04/21/08 17:39:59 (16 years ago)

some improvements in wiki production (linefeed)

9 edited


  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/wiki/FaqSaxo

    r352 r353  
    181181Yes, there are some : 
    182183 * \ in {{{*.pro}}} are not written 
    183184in {{{*.html}}}. 
    184185They must be escaped by an other \ or you can choose an other character. 
    185187 * Search doesn't handle characters like - 
    186188and |. 
    187190* Paragraphs of {{{*.pro}}} headers are shown with a proportional 
    188191font in the HTML release. 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/wiki/FirstSteps

    r352 r353  
    131132If needed, the name of the postscript will automatically be completed with .ps. Just hit return, if you want to use the default postscript name: {{{idl.ps}}}. 
    171173It can therefore be customized ''as much as you want''. See this short example: 
    172174      {{{ 
    207210the small keyword is a 3 elements vector which defines how we divide the page and in which case we should make the plot: [number of columns, number of rows, case number]. The case numbering is starting at 1, from top to bottom and left to right. 
    212216you must put /noerase otherwise the second plot will be done in a new window. 
    230234{{{scontour}}} accepts the same keywords as {{{contour}}} (C_ANNOTATION=vector_of_strings, C_CHARSIZE=value, C_CHARTHICK=integer, C_COLORS=vector, C_LABELS=vector{each element 0 or 1}, C_LINESTYLE=vector, { /FILL | /CELL_FILL | C_ORIENTATION=degrees}, C_SPACING=value, C_THICK=vector, /CLOSED, /DOWNHILL, /FOLLOW, /IRREGULAR, /ISOTROPIC, LEVELS=vector, NLEVELS=integer{1 to 60}, MAX_VALUE=value, MIN_VALUE=value, /OVERPLOT, {/PATH_DATA_COORDS, PATH_FILENAME=string, PATH_INFO=variable, PATH_XY=variable}, TRIANGULATION=variable, /PATH_DOUBLE, /XLOG, /YLOG, ZAXIS={0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4}), including the graphics keywords (except LINESTYLE, PSYM, SYMSIZE). 
    231       It can therefore be customized ''as much as you want''. See these short examples:{{{ 
     236It can therefore be customized ''as much as you want''. See these short examples:{{{ 
    233238<pre xmlns:xl="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" class="screen"> 
    355360  This [../../Tests/tst_initlev.pro @tst_initlev] command allows us to define: 
    356    * domain dimensions, stored in {{{jpi, jpj and jpk}}} @star@ points abscissa, stored in 2D array {{{}}}glamt @star@ points ordinates, stored in 2D array {{{}}}gphit @star@ points depths, stored in 1D array {{{}}}gdept @star@ cells corners abscissa, stored in 2D array {{{}}}glamf @star@ cells corners ordinates, stored in 2D array {{{}}}gphif @star@ cells upper boundary depth, stored in 1D array {{{}}}gdepw @star@ land-sea mask, stored in {{{tmask}}} @star@ the cells size in the longitudinal direction, stored in 2D array {{{}}}e1t @star@ the cells size in the latitudinal direction, stored in 2D array {{{}}}e2t @star@ the cells size in the vertical direction, stored in 1D array {{{}}}e3t @star@ the triangulation used to fill the land points, stored in {{{}}}triangles_list{{{ 
     362* domain dimensions, stored in {{{jpi, jpj and jpk}}} 
     363* points abscissa, stored in 2D array {{{}}}glamt 
     364* points ordinates, stored in 2D array {{{}}}gphit 
     365* points depths, stored in 1D array {{{}}}gdept 
     366* cells corners abscissa, stored in 2D array {{{}}}glamf 
     367* cells corners ordinates, stored in 2D array {{{}}}gphif 
     368* cells upper boundary depth, stored in 1D array {{{}}}gdepw 
     369* land-sea mask, stored in {{{tmask}}} 
     370* the cells size in the longitudinal direction, stored in 2D array {{{}}}e1t 
     371* the cells size in the latitudinal direction, stored in 2D array {{{}}}e2t 
     372* the cells size in the vertical direction, stored in 1D array {{{}}}e3t 
     373* the triangulation used to fill the land points, stored in {{{}}}triangles_list{{{ 
    358375<pre xmlns:xl="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" class="screen"> 
    384401  We provide other initialization methods/examples 
    385    *  [../../Tests/tst_initorca2_short.pro @tst_initorca2_short] : ORCA2 example @star@  [../../Tests/tst_initorca05_short.pro @tst_initorca05_short] : ORCA05 example @star@  [../../Tests/tst_initlev_stride.pro @tst_initlev_stride] : same as @tst_initlev but we skip on point over 2 in x and y direction @star@  [../../Tests/tst_initorca2_short_stride.pro @tst_initorca2_short_stride] : ORCA2 with stride @star@  [../../Tests/tst_initorca05_short_stride.pro @tst_initorca05_short_stride] : ORCA05 with stride @star@  [../../Tests/tst_initlev_index.pro @tst_initlev_index] : in that case we load the grid using points index as axis instead of the longitude/latitude position @star@  [../../Tests/tst_initorca2_index.pro @tst_initorca2_index] : load ORCA2 as it see by the model @star@  [../../Tests/tst_initorca05_index.pro @tst_initorca05_index] : load ORCA05 as it see by the model @star@  [../../Tests/tst_initlev_index_stride.pro @tst_initlev_index_stride] : @tst_initlev_index with stride @star@  [../../Tests/tst_initorca2_index_stride.pro @tst_initorca2_index_stride] : ORCA2 in index with stride @star@  [../../Tests/tst_initorca05_index_stride.pro @tst_initorca05_index_stride] : ORCA05 in index with stride 
     403*  [../../Tests/tst_initorca2_short.pro @tst_initorca2_short] : ORCA2 example 
     404*  [../../Tests/tst_initorca05_short.pro @tst_initorca05_short] : ORCA05 example 
     405*  [../../Tests/tst_initlev_stride.pro @tst_initlev_stride] : same as @tst_initlev but we skip on point over 2 in x and y direction 
     406*  [../../Tests/tst_initorca2_short_stride.pro @tst_initorca2_short_stride] : ORCA2 with stride 
     407*  [../../Tests/tst_initorca05_short_stride.pro @tst_initorca05_short_stride] : ORCA05 with stride 
     408*  [../../Tests/tst_initlev_index.pro @tst_initlev_index] : in that case we load the grid using points index as axis instead of the longitude/latitude position 
     409*  [../../Tests/tst_initorca2_index.pro @tst_initorca2_index] : load ORCA2 as it see by the model 
     410*  [../../Tests/tst_initorca05_index.pro @tst_initorca05_index] : load ORCA05 as it see by the model 
     411*  [../../Tests/tst_initlev_index_stride.pro @tst_initlev_index_stride] : @tst_initlev_index with stride 
     412*  [../../Tests/tst_initorca2_index_stride.pro @tst_initorca2_index_stride] : ORCA2 in index with stride 
     413*  [../../Tests/tst_initorca05_index_stride.pro @tst_initorca05_index_stride] : ORCA05 in index with stride 
    386414==== Load the grid from OPA meshmask file ==== 
    388416  When the grid is really irregular (its abscissa and ordinate cannot be descried by a vector), loading the grid directly from the data forces us to make an approximation when computing the grid corners position and the cells size. In that case, it can be preferable to load the grid from the meshmask file created by OPA. As OPA use a Arakawa-C discretization, loading the grid from the meshmask will also define all parameters related to the U, V and F grids (glam[uv],gphi[uv], e[12][uvf]). Note that, when using a simple grid definition from the data itself (with {{{initncdf}}} or {{{computegrid}}}), adding the keyword /FULLCGRID leads also to the definition of all U, V and F grids parameters. There is the examples to load ORCA grids from OPA meshmask. 
    389    *  [../../Tests/tst_initorca2.pro @tst_initorca2] : ORCA2 @star@  [../../Tests/tst_initorca05.pro @tst_initorca05] : ORCA05 @star@  [../../Tests/tst_initorca2_stride.pro @tst_initorca2_stride] : ORCA2 with stride @star@  [../../Tests/tst_initorca05_stride.pro @tst_initorca05_stride] : ORCA05 with stride @star@  [../../Tests/tst_initorca2_index.pro @tst_initorca2_index] : load ORCA2 as it see by the model @star@  [../../Tests/tst_initorca05_index.pro @tst_initorca05_index] : load ORCA05 as it see by the model @star@  [../../Tests/tst_initorca2_index_stride.pro @tst_initorca2_index_stride] : ORCA2 in index with stride @star@  [../../Tests/tst_initorca05_index_stride.pro @tst_initorca05_index_stride] : ORCA05 in index with stride 
     418*  [../../Tests/tst_initorca2.pro @tst_initorca2] : ORCA2 
     419*  [../../Tests/tst_initorca05.pro @tst_initorca05] : ORCA05 
     420*  [../../Tests/tst_initorca2_stride.pro @tst_initorca2_stride] : ORCA2 with stride 
     421*  [../../Tests/tst_initorca05_stride.pro @tst_initorca05_stride] : ORCA05 with stride 
     422*  [../../Tests/tst_initorca2_index.pro @tst_initorca2_index] : load ORCA2 as it see by the model 
     423*  [../../Tests/tst_initorca05_index.pro @tst_initorca05_index] : load ORCA05 as it see by the model 
     424*  [../../Tests/tst_initorca2_index_stride.pro @tst_initorca2_index_stride] : ORCA2 in index with stride 
     425*  [../../Tests/tst_initorca05_index_stride.pro @tst_initorca05_index_stride] : ORCA05 in index with stride 
    390426=== Horizontal plots and maps === 
    397433  </pre> 
    399436''Beware, the command is tst_plt and not @tst_plt as tst_plt.pro is a procedure and not an include.'' 
    400437  See the results with 
    401    * @tst_initlev [figpng/tst_plt_lev_01.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_lev_02.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_lev_03.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_lev_04.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_lev_05.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_lev_06.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_lev_07.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_lev_08.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_lev_09.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_lev_10.png show result] @star@ @tst_initorca2 [figpng/tst_plt_orca2_01.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca2_02.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca2_03.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca2_04.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca2_05.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca2_06.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca2_07.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca2_08.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca2_09.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca2_10.png show result] @star@ @tst_initorca05 [figpng/tst_plt_orca05_01.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca05_02.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca05_03.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca05_04.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca05_05.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca05_06.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca05_07.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca05_08.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca05_09.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca05_10.png show result] @star@ @tst_initlev_stride [figpng/tst_plt_lev_stride_01.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_lev_stride_02.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_lev_stride_03.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_lev_stride_04.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_lev_stride_05.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_lev_stride_06.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_lev_stride_07.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_lev_stride_08.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_lev_stride_09.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_lev_stride_10.png show result] @star@ @tst_initorca2_stride [figpng/tst_plt_orca2_stride_01.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca2_stride_02.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca2_stride_03.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca2_stride_04.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca2_stride_05.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca2_stride_06.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca2_stride_07.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca2_stride_08.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca2_stride_09.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca2_stride_10.png show result] @star@ @tst_initorca05_stride [figpng/tst_plt_orca05_stride_01.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca05_stride_02.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca05_stride_03.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca05_stride_04.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca05_stride_05.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca05_stride_06.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca05_stride_07.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca05_stride_08.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca05_stride_09.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca05_stride_10.png show result] 
     439* @tst_initlev [figpng/tst_plt_lev_01.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_lev_02.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_lev_03.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_lev_04.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_lev_05.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_lev_06.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_lev_07.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_lev_08.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_lev_09.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_lev_10.png show result] 
     440* @tst_initorca2 [figpng/tst_plt_orca2_01.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca2_02.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca2_03.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca2_04.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca2_05.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca2_06.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca2_07.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca2_08.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca2_09.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca2_10.png show result] 
     441* @tst_initorca05 [figpng/tst_plt_orca05_01.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca05_02.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca05_03.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca05_04.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca05_05.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca05_06.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca05_07.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca05_08.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca05_09.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca05_10.png show result] 
     442* @tst_initlev_stride [figpng/tst_plt_lev_stride_01.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_lev_stride_02.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_lev_stride_03.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_lev_stride_04.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_lev_stride_05.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_lev_stride_06.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_lev_stride_07.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_lev_stride_08.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_lev_stride_09.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_lev_stride_10.png show result] 
     443* @tst_initorca2_stride [figpng/tst_plt_orca2_stride_01.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca2_stride_02.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca2_stride_03.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca2_stride_04.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca2_stride_05.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca2_stride_06.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca2_stride_07.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca2_stride_08.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca2_stride_09.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca2_stride_10.png show result] 
     444* @tst_initorca05_stride [figpng/tst_plt_orca05_stride_01.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca05_stride_02.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca05_stride_03.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca05_stride_04.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca05_stride_05.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca05_stride_06.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca05_stride_07.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca05_stride_08.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca05_stride_09.png show result] [figpng/tst_plt_orca05_stride_10.png show result] 
    402445=== Vertical sections === 
    409452  </pre> 
    411455''Beware, the command is tst_pltz and not @tst_pltz as tst_pltz.pro is a procedure and not an include.'' 
    412456  See the results with 
    413    * @tst_initlev [figpng/tst_pltz_lev_01.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_lev_02.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_lev_03.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_lev_04.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_lev_05.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_lev_06.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_lev_07.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_lev_08.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_lev_09.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_lev_10.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_lev_11.png show result] @star@ @tst_initorca2 [figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_01.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_02.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_03.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_04.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_05.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_06.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_07.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_08.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_09.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_10.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_11.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_12.png show result] @star@ @tst_initorca05 [figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_01.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_02.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_03.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_04.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_05.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_06.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_07.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_08.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_09.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_10.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_11.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_12.png show result] @star@ @tst_initlev_stride [figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_01.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_02.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_03.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_04.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_05.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_06.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_07.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_08.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_09.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_10.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_11.png show result] @star@ @tst_initorca2_stride [figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_01.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_02.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_03.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_04.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_05.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_06.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_07.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_08.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_09.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_10.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_11.png show result] @star@ @tst_initorca05_stride [figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_01.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_02.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_03.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_04.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_05.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_06.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_07.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_08.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_09.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_10.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_11.png show result] 
     458* @tst_initlev [figpng/tst_pltz_lev_01.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_lev_02.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_lev_03.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_lev_04.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_lev_05.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_lev_06.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_lev_07.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_lev_08.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_lev_09.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_lev_10.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_lev_11.png show result] 
     459* @tst_initorca2 [figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_01.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_02.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_03.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_04.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_05.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_06.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_07.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_08.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_09.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_10.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_11.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_12.png show result] 
     460* @tst_initorca05 [figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_01.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_02.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_03.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_04.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_05.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_06.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_07.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_08.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_09.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_10.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_11.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_12.png show result] 
     461* @tst_initlev_stride [figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_01.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_02.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_03.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_04.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_05.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_06.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_07.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_08.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_09.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_10.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_lev_stride_11.png show result] 
     462* @tst_initorca2_stride [figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_01.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_02.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_03.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_04.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_05.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_06.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_07.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_08.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_09.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_10.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca2_stride_11.png show result] 
     463* @tst_initorca05_stride [figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_01.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_02.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_03.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_04.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_05.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_06.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_07.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_08.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_09.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_10.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltz_orca05_stride_11.png show result] 
    414464=== Hovmoellers and time series === 
    421471  </pre> 
    423474''Beware, the command is tst_pltt and not @tst_pltt as tst_pltt.pro is a procedure and not an include.'' 
    424475  See the results with 
    425    * @tst_initlev [figpng/tst_pltt_lev_01.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_lev_02.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_lev_03.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_lev_04.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_lev_05.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_lev_06.png show result] @star@ @tst_initorca2 [figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_01.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_02.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_03.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_04.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_05.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_06.png show result] @star@ @tst_initorca05 [figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_01.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_02.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_03.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_04.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_05.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_06.png show result] @star@ @tst_initlev_stride [figpng/tst_pltt_lev_stride_01.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_lev_stride_02.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_lev_stride_03.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_lev_stride_04.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_lev_stride_05.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_lev_stride_06.png show result] @star@ @tst_initorca2_stride [figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_stride_01.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_stride_02.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_stride_03.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_stride_04.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_stride_05.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_stride_06.png show result] @star@ @tst_initorca05_stride [figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_stride_01.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_stride_02.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_stride_03.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_stride_04.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_stride_05.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_stride_06.png show result] 
     477* @tst_initlev [figpng/tst_pltt_lev_01.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_lev_02.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_lev_03.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_lev_04.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_lev_05.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_lev_06.png show result] 
     478* @tst_initorca2 [figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_01.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_02.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_03.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_04.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_05.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_06.png show result] 
     479* @tst_initorca05 [figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_01.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_02.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_03.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_04.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_05.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_06.png show result] 
     480* @tst_initlev_stride [figpng/tst_pltt_lev_stride_01.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_lev_stride_02.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_lev_stride_03.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_lev_stride_04.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_lev_stride_05.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_lev_stride_06.png show result] 
     481* @tst_initorca2_stride [figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_stride_01.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_stride_02.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_stride_03.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_stride_04.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_stride_05.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_orca2_stride_06.png show result] 
     482* @tst_initorca05_stride [figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_stride_01.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_stride_02.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_stride_03.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_stride_04.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_stride_05.png show result] [figpng/tst_pltt_orca05_stride_06.png show result] 
    426483=== 1D plots === 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/wiki/GetSaxo

    r352 r353  
    1111      To simplify the explanation, we suppose that we install SAXO in your {{{${HOME}}}}. 
    1212      We need to create 2 directories: 
    13        * {{{${HOME}/SAXO_DIR}}} that will contain the source files of SAXO. It should not be modified by the user to simplify later updates. 
    14           * {{{${HOME}/My_IDL}}} that will contain user personal files (including modified SAXO files, if needed). 
     14* {{{${HOME}/SAXO_DIR}}} that will contain the source files of SAXO. It should not be modified by the user to simplify later updates. 
     16* {{{${HOME}/My_IDL}}} that will contain user personal files (including modified SAXO files, if needed). 
    1517         {{{ 
    2527=== If you work at IDRIS, IPSL or LOCEAN === 
    2628SAXO is already installed at 
    27          * IDRIS, on {{{rhodes}}}: {{{/home/rech/eee/reee217/SAXO_DIR}}} @star@ IPSL: {{{/home/smlod/SAXO_DIR}}} @star@ LOCEAN: {{{/usr/home/smasson/SAXO_DIR}}} 
     30* IDRIS, on {{{rhodes}}}: {{{/home/rech/eee/reee217/SAXO_DIR}}} 
     31* IPSL: {{{/home/smlod/SAXO_DIR}}} 
     32* LOCEAN: {{{/usr/home/smasson/SAXO_DIR}}} 
    2833        If you can access one of theses directories, there is no need to re-install SAXO again! In that case, you only have to link {{{${HOME}/SAXO_DIR}}} to the appropriate directory: 
    5459==== Regular users ==== 
    56         The ''complete'' latest revision (source + tests data files: 771 Mb) can be checked out with the following command executed in your ${HOME}: 
     61        The ''complete'' latest revision (source + tests data files: 772 Mb) can be checked out with the following command executed in your ${HOME}: 
    5762        {{{ 
    133138        If you want to use the tests programs, you need to download the data tests files ({{{SAXO_DATA_20060602.tar.gz}}}), you may download theses files in 
    134          * {{{${HOME}/My_IDL}}}. This is the easiest solution but it could be inconvenient if your ${HOME} disk space is limited. 
    135             * any other directory of your choice. In that case, when using IDL, you will need to define the variable {{{iodir}}} to the directory you choose in order to let IDL find the data tests files. This can be done either through the {{{init.pro}}} file (see [#Create SAXO environment]) or directly within IDL with the following command: idl&gt;iodir = '''''the chosen directory'''''. 
     140* {{{${HOME}/My_IDL}}}. This is the easiest solution but it could be inconvenient if your ${HOME} disk space is limited. 
     142 * any other directory of your choice. In that case, when using IDL, you will need to define the variable {{{iodir}}} to the directory you choose in order to let IDL find the data tests files. This can be done either through the {{{init.pro}}} file (see [#Create SAXO environment]) or directly within IDL with the following command: idl&gt;iodir = '''''the chosen directory'''''. 
    136143           {{{ 
    178185        You must then answer several questions: 
    179  * give the path of {{{${HOME}/My_IDL}}} @star@ give the path of {{{${HOME}/SAXO_DIR}}} @star@ compatibility with the old version: No (except if you want to use old programs) @star@ give a default path for the data directory @star@ give a default path for the postscript directory @star@ give a default path for the images directory @star@ give a default path for the animation directory @star@ number of accessible printer and their configuration @star@ default color table @star@ default page orientation (portrait/landscape) @star@ default page size @star@ default window size @star@ postscript archiving options @star@ name of the init file ({{{init.pro}}}){{{ 
     187* give the path of {{{${HOME}/My_IDL}}} 
     188* give the path of {{{${HOME}/SAXO_DIR}}} 
     189* compatibility with the old version: No (except if you want to use old programs) 
     190* give a default path for the data directory 
     191* give a default path for the postscript directory 
     192* give a default path for the images directory 
     193* give a default path for the animation directory 
     194* number of accessible printer and their configuration 
     195* default color table 
     196* default page orientation (portrait/landscape) 
     197* default page size 
     198* default window size 
     199* postscript archiving options 
     200* name of the init file ({{{init.pro}}}){{{ 
    181202<pre xmlns:xl="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" class="screen"> 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/wiki/Mailing

    r352 r353  
    99== saxo-users@forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr == 
    10  *  [http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/mailman/listinfo/saxo-users/ Subscription] @star@  [http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/pipermail/saxo-users/ Archives] 
     11*  [http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/mailman/listinfo/saxo-users/ Subscription] 
     12*  [http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/pipermail/saxo-users/ Archives] 
    1113== saxo-dev@forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr == 
    12  *  [http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/mailman/listinfo/saxo-dev/ Subscription] @star@  [http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/pipermail/saxo-dev/ Archives] 
     15*  [http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/mailman/listinfo/saxo-dev/ Subscription] 
     16*  [http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/pipermail/saxo-dev/ Archives] 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/wiki/MiniNotice

    r352 r353  
    208      * Open: to open a new file. Same procedure as during the launch of XXX. 
     209 * Open: to open a new file. Same procedure as during the launch of XXX. 
    209210The new file can be on a different grid, with different variables, with a different time base 
    210  * New XXX: to open a second XXX window identical to the first one. @star@ Quit: to close the XXX window. 
     212 * New XXX: to open a second XXX window identical to the first one. 
     213 * Quit: to close the XXX window. 
    211214==== Save As sub-menu ==== 
    219      * Postscript: to save the plotting window in Postscript format @star@ Animated gif: to create an animation of the plotting window. 
    220 The creation of an animation is only possible if none of the plots have a time axis, and if the plots are all on the same time base (calendar). On the other hand, animations of horizontal and vertical plots, with different color palettes (for those not on an X-terminal), are possible.The creation of animations has a tendency to saturate the video memory of X-terminals, crashing the entire program 
 * Gif: to save a gif of the plotting window. @star@ IDL procedure: to save the command history that has created the plot in an IDL procedure that can be re-executed later. For example if I save the commands in {{{xxx_figure.pro}}} file, when ever I want, I can then launch a new IDL session and type: 
     223 * Postscript: to save the plotting window in Postscript format 
     224 * Animated gif: to create an animation of the plotting window. 
     225The creation of an animation is only possible if none of the plots have a time axis, and if the plots are all on the same time base (calendar). On the other hand, animations of horizontal and vertical plots, with different color palettes (for those not on an X-terminal), are possible.The creation of animations has a tendency to saturate the video memory of X-terminals, crashing the entire program 
     226 * Gif: to save a gif of the plotting window. 
     227 * IDL procedure: to save the command history that has created the plot in an IDL procedure that can be re-executed later. For example if I save the commands in {{{xxx_figure.pro}}} file, when ever I want, I can then launch a new IDL session and type: 
    221228  {{{ 
    245252will then create a Postscript file of the figure. 
    246  * RESTORE kwd of xxx: to save the xxx widget (all buttons and parameters stored in memory 
) in a binary file in order to quit xxx and relaunch it later with idl&gt; xxx, restore = 'file.dat' and get exactly the same configuration. @star@ Print to prompt: lists in the IDL window the command history that created the last plot. Useful primarily for debugging
     254 * RESTORE kwd of xxx: to save the xxx widget (all buttons and parameters stored in memory 
) in a binary file in order to quit xxx and relaunch it later with idl&gt; xxx, restore = 'file.dat' and get exactly the same configuration. 
     255 * Print to prompt: lists in the IDL window the command history that created the last plot. Useful primarily for debugging
    247256==== Flag options sub-menu ==== 
    255      * Portrait/Landscape: changes the configuration of the plot. @star@ Overlay: to plot contours of a different field on top the 
    256 one represented as color-filled contours. It is necessary to relaunch the entire plot to make this work! * Vecteur: to plot a vector field on top of contours. Only 
     265 * Portrait/Landscape: changes the configuration of the plot. 
     266 * Overlay: to plot contours of a different field on top the 
     267one represented as color-filled contours. It is necessary to relaunch the entire plot to make this work! 
     268 * Vecteur: to plot a vector field on top of contours. Only 
    257269works on horizontal plots ({{{plt.pro}}}). 
    258 As for Overlay, a relaunch of the entire plot is necessary. * Longitude / x index: switches longitude labeling of the plot sub-domain from degrees to indexes following i. @star@ Latitude / y index: switches latitude labeling of the plot sub-domain from degrees to indexes following j.Careful, a selected option remains selected until it is re-clicked. 
     270As for Overlay, a relaunch of the entire plot is necessary. 
     271 * Longitude / x index: switches longitude labeling of the plot sub-domain from degrees to indexes following i. 
     272 * Latitude / y index: switches latitude labeling of the plot sub-domain from degrees to indexes following j.Careful, a selected option remains selected until it is re-clicked. 
    259273=== OK button === 
    260274Click on this OK button is required to make a new plot appear 
    459473To determine which type of plot should be made of selection, use: 
    461 * If the plot selector is on plt * the left mouse button to create horizontal plots (plt) @star@ the middle mouse button to create vertical plots (pltz) @star@ the right mouse button to create common hovmoellers for xt and yt cuts (pltt)In summary:      LCL---&gt;plt 
     475If the plot selector is on plt 
     476 * the left mouse button to create horizontal plots (plt) 
     477 * the middle mouse button to create vertical plots (pltz) 
     478 * the right mouse button to create common hovmoellers for xt and yt cuts (pltt)In summary: 
     479*       LCL---&gt;plt 
    474 *           LCM---&gt;pltz 
     493*       LCM---&gt;pltz 
    487 *           LCR---&gt;pltt 
     507*       LCR---&gt;pltt 
    514534frame, all the widgets change and refer again to the first plot. 
    515535A double-click with the right button in the second frame will erase the 
    516 * plot.In summary:       DCL---&gt;"reference" frame 
     536plot.In summary:  
     537*       DCL---&gt;"reference" frame 
    529 *           DCM---&gt;"target" frame 
     551*       DCM---&gt;"target" frame 
    542 *           DCR---&gt;erase the frame 
     565*       DCR---&gt;erase the frame 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/wiki/TipLink

    r352 r353  
    1111    There is a short selection of useful tips: 
    12      *  [http://www.dfanning.com/misc_tips/cursor_on_mac.html Using the Cursor Command on a Macintosh] @star@  [http://www.dfanning.com/widget_tips/mousewheel.html Using the Mouse Wheel in UNIX Widgets] 
     13*  [http://www.dfanning.com/misc_tips/cursor_on_mac.html Using the Cursor Command on a Macintosh] 
     14*  [http://www.dfanning.com/widget_tips/mousewheel.html Using the Mouse Wheel in UNIX Widgets] 
    1315    More can been find on [http://www.dfanning.com/documents/tips.html ] 
    1416== Links == 
    15  *  [http://www.dfanning.com/ David Fanning] web page 
    16        *  [http://www.talkaboutprogramming.com/group/comp.lang.idl-pvwave/ IDL-PVWAVE news group] @star@  [http://www-atm.physics.ox.ac.uk/user/stoned/idl_lib/idl_lib.html IDL routines from the University of Oxford Climate Dynamics Group] @star@  [http://iacweb.ethz.ch/staff/dominik/hiphop/ Handy IDL-Program for HDF-Output Plotting from Dominik Brunner] 
     18*  [http://www.dfanning.com/ David Fanning] web page 
     20*  [http://www.talkaboutprogramming.com/group/comp.lang.idl-pvwave/ IDL-PVWAVE news group] 
     21*  [http://www-atm.physics.ox.ac.uk/user/stoned/idl_lib/idl_lib.html IDL routines from the University of Oxford Climate Dynamics Group] 
     22*  [http://iacweb.ethz.ch/staff/dominik/hiphop/ Handy IDL-Program for HDF-Output Plotting from Dominik Brunner] 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/wiki/UpdateSaxo

    r352 r353  
    1111        If you [wiki:GetSaxo linked] your {{{${HOME}/SAXO_DIR}}} to 
    12          * IDRIS, on rhodes: {{{/home/rech/eee/reee217/SAXO_DIR}}} @star@ IPSL: {{{/home/smlod/SAXO_DIR}}} @star@ LOCEAN: {{{/usr/home/smasson/SAXO_DIR}}} 
     13* IDRIS, on rhodes: {{{/home/rech/eee/reee217/SAXO_DIR}}} 
     14* IPSL: {{{/home/smlod/SAXO_DIR}}} 
     15* LOCEAN: {{{/usr/home/smasson/SAXO_DIR}}} 
    1316        you are always using the up-to-date version of SAXO. There is nothing to do. 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/wiki/WhatisSaxo

    r352 r353  
    2222== Include == 
    23  * idl-NetCDF written and maintained by Alan Iwi 
    24          [http://www.ittvis.com/codebank/search.asp?FID=261 ] * IDLdoc written and maintained by Mike Galloy 
    25          [http://www.ittvis.com/codebank/search.asp?FID=100 ] * color24, colorbar, getcolor, binary, different, inter, union, str_size and undefine written and maintained by David Fanning 
    26          [http://www.dfanning.com ] * delchr, getfile, getwrd, isnumber, nwrds and putfile written and maintained by R. Sterner in JHU/APL/S1R IDL Library 
    27          [http://fermi.jhuapl.edu/s1r/idl/s1rlib/local_idl.html ] * cmapply and cmset_op written and maintained by Craig Markwardt 
    28          [http://cow.physics.wisc.edu/~craigm/idl/ ] * imdisp, saveimage and showimage written and maintained by Liam E. Gumley 
    29          [http://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/~gumley/ ] * make_selection, strrepl, strright, strsci, strwhere and chkstru written and maintained by Martin Schultz 
    30        * image_viewer written and maintained by AEB?? 
     24* idl-NetCDF written and maintained by Alan Iwi 
     25         [http://www.ittvis.com/codebank/search.asp?FID=261 ] 
     26* IDLdoc written and maintained by Mike Galloy 
     27         [http://www.ittvis.com/codebank/search.asp?FID=100 ] 
     28* color24, colorbar, getcolor, binary, different, inter, union, str_size and undefine written and maintained by David Fanning 
     29         [http://www.dfanning.com ] 
     30* delchr, getfile, getwrd, isnumber, nwrds and putfile written and maintained by R. Sterner in JHU/APL/S1R IDL Library 
     31         [http://fermi.jhuapl.edu/s1r/idl/s1rlib/local_idl.html ] 
     32* cmapply and cmset_op written and maintained by Craig Markwardt 
     33         [http://cow.physics.wisc.edu/~craigm/idl/ ] 
     34* imdisp, saveimage and showimage written and maintained by Liam E. Gumley 
     35         [http://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/~gumley/ ] 
     36* make_selection, strrepl, strright, strsci, strwhere and chkstru written and maintained by Martin Schultz 
     38* image_viewer written and maintained by AEB?? 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/wiki/WikiStart

    r352 r353  
    1616[wiki:WhatisSaxo More 
    1717== What's new == 
    1819 *  September 2006: One ''unique online_help'' for IDL and SAXO (requires IDL 6.2 or higher). 
    1921 *  Summer 2006: ''English translation'' of headers, add ''pltv'' and ''documentation of xxx''. 
    2023 *  March 2006-May 2006 : migration of ''obsolete'' CVS repository + Sébastien Masson improvements in a beautiful "trac+svn" project. 
    2125 *  More details in [wiki:WhatsNew What's new in SAXO] 
    2226== Get SAXO == 
    23   * [wiki:GetSaxo Get] SAXO 
    24   * [wiki:UpdateSaxo Update] SAXO 
    25   * [http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/saxo/browser/trunk Browse] SAXO 
     28 * [wiki:GetSaxo Get] SAXO 
     30 * [wiki:UpdateSaxo Update] SAXO 
     32 * [http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/saxo/browser/trunk Browse] SAXO 
    2734== Support == 
    2836 *  You like SAXO? Please subscribe to SAXO [wiki:Mailing mailing lists] (subscription and archives). 
    29   * [http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/saxo/report Read] tickets. Because of abusive use of our tickets, [http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/saxo/newticket sending tickets] is now limited to a registered login accessible if you subscribe to [wiki:Mailing SAXO mailing lists]. 
    30   * [wiki:FaqSaxo FAQ] 
     38 * [http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/saxo/report Read] tickets. Because of abusive use of our tickets, [http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/saxo/newticket sending tickets] is now limited to a registered login accessible if you subscribe to [wiki:Mailing SAXO mailing lists]. 
     40 * [wiki:FaqSaxo FAQ] 
    3141== Documentation == 
    3242[wiki:FirstSteps First Steps] with SAXO. See also plots of First Steps in [wiki:AllPlots All plots] 
    4151'''Sébastien Masson''' 
    4455'''Clément De Boyer Montégut''' 
    4759'''Françoise Pinsard''' 
    4861Project owner (trac, mailman and svn) 
    50 '''Olivier Thauvin''' [http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/ IPSL forge] maintainer 
     63'''Olivier Thauvin''' 
     64 [http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/ IPSL forge] maintainer 
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