10/16/07 14:59:26 (17 years ago)

bugfix + speedup

3 edited


  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/compute_fromirr_bilinear_weigaddr.pro

    r297 r303  
    131131  alladdr = lindgen(jpio, jpjo-1) 
     132  alladdrm1 = shift(alladdr, -1) 
     133  IF ((jpio EQ 92  ) AND (jpjo EQ 76   OR jpjo EQ 75   OR jpjo EQ 74  )) OR $ 
     134     ((jpio EQ 182 ) AND (jpjo EQ 149  OR jpjo EQ 148  OR jpjo EQ 147 )) OR $ 
     135     ((jpio EQ 722 ) AND (jpjo EQ 522  OR jpjo EQ 521  OR jpjo EQ 520 )) OR $ 
     136     ((jpio EQ 1442) AND (jpjo EQ 1021 OR jpjo EQ 1020 OR jpjo EQ 1019)) THEN alladdrm1[jpio-1, *] = alladdr[2, *] 
    132138  celladdr = lonarr(4, jpio*(jpjo-1)) 
    133139  celladdr[0, *] = alladdr 
    134   celladdr[1, *] = shift(alladdr, -1) 
    135   celladdr[2, *] = shift(alladdr + jpio, -1) 
    136   celladdr[3, *] = alladdr + jpio 
     140  celladdr[1, *] = alladdrm1 
     141  celladdr[2, *] = temporary(alladdrm1) + jpio 
     142  celladdr[3, *] = temporary(alladdr) + jpio 
    138144; list the cells that have at least 1 ocean point as corner 
    153159; We look for which ocean water cell contains the atmosphere water point 
    155   delta = max([(360./jpio), (180./jpjo)])* 4. 
     161  delta = max([(360./jpio), (180./jpjo)])* 3. 
    156162  FOR n = 0L, nawater-1 DO BEGIN 
    157163; control print 
    185191; ORCA cases : orca grid is irregular only northward of 40N 
    186192        CASE 1 OF 
    187           (jpio EQ 90 OR jpio EQ 92) AND (jpjo EQ 76   OR jpjo EQ 75   OR jpjo EQ 74  ):onsphere = yy GT 40 
    188           (jpio EQ 180 OR jpio EQ 182) AND (jpjo EQ 149  OR jpjo EQ 148  OR jpjo EQ 147 ):onsphere = yy GT 40 
    189           (jpio EQ 720 OR jpio EQ 722) AND (jpjo EQ 522  OR jpjo EQ 521  OR jpjo EQ 520 ):onsphere = yy GT 40 
     193          (jpio EQ 90   OR jpio EQ 92  ) AND (jpjo EQ 76   OR jpjo EQ 75   OR jpjo EQ 74  ):onsphere = yy GT 40 
     194          (jpio EQ 180  OR jpio EQ 182 ) AND (jpjo EQ 149  OR jpjo EQ 148  OR jpjo EQ 147 ):onsphere = yy GT 40 
     195          (jpio EQ 720  OR jpio EQ 722 ) AND (jpjo EQ 522  OR jpjo EQ 521  OR jpjo EQ 520 ):onsphere = yy GT 40 
    190196          (jpio EQ 1440 OR jpio EQ 1442) AND (jpjo EQ 1021 OR jpjo EQ 1020 OR jpjo EQ 1019):onsphere = yy GT 40 
    191197          ELSE:onsphere = 1 
    202208                   , xcell[2, good], ycell[2, good] $ 
    203209                   , xcell[1, good], ycell[1, good] $ 
    204                    , onsphere = onsphere, newcoord = newcoord, /noprint) 
     210                   , onsphere = onsphere, newcoord = newcoord, /noprint, delta = delta, /double) 
    205211; keep only the first cell (if the atmospheric point was located in several ocean cells) 
    206212      ind = ind[0] 
    266272; for all the bad points, look for a neighbor 
    267273    neig = lonarr(n_elements(bad)) 
    268     FOR i = 0, n_elements(bad)-1 DO BEGIN 
    269       neig[i] = (neighbor(alon[badaddr[i]], alat[badaddr[i]], goodlon, goodlat, /sphere))[0] 
     274    onsphere = 1 
     275    FOR i = 0L, n_elements(bad)-1L DO BEGIN 
     276      IF (i MOD 500) EQ 0 THEN print, i 
     277      xtmp = alon[badaddr[i]] 
     278      ytmp = alat[badaddr[i]] 
     279      CASE 1 OF 
     280; if we are near the north pole 
     281        ytmp GE (90-delta):keep = where(goodlat GE 90-3*delta, cnt) 
     282; if we are near the longitude periodicity area 
     283        xtmp LE delta OR xtmp GE (360-delta):keep = where((goodlon LE 3*delta OR goodlon GE (360-3*delta)) $ 
     284                                                          AND goodlat GE (ytmp-3*delta) AND goodlat LE (ytmp+3*delta), cnt) 
     285; other cases 
     286        ELSE:BEGIN 
     287          keep = where(goodlon GE (xtmp-3*delta) AND goodlon LE (xtmp+3*delta) $ 
     288                       AND goodlat GE (ytmp-3*delta) AND goodlat le (ytmp+3*delta), cnt) 
     289; ORCA cases : orca grid is irregular only northward of 40N 
     290          CASE 1 OF 
     291            (jpio EQ 90   OR jpio EQ 92  ) AND (jpjo EQ 76   OR jpjo EQ 75   OR jpjo EQ 74  ):onsphere = yy GT 40 
     292            (jpio EQ 180  OR jpio EQ 182 ) AND (jpjo EQ 149  OR jpjo EQ 148  OR jpjo EQ 147 ):onsphere = yy GT 40 
     293            (jpio EQ 720  OR jpio EQ 722 ) AND (jpjo EQ 522  OR jpjo EQ 521  OR jpjo EQ 520 ):onsphere = yy GT 40 
     294            (jpio EQ 1440 OR jpio EQ 1442) AND (jpjo EQ 1021 OR jpjo EQ 1020 OR jpjo EQ 1019):onsphere = yy GT 40 
     295            ELSE: 
     296          ENDCASE 
     297        END 
     298      ENDCASE 
     299      IF cnt NE 0 THEN BEGIN  
     300        neig[i] = keep[(neighbor(xtmp, ytmp, goodlon[keep], goodlat[keep], sphere = onsphere))[0]] 
     301      ENDIF ELSE neig[i] = (neighbor(alon[badaddr[i]], alat[badaddr[i]], goodlon, goodlat, sphere = onsphere))[0] 
    270302    ENDFOR 
    271303; get the address regarding foraddr 
    274306    foraddr[bad] = foraddr[neig] 
    275307    forweight[bad, *] = forweight[neig, *] 
    276   endif 
     308  ENDIF 
    277309; transform the address of the ocean cell into the address of its 4 corners 
    278310  newaaddr = celladdr[*, temporary(foraddr)] 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/file_interp.pro

    r292 r303  
    402402                off = [0, 0, k] 
    403403                ncdf_varget, inid, i, data, offset = off, count = incnt 
     404                IF n_elements(inmasksz) GE 3 THEN BEGIN 
     405                  IF inmasksz[2] EQ indimsz[varinq.dim[2]] AND varinq.dim[2] NE ininq.recdim THEN tmpmsk = inmask[*, *, k] $ 
     406                  ELSE tmpmsk = inmask[*, *, 0] 
     407                ENDIF ELSE tmpmsk = inmask[*, *, 0] 
    404408                IF inmasksz[2] EQ indimsz[varinq.dim[2]] AND varinq.dim[2] NE ininq.recdim THEN tmpmsk = inmask[*, *, k] $ 
    405409                ELSE tmpmsk = inmask[*, *, 0] 
    414418                FOR k = 0, indimsz[varinq.dim[2]]-1 DO BEGIN 
    415419                  incnt = [indimsz[varinq.dim[0: 1]], 1, 1] 
    416                   outcnt = [outdimsz[varinq.dim[0: 1]], 1] 
     420                  outcnt = [outdimsz[varinq.dim[0: 1]], 1, 1] 
    417421                  off = [0, 0, k, t] 
    418422                  ncdf_varget, inid, i, data, offset = off, count = incnt 
    419                   IF inmasksz[2] EQ indimsz[varinq.dim[2]] THEN tmpmsk = inmask[*, *, k] ELSE tmpmsk = inmask 
     423                  IF n_elements(inmasksz) GE 3 THEN BEGIN 
     424                    IF inmasksz[2] EQ indimsz[varinq.dim[2]] THEN tmpmsk = inmask[*, *, k] ELSE tmpmsk = inmask 
     425                  ENDIF ELSE tmpmsk = inmask[*, *, 0] 
    420426                  IF interp THEN data = call_interp2d(temporary(data), inlon, inlat, temporary(tmpmsk), outlon, outlat $ 
    421427                                                      , INIRR = inirr, METHOD = method, SMOOTH = smooth $ 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/inquad.pro

    r297 r303  
    3333; automatically. 
    35 ; @keyword ZOOMRADIUS {default=4} 
    36 ; the zoom (circle centered on the (x,y) with a radius of 
    37 ; zoomradius degree where we look for the quadrilateral which 
    38 ; contains the (x,y) point) used for the satellite projection 
    39 ; when /ONSPHERE is activated. 
    40 ; 4 seems to be the minimum which can be used. 
    41 ; Can be increase if the cell size is larger than 5 degrees. 
     35; @keyword DELTA {default=4} 
     36; to speed up the program, we reduce the aera where we look for potential 
     37; quadrilaterals containing (x,y). Delta defines the limit of the box 
     38; centred on (x,y) with a zonal and meridional extent of delta degrees. 
    4340; @keyword NOPRINT 
    87 FUNCTION inquad, x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, ONSPHERE = onsphere,  DOUBLE = double, ZOOMRADIUS = zoomradius, NOPRINT = noprint, NEWCOORD = newcoord 
     84FUNCTION inquad, x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, ONSPHERE = onsphere,  DOUBLE = double, DELTA = delta, NOPRINT = noprint, NEWCOORD = newcoord 
    8986  compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs 
    113110    save = {map:!map, x:!x, y:!y, z:!z, p:!p} 
    114111; do a satellite projection 
    115     IF NOT keyword_set(zoomradius) THEN zoomradius = 4 
    116     map_set, y[0], x[0], 0, /satellite, sat_p = [1+zoomradius*20/6371.229, 0, 0], /noerase, /iso, /noborder 
     112    IF NOT keyword_set(delta) THEN delta = 4 
     113    map_set, y[0], x[0], 0, /stereo, limit = [y[0]-delta/2, x[0]-delta/2, y[0]+delta/2, x[0]+delta/2], /noerase, /iso, /noborder 
    117114; use normal coordinates to reject cells which are out of the projection. 
    118115    tmp  = convert_coord(x, y, /DATA, /TO_NORMAL, DOUBLE = double) 
    218215; quadrilateral. 
    219216; row j of test corresponds to all the points localized in cell j 
     218  IF keyword_set(double) THEN one = 1.d ELSE one = 1.  
     219  nquad_1 = replicate(one, nquad) 
     220  ntofind_1 = replicate(one, ntofind) 
     221  x_nquad = x[*]#replicate(one, nquad) 
     222  y_nquad = y[*]#replicate(one, nquad) 
    220224  test = $ 
    221 ; (x-x1) 
    222   ((x[*]#replicate(1, nquad)-replicate(1, ntofind)#x1[*]) $ 
    223 ; *(y2-y1) 
    224   *(replicate(1, ntofind)#(y2-y1)[*]) $ 
    225 ; GE (x2-x1) 
    226   GE ((replicate(1, ntofind)#(x2-x1)[*]) $ 
    227 ; *(y-y1) 
    228   *(y[*]#replicate(1, nquad)-replicate(1, ntofind)#y1[*]))) 
    229 ;------- 
    230   test = temporary(test) $ 
    231 ; *(x-x2) 
    232   *((x[*]#replicate(1, nquad)-replicate(1, ntofind)#x2[*]) $ 
    233 ; *(y3-y2) 
    234   *(replicate(1, ntofind)#(y3-y2)[*]) $ 
    235 ; GE (x3-x2) 
    236   GE ((replicate(1, ntofind)#(x3-x2)[*]) $ 
    237 ; *(y-y2) 
    238   *(y[*]#replicate(1, nquad)-replicate(1, ntofind)#y2[*]))) 
    239 ;------- 
    240   test = temporary(test) $ 
    241 ; *(x-x3) 
    242   *((x[*]#replicate(1, nquad)-replicate(1, ntofind)#x3[*]) $ 
    243 ; *(y4-y3) 
    244   *(replicate(1, ntofind)#(y4-y3)[*]) $ 
    245 ; GE (x4-x3) 
    246   GE ((replicate(1, ntofind)#(x4-x3)[*]) $ 
    247 ; *(y-y3) 
    248   *(y[*]#replicate(1, nquad)-replicate(1, ntofind)#y3[*]))) 
    249 ;------- 
    250   test = temporary(test) $ 
    251 ; *(x-x4) 
    252   *((x[*]#replicate(1, nquad)-replicate(1, ntofind)#x4[*]) $ 
    253 ; *(y1-y4) 
    254   *(replicate(1, ntofind)#(y1-y4)[*]) $ 
    255 ; GE (x1-x4) 
    256   GE ((replicate(1, ntofind)#(x1-x4)[*]) $ 
    257 ; *(y-y4) 
    258   *(y[*]#replicate(1, nquad)-replicate(1, ntofind)#y4[*]))) 
     225;  (x-x1)*(y2-y1) GE (x2-x1)*(y-y1) 
     226  ( (x_nquad - ntofind_1#x1[*]) * (ntofind_1#(y2-y1)[*]) ) GE ( (ntofind_1#(x2-x1)[*]) * (y_nquad - ntofind_1#y1[*]) ) AND $ 
     227; *(x-x2)*(y3-y2) GE (x3-x2)*(y-y2) 
     228  ( (x_nquad - ntofind_1#x2[*]) * (ntofind_1#(y3-y2)[*]) ) GE ( (ntofind_1#(x3-x2)[*]) * (y_nquad - ntofind_1#y2[*]) ) AND $ 
     229; *(x-x3)*(y4-y3) GE (x4-x3)*(y-y3) 
     230  ( (x_nquad - ntofind_1#x3[*]) * (ntofind_1#(y4-y3)[*]) ) GE ( (ntofind_1#(x4-x3)[*]) * (y_nquad - ntofind_1#y3[*]) ) AND $ 
     231; *(x-x4)*(y1-y4) GE (x1-x4)*(y-y4) 
     232  ( (x_nquad - ntofind_1#x4[*]) * (ntofind_1#(y1-y4)[*]) ) GE ( (ntofind_1#(x1-x4)[*]) * (y_nquad - ntofind_1#y4[*]) ) 
     234  nquad_1 = 1 & ntofind_1 = 1 & x_nquad = 1 & y_nquad = 1   ; free memory 
    260236; check test if ntofind gt 1 
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