Changeset 396 for trunk/SRC/ReadWrite

04/08/09 18:14:31 (15 years ago)

bugfix on leapyr calendar with months le 0 or months gt 12 + add true julian day as unit for calendar

2 edited


  • trunk/SRC/ReadWrite/

    r391 r396  
    102102        'units':BEGIN  
    103103          ncdf_attget, cdfid, varid, attname, tmp 
    104           units = strtrim(tmp, 2) 
     104          units = strcompress(strtrim(tmp, 2)) 
    105105        END 
    106106        'calendar':BEGIN  
  • trunk/SRC/ReadWrite/

    r391 r396  
    6262  IF n_elements(cdfid) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN 
    63     cdfid = ncdf_open(isafile(filename, title = 'which file must be open by ncdf_gettime?', IODIRECTORY=iodir, _extra = ex)) 
     63    cdfid = ncdf_open(isafile(filename, title = 'which file must be open by ncdf_gettime?', IODIRECTORY = iodir, _extra = ex)) 
    6464    tobeclosed = 1 
    6565  ENDIF 
     151  value = strlowcase(value) 
     152  IF value NE 'true julian day' THEN BEGIN  
    151153; time_counter:units = "seconds since 0001-01-01 00:00:00" ; 
    152154; time_counter:units = "hours since 0001-01-01 00:00:00" ; 
    157159; we decript the "units" attribute to find the time origin 
    158   value = strtrim(strcompress(string(value)), 2) 
    159   words = str_sep(value, ' ') 
    160   units = words[0] 
    161   units = strlowcase(units) 
    162   IF strpos(units, 's', strlen(units)-1) NE -1 THEN units = strmid(units, 0, strlen(units)-1) 
    163   IF strpos(units, 'julian_') NE -1 THEN units = strmid(units, 7) 
    164   IF units NE 'second' AND units NE 'hour' AND units NE 'day' $ 
    165      AND units NE 'month' AND units NE 'year' THEN BEGIN 
    166     CASE caller OF 
    167       'read_ncdf':err = 'time units does not start with seconds/hours/days/months/years !C Use the TIMESTEP keyword' 
    168       'scanfile':err = 'time units does not start with seconds/hours/days/months/years !C we create a fake calendar ...' 
    169     ENDCASE 
    170     IF keyword_set(tobeclosed) THEN ncdf_close, cdfid 
    171     return, -jpt 
    172   ENDIF 
    173   IF stregex(value, '[^ ]* since ([0-9]){1,4}-([0-9]){1,2}-([0-9]){1,2}.*', /boolean) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN 
    174     CASE caller OF 
    175       'read_ncdf':err = 'attribute units of time has not the good format: [^ ]* since ([0-9]){1,4}-([0-9]){1,2}-([0-9]){1,2}.*!C Use the TIMESTEP keyword' 
    176       'scanfile':err = 'attribute units of time has not the good format: [^ ]* since ([0-9]){1,4}-([0-9]){1,2}-([0-9]){1,2}.*!C we create a fake calendar ...' 
    177     ENDCASE 
    178     IF keyword_set(tobeclosed) THEN ncdf_close, cdfid 
    179     return, -jpt 
    180   ENDIF 
    181   start = str_sep(words[2], '-') 
     160    words = str_sep(value, ' ') 
     161    units = words[0] 
     162    IF strpos(units, 's', strlen(units)-1) NE -1 THEN units = strmid(units, 0, strlen(units)-1) 
     163    IF strpos(units, 'julian_') NE -1 THEN units = strmid(units, 7) 
     164    IF units NE 'second' AND units NE 'hour' AND units NE 'day' $ 
     165       AND units NE 'month' AND units NE 'year' THEN BEGIN 
     166      CASE caller OF 
     167        'read_ncdf':err = 'time units does not start with seconds/hours/days/months/years !C Use the TIMESTEP keyword' 
     168        'scanfile':err = 'time units does not start with seconds/hours/days/months/years !C we create a fake calendar ...' 
     169      ENDCASE 
     170      IF keyword_set(tobeclosed) THEN ncdf_close, cdfid 
     171      return, -jpt 
     172    ENDIF 
     173    IF stregex(value, '[^ ]* since ([0-9]){1,4}-([0-9]){1,2}-([0-9]){1,2}.*', /boolean) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN 
     174      CASE caller OF 
     175        'read_ncdf':err = 'attribute units of time has not the good format: [^ ]* since ([0-9]){1,4}-([0-9]){1,2}-([0-9]){1,2}.*!C Use the TIMESTEP keyword' 
     176        'scanfile':err = 'attribute units of time has not the good format: [^ ]* since ([0-9]){1,4}-([0-9]){1,2}-([0-9]){1,2}.*!C we create a fake calendar ...' 
     177      ENDCASE 
     178      IF keyword_set(tobeclosed) THEN ncdf_close, cdfid 
     179      return, -jpt 
     180    ENDIF 
     181    start = str_sep(words[2], '-') 
     182  ENDIF ELSE units = value 
    183184; compute time axis 
    185186  ncdf_varget, cdfid, timeid, time 
    186187  time = double(time) 
    187   case units of 
     188  case units OF 
     189    'true julian day': 
    188190    'second':time = julday(start[1], start[2], start[0], 0, 0, 0)+time/86400.d 
    189191    'hour':time = julday(start[1], start[2], start[0], 0, 0, 0)+time/24.d 
    191193    'month':BEGIN 
    192194      if total(fix(time) NE time) NE 0 then $ ; we switch to days with 30d/m 
    193          time = julday(start[1], start[2], start[0])+round(time*30) $ 
    194       ELSE for t = 0, n_elements(time)-1 DO $ 
    195          time[t] = julday(start[1]+time[t], start[2], start[0]) 
     195         time = julday(start[1], start[2], start[0], 0, 0, 0) + round(time*30) $ 
     196      ELSE time = julday(start[1]+fix(time), replicate(start[2], jpt), replicate(start[0], jpt), 0, 0, 0) 
    196197    END 
    197198    'year':BEGIN 
    198199      if total(fix(time) NE time) NE 0 then $ ; we switch to days with 365d/y 
    199          time = julday(start[1], start[2], start[0])+round(time*365) $ 
    200       ELSE for t = 0, n_elements(time)-1 do $ 
    201          time[t] = julday(start[1], start[2], start[0]+time[t]) 
     200         time = julday(start[1], start[2], start[0], 0, 0, 0) + round(time*365) $ 
     201      ELSE time = julday(replicate(start[1], jpt), replicate(start[2], jpt), start[0]+fix(time), 0, 0, 0) 
    202202    END 
    203203  ENDCASE 
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