Changeset 192 for trunk/SRC/Utilities

09/22/06 11:37:08 (18 years ago)

several bugfix + new strsed

1 edited


  • trunk/SRC/Utilities/

    r177 r192  
    2323  compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs 
    25 ; Are we using a "Unix" machine? 
    26   IF ! NE 'X' THEN return 
    2725; is the IDL version at least 6.2 ? 
    28   IF float(strmid(!version.release, 0, 3)) LT 6.2 THEN return 
     26  IF float(strmid(!version.release, 0, 3)) LT 6.2 THEN BEGIN 
     27    print, 'Warning: You need at least IDL 6.2 to use SAXO/IDL merged online help' 
     28    return 
     29  ENDIF 
     31; check directories  
    2933; get the environment variable $HOME 
    3034  home = getenv('HOME') 
    3438  home = (file_search(home, /test_directory, /test_write, /mark_directory))[0] 
    3539  IF home EQ '' THEN return 
     41; is !dir + '/help/online_help a directory ? 
     42  homeidl = !dir + '/help/online_help' 
     43  homeidl = (file_search(homeidl, /test_directory, /mark_directory))[0] 
     44  IF homeidl EQ '' THEN return 
    3646; is $HOME/.assistant a directory ? if not, create it 
    3747  homeassist = home + '.assistant' 
    4050  homeassist = (file_search(homeassist, /test_directory, /test_write, /mark_directory))[0] 
    4151  IF homeassist EQ '' THEN return 
    42 ; is "$HOME/.assistant/src a directory ? if not, create it? 
     52; is $HOME/.assistant/src a directory ? if not, create it? 
    4353  homesrc = homeassist + 'src' 
    4454  IF file_test(homesrc, /directory) EQ 0 THEN file_mkdir, homesrc 
    4656  homesrc = (file_search(homesrc, /test_directory, /test_write, /mark_directory))[0] 
    4757  IF homesrc EQ '' THEN return 
     59  homesaxo = file_dirname(find(''), /mark_directory) + 'Documentation/idldoc_assistant_output/' 
     60  IF file_test(homesaxo + 'idldoc-lib.adp') EQ 0 THEN BEGIN 
     61    print, 'Error when looking for the file '+ homesaxo + 'idldoc-lib.adp...' 
     62    return 
     63  ENDIF 
     65; check existance and version of the file that need to be created 
    4868; do idl.adp and home.html already exists? 
    4969  IF file_test(homesrc + 'home.html') AND file_test(homesrc + 'idl.adp') $ 
    50     AND file_test(homesrc + 'aboutsaxo.txt') THEN BEGIN  
    51     !help_path = homesrc 
    52     return 
     70     AND file_test(homesrc + 'aboutsaxo.txt') THEN BEGIN 
     71; is the revision version of homesrc+'idl.adp' the same of homesaxo + 'idldoc-lib.adp' ? 
     72; is $Id found in homesrc+'idl.adp' 
     73    idladp = getfile(homesrc+'idl.adp') 
     74    line = strmatch(idladp, '*$Id*') 
     75    line = (where(line EQ 1))[0] 
     76    IF line NE -1 THEN BEGIN 
     77      new = idladp[line] 
     78; is $Id  found in homesaxo + 'idldoc-lib.adp' 
     79      saxoadp = getfile(homesaxo + 'idldoc-lib.adp') 
     80      line = strmatch(saxoadp, '*$Id*') 
     81      line = (where(line EQ 1))[0] 
     82      IF line NE -1 THEN BEGIN 
     83        old = saxoadp[line] 
     84; are the 2 revision tags the same?? 
     85        IF array_equal(old, new) THEN BEGIN 
     86          !help_path = homesrc 
     87          print, 'Use SAXO/IDL merged online help...' 
     88          return 
     89        ENDIF 
     90      ENDIF 
     91    ENDIF 
    5392  ENDIF 
    54 ; create idl.adp and home.html 
    55   homeidladp = !dir + '/help/online_help' 
    56   IF file_test(homeidladp + '/idl.adp') EQ 0 THEN BEGIN 
    57     print, 'Error when looking for the file '+homeidladp + '/idl.adp ...' 
    58     print, 'Check the value or your environment variable $IDL_DIR that defines !dir' 
    59     return 
    60   ENDIF 
    61   homesaxoadp = file_dirname(find(''), /mark_directory) + 'Documentation/idldoc_assistant_output' 
    63   spawn, homesaxoadp + '/../xmldoc/' $ 
    64          + ' ' + homeidladp $ 
    65          + ' ' + homesaxoadp $ 
    66          + ' ' + homesrc $ 
    67          + ' ' + !version.release $ 
    68          , /sh, exit_status = err 
     94; build homesrc + 'idl.adp' 
     96; --- modify the original idl.adp --- 
     97  idladp = getfile(homeidl+'idl.adp') 
     98; extract part from </profile> to </assistantconfig> 
     99  line1 = strmatch(idladp, '*</profile>*') 
     100  line1 = (where(line1 EQ 1))[0] 
     101  line2 = strmatch(idladp, '*</assistantconfig>*') 
     102  line2 = (where(line2 EQ 1))[0] - 1L 
     103  idladp = idladp[line1:line2] 
     104; put the complete path of the references 
     105  idladp = strsed(idladp, 'ref=\"', 'ref="'+homeidl) 
     106; --- modify the original idldoc-lib.adp --- 
     107  saxoadp = getfile(homesaxo + 'idldoc-lib.adp') 
     108; extract part from </profile> 
     109  line1 = strmatch(saxoadp, '*</profile>*') 
     110  line1 = (where(line1 EQ 1))[0] + 1 
     111  saxoadp = saxoadp[line1:*] 
     112; put the complete path of the references 
     113  saxoadp = strsed(saxoadp, 'ref=\"', 'ref="'+homesaxo) 
     114; --- merge idl.adp and idldoc-lib.adp, add an header and write it in a new file --- 
     115  header = ['<!DOCTYPE DCF>' $ 
     116            , '<assistantconfig version="3.3.0">' $ 
     117            , '   <profile>' $ 
     118            , '      <property name="name">SAXO - IDL ' + !version.release + ' Help</property>' $ 
     119            , '      <property name="title">SAXO - IDL ' + !version.release + ' Help</property>' $ 
     120            , '      <property name="startpage">' + homesrc + 'home.html</property>' $ 
     121            , '      <property name="aboutmenutext">About SAXO</property>' $ 
     122            , '      <property name="abouturl">' + homesrc + 'aboutsaxo.txt</property>' $ 
     123            , '      <property name="assistantdocs">' + homeidl + '</property>'] 
     124  newadp = [temporary(header), temporary(idladp), temporary(saxoadp)] 
    70   IF err EQ 0 THEN !help_path = homesrc 
     126  putfile, homesrc + 'idl.adp', temporary(newadp) 
     128; build homesrc + 'home.html' 
     130  homehtml = getfile(homeidl+'home.html') 
     131; put the complete path of the references 
     132  homehtml = strsed(homehtml, 'ref=\"', 'ref="'+homeidl) 
     133; find the first line containing '</h3>' 
     134  line = strmatch(homehtml, '*</h3>*') 
     135  line = (where(line EQ 1))[0] 
     136; insert one line after this line 
     137  homehtml = [homehtml[0:line] $ 
     138              , '<a name="SAXOdir"> </a><p class="pIndentedRelative"><img src="images/blueball_idl.gif" id="blueballSAXOdir" border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0"/> &#160;&#160;<a href="' + homesaxo + 'home.html">SAXO Directory</a></p>' $ 
     139              , homehtml[line+1:*]] 
     140; find the last line containing '</h3>' 
     141  line = strmatch(homehtml, '*</h3>*') 
     142  line = (where(line EQ 1, cnt))[cnt-1] 
     143; insert one line after this line 
     144  homehtml = [homehtml[0:line] $ 
     145              , '<a name="SAXOweb"> </a><p class="pIndentedRelative"><img src="images/blueball_idl.gif" id="blueballSAXOweb" border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0"/> &#160;&#160;<a href="">SAXO Home Page</a> </p>' $ 
     146              , homehtml[line+1:*]] 
     148; put the complete path of the images 
     149  homehtml = strsed(homehtml, 'src=\"', 'src="'+homeidl) 
     150; except for SAXOIDL_OnlineHelp_title.png 
     151  homehtml = strsed(homehtml, 'src=\".*IDL_OnlineHelp_Title\.gif\"', 'src="' + homesaxo + '../xmldoc/images/SAXOIDL_OnlineHelp_title.png"') 
     153  putfile, homesrc + 'home.html', temporary(homehtml) 
     155; build homesrc + 'aboutsaxo.txt' 
     157  about = getfile(homesaxo + '../../overview') 
     158; remove the lines containing @ 
     159  lines = strmatch(about, '@*') 
     160  about = about[where(lines EQ 0)] 
     161; add some informattions: 
     162  about = [about, '', 'More informations on', '', ''] 
     164  putfile, homesrc + 'aboutsaxo.txt', temporary(about) 
     166  print, 'Merge of SAXO and IDL online help done...' 
     167  !help_path = homesrc 
    72169  RETURN 
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