31,var32 etc... here and change nmaxvv to 32 ... 
    620603               ,var21,var22,var23,var24,var25,var26,var27,var28,var29,var30    $ 
    621                ,FILENAME=filename                                              $  
     604               ,FILENAME=filename                                              $ 
    622605               ,GLOBATTR=globattr                                              $ 
    623606               ,VARNAME=namevquick                                             $ 
    635618compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; idl2 --> les entiers sont des long par defaut ET [...] obligatoire pour les tablo 
    636                                 ; strictarrsubs --> pas de depassement de tablo 
     619                                ; strictarrsubs --> pas de depassement de tableau 
    638621@cm_general   ; pour iodir si filename n est pas defini 
    652635;     creera qu une dim de nom 'x1' de taille n1 
    654 if keyword_set(flag1) then not_samedimname_in_same_var = 0 else not_samedimname_in_same_var = 1  
     637if keyword_set(flag1) then not_samedimname_in_same_var = 0 else not_samedimname_in_same_var = 1 
    656639; ------- 
    659642; 0 pour definir une nouvelle dim par sa taille ET sa nature unlim, uniquement 
    660643; 1 pour definir une nouvelle dim de la meme maniere, ET que si une dim est definie en unlim ALORS toutes les dim 
    661 ;   de meme taille ET last dim definie avant ou apres deviennent identiques a cette dim (ne font plus qu une), plutot que de  
     644;   de meme taille ET last dim definie avant ou apres deviennent identiques a cette dim (ne font plus qu une), plutot que de 
    662645;   definir, une dim de taille n0 ET not unlim en last dim de var01, ET une dim de taille n0 ET unlim=1 en last dim de var02 --> 
    663646;   on defini la meme dim de taille n0 ET unlim pour les 2 vars var01 et var02 !! (default) 
    704687if not(keyword_set(filename)) then ncfile=iodir+ncfile_default else ncfile=filename 
    706 nposdir = strpos(ncfile,'/',/reverse_search)           ; --> controlle de l existence du path menant au fichier 
     689nposdir = strpos(ncfile,'/',/reverse_search)           ; --> controle de l existence du path menant au fichier 
    708691if file_test(dirr,/directory) eq 0 then message,'ERR : le directory donne pour le fichier .nc n existe pas --> dir = '+dirr 
    710 idout = ncdf_create(ncfile,/clobber)  ; --> create a netcdf file, automatically placed into define mode (/clobber = erase previous file)  
     693idout = ncdf_create(ncfile,/clobber)  ; --> create a netcdf file, automatically placed into define mode (/clobber = erase previous file) 
    711694ncdf_control, idout, /nofill          ; --> data in the netcdf file is not pre-filled with default fill values 
    713696; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    715 ; define mode --> 1ere boucle sur les vars pour trouver les dimensions a definir et leurs caracteristiques  
     698; define mode --> 1ere boucle sur les vars pour trouver les dimensions a definir et leurs caracteristiques 
    717700; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    733716listofdimnams = strarr(nbvars) 
    734717;fieldfd = intarr(nbvars) 
    736719firstdimcreated = 0 
    737720ndimtot = 0 
    744727    ; init de var, qui doivent etre non def si non attribuee (cf plus bas) 
    745     dnama = 12 & zorglub = temporary(dnama)  
    746     lasdd = 12 & zorglub = temporary(lasdd)  
     728    dnama = 12 & zorglub = temporary(dnama) 
     729    lasdd = 12 & zorglub = temporary(lasdd) 
    747730    notlasdd = 12 & zorglub = temporary(notlasdd) 
    755738    ; attribution des elements de la structure ou du tablo au vars de base pour ecrire definir la var-attr ds le ncdf 
    756739    ; 
    758741    sstr = size(vvtmpstr) 
    759742    nbdim = sstr[0] 
    763746    if arr_struct[inv] eq -1 then message,'PB : la var numero '+nviv+' est ni un array (int, float, string etc...) ni une structure... stop' 
    765     case arr_struct[inv] of  
     748    case arr_struct[inv] of 
    767750        0:begin   ; --> var = scal or array of int, real, char, etc... 
    777760            endif else begin 
    778761                if nbdimvv[inv] eq 0 then ssvvdims = -12 else ssvvdims = ssvv[1:nbdimvv[inv]] 
    779             endelse  
     762            endelse 
    781764            if n_elements(namevquick) eq 0 then nama[inv] = varst+nviv else nama[inv] = namevquick[inv] 
    785768            ;dnama = zorglub ; non defini (car init avec temporary), default value fixed when dim are created (cf hereunder) 
    787770        end 
    794777            ; controle de la forme de la structure et def des elements 
    796             ; 1) champ necessaire --> la variable  
     779            ; 1) champ necessaire --> la variable 
    797780            fieldfound=0 
    798781            for itg=0,nbtags[inv]-1 do begin 
    809792                    endif else begin 
    810793                        if nbdimvv[inv] eq 0 then ssvvdims = -12 else ssvvdims = ssvv[1:nbdimvv[inv]] 
    811                     endelse   
     794                    endelse 
    812795                    iattrv0[inv] = iattrv0[inv]+1 
    813796                    fieldfound=1 
    817800            if fieldfound eq 0 then message,'ERR : le champ ''var'' est pas ds la structure (var num'+nviv+')... stop' 
    819             ; 2) champ optionnel --> le nom de la var  
     802            ; 2) champ optionnel --> le nom de la var 
    820803            fieldfound=0 
    821804            for itg=0,nbtags[inv]-1 do begin 
    841824                    if unlima ne 0 and unlima ne 1 then message,'PB : unlim vaut pas 0 ou 1 pour la var num '+nviv+'... stop' 
    842825                    fieldfound=1 
    843                     unl_imposed = 1  
     826                    unl_imposed = 1 
    844827                endif 
    845828                if fieldfound eq 1 then break 
    857840                      +' donner autant de noms que de dims pour la var... stop' 
    858841                    aahh = strlen(dnama) 
    859                     if (where(aahh eq 0))[0] eq -1 or n_elements(where(aahh eq 0)) ne n_elements(dnama) then begin  
     842                    if (where(aahh eq 0))[0] eq -1 or n_elements(where(aahh eq 0)) ne n_elements(dnama) then begin 
    860843                        ; si on a pas que des chaines vides -> ok 
    861844                        if (where(aahh eq 0))[0] ne -1 then $ 
    863846                        if typcodvv[inv] eq 7 then dnama = ['d_strlen',dnama] ; on ajoute une dim donc un nom de dim aussi 
    864847                        fieldfound=1 
    865                         dnames_imposed = 1 ; si on donne des noms de dim, alors elles seront creees a coup sur  
     848                        dnames_imposed = 1 ; si on donne des noms de dim, alors elles seront creees a coup sur 
    866849                                           ; (pas assimilees a d autres de meme taille ou autre...) 
    867850                    endif else begin 
    868851                        ; au cas ou on donne un tablo avec que des noms vide='', on considere que c est comme rien donner et on efface dnama 
    869852                        zorglub = temporary(dnama) 
    870                     endelse  
     853                    endelse 
    871854                    ;print,'dnama=',dnama 
    872855                endif 
    884867    if inv ge 1 then begin 
    885868        for invloc=0,inv-1 do if nama[inv] eq nama[invloc] then message,'PB : impossible de donner 2 noms identiques a 2 vars... stop' 
    886     endif  
     869    endif 
    888871    ;print,'NVIV = ',nviv 
    907890            ;endif 
    909             if firstdimcreated eq 0 then aadd = [-1] else begin            
     892            if firstdimcreated eq 0 then aadd = [-1] else begin 
    911894                case iidp1 of 
    913896                    ; (1) la dim de la var is the last one --> it can be unlimited 
    915                     nbdimvv[inv]:begin   
     898                    nbdimvv[inv]:begin 
    917900                        if oneunlim_all_samesizeandlast_unlim eq 1 then begin ; --> on update/create unlimited dimensions according to this one 
    918901                            ptr_free,ptr_valid() 
    919                             for ikd=0,ndimtot-1 do begin ; loop on dims pour mettre les champs vardep_ndim des struc dim en liste chainee  
     902                            for ikd=0,ndimtot-1 do begin ; loop on dims pour mettre les champs vardep_ndim des struc dim en liste chainee 
    920903                                ikdp1st = string(ikd+1,format=fmtbase) 
    921904                                com = 'strdlc = writenc_str2strlc(strd'+ikdp1st+')' 
    926909                                                   , supertabu = supertab, dimsizesu=dimsizes, unlimtabau=unlimtaba, unlimau=unlima     $ 
    927910                                                   , dimidasu=dimidas, ndimtotu=ndimtot, dnamossu=dnamoss, dnamau=dnama                 $ 
    928                                                    , impose_dnm_unlu = impose_dnm_unl  
    929                             for ikd=0,ndimtot-1 do begin ; on remet les struc avec liste chain en structures classiques du main prog  
     911                                                   , impose_dnm_unlu = impose_dnm_unl 
     912                            for ikd=0,ndimtot-1 do begin ; on remet les struc avec liste chain en structures classiques du main prog 
    930913                                ikdp1st = string(ikd+1,format=fmtbase) 
    931914                                com = 'strd'+ikdp1st+' = writenc_strlc2str(supertab[ikd])' 
    940923                    end 
    942                     ; (2) la dim de la var is not last --> cannot be unlimited  
     925                    ; (2) la dim de la var is not last --> cannot be unlimited 
    944927                    else : begin 
    946929                        if dnames_imposed eq 1 then                                                          $ 
    947930                          aadd = where(dimsizes - nn eq 0 and unlimtaba eq 0 and dnamoss eq dnama[iid]) else $ ; case sensitive sur EQ character 
    948                           aadd = where(dimsizes - nn eq 0 and unlimtaba eq 0)   
     931                          aadd = where(dimsizes - nn eq 0 and unlimtaba eq 0) 
    950933                    end 
    952935                endcase 
    954             endelse  
     937            endelse 
    956939            ;if inv eq 3 and iid eq 2 then begin 
    957940            ;if inv eq 2 and iid eq 0 then begin 
    958941            ;    ;print,'aadd inv 2, iid 0 =',aadd 
    959942            ;    ;stop 
    960             ;endif  
     943            ;endif 
    962945            if aadd[0] eq -1 then begin 
    967950                ndst = string(ndimtot, format = fmtbase) 
    968951                if firstdimcreated eq 0 and iid eq 0 then begin ; premiere dim cree 
    969                     dimsizes = [nn]  
     952                    dimsizes = [nn] 
    970953                    dimidas = [dst+ndst] 
    971                     if iidp1 eq nbdimvv[inv] then unlimtaba = [unlima] else unlimtaba = [0]  
     954                    if iidp1 eq nbdimvv[inv] then unlimtaba = [unlima] else unlimtaba = [0] 
    972955                    if n_elements(dnama) ne 0 then dnamoss = [dnama[iid]] else dnamoss = [dimidas[ndimtot-1]] 
    973956                    impose_dnm_unl = [dnames_imposed,unl_imposed] 
    974957                    firstdimcreated = 1 
    975                 endif else begin  
     958                endif else begin 
    976959                    dimsizes = [dimsizes, nn] 
    977960                    dimidas = [dimidas, dst+ndst] 
    979962                    if n_elements(dnama) ne 0 then dnamoss = [dnamoss, dnama[iid]] else dnamoss = [dnamoss, dimidas[ndimtot-1]] 
    980963                    impose_dnm_unl = [[impose_dnm_unl],[dnames_imposed,unl_imposed]] ; tablo: ix=2, jy=ndimtot 
    981                 endelse  
     964                endelse 
    982965                if iidp1 eq nbdimvv[inv] then lasto=1 else lasto=0 
    983966                com = 'strd'+ndst+' = { dimid:dimidas[ndimtot-1],taille:nn,nomdim:dnamoss[ndimtot-1],unlimz:unlimtaba[ndimtot-1]' $ 
    984967                                       +',vardep_ndim:{a:[nama[inv]],b:[iidp1],c:[invp1],d:[lasto],impos:impose_dnm_unl[ndimtot-1]} } ' 
    985968                if not execute(com) then message, 'ERR : a la def (1) de la structure de dim'+iidp1st+', var'+nviv+'... stop' 
    987             endif else begin  
     970            endif else begin 
    989972                ; cette taille de dim existe avec same unlimited style, on checke si c est ds la meme var ou pas 
    991974                nbsamedim = n_elements(aadd) ; au moins egal a 1 ou plus 
    993976                if dnames_imposed eq 1 then if nbsamedim gt 1 then message,'PB : impossible d avoir 2 dim identiques deja definies... stop' 
    995978                nbdsaminvar = 0 
    996979                if not_samedimname_in_same_var eq 1 then begin 
    997                     ; ci-dessous:  
     980                    ; ci-dessous: 
    998981                    ; soit check 1ere dim of var: no same dim in var(nbdsaminvar=0), or elle existe deja, donc on utilise la 1ere identique 
    999982                    ; soit on check la last (qui peut aussi etre la 1st), et si unlim=1 alors again: no same dim in var(nbdsaminvar=0), or ... 
    1005988                endif ; else nbdsaminvar = 0 
    1007                 if nbdsaminvar lt nbsamedim then begin  
     990                if nbdsaminvar lt nbsamedim then begin 
    1009992                    ; pas besoin de creer, on peut se servir d une dim deja definie, juste mise a jour de strd de aadd[nbdsaminvar]+1 
    10281011                    if not execute(com) then message, 'ERR : update vardep,unlimz, dim'+strnbd+', loop: dim'+iidp1st+', var'+nviv+'... stop' 
    1030                     ;if inv eq 3 and iid eq 2 then stop  
     1013                    ;if inv eq 3 and iid eq 2 then stop 
    10321015                endif else if nbdsaminvar eq nbsamedim then begin 
    1034                     ; on cree nouvelle dim, car cette taille de dim existe par exemple 2 fois avec 2 dimid noms differents  
     1017                    ; on cree nouvelle dim, car cette taille de dim existe par exemple 2 fois avec 2 dimid noms differents 
    10351018                    ; mais on doit en creer une troisieme (meme taille, nom different) car une var contient 3 fois cette taille de dim... 
    10371020                    ; pour pouvoir etre ici, une condition necessaire est (car sinon nbdsaminvar=0 or nbsamedim > 0): 
    1038                     ; not (iid eq 0 or (iidp1 eq nbdimvv[inv] and unlima eq 1))   
     1021                    ; not (iid eq 0 or (iidp1 eq nbdimvv[inv] and unlima eq 1)) 
    10391022                    ; donc on est (pas 1ere dim of var) ET (pas last dim of var OU pas unlim=1) 
    10401023                    ; donc je peux etre last dim mais alors en unlim=0 seulement, sinon je suis une dim du milieu (pas 1ere, ni last) 
    10581041            endelse 
    1060             ; checke que l on ne vient pas de creer une 2ieme dim differentes en unlimited...  
     1043            ; checke que l on ne vient pas de creer une 2e dim differentes en unlimited... 
    10611044            ; (ncdf_dimdef stop autrement, car une seule dim unlimited allowed) 
    1063             if n_elements(where(unlimtaba eq 1)) ge 2 then message,'ERR : une 2ieme structure-dim unlimited (dim '+iidp1st+') vient '  $ 
     1046            if n_elements(where(unlimtaba eq 1)) ge 2 then message,'ERR : une 2e structure-dim unlimited (dim '+iidp1st+') vient '  $ 
    10641047              +'d etre creee, mais on ne peut definir qu une unique dim unlimited en netcdf... stop' 
    10761059; ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    10791061; checke que l on n a pas mis deux dimensions differentes en unlimited... (ncdf_dimdef stop autrement, une seule dim unlimited) 
    10851067; idout_of_the_dim = NCDF_DIMDEF(idout_of_the_nc_file, 'name_of_dim', n_size_of_dim) 
    1087 ; EXPLES: 
     1069; EXAMPLES: 
    10891071; xidout = NCDF_DIMDEF(idout, 'x', n1) 
    10911073; tidout = NCDF_DIMDEF(idout, 'time', /unlimited) ; sans donner la taille de la dim !!! 
    1093 ; RQ :  
    1094 ; 
    1095 ; - si on a deux dim avec le meme nom, la definition des dim renvoit un message d erreur, OK 
    1096 ; 
    1097 ; - si on definit une dim unlimited (t1idout par exemple), et si 2 var a1=fltarr(5) et a2=fltarr(7) se reclament de cette dim  
     1075; RQ : 
     1077; - si on a deux dim avec le meme nom, la definition des dim renvoie un message d erreur, OK 
     1079; - si on definit une dim unlimited (t1idout par exemple), et si 2 var a1=fltarr(5) et a2=fltarr(7) se reclament de cette dim 
    10981080;   au moment du ncdf_vadef par id1=NCDF_VARDEF(idout,'a1',[t1idout],/FLOAT) et id2=...'a2'... ALORS la taille de la dim 
    10991081;   unlimited sera egale a la plus grde des 2 dims (ici 7) et les valeurs pour a1[5] et a1[6]seront mises a 9.96921e+36 ds le netcdf !!! 
    11001082;   --> ici on previent ce genre de choses, toutes les vars avec la dim unlim en dernier doivent avoir la meme taille pour 
    1101 ;       cette dim, quitte a mettre des missing_value au prealable pour combler certains tablos a la bonne taille  
     1083;       cette dim, quitte a mettre des missing_value au prealable pour combler certains tablos a la bonne taille 
    11021084;       (plutot que des 9.96921e+36 non reconnaissable a priori) 
    1104 ; - avec une var tablo avec 2 (ou plus) dim de meme taille exple: fltarr(5,5), on peut  
     1086; - avec une var tablo avec 2 (ou plus) dim de meme taille exple: fltarr(5,5), on peut 
    11051087;   soit definir 2 dim de nom differents et de meme taille d01idout=NCDF_DIMDEF(idout,'d01',5) et d02..= 'd02' puis ncdf_vardef([d01,d02]) 
    11061088;   soit definir UNE SEULE DIM d01idout de taille 5 et faire pour la var: ncdf_vardef(... [d01idout,d01idout] ...), aussi accepte 
    11211102; ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    1123 ; define mode --> 2ieme boucle sur les vars pour definir celles-ci 
     1104; define mode --> 2e boucle sur les vars pour definir celles-ci 
    11251106; ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    11271108; commande de base pour definir une var : 
    11291110; id_of_the_var  = NCDF_VARDEF(id_of_the_nc_file, 'name_of_the_var', [id_of_the_dim_of_the_var_in_the_right_order], /type_of_var) 
    1131 ; RQ :  
     1112; RQ : 
    11321113; - si on veut definir une var unlimited, ca doit etre la derniere 
    11331114;   dim des variables. Si a2 = fltarr(n1, n4, n5, n3) alors la unlim ne 
    11351116; - si on veut definir 2 vars avec le meme nom, on a un diag error par idl, ok 
    1137 ; EXPLE: 
     1118; EXAMPLE: 
    11381119; id0  = NCDF_VARDEF(idout, 'a2', [xidout,tidout,yidout,zidout], /FLOAT) 
    11571138        7:tpv[5]=1 ; char 
    11581139        else:message,'PB : le type de la var num '+nviv+' est pas accepte par ncdf idl (not byte,int,real...) ... stop' 
    1159     end  
     1140    end 
    11601141    flagstype = 'BYTE=tpv[0],SHORT=tpv[1],LONG=tpv[2],FLOAT=tpv[3],DOUBLE=tpv[4],CHAR=tpv[5]' 
    11661147        for iid = 0, nbdimvv[inv]-1 do begin ; boucle sur les dims de la var ds ordre des dim de la var 
    11681149            iidp1 = iid+1 
    11691150            iidp1st = string(iid+1,format=fmtbase) 
    11711152            ndimdepfd = 0 
    11721153            for ind=0,ndimtot-1 do begin     ; boucle sur les dims globales qui ont ete definies precedemment 
    11911172                    ; --- 
    11921173                    ndimdepfd=ndimdepfd + 1 
    1193                 endif  
    1194             endfor  
     1174                endif 
     1175            endfor 
    11961177            case ndimdepfd of 
    12011182                end 
    12021183                else:message,'PB : on trouve plus de 1 nom de dim glob pour la dim '+iidp1st+' de la var '+nviv+'... stop' 
    1203             endcase  
    1205         endfor  
     1184            endcase 
     1186        endfor 
    12071188        listofdims='['+listofdims+'],' ; listofdims doit etre de la forme : '[...] ,' 
    1209     endif ; else listofdims = ''  
     1190    endif ; else listofdims = '' 
    12111192    com='id'+nviv+'=NCDF_VARDEF(idout,nama[inv],'+listofdims+flagstype+')' 
    12241205        com= 'vvtmpstr=var'+nviv 
    1225         if not execute(com) then message,'ERR : attribution de vvtmpstr, 2ieme boucle sur les var, var num '+nviv+'... stop' 
     1206        if not execute(com) then message,'ERR : attribution de vvtmpstr, 2e boucle sur les var, var num '+nviv+'... stop' 
    12271208        if nbtags[inv] gt iattrv0[inv] then begin ; --> on a des attributs en plus 
    12401221                    missaval_flag = 1 
    12411222                    missaval = attxttmp 
    1242                 endif  
    1243             endfor  
     1223                endif 
     1224            endfor 
    12441225        endif 
    12481229    ; attributs par defaut: valid_min et valid_max et infos sur missing value 
    1250     if typcodvv[inv] ne 7 then begin ; --> si var est pas un char on peut calculer min et max  
     1231    if typcodvv[inv] ne 7 then begin ; --> si var est pas un char on peut calculer min et max 
    12521233        case arr_struct[inv] of 
    12531234            0:com= 'vvtmp=var'+nviv 
    12561237        endcase 
    1258         if not execute(com) then message,'ERR : attribution de vvtmp, 2ieme boucle sur les var, var num '+nviv+'... stop' 
     1239        if not execute(com) then message,'ERR : attribution de vvtmp, 2e boucle sur les var, var num '+nviv+'... stop' 
    12601241        if not keyword_set(oknan) then begin 
    12631244              message,'PB : la var numero '+nviv+' contient des nan... pas propre ds un fichier netcdf (cf utilisation ferret et autre soft)' $ 
    12641245                     +', remplacer par des missing ou bien activer le mot-cle /oknan pour tolerer l''ecriture de Nan ds le fichier nc... stop' 
    1265         endif  
     1246        endif 
    12671248        writevalidminmax = 1 ; a priori on va ecrire un min et max value mais si que des missing alors on ne l ecrit pas en fait 
    12781259                    comm = 'NCDF_ATTPUT, idout, id'+nviv+', attnamtmp, attxttmp' 
    12791260                    if not execute(comm) then message,'ERR : def extra attr miss val 0, var numero '+nviv+'... stop' 
    1280                 endif  
     1261                endif 
    12811262                aamax = max(vvtmp,min=aamin) 
    12821263            endif else begin 
    12871268                        comm = 'NCDF_ATTPUT, idout, id'+nviv+', attnamtmp, attxttmp' 
    12881269                        if not execute(comm) then message,'ERR : def extra attr miss val 1, var numero '+nviv+'... stop' 
    1289                     endif  
    1290                     aamax = max(vvtmp[whhok],min=aamin)  
     1270                    endif 
     1271                    aamax = max(vvtmp[whhok],min=aamin) 
    12911272                endif else begin ; on a que des missing value 
    12921273                    if n_elements(vvtmp) gt 1 then begin 
    12971278                        writevalidminmax = 0 
    12981279                    endif else aamax = max(vvtmp,min=aamin) 
    1299                 endelse  
    1300             endelse  
     1280                endelse 
     1281            endelse 
    13021283        endif else begin 
    13081289            if not execute(comm) then message,'ERR : def extra attr miss val 3, var numero '+nviv+'... stop' 
    1310         endelse  
     1291        endelse 
    13121293        if writevalidminmax then begin 
    13131294            attnamtmp = 'valid_min' 
    13191300        endif 
    1321     endif  
     1302    endif 
    13311312attprod = 0 
    1333 if n_elements(globattr) ne 0 then begin ; --> on a prescrit des attributs globaux   
     1314if n_elements(globattr) ne 0 then begin ; --> on a prescrit des attributs globaux 
    13351316  if (size(globattr))[0] ne 1 or (size(globattr))[2] ne 8 then message, 'PB : les global attr doivent etre donne sous forme de struct... stop' 
    13361317  nbtagsgb = n_tags(globattr) 
    1350 if attprod eq 0 then begin  
     1331if attprod eq 0 then begin 
    13511332  producta = systime() 
    13521333  NCDF_ATTPUT, idout, 'Production', producta, /GLOBAL 
    13591340; -------------------------------------------------------- 
    13621342NCDF_CONTROL, idout, /ENDEF ; --> take the open netCDF file out of define mode and into data mode 
    13651344; -------------------------------------------------------- 
    1367 ; Ecriture des variables  
     1346; Ecriture des variables 
    13691348; -------------------------------------------------------- 
    13721350for inv=0,nbvars-1 do begin 
    13741352    nviv=string(inv+1,format='(i2.2)') 
    13761354    case arr_struct[inv] of 
    13771355        0: comm = 'NCDF_VARPUT, idout, id'+nviv+', var'+nviv ; --> tablo 
    13801358    endcase 
    1382     if writeout and inv eq 0 then print,'Writing fields : '     
     1360    if writeout and inv eq 0 then print,'Writing fields : ' 
    13831361    if writeout then print,'  '+nama[inv]+'['+listofdimnams[inv]+'] = var'+nviv 
    13891367; -------------------------------------------------------- 
    1391 ; Fermeture fichier netcdf  
     1369; Fermeture fichier netcdf 
    13931371; -------------------------------------------------------- 
    13951373NCDF_CLOSE, idout 
    1397 if writeout then print,'Written to '+ncfile  
     1375if writeout then print,'Written to '+ncfile 
    13981376if writeout then print,'------------------------' 
    14021380; -------------------------------------------------------- 
    1404 end  
    14061384; exemples of var  attr : 
    14071385; ----------------------- 
    1408 ; rain:units = "mm/day"           
    1409 ; rain:valid_min = -32700         
    1410 ; rain:valid_max = 32700          
    1411 ; rain:valid_range = -32700, 32700  
    1412 ; rain:standard_name = "rain1"    
     1386; rain:units = "mm/day" 
     1387; rain:valid_min = -32700 
     1388; rain:valid_max = 32700 
     1389; rain:valid_range = -32700, 32700 
     1390; rain:standard_name = "rain1" 
    14131391; rain:long_name = "monthly precipitation by merging gauge, 5 kinds of satellite estimates (GPI,OPI,SSM/I scattering, SSM/I emission and MSU)" 
    14141392; rain:title = "monthly precipitation by merging gauge, 5 kinds of satellite estimates (GPI,OPI,SSM/I scattering, SSM/I emission and MSU)" 
    1415 ; rain:add_offset = 31.7f         
    1416 ; rain:scale_factor = 0.001f      
    1417 ; rain:missing_value = -1.f       
    1418 ; rain:lon = "nav_lon"         
    1419 ; rain:lat = "nav_lat"         
     1393; rain:add_offset = 31.7f 
     1394; rain:scale_factor = 0.001f 
     1395; rain:missing_value = -1.f 
     1396; rain:lon = "nav_lon" 
     1397; rain:lat = "nav_lat" 
    14211399; exemples  of global attr : 
    14221400; -------------------------- 
    1424 ; File_Name        :                                
     1402; File_Name        : 
    14251403; Model_Name       : TRMM 3B42_V6 derived product 
    14261404; Source_File      :'+iyystr+'/*.bin' 
    14461424; ; Attributs globaux 
    14471425; NCDF_ATTPUT, idout, 'title', 'Weekly Topex/ers sea surface anomaly from oct 14th 1992 to feb 13th 2002', /GLOBAL 
    1448 ; NCDF_ATTPUT, idout, 'production', 'Clément de Boyer (', /GLOBAL 
     1426; NCDF_ATTPUT, idout, 'production', 'Clement de Boyer (', /GLOBAL 
    14491427; ;NCDF_ATTPUT, idout, 'description' $ 
    14501428; ;                  , ' ncecat 488 files of Topex/ers data on Indian Ocean and add a time counter', /GLOBAL 
    14701448; NCDF_ATTPUT, idout, id1, 'long_name', 'Latitude at t-point' 
    14711449; ; 
    1472 ; ; Attributs variable 2 :  
    1473 ; NCDF_ATTPUT, idout, id2, 'units', origt  
     1450; ; Attributs variable 2 : 
     1451; NCDF_ATTPUT, idout, id2, 'units', origt 
    14741452; NCDF_ATTPUT, idout, id2, 'calendar','leap' 
    14751453; NCDF_ATTPUT, idout, id2, 'title', 'Time' 
    14941472; NCDF_ATTPUT, idout, id3, 'short_name', 'sla' 
    14951473; ; 
    1496 ; ; fin def des variables     
     1474; ; fin def des variables 
    14971475; NCDF_CONTROL, idout, /ENDEF 
    14981476; ; 
    1499 ; ; Ecriture des variables  
     1477; ; Ecriture des variables 
    15001478; NCDF_VARPUT, idout, id0, lon ; la longitude, var 0 
    15011479; NCDF_VARPUT, idout, id1, lat ; la latitude, var 1 
    15021480; NCDF_VARPUT, idout, id2, ttt ; le time (calendrier), var 2 
    15031481; NCDF_VARPUT, idout, id3, vv ; la vv, var 3 
    1504 ; ;     
    1505 ; ; Fermeture fichier netcdf    
     1482; ; 
     1483; ; Fermeture fichier netcdf 
    15061484; NCDF_CLOSE, idout 
    1511 ; EXPLE de ncdf quickwrite... bof quoi...: 
     1486; EXAMPLE de ncdf quickwrite... bof quoi...: 
    15131488;              ncfile='!' 
    15171492;              g_attr={units:'m s-2'} 
    15181493;              globattr={source:'My program',version:2} 
    1519 ;              
    15201495;              ncfields = 'pressure[longitude,latitude,time]=p:press_attr; ' $ 
    15211496;                       + 'longitude[]=lons:angle_attr; ' $ 
    15241499;                       + 'year[*time]=yr; ' $ 
    15251500;                       + 'g=9.8:g_attr @ globattr' 
    1526 ;              
    15271502;              @ncdf_quickwrite 
  • trunk/SRC/ReadWrite/

    r493 r495  
    5656;   ysz = 100L 
    5757;   recsz8 = 16L * jpio * jpjo * 8L 
    58 ;   FOR i = 0L, jpjo-1L, ysz DO BEGIN  
     58;   FOR i = 0L, jpjo-1L, ysz DO BEGIN 
    5959;     ii = (i+ysz-1L) < (jpjo-1L) 
    6060;     position = (4L + 8L + 4L + 4L)*(i NE 0) + 16L * jpio * i * 8L 
    61 ;     weig = ....  
     61;     weig = .... 
    6262;     write_oasis, fa2ou, 'WEIGHTS3', temporary(weig), /temporary, append = i NE 0, header = i EQ 0 $ 
    6363;                  , ending = ii EQ jpjo-1, recsize = recsz8, position = position 
    6464;   ENDFOR 
    65 ; 
    6766; @history 
    9291      writeu, unit, long(recsize) 
    9392    ENDIF 
    9594    writeu, unit, string(varname, format = '(a8)') 
    96   ENDELSE  
     95  ENDELSE 
    9897  IF keyword_set(temporary)  THEN BEGIN 
    104103      ELSE:           writeu, unit, double(temporary(z2d)) 
    105104    ENDCASE 
    106   ENDIF ELSE BEGIN  
    107106    CASE 1 OF 
    108107      keyword_set(i2):writeu, unit, fix(   z2d) 
    112111      ELSE:           writeu, unit, double(z2d) 
    113112    ENDCASE 
    114   ENDELSE  
     113  ENDELSE 
    116115  IF keyword_set(recsize) AND keyword_set(ending) THEN writeu, unit, long(recsize) 
  • trunk/SRC/Tests/TestsOld/

    r325 r495  
    1313; $Id$ 
    15 ; @todo  
     15; @todo 
    1616; find the right way to avoid 
    1717; IDLDOC: unknown tag "file_comments" in file 
  • trunk/SRC/Tests/TestsOld/

    r327 r495  
    9797  cnt = cnt + 1 
    10099  return 
  • trunk/SRC/Tests/

    r430 r495  
    33for i in tst_*.pro 
    5    new=$( basename $i .pro ) 
    6    sed -e "/@update/d" \ 
     5    new=$( basename $i .pro ) 
     6    sed -e "/@update/d" \ 
    77      -e "s/@cm_4mesh/@common/g" \ 
    88      -e "s/@cm_4cal/@common/g" \ 
    3131for i in $( egrep -il "^ *(pro|function) .*," *.pro ) 
    33    a=$( egrep -ih "^ *(pro|function) .*," $i ) 
    34    b=${a%%,*}_old,${a#*,} 
    35    sed -e "s/${a}/${b}/" $i > tmp_$$ 
    36    mv tmp_$$ $i 
     33    a=$( egrep -ih "^ *(pro|function) .*," $i ) 
     34    b=${a%%,*}_old,${a#*,} 
     35    sed -e "s/${a}/${b}/" $i > tmp_$$ 
     36    mv tmp_$$ $i 
  • trunk/SRC/Tests/

    r371 r495  
    99; @examples 
    10 ;   
    1111; To run test with Levitus temperature on a regular 1x1 grid : 
    1212;   IDL> @tst_initlev 
    103103  cnt = cnt + 1 
    106105  return 
  • trunk/SRC/Tests/

    r371 r495  
    99; @examples 
    10 ;   
    1111; To run test with Levitus temperature on a regular 1x1 grid : 
    1212;   IDL> @tst_initlev 
  • trunk/SRC/Tests/

    r484 r495  
    1313# ======== 
    15 # :: 
    16 # 
    17 # --save_image y|n 
     15# .. code-block:: bash 
     17# --save_image saveimage 
    1919# DESCRIPTION 
    2222# Run :ref:`` 
    24 # We suppose here that all inputs data are already available localy. 
    25 # 
    26 # .. option:: --save_image y|n 
     24# We suppose here that all inputs data are already available locally. 
     26# .. option:: --save_image <save_image> 
     28#    y or n 
    2830# Some IDL programs are launched here using ${IDL_CMD} command 
    4143#        digraph tst_pltt_zero { 
    43 #           log [shape=ellipse,fontname=Courier,label="${PROJECT_LOG}/tst_pltt_zero.log{YYYYMMDDTHHMMSSZ}"]; 
     45#           log [shape=ellipse, 
     46#           fontname=Courier, 
     47#           label="${PROJECT_LOG}/tst_pltt_zero.log{YYYYMMDDTHHMMSSZ}"]; 
    4549#           tst_pltt_zero_sh [shape=box, 
    6266# ======== 
    64 # To test in foreground:: 
    65 # 
    66 # --save_image y 
    67 # 
    68 # To test in background:: 
    69 # 
    70 # --save_image y & 
    71 # 
    72 # And look at log file with:: 
    73 # 
    74 #  $ tst_pltt_zero 
     68# To test in foreground: 
     70# .. code-block:: bash 
     72# --save_image y 
     74# To test in background: 
     76# .. code-block:: bash 
     78# --save_image y & 
     80# And look at log file with: 
     82# .. code-block:: bash 
     84# tst_pltt_zero 
    7686# and of course on image files in imagedir define in ${IDL_STARTUP} 
    102112# - fplod 20130802T101039Z (Linux) 
    104 #   * creation to check difference between behaviour of  
     114#   * creation to check difference between behaviour of 
    105115#     in an IDL session, in a shell session foreground and background 
    109119case "${system}" in 
    110    AIX|IRIX64) 
    111      echo "${command} : ${LINENO} : www : no specific posix checking" 
    112      date_cmd=date 
    113    ;; 
    114    Darwin) 
    115      set -o posix 
    116      date_cmd=gdate 
    117    ;; 
    118    Linux) 
    119      set -o posix 
    120      date_cmd=date 
    121    ;; 
     120    AIX|IRIX64) 
     121        echo "${command} : ${LINENO} : www : no specific posix checking" 
     122        date_cmd=date 
     123    ;; 
     124    Darwin) 
     125        set -o posix 
     126        date_cmd=gdate 
     127    ;; 
     128    Linux) 
     129        set -o posix 
     130        date_cmd=date 
     131    ;; 
    122132   *) 
    123133    set -o posix 
    145155if [ ${#} -lt ${minargcount} ] 
    147    echo "${command} : ${LINENO} : eee : not enought arguments" 
    148    echo "${usage}" 
    149    exit 1 
     157    echo "${command} : ${LINENO} : eee : not enough arguments" 
     158    echo "${usage}" 
     159    exit 1 
    151161unset minargcount 
    153163while [ ${#} -gt 0 ] 
    155    case ${1} in 
    156      --save_image) 
    157         save_image=${2} 
    158         shift 
    159      ;; 
    160      -h) 
    161         echo "${usage}" 
    162         exit 0 
    163      ;; 
    164      *) 
    165         # other choice 
    166         echo "${command} : ${LINENO} : eee : unknown option ${1}" 
    167         echo "${usage}" 
    168         exit 1 
    169      ;; 
    170    esac 
    171    # next flag 
    172    shift 
     165    case ${1} in 
     166        --save_image) 
     167            save_image=${2} 
     168            shift 
     169        ;; 
     170        -h) 
     171            echo "${usage}" 
     172            exit 0 
     173        ;; 
     174        *) 
     175            # other choice 
     176            echo "${command} : ${LINENO} : eee : unknown option ${1}" 
     177            echo "${usage}" 
     178            exit 1 
     179        ;; 
     180    esac 
     181    # next flag 
     182    shift 
    174184unset usage 
    182192if [ ${status} -ne 0 ] 
    184    echo "${command} : ${LINENO} : eee : tool ${tool} not found" 
    185    echo "${command} : ${LINENO} : eee : check sequence" 
    186    exit 1 
     194    echo "${command} : ${LINENO} : eee : tool ${tool} not found" 
     195    echo "${command} : ${LINENO} : eee : check sequence" 
     196    exit 1 
    188198unset status 
    192202if [ ! -w ${PROJECT_LOG} ] 
    194    echo "${command} : ${LINENO} : eee : ${PROJECT_LOG} not writable" 
    195    exit 1 
     204    echo "${command} : ${LINENO} : eee : ${PROJECT_LOG} not writable" 
     205    exit 1 
    215225if [ "${save_image}" == "y" ] 
    217   image_arg=", IMAGE=\"${command}\"" 
     227    image_arg=", IMAGE=\"${command}\"" 
    219   image_arg="" 
     229    image_arg="" 
    221231# build IDL script 
    251261if [ ${status} -ne 0 ] 
    253    echo "${command} : ${LINENO} : eee: ${IDL_CMD} failed : ${status}" >> ${log} 2>&1 
    254    cat ${MY_IDL}/tst_pltt_zero_${$}.pro >> ${log} 2>&1 
    255    exit 1 
     263    echo "${command} : ${LINENO} : eee: ${IDL_CMD} failed : ${status}" >> ${log} 2>&1 
     264    cat ${MY_IDL}/tst_pltt_zero_${$}.pro >> ${log} 2>&1 
     265    exit 1 
    257267unset status 
  • trunk/SRC/Tests/

    r371 r495  
    77; @keyword IMAGE 
    8 ; 
    109; @examples 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/CALCULS/

    r371 r495  
    33; @file_comments 
    4 ; Rather comparable to <pro>depth2level</pro> but here, the calculated level  
     4; Rather comparable to <pro>depth2level</pro> but here, the calculated level 
    55; is in float. 
    66; For example, the level 5.4 correspond to a depth equal 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/CALCULS/

    r371 r495  
    4949; @examples 
    50 ;  
    5151;   IDL> a=findgen(3,3,5) 
    5252;   IDL> print, determ3(a^2) 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/CALCULS/

    r493 r495  
    1212;               annex 6 freezing point of seawater F.J.Millero pp.29-35 
    1313;       checkvalue: fsfzpt=-2.588567 deg.c,for s=40.0,p=500 decibars 
    14 ; 
    1615; @categories 
    4544;   * add example 
    47 ; 
    4846; @version 
    4947; $Id$ 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/CALCULS/

    r493 r495  
    4141; @keyword NODOMDEF 
    42 ; We activate it if we do not want to pass in <pro>domdef</pro> even if the  
    43 ; keyword boxzoom is present (like when <pro>grossemoyenne</pro> is called via  
     42; We activate it if we do not want to pass in <pro>domdef</pro> even if the 
     43; keyword boxzoom is present (like when <pro>grossemoyenne</pro> is called via 
    4444; <pro>checkfield</pro>) 
    148148  endcase 
    150 ;   I.3) Obtainment of scale's factors and of the mask on the subdomain  
     150;   I.3) Obtainment of scale's factors and of the mask on the subdomain 
    151151;        concerned by the average. 
    152152; Redefinition of the domain adjusted at boxzoom (at 6 elements) 
    176176    IF taille[1] eq jpi and taille[2] eq jpj THEN $ 
    177177       mmm = mask2D[firstx:lastx, firsty:lasty] ELSE mmm = mask2D 
    178     mask = mask * ( mmm[*] # replicate(1., nz) )  
     178    mask = mask * ( mmm[*] # replicate(1., nz) ) 
    179179  ENDIF 
    359359; III.1) Verification of the coherence of the array to average size 
    360360; Verification of the coherence between the array's size and the domain 
    361 ; defind by domdef 
     361; defined by domdef 
    362362; The input array must have either the total domain size (jpi,jpj,jpk,jpt) 
    363363; or this one of the reduced domain (nx,ny,ny,jpt) 
    365365    case 1 of 
    366       taille[1] eq jpi and taille[2] eq jpj and taille[3] eq jpk and taille[4] eq jpt: $  
     366      taille[1] eq jpi and taille[2] eq jpj and taille[3] eq jpk and taille[4] eq jpt: $ 
    367367        res = tab[firstx:lastx, firsty:lasty, firstz:lastz, *] 
    368       taille[1] eq jpi and taille[2] eq jpj and taille[3] eq nz and taille[4] eq jpt: $  
     368      taille[1] eq jpi and taille[2] eq jpj and taille[3] eq nz and taille[4] eq jpt: $ 
    369369        res = tab[firstx:lastx, firsty:lasty, *, *] 
    370370      taille[1] EQ  nx and taille[2] eq  ny and taille[3] eq nz and taille[4] eq jpt:res = tab 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/CALCULS/

    r370 r495  
    1919; We activate this key if we want to calculate the dynamic height 
    2020; like in the GILL page 215, which means by rapport to a reference state which 
    21 ; vary in depth and which is determined by a reference temperature tref at 0°C 
     21; vary in depth and which is determined by a reference temperature tref at 0°C 
    2222; and a reference salinity sref at 35 psu. 
    5252; @restrictions 
    53 ; Points for which we can not calculate the dynamic height (whose the batymetry 
    54 ; is less deep than the reference depth) are put at the value !values.f_nan 
     53; Points for which we can not calculate the dynamic height (whose the 
     54; bathymetry is less deep than the reference depth) are put at the 
     55; value !values.f_nan 
    5657; @restrictions 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/CALCULS/

    r370 r495  
    33; @file_comments 
    4 ; Allows to pass from a 2d level array to a 2d depth array corresponding to  
     4; Allows to pass from a 2d level array to a 2d depth array corresponding to 
    55; these levels 
    1010; @param TAB {in}{required}{type=2d array} 
    11 ; 2d level array of sill levels (or a structure respecting <pro>litchamp</pro>  
     11; 2d level array of sill levels (or a structure respecting <pro>litchamp</pro> 
    1212; criterions) 
    4242   grille,mask, -1, -1,gdep,nx,ny,nz,firstx,firsty,firstz,lastx,lasty,lastz 
    44 ; verification of the coherence between array's size and the domain defined  
     44; verification of the coherence between array's size and the domain defined 
    4545; by domdef 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/CALCULS/

    r367 r495  
    44; We want, from a 3d matrix, to extract a 2d (x,y) array whose each element 
    55; has been extract from a level specified by the 2d level array (typically, 
    6 ; we want to obtain the salinity along an isopycn we have repered by its level). 
     6; we want to obtain the salinity along an isopycn we have identify by its level). 
    77; level2index is a function which give, in function of level, a 2d indexes array 
    88; which will allow to extract the 2d array from the 3d array... 
    3939   tabknxny = (nx*ny)*long(level) 
    41 ; 
    4241   return, lindgen(nx, ny)+tabknxny 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/CALCULS/

    r370 r495  
    1010; @param TAB {in}{required}{type=2d array} 
    11 ; 2d level array of sill level (or a structure respecting <pro>litchamp</pro>  
     11; 2d level array of sill level (or a structure respecting <pro>litchamp</pro> 
    1212; criterions) 
    4141   grille,maskterre, -1, -1, -1,nx,ny,nz,firstx,firsty,firstz,lastx,lasty,lastz 
    43 ; verification of the coherence between the array's size and the defined by  
     43; verification of the coherence between the array's size and the defined by 
    4444; domdef domain 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/CALCULS/

    r445 r495  
    3939; @keyword NODOMDEF 
    40 ; We activate it if we do not want to pass in <pro>domdef</pro> even if the  
    41 ; keyword boxzoom is present (like when <pro>grossemoyenne</pro> is called  
     40; We activate it if we do not want to pass in <pro>domdef</pro> even if the 
     41; keyword boxzoom is present (like when <pro>grossemoyenne</pro> is called 
    4242; via <pro>checkfield</pro>) 
    5151; @keyword SSH 
    52 ; array giving the sea level elenation (in meter) that must be added 
     52; array giving the sea level elevation (in meter) that must be added 
    5353; to the thickness of the first level when computing vertical mean 
    6969; @history 
    70 ;  Jerome Vialard (jv\ 
     70;  JérÃŽme Vialard (jv\ 
    7171;                       2/7/98 
    72 ;                       Sebastien Masson (smasson\ 
     72;                       Sébastien Masson (smasson\ 
    7373;                       14/8/98 
    7474;                       15/1/98 
    126126  endcase 
    128 ;   I.3) Obtainment of scale's factors and of the mask on the subdomain concernedby the average. 
    129 ; Redefinition of the domain ajusted at boxzoom (at 6 elements) 
     128;   I.3) Obtainment of scale's factors and of the mask on the subdomain 
     129;        concerned by the average. 
     130; Redefinition of the domain adjusted at boxzoom (at 6 elements) 
    130131; This will allowed us to calculate only in the domain concerned by the average. 
    131132; Domdef, followed by grid give us all arrays of the grid on the subdomain 
    154155    IF taille[1] eq jpi and taille[2] eq jpj THEN $ 
    155156       mmm = mask2D[firstx:lastx, firsty:lasty] ELSE mmm = mask2D 
    156     mask = mask * ( mmm[*] # replicate(1., nz) )  
     157    mask = mask * ( mmm[*] # replicate(1., nz) ) 
    157158  ENDIF 
    337338; III.1) Verification of the coherence of the array to average size 
    338339; Verification of the coherence between the array's size and the domain 
    339 ; defind by domdef 
     340; defined by domdef 
    340341; The input array must have either the total domain size (jpi,jpj,jpk) 
    341342; or this one of the reduced domain (nx,ny,ny) 
    344345      taille[1] eq jpi and taille[2] eq jpj and taille[3] eq jpk: $ 
    345346        res = tab[firstx:lastx, firsty:lasty, firstz:lastz] 
    346       taille[1] eq jpi and taille[2] eq jpj and taille[3] eq nz: $  
     347      taille[1] eq jpi and taille[2] eq jpj and taille[3] eq nz: $ 
    347348        res = tab[firstx:lastx, firsty:lasty, *] 
    348349      taille[1] EQ  nx and taille[2] eq  ny and taille[3] eq nz :res = tab 
    571572  ENDIF 
    573 ; IV.3) We replace in the domain whch was defined at the entry of average 
     574; IV.3) We replace in the domain which was defined at the entry of average 
    575576  if keyword_set(savedbox) THEN restoreboxparam, 'boxparam4moyenne.dat' 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/CALCULS/

    r370 r495  
    3333;   ->null field at 1e-6 pres 
    35 ;  verification projecting the temperature of 20°C for example... 
     35;  verification projecting the temperature of 20°C for example... 
    3737; @history 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/CALCULS/

    r327 r495  
    4343;; C'est pas clair, essayez ! 
    45 ;; 
    4746;    /Nan: to fill the point which have the value 
    4847;    !values.f_nan. Without this keyword, these point are not filling 
    4948;    and stays at !values.f_nan. 
    50 ; 
    5250; @todo seb 
    9290; on ajoute un cadre de zero a z, mask, e1, e2 
    93 ; comme ca apres on peut faire des shifts ds tous les sens sans se 
     91; comme ca aprÚs on peut faire des shifts ds tous les sens sans se 
    9492; soucier des bords du domaine! 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/CALCULS/

    r430 r495  
    4242      tn = -1e5 > double(tn) < 1e5 
    4544      IF keyword_set(sigma_n) then insitu = 1 
    6867      END 
    6968   endcase 
    7370   FOR jk = 0, jkmax-1 DO BEGIN 
    169166   if keyword_set(key_performance) THEN print, 'temps rhon', systime(1)-tempsun 
    172168   return, zrhop 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/CALENDRIER/

    r232 r495  
    33; @file_comments 
    5 ; 
    65; @categories 
    7 ; 
    97; @param TIMAVE 
    11 ; 
    129; @param DATE 
    13 ; 
    1511; @returns 
    17 ; 
    1813; @uses 
    19 ; 
    2115; @restrictions 
    23 ; 
    2417; @examples 
    26 ; 
    2719; @history 
    28 ; 
    3021; @version 
    3728; translate month number in string 
    39 ; 
    4030  compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs 
    4232   IF strpos(date, '_') GT -1 THEN date = strmid(date, 0, strpos(date, '_')) 
    43    CASE strmid(timave, 0, 2) OF  
     33   CASE strmid(timave, 0, 2) OF 
    4434      '1m': BEGIN 
    45          CASE strmid(date, strlen(date)-2, 2) OF  
     35         CASE strmid(date, strlen(date)-2, 2) OF 
    4636            '01': mn = 'January' 
    4737            '02': mn = 'February' 
    5747            '12': mn = 'December' 
    5848            ELSE: mn = '???' 
    59          ENDCASE  
    60       END  
     49         ENDCASE 
     50      END 
    6151      '3m': BEGIN 
    62          CASE strmid(date, strlen(date)-2, 2) OF  
     52         CASE strmid(date, strlen(date)-2, 2) OF 
    6353            '01': mn = 'DJF' 
    6454            '02': mn = 'MMA' 
    6656            '04': mn = 'SON' 
    6757            ELSE: mn = '???' 
    68          ENDCASE  
    69       END  
     58         ENDCASE 
     59      END 
    7060      ELSE: 
    71    ENDCASE   
     61   ENDCASE 
    7363   return, mn 
    74 END  
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/COULEURS/

    r163 r495  
    2 ; @file_comments  
     2; @file_comments 
    33; Clarify the current palette playing with brightness 
    55; @param COEF {in}{required} The rule of attenuation of colors divide by 2 the brightness by default 
    7 ; @param RED  
     7; @param RED 
    99; @param GREEN 
    1111; @param BLUE 
    13 ; @todo Seb: compléter param red/green/blue 
     13; @todo Seb: compléter param red/green/blue 
    1515PRO palit, coef, red, green, blue 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/GRILLE/

    r493 r495  
    32 ; 
    3332   if cmpgrid(newgrid) EQ 0 then return, 0 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/GRILLE/

    r325 r495  
    31 ; 
    3332; newgrid must be a structure 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/GRILLE/

    r388 r495  
    33; @file_comments 
    4 ; Similar to <pro>grille</pro>.  
     4; Similar to <pro>grille</pro>. 
    55; Here, when vargrid is not 'T' or 'W', we have to 
    66; recuperate tmask, glamt, gphit and the array of triangulation on the 
    7 ; considered sub-domain for the drawing.  
    8 ; The specificity of decoupeterre, in comparaison with <pro>grille</pro>, is  
    9 ; that we take, if possible, a sub-domain just a little bit bigger than the  
     7; considered sub-domain for the drawing. 
     8; The specificity of decoupeterre, in comparaison with <pro>grille</pro>, is 
     9; that we take, if possible, a sub-domain just a little bit bigger than the 
    1010; one defined by <pro>domdef</pro> in order to be 
    1111; sure that the mask we draw will cover over all the drawing. 
    217217      mask[*, 0] = 0b 
    218218    ENDIF 
    219   ENDIF ELSE BEGIN  
    220220  case type of 
    221221    'xy':BEGIN 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/GRILLE/

    r493 r495  
    5858; than to values of these arrays. 
    60 ; @keyword TYPE  
     60; @keyword TYPE 
    6262; @keyword XINDEX 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/GRILLE/

    r493 r495  
    66; @categories 
    7 ; Grid  
     7; Grid 
    99; @returns 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/GRILLE/

    r493 r495  
    55; vargrid and send back corresponding parameters calculated in 
    66; <pro>domdef</pro> and reduced at the domain defined by 
    7 ; <pro>domdef</pro> (contrarily to  
     7; <pro>domdef</pro> (contrarily to 
    88; <pro>grandegrille</pro>) 
    2121; This keyword is used in <pro>plt</pro>. 
    23 ; @keyword GRID {default=vargrid defined in <pro>cm_4data</pro>}  
     23; @keyword GRID {default=vargrid defined in <pro>cm_4data</pro>} 
    2424; To specify on which grid are located the data 
    26 ; @keyword WDEPTH {default=0}  
     26; @keyword WDEPTH {default=0} 
    2727; To specify that the field is at W depth instead of T 
    2828; depth (automatically activated if vargrid eq 'W') 
    351 ; 
    353352  tempdeux = systime(1)         ; For key_performance =2 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/GRILLE/

    r370 r495  
    33; @file_comments 
    4 ; Allows to pass a field referring to the grid T on the grid V,  
     4; Allows to pass a field referring to the grid T on the grid V, 
    55; thanks to the average res = 0.5*(res + shift(res, 0, -1)) 
    6 ;  
    7 ; @categories  
     7; @categories 
    88; Grid 
    1717; <pro>common</pro> 
    19 ; @restrictions  
    20 ; Force parameters of the zoom on the grid V to be the same as  
     19; @restrictions 
     20; Force parameters of the zoom on the grid V to be the same as 
    2121; those on the grid T. 
    23 ; @restrictions  
    24 ; Points which can not be calculated are put at the value NaN  
     23; @restrictions 
     24; Points which can not be calculated are put at the value NaN 
    2525; consecrated by IDL: !values.f_nan 
    6161; case on tha array's size and application 
    6262   taille = size(temp) 
    63    CASE taille[0] OF  
     63   CASE taille[0] OF 
    6464      1: res = -1 
    65       2: BEGIN  
     65      2: BEGIN 
    6666         case 1 of 
    6767            taille[1] eq nxt and taille[2] eq nyt: 
    7272         endcase 
    7373         mask = tmask[firstxt:lastxt, firstyt:lastyt, 0] 
    74          terre = where(mask EQ 0)  
     74         terre = where(mask EQ 0) 
    7575         IF terre[0] NE -1 THEN res[terre] = !values.f_nan 
    7676         res = 0.5*(res + shift(res, 0, -1)) 
    7777         res[*, nyt-1] = !values.f_nan 
    7878         mask = (vmask())[firstxt:lastxt, firstyt:lastyt, 0] 
    79          terre = where(mask EQ 0)  
     79         terre = where(mask EQ 0) 
    8080         IF terre[0] NE -1 THEN res[terre] = valmask 
    8181      END 
    82       3: BEGIN  
     82      3: BEGIN 
    8383         case 1 of 
    8484            taille[1] eq nxt and taille[2] eq nyt AND taille[3] EQ nzt: 
    9898            mask = reform(mask, nxt, nyt, jpt, /over) 
    9999         ENDIF ELSE mask = tmask[firstxt:lastxt, firstyt:lastyt, firstzt:lastzt] 
    100          terre = where(temporary(mask) EQ 0)  
     100         terre = where(temporary(mask) EQ 0) 
    101101         IF terre[0] NE -1 THEN res[temporary(terre)] = !values.f_nan 
    102102         res = 0.5*(res + shift(res, 0, -1, 0)) 
    107107            mask = reform(mask, nxt, nyt, jpt, /over) 
    108108         ENDIF ELSE mask = (vmask())[firstxt:lastxt, firstyt:lastyt, firstzt:lastzt] 
    109          terre = where(temporary(mask) EQ 0)  
     109         terre = where(temporary(mask) EQ 0) 
    110110         IF terre[0] NE -1 THEN res[temporary(terre)] = valmask 
    111111      END 
    112       4: BEGIN  
     112      4: BEGIN 
    113113         case 1 of 
    114114            taille[1] eq nxt and taille[2] eq nyt AND taille[3] EQ nzt AND taille[4] EQ jpt: 
    123123         mask = temporary(mask[*])#replicate(1, jpt) 
    124124         mask = reform(mask, nxt, nyt, nzt, jpt, /over) 
    125          terre = where(temporary(mask) EQ 0)  
     125         terre = where(temporary(mask) EQ 0) 
    126126         IF terre[0] NE -1 THEN res[temporary(terre)] = !values.f_nan 
    127127         res = 0.5*(res + shift(res, 0, -1, 0, 0)) 
    130130         mask = temporary(mask[*])#replicate(1, jpt) 
    131131         mask = reform(mask, nxt, nyt, nzt, jpt, /over) 
    132          terre = where(temporary(mask) EQ 0)  
     132         terre = where(temporary(mask) EQ 0) 
    133133         IF terre[0] NE -1 THEN res[temporary(terre)] = valmask 
    134134      END 
    137137  IF NOT keyword_set(key_forgetold) THEN BEGIN 
    138138   @updateold 
    139   ENDIF  
     139  ENDIF 
    141141   return, res 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/GRILLE/

    r493 r495  
    66; @categories 
    7 ; Grid  
     7; Grid 
    99; @returns 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/GRILLE/

    r493 r495  
    66; @categories 
    7 ; Grid  
     7; Grid 
    99; @returns 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/HOPE/

    r370 r495  
    238238   return 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/HOPE/

    r327 r495  
    6060; $Id$ 
    62 ; @todo  
     62; @todo 
    6363; seb 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/HOPE/

    r325 r495  
    6868;    even        T          u          T          u             90.0 
    70 ; 
    7170; high resolution grid: jpi=256, jpj=195 ( x 2), jpk=29 
    7675;    odd                    T          u          T          u  90.5 
    7776;    even        T          u          T          u             90.0 
    78 ; 
    8078   x0 = floor(xaxis[0]*10)/10. 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/HOPE/

    r493 r495  
    282282;     For an YZ section the chosen variable is the one which has 
    283283; the most points in the longitude domain specified by XLIMITS. 
    284 ; 
    286285; @examples 
    583582  *top_uvalue[0, 17] = 'tlimits' & *top_uvalue[1, 17] = testvar(var = tlimits) 
    586584  widget_control, base, set_uvalue = top_uvalue 
    587585  rh_alldomains, base, selected 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/HOPE/

    r325 r495  
    3939;              0           1           3           2 
    41 ; 
    42 ; 
    43 ; 
    4441  compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/IMAGE/

    r493 r495  
    6666   write_gif,iodir+nomfic,tvrd(),red, green, blue, /multiple 
    68 ; 
    7069; Beginning of the part we want to change. 
    117116   ENDCASE 
    120118   return 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/INIT/

    r467 r495  
    33; @file_comments 
    4 ; Initfile for Netcdf file. define all the grid parameters through 
     4; Initfile for netCDF file. define all the grid parameters through 
    55; an appropriate call to <pro>computegrid</pro> 
    1010; @param ncfilein {in}{required}{type=scalar string} 
    11 ; A string giving the name of the NetCdf file 
     11; A string giving the name of the netCDF file 
    1313; @keyword START1 {default=0}{type=scalar: 0 or 1} 
    5050; @keyword _EXTRA 
    51 ; Used to pass keywords to <pro>computegrid</pro>,  
     51; Used to pass keywords to <pro>computegrid</pro>, 
    5252; <pro>ncdf_getaxis</pro>, <pro>ncdf_getmask</pro> and <pro>isafile</pro> 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/INIT/

    r142 r495  
    1010;    initncdf, '', mask = 'mask' 
    12 ; 
    1312  iodir = '/d1fes2-raid6/smasson/' 
    1413   initncdf, '' 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/INIT/

    r325 r495  
    3 ; @todo  
     3; @todo 
    44; seb 
    5 ;  
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/INIT/

    r358 r495  
    3 ; @todo  
     3; @todo 
    44; seb 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/LECTURE/GRIB/TABLES/usertables.txt

    r67 r495  
    2323[This is the preferred search order for foreign-language parameter tables.] 
    2625The name of the user-defined table is searched for in  
    3736      setenv GRIBTAB ~/data/gribtab                   (csh) 
    3837      GRIBTAB=$HOME/data/gribtab ; export GRIBTAB     (sh) 
    4239The format of the GRIBTAB file is 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/LECTURE/GRIB/

    r327 r495  
    22; @file_comments 
    4 ; 
    54; @categories 
    6 ; 
    86; @param BITIN 
    10 ; 
    118; @keyword CHECKNEG 
    12 ; 
    1410; @returns 
    16 ; 
    1712; @uses 
    18 ; 
    2014; @restrictions 
    22 ; 
    2316; @examples 
    25 ; 
    2618; @history 
    27 ; 
    2920; @version 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/LECTURE/GRIB/

    r327 r495  
    5050;    FOR i = 1L, n_elements(recstart)-1 DO $ 
    5151;      addoff[i] = recstart[i]-recstart[i-1]-messize[i-1] 
    52 ; 
    5453;    nbits = scan_grib_nbits(num, recstart) 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/LECTURE/GRIB/

    r325 r495  
    2 ; @file_comments  
    3 ;  
    4 ;  
     2; @file_comments 
    54; @categories 
    6 ;  
    7 ;  
    8 ; @param NUM  
     6; @param NUM 
    118; @param RECSTART 
    13 ; 
    14 ; @param NI  
    15 ;  
     10; @param NI 
    1712; @param NJ 
    18 ;  
    19 ;  
    2014; @returns 
    21 ;  
    22 ;  
    2316; @restrictions 
    24 ;  
    25 ;  
    2618; @examples 
    28 ; 
    2920; @history 
    30 ;  
    3222; @version 
    3525FUNCTION read_grib_bds, num, recstart, ni, nj 
    36 ; 
    3827  compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs 
    6453  sizebds = bit2int([binary(a[1]), binary(a[2]), binary(a[3])]) 
    65                                 ;  
     54                                ; 
    6655  flags = binary(a[4]) 
    6857; 1   0     Grid point data 
    6958;     1     Spherical Harmonic Coefficients 
    70 ; 2   0     Simple packing  
    71 ;     1     Second order ("Complex") Packing  
     59; 2   0     Simple packing 
     60;     1     Second order ("Complex") Packing 
    7261; 3   0     Original data were floating point values 
    7362;     1     Original data were integer values 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/LECTURE/GRIB/

    r325 r495  
    2 ; @file_comments  
    3 ;  
    4 ;  
     2; @file_comments 
    54; @categories 
    6 ;  
    7 ;  
    8 ; @param NUM  
     6; @param NUM 
    118; @param OFFSET 
    12 ;  
    1410; @returns 
    15 ;  
    16 ;  
    1712; @restrictions 
    18 ;  
    19 ;  
    2014; @examples 
    22 ; 
    2316; @history 
    24 ;  
    2618; @version 
    2719; $Id$ 
    2922PRO read_grib_end,  num, offset 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/LECTURE/GRIB/

    r325 r495  
    2 ; @file_comments  
    3 ;  
    4 ;  
     2; @file_comments 
    54; @categories 
    6 ;  
    7 ;  
    8 ; @param NUM  
     6; @param NUM 
    118; @param RECSTART 
    13 ;  
    1410; @returns 
    15 ;  
    16 ;  
    1712; @restrictions 
    18 ;  
    19 ;  
    2014; @examples 
    22 ; 
    2316; @history 
    24 ;  
    2618; @version 
    2921FUNCTION read_grib_gds, num, recstart 
    30 ; 
    3223  compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs 
    4132  sizegds = bit2int([binary(a[1]), binary(a[2]), binary(a[3])]) 
    42 ;  
    4334  nv = (a[4])[0] 
    4435  pv = (a[5])[0] 
    8374    gridtype EQ 2: 
    8475; Lambert Conformal, secant or tangent, conical or bipolar (normal or 
    85 ; oblique) Projection Grid   
     76; oblique) Projection Grid 
    8677    gridtype EQ 3: 
    8778; Polar Stereographic Projection Grid 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/LECTURE/GRIB/

    r325 r495  
    1 ;+ 
    2 ; @file_comments  
    3 ;  
    4 ;  
    5 ; @categories 
    6 ;  
    7 ;  
    8 ; @param NUM  
    9 ; 
    112; @param OFFSET 
    12 ;  
    144; @returns 
    15 ;  
    16 ;  
    176; @restrictions 
    18 ;  
    19 ;  
    208; @examples 
    22 ; 
    2310; @history 
    24 ;  
    2612; @version 
    3723  typefile = string(a[0]) 
    3824  IF  typefile NE 'GRIB' THEN stop 
    4127  a = assoc(num, bytarr(1, /nozero), offset+4) 
    4228  sizerecord = bit2int([binary(a[0]), binary(a[1]), binary(a[2])]) 
    43 ;   
    4430  a = assoc(num, bytarr(1, /nozero), offset+7) 
    4531  gribed = a[0] 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/LECTURE/GRIB/

    r325 r495  
    2 ; @file_comments  
    3 ;  
    4 ;  
     2; @file_comments 
    54; @categories 
    6 ;  
    7 ;  
    8 ; @param NUM  
     6; @param NUM 
    118; @param RECSTART 
    12 ;  
    1410; @returns 
    15 ;  
    16 ;  
    1712; @restrictions 
    18 ;  
    19 ;  
    2014; @examples 
    22 ; 
    2316; @history 
    24 ;  
    2618; @version 
    2921FUNCTION read_grib_pds, num, recstart 
    30 ; 
    3223  compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs 
    3728  sizepds = bit2int([binary(a[1]), binary(a[2]), binary(a[3])]) 
    38  ;  
     29 ; 
    3930  paramtableversion = (a[4])[0] 
    40  ;  
     31 ; 
    4132  centerid = (a[5])[0] 
    42  ;  
     33 ; 
    4334  procid = (a[6])[0] 
    44  ;  
     35 ; 
    4536  gridid = (a[7])[0] 
    5142  paramunitid = (a[9])[0] 
    53   levtype = (a[10])[0]   
     44  levtype = (a[10])[0] 
    5445  levalue1 = (a[11])[0] 
    5546  levalue2 = (a[12])[0] 
    7767  RETURN, {size:sizepds, gdsnotomitted:gdsnotomitted, bmsnotomitted:bmsnotomitted, d:d} 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/LECTURE/GRIB/

    r371 r495  
    66; @categories 
    8 ; 
    98; @param TABLENAME {in}{required} 
    109; The full path name of a gribtable file 
    1211; @keyword PARMTABL 
    14 ; 
    1513; @keyword CENTER 
    16 ; 
    1815; @keyword SUBCENTER 
    20 ; 
    2117; @keyword TABLNUM 
    22 ; 
    2419; @returns 
    26 ; 
    2721; @uses 
    29 ; 
    3023; @restrictions 
    31 ; 
    3325; @examples 
    4638  compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/LECTURE/GRIB/

    r325 r495  
    2 ; @file_comments  
    3 ;  
    4 ;  
     2; @file_comments 
    54; @categories 
    6 ;  
    7 ;  
    8 ; @param NUM  
     6; @param NUM 
    118; @param RECSTART 
    12 ;  
    1410; @returns 
    15 ;  
    16 ;  
    1712; @restrictions 
    18 ;  
    19 ;  
    2014; @examples 
    22 ; 
    2316; @history 
    24 ;  
    2618; @version 
    2921FUNCTION scan_grib_code, num, recstart 
    30 ; 
    3223  compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/LECTURE/GRIB/

    r325 r495  
    2 ; @file_comments  
    3 ;  
    4 ;  
     2; @file_comments 
    54; @categories 
    6 ;  
    7 ;  
    8 ; @param NUM  
     6; @param NUM 
    118; @param RECSTART 
    12 ;  
    1410; @returns 
    15 ;  
    16 ;  
    1712; @restrictions 
    18 ;  
    19 ;  
    2014; @examples 
    22 ; 
    2316; @history 
    24 ;  
    2618; @version 
    2921FUNCTION scan_grib_date, num, recstart 
    30 ; 
    3223  compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs 
    3829    offset = recstart[i] 
    3930    a = assoc(num, bytarr(1, /nozero), offset+8-1) 
    40     dates[i] = (a[13]+100L*(a[25]-1))*10000L+a[14]*100L+a[15] 
     31    dates[i] = (a[13]+ 100L *(a[25]-1)) * 10000L + a[14] * 100L + a[15] 
    4132  ENDFOR 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/LECTURE/GRIB/

    r325 r495  
    2 ; @file_comments  
    3 ;  
    4 ;  
     2; @file_comments 
    54; @categories 
    6 ;  
    7 ;  
    8 ; @param NUM  
     6; @param NUM 
    118; @param RECSTART 
    12 ;  
    1410; @returns 
    15 ;  
    16 ;  
    1712; @restrictions 
    18 ;  
    19 ;  
    2014; @examples 
    22 ; 
    2316; @history 
    24 ;  
    2618; @version 
    2921FUNCTION scan_grib_messize, num, recstart 
    30 ; 
    3223  compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/LECTURE/GRIB/

    r325 r495  
    2 ; @file_comments  
    3 ;  
    4 ;  
     2; @file_comments 
    54; @categories 
    6 ;  
    7 ;  
    8 ; @param NUM  
     6; @param NUM 
    118; @param RECSTART 
    12 ;  
    1410; @returns 
    15 ;  
    16 ;  
    1712; @restrictions 
    18 ;  
    19 ;  
    2014; @examples 
    22 ; 
    2316; @history 
    24 ;  
    2618; @version 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/LECTURE/GRIB/

    r325 r495  
    2 ; @file_comments  
    3 ;  
    4 ;  
     2; @file_comments 
    54; @categories 
    6 ;  
    7 ;  
    8 ; @param NUM  
    9 ;  
     6; @param NUM 
    118; @returns 
    12 ;  
    13 ;  
    1410; @restrictions 
    15 ;  
    16 ;  
    1712; @examples 
    19 ; 
    2014; @history 
    21 ;  
    2316; @version 
    8174    start = [start, offset] 
    82 ;     
    8376    a = assoc(num, bytarr(1, /nozero), offset+4) 
    8477    recsize = bit2int([binary(a[0]), binary(a[1]), binary(a[2])]) 
    92   RETURN, start[1:n_elements(start)-1]  
     85  RETURN, start[1:n_elements(start)-1] 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/LECTURE/

    r371 r495  
    1818;  (d1, d2...) are the output dimensions 
    19 ; 
    2120; @returns 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/LECTURE/

    r493 r495  
    77;   - a structure, litchamp send back the first element of the structure 
    88;   which must be the field in an array. 
    9 ; litchamp profit of this to look other elements of the structure and  
     9; litchamp profit of this to look other elements of the structure and 
    1010; update if needed global variables which refer to the field: 
    1111; vargrid, varname, varunit, vardate, varexp , valmask et time 
    8989;   IDL> print, vargrid,', ', varname,', ', varunit,', ', vardate,', ', varexp 
    9090;    T, toto, C, 1999, 
    91 ; 
    9392; @history 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/LECTURE/

    r493 r495  
    33; @file_comments 
    44; Reading function for the file net_cdf. 
    5 ; This program is less universal than <pro>ncdf_lec</pro> (it appeal to  
    6 ; declared variables in <pro>common</pro>) but it is very easier to be used.  
     5; This program is less universal than <pro>ncdf_lec</pro> (it appeal to 
     6; declared variables in <pro>common</pro>) but it is very easier to be used. 
    77; It considerate 
    88; the declaration of the different zooms which have been defined 
    99; (ixminmesh...premierx...), the declaration of the variable key_shift... 
    10 ; To put it in a nutshell, the result of read_ncdf can be directly used in  
     10; To put it in a nutshell, the result of read_ncdf can be directly used in 
    1111; <pro>plt</pro> ... 
    4747; @keyword CALLITSELF {default=0}{type=scalar: 0 or 1} 
    48 ; For ROMS outputs. Use by read_ncdf itself to access auxiliary data  
     48; For ROMS outputs. Use by read_ncdf itself to access auxiliary data 
    4949; (h and zeta). 
    6969; @keyword TIMESTEP {default=0}{type=scalar: 0 or 1} 
    70 ; Specify that BEGINNING and ENDING refer to indexes of the time axis and not  
     70; Specify that BEGINNING and ENDING refer to indexes of the time axis and not 
    7171; to dates 
    9696; @returns 
    97 ; Structure readable by <pro>litchamp</pro> or an array if NOSTRUCT is  
     97; Structure readable by <pro>litchamp</pro> or an array if NOSTRUCT is 
    9898; activated. 
    189189      firsttps = long(beginning[0]) 
    190190      IF n_elements(ending) NE 0 THEN lasttps = long(ending[0]) ELSE lasttps = firsttps 
    191       IF NOT keyword_set(callitself) then BEGIN  
     191      IF NOT keyword_set(callitself) then BEGIN 
    192192        time = ncdf_gettime(filename, cdfid, caller = 'read_ncdf', err = err, _extra = ex) 
    193193        jpt = lasttps-firsttps+1 
    210210    keyword_set(allrecords) OR n_elements(beginning) EQ 0:BEGIN 
    211211      time = ncdf_gettime(filename, cdfid, caller = 'read_ncdf', err = err, _extra = ex) 
    212       IF time[0] LT 0 then BEGIN  
     212      IF time[0] LT 0 then BEGIN 
    213213        jpt = -time[0] 
    214214        time = julday(1, 1, 1) + lindgen(jpt) 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/LECTURE/

    r493 r495  
    99; @param NAME {in}{optional}{type=string} 
    10 ; It give the name of the file to be opened.  
     10; It give the name of the file to be opened. 
    1212; If NAME 
    2222; @keyword COUNT {type=vector} 
    23 ; An optional vector containing the counts to be used in reading Value.  
     23; An optional vector containing the counts to be used in reading Value. 
    2525; COUNT is a 1-based vector with an element for 
    3131; @keyword GROUP 
    32 ; The widget ID of the widget that calls XNCDF_LEC.  
     32; The widget ID of the widget that calls XNCDF_LEC. 
    3434; When this ID is specified, a death of the caller results in a death 
    4242; A vector of integers, specifying for each dimension how much we have to shift it. 
    44 ; See the function <proidl>SHIFT</proidl> for more explanations.  
     44; See the function <proidl>SHIFT</proidl> for more explanations. 
    4646; BEWARE, 
    4747; the shift is done on the biggest array before a possible reduction determined 
    48 ; by OFFSET and COUNT.  
     48; by OFFSET and COUNT. 
    5050; On the other hand, it is done after the possible extraction 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/DESSINE/

    r493 r495  
    150150; specified min/max are not filled. Note that max values a considered 
    151151; as missing values so cells containing one or more corners with 
    152 ; values above max will have no contours drawn through them.   
     152; values above max will have no contours drawn through them. 
    154154; @keyword STYLE {default=style=0} 
    347347  IF keyword_set(strictfill) THEN BEGIN 
    348348    tmp = z2d ge max 
    349     IF total(tmp GE 1) THEN BEGIN  
     349    IF total(tmp GE 1) THEN BEGIN 
    350350      tmp = 1b - byte(extrapolate(tmp, tmp, 1, x_periodic = keyword_set(key_periodic)*(nx EQ jpi) )) 
    351351      trifield = triangule(temporary(tmp)*mask, coinmonte = coinmontemask $ 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/DESSINE/

    r378 r495  
    1111; 1) An array which can be: 
    13 ;   * 2d, 3d or 4d:  array xy, xyz. xyt or xyzt. In this case, the array  
    14 ;     will pass in <pro>moyenne</pro> or <pro>grossemoyenne</pro> to be  
     13;   * 2d, 3d or 4d:  array xy, xyz. xyt or xyzt. In this case, the array 
     14;     will pass in <pro>moyenne</pro> or <pro>grossemoyenne</pro> to be 
    1515;     averaged and become an array 1d. 
    16 ;   * 1d:Nevertheless, the type must be specified in order to we know which  
    17 ;     trace it is about. To have a correct caption, respecify the extraction  
     16;   * 1d:Nevertheless, the type must be specified in order to we know which 
     17;     trace it is about. To have a correct caption, respecify the extraction 
    1818;     zone via BOXZOOM. 
    1919; 2) a structure respecting all criterions specified by <pro>litchamp</pro> 
    3434; @keyword BOXZOOM 
    35 ; Vector indicating the geographic zone (3d) on which the extraction of the  
     35; Vector indicating the geographic zone (3d) on which the extraction of the 
    3636; field must be done to do the hovmoeller. 
    4343; 6 elements: The extraction is made on Boxzoom 
    45 ; Where lon1, lon2,lat1,lat2,vert1,vert2 are global variables defined at  
     45; Where lon1, lon2,lat1,lat2,vert1,vert2 are global variables defined at 
    4646; the last <pro>domdef</pro> ! 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/DESSINE/

    r327 r495  
    101101   IF finite(max2) EQ 0 THEN max2 = max(tab2) 
    104103; init plot if not overlay 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/DESSINE/

    r493 r495  
    44; Trace hovmoeller graphs: xt,yt,zt,t 
    6 ; @categories  
     6; @categories 
    77; Graphics 
    2323; 2) a structure respecting all criterions specified by <pro>litchamp</pro> 
    2424;    The array contained in the structure respecting criterions of case 1) 
    25 ;  
    2626; @param GIVENTYPE 
    5252; 6 elements: The extraction is made on Boxzoom 
    54 ; Where lon1, lon2,lat1,lat2,vert1,vert2 are global variables defined at the last  
     54; Where lon1, lon2,lat1,lat2,vert1,vert2 are global variables defined at the last 
    5555; <pro>domdef</pro> ! 
    153153; specified min/max are not filled. Note that max values a considered 
    154154; as missing values so cells containing one or more corners with 
    155 ; values above max will have no contours drawn through them.   
     155; values above max will have no contours drawn through them. 
    157157; @keyword STYLE {default=style=0} 
    198198; $Id$ 
    200 ; @todo  
     200; @todo 
    201201; seb: definition of parameters, L.426 à 427, L. 492 à 493 
    475475      IF keyword_set(strictfill) THEN BEGIN 
    476476        tmp = z2d ge max 
    477         IF total(tmp GE 1) THEN BEGIN  
     477        IF total(tmp GE 1) THEN BEGIN 
    478478          tmp = 1b - byte(extrapolate(tmp, tmp, 1)) 
    479479          key_save = key_periodic & key_periodic = 0 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/DESSINE/

    r479 r495  
    44; Draw 2d plots with TV procedure 
    6 ; @categories  
     6; @categories 
    77; find a file 
    88; graphic 
    3232; 6 elements: The extraction is made on Boxzoom 
    34 ; Where lon1, lon2, lat1, lat2 are global variables defined at the last  
     34; Where lon1, lon2, lat1, lat2 are global variables defined at the last 
    3535; <pro>domdef</pro> ! 
    6060; @keyword _EXTRA 
    6161; Used to pass keywords to <pro>placedessin</pro>, <proidl>TV</proidl>, 
    62 ; <pro>axe</pro>, <pro>legende</pro>, <pro>barrecouleur</pro>,  
     62; <pro>axe</pro>, <pro>legende</pro>, <pro>barrecouleur</pro>, 
    6363; <pro>terminedessin</pro> 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/DESSINE/

    r493 r495  
    3434; 6 elements: The extraction is made on Boxzoom 
    36 ; Where lon1, lon2,lat1,lat2 are global variables defined at the last  
     36; Where lon1, lon2,lat1,lat2 are global variables defined at the last 
    3737; <pro>domdef</pro> ! 
    8686; @keyword ZRATIO {default=2./3} 
    87 ; When the drawing has a zoomed part, it is the size ratio between the zoomed  
     87; When the drawing has a zoomed part, it is the size ratio between the zoomed 
    8888; part, hz (zoom height), and the whole drawing, ht (total height). 
    115115; @keyword NOMASK 
    116116; activate to suppress the use of the land-sea mask when plotting the field 
    117 ;  
    118118; @keyword NO_PARTIALSTEP 
    119119; activate to suppress the use of partial steps (force key_partialstep = 0 within pltz) 
    144144; specified min/max are not filled. Note that max values a considered 
    145145; as missing values so cells containing one or more corners with 
    146 ; values above max will have no contours drawn through them.   
     146; values above max will have no contours drawn through them. 
    148148; @keyword STYLE {default=style=0} 
    174174; $Id$ 
    176 ; @todo  
     176; @todo 
    177177; seb definition of parameters L.215 à 221 
    212212  if n_elements(contour) ne 4 THEN saveboxparam, 'boxparam4pltz.dat' 
    213   key_partialstep = keyword_set(key_partialstep) * (1b - keyword_set(no_partialstep))  
     213  key_partialstep = keyword_set(key_partialstep) * (1b - keyword_set(no_partialstep)) 
    215215;  Reading of the field. 
    278278  z2d = reverse(z2d, 2) 
    279279  szmsk = size(mask, /dimensions) 
    280   IF keyword_set(nomask) THEN mask = replicate(1b, szmsk[0], szmsk[1])  
     280  IF keyword_set(nomask) THEN mask = replicate(1b, szmsk[0], szmsk[1]) 
    281281  IF keyword_set(maskdta) THEN mask = byte(fitintobox(maskdta)) 
    328328  IF keyword_set(strictfill) THEN BEGIN 
    329329    tmp = z2d ge max 
    330     IF total(tmp GE 1) THEN BEGIN  
     330    IF total(tmp GE 1) THEN BEGIN 
    331331      tmp = 1b - byte(extrapolate(tmp, tmp, 1)) 
    332332      key_save = key_periodic & key_periodic = 0 
    376376    axis4pltz, type, mask, glammsk, gphimsk, gdepmsk, XXAXIS = xmask, ZZAXIS = zmask, SIN = sin, ZRATIO = zratio, ZOOM = zoom, PROFMAX = profmax, PROFMIN = profmin, _extra = ex 
    377377    szmsk = size(mask, /dimensions) 
    378     IF keyword_set(nomask) THEN mask = replicate(1b, szmsk[0], szmsk[1])  
     378    IF keyword_set(nomask) THEN mask = replicate(1b, szmsk[0], szmsk[1]) 
    379379  ENDIF ELSE BEGIN 
    380380    xmask = xxaxis 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/DESSINE/

    r471 r495  
    33; @file_comments 
    4 ; Same thing that bar_plot but compatible with the whole environment  
     4; Same thing that bar_plot but compatible with the whole environment 
    55; (<pro>common</pro> included) 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/DESSINE/

    r493 r495  
    33; @file_comments 
    4 ; Same thing that contour but compatible with the whole environment  
     4; Same thing that contour but compatible with the whole environment 
    55; (<pro>common</pro> included) 
    2020; @examples 
    21 ;  
    2222;   IDL> z = dist(100) 
    2323;   IDL> scontour, z, nlevels=10,small=[1,2,1],xstyle=1,ystyle=1 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/DESSINE/

    r493 r495  
    33; @file_comments 
    4 ; Same thing than plot but compatible with the whole environment  
     4; Same thing than plot but compatible with the whole environment 
    55; (<pro>common</pro> included) 
    2020; @restrictions 
    2121; If NOREINITPLT is not activated, all environment 
    22 ; variables !p, !x, !y, !z are reinitialized by the procedure  
     22; variables !p, !x, !y, !z are reinitialized by the procedure 
    2323; <pro>reinitplt</pro> 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/DIVERS/

    r378 r495  
    33; @file_comments 
    4 ; Add an axis when we do an oblique section in <pro>pltz</pro>,  
     4; Add an axis when we do an oblique section in <pro>pltz</pro>, 
    55; <pro>pltt</pro> or <pro>plt1d</pro> 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/DIVERS/

    r493 r495  
    1616; @param CI {out} {type=real} 
    17 ; the contour interval. Use it in <proidl>CONTOUR</proidl> with the  
     17; the contour interval. Use it in <proidl>CONTOUR</proidl> with the 
    1818; keyword LEVEL. 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/DIVERS/

    r378 r495  
    2828; @keyword ZRATIO {default=2./3} 
    29 ; When the drawing has a zoomed part, it is the size ratio between the zoomed  
     29; When the drawing has a zoomed part, it is the size ratio between the zoomed 
    3030; part, hz (zoom height), and the whole drawing, ht (total height). 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/DIVERS/

    r378 r495  
    1616; @param NAME {in}{optional}{type=string} 
    17 ; It gives the name of the file to be opened.  
     17; It gives the name of the file to be opened. 
    1919; If NAME 
    162162; 6 elements: The extraction is made on Boxzoom 
    164 ; Where lon1, lon2,lat1,lat2 are global variables defined at the last  
     164; Where lon1, lon2,lat1,lat2 are global variables defined at the last 
    165165; <pro>domdef</pro> ! 
    171171; @keyword VECTEUR{type=vector} 
    172172; It is a structure composed by 2 elements containing the 2 fields U 
    173 ; and V of values of the zonal and meridian component of the vector of  
     173; and V of values of the zonal and meridian component of the vector of 
    174174; the fields to draw. 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/DIVERS/

    r370 r495  
    169169    ENDWHILE 
    171 ; 
    173171    return 
    174172  end 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/DIVERS/

    r378 r495  
    105105  ENDIF 
    108107  return 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/DIVERS/

    r479 r495  
    4040     IF NOT keyword_set(dpi) THEN dpi = 72 
    4141     coef = dpi/2.54 ; 1 inch = 2.54 cm 
    42    ENDIF ELSE BEGIN  
    4343     dimensions = get_screen_size(RESOLUTION = resolution) 
    4444     coef = floor(1./resolution[0]) 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/DIVERS/

    r378 r495  
    44; allows to trace the independently from a graph 
    6 ; By default, trace a color bar of the same type than the one present in  
     6; By default, trace a color bar of the same type than the one present in 
    77; <pro>plt</pro> 
    88; and <pro>pltz</pro>. 
    3636; @todo 
    37 ; reference to plein2dessin in restriction not understable : 
     37; reference to plein2dessin in restriction not understand : 
    3838; plein2dessin does'nt exist. 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/DIVERS/

    r480 r495  
    99; @param TYPEDESSIN {type=string} 
    10 ; It specify what procedure is called by <pro>placedessin</pro> :  
     10; It specify what procedure is called by <pro>placedessin</pro> : 
    1111; 'plt', 'pltz' or 'pltt' 
    1616; Comment: To position the drawing, we have to do !p.position=posfenetre 
    17 ; after the call of the caliber 
     17; after the call of the calibre 
    1919; @param POSBAR {out}{type=vector} 
    6464; small portion of a page or screen. It delimit the zone where the drawing will be done. 
    66 ; If there is 4 elements then is constituted of coordinates (expressed in cm  
    67 ; located from the up and left corner of the page or the window (in portrait  
    68 ; like in landscape) of the bottom and left corner and of the up and right  
     66; If there is 4 elements then is constituted of coordinates (expressed in cm 
     67; located from the up and left corner of the page or the window (in portrait 
     68; like in landscape) of the bottom and left corner and of the up and right 
    6969; corner of the drawing zone. 
    71 ; If there is 3 elements, we divide the page or the screen in small[0] columns  
    72 ; and in small[1] lines, the drawing is made in the box numbered small[2].  
     71; If there is 3 elements, we divide the page or the screen in small[0] columns 
     72; and in small[1] lines, the drawing is made in the box numbered small[2]. 
    7474; The numerotation starting up and left by 
    7575; the number 1 and then, following the writing direction. 
    77 ; By default, we make the largest drawing we can do, conserving the aspect  
     77; By default, we make the largest drawing we can do, conserving the aspect 
    7878; ratio (except when REMPLI is activated). 
    8383; @keyword POST 
    84 ; Make a postscript.  
     84; Make a postscript. 
    8686; Only works if we made one drawing on the page. 
    103103; whose we have the colored drawing (by example E-P in color and QSR in contours). 
    105 ; It must be a field respecting same characteristics than the argument number  
     105; It must be a field respecting same characteristics than the argument number 
    106106; one of <pro>plt</pro>. 
    108108; @keyword ENDPOINTS 
    109 ; keyword specifying that we want to make a vertical cut in diagonal.  
    110 ; 
    111 ; Then coordinated of extremities of these ones are defined by the 4 elements  
     109; keyword specifying that we want to make a vertical cut in diagonal. 
     111; Then coordinated of extremities of these ones are defined by the 4 elements 
    112112; of the vector ENDPOINTS: [x1,y1,x2,y2] which are coordinates. 
    115115; It is a structure composed by 2 elements containing the 2 fields U 
    116116; and V of values of the zonal and meridian component of the vector of the fields 
    117 ; to draw.  
     117; to draw. 
    119119; These fields can be an array or a structure. 
    255255        device, set_resolution = windsize 
    256256        erase 
    257       ENDIF ELSE BEGIN  
     257      ENDIF ELSE BEGIN 
    258258        if not keyword_set(window) then winnumb = 0 ELSE winnumb = window 
    259259        window, winnumb, xsize = windsize[0], ysize = windsize[1],  retain = 2, _extra = ex 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/DIVERS/

    r378 r495  
    33; @file_comments 
    4 ; Allows to put in a structure attributes which can be associated with  
     4; Allows to put in a structure attributes which can be associated with 
    55; a variable. 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/DIVERS/

    r378 r495  
    99; @keyword POST 
    10 ; Make a postscript.  
     10; Make a postscript. 
    1212; Only works if we made one drawing on the page. 
    1515; @keyword SMALL {type=vector} 
    1616; Vector composed of 3 or 4 elements, applied to make a drawing on a 
    17 ; small portion of a page or screen.  
     17; small portion of a page or screen. 
    1919; It delimit the zone where the drawing will be done. 
    21 ; If there is 4 elements then is constituted of coordinates (expressed in cm  
    22 ; located from the up and left corner of the page or the window (in portrait  
    23 ; like in landscape)) of the bottom and left corner and of the up and right  
     21; If there is 4 elements then is constituted of coordinates (expressed in cm 
     22; located from the up and left corner of the page or the window (in portrait 
     23; like in landscape)) of the bottom and left corner and of the up and right 
    2424; corner of the drawing zone. 
    26 ; If there is 3 elements we divide the page or the screen in small[0] columns  
    27 ; and in small[1] lines and the drawing is made in the box numbered small[2].  
     26; If there is 3 elements we divide the page or the screen in small[0] columns 
     27; and in small[1] lines and the drawing is made in the box numbered small[2]. 
    29 ; The numerotation starting up and left by the number 1 and then, following  
     29; The numerotation starting up and left by the number 1 and then, following 
    3030; the writing direction. 
    32 ; By default, we make the largest drawing we can do, conserving the aspect  
     32; By default, we make the largest drawing we can do, conserving the aspect 
    3333; ration (except when REMPLI is activated). 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/LABEL/

    r479 r495  
    33; @file_comments 
    4 ; Allows to choose the type of the label we want to use at the time of a  
     4; Allows to choose the type of the label we want to use at the time of a 
    55; contour. 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/LABEL/

    r39 r495  
    119119;                Added AM_PM and DAYS_OF_WEEK keywords, '%A' and '%W' codes. 
    123122;-------------------------------------------------- LABEL_DATE_CONVERT_FORMAT 
    181179;----------------------------------------------------------------- LABEL_DATE 
    182180FUNCTION LABEL_DATE, axisIn, indexIn, valueIn, levelIn, $ 
    193191        ON_ERROR, 2 
    196193        IF (N_PARAMS() LT 3) THEN $  ; use default for no inputs 
    197194                IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(dateFormat) THEN dateFormat='' 
    200196; process a new months vector? 
    207203        if (N_ELEMENTS(months) EQ 12) then cMonths = months 
    210205; process a new days_of_week vector? 
    211206        ; if days_of_week is undefined, then make cDaysWeek undefined 
    217212        if (N_ELEMENTS(days_of_week) EQ 7) then cDaysWeek = days_of_week 
    220214; process a new AM_PM vector? 
    221215        ; if AM_PM is undefined, then make cAmpm undefined 
    227221        if (N_ELEMENTS(am_pm) EQ 2) then cAmpm = am_pm 
    230223; process a new cOffset? 
    231224        IF ARG_PRESENT(offs) THEN cOffset = 0 
    234227        IF (N_ELEMENTS(cOffset) EQ 0) THEN cOffset = 0d 
    237229; process a new cRoundup? 
    238230        IF (N_ELEMENTS(round_up) GT 0) THEN cRoundup = KEYWORD_SET(round_up) 
    241232; process a new date_format string? 
    248239        IF (N_ELEMENTS(cFormatArray) EQ 0) THEN cFormatArray = '(C())' 
    251241        IF (N_PARAMS() LT 3) THEN RETURN, 0 
    254243;------------------------------------------------------ Process an axis value 
    257246        time = value1 - date  ; Julian time 
    260248        IF (N_ELEMENTS(levelIn) LT 1) THEN levelIn = 0 
    261249        nFormat = N_ELEMENTS(cFormatArray) 
    262250        formatLevel = cFormatArray[levelIn MOD nFormat]    ; repeat cyclically 
    265252; Round subseconds to the desired precision 
    273260                value1 = date + time 
    274261        ENDIF 
    277263; Round fractional time to the least significant format specified. 
    291277        ENDIF 
    294279; check for negative (B.C.E.) years 
    295280        jan1_1ad = 1721424L   ; Julian date for 1 Jan, 1 C.E. 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/LABEL/

    r369 r495  
    33; @file_comments 
    4 ; function called by [XYZ]TICKFORMAT (see the help to see how to use it) to  
     4; function called by [XYZ]TICKFORMAT (see the help to see how to use it) to 
    55; label axes in latitude. 
    77; @categories 
    88; Graphics 
    9 ;  
    10 ; @param AXIS  
     10; @param AXIS 
    1111; It is the axis number: 0 for X axis, 1 for Y axis, 2 for Z axis. 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/LABEL/

    r369 r495  
    33; @file_comments 
    4 ; function called by [XYZ]TICKFORMAT (see the help to see how to use it) to  
     4; function called by [XYZ]TICKFORMAT (see the help to see how to use it) to 
    55; label axes in longitude. 
    77; @categories 
    88; Graphics 
    9 ;  
    10 ; @param AXIS  
     10; @param AXIS 
    1111; It is the axis number: 0 for X axis, 1 for Y axis, 2 for Z axis. 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/VECTEUR/

    r490 r495  
    135135; We recuperate the complete grid to establish a big mask extensive 
    136136; in the four directions to cover points for which a land point has 
    137 ; been considerated (do a small drawing) 
     137; been considerate (do a small drawing) 
    139139      vargrid='T' 
    141141      mskv = (vmask())[indice2d+jpi*jpj*firstzt] 
    142142      IF keyword_set(cont_nofill) THEN BEGIN  ; make sure msku/v contains only 1 
    143         msku = finite(msku)  
    144         mskv = finite(msku)  
     143        msku = finite(msku) 
     144        mskv = finite(msku) 
    145145      ENDIF 
    146146      glam = glamt[indice2d] 
    246246   ELSE vectlegende = {minmax:[mini, maxi], unite:varunit} 
    250249   if keyword_set(key_performance) NE 0 THEN print, 'temps ajoutvect', systime(1)-tempsun 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/VECTEUR/

    r493 r495  
    55; @categories 
    7 ; @param angle  
     7; @param angle 
    99; @returns 
    2424; by rapport at the x axis and which must do 1 cm on the drawing. 
    2525; Angle can be an array. 
    26 ; 
    27 ; 
    2927  compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs 
    7371; normalize the vector 
    74 ; 
    7673  compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs 
    192189  tempsun = systime(1)          ; For key_performance 
    193 ; 
    195191  taille = size(composanteu) 
    253249;       determine on the drawing. 
    255 ; 
    256251; Stage 1, a) 
    257 ; 
    259253; coordinates of the point T (beginning of the arrow) in spherical coordinates. 
    377371  if ind[0] NE -1 then glam[ind] = glam[ind]-360. 
    379 ; 
    380373; Stage 1, e) 
    406399  points = where(msk EQ 1) 
    407   IF points[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN  
     400  IF points[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN 
    409402  x0 = x0[points] & x1 = x1[points] 
    448441; define colors before norme is changed... 
    449442    IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(vectcolor) THEN vectcolor = 0 
    450     IF keyword_set(vectnormcolor) THEN BEGIN  
     443    IF keyword_set(vectnormcolor) THEN BEGIN 
    451444      mp = projsegment([vectnormcolor], [1, 254], /mp) 
    452445      colors = byte(round(mp[0] * norme +  mp[1] )) 
    500493  endif 
    502 ; 
    504495  if keyword_set(key_performance) NE 0 THEN print, 'temps vecteur', systime(1)-tempsun 
    507498  return 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/

    r493 r495  
    33; @file_comments 
    4 ; Manage axes for the different drawings created by  
     4; Manage axes for the different drawings created by 
    55; <pro>plt</pro>, <pro>pltz</pro> and <pro>pltt</pro> 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/

    r493 r495  
    2020; whose we have the colored drawing (by example E-P in color and QSR in contours). 
    22 ; It must be a field respecting same characteristics than the argument number  
     22; It must be a field respecting same characteristics than the argument number 
    2323; one of plt. 
    3434; @restrictions 
    35 ; The use of the global variable language allows to change the language and  
     35; The use of the global variable language allows to change the language and 
    3636; the caption easily. 
    9191    vertz = type_yz 
    9292    legniv = ' '+type_yz 
    9494    vertz = depthf2 
    9595    legniv = ' m' 
    96   ENDELSE  
     96  ENDELSE 
    9898; Start legende 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/

    r369 r495  
    142142        return 
    143143        end 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/

    r493 r495  
    5353;    before and after the threshold value and a bold solid line for the 
    5454;    value itself, a more general definition can be given with a scalar 
    55 ;    string with the following structure: 'xxNN...NNyy' with   
    56 ;    xx and yy corresponding to one the following choices (with the  
     55;    string with the following structure: 'xxNN...NNyy' with 
     56;    xx and yy corresponding to one the following choices (with the 
    5757;    corresponding meaning) 
    5858;               so -> Solid      
    6262;               ld -> Long Dashes 
    6363; and NN...NN any kind of number that will define the threshold value. 
    64 ; for example 'do-6.6so' will do dotted line until -6.6 and solid line after.  
     64; for example 'do-6.6so' will do dotted line until -6.6 and solid line after. 
    6666; @param LEVEL_Z2D {in}{required} 
    6969; @param LINESTYLE {out} 
    7070; Used interbally by plt(z)(t) to define c_linestyle when calling pltbase. 
    71 ; Vector used to define the isocontour's style.  
     71; Vector used to define the isocontour's style. 
    7373; @param THICK {out} 
    7474; Used interbally by plt(z)(t) to define c_thick when calling pltbase. 
    75 ; Vector used to define the isocontour's thickness.  
     75; Vector used to define the isocontour's thickness. 
    7777; @history 
    141141        thresholdstyle, limit, 2, 0, level_z2d, linestyle, thick 
    142142      END 
    143 ; Solid-Bold, solid-thin, dash Dot-thin, solid-thin, Solid-Bold...     
     143; Solid-Bold, solid-thin, dash Dot-thin, solid-thin, Solid-Bold... 
    144144      3: begin 
    145145        n = n_elements(level_z2d) 
    169169      end 
    170170    endcase 
    171   ENDELSE  
     171  ENDELSE 
    174173  return 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/POSTSCRIPT/

    r327 r495  
    3 ; @file_comments  
    4 ;  
     3; @file_comments 
    55; @categories 
    6 ;  
    77; @param TABLE 
    8 ;  
    99; @restrictions 
    10 ;  
    1111; @examples 
    1313; @history 
    14 ;  
    1615; @version 
    3534    for k=0,255 do z[k]='00'+strtrim(string(b[k], format = '(Z)'),2) 
    3635    for k=0,255 do y[k]=y[k]+strmid(z[k],strlen(z[k])-2,2) 
    3837    table =  strlowcase(y) 
    44 ; @file_comments  
     43; @file_comments 
    4544; Build a bloc of colortable 
    46 ;  
    4746; @categories 
    48 ;  
    4948; @param TABLEOUT 
    50 ;  
    5150; @restrictions 
    52 ;  
    5352; @examples 
    5554; @history 
    56 ;  
    5756; @version 
    5857; $Id$ 
    6665    format_colortable_hexa, table 
    6967    tableout = strarr(25) 
    7169    tableout[0] = '/COLORTAB < ' 
    7270    FOR k = 0, 8 DO tableout[0] = tableout[0]+table[k]+' ' 
    73     FOR i = 1, 22 DO BEGIN  
     71    FOR i = 1, 22 DO BEGIN 
    7472          FOR k = 11*i-2, 11*i+8 DO tableout[i] = tableout[i]+table[k]+' ' 
    75     ENDFOR  
     73    ENDFOR 
    7674    FOR k = 251, 255 DO tableout[i] = tableout[i]+table[k]+' ' 
    7775    tableout[i] = tableout[i]+'> def' 
    83 ; @file_comments  
     81; @file_comments 
    8482; Modify colors of a postscript file 
    8684; @categories 
    87 ;  
    8886; @param N1 {in}{required} 
    8987; Number of elements in the first dimension 
    90 ;  
    9189; @param N2 {in}{required} 
    9290; Number of elements in the second dimension 
    93 ;  
    9492; @param FILE 
    95 ; A scalar of string type, the name of the ".pro" file to be tested  
     93; A scalar of string type, the name of the ".pro" file to be tested 
    9694; if necessary, the input name is completed with '.pro' and its path 
    9795; found in !path 
    9997; @keyword PALIT1 
    100 ;  
    10199; @keyword PALIT2 
    102 ;  
    103101; @restrictions 
    104 ;  
    105103; @examples 
    128126    filein = file 
    129127    fileout = file+'.new' 
    131129    openr, numin, filein, /get_lun 
    132130    openw, numout, fileout, /get_lun 
    137135; Scan le fichier 
    139     WHILE NOT(eof(numin)) DO BEGIN  
     137    WHILE NOT(eof(numin)) DO BEGIN 
    140138          readf, numin, ligne, format = '(A)' 
    141139          nl = nl+1 
    145143          pos = strpos(ligne, 'setrgbcolor') 
    146           IF pos NE -1 THEN BEGIN  
     144          IF pos NE -1 THEN BEGIN 
    147145                r = round(float(strmid(ligne, pos-18, 6))*255) 
    148146                g = round(float(strmid(ligne, pos-12, 6))*255) 
    149                 b = round(float(strmid(ligne, pos-6, 6))*255)           
     147                b = round(float(strmid(ligne, pos-6, 6))*255) 
    150148                ind = where(r EQ red AND g EQ green AND b EQ blue) 
    151149                ind = ind[0] 
    152                 IF ind[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN  
     150                IF ind[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN 
    153151                      r1 = red1[ind]/255. 
    154152                      g1 = green1[ind]/255. 
    169167                      color = string(r1, g1, b1, format = '(3(F5.3,:,X))') 
    170168                      strput, ligne, color, pos-18 
    171                 ENDELSE  
    172           ENDIF             
     169                ENDELSE 
     170          ENDIF 
    174172; Replace COLORTAB 
    176174          pos = strpos(ligne, '/COLORTAB') 
    177           IF pos NE -1 THEN BEGIN  
     175          IF pos NE -1 THEN BEGIN 
    178176                build_table, table 
    179177                n = 0 
    180178                colortab = 1 
    181           ENDIF  
     179          ENDIF 
    183181          IF colortab THEN BEGIN 
    185183                n = n+1 
    186184                IF n EQ 24 THEN colortab = 0 
    187           ENDIF  
     185          ENDIF 
    189187; write output file 
    191189          printf, numout, ligne, format = '(A)' 
    192     ENDWHILE  
     190    ENDWHILE 
    193191    close, numin 
    194192    close, numout 
    198196    spawn, 'gs '+fileout 
    200 END  
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/POSTSCRIPT/

    r325 r495  
    33; @file_comments 
    4 ; Redirect the content of the graphic window in a postscript,  
     4; Redirect the content of the graphic window in a postscript, 
    55; by redoing commands in the postscript's environment. 
    77; @categories 
    88; utilities 
    9 ;  
    1010; @restrictions 
    11 ; We use journal which allows to stock commands we pass.  
     11; We use journal which allows to stock commands we pass. 
    1313; Can break down if some weird commands are passed... 
    1414; Comment: we erase Syntax error, Illegal characters, compatible 
    15 ; with oups, text_box...  
     15; with oups, text_box... 
    1717; @history 
    8585   path_cache, /rebuild 
    8686; apply idlsave 
    87 @idlsave    
    8888; We reopen the journal and we put in it all elements of vectjournal but the 2 first and the 3 last line. 
    8989journal, myuniquetmpdir+'' 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/STATISTICS/

    r327 r495  
    33; @file_comments 
    4 ;  
    65; @categories 
    1211; @param LAG {in}{required} 
    1312; 2-element vector, in the intervals [-(nx-2), (nx-2)],[-(ny-2), (ny-2)], 
    14 ; of type integer that specifies the absolute distance(s) between  
     13; of type integer that specifies the absolute distance(s) between 
    1514; indexed elements of X. 
    6059; @param LAG {in}{required} 
    6160; 2-element vector, in the intervals [-(nx-2), (nx-2)],[-(ny-2), (ny-2)], 
    62 ; of type integer that specifies the absolute distance(s) between  
     61; of type integer that specifies the absolute distance(s) between 
    6362; indexed elements of X. 
    10099   if n_elements(Lag) NE 2 THEN $ 
    101100    ras = report("Lag array must contain 2 elements.") 
    103102;If the DOUBLE keyword is not set then the internal precision and 
    104103;result are identical to the type of input. 
    110109          Auto_Cov2d(X, [0L, 0L], Double = Double, /zero2nan) 
    111110   endif else begin             ;Compute Autocovariance. 
    112       Auto = Auto_Cov2d(X, ABS(Lag), Double = Double) / n_elements(X)  
     111      Auto = Auto_Cov2d(X, ABS(Lag), Double = Double) / n_elements(X) 
    113112   endelse 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/STATISTICS/

    r493 r495  
    3838  TimeDim = size(X, /n_dimensions) 
    3939  Xmean = NAN ? TOTAL(X, TimeDim, Double = Double,  NAN =  nan) / TOTAL(FINITE(X), TimeDim) : $ 
    40    TOTAL(X, TimeDim, Double = Double) / nT                                                                                 
     40   TOTAL(X, TimeDim, Double = Double) / nT 
    4141  one = double ? 1.0d : 1.0 
    4242  Xmean = Xmean[*]#replicate(one, nT - M) 
    8383; @param LAG {in}{required}{type=scalar or vector} 
    8484; A scalar or n-element vector, in the interval [-(n-2), (n-2)], 
    85 ; of type integer that specifies the absolute distance(s) between  
     85; of type integer that specifies the absolute distance(s) between 
    8686; indexed elements of X. 
    141141   NAN = ( (WHERE(FINITE(X) EQ 0 ))[0] NE -1 ) ? 1 : 0 
    142 ;We can retrieve the matrix of real lengths of time-series    
    143    nTreal = ( (WHERE(FINITE(X) EQ 0 ))[0] NE -1 ) ?  TOTAL(FINITE(X),  XNDim) : nT  
     142;We can retrieve the matrix of real lengths of time-series 
     143   nTreal = ( (WHERE(FINITE(X) EQ 0 ))[0] NE -1 ) ?  TOTAL(FINITE(X),  XNDim) : nT 
    145145   IF ARG_PRESENT(NVAL) THEN nval = nTreal 
    147147;Check length. 
    148148   IF (WHERE(nTreal GT 1))[0] EQ -1 THEN $ 
    149     MESSAGE,  "Matrix of length of time-series must contain 2 or more elements"    
     149    MESSAGE,  "Matrix of length of time-series must contain 2 or more elements" 
    151151;If the DOUBLE keyword is not set then the internal precision and 
    177177         2: BEGIN 
    178178            Auto[*, k] = TimeAuto_Cov(X, ABS(Lag[k]), nT, Double = useDouble, NAN = nan) / $ 
    179              ( KEYWORD_SET(Covariance) ?  nTreal : TimeAuto_Cov(X, 0L, nT, Double = useDouble, /zero2nan, NAN = nan) )    
     179             ( KEYWORD_SET(Covariance) ?  nTreal : TimeAuto_Cov(X, 0L, nT, Double = useDouble, /zero2nan, NAN = nan) ) 
    180180         END 
    181181         3: BEGIN 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/STATISTICS/

    r493 r495  
    33; @file_comments 
    4 ;  
    55; @categories 
    66; Statistics 
    2929  compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs 
    30 ;   
    3131  TimeDim = size(X, /n_dimensions) 
    3232  Xmean = NAN ? TOTAL(X, TimeDim, Double = Double,  NAN =  nan) / TOTAL(FINITE(X), TimeDim) : $ 
    33    TOTAL(X, TimeDim, Double = Double) / nT     
     33   TOTAL(X, TimeDim, Double = Double) / nT 
    3434  one = double ? 1.0d : 1.0 
    3535  Xmean = Xmean[*]#replicate(one, nT) 
    4242; @file_comments 
    4343; Same function as SKEWNESS but accept array (until 4 
    44 ; dimension) for input and perform  the skewness  
     44; dimension) for input and perform  the skewness 
    4545; along the time dimension which must be the last 
    4646; one of the input array. 
    9292   NAN = ( (WHERE(FINITE(X) EQ 0 ))[0] NE -1 ) ? 1 : 0 
    93 ;We can retrieve the matrix of real lengths of time-series    
    94    nTreal = ( (WHERE(FINITE(X) EQ 0 ))[0] NE -1 ) ?  TOTAL(FINITE(X),  XNDim) : nT  
     93;We can retrieve the matrix of real lengths of time-series 
     94   nTreal = ( (WHERE(FINITE(X) EQ 0 ))[0] NE -1 ) ?  TOTAL(FINITE(X),  XNDim) : nT 
    9696   IF ARG_PRESENT(NVAL) THEN nval = nTreal 
    9898; Check length. 
    9999   IF (WHERE(nTreal LE 1))[0] NE -1 THEN $ 
    100     MESSAGE,  "Matrix of length of time-series must contain 2 or more elements"    
     100    MESSAGE,  "Matrix of length of time-series must contain 2 or more elements" 
    102102; If the DOUBLE keyword is not set then the internal precision and 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/STRING/

    r372 r495  
    55; We change the value of one of keywords. 
    7 ; More generally, in a string, we look for the character  
     7; More generally, in a string, we look for the character 
    88; chain: ', keywdname= ..., and we change the value of... 
    5151; Double-precision complex, Pointer, Object reference, Unsigned Integer, 
    5252; Unsigned Longword Integer, 64-bit Integer or Unsigned 64-bit Integer. 
    53 ; 
    5554; @examples 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/STRING/

    r325 r495  
    33; @file_comments 
    44; Delete all occurrences of a character from a text string. 
    5 ;  
    66; @categories 
    88; @param OLD {in}{required} 
    99; original text string. 
    10 ;  
    1111; @param C {in}{required} 
    1212; character to delete. 
    1616; @returns 
    1717; new = resulting string. 
    18 ;  
    1919; @history 
    2020;       R. Sterner.  5 Jul, 1988. 
    3737  compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs 
    4040if (n_params(0) lt 2) or keyword_set(hlp) then begin 
    4141  ras = report(['Delete all occurrences of a character from a text string.', $ 
    4646  return, -1 
    4949B = BYTE(OLD) ; convert string to a byte array. 
    5050CB = BYTE(C)  ; convert char to byte. 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/STRING/

    r374 r495  
    3737;       search the file in the all !path directories (use <pro>find</pro>) 
    38 ;       when using /find keyword. Use <proidl>SPAWN</proidl>, 'cat...' for  
     38;       when using /find keyword. Use <proidl>SPAWN</proidl>, 'cat...' for 
    3939;       unix os. 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/STRING/

    r493 r495  
    1515; @returns 
    16 ;       x = optionally returned numeric value if valid.   
    17 ;       i = test flag:                                   
     16;       x = optionally returned numeric value if valid. 
     17;       i = test flag: 
    1818;           0: not a number. 
    1919;           1: txt is a long integer. 
    2121;           -1: first word of txt is a long integer. 
    2222;           -2: first word of txt is a float. 
    23 ;  
    2424; @history 
    2525;  - R. Sterner.  15 Oct, 1986. Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab. 
    4242  compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs 
    43 ;  
    4444        if (n_params(0) lt 1) or keyword_set(hlp) then begin 
    4545          print,' Determine if a text string is a valid number.' 
    5555          return, -1 
    5656        endif 
    5858        txt = strtrim(txt0,2)   ; trim blanks. 
    5959        x = 0                   ; define X. 
    6161        if txt eq '' then return, 0     ; null string not a number. 
    6363        sn = 1 
    6464        if nwrds(txt) gt 1 then begin   ; get first word if more than one. 
    6666          txt = getwrd(txt,0) 
    6767        endif 
    6969        f_flag = 0                      ; Floating flag. 
    7070        b = byte(txt)                   ; Convert to byte array. 
    102102        ;-----  Allow no alphabetic characters  ----------- 
    103103        if total((b ge 65) and (b le 122)) ne 0 then return, 0 
    105105        c = strmid(t,0,1) 
    106106        if (c lt '0') or (c gt '9') then return, 0  ; First char not a digit. 
    108108        x = txt + 0.0                               ; Convert to a float. 
    109109        if f_flag eq 1 then return, 2*sn            ; Was floating. 
    114114          return, 2*sn 
    115115        endelse 
    117117        end 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/STRING/

    r493 r495  
    55; input: 
    66;  str             a single string or string array. 
    7 ;  
    88; output: 
    99;  result          length of the string(s) in normalized units 
    10 ;                  the number of elements of RESULT matches the number of  
    11 ;                  elements of STRING.  
     10;                  the number of elements of RESULT matches the number of 
     11;                  elements of STRING. 
    1313; procedure: 
    2525;           University of California, Santa Barbara 
    27 ; @todo seb  
     27; @todo seb 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/STRING/

    r372 r495  
    33; @file_comments 
    44; Return the number of words in the given text string. 
    5 ;  
    66; @categories 
    1111; @keyword DELIMITER 
    1212; = d. Set delimiter character (def = space). 
    13 ;  
    1414; @keyword HELP 
    1616; @returns 
    1717; n = number of words found. 
    18 ;  
    1919; @restrictions 
    2020; See also <pro>getwrd</pro> 
    21 ;  
    2222; @history 
    2323;  - R. Sterner,  7 Feb, 1985. Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. 
    3838  compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs 
    4141        if (n_params(0) lt 1) or keyword_set(hlp) then begin 
    4242          print,' Return the number of words in the given text string.' 
    4949          return, -1 
    5050        endif 
    5252        if strlen(txtstr) eq 0 then return,0    ; A null string has 0 words. 
    5353        ddel = ' '                      ; Default word delimiter is a space. 
    6161        x = tb ne tst                           ; Locate words. 
    6262        x = [0,x,0]                             ; Pad ends with delimiters. 
    6464        y = (x-shift(x,1)) eq 1                 ; Look for word beginnings. 
    6666        n = fix(total(y))                       ; Count word beginnings. 
    6868        return, n 
    7070        end 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/STRING/

    r374 r495  
    33; @file_comments 
    44; Write a text file from a string array. 
    5 ;  
    66; @categories 
    1414; @keyword ERROR 
    1515; error flag: 0=ok, 1=invalid string array. 
    16 ;  
    1717; @history 
    1818;  - R. Sterner, 20 Mar, 1990 
    3333  compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs 
    3636        if (n_params(0) lt 1) or keyword_set(hlp) then begin 
    3737          print,' Write a text file from a string array.' 
    4848           return 
    4949        endif 
    50 ;  
    5151        if size(s, /type) ne 7 then begin 
    5252          print,' Error in putfile: argument must be a string array.' 
    5454          return 
    5555        endif 
    5757        get_lun, lun 
    5858        openw, lun, file 
    6060        for i = 0, n_elements(s)-1 do begin 
    6161          t = s[i] 
    6363          printf, lun, t 
    6464        endfor 
    6666        close, lun 
    6767        free_lun, lun 
    6868        err = 0 
    6969        return 
    7171        end 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/STRING/

    r374 r495  
    4040; @param STRVAL {IN}{REQUIRED} 
    41 ; String set up as keywords. Keywords require a little special treatment.  
     41; String set up as keywords. Keywords require a little special treatment. 
    4242; Such as 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/STRING/

    r372 r495  
    33; @file_comments 
    4 ; Translate a structure in a string able to be used to specify keywords  
     4; Translate a structure in a string able to be used to specify keywords 
    55; in the calling of a function when we use EXECUTE (see example) 
    7 ; @categories  
    8 ;  
     7; @categories 
    99; @param STRUCT 
    1010; a structure 
    1212; @returns 
    1313; a string composed like following: 
    14 ; For each element of the structure, we write a part of the string as:  
     14; For each element of the structure, we write a part of the string as: 
    1515;         'name_of_the_element=content_of_the_element' 
    1717; @restrictions 
    18 ; If an element of the structure contain an array, it will be convert in a  
     18; If an element of the structure contain an array, it will be convert in a 
    1919; vector. 
    2121; @restrictions 
    22 ; Beware, this function has loops, ifs and cases everywhere. So it can  
    23 ; not be used by big keywords (with a lot of elements which are big  
    24 ; arrays). The input keyword must not contain Complex floatings, structure,  
    25 ; Double-precision complex, Pointer, Object reference, Unsigned Integer,  
     22; Beware, this function has loops, ifs and cases everywhere. So it can 
     23; not be used by big keywords (with a lot of elements which are big 
     24; arrays). The input keyword must not contain Complex floatings, structure, 
     25; Double-precision complex, Pointer, Object reference, Unsigned Integer, 
    2626; Unsigned Longword Integer, 64-bit Integer or Unsigned 64-bit Integer. 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/STRING/

    r374 r495  
    66; @categories 
    77; String 
    8 ;  
    99; @param S {in}{required} 
    1010; the string to be searched 
    2121; @examples 
    22 ;  
    2323; add a "/" in to path if it "/" is not at the end : 
    4848  compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs 
    5151    on_error,2   ; return to caller 
    5353    if (n_elements(s) le 0) then return,-1L 
    5555    l = strlen(s) 
    5757    if (n_elements(lastn) le 0) then lastn = 1 
    5858    if lastn gt l then lastn = l 
    6060    result = strmid(s,l-lastn,l) 
    6262    return,result 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/STRING/

    r374 r495  
    1515; The format specification used in the string 
    1616; conversion for the mantissa (i.e. the 
    17 ; "A" of "A x 10^B").   
     17; "A" of "A x 10^B"). 
    1919; @keyword POT_ONLY 
    4242;   IDL> Result = STRSCI( 2000000, format='(i1)' ) 
    43 ;   IDL> print, result                 
     43;   IDL> print, result 
    4444;   2 x 10!u6!n 
    45 ;  
    46 ; which gets plotted as 2 x 10  
    47 ;         
     46; which gets plotted as 2 x 10 
    4848;   IDL> Result = STRSCI( -0.0001 ) 
    4949;   IDL> print, result 
    5555;   IDL> print, result 
    5656;   0.00000000 
    57 ;  
    5958; @history 
    7675;           - now can handle DATA=0.0 correctly 
    7776;           - updated comments 
    78 ;        mgs, 03 Jun 1999:  
     77;        mgs, 03 Jun 1999: 
    7978;           - can now also handle values lt 1 ;-) 
    8079;           - and doesn't choke on arrays 
    8382; $Id$ 
    85 ; Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Bob Yantosca and Martin Schultz,  
     84; Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Bob Yantosca and Martin Schultz, 
    8685; Harvard University 
    8786; This software is provided as is without any warranty 
    125124      ;==================================================================== 
    126125      if ( Abs( Data[i] ) ne 0.0 ) then begin 
    128127         ; take the common log and store in LOG10DATA 
    129          Log10Data = ALog10( Abs( Data[i] ) )   
     128         Log10Data = ALog10( Abs( Data[i] ) ) 
    131130         ; Boolean flag if data < 0 
    132          sign = ( Data[i] lt 0.0 )  
     131         sign = ( Data[i] lt 0.0 ) 
    134133         ; Compute the characteristic (int part) 
    135134         ; Add the 1d-6 to prevent roundoff errors 
    136135         Characteristic = Fix( Log10Data + 1.0d-6 ) 
    137136         if (Log10Data lt 0) then $ 
    138             Characteristic = Characteristic - 1  
     137            Characteristic = Characteristic - 1 
    140139         ; Compute the Mantissa (frac part) and take its antilog. 
    141          Mantissa = Log10Data - Characteristic  
     140         Mantissa = Log10Data - Characteristic 
    142141         Mantissa = 10.0^Mantissa 
    144143   ;  print,data[i],log10data,mantissa,characteristic,format='(3f24.14,i8)' 
    146          ; String for the coefficient part,  
     145         ; String for the coefficient part, 
    147146         ; The coefficient is just antilog of the Mantissa 
    148147         ; Add the minus sign if DATA < 0.0 
    149148         A = StrTrim( String( Mantissa, Format=Format ), 2 ) 
    150149         if ( Sign ) then A = '-' + A 
    152151         ; String for the power of 10 part 
    153152         B = '10!u' + strtrim( string( Characteristic ), 2 ) + '!n' 
    156155            if ( Characteristic eq 1 ) then B = '10' 
    157156         endif 
    159158         ; composite string 
    160159         Result[i] = A + ' x ' + B 
    161160         if ( Short AND B eq '1') then Result[i] = A 
    164162      ;==================================================================== 
    165163      ; If DATA = 0, then we cannot take the common log, so return 
    170168         B      = A 
    171169         Result[i] = A 
    173171      endelse 
    175173      ;==================================================================== 
    176174      ; Return result to calling program (depending on keyword settings) 
    183181      if ( Trim ) then $ 
    184182         Result[i] = StrCompress( Result[i], /Remove_All ) 
    186184   endfor 
    188186   if (n_elements(Result) eq 1) then $ 
    189187      Result = Result[0] 
    191189   return, Result 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/STRING/

    r372 r495  
    3 ; @file_comments  
     3; @file_comments 
    44; replace one (or more) character(s)/string(s) in a string array 
    55; "modern" version of the obsolete strrepl 
    1919; @keyword FOLD_CASE 
    20 ; Indicates that the regular expression matching should be done in  
     20; Indicates that the regular expression matching should be done in 
    2121; a case-insensitive fashion. 
    5454       strout[line[i]] = strjoin(strsplit(strout[line[i]], exp1, /extract $ 
    5555                                          , /regex, /preserve_null, FOLD_CASE = fold_case), exp2) 
    56   ENDIF  
     56  ENDIF 
    5858  return, strout 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/STRING/

    r372 r495  
    44; Convert an input in a string. 
    6 ; @categories  
     6; @categories 
    77; String 
    2222; @restrictions 
    23 ; Beware, this function has loops, ifs and cases everywhere. So it can  
    24 ; not be used by big keywords (with a lot of elements which are big  
     23; Beware, this function has loops, ifs and cases everywhere. So it can 
     24; not be used by big keywords (with a lot of elements which are big 
    2525; arrays). 
    26 ;  
    2727; @examples 
    2828;   IDL> help, tostr(1),tostr('a'),tostr(indgen(4)),tostr(['a','jkfjo']) 
    4949   case 1 of 
    50       size(input, /type) LE 5:BEGIN  
     50      size(input, /type) LE 5:BEGIN 
    5151         if size(input, /type) EQ 1 then input = long(input) 
    5252         if n_elements(input) EQ 1 then res = strtrim(input, 1) $ 
    53          ELSE BEGIN  
     53         ELSE BEGIN 
    5454            res = '['+strtrim((input)[0], 1) 
    5555            for i = 1,  n_elements(input)-1 do res = res+','+strtrim((input)[i], 1) 
    5656            res = res+']' 
    57          ENDELSE  
     57         ENDELSE 
    5858      END 
    59       size(input, /type) eq 7:BEGIN  
     59      size(input, /type) eq 7:BEGIN 
    6060         if n_elements(input) EQ 1 then BEGIN 
    6161            sinput = strrepl(input, '''', '''''') 
    6262            res = ''''+sinput+'''' 
    63          ENDIF ELSE BEGIN  
     63         ENDIF ELSE BEGIN 
    6464            res = '['''+strrepl(input[0], '''', '''''')+'''' 
    6565            for i = 1,  n_elements(input)-1 do res = res+','''+strrepl(input[i], '''', '''''')+'''' 
    6666            res = res+']' 
    67          ENDELSE  
     67         ENDELSE 
    6868      END 
    69       ELSE:BEGIN  
     69      ELSE:BEGIN 
    7070         ras = report('la fonction tostr ne marche pas pour input qui est de type '+size(input, /tname)) 
    7171         res = '' 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/STRUCTURE/

    r375 r495  
    1313; @param FIELDS {in}{required}{type=string} 
    14 ; A string or string array with field names to  
     14; A string or string array with field names to 
    1515; be contained in STRUCTURE. 
    2121; @keyword INDEX {type=string} 
    2222; A named variable that will contain the indices of 
    23 ; the required field names in the structure.  
     23; the required field names in the structure. 
    25 ; They can then be assessed through structure.(index[i]).  
     25; They can then be assessed through structure.(index[i]). 
    2727; Index will contain -1 for all fields entries that are not in the structure. 
    3232; @keyword EXTRACT 
    33 ; set this keyword to extract a field from the structure.   
     33; set this keyword to extract a field from the structure. 
    3434; -1 is return if field or structure are incorrect. 
    5050;  - mgs, 02 Mar 1998: VERSION 1.00 
    5151;  - mgs, 07 Apr 1998: - second parameter (FIELDS) now optional 
    52 ;  - 12 Jan 2001: EXTRACT keyword by S. Masson (smasson\  
     52;  - 12 Jan 2001: EXTRACT keyword by S. Masson (smasson\ 
    5454; @version 
    7171  compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs 
    7573     ; default index 
    7674     index = -1 
    7876     ; first check number of parameters (must be at least 1) 
    7977     if (n_params() lt 1) then begin 
    8078         if(keyword_set(verbose)) then $ 
    8179             ras = report('CHKSTRU: ** invalid number of parameters ! **') 
    82          if keyword_set(extract) THEN return,-1 ELSE return,0  
     80         if keyword_set(extract) THEN return,-1 ELSE return,0 
    8381         endif 
    8683     ; check if the user really passed a structure 
    8885     s = size(structure) 
    8986     if (s[1+s[0]] ne 8) then begin 
    9087         if(keyword_set(verbose)) then $ 
    9188             ras = report('CHKSTRU: ** No structure passed ! **') 
    92          if keyword_set(extract) THEN return,-1 ELSE return,0  
     89         if keyword_set(extract) THEN return,-1 ELSE return,0 
    9390     endif 
    9592     ; only one parameter: then we are finished 
    9693     if (n_params() eq 1) then return,1 
    10095     ; see if required field names are contained in the structure 
    10196     ; and return indices of these fields 
    10398     names = tag_names(structure) 
    10499     index = intarr(n_elements(fields)) - 1   ; default index to 'not found' 
    111106         endif else index[i] = ind[0] 
    112107     endfor 
    115109     ; check minimum value of index field: -1 indicates error 
    116110     if keyword_set(extract) then BEGIN 
    117111        if index[0] NE -1 THEN return, structure.(index[0]) ELSE return, -1 
    118112     ENDIF ELSE return,(min(index) ge 0) 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/STRUCTURE/

    r375 r495  
    33; @file_comments 
    4 ; Concatenate 2 structures together.  
     4; Concatenate 2 structures together. 
    66; The difference with <proidl>CREATE_STRUCT</proidl> 
    7 ; is that if the 2 structures have same elements's name, then mixstru  
    8 ; do not break down but choose for the common element the value  
     7; is that if the 2 structures have same elements's name, then mixstru 
     8; do not break down but choose for the common element the value 
    99; specified by the first structure. 
    1111; @categories 
    1212; Structure 
    13 ;  
    1414; @param STRU1 {in}{required} 
    15 ; Structure which can have same elements's name than  
     15; Structure which can have same elements's name than 
    1616; STRU2 but with a different value. 
    1818; @param STRU2 {in}{required} 
    19 ; Structure which can have same elements's name than  
     19; Structure which can have same elements's name than 
    2020; STRU1 but with a different value. 
    2828; @examples 
    29 ;      
    3030;   IDL> a=get_extra(/toto,ok=123) 
    3131;   IDL> b=get_extra(ok=111, year=1999, age_capitaine=35) 
    7070   if size(stru2, /type) NE 8 then return,  -1 
    7171   tname = tag_names(stru2) 
    7373   str = '' 
    7474   FOR i = 0, n_tags(stru2)-1 DO str = str + tname[i]+' = stru2.(' + strtrim(i, 2)+ '), ' 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/STRUCTURE/

    r375 r495  
    99; Like the <proidl>WHERE</proidl> function but for use with structures 
    10 ;  
    1111; @categories 
    1212; Structure 
    1717; @keyword TAG_NAME 
    1818; Scalar string specifying Tag Name 
    19 ;  
    2020; @keyword TAG_NUMBER 
    2121; Otherwise give the Tag Number 
    22 ;  
    2323; @keyword RANGE 
    2424; [min,max] range to search for in STRUCT 
    25 ;  
    2626; @keyword VALUES 
    2727; One or array of numbers to match for in STRUCT 
    28 ;  
    2929; @keyword ISELECT 
    3030; Specifies indices to select only part of structure array, 
    3131; (use it to recycle subscripts from previous searches). 
    32 ;  
    3333; @keyword NOPRINT 
    3434; Suppress informational messages about nothing found. 
    3737; Nfound {out} 
    3838; # of occurrences found. 
    39 ;  
    4040; @restrictions 
    4141; User *must* specify (1) TAG_NAME or TAG_NUMBER to search, and (2) 
    4444; @examples 
    46 ; Suppose STR is a structure with tags CAT_NO:indgen(10), and  
     46; Suppose STR is a structure with tags CAT_NO:indgen(10), and 
    4747; NAME:strarr(10). Find the indices where STR.CAT_NO is between 3 and 5. 
    49 ;   IDL> print, WHERE_TAG( str, TAG_NAME = 'CAT_NO', VALUE = [3,4,5] )  
     49;   IDL> print, WHERE_TAG( str, TAG_NAME = 'CAT_NO', VALUE = [3,4,5] ) 
    5050; or 
    51 ;   IDL> print, WHERE_TAG( str, TAG_NUM = 0, RANGE = [3,5])  
     51;   IDL> print, WHERE_TAG( str, TAG_NUM = 0, RANGE = [3,5]) 
    5353; @history 
    5757; @version 
    5858; $Id$ 
    59 ;  
    6161FUNCTION where_tag, Struct, Nfound,     TAG_NAME=tag_name,      $ 
    9999           endif 
    101         if N_elements( ipart ) GT 0 then begin          ;check if any searching  
     101        if N_elements( ipart ) GT 0 then begin          ;check if any searching 
    102102                                                        ;on a subset of input. 
    103103                w = where( ipart GE 0, nf ) 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/TRIANGULATION/

    r370 r495  
    212212   endif 
    214 ; 
    215214   if keyword_set(key_performance) THEN print, 'temps ciseauxtri', systime(1)-tempsun 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/TRIANGULATION/

    r370 r495  
    150150    print, 'temps completecointerre: positions des points', systime(1)-tempdeux 
    152 ; 
    153152; Case land corner in ascent: 
    154153;      2 land points in diagonal ascending with 2 ocean points on the descendant diagonal. 
    164163;                 \   | 
    165164;      t(i)=0       2 u(i)          t(i+1)=1 
    166 ; 
    168166  if coinmont[0] NE -1 then BEGIN 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/TRIANGULATION/

    r327 r495  
    22; @file_comments 
    3 ; 
    54; @categories 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/TRIANGULATION/

    r370 r495  
    3939; @todo 
    40 ; Seb: definir params 
     40; Seb: define params 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/TRIANGULATION/

    r370 r495  
    5050  ny = n_elements(y1) 
    52 ; 
    53 ; 
    5452; Case land corner in ascent: 
    5553;      2 land points in diagonal ascending with 2 ocean points on the descendant diagonal. 
    6563;                 \   | 
    6664;      t(i)=0       2 u(i)          t(i+1)=1 
    67 ; 
    6966  if keyword_set(coinmonte) then BEGIN 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/TRIANGULATION/

    r393 r495  
    22; @file_comments 
    3 ; 
    54; @categories 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/TRIANGULATION/

    r493 r495  
    6161   if key_gridtype EQ 'e' then onemore = xf[0, 0] gT xf[0, 1] 
    62 ; We pass in normalized coordinates to be able to become independant from the projection's 
     62; We pass in normalized coordinates to be able to become independent from the projection's 
    6363; type chosen and from the support on which we do the drawing (screen or postscript) 
    6464   z = convert_coord(xf[*],yf[*],/data,/to_normal) 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/TRIANGULATION/

    r493 r495  
    150150   endif 
    152 ; 
    153152   if keyword_set(key_performance) THEN print, 'temps tracemask', systime(1)-tempsun 
    155154   return 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/TRIANGULATION/

    r327 r495  
    22; @file_comments 
    4 ; 
    54; @categories 
    6 ; 
    86; @param MASKENTREE {in}{optional}{type=2d array} 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/TRIANGULATION/

    r370 r495  
    7171; @todo 
    7272; seb L.267->268 je ne pense pas que ce soit ce que tu voulais dire mais 
    73 ; c'est la traduction de ce qu'il y avait écrit. Correction si besoin. 
     73; c'est la traduction de ce qu'il y avait écrit. Correction si besoin. 
    111111; We construct the test which allow to find this triangle : 
    113 ; 
    114113;       shift(msk,  0, -1)------------shift(msk, -1, -1) 
    115114;              |                             | 
    121120sum1 = msk+shift(msk, -1, 0)+shift(msk, -1, -1)    ;points which surround the left top point. 
    122121sum2 = msk+shift(msk, 0, -1)+shift(msk, -1, -1)    ;points which surround the right bottom point. 
    125123tempdeux = systime(1)           ; For key_performance =2 
    206204; We delete land points which only contain land points. 
    208 ; 
    210207if (NOT keyword_set(basic)) AND (NOT keyword_set(keep_cont)) then begin 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/TRIANGULATION/

    r370 r495  
    99; @param maskentree {in}{optional}{type=2d array} 
    10 ; It is a 2d array which will serve to mask the field we will trace after  
     10; It is a 2d array which will serve to mask the field we will trace after 
    1111; with CONTOUR, ...TRIANGULATION=triangule(mask) 
    1212; If this argument is not specified, the function use tmask 
    1414; @keyword BASIC 
    15 ; Specify that the mask is on a basic grid (use the triangulation for vertical  
     15; Specify that the mask is on a basic grid (use the triangulation for vertical 
    1616; cuts and hovmoellers) 
    1818; @keyword COINMONTE {type=array} 
    1919; To obtain the array of "ascending land corner" to be treated with 
    20 ; <pro>completecointerre</pro> in the variable array instead of make it pass  
     20; <pro>completecointerre</pro> in the variable array instead of make it pass 
    2121; by the global variable twin_corners_up. 
    3838; @todo 
    3939; seb L.152->153 je ne pense pas que ce soit ce que tu voulais dire mais 
    40 ; c'est la traduction de ce qu'il y avait écrit. Correction si besoin. 
     40; c'est la traduction de ce qu'il y avait écrit. Correction si besoin. 
    197196   IF keyword_set(key_performance) THEN print, 'temps triangule', systime(1)-tempsun 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/UTILITAIRE/

    r327 r495  
    1414; tu fais 
    1716; extra=get_extra(/ok, year=1999, age_capitaine=35 ) 
    27 ; @todo  
     26; @todo 
    2827; seb 
    3534    return, extra 
    36 END  
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/UTILITAIRE/

    r325 r495  
    33; @file_comments 
    44; Kind of UNDO: 
    5 ; Allows to redo all the chain of drawing since the opening of the last window  
    6 ; without reexecute the last order  
     5; Allows to redo all the chain of drawing since the opening of the last window 
     6; without reexecute the last order 
    88; Example: I do a drawing with 10 plot over it, if I make a 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/UTILITAIRE/

    r494 r495  
    6161 IF strpos(vectjournal[i],',pos=' ) EQ -1 then $ 
    6262 vectjournal[i] = vectjournal[i]+strmid(vectjournal[i+1], 1) & endfor 
    6664; we rewrite 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/WIDGET/AUTOUR_de_XXX/

    r327 r495  
    1515;   5 elements: The extraction is made on [Boxzoom[0:3], 0, Boxzoom[4]] 
    1616;   6 elements: The extraction is made on Boxzoom 
    17 ; Where lon1, lon2,lat1,lat2 are global variables defined at the last  
     17; Where lon1, lon2,lat1,lat2 are global variables defined at the last 
    1818; <pro>domdef</pro> ! 
    8686  drawover = (flags[where(options EQ 'Overlay')])[0] 
    88   alreadyread = extractatt(top_uvalue, 'alreadyread') 
     88  alreadyread   = extractatt(top_uvalue, 'alreadyread') 
    8989  alreadyvector = extractatt(top_uvalue, 'alreadyvector') 
    90   alreadyover = extractatt(top_uvalue, 'alreadyoer') 
     90  alreadyover   = extractatt(top_uvalue, 'alreadyover') 
    9191; What must we read ? 
    9292  case 1 of 
    414414  return, Cmd 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/WIDGET/AUTOUR_de_XXX/

    r493 r495  
    1818;   5 elements: The extraction is made on [Boxzoom[0:3], 0, Boxzoom[4]] 
    1919;   6 elements: The extraction is made on Boxzoom 
    20 ; Where lon1, lon2,lat1,lat2 are global variables defined at the last  
     20; Where lon1, lon2,lat1,lat2 are global variables defined at the last 
    2121; <pro>domdef</pro> ! 
    4040FUNCTION buildreadcmd, base, snameexp, procedure, type, BOXZOOM=boxzoom $ 
    4141                     , COMPLETE=complete, NAMEFIELD=namefield 
    42 ; 
    4443  compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/WIDGET/AUTOUR_de_XXX/

    r327 r495  
    1818;   5 elements: The extraction is made on [Boxzoom[0:3], 0, Boxzoom[4]] 
    1919;   6 elements: The extraction is made on Boxzoom 
    20 ; Where lon1, lon2,lat1,lat2 are global variables defined at the last  
     20; Where lon1, lon2,lat1,lat2 are global variables defined at the last 
    2121; <pro>domdef</pro> ! 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/WIDGET/AUTOUR_de_XXX/

    r327 r495  
    1818;   5 elements: The extraction is made on [Boxzoom[0:3], 0, Boxzoom[4]] 
    1919;   6 elements: The extraction is made on Boxzoom 
    20 ; Where lon1, lon2,lat1,lat2 are global variables defined at the last  
     20; Where lon1, lon2,lat1,lat2 are global variables defined at the last 
    2121; <pro>domdef</pro> ! 
    4646PRO changefile, base, newfilename, BOXZOOM=boxzoom $ 
    4747              , DATE1=date1, DATE2=date2, FIELDNAME=fieldname 
    48 ; 
    5049  compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/WIDGET/AUTOUR_de_XXX/

    r479 r495  
    5252; help,mixstru(top_uvalue.exextra,top_uvalue.extra), /struct 
    54 ; 
    5554; we recuperate the id of the graphic associated to the widget of id base. 
    5655   graphid = extractatt(top_uvalue, 'graphid') 
    6463   tracecadre, smallout, /fill 
    65 ; 
    6765   options = extractatt(top_uvalue, 'options') 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/WIDGET/AUTOUR_de_XXX/

    r327 r495  
    2424;   5 elements: The extraction is made on [Boxzoom[0:3], 0, Boxzoom[4]] 
    2525;   6 elements: The extraction is made on Boxzoom 
    26 ; Where lon1, lon2,lat1,lat2 are global variables defined at the last  
     26; Where lon1, lon2,lat1,lat2 are global variables defined at the last 
    2727; <pro>domdef</pro> ! 
    5858      res = lec(name,debut,nomexp, BOXZOOM=boxzoom, _EXTRA = ex) 
    5959   ENDIF ELSE res = lect(name,debut,fin, nomexp, BOXZOOM=boxzoom, _EXTRA = ex) 
    60 ;------------------------------------------------------------  
    6161   return, {tab:res, grille:vargrid, unite:'', experience:varexp, nom:varname} 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/WIDGET/AUTOUR_de_XXX/

    r423 r495  
    1212; @keyword _EXTRA 
    13 ; Used to pass keywords to <pro>isafile</pro>,  
     13; Used to pass keywords to <pro>isafile</pro>, 
    1414; <pro>ncdf_getaxis</pro> and <pro>ncdf_gettime</pro> 
    4747;       qu''une dimension et etant la dimension temporelle. cette 
    4848;       variable sera prise comme axe des temps. Rq: si plusieurs 
    49 ;       variables verifient ces criteres on considere la premiere 
     49;       variables vérifient ces criteres on considere la premiere 
    5050;       variable 
    5151;       5) Cette variable axe des temps doit contenir l''attribut 
    5959; je crois que c''est tout! 
    61 ;        GRID='[UTVWF]' to specify the type of grid. Defaut is (1) 
     61;        GRID='[UTVWF]' to specify the type of grid. Default is (1) 
    6262;        based on the name of the file if the file ends by 
    6363;        GRID[._][TUVFW].NC (not case sensible) or (2) T if case (1) 
    6464;        is not found. 
    65 ; 
    6766  compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs 
    157156    jpt = abs(time) 
    158157    fakecal = 1 
    159   ENDIF ELSE jpt = n_elements(time)  
     158  ENDIF ELSE jpt = n_elements(time) 
    160159; high frequency calendar: more than one element per day 
    161160  IF max(histogram([long(time-time[0])])) GT 1 THEN fakecal = 1 ELSE fakecal = 0 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/WIDGET/AUTOUR_de_XXX/

    r327 r495  
    177177; @param DATAFILENAME 
    179 ; 
    180179; @param IDLFILE 
    181 ; 
    183181; @param ARGSPRO 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/WIDGET/AUTOUR_de_XXX/

    r493 r495  
    8787  window, /free, /pixmap, xsize = xsize, ysize = ysize 
    9089; indication of the number of the picture we are creating 
    9190  base = widget_base() 
    9796  IF keyword_set(fakecal) THEN date = index1 ELSE date = jul2date(calendar[index1]) 
    9897  xxx2ps, /noerase, date1in = date, date2in = date 
    99 ; 
    10199  image = tvrd(true = depth GT 8) 
    112110;- Convert 24-bit image to 8-bit 
    113111  image = color_quan(image, 1, red, green, blue, colors = 256, get_translation = translation, /map_all) 
    114 ; 
    116113  write_gif, animdir+nomfic, image, red, green, blue, /multiple 

    r327 r495  
    5856; @file_comments 
    6361; @param ID 
    64 ; 
    6663; @param VALUE 
    167164  endelse 
    379372  IF (N_ELEMENTS(y_scroll_size) eq 0)   then y_scroll_size = 0 
    384374  top_base = 0L 
    385375  if (n_elements(label_top) ne 0) then begin 
    424414    EVENT_FUNC='CW_BGROUP_EVENT', $ 
    425415    UVALUE=WIDGET_INFO(top_base, /child)) 
    428417  n = n_elements(names) 

    r371 r495  
    3535;    return 
    3636; END 
    37 ; 
    38 ; 
    7270  widget_control, winfo_id, get_uvalue = infowid 
    7371  key_caltype = infowid.caltype 
    74 ; high freqeuncy calendar 
     72; high frequency calendar 
    7573  IF keyword_set(infowid.fakecal) THEN BEGIN 
    7674    value2 = date2jul(long(value)) - infowid.fakecal 
    104102; @file_comments 
    106 ; 
    107104; @categories 
    108105; Compound widget 
    110107; @param ID 
    111 ; 
    113109; @returns 
    137133; @file_comments 
    139 ; 
    140135; @categories 
    141136; Compound widget 
    143138; @param ID 
    145 ; 
    146140; @param WINFOID 
    147 ; 
    149142; @returns 
    182175    month = (where(allmonths EQ wid_value.combobox_gettext))[0] + 1 
    183176    date = date + 100L * long(month) 
    184   ENDIF ELSE date = date + (oldate MOD 10000L)/100L*100L 
     177  ENDIF ELSE date = date + (oldate MOD 10000L)/ 100L * 100L 
    186179  wid_id = widget_info(id, find_by_uname = 'year') 
    199192; @file_comments 
    200 ; 
    202194; @categories 
    300292; @file_comments 
    302 ; 
    303294; @categories 
    304295; Compound widget 
    306297; @param EVENT 
    308 ; 
    309299; @param CASENAME 
    310 ; 
    312301; @returns 
    360349; @param EVENT 
    361 ; 
    363351; @returns 
    424412; @file_comments 
    426 ; 
    427414; @categories 
    428415; Compound widget 
    433420; @param CALENDAR 
    435 ; 
    436422; @param JDATE0 
    440426; @keyword FAKECAL 
    442 ; 
    443428; @keyword UVALUE 
    445430; @keyword UNAME 
    446 ; 
    448432; @keyword _EXTRA 
    524508      monthindex = where(yearcal EQ year0) 
    525509      currentmonth = long(monthcal[monthindex]) 
    526 ; we suppress the repeted months 
     510; we suppress the repeated months 
    527511      monthindexbis = uniq(currentmonth, sort(currentmonth)) 
    528512      monthindex = monthindex[monthindexbis] 

    r493 r495  
    3737; end 
    39 ; 
    4746; @param ID 
    48 ; 
    5048; @param VALUE 
    516514;   5 elements: The extraction is made on [Boxzoom[0:3], 0, Boxzoom[4]] 
    517515;   6 elements: The extraction is made on Boxzoom 
    518 ; Where lon1, lon2,lat1,lat2 are global variables defined at the last  
     516; Where lon1, lon2,lat1,lat2 are global variables defined at the last 
    519517; <pro>domdef</pro>! 
    541539FUNCTION cw_domain, parent, BOXZOOM=boxzoom, STRICT=strict $ 
    542540                  , UVALUE=uvalue, UNAME=uname, UNZOOM=unzoom, _EXTRA=ex 
    543 ; 
    545542  compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs 

    r327 r495  
    117117;   widget_control, uniteid, get_value = unite 
    118 ; 
    120119;    if EQ 'unite' then begin 
    162161; @file_comments 
    164 ; 
    165163; @categories 
    166164; Compound widget 
    177175;   5 elements: The extraction is made on [Boxzoom[0:3], 0, Boxzoom[4]] 
    178176;   6 elements: The extraction is made on Boxzoom 
    179 ; Where lon1, lon2,lat1,lat2 are global variables defined at the last  
     177; Where lon1, lon2,lat1,lat2 are global variables defined at the last 
    180178; <pro>domdef</pro> ! 

    r327 r495  
    145145; @file_comments 
    147 ; 
    148147; @categories 
    149148; Compound widget 
    210209  IF uval EQ 'decimal' THEN value = float(event.str) $ 
    211210  ELSE value = float(widget_info(dcid, /combobox_gettext)) 
    212   out = 0 ; defaut case 
     211  out = 0 ; default case 
    213212  case uval OF 
    214213    'plus': if (value + 1) LE minmax[1] then value2 = value + 1 ELSE out = 1 
    320319;            slider widget. 
    322 ; 
    323321; @examples 
    324322; See the program provided above (testwid and the associated procedure, testwid_event). 

    r327 r495  
    249249   rien = widget_text(base2, value = colvalue, /editable, xsize = 2, uname = 'palnum', uvalue = 'palnum') 
    253251; widget text containing other keywords pass into top_uvalue.exextra 
    254252; Does it remain some? If yes, we have to put them as string 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/WIDGET/

    r327 r495  
    2424;   5 elements: The extraction is made on [Boxzoom[0:3], 0, Boxzoom[4]] 
    2525;   6 elements: The extraction is made on Boxzoom 
    26 ; where lon1,lon2,lat1,lat2 are global variables defined at the last  
     26; where lon1,lon2,lat1,lat2 are global variables defined at the last 
    2727; <pro>domdef</pro> ! 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/WIDGET/

    r486 r495  
    6565  ENDIF ELSE noticebase = -1 
    6867  return, noticebase 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/WIDGET/

    r493 r495  
    79 ; 
    8079   fileparameters = {filename: 'many !' $ 
    8180                     , time_counter: calendar $ 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/WIDGET/

    r370 r495  
    134134; @keyword REDRAW 
    136 ; 
    137136; @keyword SEPARATE 
    138 ; 
    140138; @keyword UVALUE 
    404402; we find homedir 
    405403        homedir = isadirectory(io = homedir, title = 'Bad definition of homedir') 
    406 ; We recuperae the list of instructions 
     404; We recuperate the list of instructions 
    407405        globalcommand = extractatt(top_uvalue, 'globalcommand') 
    408406; We complete by first and last lines of the program 
    468466; creation of the pointer we will hook at the widget. 
    469467    top_uvalue = ptrarr(2, 29, /allocate_heap) 
    470 ; variables refering to the widget 
     468; variables referring to the widget 
    471469    *top_uvalue[0, 0] = 'options' & *top_uvalue[1, 0] = options 
    472470    *top_uvalue[0, 1] = 'smallin' & *top_uvalue[1, 1] = smallin 
    482480    *top_uvalue[0, 11] = 'noticebase' & *top_uvalue[1, 11] = 0l 
    483481    *top_uvalue[0, 12] = 'extra' & *top_uvalue[1, 12] = ex 
    484 ; variables refering to different files we can read 
     482; variables referring to different files we can read 
    485483    *top_uvalue[0, 13] = 'currentfile' & *top_uvalue[1, 13] = currentfile 
    486484    *top_uvalue[0, 14] = 'filelist' & *top_uvalue[1, 14] = filelist 
    488486    *top_uvalue[0, 16] = 'readparameters' & *top_uvalue[1, 16] = readparameters 
    489487    *top_uvalue[0, 17] = 'meshparameters' & *top_uvalue[1, 17] = meshparameters 
    490 ; variables refering to different drawing we can do 
     488; variables referring to different drawing we can do 
    491489    *top_uvalue[0, 18] = 'penvs' & *top_uvalue[1, 18] = replicate(!p, nbredessin) 
    492490    *top_uvalue[0, 19] = 'xenvs' & *top_uvalue[1, 19] = replicate(!x, nbredessin) 
  • trunk/SRC/Utilities/

    r375 r495  
    77; @param command {in}{required} {type=scalar string} 
    8 ; defining the result to be given back by the function.  
     8; defining the result to be given back by the function. 
    99; (see examples) 
    1212; name of the function to be created. 
    14 ; @keyword KWDLIST {in} {type=vector string}  
    15 ; to specify a list of keywords that must be included in the  
    16 ; function definition.  
     14; @keyword KWDLIST {in} {type=vector string} 
     15; to specify a list of keywords that must be included in the 
     16; function definition. 
    18 ; Warning: the string must start with a ','  
     18; Warning: the string must start with a ',' 
    1919; for example: KWDLIST=', TOTO=toto' 
    21 ; @keyword _EXTRA  
     21; @keyword _EXTRA 
    2222; Used to pass keywords to the created function. 
  • trunk/SRC/Utilities/

    r493 r495  
    66; @param command {in}{required}{type=string array} 
    7 ; array defining the procedure to be created.  
     7; array defining the procedure to be created. 
    88; each element will be a line of the created procedure. 
    1313; @keyword KWDLIST {in} {type=vector string} 
    14 ; to specify a list of keywords that must be included in the procedure  
    15 ; definition.  
     14; to specify a list of keywords that must be included in the procedure 
     15; definition. 
    17 ; Warning: the string must start with a ','  
     17; Warning: the string must start with a ',' 
    1818; for example: KWDLIST=', TOTO = toto' 
    20 ; @keyword KWDUSED  
     20; @keyword KWDUSED 
    2121; obsolete, please pass directly your keywords through _EXTRA 
    23 ; @keyword _EXTRA  
     23; @keyword _EXTRA 
    2424; Used to pass keywords to the created procedure. 
    4040; Sebastien Masson (smasson\ 
    4141;  - cleaning + new keywords: October 2005 
    42 ;  - Feb. 2006: suppress keyword "kwdused" and use call_procedure instead of  
     42;  - Feb. 2006: suppress keyword "kwdused" and use call_procedure instead of 
    4343;    execute 
  • trunk/SRC/Utilities/

    r371 r495  
    55; (common variable from cm_general) and add it to !path 
    7 ; @categories  
     7; @categories 
    88; Utilities 
    4545    IF nouniq[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN 
    4646      allpro = find('*.pro', iodirectory = !path, /onlypro) 
    47       nall = n_elements(allpro)  
     47      nall = n_elements(allpro) 
    4848      allpro = strmid(allpro, reform(strpos(allpro, '/', /reverse_search), 1, nall)+1) 
    4949      nouniqpro = different(lindgen(nall), uniq(allpro, sort(allpro))) 
    50       IF nouniqpro[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN  
     50      IF nouniqpro[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN 
    5151        nouniqcnt = n_elements(nouniq) 
    5252        nouniqprocnt = n_elements(nouniqpro) 
  • trunk/SRC/Utilities/

    r371 r495  
    3737; update the path cache to include cm_demomode_used 
    3838  path_cache, /rebuild 
    4040  return 
  • trunk/SRC/Utilities/

    r375 r495  
    5858; @keyword TRYFIND 
    59 ; if the file was not found and this keyword is activated, <pro>find</pro>  
     59; if the file was not found and this keyword is activated, <pro>find</pro> 
    6060; will call 
    6161; itself with the keywords /LOOKALLDIR and /FIRSTFOUND to try to find 
  • trunk/SRC/Utilities/

    r388 r495  
    8989; @param lastz {in}{optional}{default=define by <pro>grille</pro>} 
    91 ; @keyword GRID {default=vargrid defined in <pro>cm_4data</pro>}  
     91; @keyword GRID {default=vargrid defined in <pro>cm_4data</pro>} 
    9292; To specify on which grid are located the data, see <pro>grille</pro> 
  • trunk/SRC/Utilities/

    r493 r495  
    77; @categories 
    8 ; Input/Output  
     8; Input/Output 
    1010; @param DIRECTORYIN {in}{optional} 
  • trunk/SRC/Utilities/

    r493 r495  
    33; @file_comments 
    44; same as <pro>find</pro> except that as long as the file is 'NOT FOUND', 
    5 ; <pro>isafile</pro> calls  
     5; <pro>isafile</pro> calls 
    66; <proidl>DIALOG_PICKFILE</proidl>, to ask the user to select a file. 
  • trunk/SRC/Utilities/

    r375 r495  
    2424; @returns 
    2525; 2 possibilities: 
    26 ;  1) by default: it is a vector of complex whose each element is the  
     26;  1) by default: it is a vector of complex whose each element is the 
    2727;     coordinates of the intersection point of a pair of straight lines. 
    2828;  2) if FLOAT is activated, it is a array of reals of dimension 2, 
  • trunk/SRC/Utilities/

    r493 r495  
    99; @restrictions 
    10 ; Needs at least version greater than 6.2 and lower than 7,  
     10; Needs at least version greater than 6.2 and lower than 7, 
    1212; @history 
  • trunk/SRC/Utilities/

    r493 r495  
    1616; activate to print only the message without the name 
    1717; and the line of the routine (defined by calling <pro>routine_name</pro>) 
    18 ; or++  
     18; or++ 
    1919; Activate to print the error message without printing the routine name with 
    2020; its full path. 
    2525; @keyword QUESTION {default="Warning"} 
    2626; Set this keyword to create a "Question" dialog. 
    27 ; If batch mode is detected, answer to be given is ANSWER_BATCH if exists or  
     27; If batch mode is detected, answer to be given is ANSWER_BATCH if exists or 
    2828; the default one (see DEFAULT_NO keyword). 
    3838; @keyword _EXTRA 
    39 ; Used to pass keywords to <proidl>DIALOG_MESSAGE</proidl> and  
     39; Used to pass keywords to <proidl>DIALOG_MESSAGE</proidl> and 
    4040; <proidl>MESSAGE</proidl> 
    7575;   answer = report(question, /default_no, /question) 
    77 ; 
    7877; If widgets are already activated, it is the same thing but with widgets! 
    8483;   * add ANSWER_BATCH keyword and handle key_batch 
    86 ; - Sebastien Masson (smasson\ 21/10/1999  
     85; - Sebastien Masson (smasson\ 21/10/1999 
    8887; @version 
    120119; we get the line, routine name and revision version 
    121120  IF NOT keyword_set(simple) THEN BEGIN 
    122 ;    Look for the revision in the code of the procedure/function calling this  
     121;    Look for the revision in the code of the procedure/function calling this 
    123122;    report function (ie the one where an problem was detected) in the first 
    124123;    occurrence of the form : 
    125124;    "; $Id$" 
    126125    prefix = routine_name(1) 
    127     split = STRSPLIT(prefix, ' ', /EXTRACT, count = cnt)   
     126    split = STRSPLIT(prefix, ' ', /EXTRACT, count = cnt) 
    128127    IF cnt GT 1 THEN BEGIN 
    129128      coderoutine = getfile(split[1]) 
    170169          ENDELSE 
    171170      ENDELSE 
    173172      answer = strlowcase(answer) ; 
    174173      ; if the answer is not appropriated 
  • trunk/SRC/Utilities/

    r493 r495  
    1717; @restrictions 
    18 ; This function use the keyword OUTPUT in <proidl>HELP</proidl> and  
     18; This function use the keyword OUTPUT in <proidl>HELP</proidl> and 
    1919; it is specified 
    2020; in the on-line help that the return syntax of this word can change in 
    7272; we choose the line which concern us. 
    7373  if NOT keyword_set(pilingnum) THEN pilingnum = 0 
    74   if pilingnum GE n_elements(name) THEN BEGIN  
     74  if pilingnum GE n_elements(name) THEN BEGIN 
    7575   return, '$MAIN$' 
    7676  ENDIF 
    7777  name = name[pilingnum] 
    78   if strpos(name, '$MAIN$') NE -1 THEN BEGIN  
     78  if strpos(name, '$MAIN$') NE -1 THEN BEGIN 
    7979   return, '$MAIN$' 
    8080  ENDIF 
    8181  name = str_sep(name, ' ') 
    8282  if n_elements(name) LT 3 THEN BEGIN 
    83    name = name[0]  
     83   name = name[0] 
    8585   name = 'L.'+name[1]+' '+name[2] 
  • trunk/SRC/Utilities/

    r493 r495  
    3939; define key_batch if it not already done... 
    40   IF n_elements(batch) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN  
     40  IF n_elements(batch) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN 
    4141    IF n_elements(key_batch) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN   ; if not already defined 
    4242      fstat0_structure = FSTAT(0)              ; automatic definition 
    4949; nb of colors is set to 8 in order to allow color number from 0 to 256 
    5050    device, SET_PIXEL_DEPTH = 8, Z_BUFFERING = 0 
    5252    thisOS = strupcase(strmid(!version.os_family, 0, 3)) 
    5353    CASE thisOS of 
  • trunk/SRC/Utilities/

    r371 r495  
    33; @file_comments 
    4 ; A kind of <proidl>KEYWORD_SET</proidl> but when the value exist, it  
     4; A kind of <proidl>KEYWORD_SET</proidl> but when the value exist, it 
    55; send it back. 
  • trunk/SRC/Utilities/

    r375 r495  
    2121; @keyword BG_COLOR 
    22 ; background color.  
     22; background color. 
    2323; Setting BG_COLOR erases the area 
    2424; covered by the text box (filling it with color BG_COLOR) 
    7171nny=[0., 1.]*!d.y_vsize 
    7473if n_elements(pos) eq 0 then begin 
    8281           ',pos=[',pos[0],',',pos[1],',',pos[2],',',pos[3],']') 
    8382  print,strcompress(posstring,/remove_all) 
    8684endif else begin 
  • trunk/SRC/

    r479 r495  
    149149    RETURN, Base 
    150150  END 
    151 ; 
    205 ; 
    252250; @categories 
    254 ; @param event  
     252; @param event 
    256254; @returns 
    362360  RETURN, dir 
    364 ; 
    405402  init = [';' $ 
    406403          , '; This is the initialisation file.' $ 
    407           , '; it defines the !path and the defaut values of some of the common variables' $ 
     404          , '; it defines the !path and the default values of some of the common variables' $ 
    408405          , ';' $ 
    409406          , '; this is supposed to speed-up IDL...' $ 
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.