03/28/07 14:17:24 (17 years ago)

replace some print by some report in some .pro (continuation)

1 edited


  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/GRILLE/domdef.pro

    r232 r240  
    248248      IF (dom[0] EQ -1) THEN BEGIN 
    249249        IF keyword_set(findalways) THEN BEGIN 
    250           print, 'WARNING, empty T points box... we get the neighnors to define a new box...' 
     250          ras = report('WARNING, empty T points box... we get the neighnors to define a new box...') 
    251251          neig1 = neighbor(lon1, lat1, glamt, gphit, sphere = keyword_set(key_onearth) * keyword_set(key_irregular)) 
    252252          neig2 = neighbor(lon2, lat2, glamt, gphit, sphere = keyword_set(key_onearth) * keyword_set(key_irregular)) 
    284284            CASE 1 OF 
    285285              (where(gridtype eq 'T'))[0] NE -1 OR (where(gridtype EQ 'W'))[0] NE -1:BEGIN 
    286                 print, 'WARNING, empty U points box... we use the same index as T points...' 
     286                ras = report('WARNING, empty U points box... we use the same index as T points...') 
    287287                firstxu = firstxt & lastxu = lastxt & nxu = nxt 
    288288                firstyu = firstyt & lastyu = lastyt & nyu = nyt 
    289289              END 
    290290              ELSE:BEGIN 
    291                 print, 'WARNING, empty U points box... we get the neighnors to define a new box...' 
     291                ras = report('WARNING, empty U points box... we get the neighnors to define a new box...') 
    292292                neig1 = neighbor(lon1, lat1, glamu, gphiu, sphere = keyword_set(key_onearth) * keyword_set(key_irregular)) 
    293293                neig2 = neighbor(lon2, lat2, glamu, gphiu, sphere = keyword_set(key_onearth) * keyword_set(key_irregular)) 
    327327            CASE 1 OF 
    328328              (where(gridtype eq 'T'))[0] NE -1 OR (where(gridtype EQ 'W'))[0] NE -1:BEGIN 
    329                 print, 'WARNING, empty V points box... we use the same index as T points...' 
     329                ras = report('WARNING, empty V points box... we use the same index as T points...') 
    330330                firstxv = firstxt & lastxv = lastxt & nxv = nxt 
    331331                firstyv = firstyt & lastyv = lastyt & nyv = nyt 
    332332              END 
    333333              (where(gridtype eq 'U'))[0] NE -1:BEGIN 
    334                 print, 'WARNING, empty V points box... we use the same index as U points...' 
     334                ras = report('WARNING, empty V points box... we use the same index as U points...') 
    335335                firstxv = firstxu & lastxv = lastxu & nxv = nxu 
    336336                firstyv = firstyu & lastyv = lastyu & nyv = nyu 
    337337              END 
    338338              ELSE:BEGIN 
    339                 print, 'WARNING, empty V points box... we get the neighnors to define a new box...' 
     339                ras = report('WARNING, empty V points box... we get the neighnors to define a new box...') 
    340340                neig1 = neighbor(lon1, lat1, glamv, gphiv, sphere = keyword_set(key_onearth) * keyword_set(key_irregular)) 
    341341                neig2 = neighbor(lon2, lat2, glamv, gphiv, sphere = keyword_set(key_onearth) * keyword_set(key_irregular)) 
    375375            CASE 1 OF 
    376376              (where(gridtype eq 'T'))[0] NE -1 OR (where(gridtype EQ 'W'))[0] NE -1:BEGIN 
    377                 print, 'WARNING, empty F points box... we use the same index as T points...' 
     377                ras = report('WARNING, empty F points box... we use the same index as T points...') 
    378378                firstxf = firstxt & lastxf = lastxt & nxf = nxt 
    379379                firstyf = firstyt & lastyf = lastyt & nyf = nyt 
    380380              END 
    381381              (where(gridtype eq 'U'))[0] NE -1:BEGIN 
    382                 print, 'WARNING, empty F points box... we use the same index as U points...' 
     382                ras = report('WARNING, empty F points box... we use the same index as U points...') 
    383383                firstxf = firstxu & lastxf = lastxu & nxf = nxu 
    384384                firstyf = firstyu & lastyf = lastyu & nyf = nyu 
    385385              END 
    386386              (where(gridtype eq 'V'))[0] NE -1:BEGIN 
    387                 print, 'WARNING, empty F points box... we use the same index as V points...' 
     387                ras = report('WARNING, empty F points box... we use the same index as V points...') 
    388388                firstxf = firstxv & lastxf = lastxv & nxf = nxv 
    389389                firstyf = firstyv & lastyf = lastyv & nyf = nyv 
    390390              END 
    391391              ELSE:BEGIN 
    392                 print, 'WARNING, empty F points box... we get the neighnors to define a new box...' 
     392                ras = report('WARNING, empty F points box... we get the neighnors to define a new box...') 
    393393                neig1 = neighbor(lon1, lat1, glamf, gphif, sphere = keyword_set(key_onearth) * keyword_set(key_irregular)) 
    394394                neig2 = neighbor(lon2, lat2, glamf, gphif, sphere = keyword_set(key_onearth) * keyword_set(key_irregular)) 
    497497          IF (dom[0] EQ -1) THEN BEGIN 
    498498            IF keyword_set(findalways) THEN BEGIN 
    499               print, 'WARNING, empty T points box... we get the neighnors to define a new box...' 
     499              ras = report('WARNING, empty T points box... we get the neighnors to define a new box...') 
    500500              neig1 = neighbor(lon1, lat1, glamt[fstx:lstx, *], gphit[fstx:lstx, *], sphere = keyword_set(key_onearth) * keyword_set(key_irregular)) 
    501501              neig2 = neighbor(lon2, lat2, glamt[fstx:lstx, *], gphit[fstx:lstx, *], sphere = keyword_set(key_onearth) * keyword_set(key_irregular)) 
    528528                CASE 1 OF 
    529529                  (where(gridtype eq 'T'))[0] NE -1 OR (where(gridtype EQ 'W'))[0] NE -1:BEGIN 
    530                     print, 'WARNING, empty U points box... we use the same index as T points...' 
     530                    ras = report( 'WARNING, empty U points box... we use the same index as T points...') 
    531531                    firstyu = firstyt & lastyu = lastyt & nyu = nyt 
    532532                  END 
    533533                  ELSE:BEGIN 
    534                     print, 'WARNING, empty U points box... we get the neighnors to define a new box...' 
     534                    ras = report('WARNING, empty U points box... we get the neighnors to define a new box...') 
    535535                    neig1 = neighbor(lon1, lat1, glamu[fstx:lstx, *], gphiu[fstx:lstx, *], sphere = keyword_set(key_onearth) * keyword_set(key_irregular)) 
    536536                    neig2 = neighbor(lon2, lat2, glamu[fstx:lstx, *], gphiu[fstx:lstx, *], sphere = keyword_set(key_onearth) * keyword_set(key_irregular)) 
    566566                CASE 1 OF 
    567567                  (where(gridtype eq 'T'))[0] NE -1 OR (where(gridtype EQ 'W'))[0] NE -1:BEGIN 
    568                     print, 'WARNING, empty V points box... we use the same index as T points...' 
     568                    ras = report('WARNING, empty V points box... we use the same index as T points...') 
    569569                    firstyv = firstyt & lastyv = lastyt & nyv = nyt 
    570570                  END 
    571571                  (where(gridtype eq 'U'))[0] NE -1:BEGIN 
    572                     print, 'WARNING, empty V points box... we use the same index as U points...' 
     572                    ras = report('WARNING, empty V points box... we use the same index as U points...') 
    573573                    firstyv = firstyu & lastyv = lastyu & nyv = nyu 
    574574                  END 
    575575                  ELSE:BEGIN 
    576                     print, 'WARNING, empty V points box... we get the neighnors to define a new box...' 
     576                    ras = report('WARNING, empty V points box... we get the neighnors to define a new box...') 
    577577                    neig1 = neighbor(lon1, lat1, glamv[fstx:lstx, *], gphiv[fstx:lstx, *], sphere = keyword_set(key_onearth) * keyword_set(key_irregular)) 
    578578                    neig2 = neighbor(lon2, lat2, glamv[fstx:lstx, *], gphiv[fstx:lstx, *], sphere = keyword_set(key_onearth) * keyword_set(key_irregular)) 
    608608                CASE 1 OF 
    609609                  (where(gridtype eq 'T'))[0] NE -1 OR (where(gridtype EQ 'W'))[0] NE -1:BEGIN 
    610                     print, 'WARNING, empty F points box... we use the same index as T points...' 
     610                    ras = report('WARNING, empty F points box... we use the same index as T points...') 
    611611                    firstyf = firstyt & lastyf = lastyt & nyf = nyt 
    612612                  END 
    613613                  (where(gridtype eq 'U'))[0] NE -1:BEGIN 
    614                     print, 'WARNING, empty F points box... we use the same index as U points...' 
     614                    ras = report('WARNING, empty F points box... we use the same index as U points...') 
    615615                    firstyf = firstyu & lastyf = lastyu & nyf = nyu 
    616616                  END 
    617617                  (where(gridtype eq 'V'))[0] NE -1:BEGIN 
    618                     print, 'WARNING, empty F points box... we use the same index as V points...' 
     618                    ras = report('WARNING, empty F points box... we use the same index as V points...') 
    619619                    firstyf = firstyv & lastyf = lastyv & nyf = nyv 
    620620                  END 
    621621                  ELSE:BEGIN 
    622                     print, 'WARNING, empty F points box... we get the neighnors to define a new box...' 
     622                    ras = report('WARNING, empty F points box... we get the neighnors to define a new box...') 
    623623                    neig1 = neighbor(lon1, lat1, glamf[fstx:lstx, *], gphif[fstx:lstx, *], sphere = keyword_set(key_onearth) * keyword_set(key_irregular)) 
    624624                    neig2 = neighbor(lon2, lat2, glamf[fstx:lstx, *], gphif[fstx:lstx, *], sphere = keyword_set(key_onearth) * keyword_set(key_irregular)) 
    665665          IF (dom[0] EQ -1) THEN BEGIN 
    666666            IF keyword_set(findalways) THEN BEGIN 
    667               print, 'WARNING, empty T points box... we get the neighnors to define a new box...' 
     667              ras = report('WARNING, empty T points box... we get the neighnors to define a new box...') 
    668668              neig1 = neighbor(lon1, lat1, glamt[*, fsty:lsty], gphit[*, fsty:lsty], sphere = keyword_set(key_onearth) * keyword_set(key_irregular)) 
    669669              neig2 = neighbor(lon2, lat2, glamt[*, fsty:lsty], gphit[*, fsty:lsty], sphere = keyword_set(key_onearth) * keyword_set(key_irregular)) 
    696696                CASE 1 OF 
    697697                  (where(gridtype eq 'T'))[0] NE -1 OR (where(gridtype EQ 'W'))[0] NE -1:BEGIN 
    698                     print, 'WARNING, empty U points box... we use the same index as T points...' 
     698                    ras = report('WARNING, empty U points box... we use the same index as T points...') 
    699699                    firstxu = firstxt & lastxu = lastxt & nxu = nxt 
    700700                  END 
    701701                  ELSE:BEGIN 
    702                     print, 'WARNING, empty U points box... we get the neighnors to define a new box...' 
     702                    ras = report('WARNING, empty U points box... we get the neighnors to define a new box...') 
    703703                    neig1 = neighbor(lon1, lat1, glamu[*, fsty:lsty], gphiu[*, fsty:lsty], sphere = keyword_set(key_onearth) * keyword_set(key_irregular)) 
    704704                    neig2 = neighbor(lon2, lat2, glamu[*, fsty:lsty], gphiu[*, fsty:lsty], sphere = keyword_set(key_onearth) * keyword_set(key_irregular)) 
    734734                CASE 1 OF 
    735735                  (where(gridtype eq 'T'))[0] NE -1 OR (where(gridtype EQ 'W'))[0] NE -1:BEGIN 
    736                     print, 'WARNING, empty V points box... we use the same index as T points...' 
     736                    ras = report('WARNING, empty V points box... we use the same index as T points...') 
    737737                    firstxv = firstxt & lastxv = lastxt & nxv = nxt 
    738738                  END 
    739739                  (where(gridtype eq 'U'))[0] NE -1:BEGIN 
    740                     print, 'WARNING, empty V points box... we use the same index as U points...' 
     740                    ras = report('WARNING, empty V points box... we use the same index as U points...') 
    741741                    firstxv = firstxu & lastxv = lastxu & nxv = nxu 
    742742                  END 
    743743                  ELSE:BEGIN 
    744                     print, 'WARNING, empty V points box... we get the neighnors to define a new box...' 
     744                    ras = report('WARNING, empty V points box... we get the neighnors to define a new box...') 
    745745                    neig1 = neighbor(lon1, lat1, glamv[*, fsty:lsty], gphiv[*, fsty:lsty], sphere = keyword_set(key_onearth) * keyword_set(key_irregular)) 
    746746                    neig2 = neighbor(lon2, lat2, glamv[*, fsty:lsty], gphiv[*, fsty:lsty], sphere = keyword_set(key_onearth) * keyword_set(key_irregular)) 
    776776                CASE 1 OF 
    777777                  (where(gridtype eq 'T'))[0] NE -1 OR (where(gridtype EQ 'W'))[0] NE -1:BEGIN 
    778                     print, 'WARNING, empty F points box... we use the same index as T points...' 
     778                    ras = report('WARNING, empty F points box... we use the same index as T points...') 
    779779                    firstxf = firstxt & lastxf = lastxt & nxf = nxt 
    780780                  END 
    781781                  (where(gridtype eq 'U'))[0] NE -1:BEGIN 
    782                     print, 'WARNING, empty F points box... we use the same index as U points...' 
     782                    ras = report('WARNING, empty F points box... we use the same index as U points...') 
    783783                    firstxf = firstxu & lastxf = lastxu & nxf = nxu 
    784784                  END 
    785785                  (where(gridtype eq 'V'))[0] NE -1:BEGIN 
    786                     print, 'WARNING, empty F points box... we use the same index as V points...' 
     786                    ras = report('WARNING, empty F points box... we use the same index as V points...') 
    787787                    firstxf = firstxv & lastxf = lastxv & nxf = nxv 
    788788                  END 
    789789                  ELSE:BEGIN 
    790                     print, 'WARNING, empty F points box... we get the neighnors to define a new box...' 
     790                    ras = report('WARNING, empty F points box... we get the neighnors to define a new box...') 
    791791                    neig1 = neighbor(lon1, lat1, glamf[*, fsty:lsty], gphif[*, fsty:lsty], sphere = keyword_set(key_onearth) * keyword_set(key_irregular)) 
    792792                    neig2 = neighbor(lon2, lat2, glamf[*, fsty:lsty], gphif[*, fsty:lsty], sphere = keyword_set(key_onearth) * keyword_set(key_irregular)) 
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