Changeset 295

09/25/07 12:16:00 (17 years ago)


22 edited


  • trunk/SRC/Grid/

    r240 r295  
    55; @file_comments 
    66; recursive function. 
    7 ; for one given point on an island, check if its neighbourgs are on the same island 
     7; for one given point on an island, check if its neighbors are on the same island 
    99; @param msk {in}{required}{type=2D array of 0 and 1} 
    3030; flag the point 
    3131  msk[indin] = numb 
    32 ; find its neighbourgs 
     32; find its neighbors 
    3333  indx = (indin MOD nx) + [-1L, 0L, 1L] 
    3434  indx = (temporary(indx) + nx) MOD nx ; x periodicity 
    3737; build 1d index 
    3838  ind = temporary(indx)#replicate(1L, 3) + replicate(nx, 3)#temporary(indy) 
    39 ; for each neighbourg on the same island, call again mskneig 
     39; for each neighbor on the same island, call again mskneig 
    4040  FOR i = 0, n_elements(ind)-1 DO BEGIN 
    4141    IF msk[ind[i]] EQ 0 THEN mskneig, msk, nx, ny, ind[i], numb 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/

    r282 r295  
    4646;  first morph the cell into a square cell and then compute the bilinear 
    4747;  interpolation. 
    48 ;  -  if some corners of the cell are land points, their weight is set to 0 
     48;  -  if some corners of the cell are land points, their weights are set to 0 
    4949;  and the weight is redistributed on the remaining "water" corners 
    5050;  -  points located out of the southern and northern boundaries or in cells 
    51 ;  containing only land points are set the same value as their closest neighbor 
     51;  containing only land points are set the same value as their closest neighbors 
    5353; @history 
    163163; xx,yy is inside. 
    164164    CASE 1 OF 
    165 ; if we are near the norh pole 
     165; if we are near the north pole 
    166166      yy GE (90-delta):BEGIN 
    167167        lat1 = 90-2*delta 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/

    r292 r295  
    33; @file_comments 
    44; extrapolate data (zinput) where maskinput equal 0 by filling step by 
    5 ; step the coastline points with the mean value of the 8 neighbourgs 
    6 ; (weighted by their mask value). 
     5; step the coastline points with the mean value of the 8 neighbors 
     6; (weighted by their mask values). 
    88; @categories 
    129129    endif 
    131 ; we compute the weighted number of sea neighbourgs. 
    132 ; those 4 neighbours have a weight of 1: 
     131; we compute the weighted number of sea neighbors. 
     132; those 4 neighbors have a weight of 1: 
    133133;    * 
    134134;   *+* 
    135135;    * 
    137 ; those 4 neighbours have a weight of 1/sqrt(2): 
     137; those 4 neighbors have a weight of 1/sqrt(2): 
    139139;    * * 
    148148             +sqrtinv*(msk[land+nx2+1]+msk[land+nx2-1] $ 
    149149                       +msk[land-nx2+1]+msk[land-nx2-1]) 
    150 ; list all the points that have sea neighbourgs 
     150; list all the points that have sea neighbors 
    151151    ok = where(weight GT 0) 
    152152; the coastline points 
    153153    coast = land[ok] 
    154 ; their weighted number of sea neighbourgs. 
     154; their weighted number of sea neighbors. 
    155155    weight = weight[temporary(ok)] 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/

    r271 r295  
    66; takes more time than <pro>extrapolate</pro>. 
    77; extrapolate data where mskin is equal 0 by filling 
    8 ; step by step the coastline points with the mean value of the 8 neighbourgs. 
     8; step by step the coastline points with the mean value of the 8 neighbors. 
    1010; @categories 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/

    r282 r295  
    4242; x0. If xin is an array , then n is equal to the number of 
    4343; elements of xin. 
    44 ; If xin and yin are omited, <pro>square2quadrilateral</pro> returns the 
     44; If xin and yin are omitted, <pro>square2quadrilateral</pro> returns the 
    4545; matrix A which is used for the inverse transformation. 
  • trunk/SRC/Matrix/

    r262 r295  
    3838;              but not both; 
    40 ;   Sets as defined here are one dimensional arrays composed of 
     40;   Sets as defined here is one dimensional array composed of 
    4141;   numeric or string types. Comparisons of equality between elements 
    4242;   are done using the IDL EQ operator. 
    353353              if NOT keyword_set(not1) AND NOT keyword_set(not2) then begin 
    355                   ;; Special case: if there are one in each set, and 
     355                  ;; Special case: if there is one in each set, and 
    356356                  ;; they are equal, then the SHIFT() technique below 
    357357                  ;; fails.  Do this one by hand. 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/LECTURE/

    r231 r295  
    2424;        -the order of elements (except the first) has not any importance. 
    2525;        -the other elements (except the first) are optional. 
    26 ;        -they are recognize by the first letter of their names: 
    27 ;             g  to update vargrid 
    28 ;             u  to update varunit 
    29 ;             e  to update varexp 
    30 ;             d  to update vardate 
    31 ;             n  to update varname 
     26;        -they are recognized by the first letter of their names: 
     27;             g  to update vargrid, 
     28;             u  to update varunit, 
     29;             e  to update varexp, 
     30;             d  to update vardate, 
     31;             n  to update varname, 
    3232;             m  to update valmask 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/LECTURE/

    r260 r295  
    33; @file_comments 
    4 ; Give informations on a file net cdf and allows to recuperate 
    5 ; variables which are write in. 
     4; Give informations on a file netcdf and allows to recuperate 
     5; variables which are written in it. 
    77; @categories 
    1010; @param NOM {in}{required} 
    11 ; Name of a file net cdf situated in the directory stipulated by iodir. 
     11; Name of a file netcdf located in the directory stipulated by iodir. 
    1313; @keyword ATT 
    14 ; 'global' or at the name of a variable. Allows to see all attributes 
    15 ; joined at a variable 
     14; 'global' or the name of a variable. Allows to see all attributes 
     15; associated to variable 
    1717; @keyword DIM 
    2020; @keyword VAR 
    21 ;       1) /var: Gove the list of dimensions. 
    22 ;       2) var='nom de variable': in this case the function send back the variable. 
     21;       1) /var: Give the list of dimensions. 
     22;       2) var='name_of_a_variable': in this case the function send back the variable. 
    2424; @keyword IODIR 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/LECTURE/

    r284 r295  
    4848; @keyword FILENAME {required}{type=string} 
    49 ; It contains he file's name. 
     49; It contains the file's name. 
    5151; @keyword INIT {default=0}{type=scalar: 0 or 1} 
    52 ; To call automatically initncdf with filename as input argument and thus 
    53 ; redefine all the grid parameters 
     52; To call automatically <pro>initncdf</pro> with filename as input argument  
     53; and thus ; redefine all the grid parameters 
    5555; @keyword GRID 
    8383; @returns 
    8484; Structure readable by <pro>litchamp</pro> or an array if NOSTRUCT is activated. 
    85 ; 
    8685; @uses 
    283282  ENDELSE 
    285 ; We initializate ixmindta, iymindta if needed 
     284; We initialize ixmindta, iymindta if needed 
    287286  if n_elements(jpidta) EQ 0 THEN jpidta = jpiglo 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/LECTURE/

    r231 r295  
    33; @file_comments 
    4 ; Reading of a Net Cdf file with widgets ! 
     4; Reading of a NetCdf file with widgets 
    66; @categories 
    3434; @keyword SHIFT {type=vector}{default=[0, 0,...]} 
    3535; A vector of integers, specifying for each dimension how much we have to shift it. 
    36 ; By default, it is [0,0,...]. See the function shift for more explanations. BEWARE, 
     36; By default, it is [0,0,...]. See the function <proidl>shift</proidl> for more explanations. BEWARE, 
    3737; the shift is done on the biggest array before a possible reduction determined 
    3838; by OFFSET and COUNT. On the other hand, it is done after the possible extraction 
    5757; @examples 
    58 ; help, xncdf_lec() 
     58; IDL> help, xncdf_lec() 
    6060; @history 
    128128   base1 = widget_base(base, /column, /align_center) 
    129    rien = widget_label(base1, value = 'Net Cdf filename', /align_center) 
     129   rien = widget_label(base1, value = 'NetCdf filename', /align_center) 
    130130   rien = widget_text(base1, value = name, /align_center, uvalue=1, /editable) ;File's name we can change 
    131131   rien = widget_label(base1, value = ' ') ; We jump a line 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/DESSINE/

    r292 r295  
    267267; I3) reinitialization. !p.,!x.,!y. 
    268 ; Comment: We do not reinitializate when we call bck plt in loop to use contour. 
     268; Comment: We do not reinitialize when we call bck plt in loop to use contour. 
    270270  if n_elements(contour) ne 4 AND NOT keyword_set(overplot) then reinitplt, /z, /invert 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/DESSINE/

    r293 r295  
    153153; I2) reinitialization. !p.,!x.,!y. 
    154 ; Comment: We do not reinitializate when we call back plt1d 
     154; Comment: We do not reinitialize when we call back plt1d 
    156156  if NOT keyword_set(ov1d) then reinitplt 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/DESSINE/

    r262 r295  
    6666  ENDIF 
    68 ; Comment: We do not reinitializate when we call back pltsc 
     68; Comment: We do not reinitialize when we call back pltsc 
    6969   if NOT keyword_set(ov1d) then reinitplt 
    7070   ;; reduce data xyzt domain 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/DESSINE/

    r293 r295  
    227227; I2) reinitialization. !p.,!x.,!y. 
    228 ; Comment: we do not reinitializate when we call back plt in loop to use contour. 
     228; Comment: we do not reinitialize when we call back plt in loop to use contour. 
    230230   if n_elements(contour) ne 4 AND NOT keyword_set(overplot) $ 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/DESSINE/

    r265 r295  
    191191; 1st part: initialization small calculations... 
    193 ; Comment: we do not reinitializate when we call back plt in loop to use contour. 
     193; Comment: we do not reinitialize when we call back plt in loop to use contour. 
    194194  if n_elements(contour) ne 4 AND NOT keyword_set(overplot) then reinitplt 
    313313                  , /fillxdir, _extra = ex) 
    314314; if some lines contains no field (the bottom line for ex) it must be 
    315 ; also filled with 8 neighbourg method 
     315; also filled with 8 neighbors method 
    316316    IF (where(total(mask*masknan, 1) EQ 0))[0] NE -1 THEN $ 
    317317      z2d = remplit(z2d, nite = 1-(n_elements(maskfill) NE 0) $ 
    318318                    , mask = z2d LT valmask/10, /basique, _extra = ex) 
    319319  ENDIF ELSE BEGIN 
    320 ; filling the mask values with 8 neighbourg 
     320; filling the mask values with 8 neighbors 
    321321    z2d = remplit(z2d, nite = (1+(vargrid NE 'T')+keyword_set(nan)) $ 
    322322                  *(1-(n_elements(maskfill) NE 0)), mask = mask*masknan $ 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/DESSINE/

    r262 r295  
    1818; @keyword NOREINITPLT 
    1919; We active it if we do not want environment variables !p, !x, !y, !z 
    20 ; to be reinitializated by the procedure reinitplt 
     20; to be reinitialized by the procedure <pro>reinitplt</pro> 
    2222; @keyword _EXTRA 
    2828; @restrictions 
    2929; If NOREINITPLT is not activated, all environment 
    30 ; variables !p, !x, !y, !z are reinitializted by the procedure reinitplt 
     30; variables !p, !x, !y, !z are reinitializted by the procedure <pro>reinitplt</pro> 
    3232; @examples 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/DESSINE/

    r237 r295  
    99; @keyword NOREINITPLT 
    1010; We active it if we do not want environment variables !p, !x, !y, !z 
    11 ; to be reinitilalizated by the procedure reinitplt 
     11; to be reinitilalized by the procedure reinitplt 
    1313; @keyword _EXTRA 
    38 ; 1) I reinitializate the graphic environment (variables !x, !y et !p): 
     38; 1) I reinitialize the graphic environment (variables !x, !y et !p): 
    3939  if NOT keyword_set(NOREINITPLT) then reinitplt, _extra = ex 
    4040; 2) i put the drawing on the screen like on the postscript 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/DESSINE/

    r237 r295  
    99; @keyword NOREINITPLT 
    1010; We active it if we do not want environment variables !p, !x, !y, !z 
    11 ; to be reinitilalizated by the procedure reinitplt 
     11; to be reinitilalized by the procedure <pro>reinitplt</pro> 
    1313; @keyword _EXTRA 
    1919; @restrictions 
    2020; If NOREINITPLT is not activated, all environment 
    21 ; variables !p, !x, !y, !z are reinitializted by the procedure reinitplt 
     21; variables !p, !x, !y, !z are reinitializted by the procedure <pro>reinitplt</pro> 
    2323; @examples 
    42 ; 1) I reinitializate the graphic environment (les variables !x, !y et !p): 
     42; 1) I reinitialize the graphic environment (les variables !x, !y et !p): 
    4343   if NOT keyword_set(NOREINITPLT) then reinitplt, _extra = ex 
    4444; 2) i put the drawing on the screen like on the postscript 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/WIDGET/AUTOUR_de_XXX/

    r267 r295  
    232232        widget_control, basegraph, /realize 
    233233        xmanager, 'xxx', basegraph, /no_block 
    234 ; We redraw what their were into it 
     234; We redraw what they were into it 
    235235; We recuperate the list of instructions 
    236236        globalcommand = extractatt(top_uvalue, 'globalcommand') 

    r242 r295  
    144144; @file_comments 
    145 ; Like WIDGET_COMBOBOX but here, their are 2 buttons + and - to move the widget from +/- 1 
     145; Like WIDGET_COMBOBOX but here, there are 2 buttons + and - to move the widget from +/- 1 
    147147; @categories 

    r242 r295  
    133133; @file_comments 
    134 ; Like WIDGET_DROPLIST but here, their are 2 buttons + and - to move the widget from +/- 1 
     134; Like WIDGET_DROPLIST but here, there are 2 buttons + and - to move the widget from +/- 1 
    136136; @categories 

    r262 r295  
    238238; @file_comments 
    239 ; Like WIDGET_SLIDER but here, their are 2 buttons + and - to move the widget from +/- 1 
     239; Like WIDGET_SLIDER but here, there are 2 buttons + and - to move the widget from +/- 1 
    241241; @categories 
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