Changeset 493 for trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed

04/08/14 11:28:29 (10 years ago)

fix some typos in comments

43 edited


  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/CALCULS/

    r371 r493  
    2525; @returns 
    26 ; n elements array, the determinent of each 2*2 arrrays 
     26; n elements array, the determinent of each 2*2 arrays 
    2828; @examples 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/CALCULS/

    r430 r493  
    99;               freezing pt 
    1010;       reference : unesco tech. papers in the marine science no 28 1978 
    11 ;               eigth report jpots 
     11;               eighth report jpots 
    1212;               annex 6 freezing point of seawater F.J.Millero pp.29-35 
    1313;       checkvalue: fsfzpt=-2.588567 deg.c,for s=40.0,p=500 decibars 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/CALCULS/

    r445 r493  
    6767; @keyword SSH 
    68 ; array giving the sea level elenation (in meter) that must be added 
     68; array giving the sea level elevation (in meter) that must be added 
    6969; to the thickness of the first level when computing vertical mean 
    8585; @history 
    86 ; Jerome Vialard (jv\ 
     86; JérÃŽme Vialard (jv\ 
    8787;                       2/7/98 
    8888;                       Sebastien Masson (smasson\ 
    148148  endcase 
    150 ;   I.3) Obtainment of scale's factors and of the mask on the subdomain concernedby the average. 
    151 ; Redefinition of the domain ajusted at boxzoom (at 6 elements) 
     150;   I.3) Obtainment of scale's factors and of the mask on the subdomain  
     151;        concerned by the average. 
     152; Redefinition of the domain adjusted at boxzoom (at 6 elements) 
    152153; This will allowed us to calculate only in the domain concerned by the average. 
    153154; Domdef, followed by grid give us all arrays of the grid on the subdomain 
    272273        if keyword_set(savedbox) THEN restoreboxparam, 'boxparam4grmoyenne.dat' 
    273274        return, report('Probleme d''adequation entre les tailles du domaine nx*ny*jpt '+strtrim(nx, 1)+'*'+strtrim(ny, 1)+'*'+strtrim(jpt, 1)+' et du tableau '+strtrim(taille[1], 1)+'*'+strtrim(taille[2], 1)+'*'+strtrim(taille[3], 1)) 
    274       enD 
     275      END 
    275276    endcase 
    276277    if keyword_set(nan) NE 0 then BEGIN 
    612613  ENDIF 
    614 ; IV.3) We replace in the domain whch was defined at the entry of average 
     615; IV.3) We replace in the domain which was defined at the entry of average 
    616617  if keyword_set(savedbox) THEN restoreboxparam, 'boxparam4grmoyenne.dat' 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/GRILLE/

    r325 r493  
    3333   if cmpgrid(newgrid) EQ 0 then return, 0 
    35 ; update the common paramaters 
     35; update the common parameters 
    3737   ccmeshparameters = newgrid 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/GRILLE/

    r492 r493  
    286286        IF (dom[0] EQ -1) THEN BEGIN 
    287287          IF keyword_set(findalways) THEN BEGIN 
    288 ; if t grid parameters alreday defined, we use them... 
     288; if t grid parameters already defined, we use them... 
    289289            CASE 1 OF 
    290290              (where(gdtype eq 'T'))[0] NE -1 OR (where(gdtype EQ 'W'))[0] NE -1:BEGIN 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/GRILLE/

    r325 r493  
    1212; @examples 
    13 ; Used like if fmask was a known array by substituing fmask by (fmask()) 
     13; Used like if fmask was a known array by substituting fmask by (fmask()) 
    1414; For example: Instead of write fmask[domainef] we have to write (fmask())[domainef] 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/GRILLE/

    r388 r493  
    347 ; Variables refering to the vertical dimension 
     347; Variables referring to the vertical dimension 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/GRILLE/

    r370 r493  
    1515; @examples 
    16 ; Used like if umask was a known array by substituing umask by (umask()) 
     16; Used like if umask was a known array by substituting umask by (umask()) 
    1717; For example: Instead of write umask[domainef] we have to write (umask())[domainef] 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/GRILLE/

    r325 r493  
    1212; @examples 
    13 ; Used like if vmask was a known array by substituing vmask by (vmask()) 
     13; Used like if vmask was a known array by substituting vmask by (vmask()) 
    1414; For example: Instead of write vmask[domainef] we have to write (vmask())[domainef] 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/HOPE/

    r371 r493  
    204204; @file_comments 
    205 ; Read the Hope grid file converted in NetCdf by xconv 
     205; Read the Hope grid file converted in netCDF by xconv 
    207207; @categories 
    323323  compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs 
    325 @common                         ; usefull only for the definition of iodir 
     325@common                         ; useful only for the definition of iodir 
    326326  if n_elements(filename) EQ 0 then filename = isafile(iodirectory = iodir, _extra = ex) 
    327327  IF size(filename, /type) NE 7 THEN return, -1 
    377377    dimvar[0:res.ndims-1, varid] = res.dim 
    378378  ENDFOR 
    379 ; we cut dimvar to select only the interessant part 
     379; we cut dimvar to select only the interesting part 
    380380  dimvar = dimvar[0:max(ndimsvar)-1, *] 
    381381; selection of the data variables which are different from the 
    453453  base5 = widget_base(base, /row, uname = 'baset', /frame) 
    454454  timename = strlowcase((tag_names(dimlist))[wathinside.recdim]) 
    455 ; read the time axis in julina days 
     455; read the time axis in Julian days 
    456456  time = ncdf_gettime(filename, cdfid) 
    457457; update the dimlist structure 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/IMAGE/

    r371 r493  
    70 ; Beggining of the part we want to change. 
     70; Beginning of the part we want to change. 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/LECTURE/

    r325 r493  
    4949   endcase 
    51 ; update the common paramaters 
     51; update the common parameters 
    5353   ccreadparameters = newread 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/LECTURE/

    r371 r493  
    1919;        -other elements are strings containing informations on the field except 
    2020;        for the one about the date. This one can be either a string to designate 
    21 ;        a particular date (ex: 'August 1999') or a vector of julian days (of IDL) 
     21;        a particular date (ex: 'August 1999') or a vector of Julian days (of IDL) 
    2222;        corresponding  to the calendar to be associated with the field if it is a 
    2323;        temporal series. 
    171171         END 
    172172         ELSE:BEGIN 
    173             ras = report('Le nom '+nomelements[i]+' ne correspont a aucun element reconnu de la structure. cf. IDL> xhelp, ''litchamp''') 
     173            ras = report('Le nom '+nomelements[i]+' ne correspond a aucun element reconnu de la structure. cf. IDL> xhelp, ''litchamp''') 
    174174         end 
    175175      endcase 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/LECTURE/

    r466 r493  
    4747; @keyword CALLITSELF {default=0}{type=scalar: 0 or 1} 
    48 ; For ROMS outputs. Use by read_ncdf itself to access auxilliary data  
     48; For ROMS outputs. Use by read_ncdf itself to access auxiliary data  
    4949; (h and zeta). 
    403403  ENDIF 
    405 ; if it is roms outputs, we need to get additionals infos... 
     405; if it is roms outputs, we need to get additional infos... 
    406406  IF NOT keyword_set(callitself) THEN BEGIN 
    407407    IF strmid(dimnames[0], 0, 3) EQ 'xi_' AND strmid(dimnames[1], 0, 4) EQ 'eta_' THEN BEGIN 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/LECTURE/

    r491 r493  
    1010;  l''on fait et en particulier arriver a positionner la boite 
    1111;  specifiee par firstx:lastx par rapport au tableau contenu dans 
    12 ;  le fichier NetCdf. 
     12;  le fichier netCDF. 
    1313;  pour s''y reperer voici un petit dessin 
    2929;   |,,,,|--------|--------------|      |........|..........|,,,,,,,,,,,| 
    31 ;  apres il suffit de remplacer i et j par firstx ou lastx qd on 
     31;  aprÚs il suffit de remplacer i et j par firstx ou lastx qd on 
    3232;  ne fait pas de stride. 
    5454;  we must read 4 points instead of 3...:  +--+--+--+-- 
    5555;  This problem as an easy solution by using the keyword count with 
    56 ;  the appropiate value! 
     56;  the appropriate value! 
    5858  key_shift = long(testvar(var = key_shift)) 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/LECTURE/

    r378 r493  
    33; @file_comments 
    4 ; Reading of a NetCdf file with widgets 
     4; Reading of a netCDF file with widgets 
    66; @categories 
    141141   base1 = widget_base(base, /column, /align_center) 
    142    rien = widget_label(base1, value = 'NetCdf filename', /align_center) 
     142   rien = widget_label(base1, value = 'netCDF filename', /align_center) 
    143143   rien = widget_text(base1, value = name, /align_center, uvalue=1, /editable) ;File's name we can change 
    144144   rien = widget_label(base1, value = ' ') ; We jump a line 
    403403; @uses 
    404 ; resultat,infovariable,indicewid_var,motcle 
     404; resultat, infovariable, indicewid_var, motcle 
    406406; @version 
    434434   if keyword_set(mcoffset) AND n_elements(mcoffset) EQ varcontient.ndims THEN $ 
    435435    valinit[0,*]=mcoffset ELSE valinit[0, *] = 0 
    436 ; colomn 1 : counts 
     436; column 1 : counts 
    437437   if keyword_set(mccount) AND n_elements(mccount) EQ varcontient.ndims THEN  $ 
    438438    valinit[1,*]=mccount ELSE valinit[1, *] = tailledim[varcontient.dim] 
    534534      END 
    535535      2:BEGIN                   ; A variable is selected. 
    536          varid = event.index    ; We recuperat its number in the file Netcdf 
     536         varid = event.index    ; We recuperate its number in the file netCDF 
    537537         varcontient = ncdf_varinq(cdfid,varid) 
    538538         wid_var,     ; We call the program which launch the second widget. See sooner. 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/DESSINE/

    r490 r493  
    434434    endif 
    435435  ENDIF ELSE BEGIN 
    436 ;To axes of coordinates be considerated. 
     436;To axes of coordinates be considerate. 
    437437    if !x.type EQ 0 AND n_elements(contour) LE 4 then $ 
    438438      plot, [0], [0], /nodata, xstyle = 5, ystyle = 5, title = '', subtitle = '', /noerase 
    526526  if keyword_set(overplot) then GOTO, fini 
    528 ; V2) Trace the line of change of date, the equator and the greenwich meridian, ... 
     528; V2) Trace the line of change of date, the equator and the Greenwich meridian, ... 
    530530  if NOT keyword_set(map) AND key_onearth then meridienparallele, 'xy' 
    534534  if keyword_set(realcont) then BEGIN 
    535 ; si noease est passe de _extra, on s''assure qu''il est a 1 
     535; si noerase est passe de _extra, on s''assure qu''il est a 1 
    536536    if chkstru(ex, 'NOERASE') then begin 
    537537      oldnoerase = ex.noerase 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/DESSINE/

    r419 r493  
    110110; $Id$ 
    112 ; @todo seb L.172 à 173 
     112; @todo seb L.172 à 173 
    162162    label, 0, min(z2d*mask), max(z2d*mask), ncontour, levels, colors 
    163163; attention bidouille inexplicable pour que tout se passe bien avec les 
    164 ; postcript ds pltz!!! 
     164; postscript ds pltz!!! 
    165165  if n_elements(contour) LE 4 AND !x.type EQ 0 THEN $ 
    166166    plot, [0], [0], xstyle = 5, ystyle = 5, /nodata, /noerase, title = '', subtitle = '' 
    212212    ENDIF 
    214 ; We do not pass if we have to make differents contours... 
     214; We do not pass if we have to make different contours... 
    215215; In the case of unsur2 is activated, we reduce levels 
    216216    if NOT keyword_set(nocontour) then begin 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/DESSINE/

    r483 r493  
    183183; Sebastien Masson (smasson\ 
    184184;                       27/5/98 
    185 ;                       Jerome Vialard (adapting plt to hovmoeller drawing) 
     185;                       JérÃŽme Vialard (adapting plt to hovmoeller drawing) 
    186186;                       2/7/98 
    187187;                       Sebastien Masson 14/8/98 (continents,barres) 
    200200; @todo  
    201 ; seb: definition of parameters, L.426 à 427, L. 492 à 493 
     201; seb: definition of parameters, L.426 à 427, L. 492 à 493 
    331331            ELSE tempsmin = temps[0] 
    332332; on shift l''axe du temps pour des questions de precision sur les 
    333 ; dates du calendier julien en long qui sont passes en float ds les axes 
     333; dates du calendrier julien en long qui sont passes en float ds les axes 
    334334            xx = temps-tempsmin 
    335335            !x.range=!x.range-tempsmin 
    398398; on shift l''axe du temps pour des questions de precision sur les 
    399 ; dates du calendier julien en long qui sont passes en float ds les axes 
     399; dates du calendrier julien en long qui sont passes en float ds les axes 
    400400   case typdes of 
    401401      '1d' : begin 
    646 ; we reput time axis in IDL julian days and not in julian days count from tempsmin 
     646; we reput time axis in IDL Julian days and not in Julian days count from tempsmin 
    648648   if type EQ 'xt' then BEGIN 
    653653      !x.tickv=!x.tickv+tempsmin 
    654654   ENDELSE 
    655 ; We do a false plot to these values are considerated 
     655; We do a false plot to these values are considerate 
    656656   plot, [0], [0], /nodata, /noerase, xstyle = 5, ystyle = 5 $ 
    657657     , title = '', subtitle = '', ytitle = '', xtitle = '' 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/DESSINE/

    r428 r493  
    115115; @keyword NOMASK 
    116 ; activate to supress the use of the land-sea mask when plotting the field 
     116; activate to suppress the use of the land-sea mask when plotting the field 
    118118; @keyword NO_PARTIALSTEP 
    119 ; activate to supress the use of partial steps (force key_partialstep = 0 within pltz) 
     119; activate to suppress the use of partial steps (force key_partialstep = 0 within pltz) 
    121121; @keyword NOTRI 
    176176; @todo  
    177 ; seb definition of paramaters L.215 à 221 
     177; seb definition of parameters L.215 à 221 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/DESSINE/

    r472 r493  
    1010; @keyword NOREINITPLT 
    1111; We active it if we do not want environment variables !p, !x, !y, !z 
    12 ; to be reinitilalized by the procedure <pro>reinitplt</pro> 
     12; to be reinitialized by the procedure <pro>reinitplt</pro> 
    1414; @keyword _EXTRA 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/DESSINE/

    r370 r493  
    1010; @keyword NOREINITPLT 
    1111; We active it if we do not want environment variables !p, !x, !y, !z 
    12 ; to be reinitilalized by the procedure <pro>reinitplt</pro> 
     12; to be reinitialized by the procedure <pro>reinitplt</pro> 
    1414; @keyword _EXTRA 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/DESSINE/

    r479 r493  
    8282; Sebastien Masson (smasson\ 
    8383;                       18/12/98 
    84 ; Aug 2005: quick cleaning + english 
     84; Aug 2005: quick cleaning + English 
    8686; @version 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/DIVERS/

    r325 r493  
    4343    coef = [2, 2.5, 5, 10] 
    45 ; We test differents CI (contour intervals), i.e. 1, 2, 2.5, 5 and 10 
     45; We test different CI (contour intervals), i.e. 1, 2, 2.5, 5 and 10 
    4646; until the number of contour is inferior to 30. 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/DIVERS/

    r378 r493  
    4949         end 
    5050         ELSE:BEGIN 
    51             ras = report('Le nom '+nomelements[i]+' ne correspont a aucun element reconnu de la structure. !C cf. IDL> xhelp, ''litchamp''') 
     51            ras = report('Le nom '+nomelements[i]+' ne correspond a aucun element reconnu de la structure. !C cf. IDL> xhelp, ''litchamp''') 
    5252         end 
    5353      endcase 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/LABEL/

    r371 r493  
    112112x1 = x + offset 
    113 caldat, long(x1), month, day, year, _EXTRA = ex;Get the calendar date from julian 
     113caldat, long(x1), month, day, year, _EXTRA = ex;Get the calendar date from Julian 
    114114frac = x1 - long(x1)            ;time of day, from 0 to 1. 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/VECTEUR/

    r482 r493  
    231231; What we do: 
    232232; In a 3d cartesian reference, 
    233 ;       a) We find coordinates of the point T (starting of the arrow) situed 
     233;       a) We find coordinates of the point T (starting of the arrow) situated 
    234234;       on the sphere. 
    235235;       b) To each point T, we determine local directions defined by the grid 
    274274; Stage 1, b) 
    276 ; Construction of a vector nu (resp. nv), vectr normed carried by the axis of 
     276; Construction of a vector nu (resp. nv), vector normed carried by the axis of 
    277277; points u[i,j] and u[i-1,j] (resp v[i,j] and v[i,j-1]) which define, for each 
    278278; point on the sphere, local directions associated with u and v. These vectors 
    364364; of changing of date... BEWARE, do not cut arrow which goes out of the 
    365365; window! 
    366 ; test: If it goes out of the frame, but, thanks to +/- 360° it come in, 
     366; test: If it goes out of the frame, but, thanks to +/- 360° it come in, 
    367367; we modify it 
    444444; We modify the array norme to an element having the value cm be represented 
    445 ; by a line of lenght 1 cm on the paper. Norme contains the norm of vectors 
     445; by a line of length 1 cm on the paper. Norme contains the norm of vectors 
    446446; we want to draw. 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/

    r369 r493  
    1414; @param TEMPSMIN {in}{required} 
    1515; In the case where we do cut containing the time dimension, we have 
    16 ; to specify the beginning of the time's axis in julian days. 
     16; to specify the beginning of the time's axis in Julian days. 
    1818; @param TEMPSMAX {in}{required} 
    1919; In the case where we do cut containing the time dimension, we have 
    20 ; to specify the end of the time's axis in julian days. 
     20; to specify the end of the time's axis in Julian days. 
    2222; @keyword SIN 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/

    r378 r493  
    123123  endif 
    125 ; Shapping of subdomain 's dimensions 
     125; Shaping of subdomain 's dimensions 
    127127  la1 = strtrim(string(format = fmt_bt, lat1), 2) 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/

    r378 r493  
    5454;    value itself, a more general definition can be given with a scalar 
    5555;    string with the following structure: 'xxNN...NNyy' with   
    56 ;    xx and yy correspondind to one the following choices (with the  
     56;    xx and yy corresponding to one the following choices (with the  
    5757;    corresponding meaning) 
    5858;               so -> Solid      
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/

    r378 r493  
    66; @param NSYM {in}{required} {type=integer} 
    7 ; Code of sympbols : 
     7; Code of symbols : 
    88; 1 = open circle 
    99; 2 = filled circle 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/STATISTICS/

    r371 r493  
    141141   NAN = ( (WHERE(FINITE(X) EQ 0 ))[0] NE -1 ) ? 1 : 0 
    142 ;We can retrieve the matrix of real lenghts of time-series    
     142;We can retrieve the matrix of real lengths of time-series    
    143143   nTreal = ( (WHERE(FINITE(X) EQ 0 ))[0] NE -1 ) ?  TOTAL(FINITE(X),  XNDim) : nT  
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/STATISTICS/

    r378 r493  
    9292   NAN = ( (WHERE(FINITE(X) EQ 0 ))[0] NE -1 ) ? 1 : 0 
    93 ;We can retrieve the matrix of real lenghts of time-series    
     93;We can retrieve the matrix of real lengths of time-series    
    9494   nTreal = ( (WHERE(FINITE(X) EQ 0 ))[0] NE -1 ) ?  TOTAL(FINITE(X),  XNDim) : nT  
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/STRING/

    r372 r493  
    1515; @returns 
    16 ;       x = optionaly returned numeric value if valid.   
     16;       x = optionally returned numeric value if valid.   
    1717;       i = test flag:                                   
    1818;           0: not a number. 
    4646          print,' i = isnumber(txt, [x])' 
    4747          print,'   txt = text string to test.                      in' 
    48           print,'   x = optionaly returned numeric value if valid.  out' 
     48          print,'   x = optionally returned numeric value if valid.  out' 
    4949          print,'   i = test flag:                                  out' 
    5050          print,'       0: not a number.' 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/STRING/

    r325 r493  
    22; ROUTINE:         lenstr 
    3 ; USEAGE:          result=lenstr(str) 
     3; USAGE:           result=lenstr(str) 
    55; input: 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/TRIANGULATION/

    r479 r493  
    1313; @param X {in}{optional} 
    14 ; The x position of points to which the trangulation refer to 
     14; The x position of points to which the triangulation refer to 
    1515; (see the x array provided in triangulate) 
    1717; @param Y {in}{optional} 
    18 ; The y position of points to which the trangulation refer to 
     18; The y position of points to which the triangulation refer to 
    1919; (see the y array provided in triangulate) 
    3030; @keyword CHANGECOLOR 
    3131; =n. To change the color of each triangle. n colors 
    32 ; will be used and repeted if necessary. 
     32; will be used and repeated if necessary. 
    3434; @uses 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/TRIANGULATION/

    r370 r493  
    6161   if key_gridtype EQ 'e' then onemore = xf[0, 0] gT xf[0, 1] 
    6262; We pass in normalized coordinates to be able to become independant from the projection's 
    63 ; type choosen and from the support on which we do the drawing (screen or postscript) 
     63; type chosen and from the support on which we do the drawing (screen or postscript) 
    6464   z = convert_coord(xf[*],yf[*],/data,/to_normal) 
    6565   xf = reform(z[0, *], nx, ny) 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/TRIANGULATION/

    r370 r493  
    7070; The 2 first lines are identical. 
    7171   mask[1:tailleentree[1], 0] = maskentree[*, 0] 
    72 ; We calculate the position following x of points which will serve to trace the mask. They are situated between each points of the mask, exept for the last column we can not calculate and so we put at max (!x.range). 
     72; We calculate the position following x of points which will serve to trace the mask. They are situated between each points of the mask, except for the last column we can not calculate and so we put at max (!x.range). 
    7373   xrange = !x.range[sort(!x.range)] ; if REVERSE_X is used 
    7474   xentree = .5*(xentree+shift(xentree, -1, 0)) 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/WIDGET/AUTOUR_de_XXX/

    r370 r493  
    9898  if procedure EQ 'pltt' AND date1 EQ date2 then BEGIN 
    99 ; we redefine the dates to the begining and end of the calendar 
     99; we redefine the dates to the beginning and end of the calendar 
    100100    calendar = (*(extractatt(top_uvalue, 'fileparameters'))[currentfile]).time_counter 
    101101    date1 = jul2date(calendar[0]) 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/WIDGET/AUTOUR_de_XXX/

    r367 r493  
    5151   optionsflag = extractatt(top_uvalue, 'optionsflag') 
    5252   portrait = (optionsflag[where(options EQ 'Portrait/Landscape'), 0])[0] 
    53 ; composition du text contennu ds 
     53; composition du text contenu dans 
    5454   texte = ['@common' $ 
    5555            , ' ' $ 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/WIDGET/AUTOUR_de_XXX/

    r325 r493  
    117117  wdelete, !d.window 
    119 ; Creation and writting loop in the file. 
     119; Creation and writing loop in the file. 
    121121  IF index2 GT index1 THEN BEGIN 

    r371 r493  
    419419         gdep2 = fix(dthlv2_value.combobox_value) 
    420420         if dthlv1_value.combobox_index GT event.index then BEGIN 
    421 ; We redfine the value of dthlv1id 
     421; We redefine the value of dthlv1id 
    422422            widget_control, dthlv1id, set_value = {combobox_select:event.index} 
    423423; So we redefine the value and the min of the slider 1 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/WIDGET/

    r327 r493  
    5858      listgrid[[3, 5]] = 'V' 
    5959   ENDIF 
    60 ; calendar to be used (in IDL julian days 
     60; calendar to be used (in IDL Julian days 
    6161; ++++    if NOT keyword_set(calendar) then BEGIN 
    6262; ++++       if keyword_set(jour) then calendar = calendriertotem(/julian_day) ELSE calendar = calendriertotem(/julian_day, /mensuel) 
    6363; ++++    ENDIF 
    64 ; Name of the file refering to the mask 
     64; Name of the file referring to the mask 
    6565   if NOT keyword_set(meshfilename) then meshfilename = '/usr1/com/smasson/IDL/INIT/' 
    6666; ++++   meshparameters = whichgrid(meshfilename) 
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.