09/11/06 09:11:26 (18 years ago)

bugfix + manage roms outputs

3 edited


  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/DESSINE/plt1d.pro

    r163 r172  
    180180    z1d = checkfield(tab, 'plt1d', TYPE = type, BOXZOOM = boxzoom $ 
    181181                     , direc = direc, _extra = ex) 
    182     grille, mask, glam, gphi, gdep, nx, ny, nz 
     182    grille, mask, glam, gphi, gdep, nx, ny, nz, type = type 
    183183  ENDELSE 
    184184  if z1d[0] EQ -1 then BEGIN  
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/DESSINE/pltt.pro

    r163 r172  
    267267        return 
    268268      endif 
    269       grille, mask, glam, gphi, gdep, nx, ny,nz 
     269      grille, mask, glam, gphi, gdep, nx, ny, nz, type = type 
    270270   ENDELSE 
    412412            end 
    413413            type eq 'zt' : begin 
    414                yy =  gdep 
     414               IF size(gdep, /n_dimensions) EQ 2 THEN $ 
     415                  yy = transpose(gdep) ELSE yy = gdep 
    415416               xx = temps-tempsmin 
    416417               z2d = transpose(z2d) 
    463464      z2d = remplit(z2d,nite=2+keyword_set(nan), mask = mask, /basique, _extra=ex) 
    464465      if NOT keyword_set(strictfill) then z2d = min > z2d <  max 
    465       if keyword_set(nan) then $ 
    466        triangulation = triangule(mask,/basic,coinmonte=coinmontemask $ 
    467                                  ,coindescend=coindescendmask) $ 
    468        ELSE triangulation = -1  
     466      if keyword_set(nan) then BEGIN 
     467        triangulation = triangule(mask, /basic, coinmonte = coinmontemask $ 
     468                                  , coindescend = coindescendmask) 
     469        usetri = 1 
     470      ENDIF ELSE triangulation = -1  
     472      IF size(gdep, /n_dimensions) EQ 2 THEN BEGIN 
     473        usetri = 2 
     474        IF triangulation[0] EQ -1 THEN $ 
     475           triangulation = triangule(mask, /basic, coinmonte = coinmontemask $ 
     476                                     , coindescend = coindescendmask) 
     477      ENDIF   
    470       pltbase,z2d, xx, yy, mask,xx, yy, level_z2d,colnumb, contour = contour,/noerase $ 
     479      pltbase, z2d, xx, yy, mask, xx, yy, level_z2d, colnumb, contour = contour, /noerase $ 
    471480       , c_linestyle=linestyle,c_labels=1-(indgen(n_elements(level_z2d)) MOD 2) $ 
    472481       , trichamp = triangulation, trimsk = triangulation, overplot = overplot $ 
    473        , c_thick=thick, performance = key_performance, usetri = keyword_set(nan) $ 
     482       , c_thick=thick, performance = key_performance, usetri = usetri $ 
    474483       , coinmontemask=coinmontemask, coindescendmask=coindescendmask, _extra = ex 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/DESSINE/pltz.pro

    r171 r172  
    244244      return 
    245245    ENDIF 
    246     IF realsection EQ 1 THEN grille, mask, glam, gphi, gdep, nx, ny, nz, ifpltz = type, WDEPTH = wdepth $ 
     246    IF realsection EQ 1 THEN grille, mask, glam, gphi, gdep, nx, ny, nz, type = type, WDEPTH = wdepth $ 
    247247    ELSE grille, mask, glam, gphi, gdep, nx, ny, nz, WDEPTH = wdepth 
    248248  ENDELSE 
    249 ; stop 
     249  IF size(gdep, /n_dimensions) EQ 2 THEN usetri = 2 
    251251  profmax = !y.range[0] 
    357357; dessin en lui meme 
     359  IF n_elements(romszinfos) EQ 1 THEN BEGIN 
     360; add one line at bottom to have nicer plot (colors go until the ocean bottom) 
     361    IF n_elements(romszinfos.h) NE 1 THEN BEGIN 
     362      CASE type OF 
     363        'xz':romsh = moyenne(romszinfos.h, 'y') 
     364        'yz':romsh = moyenne(romszinfos.h, 'x') 
     365      ENDCASE 
     366      IF nzt EQ jpk THEN BEGIN 
     367        z2d = [[z2d], [z2d[*, jpk-1]]] 
     368        zzaxis = [[zzaxis], [romsh]] 
     369      ENDIF 
     370    ENDIF 
     371  ENDIF 
    359372  pltbase, z2d, xxaxis, zzaxis, mask, xmask, zmask $ 
    360373    , level_z2d, colnumb, overplot = overplot $ 
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