Changeset 372

08/08/08 14:31:53 (16 years ago)

improvements of headers (alignments)

38 edited


  • trunk/SRC/ForOldVersion/

    r371 r372  
    2121; @examples 
    22 ; keep_compatibility, 0 
     23;   IDL> keep_compatibility, 0 
    2425; @history 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/

    r371 r372  
    1010; = 'T', 'W', 'U', 'V' or 'F' 
    1111; the type of point 
    12 ;     that is located in the center of the cell which the click is 
    13 ;     located. default is T type of cell (with corner defined by F 
    14 ;     points). 
     12; that is located in the center of the cell which the click is 
     13; located. default is T type of cell (with corner defined by F 
     14; points). 
    1616; @keyword DRAWCELL 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/

    r325 r372  
    5353; @history 
    54 ;  June 2006: Sebastien Masson (smasson\ 
     54; June 2006: Sebastien Masson (smasson\ 
    5656; @version 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/

    r327 r372  
    4848; @history 
    49 ;  November 2005: Sebastien Masson (smasson\ 
     49; November 2005: Sebastien Masson (smasson\ 
    5151; @version 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/

    r327 r372  
    5151; @history 
    52 ;  November 2005: Sebastien Masson (smasson\ 
    53 ;  March 2006: works for rectangular grids 
     52; November 2005: Sebastien Masson (smasson\ 
     53; March 2006: works for rectangular grids 
    5555; @version 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/

    r371 r372  
    5858; @history 
    59 ;           S. Masson (smasson\ 
    60         July 5th, 2002 
     59; S. Masson (smasson\ 
     60- July 5th, 2002 
    6262; @version 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/

    r371 r372  
    33; @file_comments 
    44; interpolate data from an irregular 2D grid to any 2D grid. 
    5 ;   Only 1 method available = bilinear 
     6; Only 1 method available = bilinear 
    78; @categories 
    4647;          dataout = total(weig*datain[addr], 1) 
    4748;          dataout = reform(dataout, jpio, jpjo, /over) 
    4850; In that case, method, lonin, latin, are not used (but are necessary). 
    4951; lonout, latout are used only to know the output domain size 
    8385; @history 
    84 ;  June 2006: Sebastien Masson (smasson\ 
     86; June 2006: Sebastien Masson (smasson\ 
    8688; @version 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/

    r371 r372  
    33; @file_comments 
    44; interpolate data from a "regular/rectangular grid" to any grid. 
    5 ;   2 methods available: bilinear and imoms3 
    6 ;   A "regular/rectangular grid" is defined as a grid for which  
    7 ; each longitude lines have the same latitude and each latitude columns  
     6; 2 methods available: bilinear and imoms3 
     8; A "regular/rectangular grid" is defined as a grid for which  
     10; Each longitude lines have the same latitude and each latitude columns  
    811; have the same longitude. 
    4245;          dataout = total(weig*datain[addr], 1) 
    4346;          dataout = reform(dataout, jpio, jpjo, /over) 
    4448; In that case, method, lonin, latin, are not used (but are necessary). 
    4549; lonout, latout are used only to know the output domain size 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/

    r371 r372  
    5959; @examples 
    61 ; 1) IDL> ncdf_get_gridparams, '', 'glamt', 'gphit' $ 
     61; 1)  
     63;   IDL> ncdf_get_gridparams, '', 'glamt', 'gphit' $ 
    6264;            , olon, olat, jpio, jpjo, 2 
    64 ; 2) IDL> ncdf_get_gridparams, olon, olat, jpio, jpjo, 2 
     66; 2)  
     68:   IDL> ncdf_get_gridparams, olon, olat, jpio, jpjo, 2 
    6670; @history 
    67 ;  November 2005: Sebastien Masson (smasson\ 
     71; November 2005: Sebastien Masson (smasson\ 
    6973; @version 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/

    r371 r372  
    33; @file_comments 
    4 ; given - a list of points, (x,y) position 
    5 ;       - the x and y limits of a rectangular grid 
     4; given  
     5;  - a list of points, (x,y) position 
     6;  - the x and y limits of a rectangular grid 
    68; find in which cell is located each given point. 
    4850; @history 
    4951; S. Masson (smasson\ 
    50 ; July 3rd, 2002 
    51 ; October 3rd, 2003: use value_locate 
     52;  - July 3rd, 2002 
     53;  - October 3rd, 2003: use value_locate 
    5355; @version 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/

    r371 r372  
    44; warm (or map) an arbitrary quadrilateral onto a unit square 
    55; according to the 4-point correspondences: 
    6 ;       (x0,y0) -> (0,0) 
    7 ;       (x1,y1) -> (1,0) 
    8 ;       (x2,y2) -> (1,1) 
    9 ;       (x3,y3) -> (0,1) 
     6;  - (x0,y0) -> (0,0) 
     7;  - (x1,y1) -> (1,0) 
     8;  - (x2,y2) -> (1,1) 
     9;  - (x3,y3) -> (0,1) 
    1011; This is the inverse function of <pro>square2quadrilateral</pro>. 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/

    r371 r372  
    3232; @returns 
    33 ;    y2: f'(x2) = y2. 
     33; y2: f'(x2) = y2. 
    3535; @history 
    36 ;  Sebastien Masson (smasson\ May 2005 
     36; Sebastien Masson (smasson\ May 2005 
    3838; @version 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/

    r371 r372  
    4747; @examples 
    49 ;    12 monthly values of precipitations into daily values: 
     49; 12 monthly values of precipitations into daily values: 
    5151;   IDL> yr1 = 1990 
    6969; @history 
    70 ;  Sebastien Masson (smasson\ May 2005 
     70; Sebastien Masson (smasson\ May 2005 
    7272; @version 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/

    r371 r372  
    44; warm (or map) a unit square onto an arbitrary quadrilateral 
    55; according to the 4-point correspondences: 
    6 ;       (0,0) -> (x0,y0) 
    7 ;       (1,0) -> (x1,y1) 
    8 ;       (1,1) -> (x2,y2) 
    9 ;       (0,1) -> (x3,y3) 
     6;  - (0,0) -> (x0,y0) 
     7;  - (1,0) -> (x1,y1) 
     8;  - (1,1) -> (x2,y2) 
     9;  - (0,1) -> (x3,y3) 
    1011; The mapping is done using perspective transformation which preserve 
    1112; lines in all orientations and permit quadrilateral to quadrilateral 
    6061; @history 
    61 ;      Sebastien Masson (smasson\ 
    62 ;      August 2003 
    63 ;      Based on "Digital Image Warping" by G. Wolberg 
    64 ;      IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, California 
    65 ;      Chapter 3, see p 52-56 
    66 ; 
     62; Sebastien Masson (smasson\ 
     63;  - August 2003 
     64;    Based on "Digital Image Warping" by G. Wolberg 
     65;    IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, California 
     66;    Chapter 3, see p 52-56 
    6868; @version 
  • trunk/SRC/Matrix/

    r325 r372  
    77; "first" value, whatever that may mean. 
    9 ; @todo seb 
     9; @todo 
     10; seb 
  • trunk/SRC/Matrix/

    r371 r372  
    99; @param a {in}{required} 
    1010; arrays of positive integers, which need 
    11 ;               not be sorted. Duplicate elements are ignored, as they have no 
    12 ;               effect on the result 
     11; not be sorted. Duplicate elements are ignored, as they have no 
     12; effect on the result 
    1414; @param b {in}{required} 
  • trunk/SRC/Matrix/

    r371 r372  
    3737; @param index1 {in}{required} 
    3838; can have 2 forms: 
    39 ; 1)a vector containing indexes of lines we want to keep 
    40 ; 2)the string '*' if we want to keep all lines. 
     40;  1) a vector containing indexes of lines we want to keep 
     41;  2) the string '*' if we want to keep all lines. 
    4243; @param index2 {in}{required} 
    5152; @returns 
    52 ; a matrix 1,2,3 or 4d extract from input array 
     53; a matrix 1d, 2d, 3d or 4d extract from input array 
    5354; -1 in case of mistake 
    6364; other ex: 
     65;   IDL> a=[['a','b','c'],['d','e','f'],['g','h','i']] 
    6466;   IDL> print, a 
    6567; a b c 
    7274; @history 
    7375; Sebastien Masson (smasson\ 
    74                     12/1/1999 
    75                     29/4/1999: correction of a bug and complement of the heading 
     76- 12/1/1999 
     77- 29/4/1999: correction of a bug and complement of the heading 
    7779; @version 
  • trunk/SRC/Matrix/

    r325 r372  
    4848; @examples 
    49 ;           names = [ 'Alfred','Anton','Peter','John','Mary'] 
    50 ;           index = MAKE_SELECTION(names,['Peter','Mary']) 
    51 ;           print,index 
    52 ;           ; prints  2  4 
    54 ;           vals = indgen(20) 
    55 ;           index = MAKE_SELECTION(vals,[9,-5,8,7,7,8,9]) 
    56 ;           print,index 
    57 ;           ; prints  9  -1  8  7  7  8  9 
     50;   IDL> names = [ 'Alfred','Anton','Peter','John','Mary'] 
     51;   IDL> index = MAKE_SELECTION(names,['Peter','Mary']) 
     52;   IDL> print,index 
     53;   2  4 
    59 ;           index = MAKE_SELECTION(vals,[9,-5,8,7,7,8,9],/ONLY_VALID) 
    60 ;           print,index 
    61 ;           ; prints  9  8  7  7  8  9 
     55;   IDL> vals = indgen(20) 
     56;   IDL> index = MAKE_SELECTION(vals,[9,-5,8,7,7,8,9]) 
     57;   IDL> print,index 
     58;   9  -1  8  7  7  8  9 
    63 ;           index = MAKE_SELECTION(vals,[9,-5,8,7,7,8,9],/REQUIRED) 
    64 ;           print,index 
    65 ;           ; prints  -1 
     60;   IDL> index = MAKE_SELECTION(vals,[9,-5,8,7,7,8,9],/ONLY_VALID) 
     61;   IDL> print,index 
     62;   9  8  7  7  8  9 
     64;   IDL> index = MAKE_SELECTION(vals,[9,-5,8,7,7,8,9],/REQUIRED) 
     65;   IDL> print,index 
     66;   -1 
     68;   IDL> index = MAKE_SELECTION(vals,[9,-5,8,7,7,8,9],/REQUIRED,/QUIET) 
     69;   % MAKE_SELECTION: Selected name not found in names array (-5)! 
     70;   IDL> print,index 
     71;   -1 
    6773; @history 
  • trunk/SRC/Matrix/

    r371 r372  
    99; @param a {in}{required} 
    1010; arrays of positive integers, which need 
    11 ;               not be sorted. Duplicate elements are ignored, as they have no 
    12 ;               effect on the result 
     11; not be sorted. Duplicate elements are ignored, as they have no 
     12; effect on the result 
    1414; @param b {in}{required}  
  • trunk/SRC/ReadWrite/

    r371 r372  
    6060; @keyword _EXTRA 
    61 ; defined only to be able to call ncdf_getatt with the _extra keyword 
     61; defined only to be able to call <pro>ncdf_getatt</pro> with the  
     62; _EXTRA keyword 
    6364; @examples 
  • trunk/SRC/ReadWrite/

    r371 r372  
    1111; the full path) to be opened (in that case, the file will be opened 
    1212; and closed within ncdf_getmask). 
    1314; if fileid is a scalar then it is the id of the file return by a call 
    1415; to ncdf_open outside of ncdf_getmask (in that case, the file will 
    1718; @keyword ADDSCL_BEFORE {default=0}{type=scalar: 0 or 1} 
    18 ; put 1 to apply add_offset ad scale factor on data before looking for 
     19; put 1 to apply add_offset and scale factor on data before looking for 
    1920; missing values when using USEASMASK keyword 
    4647; mask. The test is performed on the variable specified by USEASMASK 
    4748; keyword. 
    4850; TESTOP can contain 1 or 2 words. The first word is the operator 
    4951; definition: "EQ" "NE" "GE" "GT" "LE" "LT" (default is NE). The 
  • trunk/SRC/ReadWrite/

    r327 r372  
    1010; It contains the filename, 
    12 ; @keyword ZERO to put 0 on land instead of negatives values for the islands. 
     12; @keyword ZERO 
     13; to put 0 on land instead of negatives values for the islands. 
    1415; @returns 
    1819; Sebastien Masson (smasson\ 
    1920;                      May 31, 2002 
    20 ;    based on, written by Maurice Imbard, March 17, 1998 
     21; based on, written by Maurice Imbard, March 17, 1998 
    2223; @version 
  • trunk/SRC/ReadWrite/

    r327 r372  
    44; read the old binary direct access file that contains the 
    55; distance to the coast in OPA. 
    67; based on the OPA subroutines dtacof and parctl 
  • trunk/SRC/Textoidl/

    r325 r372  
    3232; @examples 
    33 ;       out = TeXtoIDL('\Gamma^2 + 5N_{ed}') 
    34 ;       The string out may be used in XYOUTS or other IDL text 
    35 ;       display routines.  It will be an uppercase Gamma, with an 
    36 ;       exponent of 2, then a plus sign, then an N with the subscript 
    37 ;       ed. 
     34;   IDL> out = TeXtoIDL('\Gamma^2 + 5N_{ed}') 
     36; The string out may be used in XYOUTS or other IDL text 
     37; display routines.  It will be an uppercase Gamma, with an 
     38; exponent of 2, then a plus sign, then an N with the subscript 
     39; "ed". 
    3941; @history 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/STRING/

    r370 r372  
    44; In a string containing an order to execute with EXECUTE by example. 
    55; We change the value of one of keywords. 
    6 ; More generally, in a string, we look for the character chain: ', keywdname= ..., 
    7 ; and we change the value of... 
     7; More generally, in a string, we look for the character  
     8; chain: ', keywdname= ..., and we change the value of... 
    910; @categories 
    4647; @restrictions 
    47 ; Beware, this function has loops, ifs ad cases everywhere. So it can 
     48; Beware, this function has loops, ifs and cases everywhere. So it can 
    4849; not be used by big keywords (with a lot of elements which are big 
    4950; arrays). The input keyword must not contain Complex floatings, structure, 
    6970; @history 
    7071; Sebastien Masson (smasson\ 
    71                     18/10/1999 
    72                     24/11/1999: adaptation for keywords starting by / 
     72- 18/10/1999 
     73- 24/11/1999: adaptation for keywords starting by / 
    7475; @version 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/STRING/

    r358 r372  
    2929; @history 
    30 ;       R. Sterner, 20 Mar, 1990 
    31 ;       R. Sterner, 1999 Apr 14 --- Added LINES=n keyword. 
    32 ;       R. Sterner, 2003 Aug 29 --- Automatic lines if IDL 5.6+. 
    33 ;       R. Sterner, 2003 Sep 02 --- Check if file exists first. 
    34 ;       R. Sterner, 2003 Sep 04 --- Fixed error in number of lines in file. 
    35 ;       R. Sterner, 2003 Oct 10 --- Fixed error when no lines. 
    36 ;       R. Sterner, 2004 Jan 27 --- Fixed to work in IDL as old as vers 4. 
     30;  - R. Sterner, 20 Mar, 1990 
     31;  - R. Sterner, 1999 Apr 14 --- Added LINES=n keyword. 
     32;  - R. Sterner, 2003 Aug 29 --- Automatic lines if IDL 5.6+. 
     33;  - R. Sterner, 2003 Sep 02 --- Check if file exists first. 
     34;  - R. Sterner, 2003 Sep 04 --- Fixed error in number of lines in file. 
     35;  - R. Sterner, 2003 Oct 10 --- Fixed error when no lines. 
     36;  - R. Sterner, 2004 Jan 27 --- Fixed to work in IDL as old as vers 4. 
     37;  - S. Masson (smasson\ 4 Feb 2002 
    38 ;       S. Masson (smasson\ 4 Feb 2002 
    3939;       search the file in the all !path directories (use <pro>find</pro>) 
    4040;       when using /find keyword. Use <proidl>SPAWN</proidl>, 'cat...' for  
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/STRING/

    r325 r372  
    1919; @keyword LOCATION 
    20 ; = l.  Return word n string location. 
     20; = l. Return word n string location. 
    2222; @keyword DELIMITER 
    5151; @history 
    52 ;       Ray Sterner,  6 Jan, 1985. 
    53 ;       R. Sterner, Fall 1989 --- converted to SUN. 
    54 ;       R. Sterner, Jan 1990 --- added delimiter. 
    55 ;       R. Sterner, 18 Mar, 1990 --- added /LAST. 
    56 ;       R. Sterner, 31 Jan, 1991 --- added /NOTRIM. 
    57 ;       R. Sterner, 20 May, 1991 --- Added common and NULL string. 
    58 ;       R. Sterner, 13 Dec, 1992 --- Made tabs equivalent to spaces. 
    59 ;       R. Sterner,  4 Jan, 1993 --- Added NWORDS keyword. 
    60 ;       R. Sterner, 2001 Jan 15 --- Fixed to use first element if not a scalar. 
    61 ;       Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. 
     52;  - Ray Sterner,  6 Jan, 1985. 
     53;  - R. Sterner, Fall 1989 --- converted to SUN. 
     54;  - R. Sterner, Jan 1990 --- added delimiter. 
     55;  - R. Sterner, 18 Mar, 1990 --- added /LAST. 
     56;  - R. Sterner, 31 Jan, 1991 --- added /NOTRIM. 
     57;  - R. Sterner, 20 May, 1991 --- Added common and NULL string. 
     58;  - R. Sterner, 13 Dec, 1992 --- Made tabs equivalent to spaces. 
     59;  - R. Sterner,  4 Jan, 1993 --- Added NWORDS keyword. 
     60;  - R. Sterner, 2001 Jan 15 --- Fixed to use first element if not a scalar. 
    6362; Copyright (C) 1985, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/STRING/

    r325 r372  
    2424; @history 
    25 ;       R. Sterner.  15 Oct, 1986. 
    26 ;       Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab. 
    27 ;       R. Sterner, 12 Mar, 1990 --- upgraded. 
    28 ;       Richard Garrett, 14 June, 1992 --- fixed bug in returned float value. 
    29 ;       R. Sterner, 1999 Nov 30 --- Fixed a bug found by Kristian Kjaer, Denmark 
     25;  - R. Sterner.  15 Oct, 1986. Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab. 
     26;  - R. Sterner, 12 Mar, 1990 --- upgraded. 
     27;  - Richard Garrett, 14 June, 1992 --- fixed bug in returned float value. 
     28;  - R. Sterner, 1999 Nov 30 --- Fixed a bug found by Kristian Kjaer, Denmark 
    3130; Copyright (C) 1986, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/STRING/

    r325 r372  
    1111; @keyword DELIMITER 
    12 ; = d.  Set delimiter character (def = space). 
     12; = d. Set delimiter character (def = space). 
    1414; @keyword HELP 
    1919; @restrictions 
    20 ; See also getwrd. 
     20; See also <pro>getwrd</pro> 
    2222; @history 
    23 ;       R. Sterner,  7 Feb, 1985. 
    24 ;       Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. 
    25 ;       RES 4 Sep, 1989 --- converted to SUN. 
     23;  - R. Sterner,  7 Feb, 1985. Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. 
     24;  - RES 4 Sep, 1989 --- converted to SUN. 
    2726; Copyright (C) 1985, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/STRING/

    r325 r372  
    1717; @history 
    18     R. Sterner, 20 Mar, 1990 
    19     R. Sterner,  4 Nov, 1992 --- allowed scalar strings. 
     18- R. Sterner, 20 Mar, 1990 
     19- R. Sterner,  4 Nov, 1992 --- allowed scalar strings. 
    2121; Copyright (C) 1990, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/STRING/

    r325 r372  
    3939; the current graphics window, type this: 
    41 ;   XYOUTS, 0.5, 0.5, ALIGN=0.5, "Happy Holidays", $ 
    42 ;   CHARSIZE=STR_SIZE("Happy Holidays", 0.3) 
     41;   IDL> XYOUTS, 0.5, 0.5, ALIGN=0.5, "Happy Holidays", $ 
     42;        CHARSIZE=STR_SIZE("Happy Holidays", 0.3) 
    4444; @history 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/STRING/

    r325 r372  
    66; @categories 
    7 ; 
    98; @keyword _EXTRA 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/STRING/

    r371 r372  
    1717; @restrictions 
    18 ; If an element of the structure contain an array, it will be convert in a vector. 
     18; If an element of the structure contain an array, it will be convert in a  
     19; vector. 
    2021; @restrictions 
    21 ; Beware, this function has loops, ifs ad cases everywhere. So it can  
     22; Beware, this function has loops, ifs and cases everywhere. So it can  
    2223; not be used by big keywords (with a lot of elements which are big  
    2324; arrays). The input keyword must not contain Complex floatings, structure,  
    2728; @examples 
    29 ; We create a structure 
     30; We create a structure: 
    3031;   IDL> b=get_extra(ok=111, year=[1997,1998,1999], age_capitaine=35) 
    3132;   IDL> help, b,/struct 
    3536;          YEAR            INT       Array[3] 
    37 ; We put this structure as a string 
     38; We put this structure as a string: 
    3839;   IDL> a=strkeywd(b) 
    3940;   IDL> print, a 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/STRING/

    r325 r372  
    33; @file_comments 
    4 ; Given a number, returns a string of that          B 
     4; Given a number, returns a string of that B 
    55; number in scientific notation format ( e.g. A x 10  ) 
    4040; @examples 
    41 ;        Result = STRSCI( 2000000, format='(i1)' ) 
    42 ;        print, result                 
    43 ;        ;                                                     6 
    44 ;        ;     prints 2 x 10!u6!n, which gets plotted as 2 x 10  
     42;   IDL> Result = STRSCI( 2000000, format='(i1)' ) 
     43;   IDL> print, result                 
     44;   2 x 10!u6!n 
     46; which gets plotted as 2 x 10  
    46 ;        Result = STRSCI( -0.0001 ) 
    47 ;        print, result 
    48 ;        ;                                                            4 
    49 ;        ;     prints -1.00 x 10!u-4!n, which gets plotted as 1.00 x 10 
     48;   IDL> Result = STRSCI( -0.0001 ) 
     49;   IDL> print, result 
     50;   -1.00 x 10!u-4!n 
    51 ;        Result = STRSCI( 0d0, format='(f13.8)' ) 
    52 ;        print, result 
    53 ;        ; 
    54 ;        ;     prints, 0.00000000 
     52; which gets plotted as 1.00 x 10 
     54;   IDL> Result = STRSCI( 0d0, format='(f13.8)' ) 
     55;   IDL> print, result 
     56;   0.00000000 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/STRING/

    r371 r372  
    1919; @keyword FOLD_CASE 
    20 ; Indicates that the regular expression matching should be done in a case-insensitive fashion. 
     20; Indicates that the regular expression matching should be done in  
     21; a case-insensitive fashion. 
    2223; @returns 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/STRING/

    r325 r372  
    3030; @examples 
    31 ;       If old is 'foo44 bar', then strtok( old, '44' ) would return 
    32 ;       'foo', and upon return, old will be left with ' bar'.  If /TRIM 
    33 ;       were set, old would be 'bar' on return. 
     31; If old is 'foo44 bar', then strtok( old, '44' ) would return 
     32; 'foo', and upon return, old will be left with ' bar'.  If /TRIM 
     33; were set, old would be 'bar' on return. 
    35 ;       If old='xyz', then new=strtok(old,'a') would return with 
    36 ;       new='xyz' and old=''. 
     35; If old='xyz', then new=strtok(old,'a') would return with 
     36; new='xyz' and old=''. 
    3838; @history 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/STRING/

    r371 r372  
    1010; input can not contain or be of the type of: 
    12 ;   Complex floating, structure, Double-precision complex, Pointer, Object 
    13 ;   reference, Unsigned Integer, Unsigned Longword Integer, 64-bit 
    14 ;   Integer, Unsigned 64-bit Integer     
     12; Complex floating, structure, Double-precision complex, Pointer, Object 
     13; reference, Unsigned Integer, Unsigned Longword Integer, 64-bit 
     14; Integer, Unsigned 64-bit Integer       
    1616; @returns 
    2222; @restrictions 
    23 ; Beware, this function has loops, ifs ad cases everywhere. So it can  
     23; Beware, this function has loops, ifs and cases everywhere. So it can  
    2424; not be used by big keywords (with a lot of elements which are big  
    2525; arrays). 
  • trunk/SRC/Utilities/

    r371 r372  
    6868; we separate the text in different lines (separated by !C) if it is not already done... 
    6969  if n_elements(textin) EQ 1 then text = '% ' + str_sep(textin, '!C', /trim) ELSE text = '% ' + textin 
    70 ; we get the line, routine name ad revision version 
     70; we get the line, routine name and revision version 
    7171  IF NOT keyword_set(simple) THEN BEGIN 
    7272;    Look for the revsion in the code of the procedure/function calling this  
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