09/13/06 16:17:41 (18 years ago)

Update xml documentation files

1 added
12 edited


  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/faqsaxo.xml

    r168 r176  
    22<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN" 
    4 []> 
     5<!ENTITY promptidl "idl&gt;"> 
    68en s'inspirant de 
    177 Yes. produced by <application>IDLdoc</application>.  
    178 </para> 
    179 <para> 
    180 You can access to this documentation set during your IDL session with this  
    181 command : 
    182  <screen format="linespecific"> 
    183   <prompt>IDL</prompt> <userinput><command>ONLINE_HELP</command>,<option>book="<replaceable>SAXO_basedirectory</replaceable>/SAXO_DIR/SRC/Documentation/idldoc_assistant_output/idldoc-lib.adp"</option></userinput> 
    184 </screen> 
     179Yes, if you use at least IDL 6.2. It is produced by <application><ulink url="http://www.ittvis.com/codebank/search.asp?FID=100">IDLdoc</ulink></application>. SAXO and IDL online_help have been merged, you can simply get the help by typing: 
     180     <screen format="linespecific"> 
     181       <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>?</command></userinput> 
     182     </screen> 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/firststeps.xml

    r139 r176  
    326326      <sect3 id="tvplus"> 
    327327        <title> 
    328           Quick look at 2D arrays: tvplus 
     328          Quick look and explore 2D arrays: tvplus 
    329329        </title> 
    330330        <para> 
    331331          <command>tvplus</command> is a enhanced version of tvscl and allow you to have a quick look and perform basic exploration of 2D arrays. 
    332332          <screen format="linespecific"> 
    333             <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>tvplus, dist(20)</command></userinput> <ulink url="figpng/tvplus.png?format=raw">&showfig;</ulink> 
     333  <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>tvplus, dist(20)</command></userinput> <ulink url="figpng/tvplus.png?format=raw">&showfig;</ulink> 
    334334  <computeroutput>left button  : mouse position and associated array value</computeroutput> 
    335335  <computeroutput>middle button: use it twice to define a zoom box</computeroutput> 
    341341          <screen format="linespecific"> 
    342342  <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xhelp, 'tvplus'</command></userinput> 
     343          </screen> 
     344          To sse the source code of <command>tvplus</command>, try: 
     345          <screen format="linespecific"> 
     346  <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xfile, 'tvplus'</command></userinput> 
     347          </screen> 
     348          <note><title>New Feature</title><para> 
     349          If you use an IDL 6.2 or later revision, you can simply get the help of any command by typing ?<replaceable>command_name</replaceable>, for example: 
     350          <screen format="linespecific"> 
     351  <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>?tvplus</command></userinput> 
     352          </screen> 
     353          </para></note> 
     354        </para> 
     355      </sect3> 
     357      <sect3 id="pltv"> 
     358        <title> 
     359          Formal quick look at 2D arrays: pltv 
     360        </title> 
     361        <para> 
     362          <command>pltv</command> is a mix between <link linkend="tvplus">tvplus</link> and <link linkend="plt">plt</link> and allow you to have formal quick look of 2D arrays. 
     363          <screen format="linespecific"> 
     364  <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>pltv, dist(20)</command></userinput> <ulink url="figpng/pltv.png?format=raw">&showfig;</ulink> 
    343365          </screen> 
    344366        </para> 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/mini_notice.xml

    r163 r176  
    5050        <revremark>HTML to XML/Docbook migration by Françoise Pinsard</revremark> 
    5151      </revision> 
     52      <revision> 
     53        <revnumber>1.0</revnumber> 
     54        <date>August, 2006</date> 
     55        <revremark>Major update by Steve Navarro</revremark> 
     56      </revision> 
     57      <revision> 
     58        <revnumber>1.1</revnumber> 
     59        <date>September, 2006</date> 
     60        <revremark>Review by Sébastien Masson</revremark> 
     61      </revision> 
    5262     </revhistory> 
    5363     <pubdate>$Id$</pubdate> 
    57 <!-- 
    58 La partie suivante n'a plus tellement de sens maintenant que tout SAXO est disponible sur forge 
    59 <para> 
    60 Where to find the source code 
    61 </para> 
    62 The scripts are available in the IDL_29_5_2000 directory. 
    63 </para> 
    64 <para> 
    65 In this directory are 
    66 <itemizedlist> 
    67 <listitem><para>a tar file IDL_29_5_2000.tar with all the files</para></listitem> 
    68 <listitem><para>the scripts in ASCII, in subdirectories by theme</para></listitem> 
    69 </itemizedlist> 
    71 <para> 
    72 This IDL_29_5_2000 directory is available: 
    73 <itemizedlist> 
    74 <listitem><para>at LODYC: adonis.lodyc.jussieu.fr:/usr/home/smasson/IDL_29_5_2000</para></listitem> 
    75 <listitem><para>at IPSL: cook.ipsl.jussieu.fr:/home/smlod/IDL_29_5_2000</para></listitem> 
    76 <listitem><para>at IDRIS: rhodes.idris.fr:/home/rech/eee/reee217/IDL_29_5_2000</para></listitem> 
    77 <listitem><para>on the anonymous ftp site of LODYC (contact <ulink url="mailto:smasson@lodyc.jussieu.fr">smasson@lodyc.jussieu.fr</ulink> 
    78 for access).</para></listitem> 
    79 <listitem><para>soon, from <ulink url="http://www.lodyc.jussieu.fr/~opatlod/SAXO/"/></para></listitem> 
    80 </itemizedlist> 
    81 </para> 
    82 <para> 
    83 This mini guide is also found in the IDL_29_5_2000 directory, in 
    84 different formats.  It is also consultable on the web at: 
    85 </para> 
    86 <para> 
    87 <ulink url="http://www.ipsl.jussieu.fr/~smlod/mini_notice.html"/> 
    88 </para> 
    90 --> 
    91 <!-- ++ n'a plus rien à faire ici 
    92 <sect1 id="intro"><title>Introduction and assumptions</title> 
    94 <para> 
    95 This micro guide is unfortunately not a user's guide for all the 
    96 scripts that have been written for IDL (version 5.2 or higher 
    97 required). The goal is simply to clarify a few points on the use of the <filename>xxx.pro</filename> 
    98 program. 
    99 </para> 
    100 <para> 
    101 For further help on the furnished scripts, here are 
    102 several possibilities: 
    104 <itemizedlist> 
    105 <listitem><para>execute in IDL the command 
    106   <screen format="linespecific"> 
    107 <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput>xhelp, '<replaceable>script_name</replaceable>'</userinput> 
    108 </screen> 
    109 </para></listitem> 
    110 <listitem><para>consult the IDL online help for scripts whose source is unavailable</para></listitem> 
    111 <listitem><para> 
    112 subscribe to the mailing list for updates and user questions/responses 
    113 </para> 
    114 <para> 
    115 to subscribe, send a mail to: <ulink url="mailto:majordomo@lmd.jussieu.fr">majordomo@lmd.jussieu.fr</ulink> 
    116 with no subject, containing the message: 
    117 <userinput>subscribe forum-idl <replaceable>e-mail address</replaceable></userinput> 
    118 </para></listitem> 
    119 <listitem><para>consult the archives of this mail list: 
    120     <ulink url="http://www.lmd.jussieu.fr/archives/form-idl/last/mail1.html"/></para></listitem> 
    121 <listitem><para>consult in desperation the feeble web pages we have started to write 
    122   (while waiting for something better) 
    123   <ulink url="http://www.ipsl.jussieu.fr/~smlod/"/></para></listitem> 
    124 <listitem><para>wait until we write a full user's manual!</para></listitem> 
    125 </itemizedlist> 
    126 </para> 
    128 <para> 
    129 The XXX widget is a layer on top of the scripts in the <application>SAXO</application> package 
    130 (themselves layered on top of IDL). It is designed to permit the 
    131 visualization and rapid exploration of data, offering a maximum in 
    132 options, while not necessarily all those offered by the package and by 
    133 IDL. 
    134 </para> 
    135 <para> 
    136 Based on the use of files in the NetCDF format, it can easily work 
    137 with other file formats.  For this, all that is necessary is to write 
    138 an IDL function capable of extracting a matrix from a file as a 
    139 function of the following parameters: the variable name, two dates, an 
    140 experiment name, and a domain. 
    141 </para> 
    142 <para> 
    143 Developed to visualize the output of the OPA model, the <application>SAXO</application> package was 
    144 conceived to work on C grids.  To use it on grids where the T, U, and 
    145 V points are the same, one must nevertheless declare the parameters of 
    146 the grid that correspond to the U and V points.  Careful, for this 
    147 type of discretization, the calculation scripts of type <filename>div.pro</filename> and 
    148 <filename>curl.pro</filename> are wrong. 
    149 </para> 
    150 <para> 
    151 The averaging routines are not adapted to warped grids, they sum 
    152 following the i, j, and k indices, weighting each point by scale 
    153 factors and the land-sea mask.  Slices and Hovmoellers do not work in 
    154 the diagonal, but are always done following i, j, or k.  When a domain 
    155 is given to one of the scripts, an average over the domain in the 
    156 directions perpendicular to that displayed is automatically made before 
    157 display. 
    158 </para> 
    159 <para> 
    160 Before continuing on to the practical part of this guide, the 
    161 installation and use of the <application>SAXO</application> package, I'd like to thank Guillaume 
    162 Roullet, who also participated in the writing of the scripts in the 
    163 package (notably the drawing of vectors on warped grids). 
    164 </para> 
    165 </sect1> 
    167 <sect1 id="beforefirststeps"> 
    168 <title>Before this</title> 
    169 <para> 
    170 In this document, we supposed that you followed <ulink url="getsaxo.html?format=raw">Get SAXO</ulink> recommandations. 
    171 </para> 
    172 </sect1> 
    175 <sect1 id="initfiles"><title>Install the files <filename>init.pro</filename> and 
    176 <filename>initgrid.pro</filename></title> 
    178 <para> 
    179 This version of the <application>SAXO</application> package depends a certain number of common 
    180 variables that are primarily environmental parameters (working paths, 
    181 color management, Postscript formatting) and the parameters of the 
    182 grid on which you are working (longitude, latitude, depth, land-sea 
    183 mask, scale factors, position of the zoom in relation to the original 
    184 grid). 
    185 </para> 
    186 <para> 
    187 These two types of parameters are kept separately: 
    188 <itemizedlist> 
    189 <listitem><para>environmental parameters are defined at the very beginning of the 
    190 IDL session, and are in principle never changed.  They are initialized 
    191 by the <filename>init.pro</filename> script.</para></listitem> 
    192 <listitem><para>Those that belong to the grid are reinitialized every time the 
    193 grid is changed.  They can therefore be called at any time during a 
    194 session. These parameters are initialized by the <filename>initgrid.pro</filename> 
    195 scripts, and are specific to each particular grid. 
    196 </para> 
    197 <para> 
    198 For example: <filename>initorca.pro</filename> for the ORCA 2&deg; grid, 
    199 <filename>initorca05.pro</filename> for 
    200 the ORCA 0.5&deg; grid, or <filename>initorcapac.pro</filename> for the ORCA grid zoomed on 
    201 the Pacific.</para></listitem> 
    202 </itemizedlist> 
    203 </para> 
    204 <para> 
    205 To begin, one must therefore copy <filename><replaceable>packagedir</replaceable>/INIT/init.pro</filename> 
    206 into <replaceable>homedir</replaceable>, and create in <replaceable>homedir</replaceable> a script of the 
    207 type <filename>initgrid.pro</filename>. 
    208 </para> 
    210 <sect2 id="modifinit"><title>Modification of the <filename>init.pro</filename> script</title> 
    212 <para> 
    213 It is necessary to personalize the lines that correspond to the 6 
    214 directories defined in &sect; 1.1.  That is: 
    215 <itemizedlist> 
    216 <listitem><para>The definition of !path.</para><para> 
    217 The first expand_path must contain <replaceable>homedir</replaceable>, the second 
    218 <replaceable>packagedir</replaceable>.  The directory declaration must be preceded by a + 
    219 sign, and must take the form of a character chain. The + sign 
    220 specifies that subdirectories must also be considered.  For those 
    221 working on a Mac, <literallayout>"+':'+"</literallayout> must be replaced by <literallayout>"+','+"</literallayout> and for Windows 
    222 by <literallayout>"+';'+"</literallayout>.</para> 
    223 <warning> 
    224 <para> 
    225 In their definition, the directories must not finish with the 
    226 directory separation character ("/" under UNIX/Linux). 
    227 </para> 
    228 </warning> 
    229 </listitem> 
    230 <listitem><para>Definition of the rest of the directories:</para><para> 
    231 Define as necessary the variables homedir, workdir, iodir, animdir, 
    232 psdir, and imagedir.</para> 
    233 <warning> 
    234 <para> 
    235 Despite precautions taken, in order to avoid bugs it is 
    236 recommended that these directories be defined with the directory 
    237 separation character as the final character ("/" under UNIX/Linux). 
    238 </para> 
    239 </warning> 
    240 </listitem> 
    241 </itemizedlist> 
    242 </para> 
    243 <note> 
    244 <para> 
    245 Depending on the resolution of your screen and the type of 
    246 machine used, it is possible that the graphics window which is created 
    247 will be too large.  If this is the case, change the ccwindowsize 
    248 variable which is a multiplicative coefficient applied to the window 
    249 size. 
    250 </para> 
    251 </note> 
    252 </sect2> 
    253 <sect2 id="modifinitgrid"><title>Modification or creation of the <filename>initgrid.pro</filename> script</title> 
    255 <para> 
    256 In the <replaceable>packagedir</replaceable>/INIT directory you will find a certain 
    257 number of scripts associated with the latest grids on which I've 
    258 worked.  If you are also working on one of these grids, for example 
    259 ORCA, copy the file  <filename><replaceable>packagedir</replaceable>/INIT/initorca.pro</filename> to your 
    260 <replaceable>homedir</replaceable>.  If not, copy it nevertheless to use as a model.  In 
    261 the file <filename>initgrid.pro</filename>, adjust the zoom parameters (if it has not 
    262 already been done). 
    263 </para> 
    264 <para> 
    265 Careful: unlike in previous versions of the <application>SAXO</application> package, all the zoom 
    266 parameters must be defined.  If you do not know them in advance, 
    267 define their values to be -1. 
    268 </para> 
    269 <para> 
    270 In the rest of the script, define iodir as <replaceable>iodir</replaceable>, and verify 
    271 the name of the mask file, if one exists. 
    272 </para> 
    273 </sect2> 
    274 </sect1> 
    275 --> 
    276 <sect1 id="introxxx"><title>XXX widget functions</title> 
    277 <sect2 id="launchxxx"><title>Launching XXX</title> 
    279 <para> 
    280 The first command to type is 
    282   <screen format="linespecific"> 
    283 <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput>@init</userinput> 
    284 </screen> 
    286 </para> 
    287 <para> 
    288 Afterwards, to work directly with XXX, type: 
    290   <screen format="linespecific"> 
    292 <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput>xxx</userinput> 
    293 </screen> 
    295 </para> 
    298 A window will open with 2 lines to complete. 
     67<sect1 id="launchxxx"><title>Launching XXX</title> 
     70There is several ways to launch XXX which we will detail in the next sections: 
     71  <screen format="linespecific"> 
     72    <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command></userinput> 
     73    <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command>, <parameter>/separate</parameter></userinput> 
     74    <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command>, <parameter>restore = 'file.dat'</parameter></userinput> 
     75    <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command>, <parameter>'file.nc'</parameter></userinput> 
     76    <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command>, <parameter>'file.nc'</parameter>, <parameter>keywd1 = ...</parameter>, <parameter>keywd2 = ...</parameter></userinput> 
     77    <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command>, <parameter>'file.nc'</parameter>, <parameter>'initgrid'</parameter></userinput> 
     78    <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command>, <parameter>'file.nc'</parameter>, <parameter>'initgrid'</parameter>, <parameter>keywd1 = ...</parameter>, <parameter>keywd2 = ...</parameter></userinput> 
     79    <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command>, <parameter>'file.nc'</parameter>, <parameter>'initgrid'</parameter>, <parameter>'arg1, arg2, ...'</parameter></userinput> 
     80  </screen> 
     83<sect2 id="launch_xxx_1"><title><prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command></userinput></title> 
     84  <para> 
     85    A window will open with 3 parts to consider. 
    29986<figure id="fig_xxx_0101"> 
    30087<title>Window xxx 1</title> 
    31299<callout arearefs="datafile"> 
    313 <para>Data file</para> 
     100<para>Data file name</para> 
    315102<callout arearefs="initmethod"> 
    316 <para>Init method</para> 
     103<para>Grid initialization method</para> 
    318105<callout arearefs="initprogram"> 
    319 <para>Init program</para> 
     106<para>Grid initialization parameters</para> 
    328 <sect3 id="datafiletxt"><title>File name</title> 
     115  </para> 
     117<sect3 id="datafiletxt"><title>Data file name</title> 
    329118  <para> 
    330     the name of the data file. The name can be typed directly in the window 
    331     provided, or selected with the help of the <guibutton>browse</guibutton> button. 
    332 </para> 
    333 </sect3> 
    334 <sect3 id="initmethodtxt"><title>Grid initalization method</title> 
     119    The name of the data file. It can be typed directly in the window provided, or selected with the help of the <guibutton>browse</guibutton> button. 
     120  </para> 
     122<sect3 id="initmethodtxt"><title>Grid initialization method</title> 
    335123  <para> 
    336     By default, "automatic grid construction with initncdf.pro" is checked. 
     124    For visualising grilled data, you need to <ulink url="firststeps.html?format=raw#load_grid">define the grid</ulink> on which are located the data. By default, "automatic grid construction with initncdf.pro" is checked. This means that the grid will be defined by using the informations contained in the data file (through the IDL prodecure <command>initncdf</command>) without needing any other auxillary file. If you checked "grid construction with other IDL batch or procedure", this means that you don't want to use the default <command>initncdf</command> procedure to define the grid and you will provide your own IDL procedure or the so-called IDL batch file (a file which is called by using @, see IDL documentation). 
    337125  </para> 
     127<sect3 id="initprogramtxt"><title>Grid initialization parameters</title> 
    338128  <para> 
    339     But you can choose an other grid by checking "grid construction with other IDL batch or procedure"   
    340   </para> 
    341 </sect3> 
    342 <sect3 id="initprogramtxt"><title>Grid initalization parameters</title> 
    343   <para> 
     129    This third part allows you to specify the name, the argument and the keywords of the routine you want to use to initialize the grid.  By default the name of the procedure is <command>initncdf</command>, its argument will be automatically defined so you cannot change them. If you If you checked "grid construction with other IDL batch or procedure", you have to select the name of the IDL procedure or batch file and its suitable arguments and keywords. Note that if you select an IDL batch file you cannot give any parameter or keyword. 
    344130    <figure id="fig_xxx_0102"> 
    345131      <title>Window xxx 1</title> 
    354140  </para> 
    355141  <para> 
    356     the second the name of 
    357     the <filename>initgrid.pro</filename> script which will permit the reading and processing of the 
    358     grid associated with the data file. 
    359   </para> 
    360   <para> 
    361142    Once these two lines have been completed, click on <guibutton>let's go</guibutton>. 
    362143  </para> 
    363   <para>For example, we choose the mask "tst_initlev". Compare the result with "automatic grid construction with initncdf.pro" checked. Cf <xref linkend="fig_xxx_0404"/> </para> 
     144  <para>For example, we choose the IDL batch file "tst_initlev". Compare the result with "automatic grid construction with initncdf.pro" checked. Cf <xref linkend="fig_xxx_0404"/> </para> 
    365146  <figure id="fig_xxx_0103"> 
    366       <title>Oceania at 125 metters of depth with a mask</title> 
     147      <title>Oceania at 125 metters of depth with proper grid initialization</title> 
    367148        <imageobject> 
    368149          <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_0103.png"/> 
    375 <sect2 id="wigdets"><title>Description of XXX window</title> 
    377 <para> 
    378 Now the XXX window will open. 
     156<sect2 id="launch_xxx_2"><title><prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command>, <parameter>/separate</parameter></userinput></title> 
     158This is the same as the simple <link linkend="launch_xxx_1"><prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command></userinput></link> except that once the xxx window open, you will have 2 separate windows (command and plotting window) instead of one. 
     162<sect2 id="launch_xxx_3"><title><prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command>, <parameter>restore = 'file.dat'</parameter></userinput></title> 
     164In that case xxx window will open directly in the same state as it was when the file "file.dat" was created. see <link linkend="restore">+++++++</link> 
     168<sect2 id="launch_xxx_4"><title><prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command>, <parameter>'file.nc'</parameter></userinput></title> 
     170In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file 'file.nc' and build the grid automatically with the IDL procedure <command>initncdf</command>. For example: 
     171  <screen format="linespecific"> 
     172    <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command>, <parameter>'Levitus98_1m_01_12_Temperature_Pot_1x1.nc'</parameter></userinput> 
     173  </screen> 
     177<sect2 id="launch_xxx_5"><title><prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command>, <parameter>'file.nc'</parameter>, <parameter>keywd1 = ...</parameter>, <parameter>keywd2 = ...</parameter></userinput></title> 
     179In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file 'file.nc', build the grid automatically with the IDL procedure <command>initncdf</command> and use the keywords <userinput><parameter>keywd1 = ...</parameter>, <parameter>keywd2 = ...</parameter></userinput> in the call of <command>initncdf</command>. For example: 
     180  <screen format="linespecific"> 
     181    <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command>, <parameter>'Levitus98_1m_01_12_Temperature_Pot_1x1.nc'</parameter>, <parameter>useasmask = 'votemper'</parameter>, <parameter>missing_value = 31.0720</parameter></userinput> 
     182  </screen> 
     186<sect2 id="launch_xxx_6"><title><prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command>, <parameter>'file.nc'</parameter>, <parameter>'initgrid'</parameter></userinput></title> 
     188In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file 'file.nc' and build the grid directly with the IDL procedure or batch file <command>initgrid</command> 
     189  <screen format="linespecific"> 
     190    <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command>, <parameter>'Levitus98_1m_01_12_Temperature_Pot_ORCA2.nc'</parameter>, <parameter>'tst_initorca2'</parameter></userinput> 
     191  </screen> 
     195<sect2 id="launch_xxx_7"><title><prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command>, <parameter>'file.nc'</parameter>, <parameter>'initgrid'</parameter>, <parameter>keywd1 = ...</parameter>, <parameter>keywd2 = ...</parameter></userinput></title> 
     197In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file 'file.nc', build the grid directly with the IDL procedure <command>initgrid</command> and use the keywords <userinput><parameter>keywd1 = ...</parameter>, <parameter>keywd2 = ...</parameter></userinput> in the call of <command>initgrid</command>. 
     201<sect2 id="launch_xxx_8"><title><prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command>, <parameter>'file.nc'</parameter>, <parameter>'initgrid'</parameter>, <parameter>'arg1, arg2, ...'</parameter></userinput></title> 
     203In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file 'file.nc', build the grid directly with the IDL procedure <command>initgrid</command> and use the string <userinput><parameter>'arg1, arg2, ...'</parameter></userinput> to specify the input arguments in the call of <command>initgrid</command>. 
     209<sect1 id="wigdets"><title>Description of XXX window</title> 
    379212<!-- cf example in http://www.docbook.org/tdg/en/html/area.html 
    380213sauf que dans l'exemple en question on ne donne que 2 nombres et pas 4 
    444 <para> 
    445 It's configuration will change 
    446 depending on whether you are in portrait or in landscape, but here are 
    447 the different parts available for your use. 
    448 </para> 
    450 <sect3 id="plottypetxt"><title>Plot type list</title> 
     278<sect2 id="plottypetxt"><title>Plot type list</title> 
    451279<para>allows specification of the type of plot desired.</para> 
    463291is made by mouse. Cf <xref linkend="mouse"/></para> 
    465 </sect3> 
    467 <sect3 id="menutxt"><title>The menu bar made up of 3 submenus</title> 
    468 <sect4 id="filesubmenu"><title><guisubmenu>File</guisubmenu> submenu</title> 
     295<sect2 id="menutxt"><title>The menu bar made up of 3 submenus</title> 
     296<sect3 id="filesubmenu"><title><guisubmenu>File</guisubmenu> submenu</title> 
    470298    <figure id="fig_xxx_0203"> 
    475303    </figure> 
    480 <listitem> 
    481 <para> 
    482 <menuchoice><guimenuitem>Open:</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to open a second file.  Same procedure as during the 
    483 launching of XXX.  The new file can be on a different grid, with 
    484 different variables, with a different time base. 
    485 </para></listitem> 
    486 <listitem><para><menuchoice><guimenuitem>New XXX:</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to open a second XXX window identical to the first.</para></listitem> 
    487 <listitem><para><menuchoice><guimenuitem>Quit:</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to close the XXX window.</para></listitem> 
     307<listitem><para><menuchoice><guibutton>Open:</guibutton></menuchoice> to open a new file. Same procedure as during the <link linkend="launch_xxx_1">launch of XXX</link>.  The new file can be on a different grid, with different variables, with a different time base... 
     309<listitem><para><menuchoice><guibutton>New XXX:</guibutton></menuchoice> to open a second XXX window identical to the first one.</para></listitem> 
     310<listitem><para><menuchoice><guibutton>Quit:</guibutton></menuchoice> to close the XXX window.</para></listitem> 
    491 </sect4> 
    492 <sect4 id="saveassubmenu"><title><guisubmenu>Save As</guisubmenu> submenu</title> 
     314<sect3 id="saveassubmenu"><title><guisubmenu>Save As</guisubmenu> submenu</title> 
    494316    <figure id="fig_xxx_0204"> 
    499321    </figure> 
    504 <listitem><para><menuchoice><guimenuitem>Postscript:</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to save in Postscript format</para></listitem> 
    505 <listitem><para><menuchoice><guimenuitem>Animated gif:</guimenuitem> </menuchoice>to create an animation from the XXX window. 
    506 Careful, the creation of an animation is only possible if none of the 
    507 plots have a time axis, and if the plots are all on the same time base 
    508 (calendar).  On the other hand, animations of horizontal and vertical 
    509 plots, with different color palettes (for those not on an X-terminal), 
    510 are possible. 
    511 <note> 
    512 <para> 
    513 the creation of animations has a tendency to saturate the video 
    514 memory of X-terminals, crashing the entire program...</para> 
    515 </note> 
    516 </para></listitem> 
    517 <listitem><para><menuchoice><guimenuitem>Gif:</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to save a gif of the XXX graphics window.</para></listitem> 
    518 <listitem><para><menuchoice><guimenuitem>IDL procedure:</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to save the command history that has created the 
    519 plot.  For example if I save the commands in <filename>xxx_figure.pro</filename>, I can 
    520 then launch a new IDL session and type: 
     325<listitem><para><menuchoice><guibutton>Postscript:</guibutton></menuchoice> to save the plotting window in Postscript format</para></listitem> 
     326<listitem><para><menuchoice><guibutton>Animated gif:</guibutton></menuchoice> to create an animation of the plotting window. 
     327<note><para>The creation of an animation is only possible if none of the plots have a time axis, and if the plots are all on the same time base (calendar). On the other hand, animations of horizontal and vertical plots, with different color palettes (for those not on an X-terminal), are possible.</para></note> 
     328<note><para> the creation of animations has a tendency to saturate the video memory of X-terminals, crashing the entire program...</para></note> 
     330<listitem><para><menuchoice><guibutton>Gif:</guibutton></menuchoice> to save a gif of the plotting window.</para></listitem> 
     331<listitem><para><menuchoice><guibutton>IDL procedure:</guibutton></menuchoice> to save the command history that has created the plot in an IDL procedure that can be reexecuted later. For example if I save the commands in <filename>xxx_figure.pro</filename> file, when ever I want, I can then launch a new IDL session and type: 
    521332  <screen format="linespecific"> 
    522333<prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput>@init</userinput> 
    523334<prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput>xxx_figure</userinput> 
    525 </para> 
    526 <para> 
    527336and I'll obtain the saved figure. 
    528337  <screen format="linespecific"> 
    533342<prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput>@ps</userinput> 
    535 will then create a Postscript file of the figure.</para><para></para></listitem> 
    536 <listitem><para><menuchoice><guimenuitem>RESTORE kwd of xxx:</guimenuitem></menuchoice></para></listitem> 
    537 <listitem><para><menuchoice><guimenuitem>Print to prompt:</guimenuitem></menuchoice> lists in the IDL window the command history that 
    538 created the last plot. Useful primarily for debugging...</para></listitem> 
     344will then create a Postscript file of the figure. 
     346<listitem><para id='restore'><menuchoice><guibutton>RESTORE kwd of xxx:</guibutton></menuchoice> to save the xxx widget (all buttons and parameters storeed in memory...) in a binary file in order to quit xxx and relauch it later with <link linkend="launch_xxx_3"><prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command>, <parameter>restore = 'file.dat'</parameter></userinput></link> and get exactly the same configuration.</para></listitem> 
     347<listitem><para><menuchoice><guibutton>Print to prompt:</guibutton></menuchoice> lists in the IDL window the command history that created the last plot. Useful primarily for debugging...</para></listitem> 
    541 </sect4> 
    542 <para>Test the various possibilities in the <guimenu>Save As</guimenu> menu.</para> 
    543 <sect4 id="flagsubmenu"><title><guisubmenu>Flag options</guisubmenu> submenu</title> 
     351<sect3 id="flagsubmenu"><title><guisubmenu>Flag options</guisubmenu> submenu</title> 
    545353    <figure id="fig_xxx_0205"> 
    550358    </figure> 
    555362<listitem><para><guibutton>Portrait/Landscape:</guibutton> changes the configuration of the plot.</para></listitem> 
    556363<listitem><para><guibutton>Overlay:</guibutton> to plot contours of a different field on top the 
    557 one represented as color-filled contours.  It is necessary to relaunch the 
    558 entire plot to make this work!</para></listitem> 
     364one represented as color-filled contours. It is necessary to relaunch the entire plot to make this work!</para></listitem> 
    559365<listitem><para><guibutton>Vecteur:</guibutton> to plot a vector field on top of contours. Only 
    560 works on horizontal plots (<filename>plt.pro</filename>).  As for Overlay, a relaunch of 
    561 the entire plot is necessary.</para></listitem> 
    562 <listitem><para><guibutton>Longitude / x index:</guibutton> switches longitude labelling of the plot 
    563 subdomain from degrees to indices following i. </para></listitem> 
    564 <listitem><para><guibutton>Latitude / y index:</guibutton> switches latitude labelling of the plot 
    565 subdomain from degrees to indices following j. </para></listitem> 
     366works on horizontal plots (<filename>plt.pro</filename>).  As for Overlay, a relaunch of the entire plot is necessary.</para></listitem> 
     367<listitem><para><guibutton>Longitude / x index:</guibutton> switches longitude labelling of the plot subdomain from degrees to indices following i. </para></listitem> 
     368<listitem><para><guibutton>Latitude / y index:</guibutton> switches latitude labelling of the plot subdomain from degrees to indices following j. </para></listitem> 
    568 </sect4> 
    569 <para> 
    570 Test the various possibilities in the <guimenu>Flag options</guimenu> menu. 
    571 </para> 
    572 <caution> 
    573 <para> 
    574 Careful, a selected option remains selected until it is reclicked. 
    575 </para> 
    576 </caution> 
    577 </sect3> 
    579 <sect3 id="oktxt"><title>OK button</title> 
     371<caution><para>Careful, a selected option remains selected until it is reclicked.</para></caution> 
     375<sect2 id="oktxt"><title>OK button</title> 
    580376<para>click on this <guibutton>OK</guibutton> button is required to make a new plot appear</para> 
    581 </sect3> 
    583 <sect3 id="pagelayouttxt"><title>Page Layout</title> 
     379<sect2 id="pagelayouttxt"><title>Page Layout</title> 
    584380<para>specify the number of columns and rows for plots on the sheet of paper.</para> 
    591387    </figure> 
    593 <para>For example: For 2 cln and 2 row. For explanations, see further.</para> 
    595390    <figure id="fig_xxx_0206a"> 
    596       <title>A frame with several graphics</title> 
     391      <title>Example: For 2 cln and 2 row</title> 
    597392          <imageobject> 
    598393            <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_0206a.png"/> 
    600395    </figure> 
    602 </sect3> 
    604 <sect3 id="variableslisttxt"><title><guimenuitem>List of variables</guimenuitem></title> 
     399<sect2 id="variableslisttxt"><title><guimenuitem>List of variables</guimenuitem></title> 
    605400<para> you can choose the variable to work on.</para> 
    607402    <figure id="fig_xxx_0207"> 
    608       <title>differents Variables avaible</title> 
     403      <title>Example of differents Variables avaible</title> 
    609404          <imageobject> 
    610405            <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_0207.png"/> 
    612407    </figure> 
    614 </sect3> 
    616 <sect3 id="fileslisttxt"><title><guimenuitem>List of open files</guimenuitem></title> 
     411<sect2 id="fileslisttxt"><title><guimenuitem>List of open files</guimenuitem></title> 
    617412<para> you can choose the file to work on.</para> 
    619414    <figure id="fig_xxx_0208"> 
    620       <title>List of open files</title> 
     415      <title>Example of list of open files</title> 
    621416          <imageobject> 
    622417            <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_0208.png"/> 
    624419    </figure> 
    626 </sect3> 
    628 <sect3 id="commandtexttxt"><title><guimenuitem>Command text</guimenuitem></title> 
    629 <para>To specify the computation you want to do.  
    630 Examples: </para> 
    631 <sect4 id="withoutcommandtexttxt"><title><guimenuitem> Without any Command Text</guimenuitem></title> 
    632 <para> 
    633     <figure id="fig_xxx_0209"> 
    634       <title>Graphic by default</title> 
    635           <imageobject> 
    636             <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_0209.png"/> 
    637           </imageobject> 
    638     </figure> 
    639 </para> 
    640 </sect4> 
    642 <sect4 id="withrealcont"><title><guimenuitem> With the command text /realcont</guimenuitem></title> 
    643 <para> 
    644     <figure id="fig_xxx_0210a"> 
    645       <title>Command text area</title> 
    646           <imageobject> 
    647             <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_0210a.png"/> 
    648           </imageobject> 
    649     </figure> 
    650 </para> 
    651 <para> 
    652     <figure id="fig_xxx_0210"> 
    653       <title>Graphic with the command text "/realcont"</title> 
    654           <imageobject> 
    655             <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_0210.png"/> 
    656           </imageobject> 
    657     </figure> 
    658 </para> 
    659 </sect4> 
    661 <sect4 id="withmaportho"><title><guimenuitem>With the command text /realcont+ map=[90,0,0]+ /ortho+ cell_fill=2.</guimenuitem></title> 
    662 <para> 
    663     <figure id="fig_xxx_0211a"> 
    664       <title>Command text area with the right syntax</title> 
    665           <imageobject> 
    666             <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_0211a.png"/> 
    667           </imageobject> 
    668     </figure> 
    669 </para> 
    670 <para> 
    671     <figure id="fig_xxx_0211"> 
    672       <title>Polar Projection</title> 
    673           <imageobject> 
    674             <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_0211.png"/> 
    675           </imageobject> 
    676     </figure> 
    677 </para> 
    678 </sect4> 
    680 <note><para>In the default case, the name given to a field is of no importance.</para></note> 
    681 </sect3> 
    683 <sect3 id="calendartxt"><title>Calendar</title> 
    684 <para> 
    685 The calendar is made up of two droplists, which allow specification of 
    686 two dates, the beginning and end of a time series, or the period over 
    687 which to average before plotting.</para> 
    688 <para>Example: The first plot is during January.</para> 
    689 <para>         The second plot is from January to December.</para> 
     423<sect2 id="commandtexttxt"><title><guimenuitem>Command text</guimenuitem></title> 
     425To specify in the widget part number 7 the computation you want to do on the data 
     426<note><para>In all cases bellow, the name given to a field (a, b, c,...) is of no importance.</para></note> 
     428<sect3 id="commandtext1"><title><guimenuitem>Linear calculation</guimenuitem></title> 
     430If you want to make basic linear computation (like difference between fields, add/multiply by a constant...). you can simply put the following commands: <screen format="linespecific">a - b</screen><screen format="linespecific">numb1*a</screen><screen format="linespecific">a + numb</screen> or any command with the following format <screen format="linespecific">numb1*a + numb2*b  + numb3*c ... + numb</screen> where numb1, numb2,... correspond to numbers and a, b, c... will be the data to read. 
     433<sect3 id="commandtext1"><title><guimenuitem>Any kind of computation calculation</guimenuitem></title> 
     435If you want to make a computation more complicated than a basic linear you must put designate the data you want to read between "" (with anything inbetween the "). For example: <screen format="linespecific">"a"^2</screen><screen format="linespecific">"a" - abs("b")</screen><screen format="linespecific">grad("a", 'x')</screen>... 
     440<sect2 id="calendartxt"><title>Calendar</title> 
     442The calendar is made up of two droplists, which allow specification of two dates, the beginning and end of a time series, or the period over which to average before plotting.</para> 
    691444    <figure id="fig_xxx_0301"> 
    692       <title>Graphic with 2 different period of study</title> 
     445      <title>Example: first plot in January, second plot is from January to December</title> 
    693446          <imageobject> 
    694447            <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_0301.png"/> 
    696449    </figure> 
    698 </sect3> 
    700 <sect3 id="domdeftxt"><title>Define the domain</title> 
    701 <para> 
    702 A series of widgets that allow specification of the min/max limits of 
    703 the domain in longitude/x-index, latitude/y-index, and depth in levels 
    704 or meters.  For depth, one can specify in levels for a horizontal 
    705 plot, and in meters for a vertical plot. 
    706 </para> 
    708 <sect4 id="withoutdomainspecification"><title><guimenuitem>Without any domain specification</guimenuitem></title> 
    709 <para> 
    710     <figure id="fig_xxx_0210"> 
    711       <title>Domain by default</title> 
    712           <imageobject> 
    713             <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_0210.png"/> 
    714           </imageobject> 
    715     </figure> 
    716 </para> 
    717 </sect4> 
    719 <sect4 id="withzoom"><title><guimenuitem>With a zoom on Oceania</guimenuitem></title> 
    720 <para>We can zoom, between 0 and 1 meter of depth, on the Oceania, by playing with the part Domdef, with this configuration</para> 
    721 <para> 
    722     <figure id="fig_xxx_0401"> 
    723       <title>Change Domain area</title> 
     453<sect2 id="domdeftxt"><title>Define the domain</title> 
     455  A series of widgets that allow specification of the min/max limits of the domain in longitude/x-index, latitude/y-index, and depth in levels or meters. 
     456  <figure id="fig_xxx_0210"> 
     457    <title>Domain by default</title> 
     458    <imageobject> 
     459      <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_0210.png"/> 
     460    </imageobject> 
     461  </figure> 
     462  <figure id="fig_xxx_0401"> 
     463    <title>Change Domain area: zoom on Oceania</title> 
    724464          <imageobject> 
    725465            <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_0401.png"/> 
    726466          </imageobject> 
    727     </figure> 
    728 </para> 
    729 <para>This configuration give us:</para> 
    730 <para> 
    731     <figure id="fig_xxx_0402"> 
    732       <title>Graphic with a specified domain</title> 
    733           <imageobject> 
    734             <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_0402.png"/> 
    735           </imageobject> 
    736     </figure> 
    737 </para> 
    738 </sect4> 
    739 </sect3> 
    741 <sect4 id="depthspecificationtxt"><title><guimenuitem>With the specification of the depth</guimenuitem></title> 
    742 <para>If we want to see the temperature of the ocean between 125 and 126 meters of depth</para> 
    743 <para> 
    744     <figure id="fig_xxx_0403"> 
    745       <title>Change depth area</title> 
    746           <imageobject> 
    747             <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_0403.png"/> 
    748           </imageobject> 
    749     </figure> 
    750 </para> 
    751 <para> 
    752     <figure id="fig_xxx_0404"> 
    753       <title>Oceania at 125 metters of depth without a mask</title> 
    754           <imageobject> 
    755             <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_0404.png"/> 
    756           </imageobject> 
    757     </figure> 
    758 </para> 
    759 <para>As you can see, at this depth, we can see the difference between the continent at the surface and the real goegraphy of the terrain. If we want to see only the terrain at the specified depth, we have to put a mask. Cf <xref linkend="fig_xxx_0103"/></para>   
    760 <para>You can define precisely the depth you want to see:</para> 
    761 <para> 
    762     <figure id="fig_xxx_0405"> 
    763       <title>The Precise Depth menu</title> 
    764           <imageobject> 
    765             <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_0405.png"/> 
    766           </imageobject> 
    767     </figure> 
    768 </para> 
    769 </sect4> 
    772 <sect3 id="specificationstxt"><title>specify your plot</title> 
    773 <sect4 id="minmaxintervaltxt"><title><guimenuitem>Specify the min, the max and the interval</guimenuitem></title> 
    774 <para> 
    775 You can specify the min, max, and contour interval by filling out the 
    776 provided boxes! 
    777 </para> 
    778 <para> 
    779 You can restore configuration by default by pressing the "default" button. 
    780 </para> 
    781 <para> 
    782     <figure id="fig_xxx_0501"> 
    783       <title>Specification area</title> 
    784           <imageobject> 
    785             <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_0501.png"/> 
    786           </imageobject> 
    787     </figure> 
    788 </para> 
    789 </sect4> 
    791 <sect4 id="colortxt"><title><guimenuitem>Specify the palette to be used</guimenuitem></title> 
    792 <para>For the color palette, you can either specify the name 
    793 or go search for one among the palettes available. 
    794 </para> 
     467  </figure> 
     468  <figure id="fig_xxx_0402"> 
     469    <title>This configuration give us:</title> 
     470    <imageobject> 
     471      <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_0402.png"/> 
     472    </imageobject> 
     473  </figure> 
     474  <figure id="fig_xxx_0403"> 
     475    <title>Change depth area: between depth 125 and 126</title> 
     476    <imageobject> 
     477      <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_0403.png"/> 
     478    </imageobject> 
     479  </figure> 
     480  <figure id="fig_xxx_0404"> 
     481    <title>temperature of the ocean at depth 125 meters without proper land/sea mask</title> 
     482    <imageobject> 
     483      <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_0404.png"/> 
     484    </imageobject> 
     485  </figure> 
     486  As you can see, at this depth, we better define a land/sea mask when loading the grid. Cf <xref linkend="fig_xxx_0103"/> 
     490<sect2 id="specificationstxt"><title>specify your plot</title> 
     492<sect3 id="minmaxintervaltxt"><title><guimenuitem>Specify min, max and contour interval</guimenuitem></title> 
     494  <figure id="fig_xxx_0501"> 
     495    <title>min, max, and contour interval specifications</title> 
     496    <imageobject> 
     497      <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_0501.png"/> 
     498    </imageobject> 
     499  </figure> 
     500  You can restore configuration by default by pressing the "default" button. 
     501  <note><para>The path of the file <ulink url="../../ToBeReviewed/WIDGET/AUTOUR_de_XXX/definedefaultextra.pro?format=raw"><filename>definedefaultextra.pro</filename></ulink> that defines the default values for each variable names is displayed when the cursor hovers over the button Default. This file contains a case statement based on the name of the variable and defining the min, max, contour interval and other keywords that should be used as default for the specified variable. You can copy this file in your own <filename class="directory"><envar>${HOME}</envar>/My_IDL/</filename> directory and easily modify it to suit your favorite default values.</para></note> 
     505<sect3 id="colortxt"><title><guimenuitem>Specify the palette to be used</guimenuitem></title> 
     506<para>For the color palette, you can either specify the name or go search for one among the palettes available.</para> 
    796508    <figure id="fig_xxx_0502"> 
    801513    </figure> 
    803 </sect4> 
    805 <para> 
    806 The "keywords" window allows specification of all desired 
    807 keywords. These keywords can be those of 
    808 <filename>plt.pro</filename>, <filename>pltt.pro</filename>, <filename>pltz.pro</filename>, 
    809 <filename>plt1d.pro</filename>, or those of contour, plot, or all other programs that are 
    810 used. Cf <xref linkend="commandtexttxt"/>  
    811 </para> 
    812 </sect3> 
     517<sect3 id="kwdtxt"><title><guimenuitem>Add any keyword</guimenuitem></title> 
     519  The "keywords" window allows specification of all desired keywords. There is a few examples of the use of this "keywords" window. 
     520  <figure id="fig_xxx_0209"> 
     521    <title>Without any additional keyword</title> 
     522    <imageobject> 
     523      <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_0209.png"/> 
     524    </imageobject> 
     525  </figure> 
     526  <figure id="fig_xxx_0210a"> 
     527    <title>add "/realcont" keyword</title> 
     528    <imageobject> 
     529      <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_0210a.png"/> 
     530    </imageobject> 
     531  </figure> 
     532  <figure id="fig_xxx_0210"> 
     533    <title>Graphic with "/realcont" keyword</title> 
     534    <imageobject> 
     535      <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_0210.png"/> 
     536    </imageobject> 
     537  </figure> 
     538  <figure id="fig_xxx_0211a"> 
     539    <title>add "/realcont, map=[90,0,0], /ortho, cell_fill=2" keywords</title> 
     540    <imageobject> 
     541      <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_0211a.png"/> 
     542    </imageobject> 
     543  </figure> 
     544  <figure id="fig_xxx_0211"> 
     545    <title>Graphic with "/realcont, map=[90,0,0], /ortho, cell_fill=2" keywords</title> 
     546    <imageobject> 
     547      <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_0211.png"/> 
     548    </imageobject> 
     549  </figure> 
    817555<sect1 id="mouseactions"><title>Mouse Actions</title> 
     727load xxx with the command: 
     728  <screen format="linespecific"> 
     729    <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command>, <parameter>'Levitus98_1m_01_12_Temperature_Pot_ORCA05.nc'</parameter>, <parameter>'tst_initorca05'</parameter></userinput> 
     730  </screen> 
    989735Select a 3-D field and create 6 frames for the sheet of paper. 
    1057 in frame 5, let's create the same plot as in frame 2 except with different dates 
     803in frame 5, let's create the same plot as in frame 2 except we use pltv instead of plt 
    1071 change the date 
     817change plt for pltv 
     842in the IDL window type (as many time you click on a button since a problem occurs in xxx !!!),  
     843  <screen format="linespecific"> 
     844<prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput>retall</userinput> 
    1096849in the IDL window, type 
    1097850  <screen format="linespecific"> 
    1098 <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput>retall</userinput> 
     851<prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput>domdef</userinput> 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/savesaxo.sh

    r170 r176  
    33# update : 
    44# $Id$ 
     5# smasson Wed Sep 13 14:18:02 CEST 2006 
     6# add the directory-overview.html from dir-files.html in idldoc_html_output 
    57# fplod 2006-09-07T08:09:47Z aedon.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr (Darwin) 
    68# main is rename to websaxo 
    367369     mv ${file_html}_modify ${file_html} 
    368370    done 
     371    # add the directory-overview.html from dir-files.html in idldoc_html_output 
     372    list_html=$(find ../idldoc_html_output -name dir-files.html) 
     373    for file_html in ${list_html} 
     374    do 
     375      fout=../idldoc_assistant_output/${file_html#../idldoc_html_output/*} 
     376      fout=${fout%/*}/directory-overview.html  
     377      sed -e 's/?format=raw//g' ${file_html} > ${fout} 
     378    done 
    369379    echo "iii : you can see log file in ${log}" 
    370380    echo "iii : and look ${output}/idldoc-warnings.html#undoc" 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/websaxo.xml

    r170 r176  
    3434  </articleinfo> 
     36  <note><para> 
     37This page is a miror of <ulink url="http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/saxo">SAXO web page</ulink> and allows you to browse IDL help pages in local. 
     38  </para></note> 
    3740<sect1 id="whatissaxo"> 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/whatsnew.xml

    r139 r176  
     45<sect1 id="changeset175"> 
     46<title>Changeset 175 (2006-09-13)</title> 
     48Merge SAXO and IDL online_help (needs at least IDL 6.2 to work). 
     51Details can be seen in <ulink url="http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/saxo/changeset/175">Changeset 175</ulink>. 
     55<sect1 id="changeset174"> 
     56<title>Changeset 172-174 (2006-09-11/12)</title> 
     58ROMS output compatibility 
     61Details can be seen in <ulink url="http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/saxo/changeset/172">Changeset 172</ulink>, <ulink url="http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/saxo/changeset/173">Changeset 173</ulink>, <ulink url="http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/saxo/changeset/174">Changeset 174</ulink>. 
     65<sect1 id="changeset163"> 
     66<title>Changeset 163 (2006-08-29)</title> 
     68Last major commit related to the english translation of headers and their format. Better <ulink url="http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/saxo/browser/trunk/SRC/Documentation/idldoc_html_output/index.html?format=raw">idldoc html documentationb </ulink> and introduce SAXO online_help created by idldoc assistant. 
     71Details can be seen in <ulink url="http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/saxo/changeset/163">Changeset 163</ulink>. 
     75<sect1 id="changeset152"> 
     76<title>Changeset 152 (2006-08-10)</title> 
     78This revision includes new <ulink url="http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/saxo/browser/trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/DESSINE/pltv.pro">pltv</ulink> (a bix between plt and tvplus) plotting procedure. 
     81Details can be seen in <ulink url="http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/saxo/changeset/152">Changeset 152</ulink>. 
    4485<sect1 id="changeset114"> 
    4586<title>Changeset 114 (2006-06-19)</title> 
    5395<sect1 id="changeset73"> 
    5496<title>Changeset 73 (2006-05-22)</title> 
    62105<sect1 id="changeset69"> 
    63106<title>Changeset 69 (2006-05-11)</title> 
    85129<sect1 id="changeset7"> 
    86130<title>Changeset 7 (2006-04-24)</title> 
    94139<sect1 id="changeset2"> 
    95140<title>Changeset 2 (revision date=2002-09-11 actually done 2006-04-13)</title> 
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.