Changeset 183 for trunk/SRC

09/18/06 15:49:14 (18 years ago)

Modif for html documentations : hellip entity instead of ..., path relative to xmldoc in url attribute, spell chekcking, enlight mousse button, status checking of xml processing in shell scripts (1/2)

14 edited


  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/faqsaxo.xml

    r176 r183  
    2727    </authorgroup> 
    2828    <keywordset> 
    29       <keyword>idl</keyword> 
     29      <keyword>IDL</keyword> 
    3030      <keyword>SAXO</keyword> 
    3131      <keyword>FAQ</keyword> 
    72 see document <ulink url="../../saxo/browser/trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/whatissaxo.html?format=raw">What is SAXO</ulink>. 
     72see document <ulink url="./whatissaxo.html?format=raw">What is SAXO</ulink>. 
    84 see Support in document <ulink url="../../saxo/browser/trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/main.html?format=raw">Main page of SAXO</ulink>. 
     84see Support in document <ulink url="./websaxo.html?format=raw">Main page of SAXO</ulink>. 
    96 see document <ulink url="../../saxo/browser/trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/getsaxo.html?format=raw">Get SAXO</ulink>. 
     96see document <ulink url="./getsaxo.html?format=raw">Get SAXO</ulink>. 
    125 Does SAXO works wih GDL instead of IDL ? 
     125Does SAXO works with GDL instead of IDL ? 
    246 Paragraphs of <filename>*.pro</filename> headers are shown with a proportinal 
    247 font in the <literal>html</literal> release. 
     246Paragraphs of <filename>*.pro</filename> headers are shown with a proportional 
     247font in the <literal>HTML</literal> release. 
    260 Unfortunatly, these troubles may not be fixed because the author does not 
     260Unfortunately, these troubles may not be fixed because the author does not 
    261261have anymore the opportunity to work on his own work. 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/firststeps.xml

    r176 r183  
    2323module : 
    24 first steps with SAXO... 
     24first steps with SAXO ... 
    2626source : 
    6767<title>Before this</title> 
    69 In this document, we supposed that you followed <ulink url="getsaxo.html">Get SAXO</ulink> recommandations.  
     69In this document, we supposed that you followed <ulink url="getsaxo.html">Get SAXO</ulink> recommendations.  
    7373  <sect1 id="first_plots"> 
    7474    <title> 
    75       First plots... 
     75      First plots &hellip; 
    7676    </title> 
    7777    <sect2 id="start_with_init"> 
    8383      </para> 
    8484      <para> 
    85         <emphasis>The @ is equivalent to an include. It is used to execute a set of IDL commands that will be directly executed without any compilation (as it is the case for a procedure or a function). All variables defined and used in the @... file will still be accessible after the execution of the @... is finished (which is not the case for procedures and functions that ends with the return instruction).</emphasis> 
     85        <emphasis>The @ is equivalent to an include. It is used to execute a set of IDL commands that will be directly executed without any compilation (as it is the case for a procedure or a function). All variables defined and used in the @&hellip; file will still be accessible after the execution of the @&hellip; is finished (which is not the case for procedures and functions that ends with the return instruction).</emphasis> 
    8686        <screen format="linespecific"> 
    8787  <prompt>$</prompt> <userinput><command>cd</command> <filename class="directory"><envar>${HOME}</envar>/My_IDL/</filename></userinput> 
    122122    <sect2 id="basic_plots"> 
    123123      <title> 
    124         basic plots... 
     124        basic plots &hellip; 
    125125      </title> 
    126126      <sect3 id="basic_splot"> 
    177177  <computeroutput>% Compiled module: OPENPS.</computeroutput> 
    178178  <computeroutput>% Compiled module: XQUESTION.</computeroutput> 
    179   <computeroutput>Name of the postscript file? (default answer is </computeroutput><userinput>first_ps</userinput> &numb1; 
     179  <computeroutput>Name of the postscript file? (default answer is</computeroutput><userinput>first_ps</userinput> &numb1; 
    180180  <computeroutput>% Compiled module: ISAFILE.</computeroutput> 
    181181  <computeroutput>% Compiled module: XNOTICE.</computeroutput> 
    194194          </calloutlist> 
    195195        </screenco> 
    196         Check that the <quote><filename></filename></quote> file is now existing... 
     196        Check that the <quote><filename></filename></quote> file is now existing &hellip; 
    197197        <screen format="linespecific"> 
    198198  <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>print, file_test(psdir + '')</command></userinput> 
    292292  <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>    , xtitle = 'x index', charsize = 1.5</command></userinput> <ulink url="figpng/basic_scontour2.png?format=raw">&showfig;</ulink> 
    293293        </screen> 
    294 It can be used in combinaison with contour to make more complex plots: 
     294It can be used in combination with contour to make more complex plots: 
    295295        <screenco> 
    296296          <areaspec> 
    342342  <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xhelp, 'tvplus'</command></userinput> 
    343343          </screen> 
    344           To sse the source code of <command>tvplus</command>, try: 
     344          To see the source code of <command>tvplus</command>, try: 
    345345          <screen format="linespecific"> 
    346346  <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xfile, 'tvplus'</command></userinput> 
    415415            <listitem><simpara>cells corners ordinates, stored in 2D array <varname></varname>gphif</simpara></listitem> 
    416416            <listitem><simpara>cells upper boundary depth, stored in 1D array <varname></varname>gdepw</simpara></listitem> 
    417             <listitem><simpara>land-sea mask, stored in <varname></varname>tmask</simpara></listitem> 
     417            <listitem><simpara>land-sea mask, stored in <varname>tmask</varname></simpara></listitem> 
    418418            <listitem><simpara>the cells size in the longitudinal direction, stored in 2D array <varname></varname>e1t</simpara></listitem> 
    419419            <listitem><simpara>the cells size in the latitudinal direction, stored in 2D array <varname></varname>e2t</simpara></listitem> 
    511511      </title> 
    512512        <para> 
    513           A quick presentation of vertical sections is shown in <ulink url="../../Tests/">tst_pltz</ulink>. After laoding any of the grid (for example with one of the <link linkend="load_grid">above examples</link>). Just try: 
     513          A quick presentation of vertical sections is shown in <ulink url="../../Tests/">tst_pltz</ulink>. After loading any of the grid (for example with one of the <link linkend="load_grid">above examples</link>). Just try: 
    514514          <screen format="linespecific"> 
    515515  <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>tst_pltz</command></userinput> 
    535535      </title> 
    536536        <para> 
    537           A quick presentation of hovmoellers and time series is shown in <ulink url="../../Tests/">tst_pltt</ulink>. After laoding any of the grid (for example with one of the <link linkend="load_grid">above examples</link>). Just try: 
     537          A quick presentation of hovmoellers and time series is shown in <ulink url="../../Tests/">tst_pltt</ulink>. After loading any of the grid (for example with one of the <link linkend="load_grid">above examples</link>). Just try: 
    538538          <screen format="linespecific"> 
    539539  <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>tst_pltt</command></userinput> 
    559559      </title> 
    560560        <para> 
    561           To be continued... 
     561          To be continued &hellip; 
    562562        </para> 
    563563   </sect2> 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/

    r149 r183  
    44# add frame and callouts image to an existing one 
    6 # !! exists only because graphics callouts are not yet avalaible 
     6# !! exists only because graphics callouts are not yet available 
    77# with xsl processing on XML/Docbook files (xsl stylesheet 1.70 and 
    88# DocBook DTD 4.2) 
    5151capture_ysize=309 #++ should be obtain by parsing identify result 
    53 # description of frames (title, xmin,ymin, xmax,ymax) 
     53# description of frames (title, xmin, ymin, xmax,ymax) 
    5454# nb : title and label are not yet used but they may be added in a kind of  
    5555# comments 
    7777capture_ysize=630 #++ should be obtain by parsing identify result 
    79 # description of frames (title, xmin,ymin, xmax,ymax) 
     79# description of frames (title, xmin, ymin, xmax,ymax) 
    8080# nb : title and label are not yet used but they may be added in a kind of  
    8181# comments 
    125125capture_ysize=82 #++ should be obtain by parsing identify result 
    127 # description of frames (title, xmin,ymin, xmax,ymax) 
     127# description of frames (title, xmin, ymin, xmax,ymax) 
    128128# nb : title and label are not yet used but they may be added in a kind of  
    129129# comments 
    199199# +++ verrue mal codee... 
    200 # dans le cas mouse, je ne veux pas les cardes 
     200# dans le cas mouse, je ne veux pas les cadres 
    201201# a voir si on integre proprement ou si on vire... 
    202202if [ $1 = mouse ] 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/getsaxo.xml

    r144 r183  
    1818    </authorgroup> 
    1919    <keywordset> 
    20       <keyword>idl</keyword> 
     20      <keyword>IDL</keyword> 
    2121      <keyword>SAXO</keyword> 
    2222    </keywordset> 
    168168        </title> 
    169169        <para> 
    170           Create your <filename class='directory'><envar>${HOME}</envar>/SAXO_DIR</filename> directory... 
     170          Create your <filename class='directory'><envar>${HOME}</envar>/SAXO_DIR</filename> directory &hellip; 
    171171          <screen format="linespecific"> 
    172172  <prompt>$</prompt> <userinput><command>cd</command> <parameter><envar>${HOME}</envar></parameter></userinput> 
    174174  <prompt>$</prompt> <userinput><command>cd</command> <parameter>SAXO_DIR</parameter></userinput> 
    175175          </screen> 
    176           ... and download it the latest version of the sources tar file: <ulink url=";.tar.gz">SAXO_SRC_&date;.tar.gz</ulink> (&szsrc; Mb). This tar.gz file could also be downloaded with  
     176          &hellip; and download it the latest version of the sources tar file: <ulink url=";.tar.gz">SAXO_SRC_&date;.tar.gz</ulink> (&szsrc; Mb). This tar.gz file could also be downloaded with  
    177177        <variablelist> 
    178178          <varlistentry><term><command>wget</command></term> 
    221221        </screen> 
    222222        Download <ulink url=";.tar.gz">SAXO_DATA_&date2;.tar.gz</ulink> (&szdata; Mb) 
    223         ... or with  
     223        &hellip; or with  
    224224        <variablelist> 
    225225          <varlistentry><term><command>wget</command></term> 
    246246      </title> 
    247247      <para> 
    248         To use <application>SAXO</application>, we need to build an idl script that we usually call "<filename></filename>". This file contains a set of IDL commands and default definitions (paths and variables of the common files) that are necessary to <application>SAXO</application>. Once it has been created, <filename></filename> should the first executed command when starting IDL session. 
     248        To use <application>SAXO</application>, we need to build an IDL script that we usually call "<filename></filename>". This file contains a set of IDL commands and default definitions (paths and variables of the common files) that are necessary to <application>SAXO</application>. Once it has been created, <filename></filename> should the first executed command when starting IDL session. 
    249249      </para> 
    250250      <para> 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/mailing.xml

    r166 r183  
    1313    </authorgroup> 
    1414    <keywordset> 
    15       <keyword>idl</keyword> 
     15      <keyword>IDL</keyword> 
    1616      <keyword>SAXO</keyword> 
    1717    </keywordset> 
    2020        <revnumber>0.1</revnumber> 
    2121        <date>September 2006</date> 
    22         <revremark>Mailing lists on are ok (thanks to Frédéric Bongat)</revremark> 
     22        <revremark>Mailing lists on are OK (thanks to Frédéric Bongat)</revremark> 
    2323      </revision> 
    2424      <revision> 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/

    r170 r183  
    88# released on 1 September 2005) doesn't handle carriage returns 
     10# fplod 2006-09-18T12:53:07Z (Darwin) 
     11# add status checking 
    1012# fplod 2006-09-07T08:10:23Z (Darwin) 
    1113# main is rename to websaxo.html 
    5658case "${1}" in 
    5759   getsaxo) 
    58       # size of SRCand DATA with .svn 
     60      # size of SRC and DATA with .svn 
    5961      szallsvn=$( du -sh ../../.. | awk '{print $1}' ) 
    6062      szallsvn=${szallsvn%*M} 
    217219${titlepagexsl} \ 
     222if [ ${status} -ne 0 ] 
     224 echo "eee : pb xsltproc sur" 
     225 exit 1 
    220228case "${1}" in 
    264272      xmllint --xinclude \ 
    265273              --output ${1}_${$}.xml ${1}.xml 
     274      status=${?} 
     275      if [ ${status} -ne 0 ] 
     276      then 
     277       echo "eee : pb xmllint sur ${1}.xml" 
     278       exit 1 
     279      fi 
    266280   ;; 
    267281   *) 
    284298use.extensions=1 \ 
     301if [ ${status} -ne 0 ] 
     303 echo "eee : pb saxon sur ${1}_${$}.xml" 
     304 exit 1 
    287307case "${1}" in 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/mini_notice.xml

    r176 r183  
    3030    </authorgroup> 
    3131    <keywordset> 
    32       <keyword>idl</keyword> 
     32      <keyword>IDL</keyword> 
    3333      <keyword>SAXO</keyword> 
    3434      <keyword>xxx</keyword> 
    7474    <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command>, <parameter>restore = 'file.dat'</parameter></userinput> 
    7575    <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command>, <parameter>''</parameter></userinput> 
    76     <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command>, <parameter>''</parameter>, <parameter>keywd1 = ...</parameter>, <parameter>keywd2 = ...</parameter></userinput> 
     76    <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command>, <parameter>''</parameter>, <parameter>keywd1 = &hellip;</parameter>, <parameter>keywd2 = &hellip;</parameter></userinput> 
    7777    <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command>, <parameter>''</parameter>, <parameter>'initgrid'</parameter></userinput> 
    78     <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command>, <parameter>''</parameter>, <parameter>'initgrid'</parameter>, <parameter>keywd1 = ...</parameter>, <parameter>keywd2 = ...</parameter></userinput> 
    79     <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command>, <parameter>''</parameter>, <parameter>'initgrid'</parameter>, <parameter>'arg1, arg2, ...'</parameter></userinput> 
     78    <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command>, <parameter>''</parameter>, <parameter>'initgrid'</parameter>, <parameter>keywd1 = &hellip;</parameter>, <parameter>keywd2 = &hellip;</parameter></userinput> 
     79    <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command>, <parameter>''</parameter>, <parameter>'initgrid'</parameter>, <parameter>'arg1, arg2, &hellip;'</parameter></userinput> 
    8080  </screen> 
    127127<sect3 id="initprogramtxt"><title>Grid initialization parameters</title> 
    128128  <para> 
    129     This third part allows you to specify the name, the argument and the keywords of the routine you want to use to initialize the grid.  By default the name of the procedure is <command>initncdf</command>, its argument will be automatically defined so you cannot change them. If you If you checked "grid construction with other IDL batch or procedure", you have to select the name of the IDL procedure or batch file and its suitable arguments and keywords. Note that if you select an IDL batch file you cannot give any parameter or keyword. 
     129    This third part allows you to specify the name, the argument and the keywords of the routine you want to use to initialize the grid. 
     130By default the name of the procedure is <command>initncdf</command>, its argument will be automatically defined so you cannot change them. If you If you checked "grid construction with other IDL batch or procedure", you have to select the name of the IDL procedure or batch file and its suitable arguments and keywords. Note that if you select an IDL batch file you cannot give any parameter or keyword. 
    130131    <figure id="fig_xxx_0102"> 
    131132      <title>Window xxx 1</title> 
    142143    Once these two lines have been completed, click on <guibutton>let's go</guibutton>. 
    143144  </para> 
    144   <para>For example, we choose the IDL batch file "tst_initlev". Compare the result with "automatic grid construction with" checked. Cf <xref linkend="fig_xxx_0404"/> </para> 
     145  <para>For example, we choose the IDL batch file "tst_initlev". Compare the result with "automatic grid construction with" checked. Cf <xref linkend="fig_xxx_0404"/> 
     146  </para> 
    146148  <figure id="fig_xxx_0103"> 
    147       <title>Oceania at 125 metters of depth with proper grid initialization</title> 
     149      <title>Oceania at 125 meters of depth with proper grid initialization</title> 
    148150        <imageobject> 
    149151          <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_0103.png"/> 
    177 <sect2 id="launch_xxx_5"><title><prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command>, <parameter>''</parameter>, <parameter>keywd1 = ...</parameter>, <parameter>keywd2 = ...</parameter></userinput></title> 
    178 <para> 
    179 In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file '', build the grid automatically with the IDL procedure <command>initncdf</command> and use the keywords <userinput><parameter>keywd1 = ...</parameter>, <parameter>keywd2 = ...</parameter></userinput> in the call of <command>initncdf</command>. For example: 
     179<sect2 id="launch_xxx_5"><title><prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command>, <parameter>''</parameter>, <parameter>keywd1 = &hellip;</parameter>, <parameter>keywd2 = &hellip;</parameter></userinput></title> 
     181In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file '', build the grid automatically with the IDL procedure <command>initncdf</command> and use the keywords <userinput><parameter>keywd1 = &hellip;</parameter>, <parameter>keywd2 = &hellip;</parameter></userinput> in the call of <command>initncdf</command>. For example: 
    180182  <screen format="linespecific"> 
    181183    <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command>, <parameter>''</parameter>, <parameter>useasmask = 'votemper'</parameter>, <parameter>missing_value = 31.0720</parameter></userinput> 
    195 <sect2 id="launch_xxx_7"><title><prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command>, <parameter>''</parameter>, <parameter>'initgrid'</parameter>, <parameter>keywd1 = ...</parameter>, <parameter>keywd2 = ...</parameter></userinput></title> 
    196 <para> 
    197 In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file '', build the grid directly with the IDL procedure <command>initgrid</command> and use the keywords <userinput><parameter>keywd1 = ...</parameter>, <parameter>keywd2 = ...</parameter></userinput> in the call of <command>initgrid</command>. 
    198 </para> 
    199 </sect2> 
    201 <sect2 id="launch_xxx_8"><title><prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command>, <parameter>''</parameter>, <parameter>'initgrid'</parameter>, <parameter>'arg1, arg2, ...'</parameter></userinput></title> 
    202 <para> 
    203 In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file '', build the grid directly with the IDL procedure <command>initgrid</command> and use the string <userinput><parameter>'arg1, arg2, ...'</parameter></userinput> to specify the input arguments in the call of <command>initgrid</command>. 
     197<sect2 id="launch_xxx_7"><title><prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command>, <parameter>''</parameter>, <parameter>'initgrid'</parameter>, <parameter>keywd1 = &hellip;</parameter>, <parameter>keywd2 = &hellip;</parameter></userinput></title> 
     199In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file '', build the grid directly with the IDL procedure <command>initgrid</command> and use the keywords <userinput><parameter>keywd1 = &hellip;</parameter>, <parameter>keywd2 = &hellip;</parameter></userinput> in the call of <command>initgrid</command>. 
     203<sect2 id="launch_xxx_8"><title><prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command>, <parameter>''</parameter>, <parameter>'initgrid'</parameter>, <parameter>'arg1, arg2, &hellip;'</parameter></userinput></title> 
     205In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file '', build the grid directly with the IDL procedure <command>initgrid</command> and use the string <userinput><parameter>'arg1, arg2, &hellip;'</parameter></userinput> to specify the input arguments in the call of <command>initgrid</command>. 
    278280<sect2 id="plottypetxt"><title>Plot type list</title> 
    279 <para>allows specification of the type of plot desired.</para> 
     281<para>Allows specification of the type of plot desired.</para> 
    281283    <figure id="fig_xxx_0202"> 
    282       <title>Differents plot types avaibles</title> 
     284      <title>Different plot types available</title> 
    283285          <imageobject> 
    284286            <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_0202.png"/> 
    295 <sect2 id="menutxt"><title>The menu bar made up of 3 submenus</title> 
    296 <sect3 id="filesubmenu"><title><guisubmenu>File</guisubmenu> submenu</title> 
     297<sect2 id="menutxt"><title>The menu bar made up of 3 sub-menus</title> 
     298<sect3 id="filesubmenu"><title><guisubmenu>File</guisubmenu> sub-menu</title> 
    298300    <figure id="fig_xxx_0203"> 
    307 <listitem><para><menuchoice><guibutton>Open:</guibutton></menuchoice> to open a new file. Same procedure as during the <link linkend="launch_xxx_1">launch of XXX</link>.  The new file can be on a different grid, with different variables, with a different time base... 
     309<listitem><para><menuchoice><guibutton>Open:</guibutton></menuchoice> to open a new file. Same procedure as during the <link linkend="launch_xxx_1">launch of XXX</link>. 
     310The new file can be on a different grid, with different variables, with a different time base &hellip; 
    309312<listitem><para><menuchoice><guibutton>New XXX:</guibutton></menuchoice> to open a second XXX window identical to the first one.</para></listitem> 
    314 <sect3 id="saveassubmenu"><title><guisubmenu>Save As</guisubmenu> submenu</title> 
     317<sect3 id="saveassubmenu"><title><guisubmenu>Save As</guisubmenu> sub-menu</title> 
    316319    <figure id="fig_xxx_0204"> 
    326329<listitem><para><menuchoice><guibutton>Animated gif:</guibutton></menuchoice> to create an animation of the plotting window. 
    327330<note><para>The creation of an animation is only possible if none of the plots have a time axis, and if the plots are all on the same time base (calendar). On the other hand, animations of horizontal and vertical plots, with different color palettes (for those not on an X-terminal), are possible.</para></note> 
    328 <note><para> the creation of animations has a tendency to saturate the video memory of X-terminals, crashing the entire program...</para></note> 
     331<note><para>The creation of animations has a tendency to saturate the video memory of X-terminals, crashing the entire program &hellip;</para></note> 
    330333<listitem><para><menuchoice><guibutton>Gif:</guibutton></menuchoice> to save a gif of the plotting window.</para></listitem> 
    331 <listitem><para><menuchoice><guibutton>IDL procedure:</guibutton></menuchoice> to save the command history that has created the plot in an IDL procedure that can be reexecuted later. For example if I save the commands in <filename></filename> file, when ever I want, I can then launch a new IDL session and type: 
     334<listitem><para><menuchoice><guibutton>IDL procedure:</guibutton></menuchoice> to save the command history that has created the plot in an IDL procedure that can be re-executed later. For example if I save the commands in <filename></filename> file, when ever I want, I can then launch a new IDL session and type: 
    332335  <screen format="linespecific"> 
    333336<prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput>@init</userinput> 
    336339and I'll obtain the saved figure. 
    337340  <screen format="linespecific"> 
    338 <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput>xxx_figure,/post </userinput> 
     341<prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput>xxx_figure,/post</userinput> 
    344347will then create a Postscript file of the figure. 
    346 <listitem><para id='restore'><menuchoice><guibutton>RESTORE kwd of xxx:</guibutton></menuchoice> to save the xxx widget (all buttons and parameters storeed in memory...) in a binary file in order to quit xxx and relauch it later with <link linkend="launch_xxx_3"><prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command>, <parameter>restore = 'file.dat'</parameter></userinput></link> and get exactly the same configuration.</para></listitem> 
    347 <listitem><para><menuchoice><guibutton>Print to prompt:</guibutton></menuchoice> lists in the IDL window the command history that created the last plot. Useful primarily for debugging...</para></listitem> 
     349<listitem><para id='restore'><menuchoice><guibutton>RESTORE kwd of xxx:</guibutton></menuchoice> to save the xxx widget (all buttons and parameters stored in memory &hellip;) in a binary file in order to quit xxx and relaunch it later with <link linkend="launch_xxx_3"><prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command>, <parameter>restore = 'file.dat'</parameter></userinput></link> and get exactly the same configuration.</para></listitem> 
     350<listitem><para><menuchoice><guibutton>Print to prompt:</guibutton></menuchoice> lists in the IDL window the command history that created the last plot. Useful primarily for debugging&hellip;</para></listitem> 
    351 <sect3 id="flagsubmenu"><title><guisubmenu>Flag options</guisubmenu> submenu</title> 
     354<sect3 id="flagsubmenu"><title><guisubmenu>Flag options</guisubmenu> sub-menu</title> 
    353356    <figure id="fig_xxx_0205"> 
    364367one represented as color-filled contours. It is necessary to relaunch the entire plot to make this work!</para></listitem> 
    365368<listitem><para><guibutton>Vecteur:</guibutton> to plot a vector field on top of contours. Only 
    366 works on horizontal plots (<filename></filename>).  As for Overlay, a relaunch of the entire plot is necessary.</para></listitem> 
    367 <listitem><para><guibutton>Longitude / x index:</guibutton> switches longitude labelling of the plot subdomain from degrees to indices following i. </para></listitem> 
    368 <listitem><para><guibutton>Latitude / y index:</guibutton> switches latitude labelling of the plot subdomain from degrees to indices following j. </para></listitem> 
     369works on horizontal plots (<filename></filename>). 
     370As for Overlay, a relaunch of the entire plot is necessary.</para></listitem> 
     371<listitem><para><guibutton>Longitude / x index:</guibutton> switches longitude labeling of the plot sub-domain from degrees to indexes following i.</para></listitem> 
     372<listitem><para><guibutton>Latitude / y index:</guibutton> switches latitude labeling of the plot sub-domain from degrees to indexes following j.</para></listitem> 
    371 <caution><para>Careful, a selected option remains selected until it is reclicked.</para></caution> 
     375<caution><para>Careful, a selected option remains selected until it is re-clicked.</para></caution> 
    375379<sect2 id="oktxt"><title>OK button</title> 
    376 <para>click on this <guibutton>OK</guibutton> button is required to make a new plot appear</para> 
     380<para>Click on this <guibutton>OK</guibutton> button is required to make a new plot appear</para> 
    379383<sect2 id="pagelayouttxt"><title>Page Layout</title> 
    380 <para>specify the number of columns and rows for plots on the sheet of paper.</para> 
     384<para>Specify the number of columns and rows for plots on the sheet of paper.</para> 
    382386    <figure id="fig_xxx_0206"> 
    390394    <figure id="fig_xxx_0206a"> 
    391       <title>Example: For 2 cln and 2 row</title> 
     395      <title>Example: For 2 columns and 2 rows</title> 
    392396          <imageobject> 
    393397            <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_0206a.png"/> 
    399403<sect2 id="variableslisttxt"><title><guimenuitem>List of variables</guimenuitem></title> 
    400 <para> you can choose the variable to work on.</para> 
     404<para>You can choose the variable to work on.</para> 
    402406    <figure id="fig_xxx_0207"> 
    403       <title>Example of differents Variables avaible</title> 
     407      <title>Example of different Variables available</title> 
    404408          <imageobject> 
    405409            <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_0207.png"/> 
    411415<sect2 id="fileslisttxt"><title><guimenuitem>List of open files</guimenuitem></title> 
    412 <para> you can choose the file to work on.</para> 
     416<para>You can choose the file to work on.</para> 
    414418    <figure id="fig_xxx_0208"> 
    425429To specify in the widget part number 7 the computation you want to do on the data 
    426 <note><para>In all cases bellow, the name given to a field (a, b, c,...) is of no importance.</para></note> 
     430<note><para>In all cases bellow, the name given to a field (a, b, c, &hellip;) is of no importance.</para></note> 
    428432<sect3 id="commandtext1"><title><guimenuitem>Linear calculation</guimenuitem></title> 
    430 If you want to make basic linear computation (like difference between fields, add/multiply by a constant...). you can simply put the following commands: <screen format="linespecific">a - b</screen><screen format="linespecific">numb1*a</screen><screen format="linespecific">a + numb</screen> or any command with the following format <screen format="linespecific">numb1*a + numb2*b  + numb3*c ... + numb</screen> where numb1, numb2,... correspond to numbers and a, b, c... will be the data to read. 
    431 </para> 
    432 </sect3> 
    433 <sect3 id="commandtext1"><title><guimenuitem>Any kind of computation calculation</guimenuitem></title> 
    434 <para> 
    435 If you want to make a computation more complicated than a basic linear you must put designate the data you want to read between "" (with anything inbetween the "). For example: <screen format="linespecific">"a"^2</screen><screen format="linespecific">"a" - abs("b")</screen><screen format="linespecific">grad("a", 'x')</screen>... 
     434If you want to make basic linear computation (like difference between fields, add/multiply by a constant &hellip;). you can simply put the following commands: <screen format="linespecific">a - b</screen><screen format="linespecific">numb1*a</screen><screen format="linespecific">a + numb</screen> or any command with the following format <screen format="linespecific">numb1*a + numb2*b  + numb3*c &hellip; + numb</screen> where numb1, numb2, &hellip; correspond to numbers and a, b, c &hellip; will be the data to read. 
     437<sect3 id="commandtext1"><title><guimenuitem>Any kind of computation</guimenuitem></title> 
     439If you want to make a computation more complicated than a basic linear you must put designate the data you want to read between <keycap>"</keycap><keycap>"</keycap> (with anything in between the "). For example: <screen format="linespecific">"a"^2</screen><screen format="linespecific">"a" - abs("b")</screen><screen format="linespecific">grad("a", 'x')</screen> &hellip; 
    440444<sect2 id="calendartxt"><title>Calendar</title> 
    442 The calendar is made up of two droplists, which allow specification of two dates, the beginning and end of a time series, or the period over which to average before plotting.</para> 
     446The calendar is made up of two drop-lists, which allow specification of two dates, the beginning and end of a time series, or the period over which to average before plotting.</para> 
    444448    <figure id="fig_xxx_0301"> 
    490 <sect2 id="specificationstxt"><title>specify your plot</title> 
     494<sect2 id="specificationstxt"><title>Specify your plot</title> 
    492496<sect3 id="minmaxintervaltxt"><title><guimenuitem>Specify min, max and contour interval</guimenuitem></title> 
    498502    </imageobject> 
    499503  </figure> 
    500   You can restore configuration by default by pressing the "default" button. 
    501   <note><para>The path of the file <ulink url="../../ToBeReviewed/WIDGET/AUTOUR_de_XXX/"><filename></filename></ulink> that defines the default values for each variable names is displayed when the cursor hovers over the button Default. This file contains a case statement based on the name of the variable and defining the min, max, contour interval and other keywords that should be used as default for the specified variable. You can copy this file in your own <filename class="directory"><envar>${HOME}</envar>/My_IDL/</filename> directory and easily modify it to suit your favorite default values.</para></note> 
     504  You can restore configuration by default by pressing the <menuchoice><guibutton>Default</guibutton></menuchoice> button. 
     505  <note><para>The path of the file <ulink url="../../ToBeReviewed/WIDGET/AUTOUR_de_XXX/"><filename></filename></ulink> that defines the default values for each variable names is displayed when the cursor hovers over the button <menuchoice><guibutton>Default</guibutton></menuchoice>. This file contains a case statement based on the name of the variable and defining the min, max, contour interval and other keywords that should be used as default for the specified variable. You can copy this file in your own <filename class="directory"><envar>${HOME}</envar>/My_IDL/</filename> directory and easily modify it to suit your favorite default values.</para></note> 
    517521<sect3 id="kwdtxt"><title><guimenuitem>Add any keyword</guimenuitem></title> 
    519   The "keywords" window allows specification of all desired keywords. There is a few examples of the use of this "keywords" window. 
     523  The <quote>keywords</quote> window allows specification of all desired keywords. There is a few examples of the use of this <quote>keywords</quote> window. 
    520524  <figure id="fig_xxx_0209"> 
    521525    <title>Without any additional keyword</title> 
    525529  </figure> 
    526530  <figure id="fig_xxx_0210a"> 
    527     <title>add "/realcont" keyword</title> 
     531    <title>Add <varname>/realcont</varname> keyword</title> 
    528532    <imageobject> 
    529533      <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_0210a.png"/> 
    531535  </figure> 
    532536  <figure id="fig_xxx_0210"> 
    533     <title>Graphic with "/realcont" keyword</title> 
     537    <title>Graphic with <varname>/realcont</varname> keyword</title> 
    534538    <imageobject> 
    535539      <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_0210.png"/> 
    537541  </figure> 
    538542  <figure id="fig_xxx_0211a"> 
    539     <title>add "/realcont, map=[90,0,0], /ortho, cell_fill=2" keywords</title> 
     543    <title>Add <userinput>/realcont, map=[90,0,0], /ortho, cell_fill=2</userinput> keywords</title> 
    540544    <imageobject> 
    541545      <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_0211a.png"/> 
    543547  </figure> 
    544548  <figure id="fig_xxx_0211"> 
    545     <title>Graphic with "/realcont, map=[90,0,0], /ortho, cell_fill=2" keywords</title> 
     549    <title>Graphic with <literal>/realcont, map=[90,0,0], /ortho, cell_fill=2</literal> keywords</title> 
    546550    <imageobject> 
    547551      <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_0211.png"/> 
    562566The domain we'd like to select for the plot is determined by one of 
    563 its diagonals, defined therefore by two points.  The first point is 
     567its diagonals, defined therefore by two points. 
     568The first point is 
    564569defined when the mouse button is pushed, then the mouse is moved, and 
    565570the second point is defined as the mouse button is released 
    566 (click-drag).  The domains are thus defined by a long click (<abbrev>LC</abbrev>).  To 
    567 determine which type of plot should be made of selection, use: 
     572The domains are thus defined by a long click (<abbrev>LC</abbrev>). 
     573To determine which type of plot should be made of selection, use: 
    570576If the plot selector is on <constant>plt</constant> 
    572 <listitem><para>the left mouse button to create horizontal plots (<constant>plt</constant>)</para></listitem> 
    573 <listitem><para>the middle mouse button to create vertical plots (<constant>pltz</constant>)</para></listitem> 
    574 <listitem><para>the right mouse button to create common hovmoellers for xt and yt cuts (<constant>pltt</constant>)</para></listitem> 
     578<listitem><para>the <mousebutton>left</mousebutton> mouse button to create horizontal plots (<constant>plt</constant>)</para></listitem> 
     579<listitem><para>the <mousebutton>middle</mousebutton> mouse button to create vertical plots (<constant>pltz</constant>)</para></listitem> 
     580<listitem><para>the <mousebutton>right</mousebutton> mouse button to create common hovmoellers for xt and yt cuts (<constant>pltt</constant>)</para></listitem> 
    653659Select the number of columns and rows for the page.</para> 
    655 Create a first plot.  It will appear in the first frame.</para> 
     661Create a first plot. 
     662It will appear in the first frame.</para> 
    657664To create a plot in another frame double-click in the frame with the 
    658 middle button (<abbrev>DCM</abbrev>).  A black dotted frame will surround the 
    659 designated frame, the <quote>target</quote> frame.  A black frame will surround the 
    660 first plot.  This is the <quote>reference</quote> frame, in other words the one 
    661 that all the XXX widgets refer to.  Change for example the date and 
    662 create a new plot.  With a left button double-click in the first 
    663 frame, all the widgets change and refer again to the first plot.  A 
    664 double-click with the right button in the second frame will erase the 
     665<mousebutton>middle</mousebutton> button (<abbrev><keycombo action="double-click"><mousebutton>DCM</mousebutton></keycombo></abbrev>). 
     666A black dotted frame will surround the designated frame, the <quote>target</quote> frame. 
     667A black frame will surround the first plot. 
     668This is the <quote>reference</quote> frame, in other words the one 
     669that all the XXX widgets refer to. 
     670Change for example the date and create a new plot. 
     671With a <mousebutton>left</mousebutton> button double-click in the first 
     672frame, all the widgets change and refer again to the first plot. 
     673A double-click with the <mousebutton>right</mousebutton> button in the second frame will erase the 
    666675<para>In summary: </para> 
    685694    </figure> 
    718727      </mediaobjectco> 
    719728    </figure> 
    822 click on <guibutton>OK</guibutton> 
     831Click on <guibutton>OK</guibutton> 
    842 in the IDL window type (as many time you click on a button since a problem occurs in xxx !!!),  
     851In the IDL window type (as many time you click on a button since a problem occurs in xxx !!!), 
    843852  <screen format="linespecific"> 
    844853<prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput>retall</userinput> 
    855 <para><abbrev>DCR</abbrev> to erase the problem frame.  
     864<para><abbrev>DCR</abbrev> to erase the problem frame. 
    866875Always avoid if at all possible closing and killing the XXX 
    867 window, but rather select <guibutton>quit</guibutton> from the <guimenu>File</guimenu> menu.  XXX uses a 
    868 large number of pointers, and wantonly killing the window will leave a 
    869 large number of unused variables in memory, which could in the end 
    870 overflow.  To clean up this memory: 
     876window, but rather select <guibutton>quit</guibutton> from the <guimenu>File</guimenu> menu. 
     877XXX uses a large number of pointers, and want only killing the window will 
     878leave a large number of unused variables in memory, which could in the end 
     880To clean up this memory: 
    871881  <screen format="linespecific"> 
    872882<prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput>ptr_free, ptr_valid()</userinput> 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/

    r182 r183  
    33# update : 
    44# $Id$ 
     5# fplod 2006-09-18T13:25:12Z (Darwin) 
     6# add status checking after 
    57# smasson Fri Sep 15 10:42:01 CEST 2006 
    68# merge idldoc html and idldoc assistant 
    1618# add for idldoc assistant 
    1719# fplod 2006-08-17T09:19:06Z (Darwin) 
    18 # add transformation after idldoc to force non-proportionnal font 
     20# add transformation after idldoc to force non-proportional font 
    1921# on bloc delimited by 
    2022#  <fixe> 
    5254# in files idldoc-index*.html 
    5355# fplod 2006-06-14T12:41:37Z (Darwin) 
    54 # add embed paramater idldoc instructions to try to fix ticket#17 
     56# add embed parameter idldoc instructions to try to fix ticket#17 
    5557# fplod 2006-06-07T12:11:50Z (Darwin) 
    5658# add g option in ?format=raw sed transformation in order to fix  
    175177    do 
    176178      ./ $(basename ${docxml} .xml) 
     179      status=${?} 
     180      if [ ${status} -ne 0 ] 
     181      then 
     182       echo "eee : pb with $(basename ${docxml} .xml)" 
     183       exit 1 
     184      fi 
    177185    done 
    178186    exit 0 
    257265    for file_html in ${list_html} 
    258266    do 
    259      # buil the .pro file name 
     267     # build the .pro file name 
    260268     bfile=$(basename ${file_html} .html) 
    261269     # retrieve the path of html file relative to memopwd (so relative to 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/saxo.css

    r161 r183  
    77update : 
     9fplod 2006-09-18T13:19:02Z (Darwin) 
     10add color for mousebutton 
    911fplod 2006-07-20T14:03:51Z (Darwin) 
    1012add style for gui* moche mais c'est juste pour voir 
    3234    font-style: italic; } 
     36*[class~="mousebutton"] { 
     37    background-color: #red; 
     38    font-weight: bold; 
     39    font-style: italic; } 
    3441div.qandaset table { 
    3542     border: none; 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/tiplink.xml

    r139 r183  
    1414    </authorgroup> 
    1515    <keywordset> 
    16       <keyword>idl</keyword> 
     16      <keyword>IDL</keyword> 
    1717      <keyword>SAXO</keyword> 
    1818    </keywordset> 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/updatesaxo.xml

    r139 r183  
    1717    </authorgroup> 
    1818    <keywordset> 
    19       <keyword>idl</keyword> 
     19      <keyword>IDL</keyword> 
    2020      <keyword>SAXO</keyword> 
    2121    </keywordset> 
    7171        For a quick help on <userinput>svn status</userinput> and <userinput>svn update</userinput> see 
    7272        <screen format="linespecific"> 
    73   <prompt>$</prompt> <userinput><command>svn</command> <option>help</option> <parameter>status</parameter> </userinput> 
    74   <prompt>$</prompt> <userinput><command>svn</command> <option>help</option> <parameter>update</parameter> </userinput> 
     73  <prompt>$</prompt> <userinput><command>svn</command> <option>help</option> <parameter>status</parameter></userinput> 
     74  <prompt>$</prompt> <userinput><command>svn</command> <option>help</option> <parameter>update</parameter></userinput> 
    7575        </screen> 
    7676      </para> 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/websaxo.xml

    r181 r183  
    1616    </authorgroup> 
    1717    <keywordset> 
    18       <keyword>idl</keyword> 
     18      <keyword>IDL</keyword> 
    1919      <keyword>SAXO</keyword> 
    2020    </keywordset> 
    3636  <note><para> 
    37 This page is a miror of <ulink url="">SAXO web page</ulink> and allows you to browse SAXO help pages in local. 
     37This page is a mirror of <ulink url="">SAXO web page</ulink> and allows you to browse SAXO help pages in local. 
    3838  </para></note> 
    56 <ulink url="../../saxo/browser/trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/whatissaxo.html?format=raw">More...</ulink>  
     56<ulink url="../../saxo/browser/trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/whatissaxo.html?format=raw">More &hellip;</ulink>  
    108 <ulink url="">Read</ulink> tickets. Because of abusive use of our tickets, <ulink url="">sending tickets</ulink> is now limited to a registred login accessible if you subscribe to <ulink url="../../saxo/browser/trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/mailing.html?format=raw">SAXO mailing lists</ulink>. 
     108<ulink url="">Read</ulink> tickets. Because of abusive use of our tickets, <ulink url="">sending tickets</ulink> is now limited to a registered login accessible if you subscribe to <ulink url="../../saxo/browser/trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/mailing.html?format=raw">SAXO mailing lists</ulink>. 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/whatissaxo.xml

    r164 r183  
    1313    </authorgroup> 
    1414    <keywordset> 
    15       <keyword>idl</keyword> 
     15      <keyword>IDL</keyword> 
    1616      <keyword>SAXO</keyword> 
    1717    </keywordset> 
    3838Developed in collaboration with <ulink url="">LOCEAN</ulink> researchers, it allows to explore four dimension data which may be gridded or irregularly spaced. 
    3939It is particularly adapted to the "Arakawa C grid" discretization used in <ulink url="">NEMO</ulink>. 
    40 In addition to graphical procedures, interpolation modules and other things..., it contains a set of programs dedicated to oceanographic diagnostics. 
     40In addition to graphical procedures, interpolation modules and other things &hellip;, it contains a set of programs dedicated to oceanographic diagnostics. 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/whatsnew.xml

    r176 r183  
    1313    </authorgroup> 
    1414    <keywordset> 
    15       <keyword>idl</keyword> 
     15      <keyword>IDL</keyword> 
    1616      <keyword>SAXO</keyword> 
    1717    </keywordset> 
    6666<title>Changeset 163 (2006-08-29)</title> 
    68 Last major commit related to the english translation of headers and their format. Better <ulink url="">idldoc html documentationb </ulink> and introduce SAXO online_help created by idldoc assistant. 
     68Last major commit related to the English translation of headers and their format. Better <ulink url="../idldoc_html_output/index.html?format=raw">idldoc HTML documentation</ulink> and introduce SAXO online_help created by idldoc assistant. 
    7676<title>Changeset 152 (2006-08-10)</title> 
    78 This revision includes new <ulink url="">pltv</ulink> (a bix between plt and tvplus) plotting procedure. 
     78This revision includes new <ulink url="../../ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/DESSINE/">pltv</ulink> (a mix between plt and tvplus) plotting procedure. 
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.