Changeset 493 for trunk/SRC/Computation

04/08/14 11:28:29 (10 years ago)

fix some typos in comments

8 edited


  • trunk/SRC/Computation/

    r462 r493  
    2323; @keyword REFVALUE {type=scalar} {default=0.} 
    24 ; the bsf value that we want to speficy at the position defined by refpoint 
     24; the bsf value that we want to specify at the position defined by refpoint 
    2626; @keyword TRANSPORT {type=scalar: 0 or 1} {default=0.} 
    7979  umsk = (umask())[firstx:lastx, firsty:lasty, firstz:lastz] 
    8080  IF total(umsk[*, *, nz-1]) NE 0 THEN return, report('The bottom of the box (defined by lastzt) must be set to land value (=0)') 
    81   IF total(umsk[*, 0, *]) NE 0 THEN return, report('southern boudary must be land point if you want to compute the bsf with this function') 
     81  IF total(umsk[*, 0, *]) NE 0 THEN return, report('southern boundary must be land point if you want to compute the bsf with this function') 
    8383  un = litchamp(z3d) 
  • trunk/SRC/Computation/

    r445 r493  
    1010; @keyword e1 {default=0}{type=scalar: 0 or 1} 
    1111; activate to compute e1 * e3 instead of e3 
    12 ; note that of both keywords e1 and e2 are acticated we compute e1 * e2 * e3 instead of e3 
     12; note that of both keywords e1 and e2 are activated we compute e1 * e2 * e3 instead of e3 
    1414; @keyword e2 {default=0}{type=scalar: 0 or 1} 
    1515; activate to compute e2 * e3 instead of e3 
    16 ; note that of both keywords e1 and e2 are acticated we compute e1 * e2 * e3 instead of e3 
     16; note that of both keywords e1 and e2 are activated we compute e1 * e2 * e3 instead of e3 
    1818; @returns 
  • trunk/SRC/Computation/

    r454 r493  
    99; @keyword e1 {default=0}{type=scalar: 0 or 1} 
    1010; activate to compute e1t * e3t instead of e3t 
    11 ; note that of both keywords e1 and e2 are acticated we compute e1t * e2t * e3t instead of e3t 
     11; note that of both keywords e1 and e2 are activated we compute e1t * e2t * e3t instead of e3t 
    1313; @keyword e2 {default=0}{type=scalar: 0 or 1} 
    1414; activate to compute e2t * e3t instead of e3t 
    15 ; note that of both keywords e1 and e2 are acticated we compute e1t * e2t * e3t instead of e3t 
     15; note that of both keywords e1 and e2 are activated we compute e1t * e2t * e3t instead of e3t 
    1717; @returns 
  • trunk/SRC/Computation/

    r454 r493  
    99; @keyword e1 {default=0}{type=scalar: 0 or 1} 
    1010; activate to compute e1u * e3u instead of e3u 
    11 ; note that of both keywords e1 and e2 are acticated we compute e1u * e2u * e3u instead of e3u 
     11; note that of both keywords e1 and e2 are activated we compute e1u * e2u * e3u instead of e3u 
    1313; @keyword e2 {default=0}{type=scalar: 0 or 1} 
    1414; activate to compute e2u * e3u instead of e3u 
    15 ; note that of both keywords e1 and e2 are acticated we compute e1u * e2u * e3u instead of e3u 
     15; note that of both keywords e1 and e2 are activated we compute e1u * e2u * e3u instead of e3u 
    1717; @returns 
  • trunk/SRC/Computation/

    r454 r493  
    99; @keyword e1 {default=0}{type=scalar: 0 or 1} 
    1010; activate to compute e1v * e3v instead of e3v 
    11 ; note that of both keywords e1 and e2 are acticated we compute e1v * e2v * e3v instead of e3v 
     11; note that of both keywords e1 and e2 are activated we compute e1v * e2v * e3v instead of e3v 
    1313; @keyword e2 {default=0}{type=scalar: 0 or 1} 
    1414; activate to compute e2v * e3v instead of e3v 
    15 ; note that of both keywords e1 and e2 are acticated we compute e1v * e2v * e3v instead of e3v 
     15; note that of both keywords e1 and e2 are activated we compute e1v * e2v * e3v instead of e3v 
    1717; @returns 
  • trunk/SRC/Computation/

    r454 r493  
    99; @keyword e1 {default=0}{type=scalar: 0 or 1} 
    1010; activate to compute e1t * e3w instead of e3w 
    11 ; note that of both keywords e1 and e2 are acticated we compute e1t * e2t * e3w instead of e3w 
     11; note that of both keywords e1 and e2 are activated we compute e1t * e2t * e3w instead of e3w 
    1313; @keyword e2 {default=0}{type=scalar: 0 or 1} 
    1414; activate to compute e2t * e3w instead of e3w 
    15 ; note that of both keywords e1 and e2 are acticated we compute e1t * e2t * e3w instead of e3w 
     15; note that of both keywords e1 and e2 are activated we compute e1t * e2t * e3w instead of e3w 
    1717; @returns 
  • trunk/SRC/Computation/

    r462 r493  
    1313; @param mask2d {in} {type=2D xy array} {optional} {default=1 everywhere} 
    14 ; land/sea (0/1) mask to be applied (in addtion to the 3D mask 
     14; land/sea (0/1) mask to be applied (in addition to the 3D mask 
    1515; of the model) to mask some parts of the domain (and keep for example 
    1616; the northend atlantic). 
    2222; @keyword INDEXBOXZOOM 
    2323; Set this keyword to a named variable in which msf will return the x 
    24 ; and y indexes definig the zoom-box that should be used by pltz to do 
     24; and y indexes defining the zoom-box that should be used by pltz to do 
    2525; the plot (see example) 
    9696  IF total(msk[*, *, nz-1]) NE 0 THEN return, report('The bottom of the box (defined by lastzt) must be set to land value (=0)') 
    9797  IF (total(msk[0, *, *]) NE 0 OR total(msk[nx-1, *, *]) NE 0) AND NOT (keyword_set(key_periodic) AND nx EQ jpi) THEN $ 
    98      return, report('for non-periodic domains, eastern and western bondaries must be land point') 
     98     return, report('for non-periodic domains, eastern and western boundaries must be land point') 
    9999  IF keyword_set(key_partialstep) AND total(msk[*, ny-1, *]) NE 0 THEN flagdata = 1 
  • trunk/SRC/Computation/

    r371 r493  
    259259; We recover the complete grid to establish a big mask extent in the four 
    260260; direction to cover pointsfor which a land point has been 
    261 ; considerated (make a small drawing) 
     261; considerate (make a small drawing) 
    263263      mask = tmask[indice2d+jpi*jpj*firstzt] 
    425425; We recover the complete grid to establish a big mask extent in the four 
    426426; direction to cover pointsfor which a land point has been 
    427 ; considerated (make a small drawing) 
     427; considerate (make a small drawing) 
    429429      mask = tmask[indice2d+jpi*jpj*firstzt] 
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