08/29/06 14:59:46 (18 years ago)

header improvements : type of parameters and keywords, default values, spell checking + idldoc assistant (IDL online_help)

19 edited


  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/CALCULS/curl.pro

    r157 r163  
    2424; @restrictions 
    25 ; U and V matrixes can be 2 or 4d. 
    26 ; Beware, to discern differents configuration of U and V (xy, xyz, xyt, xyzt),  
     25; U and V matrices can be 2 or 4d. 
     26; Beware, to discern different configuration of U and V (xy, xyz, xyt, xyzt),  
    2727; we look at the variable of the common  
    2828;        -time which contain the calendar in IDL julian days to which U and  
    3030;        -jpt which is the number of time's step to consider in time. 
    3131; U and V arrays ae cut in the same geographic domain. Because of the gap of  
    32 ; T, U, V and F grids, it is possible that these two arrays hase not the same  
    33 ; size and refered to different indexes. In this case, arrays are recut on  
    34 ; common indexesand the domain is redifined to match with these common  
    35 ; indexes. To avoid these recuts, use the keyword /memeindice in domdef.pro 
     32; T, U, V and F grids, it is possible that these two arrays has not the same  
     33; size and refered to different indexes. In this case, arrays are re-cut on  
     34; common indexes and the domain is redefined to match with these common  
     35; indexes. To avoid these re-cuts, use the keyword /memeindice in domdef.pro 
    4141; Guillaume Roullet (grlod\@ipsl.jussieu.fr) 
    43 ;                      Sebastien Masson (smasson\@lodyc.jussieu.fr) 
    44 ;                      adaptation pour marcher avec un domaine reduit 
    45 ; 
    46 ;                      21/5/1999: missing values at !values.f_nan 
    47 ;periodicite  
     43; Sebastien Masson (smasson\@lodyc.jussieu.fr) 
     44; adaptation to work with a reduce domain 
     45; 21/5/1999: missing values at !values.f_nan 
    4947; @version 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/CALCULS/depth2floatlevel.pro

    r157 r163  
    1313; @param TAB {in}{required} 
    14 ; 2d depth array (or a structure respecting litchamp criterions) 
     14; 2d depth array (or a structure respecting litchamp criterion) 
    1616; @keyword NOMASK 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/CALCULS/depth2level.pro

    r157 r163  
    1010; Without loop 
    12 ; @param TAB  
     12; @param TAB {type=2d array} 
    1313; 2d depth array (or a structure respecting litchamp critrions) 
    3333; @restrictions  
    34 ; For depthes out of gdep's values, the value !values.f_nan is sent back. 
     34; For depths out of gdep's values, the value !values.f_nan is sent back. 
    3535; if the depth is superior to this one of the bottom, we send back jpk-1 in  
    3636; the upper case, and !values.f_nan in the lower case. 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/CALCULS/depth2mask.pro

    r157 r163  
    1111; Without loop 
    13 ; @param TAB  
     13; @param TAB {type=3d array} 
    1414; 2d sill depth array (or a structure respecting litchamp critrions) 
    1919; @returns 
    2020; It is a 3d array containing the mas associated to the 2d sill depth array 
    21 ; profondeurs seuil 
    2322; @uses 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/CALCULS/determ3.pro

    r157 r163  
    5151; @returns  
    52 ; n elements array, the determinent of each 3*3 arrrays 
     52; n elements array, the determinant of each 3*3 arrays 
    5454; @examples 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/CALCULS/div.pro

    r157 r163  
    2424; @restrictions 
    25 ; U and V matrixes can be 2 or 4d. 
    26 ; Beware, to discern differents configuration of U and V (xy, xyz, xyt, xyzt),  
     25; U and V matrices can be 2 or 4d. 
     26; Beware, to discern different configuration of U and V (xy, xyz, xyt, xyzt),  
    2727; we look at the variable of the common  
    2828;        -time which contain the calendar in IDL julian days to which U and  
    2929; V refered to, in the same way as the variable  
    3030;        -jpt which is the number of time's step to consider in time. 
    31 ; U and V arrays ae cut in the same geographic domain. Because of the gap of  
    32 ; T, U, V and F grids, it is possible that these two arrays hase not the same  
    33 ; size and refered to different indexes. In this case, arrays are recut on  
    34 ; common indexesand the domain is redifined to match with these common  
    35 ; indexes. To avoid these recuts, use the keyword /memeindice in domdef.pro 
     31; U and V arrays are cut in the same geographic domain. Because of the gap of  
     32; T, U, V and F grids, it is possible that these two arrays has not the same  
     33; size and refered to different indexes. In this case, arrays are re-cut on  
     34; common indexes and the domain is redefined to match with these common  
     35; indexes. To avoid these re-cuts, use the keyword /memeindice in domdef.pro 
    4343;                      Creation : printemps 1998 
    4444;                      Sebastien Masson (smasson\@lodyc.jussieu.fr) 
    45 ;                      adaptation pour marcher avec un domaine reduit 
     45;                      adaptation to work with a reduce domain 
    4646;                      12/1/2000; 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/CALCULS/floatlevel2depth.pro

    r157 r163  
    66; @file_comments  
    7 ; Rather comparable to level2depth. It is the invert funcion of depth2floatlevel 
     7; Rather comparable to level2depth. It is the invert function of depth2floatlevel 
    99; @categories 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/CALCULS/fsfzpt.pro

    r142 r163  
     2; @file_comments 
     5; @categories 
     8; @param PFS 
     11; @param PFP 
     14; @returns 
     17; @uses 
     20; @restrictions 
     23; @examples 
     26; @history 
     29; @version 
     30; $Id$ 
    332; Ice freezing point 
    433; ================== 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/CALCULS/grad.pro

    r159 r163  
    5 ; NAME: 
    6 ; 
    7 ; PURPOSE: 
    8 ; 
    9 ; CATEGORY: 
    10 ; 
    12 ;  
    13 ; INPUTS: 
    14 ; 
    16 ; 
    17 ; OUTPUTS: 
    18 ; 
    19 ; COMMON BLOCKS:common.pro 
    20 ; 
    21 ; SIDE EFFECTS: 
    22 ; 
    24 ; 
    25 ; EXAMPLE: 
    26 ; 
    27 ; MODIFICATION HISTORY:Sebastien Masson (smasson\@lodyc.jussieu.fr) 
    28 ; 
    29 ; @todo seb: remplir les truc! 
    30 ; 
    31 ; 
     5; @file_comments 
     8; @categories 
     11; @param FIELD 
     14; @param DIREC 
     17; @returns 
     20; @uses 
     23; @restrictions 
     26; @examples 
     29; @history 
     30; Sebastien Masson (smasson\@lodyc.jussieu.fr) 
     32; @version 
     33; $Id$ 
     35; @todo  
     36; seb: remplir les truc! 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/CALCULS/grossemoyenne.pro

    r157 r163  
    66; @file_comments   
    7 ; averages a 3- or 4-d time serie field over a selected 
     7; averages a 3- or 4-d time series field over a selected 
    88; geographical area or along the time axis. For one ore more 
    99; selected axes (x, y, z, t) 
    5656; @keyword WDEPTH  
    57 ; to specify that the field is at W depth instad of T  
     57; to specify that the field is at W depth instead of T  
    5858; depth (automatically activated if vargrid eq 'W')  
    7272;                       14/8/98 
    7373;                       15/1/98 
    74 ;                       12/3/99 adaptation for NAN and utilisation of TEMPORARY 
     74;                       12/3/99 adaptation for NAN and utilization of TEMPORARY 
    7676; @version 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/CALCULS/hdyn.pro

    r157 r163  
    1919; array representing the temperature.Has the same size than SN 
    21 ; @keyword GILL We activate this key if we want to calculate the dinamic height  
     21; @keyword GILL We activate this key if we want to calculate the dynamic height  
    2222; like in the GILL page 215, which means by rapport to a reference state which  
    23 ; vary in depth and which is determinated by a reference temperature tref at 0°C  
     23; vary in depth and which is determined by a reference temperature tref at 0°C  
    2424; and a reference salinity sref at 35psu 
    3838; @keyword PROFREF 
    39 ; Give a depth to this keyword which will be considerated as the refeence depth  
     39; Give a depth to this keyword which will be considered as the reference depth  
    4040; (in this case, LEVEL has not any effect). the calculation will be effectuated  
    4141; until this depth effecting an interpolation between the the last W level above  
    4242; PROFREF and PROFREF. 
    44 ; @keyword SURFACE_LEVEL  
    45 ; It is the level where we wan to calculate the dynamic height. By default, it is  
    46 ; the level 0. 
     44; @keyword SURFACE_LEVEL {default=0} 
     45; It is the level where we wan to calculate the dynamic height. 
    4847; @returns 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/CALCULS/level2depth.pro

    r157 r163  
    1111; Without loop 
    13 ; @param TAB {in}{required} 
     13; @param TAB {in}{required}{type=2d array} 
    1414; 2d level array of sill levels (or a structure respecting litchamp criterions) 
    1919; @returns  
    20 ; 2d array containing depthes 
     20; 2d array containing depths 
    2222; @uses 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/CALCULS/level2index.pro

    r157 r163  
    1414; Without loop 
    16 ; @param LEVEL {in}{required} 
     16; @param LEVEL {in}{required}{type=2d array} 
    1717; A 2d level array 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/CALCULS/level2mask.pro

    r157 r163  
    1111; Without loop 
    13 ; @param TAB {in}{required} 
     13; @param TAB {in}{required}{type=2d array} 
    1414; 2d level array of sill level (or a structure respecting litchamp criterions) 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/CALCULS/moyenne.pro

    r157 r163  
    1111; @categories 
    13 ; @param        TAB {in}{required} 
     13; @param TAB {in}{required} 
    1414; 2 or 3d field 
    2020; [xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax (,(zmin,)zmax)] to more details, see domdef 
    2121; boxzoom can have 5 forms:  
    22 ; [vert2], [vert1, vert2],[lon1, lon2, lat1, lat2],   
    23 ; [lon1, lon2, lat1, lat2, vert2],[lon1, lon2, lat1, lat2, vert1,vert2] 
     22;  [vert2], 
     23;  [vert1, vert2], 
     24;  [lon1, lon2, lat1, lat2],   
     25;  [lon1, lon2, lat1, lat2, vert2], 
     26;  [lon1, lon2, lat1, lat2, vert1,vert2] 
    2528; @keyword NAN  
    2629; not a number, we activate it if we want to average without considerate some masked values of TAB. 
    27 ; If masked values of TAB are values consecrated by IDL(!values.f_nan), wr just have to put NAN. 
     30; If masked values of TAB are values consecrated by IDL(!values.f_nan), we just have to put NAN. 
    2831; If masked values of TAB are valued a (a must be different of 1, corresponding to nan = 
    2932; !values.f_nan and of 0, which desactivate nan). We have to put NAN=a.  
    30 ; Comment: In output, rsult points which are NAN will be valued a or !values.f_nan. 
     33; Comment: In output, result points which are NAN will be valued a or !values.f_nan. 
    3235; @keyword NODOMDEF 
    3942; @keyword WDEPTH  
    40 ; to specify that the field is at W depth instad of T  
     43; to specify that the field is at W depth instead of T  
    4144; depth (automatically activated if vargrid eq 'W')  
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/CALCULS/norme.pro

    r157 r163  
    66; @file_comments  
    7 ; calculate the norme of a field of vectors, then make a possible average. 
     7; calculate the norm of a field of vectors, then make a possible average. 
    88;   Comment 1: The field of vector can be, 2d:xy, 3d: xyz or xyt, 
    99; 4d: xyzt 
    1010;   Comment 2: 
    11 ; The calculation of the norme is made before the possible spatial or  
    12 ; temporal average because the average of the norme is not equal to the  
    13 ; norme of averages 
     11; The calculation of the norm is made before the possible spatial or  
     12; temporal average because the average of the norm is not equal to the  
     13; norm of averages 
    3939; @restrictions  
    40 ; The norme is calculated on points TTo do this calculation, we average  
     40; The norm is calculated on points TTo do this calculation, we average  
    4141; field U and Von points T before calculate the norme. At the edge of  
    4242; coast and of domain, we can not calculate fields U and V at points T,  
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/CALCULS/projectondepth.pro

    r157 r163  
    1010; Without loop 
    12 ; @param ARRAYIN  
     12; @param ARRAYIN {type=3d array} 
    1313; It is a 3d array whose 3rd dimension must be equal to jpk 
    15 ; @param DEPTHIN  
     15; @param DEPTHIN {type=2d array} 
    1616; It is a 2d array indicating for each point n, at which depth to project 
    1818; @returns 
    19 ; A 2d array which is the projection of the 3d array following depthes indicated by depthin 
     19; A 2d array which is the projection of the 3d array following depths indicated by depthin 
    2121; @uses 
    2727; @examples 
    28 ; we build a possible depthes array 
     28; we build a possible depths array 
    2929;   IDL> a=gdept[jpk-1]/(1.*jpi*jpj)*findgen(jpi,jpj) 
    30 ; We build an array to project on these depthes. For the test, 
     30; We build an array to project on these depths. For the test, 
    3131; we build a 3d array whose each vector following z is the depth.  
    3232;   IDL> arraytest=replicate(1,jpi*jpj)#gdept 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/CALCULS/remplit.pro

    r142 r163  
     2; @file_comments 
     5; @categories 
     8; @param ZINPUT 
     11; @keyword NAN 
     14; @keyword NITER 
     17; @keyword BASIQUE 
     20; @keyword MASK 
     23; @keyword FILLXDIR 
     26; @keyword FILLYDIR 
     29; @keyword FILLVAL 
     32; @keyword _EXTRA 
     33; Used to pass your keywords 
     35; @returns 
     38; @uses 
     41; @restrictions 
     44; @examples 
     47; @history 
     50; @version 
     51; $Id$ 
    253  ;; 
    354  ;; Extrapole zinout[jpi,jpj] sur les continents en utilisant les 4 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/CALCULS/rhon.pro

    r142 r163  
     2; @file_comments 
     5; @categories 
     8; @param SN 
     11; @param TN 
     14; @keyword INSITU 
     17; @keyword SIGMA_N 
     20; @returns 
     23; @uses 
     26; @restrictions 
     29; @examples 
     32; @history 
     35; @version 
     36; $Id$ 
    238   ;; 
    339   ;; Calcul de la fonction d'etat (issue de eos.F) 
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