Changeset 371 for trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed

08/07/08 11:32:02 (16 years ago)

improvements of headers (alignments of IDL prompt in examples)

37 edited


  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/CALCULS/

    r370 r371  
    2727; @examples 
    28 ;    IDL> a=(jpk-1)/(1.*jpi*jpj)*findgen(jpi,jpj) 
    29 ;    IDL> plt, 1e6*(a-floatlevel2depth(depth2floatlevel(a))),/nocontour 
     29;   IDL> a=(jpk-1)/(1.*jpi*jpj)*findgen(jpi,jpj) 
     30;   IDL> plt, 1e6*(a-floatlevel2depth(depth2floatlevel(a))),/nocontour 
    3132;  ->champ nul a 1e-6 pres 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/CALCULS/

    r325 r371  
    2828; @examples 
    29 ; IDL> a=findgen(2,2,5) 
    30 ; IDL> print, determ2(a) 
    31 ; IDL> FOR i=0,4 DO print, determ(a[*,*,i]) 
     30;   IDL> a=findgen(2,2,5) 
     31;   IDL> print, determ2(a) 
     32;   IDL> FOR i=0,4 DO print, determ(a[*,*,i]) 
    3334; @history 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/CALCULS/

    r231 r371  
    4949; @examples 
    50 ; a=findgen(3,3,5) 
    51 ; print, determ3(a^2) 
    52 ; FOR i=0,4 DO print, determ((a[*,*,i])^2) ; IDL solution 
     51;   IDL> a=findgen(3,3,5) 
     52;   IDL> print, determ3(a^2) 
     53;   IDL> FOR i=0,4 DO print, determ((a[*,*,i])^2) 
    5455; @history 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/CALCULS/

    r370 r371  
    2222; @examples 
    23 ;    IDL> a=gdept[jpk-1]/(1.*jpi*jpj)*findgen(jpi,jpj) 
    24 ;    IDL> plt, 1e6*(a-floatlevel2depth(depth2floatlevel(a))),/nocontour 
     23;   IDL> a=gdept[jpk-1]/(1.*jpi*jpj)*findgen(jpi,jpj) 
     24;   IDL> plt, 1e6*(a-floatlevel2depth(depth2floatlevel(a))),/nocontour 
    2626;  ->null field at 1e-6 pres 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/GRILLE/

    r327 r371  
    8989; @uses 
    90 ; cm_4mesh 
    91 ; cm_4data 
     90; <pro>cm_4mesh</pro> 
     91; <pro>cm_4data</pro> 
    9393; @restrictions 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/GRILLE/

    r370 r371  
    3939; @examples 
    41 IDL> plt,indgen(jpi,jpj),/nocontour,/nofill 
    42 IDL> vargrid='T' 
    43 IDL> tracegrille,/ocean,color=20 
    44 IDL> tracegrille,/earth,color=80 
     41 IDL> plt,indgen(jpi,jpj),/nocontour,/nofill 
     42 IDL> vargrid='T' 
     43 IDL> tracegrille,/ocean,color=20 
     44 IDL> tracegrille,/earth,color=80 
    4646; @history 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/HOPE/

    r370 r371  
    286286; @examples 
    288 ;     IDL> a=read_hope('xy','ocpt',filename='') 
    289 ;     IDL> help, a,/struct 
     288;   IDL> a=read_hope('xy','ocpt',filename='') 
     289;   IDL> help, a,/struct 
    290290;     ** Structure <82ec344>, 6 tags, length=1860176, refs=1: 
    291291;        ARRAY           FLOAT     Array[128, 242, 15] 
    295295;        GRID            STRING    'T' 
    296296;        HOPEGRID        STRUCT    -> <Anonymous> Array[1] 
    297 ;     IDL> help, a.hopegrid,/struct 
     297;   IDL> help, a.hopegrid,/struct 
    298298;     ** Structure <82eb9cc>, 8 tags, length=1588, refs=2: 
    299299;        XAXIS           FLOAT     Array[128] 
    305305;        LINETYPE        STRING    'odd-even' 
    306306;        PTTYPE          STRING    'T' 
    307 ;     IDL> help, litchamp(a) 
     307;   IDL> help, litchamp(a) 
    308308;     <Expression>    FLOAT     = Array[128, 242, 15] 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/IMAGE/

    r370 r371  
    1616; @restrictions 
    1717; We use the Z buffer to go faster!. 
    18 ;              So, if it failed in animgif, you have to do: 
    19 ;              IDL> device, /close 
    20 ;              IDL> set_plot, 'x' 
    21 ;              IDL> retall 
     18; So, if it failed in animgif, you have to do: 
     19;   IDL> device, /close 
     20;   IDL> set_plot, 'x' 
     21;   IDL> retall 
    2323; If we want to delete the \@common, 
    24 ;               we have to define manually the picture's size 
    25 ;               (variables xsize and ysize) just as iodir. 
     24; we have to define manually the picture's size 
     25; (variables xsize and ysize) just as iodir. 
    2727; @history 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/INIT/

    r370 r371  
    4444; @examples 
    45 ; IDL> initncdf,'',glam=[-180,180] 
     46;   IDL> initncdf,'',glam=[-180,180] 
    4748; @history 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/LECTURE/GRIB/

    r325 r371  
    3333; @examples 
    34 ; IDL> tablename='ectab_128' 
     35;   IDL> tablename='ectab_128' 
    3637; @history 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/LECTURE/

    r325 r371  
    1212; @examples 
    1314;   Binary representation of 11b: 
    14 ;     IDL> print, binary(11b) 
     15;   IDL> print, binary(11b) 
    1516;     0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 
    1618;   Binary representation of pi (x86: Little-endian IEEE representation): 
    17 ;     IDL> print, format='(z9.8,5x,4(1x,8i1))', long(!pi,0), binary(!pi) 
     19;   IDL> print, format='(z9.8,5x,4(1x,8i1))', long(!pi,0), binary(!pi) 
    1820;      40490fdb      01000000 01001001 00001111 11011011 (x86 Linux) 
    1921;      0fdb4149      00001111 11011011 01000001 01001001 (Alpha OpenVMS) 
    20 ;     IDL> print, format='(8(1x,8i0))', binary(!dpi) 
     22;   IDL> print, format='(8(1x,8i0))', binary(!dpi) 
    2123;      01000000 00001001 00100001 11111011 01010100 01000100 00101101 00011000 
    2225;   Some first tests before type double was added: 
    23 ;     print, format='(2a6,4x,2z9.8,4x,8z3.2)', $ 
     26;   IDL> print, format='(2a6,4x,2z9.8,4x,8z3.2)', $ 
    2427;       !version.arch, !version.os, long(!dpi,0,2), byte(!dpi,0,8) 
    2528;       x86 linux     54442d18 400921fb     18 2d 44 54 fb 21 09 40 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/LECTURE/

    r325 r371  
    2727; @examples 
    29 ;     IDL> a=indgen(5) 
    30 ;     IDL> b=binary(a) 
    31 ;     IDL> help, b 
     29;   IDL> a=indgen(5) 
     30;   IDL> b=binary(a) 
     31;   IDL> help, b 
    3232;     B               BYTE      = Array[8, 2, 5] 
    33 ;     IDL> print, b 
     33;   IDL> print, b 
    3434;        0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0 
    3535;        0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0 
    4646;        0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0 
    4747;        0   0   0   0   0   1   0   0 
    48 ;     IDL> help, inverse_binary(b) 
     48;   IDL> help, inverse_binary(b) 
    4949;     <Expression>    INT       = Array[5] 
    50 ;     IDL> print, inverse_binary(b) 
     50;   IDL> print, inverse_binary(b) 
    5151;            0       1       2       3       4 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/LECTURE/

    r370 r371  
    7979; @examples 
    81 ;    IDL> print, vargrid,', ', varname,', ', varunit,', ', vardate,', ', varexp 
     81;   IDL> print, vargrid,', ', varname,', ', varunit,', ', vardate,', ', varexp 
    8282;    T,  ,  , 0, 
    83 ;    IDL> help, litchamp({a:indgen(5), u:'C', name:'toto'}) 
     83;   IDL> help, litchamp({a:indgen(5), u:'C', name:'toto'}) 
    8484;    <Expression>    INT       = Array[5] 
    85 ;    IDL> print, vargrid,', ', varname,', ', varunit,', ', vardate,', ', varexp 
     85;   IDL> print, vargrid,', ', varname,', ', varunit,', ', vardate,', ', varexp 
    8686;    T, toto, C, 0, 
    87 ;    IDL> help, litchamp({a:indgen(5), da:'1999'}) 
     87;   IDL> help, litchamp({a:indgen(5), da:'1999'}) 
    8888;    <Expression>    INT       = Array[5] 
    89 ;    IDL> print, vargrid,', ', varname,', ', varunit,', ', vardate,', ', varexp 
     89;   IDL> print, vargrid,', ', varname,', ', varunit,', ', vardate,', ', varexp 
    9090;    T, toto, C, 1999, 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/LECTURE/

    r325 r371  
    143143;    in the current working directory: 
    145 ;    IDL> files = string(lindgen(10)+50,format='(%"MGB370.%3.3d.gz")') 
    146 ;    IDL> READ_FTP, '', files,  $ 
    147 ;    IDL>       'pub/sea_surface_height/topex_poseidon/mgdrb/data/MGB_370', /FILE 
    148 ;    IDL> spawn,'dir MGB*',/log_output 
     145;   IDL> files = string(lindgen(10)+50,format='(%"MGB370.%3.3d.gz")') 
     146;   IDL> READ_FTP, '', files,  $ 
     147;   IDL>       'pub/sea_surface_height/topex_poseidon/mgdrb/data/MGB_370', /FILE 
     148;   IDL> spawn,'dir MGB*',/log_output 
    149149;     Volume in drive C is Local Disk 
    150150;     Volume Serial Number is 34CE-24DF 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/LECTURE/

    r370 r371  
    5757; @examples 
    58 ; IDL> help, xncdf_lec() 
     59;   IDL> help, xncdf_lec() 
    6061; @history 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/MATRICE/

    r327 r371  
    5757; @examples 
    58 ; IDL> print, colle(replicate(1,2,2,2),indgen(2,2,2),2) 
     59;   IDL> print, colle(replicate(1,2,2,2),indgen(2,2,2),2) 
    5960;                1       1 
    6061;                1       1 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/DESSINE/

    r370 r371  
    106106;          map = [0, (lon1+lon2)/2., 0] 
    107107; Comment: A good way to choose the type of the projection we want to do is to have a look at IDL demo: 
    108 ; IDL> demo 
     108;   IDL> demo 
    109109; Then choose "Mapping" and "Global Mapping Demo" 
    110110; Comment2: By default it is a cylindrical projection which is done (with or without the keyword map). 
    111111; If we want an other projection, MAP must be activated and we have to add the keyword: /nom_projection. 
    112112; For example, for a polar projection centered on the south pole: 
    113 ; IDL> domdef,-180,180,-90,-45 
    114 ; IDL> plt, tab, /stereo,map=[-90,0,0] 
     113;   IDL> domdef,-180,180,-90,-45 
     114;   IDL> plt, tab, /stereo,map=[-90,0,0] 
    116116; @keyword LABMAP {default=labmap=1} 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/DESSINE/

    r327 r371  
    6565; @examples 
    66 ; IDL> tvplus, dist(100) 
     66;   IDL> tvplus, dist(100) 
    6868; @history 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/DESSINE/

    r327 r371  
    7777; @examples 
    78 ; IDL> tvplus, dist(100) 
     79;   IDL> tvplus, dist(100) 
    8081; @history 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/DIVERS/

    r370 r371  
    3737;          map = [0, (lon1+lon2)/2., 0] 
    3838; Comment 1: A good way to choose the type of the projection we want to do is to have a look at IDL demo: 
    39 ; IDL> demo 
     39;   IDL> demo 
    4040; Then choose "Mapping" and "Global Mapping Demo" 
    4141; Comment 2: By default it is a cylindrical projection which is effectuated (with or without the keyword map). 
    4242; If we want an other projection, MAP must be activated and we have to add the keyword: /nom_projection. 
    4343; For example, for a polar projection centered on the south pole: 
    44 ; IDL> domdef,-180,180,-90,-45 
    45 ; IDL> plt, tab, /stereo,map=[-90,0,0] 
     44;   IDL> domdef,-180,180,-90,-45 
     45;   IDL> plt, tab, /stereo,map=[-90,0,0] 
    4747; @keyword NOCOLORBAR 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/LABEL/

    r369 r371  
    5353; For example, to plot from Jan 1, 1993, to July 12, 1994: 
    55 IDL> Start_date = julday(1, 1, 1993) 
    56 IDL> End_date = julday(7, 12, 1994) 
    57 IDL> ; Simple mm/dd 
    58 IDL> Dummy = LABEL_DATE(DATE_FORMAT='%N/%D') 
    59 IDL> ;Time axis 
    60 IDL> x = findgen(end_date+1 - start_date) + start_date 
    61 IDL> ; Plot with X axis style set to exact 
    62 IDL> PLOT, x, sqrt(x), XTICKFORMAT = 'LABEL_DATE', XSTYLE=1 
     55 IDL> Start_date = julday(1, 1, 1993) 
     56 IDL> End_date = julday(7, 12, 1994) 
     57 IDL> ; Simple mm/dd 
     58 IDL> Dummy = LABEL_DATE(DATE_FORMAT='%N/%D') 
     59 IDL> ;Time axis 
     60 IDL> x = findgen(end_date+1 - start_date) + start_date 
     61 IDL> ; Plot with X axis style set to exact 
     62 IDL> PLOT, x, sqrt(x), XTICKFORMAT = 'LABEL_DATE', XSTYLE=1 
    6464; Example with times: 
    6666; For example, to plot from 3PM, Jan 1, 1993, to 5AM, Jan 3, 1993: 
    68 IDL> ; Also starting offset 
    69 IDL> Start_date = Julday(1,1,1993) 
    70 IDL> ; Starting_time less offset 
    71 IDL> Start_time = (3+12)/24. 
    72 IDL> End_time = (Julday(1,3,1993) - Start_date) + 5./24. 
    73 IDL> ; Ending date/time - offset, note that the order of operations is 
    74 IDL> ; important to avoid loss of precision 
    75 IDL> ; MMM NN <new line> HH:MM format 
    76 IDL> Dummy = LABEL_DATE(DATE_FORMAT='%D %M!C%H:%I', offset=Start_date) 
    77 IDL> ;Time axis 
    78 IDL> x = findgen(20) * (End_time - Start_time) / 19 + start_time 
    79 IDL> PLOT, x, sqrt(x), XTICKFORMAT = 'LABEL_DATE', XSTYLE=1 
     68 IDL> ; Also starting offset 
     69 IDL> Start_date = Julday(1,1,1993) 
     70 IDL> ; Starting_time less offset 
     71 IDL> Start_time = (3+12)/24. 
     72 IDL> End_time = (Julday(1,3,1993) - Start_date) + 5./24. 
     73 IDL> ; Ending date/time - offset, note that the order of operations is 
     74 IDL> ; important to avoid loss of precision 
     75 IDL> ; MMM NN <new line> HH:MM format 
     76 IDL> Dummy = LABEL_DATE(DATE_FORMAT='%D %M!C%H:%I', offset=Start_date) 
     77 IDL> ;Time axis 
     78 IDL> x = findgen(20) * (End_time - Start_time) / 19 + start_time 
     79 IDL> PLOT, x, sqrt(x), XTICKFORMAT = 'LABEL_DATE', XSTYLE=1 
    8181; @history 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/STATISTICS/

    r342 r371  
    100100; @examples 
    101102; Define an n-element sample population. 
    102 ; IDL> x = [3.73, 3.67, 3.77, 3.83, 4.67, 5.87, 6.70, 6.97, 6.40, 5.57] 
     103;   IDL> x = [3.73, 3.67, 3.77, 3.83, 4.67, 5.87, 6.70, 6.97, 6.40, 5.57] 
    104105; Compute the autocorrelation of X for LAG = -3, 0, 1, 3, 4, 8 
    105 ; IDL> lag = [-3, 0, 1, 3, 4, 8] 
    106 ; IDL> result = a_correlate(x, lag) 
     106;   IDL> lag = [-3, 0, 1, 3, 4, 8] 
     107;   IDL> result = a_correlate(x, lag) 
    108109; The result should be: 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/STATISTICS/

    r327 r371  
    9090; Define two n-elements sample populations. 
    91 ; IDL> x = [3.73, 3.67, 3.77, 3.83, 4.67, 5.87, 6.70, 6.97, 6.40, 5.57] 
    92 ; IDL> y = [2.31, 2.76, 3.02, 3.13, 3.72, 3.88, 3.97, 4.39, 4.34, 3.95] 
     91;   IDL> x = [3.73, 3.67, 3.77, 3.83, 4.67, 5.87, 6.70, 6.97, 6.40, 5.57] 
     92;   IDL> y = [2.31, 2.76, 3.02, 3.13, 3.72, 3.88, 3.97, 4.39, 4.34, 3.95] 
    9494; Compute the cross correlation of X and Y for LAG = -5, 0, 1, 5, 6, 7 
    95 ; IDL> lag = [-5, 0, 1, 5, 6, 7] 
    96 ; IDL> result = c_timecorrelate(x, y, lag) 
     95;   IDL> lag = [-5, 0, 1, 5, 6, 7] 
     96;   IDL> result = c_timecorrelate(x, y, lag) 
    9898; The result should be: 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/STRING/

    r325 r371  
    2727; @examples 
    2829; We create a structure 
    29 ;       IDL> b=get_extra(ok=111, year=[1997,1998,1999], age_capitaine=35) 
    30 ;       IDL> help, b,/struct 
     30;   IDL> b=get_extra(ok=111, year=[1997,1998,1999], age_capitaine=35) 
     31;   IDL> help, b,/struct 
    3132;       ** Structure <817f4bc>, 3 tags, length=10, refs=1: 
    3233;          AGE_CAPITAINE   INT             35 
    3334;          OK              INT            111 
    3435;          YEAR            INT       Array[3] 
    3537; We put this structure as a string 
    36 ;       IDL> a=strkeywd(b) 
    37 ;       IDL> print, a 
     38;   IDL> a=strkeywd(b) 
     39;   IDL> print, a 
    3840;       AGE_CAPITAINE=35, OK=111, YEAR=[1997,1998,1999] 
    3942; Now we can use the string a to pass keywords in a function thanks to execute!! 
    40 ;       IDL> test=execute('c=get_extra('+a+')') 
    41 ;       IDL> help, c,/struct 
     43;   IDL> test=execute('c=get_extra('+a+')') 
     44;   IDL> help, c,/struct 
    4245;       ** Structure <817f2dc>, 3 tags, length=10, refs=1: 
    4346;          AGE_CAPITAINE   INT             35 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/STRING/

    r327 r371  
    2525; @examples 
    27 ;    IDL> abc = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' 
    28 ;    IDL> print, strsed(abc, 'm', 'M') 
     27;   IDL> abc = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' 
     28;   IDL> print, strsed(abc, 'm', 'M') 
    2929;    abcdefghijklMnopqrstuvwxyz 
    30 ;    IDL> print, strsed(abc, 'm.*t', 'M_T') 
     30;   IDL> print, strsed(abc, 'm.*t', 'M_T') 
    3131;    abcdefghijklM_Tuvwxyz 
    32 ;    IDL> a = 'abcabcabc' 
    33 ;    IDL> help, strsed([abc, a, 'eee'], 'abc', 'XXX_') 
     32;   IDL> a = 'abcabcabc' 
     33;   IDL> help, strsed([abc, a, 'eee'], 'abc', 'XXX_') 
    3434;    <Expression>    STRING    = Array[3] 
    35 ;    IDL> print, strsed([abc, a, 'eee'], 'abc', 'XXX_') 
     35;   IDL> print, strsed([abc, a, 'eee'], 'abc', 'XXX_') 
    3636;    XXX_defghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz XXX_XXX_XXX_ eee 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/STRING/

    r325 r371  
    1616; The number of matches that were found 
    18 ;  The function returns an index array similar to the 
    19 ;  result of the where function 
     18; The function returns an index array similar to the 
     19; result of the where function 
    2121; @examples 
    22 ; IDL> ind = strwhere('abcabcabc','a') 
    23 ; IDL> print, ind 
     23; find position of string "a" in the string "abcabcabc" 
     25;   IDL> ind = strwhere('abcabcabc','a') 
     26;   IDL> print, ind 
    2427; [ 0, 3, 6 ] 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/STRING/

    r325 r371  
    2727; @examples 
    28 ;    IDL> help, tostr(1),tostr('a'),tostr(indgen(4)),tostr(['a','jkfjo']) 
     28;   IDL> help, tostr(1),tostr('a'),tostr(indgen(4)),tostr(['a','jkfjo']) 
    2929;    <Expression>    STRING    = '1' 
    3030;    <Expression>    STRING    = ''a'' 
    3131;    <Expression>    STRING    = '[0,1,2,3]' 
    3232;    <Expression>    STRING    = '['a','jkfjo']' 
    33 ;    IDL> print, tostr(['c''est bon','c''est bon']) 
     33;   IDL> print, tostr(['c''est bon','c''est bon']) 
    3434;    ['c''est bon','c''est bon'] 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/STRUCTURE/

    r327 r371  
    3838; @examples 
    39 ;        test = { a:1, b:2, c:3 } 
    40 ;        required = ['a','c'] 
    41 ;        if CHKSTRU(test,required) then print,'found a and c.' 
    42 ;        IDL> print, CHKSTRU(test,'b') 
     40;   IDL> test = { a:1, b:2, c:3 } 
     41;   IDL> required = ['a','c'] 
     42;   IDL> if CHKSTRU(test,required) then print,'found a and c.' 
     43;   IDL> print, CHKSTRU(test,'b') 
    4344;           1 
    44 ;        IDL> print, CHKSTRU(test,'b',/extract) 
     45;   IDL> print, CHKSTRU(test,'b',/extract) 
    4546;               2 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/STRUCTURE/

    r327 r371  
    2525; @examples 
    27 ;    IDL> extra=get_extra(/ok, year=1999, age_capitaine=35 ) 
    28 ;    IDL> help, extra,/struct 
     27;   IDL> extra=get_extra(/ok, year=1999, age_capitaine=35 ) 
     28;   IDL> help, extra,/struct 
    2929;    ** Structure <83e66bc>, 3 tags, length=6, refs=1: 
    3030;       AGE_CAPITAINE   INT             35 
    3131;       OK              INT              1 
    3232;       YEAR            INT           1999 
    33 ;    IDL> help, extractstru(extra,['ok','hhuihi','YEAR']),/stru 
     33;   IDL> help, extractstru(extra,['ok','hhuihi','YEAR']),/stru 
    3434;    ** Structure <831afac>, 1 tags, length=2, refs=1: 
    3535;       AGE_CAPITAINE   INT             35 
    36 ;    IDL> help, extractstru(extra,['ok','hhuihi','YEAR'],/keep),/stru 
     36;   IDL> help, extractstru(extra,['ok','hhuihi','YEAR'],/keep),/stru 
    3737;    ** Structure <834bbc4>, 2 tags, length=4, refs=1: 
    3838;       OK              INT              1 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/STRUCTURE/

    r325 r371  
    2626; @examples 
    28 ;     IDL> a=get_extra(/toto,ok=123) 
    29 ;     IDL> b=get_extra(ok=111, year=1999, age_capitaine=35) 
    30 ;     IDL> help, a,b,/struct 
     28;   IDL> a=get_extra(/toto,ok=123) 
     29;   IDL> b=get_extra(ok=111, year=1999, age_capitaine=35) 
     30;   IDL> help, a,b,/struct 
    3131;     ** Structure <8334424>, 2 tags, length=4, refs=1: 
    3232;        OK              INT            123 
    3636;        OK              INT            111 
    3737;        YEAR            INT           1999 
    38 ;     IDL> help, mixstru(a,b),/struct 
     38;   IDL> help, mixstru(a,b),/struct 
    3939;     ** Structure <82f25ac>, 4 tags, length=8, refs=1: 
    4040;        AGE_CAPITAINE   INT             35 
    4242;        OK              INT            123 
    4343;        TOTO            INT              1 
    44 ;     IDL> help, mixstru(b,a),/struct 
     44;   IDL> help, mixstru(b,a),/struct 
    4545;     ** Structure <834604c>, 4 tags, length=8, refs=1: 
    4646;        TOTO            INT              1 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/STRUCTURE/

    r327 r371  
    2525; @examples 
    27 ;      IDL> print, struct2string(!d) 
     27;   IDL> print, struct2string(!d) 
    2828;      create_struct('NAME','X','X_SIZE',891,'Y_SIZE',630,'X_VSIZE' 
    2929;      ,891,'Y_VSIZE',630,'X_CH_SIZE',6,'Y_CH_SIZE',10,'X_PX_CM' 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/STRUCTURE/

    r262 r371  
    4242; @examples 
    43 ;       Suppose STR is a structure with tags CAT_NO:indgen(10), and  
    44 ;               NAME:strarr(10).   Find the indices where STR.CAT_NO is 
    45 ;               between 3 and 5. 
    47 ;       IDL> print, WHERE_TAG( str, TAG_NAME = 'CAT_NO', VALUE = [3,4,5] )  ;or 
    48 ;       IDL> print, WHERE_TAG( str, TAG_NUM = 0, RANGE = [3,5])  
     44; Suppose STR is a structure with tags CAT_NO:indgen(10), and  
     45; NAME:strarr(10). Find the indices where STR.CAT_NO is between 3 and 5. 
     47;   IDL> print, WHERE_TAG( str, TAG_NAME = 'CAT_NO', VALUE = [3,4,5] )  
     48; or 
     49;   IDL> print, WHERE_TAG( str, TAG_NUM = 0, RANGE = [3,5])  
    5051; @history 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/TRIANGULATION/

    r325 r371  
    6262; @examples 
    64 ; IDL> triangles=definetri(3,3,[1,3]) 
     64;   IDL> triangles=definetri(3,3,[1,3]) 
    6666; triangles will be this kind of triangulation: 

    r327 r371  
    1 ; IDL> testwid,julday(1,1,1980)+lindgen(100)*5 
     1;   IDL> testwid,julday(1,1,1980)+lindgen(100)*5 
    33; PRO testwid_event, event 

    r327 r371  
    1 ; IDL> testwid 
     1;   IDL> testwid 
    22; PRO testwid_event, event 
    33; ; help,  event, /struct 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/WIDGET/

    r327 r371  
    2525; @examples 
    26 ;    IDL> id=xnotice('ca marche !C ou pas?') 
    27 ;    IDL> widget_control, id, /destroy 
     27;   IDL> id=xnotice('ca marche !C ou pas?') 
     28;   IDL> widget_control, id, /destroy 
    2930; @history 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/WIDGET/

    r327 r371  
    7373; @examples 
    74 ; IDL> help, xquestion('Postscript name') 
     75;   IDL> help, xquestion('Postscript name') 
    7576; <Expression>    STRING    = '' 
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