Changeset 149 for trunk/SRC

07/28/06 17:13:40 (18 years ago)

work on xxx documentation

20 added
4 edited


  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/

    r147 r149  
    2626case "${1}" in 
    27 0101|0201) 
    2828# screen capture to be commented by frames and callouts images 
    76 capture_xsize=1211 #++ should be obtain by parsing identify result 
     76capture_xsize=429 #++ should be obtain by parsing identify result 
    7777capture_ysize=630 #++ should be obtain by parsing identify result 
    8282# later in xml as id or label 
    8383# now they are only here to remind us what we do 
    84 zone_nb=4 
    85 zone_t[1]="Page layout" 
    86 zone_l[1]="pagelayout" 
    87 zone_rect[1]="70,55 200,80" 
    88 zone_t[2]="Calendar" 
    89 zone_l[2]="calendar" 
    90 zone_rect[2]="10,140 230,180" 
    91 zone_t[3]="Domain" 
    92 zone_l[3]="domain" 
    93 zone_rect[3]="10,200 300,400" 
    94 zone_t[4]="Specify" 
    95 zone_l[4]="specify" 
    96 zone_rect[4]="10,450 350,500" 
    97 # 
     86zone_t[1]="Plot type" 
     88zone_rect[1]="3,24, 97,51" 
     91zone_rect[2]="108,24, 325,53" 
     94zone_rect[3]="5,59, 44,86" 
     95zone_t[4]="Page layout" 
     97zone_rect[4]="70,59, 193,86" 
     98zone_t[5]="Variables list" 
     100zone_rect[5]="209,60, 323,85" 
     101zone_t[6]="Files list" 
     103zone_rect[6]="2,95, 344,117" 
     104zone_t[7]="Command text" 
     106zone_rect[7]="2,126, 346,160" 
     109zone_rect[8]="2,169, 212,216" 
     112zone_rect[9]="16,227, 308,447" 
     115zone_rect[10]="1,458, 345,580" 
    98116# the next three lines are here to check calcultation of CALSPAIR units 
    99117# see 
    100118# if you want to use it, please add one to zone_nb 
    101 zone_t[5]="just to check full size rectangle" 
    102 zone_l[5]="check" 
    103 zone_rect[5]="0,0 ${capture_xsize},${capture_ysize}" 
     119zone_t[11]="just to check full size rectangle" 
     121zone_rect[11]="0,0 ${capture_xsize},${capture_ysize}" 
     124capture_xsize=57 #++ should be obtain by parsing identify result 
     125capture_ysize=82 #++ should be obtain by parsing identify result 
     127# description of frames (title, xmin,ymin, xmax,ymax) 
     128# nb : title and label are not yet used but they may be added in a kind of  
     129# comments 
     130# later in xml as id or label 
     131# now they are only here to remind us what we do 
     135zone_rect[1]="3,14, 11,21" 
     138zone_rect[2]="21,14, 28,19" 
     141zone_rect[3]="39,14, 46,20" 
     199# +++ verrue mal codee... 
     200# dans le cas mouse, je ne veux pas les cardes 
     201# a voir si on integre proprement ou si on vire... 
     202if [ $1 = mouse ] 
     204    cmd="convert -size ${capture_xsize}x${capture_ysize} ${capture}" 
     205    iz=1 
     206    while [ ${iz} -le ${zone_nb} ] 
     207    do 
     208        leftcorner=$(echo ${zone_rect[${iz}]} | awk '{print $1}') 
     209        cmd="${cmd} -draw \"image over ${leftcorner} ${callout_xsize},${callout_ysize} 'images/callouts/${iz}.png'\"" 
     210        iz=$(( ${iz} + 1 )) 
     211    done 
     214# +++ verrue mal codee...  
    157217# last component of the convert command : the name of the output image 
    158218framecallouts=$(dirname ${capture})/$(basename ${capture} _org.png).png 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/

    r144 r149  
    8989   mini_notice) 
    9090      # production of images with frames and callouts 
    91       ./ 1 
    92       ./ 2 
     91      # ./ 0101 
     92      # ./ 0201 
    9393   ;; 
    9494   *) 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/mini_notice.html

    r145 r149  
    4646<div><span class="pubdate">svn Id of xml source file : $Id: 
    47 mini_notice.xml 144 2006-07-21 14:32:11Z pinsard $<br> 
     47mini_notice.xml 147 2006-07-26 09:09:08Z smasson $<br> 
    8585<p><b>Table of Contents</b></p> 
    87 <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#intro">1. Introduction and 
    88 assumptions</a></span></dt> 
    89 <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#beforefirststeps">2. Before 
    90 this</a></span></dt> 
    91 <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#initfiles">3. Install the files 
    92 <code class="filename"></code> and <code class= 
    93 "filename"></code></a></span></dt> 
     87<dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#introxxx">1. XXX widget 
    96 <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#modifinitgrid">3.1. Modification 
    97 or creation of the <code class="filename"></code> 
    98 script</a></span></dt> 
     91<dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#launchxxx">1.1. Launching 
     93<dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#wigdets">1.2. Description of XXX 
    101 <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#introxxx">4. Starting the 
    102 <span class="application">SAXO</span> package and an explanation of 
    103 the XXX widget functions</a></span></dt> 
    104 <dd> 
    105 <dl> 
    106 <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#launchxxx">4.1. Launching 
    107 XXX</a></span></dt> 
    108 <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#wigdets">4.2. An explanation of 
    109 the different widgets</a></span></dt> 
    110 </dl> 
    111 </dd> 
    112 <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#examples">5. Concrete examples of 
     97<dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#examples">2. Concrete examples of 
    11398XXX in practice</a></span></dt> 
    116 <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#example1">5.1. First 
     101<dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#example1">2.1. First 
    118 <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#example2">5.2. Work with more 
     103<dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#example2">2.2. Work with more 
    119104than one file</a></span></dt> 
    120 <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#mouse">5.3. Mouse actions in the 
     105<dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#mouse">2.3. Mouse actions in the 
    121106graphics window on a horizontal plot</a></span></dt> 
    122 <dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#multipleplots">5.4. Create 
     107<dt><span class="sect2"><a href="#multipleplots">2.4. Create 
    123108multiple plots on the same sheet and make them 
    127 <dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#crash">6. How to quit when it 
     112<dt><span class="sect1"><a href="#crash">3. How to quit when it 
    135 <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="intro" id= 
    136 "intro"></a>1.&nbsp;Introduction and assumptions</h2> 
    137 </div> 
    138 </div> 
    139 </div> 
    140 <p>This micro guide is unfortunately not a user's guide for all the 
    141 scripts that have been written for IDL (version 5.2 or higher 
    142 required). The goal is simply to clarify a few points on the use of 
    143 the <code class="filename"></code> program.</p> 
    144 <p>For further help on the furnished scripts, here are several 
    145 possibilities:</p> 
    146 <div class="itemizedlist"> 
    147 <ul type="disc"> 
    148 <li> 
    149 <p>execute in IDL the command</p> 
    150 <pre class="screen"> 
    151 <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class= 
    152 "userinput"><code>xhelp, '<em class= 
    153 "replaceable"><code>script_name</code></em>'</code></strong> 
    154 </pre></li> 
    155 <li> 
    156 <p>consult the IDL online help for scripts whose source is 
    157 unavailable</p> 
    158 </li> 
    159 <li> 
    160 <p>subscribe to the mailing list for updates and user 
    161 questions/responses</p> 
    162 <p>to subscribe, send a mail to: <a href= 
    163 "" target= 
    164 "_top"></a> with no subject, containing the 
    165 message: <strong class="userinput"><code>subscribe forum-idl 
    166 <em class="replaceable"><code>e-mail 
    167 address</code></em></code></strong></p> 
    168 </li> 
    169 <li> 
    170 <p>consult the archives of this mail list: <a href= 
    171 "" 
    172 target= 
    173 "_top"></a></p> 
    174 </li> 
    175 <li> 
    176 <p>consult in desperation the feeble web pages we have started to 
    177 write (while waiting for something better) <a href= 
    178 "" target= 
    179 "_top"></a></p> 
    180 </li> 
    181 <li> 
    182 <p>wait until we write a full user's manual!</p> 
    183 </li> 
    184 </ul> 
    185 </div> 
    186 <p>The XXX widget is a layer on top of the scripts in the 
    187 <span class="application">SAXO</span> package (themselves layered 
    188 on top of IDL). It is designed to permit the visualization and 
    189 rapid exploration of data, offering a maximum in options, while not 
    190 necessarily all those offered by the package and by IDL.</p> 
    191 <p>Based on the use of files in the NetCDF format, it can easily 
    192 work with other file formats. For this, all that is necessary is to 
    193 write an IDL function capable of extracting a matrix from a file as 
    194 a function of the following parameters: the variable name, two 
    195 dates, an experiment name, and a domain.</p> 
    196 <p>Developed to visualize the output of the OPA model, the 
    197 <span class="application">SAXO</span> package was conceived to work 
    198 on C grids. To use it on grids where the T, U, and V points are the 
    199 same, one must nevertheless declare the parameters of the grid that 
    200 correspond to the U and V points. Careful, for this type of 
    201 discretization, the calculation scripts of type <code class= 
    202 "filename"></code> and <code class= 
    203 "filename"></code> are wrong.</p> 
    204 <p>The averaging routines are not adapted to warped grids, they sum 
    205 following the i, j, and k indices, weighting each point by scale 
    206 factors and the land-sea mask. Slices and Hovmoellers do not work 
    207 in the diagonal, but are always done following i, j, or k. When a 
    208 domain is given to one of the scripts, an average over the domain 
    209 in the directions perpendicular to that displayed is automatically 
    210 made before display.</p> 
    211 <p>Before continuing on to the practical part of this guide, the 
    212 installation and use of the <span class="application">SAXO</span> 
    213 package, I'd like to thank Guillaume Roullet, who also participated 
    214 in the writing of the scripts in the package (notably the drawing 
    215 of vectors on warped grids).</p> 
    216 </div> 
    217 <div class="sect1" lang="en"> 
    218 <div class="titlepage"> 
    219 <div> 
    220 <div> 
    221 <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="beforefirststeps" 
    222 id="beforefirststeps"></a>2.&nbsp;Before this</h2> 
    223 </div> 
    224 </div> 
    225 </div> 
    226 <p>In this document, we supposed that you followed <a href= 
    227 "getsaxo.html?format=raw" target="_top">Get SAXO</a> 
    228 recommandations.</p> 
    229 </div> 
    230 <div class="sect1" lang="en"> 
    231 <div class="titlepage"> 
    232 <div> 
    233 <div> 
    234 <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="initfiles" id= 
    235 "initfiles"></a>3.&nbsp;Install the files <code class= 
    236 "filename"></code> and <code class= 
    237 "filename"></code></h2> 
    238 </div> 
    239 </div> 
    240 </div> 
    241 <p>This version of the <span class="application">SAXO</span> 
    242 package depends a certain number of common variables that are 
    243 primarily environmental parameters (working paths, color 
    244 management, Postscript formatting) and the parameters of the grid 
    245 on which you are working (longitude, latitude, depth, land-sea 
    246 mask, scale factors, position of the zoom in relation to the 
    247 original grid).</p> 
    248 <p>These two types of parameters are kept separately:</p> 
    249 <div class="itemizedlist"> 
    250 <ul type="disc"> 
    251 <li> 
    252 <p>environmental parameters are defined at the very beginning of 
    253 the IDL session, and are in principle never changed. They are 
    254 initialized by the <code class="filename"></code> 
    255 script.</p> 
    256 </li> 
    257 <li> 
    258 <p>Those that belong to the grid are reinitialized every time the 
    259 grid is changed. They can therefore be called at any time during a 
    260 session. These parameters are initialized by the <code class= 
    261 "filename"></code> scripts, and are specific to each 
    262 particular grid.</p> 
    263 <p>For example: <code class="filename"></code> for the 
    264 ORCA 2&deg; grid, <code class="filename"></code> for 
    265 the ORCA 0.5&deg; grid, or <code class= 
    266 "filename"></code> for the ORCA grid zoomed on the 
    267 Pacific.</p> 
    268 </li> 
    269 </ul> 
    270 </div> 
    271 <p>To begin, one must therefore copy <code class= 
    272 "filename"><em class= 
    273 "replaceable"><code>packagedir</code></em>/INIT/</code> 
    274 into <em class="replaceable"><code>homedir</code></em>, and create 
    275 in <em class="replaceable"><code>homedir</code></em> a script of 
    276 the type <code class="filename"></code>.</p> 
     120<h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="introxxx" id= 
     121"introxxx"></a>1.&nbsp;XXX widget functions</h2> 
    277125<div class="sect2" lang="en"> 
    278126<div class="titlepage"> 
    281 <h3 class="title"><a name="modifinitgrid" id= 
    282 "modifinitgrid"></a>3.1.&nbsp;Modification or creation of the 
    283 <code class="filename"></code> script</h3> 
    284 </div> 
    285 </div> 
    286 </div> 
    287 <p>In the <em class="replaceable"><code>packagedir</code></em>/INIT 
    288 directory you will find a certain number of scripts associated with 
    289 the latest grids on which I've worked. If you are also working on 
    290 one of these grids, for example ORCA, copy the file <code class= 
    291 "filename"><em class= 
    292 "replaceable"><code>packagedir</code></em>/INIT/</code> 
    293 to your <em class="replaceable"><code>homedir</code></em>. If not, 
    294 copy it nevertheless to use as a model. In the file <code class= 
    295 "filename"></code>, adjust the zoom parameters (if it 
    296 has not already been done).</p> 
    297 <p>Careful: unlike in previous versions of the <span class= 
    298 "application">SAXO</span> package, all the zoom parameters must be 
    299 defined. If you do not know them in advance, define their values to 
    300 be -1.</p> 
    301 <p>In the rest of the script, define iodir as <em class= 
    302 "replaceable"><code>iodir</code></em>, and verify the name of the 
    303 mask file, if one exists.</p> 
    304 </div> 
    305 </div> 
    306 <div class="sect1" lang="en"> 
    307 <div class="titlepage"> 
    308 <div> 
    309 <div> 
    310 <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="introxxx" id= 
    311 "introxxx"></a>4.&nbsp;Starting the <span class= 
    312 "application">SAXO</span> package and an explanation of the XXX 
    313 widget functions</h2> 
    314 </div> 
    315 </div> 
    316 </div> 
    317 <div class="sect2" lang="en"> 
    318 <div class="titlepage"> 
    319 <div> 
    320 <div> 
    321129<h3 class="title"><a name="launchxxx" id= 
    322 "launchxxx"></a>4.1.&nbsp;Launching XXX</h3> 
     130"launchxxx"></a>1.1.&nbsp;Launching XXX</h3> 
    337 <p>To work without the XXX interface, initialize a grid</p> 
    338 <pre class="screen"> 
    340 <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class= 
    341 "userinput"><code>@initgrid</code></strong> 
    342 </pre> 
    343 <p>A window will open with 2 lines to complete.</p> 
    344 <div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_1" id="fig_xxx_1"></a> 
     145A window will open with 2 lines to complete. 
     146<div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0101" id="fig_xxx_0101"></a> 
    345147<p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;1.&nbsp;Window xxx 1</b></p> 
    346148<div class="figure-contents"> 
    347 <div class="mediaobjectco"><img border="0" usemap="d0e293" src= 
    348 "figpng/xxx_1_complete.png" alt="Window xxx 1"><map name="d0e293" 
    349 id="d0e293"> 
    350 <area shape="rect" coords="5,254,515,219"> 
    351 <area shape="rect" coords="5,159,515,109"></map> 
     149<div class="mediaobjectco"><img border="0" usemap="d0e102" src= 
     150"figpng/xxx_0101.png" alt="Window xxx 1"><map name="d0e102" id= 
     152<area shape="rect" coords="26,256,485,214"> 
     153<area shape="rect" coords="78,208,433,157"> 
     154<area shape="rect" coords="3,150,518,31"></map> 
    352155<div class="calloutlist"> 
    353156<table border="0" summary="Callout list"> 
    356159"images/callouts/1.png" alt="1" border="0"></td> 
    357160<td valign="top" align="left"> 
    358 <p>datafile</p> 
     161<p>Data file</p> 
    363166"images/callouts/2.png" alt="2" border="0"></td> 
    364167<td valign="top" align="left"> 
    365 <p>initfile</p> 
     168<p>Init method</p> 
     172<td width="5%" valign="top" align="left"><img src= 
     173"images/callouts/3.png" alt="3" border="0"></td> 
     174<td valign="top" align="left"> 
     175<p>Init program</p> 
    373 <p><br class="figure-break"></p> 
    374 <p>These lines must contain the address of a file. The name can be 
    375 typed directly in the window provided, or selected with the help of 
    376 the <span class="guibutton">browse</span> button. The first line 
    377 must contain the name of the data file, the second the name of the 
    378 <code class="filename"></code> script which will permit 
    379 the reading and processing of the grid associated with the data 
    380 file.</p> 
     183<br class="figure-break"> 
     184<div class="sect3" lang="en"> 
     185<div class="titlepage"> 
     188<h4 class="title"><a name="datafiletxt" id= 
     189"datafiletxt"></a>1.1.1.&nbsp;File name</h4> 
     193<p>the name of the data file. The name can be typed directly in the 
     194window provided, or selected with the help of the <span class= 
     195"guibutton">browse</span> button.</p> 
     197<div class="sect3" lang="en"> 
     198<div class="titlepage"> 
     201<h4 class="title"><a name="initmethodtxt" id= 
     202"initmethodtxt"></a>1.1.2.&nbsp;Grid initalization method</h4> 
     208<div class="sect3" lang="en"> 
     209<div class="titlepage"> 
     212<h4 class="title"><a name="initprogramtxt" id= 
     213"initprogramtxt"></a>1.1.3.&nbsp;Grid initalization parameters</h4> 
     217<div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0102" id="fig_xxx_0102"></a> 
     218<p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;2.&nbsp;Window xxx 1</b></p> 
     219<div class="figure-contents"> 
     220<div class="mediaobjectco"><img border="0" usemap="d0e143" src= 
     221"figpng/xxx_0102.png" alt="Window xxx 1"><map name="d0e143" id= 
     225<p><br class="figure-break"></p> 
     226<p>the second the name of the <code class= 
     227"filename"></code> script which will permit the reading 
     228and processing of the grid associated with the data file.</p> 
    381229<p>Once these two lines have been completed, click on <span class= 
    382 "guibutton">let's go</span>. Two other windows will then open, 
    383 giving you the parameters for reading the grid and the file (these 
    384 parameters are read in the <code class= 
    385 "filename"></code> script). Click twice on <span class= 
    386 "guibutton">OK</span>.</p> 
     230"guibutton">let's go</span>.</p> 
    388233<div class="sect2" lang="en"> 
    392 <h3 class="title"><a name="wigdets" id="wigdets"></a>4.2.&nbsp;An 
    393 explanation of the different widgets</h3> 
     237<h3 class="title"><a name="wigdets" id= 
     238"wigdets"></a>1.2.&nbsp;Description of XXX window</h3> 
    397242<p>Now the XXX window will open.</p> 
    398 <div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_2" id="fig_xxx_2"></a> 
    399 <p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;2.&nbsp;Window xxx 2</b></p> 
    400 <div class="figure-contents"> 
    401 <div class="mediaobjectco"><img border="0" usemap="d0e340" src= 
    402 "figpng/xxx_2_complete.png" alt="Window xxx 2"><map name="d0e340" 
    403 id="d0e340"> 
    404 <area shape="rect" coords="70,575,200,550"> 
    405 <area shape="rect" coords="10,490,230,450"> 
    406 <area shape="rect" coords="10,430,300,230"> 
    407 <area shape="rect" coords="10,180,350,130"></map> 
     243<div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0201" id="fig_xxx_0201"></a> 
     244<p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;3.&nbsp;Window xxx 2</b></p> 
     245<div class="figure-contents"> 
     246<div class="mediaobjectco"><img border="0" usemap="d0e168" src= 
     247"figpng/xxx_0201.png" alt="Window xxx 2"><map name="d0e168" id= 
     249<area shape="rect" coords="3,606,97,579"> 
     250<area shape="rect" coords="108,606,325,577"> 
     251<area shape="rect" coords="5,571,44,544"> 
     252<area shape="rect" coords="70,571,193,544"> 
     253<area shape="rect" coords="209,570,323,545"> 
     254<area shape="rect" coords="2,535,344,513"> 
     255<area shape="rect" coords="2,504,346,470"> 
     256<area shape="rect" coords="2,461,212,414"> 
     257<area shape="rect" coords="16,403,308,183"> 
     258<area shape="rect" coords="1,172,345,50"></map> 
    408259<div class="calloutlist"> 
    409260<table border="0" summary="Callout list"> 
    412263"images/callouts/1.png" alt="1" border="0"></td> 
    413264<td valign="top" align="left"> 
     265<p>Plot type</p> 
     269<td width="5%" valign="top" align="left"><img src= 
     270"images/callouts/2.png" alt="2" border="0"></td> 
     271<td valign="top" align="left"> 
     276<td width="5%" valign="top" align="left"><img src= 
     277"images/callouts/3.png" alt="3" border="0"></td> 
     278<td valign="top" align="left"> 
     283<td width="5%" valign="top" align="left"><img src= 
     284"images/callouts/4.png" alt="4" border="0"></td> 
     285<td valign="top" align="left"> 
    414286<p>Page layout</p> 
    418290<td width="5%" valign="top" align="left"><img src= 
    419 "images/callouts/2.png" alt="2" border="0"></td> 
     291"images/callouts/5.png" alt="5" border="0"></td> 
     292<td valign="top" align="left"> 
     293<p>Variables list</p> 
     297<td width="5%" valign="top" align="left"><img src= 
     298"images/callouts/6.png" alt="6" border="0"></td> 
     299<td valign="top" align="left"> 
     300<p>Files list</p> 
     304<td width="5%" valign="top" align="left"><img src= 
     305"images/callouts/7.png" alt="7" border="0"></td> 
     306<td valign="top" align="left"> 
     307<p>Command text</p> 
     311<td width="5%" valign="top" align="left"><img src= 
     312"images/callouts/8.png" alt="8" border="0"></td> 
    420313<td valign="top" align="left"> 
    425318<td width="5%" valign="top" align="left"><img src= 
    426 "images/callouts/3.png" alt="3" border="0"></td> 
    427 <td valign="top" align="left"> 
    428 <p>Domain</p> 
    429 </td> 
    430 </tr> 
    431 <tr> 
    432 <td width="5%" valign="top" align="left"><img src= 
    433 "images/callouts/4.png" alt="4" border="0"></td> 
    434 <td valign="top" align="left"> 
    435 <p>Specify</p> 
     319"images/callouts/9.png" alt="9" border="0"></td> 
     320<td valign="top" align="left"> 
     325<td width="5%" valign="top" align="left"><img src= 
     326"images/callouts/10.png" alt="10" border="0"></td> 
     327<td valign="top" align="left"> 
    451 <h4 class="title"><a name="menubar" id= 
    452 "menubar"></a>4.2.1.&nbsp;The menu bar made up of 3 submenus</h4> 
     344<h4 class="title"><a name="plottypetxt" id= 
     345"plottypetxt"></a>1.2.1.&nbsp;Plot type list</h4> 
     349<p>allows specification of the type of plot desired.</p> 
     350<div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0202" id="fig_xxx_0202"></a> 
     351<p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;4.&nbsp;</b></p> 
     352<div class="figure-contents"> 
     353<div class="mediaobjectco"><img border="0" usemap="d0e228" src= 
     354"figpng/xxx_0202.png"><map name="d0e228" id="d0e228"></map></div> 
     357<p><br class="figure-break"></p> 
     358<div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;"> 
     359<h3 class="title">Note</h3> 
     360<p>If the type <code class="constant">plt</code> is selected, the 
     361selection of plot type is made by mouse. Cf <a href="#mouse" title= 
     362"2.3.&nbsp;Mouse actions in the graphics window on a horizontal plot"> 
     363Section&nbsp;2.3, &ldquo;Mouse actions in the graphics window on a 
     364horizontal plot&rdquo;</a></p> 
     367<div class="sect3" lang="en"> 
     368<div class="titlepage"> 
     371<h4 class="title"><a name="menutxt" id= 
     372"menutxt"></a>1.2.2.&nbsp;The menu bar made up of 3 submenus</h4> 
    460380<h5 class="title"><a name="filesubmenu" id= 
    461 "filesubmenu"></a>;<span class= 
     381"filesubmenu"></a>;<span class= 
    462382"guisubmenu">File</span> submenu</h5> 
     386<div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0203" id="fig_xxx_0203"></a> 
     387<p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;5.&nbsp;</b></p> 
     388<div class="figure-contents"> 
     389<div class="mediaobjectco"><img border="0" usemap="d0e252" src= 
     390"figpng/xxx_0203.png"><map name="d0e252" id="d0e252"></map></div> 
     393<p><br class="figure-break"></p> 
    466394<div class="itemizedlist"> 
    467395<ul type="disc"> 
    489417<h5 class="title"><a name="saveassubmenu" id= 
    490 "saveassubmenu"></a>;<span class="guisubmenu">Save 
     418"saveassubmenu"></a>;<span class="guisubmenu">Save 
    491419As</span> submenu</h5> 
     423<div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0204" id="fig_xxx_0204"></a> 
     424<p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;6.&nbsp;</b></p> 
     425<div class="figure-contents"> 
     426<div class="mediaobjectco"><img border="0" usemap="d0e286" src= 
     427"figpng/xxx_0204.png"><map name="d0e286" id="d0e286"></map></div> 
     430<p><br class="figure-break"></p> 
    495431<div class="itemizedlist"> 
    496432<ul type="disc"> 
    549485<h5 class="title"><a name="flagsubmenu" id= 
    550 "flagsubmenu"></a>;<span class="guisubmenu">Flag 
     486"flagsubmenu"></a>;<span class="guisubmenu">Flag 
    551487options</span> submenu</h5> 
     491<div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0205" id="fig_xxx_0205"></a> 
     492<p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;7.&nbsp;</b></p> 
     493<div class="figure-contents"> 
     494<div class="mediaobjectco"><img border="0" usemap="d0e368" src= 
     495"figpng/xxx_0205.png"><map name="d0e368" id="d0e368"></map></div> 
     498<p><br class="figure-break"></p> 
    555499<div class="itemizedlist"> 
    556500<ul type="disc"> 
    557 <li> 
    558 <p><span class="guibutton">OK</span> To show/hide the OK button in 
    559 the upper left corner.</p> 
    560 </li> 
    562502<p><span class="guibutton">Portrait/Landscape:</span> changes the 
    595 <h4 class="title"><a name="typeplot" id= 
    596 "typeplot"></a>4.2.2.&nbsp;What type of plot and where?</h4> 
    597 </div> 
    598 </div> 
    599 </div> 
    600 <div class="itemizedlist"> 
    601 <ul type="disc"> 
    602 <li> 
    603 <p><span class="guibutton">OK</span> Show/hide the OK button in the 
    604 upper left. When present, a click is required to make a new plot 
    605 appear. Otherwise each action creates a new plot.</p> 
    606 </li> 
    607 <li> 
    608 <p><span class="guimenuitem">Plot type list:</span> allows 
    609 specification of the type of plot desired.</p> 
    610 <div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;"> 
    611 <h3 class="title">Note</h3> 
    612 <p>If the type <code class="constant">plt</code> is selected, the 
    613 selection of plot type is made by mouse. Cf <a href="#mouse" title= 
    614 "5.3.&nbsp;Mouse actions in the graphics window on a horizontal plot"> 
    615 Section&nbsp;5.3, &ldquo;Mouse actions in the graphics window on a 
    616 horizontal plot&rdquo;</a></p> 
    617 </div> 
    618 </li> 
    619 <li> 
    620 <p><span class="guimenuitem">Layout configuration:</span> specify 
    621 the number of columns and rows for plots on the sheet of paper. 
    622 There's no code behind the undo command! The <span class= 
    623 "guibutton">clear</span> button erases all plots.</p> 
    624 </li> 
    625 <li> 
    626 <p><span class="guimenuitem">List of open files:</span> you can 
    627 choose the file to work on.</p> 
    628 </li> 
    629 <li> 
    630 <p><span class="guimenuitem">Command window:</span> this window 
    631 permits simple operations on the fields:</p> 
    632 <p>for example:</p> 
    633 <div class="literallayout"> 
    634 <p>toto&nbsp;-&nbsp;10*field&nbsp;+&nbsp;36</p> 
    635 </div> 
     535<h4 class="title"><a name="oktxt" id="oktxt"></a>1.2.3.&nbsp;OK 
     540<p>click on this <span class="guibutton">OK</span> button is 
     541required to make a new plot appear</p> 
     543<div class="sect3" lang="en"> 
     544<div class="titlepage"> 
     547<h4 class="title"><a name="pagelayouttxt" id= 
     548"pagelayouttxt"></a>1.2.4.&nbsp;Page Layout</h4> 
     552<p>specify the number of columns and rows for plots on the sheet of 
     554<div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0206" id="fig_xxx_0206"></a> 
     555<p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;8.&nbsp;</b></p> 
     556<div class="figure-contents"> 
     557<div class="mediaobjectco"><img border="0" usemap="d0e422" src= 
     558"figpng/xxx_0206.png"><map name="d0e422" id="d0e422"></map></div> 
     561<p><br class="figure-break"></p> 
     563<div class="sect3" lang="en"> 
     564<div class="titlepage"> 
     567<h4 class="title"><a name="variableslisttxt" id= 
     568"variableslisttxt"></a>1.2.5.&nbsp;<span class="guimenuitem">List 
     569of variables</span></h4> 
     573<p>you can choose the variable to work on.</p> 
     574<div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0207" id="fig_xxx_0207"></a> 
     575<p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;9.&nbsp;</b></p> 
     576<div class="figure-contents"> 
     577<div class="mediaobjectco"><img border="0" usemap="d0e437" src= 
     578"figpng/xxx_0207.png"><map name="d0e437" id="d0e437"></map></div> 
     581<p><br class="figure-break"></p> 
     583<div class="sect3" lang="en"> 
     584<div class="titlepage"> 
     587<h4 class="title"><a name="fileslisttxt" id= 
     588"fileslisttxt"></a>1.2.6.&nbsp;<span class="guimenuitem">List of 
     589open files</span></h4> 
     593<p>you can choose the file to work on.</p> 
     594<div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0208" id="fig_xxx_0208"></a> 
     595<p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;10.&nbsp;</b></p> 
     596<div class="figure-contents"> 
     597<div class="mediaobjectco"><img border="0" usemap="d0e452" src= 
     598"figpng/xxx_0208.png"><map name="d0e452" id="d0e452"></map></div> 
     601<p><br class="figure-break"></p> 
     603<div class="sect3" lang="en"> 
     604<div class="titlepage"> 
     607<h4 class="title"><a name="commandtexttxt" id= 
     608"commandtexttxt"></a>1.2.7.&nbsp;<span class="guimenuitem">Command 
     613<p>To specify the computation you want to do +++ donner plus 
     614d'infos et des examples</p> 
    636615<div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;"> 
    637616<h3 class="title">Note</h3> 
    641 </li> 
    642 </ul> 
    643 </div> 
    644 </div> 
    645 <div class="sect3" lang="en"> 
    646 <div class="titlepage"> 
    647 <div> 
    648 <div> 
    649 <h4 class="title"><a name="sect_calendar" id= 
    650 "sect_calendar"></a>4.2.3.&nbsp;Calendar</h4> 
     621<div class="sect3" lang="en"> 
     622<div class="titlepage"> 
     625<h4 class="title"><a name="calendartxt" id= 
    662 <h4 class="title"><a name="sect_domain" id= 
    663 "sect_domain"></a>4.2.4.&nbsp;Domain specification</h4> 
     638<h4 class="title"><a name="domdeftxt" id= 
     639"domdeftxt"></a>1.2.9.&nbsp;Define the domain</h4> 
    676 <h4 class="title"><a name="details" id= 
    677 "details"></a>4.2.5.&nbsp;Plot details</h4> 
     652<h4 class="title"><a name="specificationstxt" id= 
     653"specificationstxt"></a>1.2.10.&nbsp;specify your plot</h4> 
    689665"filename"></code>, or those of contour, plot, or all 
    690666other programs that are used. Cf <a href="#example1" title= 
    691 "5.1.&nbsp;First plots">Section&nbsp;5.1, &ldquo;First 
     667"2.1.&nbsp;First plots">Section&nbsp;2.1, &ldquo;First 
    700676<h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="examples" id= 
    701 "examples"></a>5.&nbsp;Concrete examples of XXX in practice</h2> 
     677"examples"></a>2.&nbsp;Concrete examples of XXX in practice</h2> 
    709685<h3 class="title"><a name="example1" id= 
    710 "example1"></a>5.1.&nbsp;First plots</h3> 
     686"example1"></a>2.1.&nbsp;First plots</h3> 
    753729<h3 class="title"><a name="example2" id= 
    754 "example2"></a>5.2.&nbsp;Work with more than one file</h3> 
     730"example2"></a>2.2.&nbsp;Work with more than one file</h3> 
    766 <h3 class="title"><a name="mouse" id="mouse"></a>5.3.&nbsp;Mouse 
     742<h3 class="title"><a name="mouse" id="mouse"></a>2.3.&nbsp;Mouse 
    767743actions in the graphics window on a horizontal plot</h3> 
    780756(<abbr class="abbrev">LC</abbr>). To determine which type of plot 
    781757should be made of selection, use:</p> 
    782 <div class="variablelist"> 
    783 <dl> 
    784 <dt><span class="term">If the plot selector is on <code class= 
    785 "constant">plt</code></span></dt> 
    786 <dd> 
     758<p>If the plot selector is on <code class="constant">plt</code></p> 
     759<div class="itemizedlist"> 
     760<ul type="disc"> 
    787762<p>the left mouse button to create horizontal plots (<code class= 
    789766<p>the middle mouse button to create vertical plots (<code class= 
    791770<p>the right mouse button to create common hovmoellers for xt and 
    792771yt cuts (<code class="constant">pltt</code>)</p> 
    793 <p>In summary: <abbr class="abbrev">LCL</abbr>---&gt;<code class= 
    794 "constant">plt</code></p> 
    795 <p>LCM---&gt;<code class="constant">pltz</code></p> 
    796 <p>LCR---&gt;<code class="constant">pltt</code></p> 
    797 </dd> 
    798 <dt><span class="term">If the plot selector is on something other 
    799 than <code class="constant">plt</code></span></dt> 
    800 <dd> 
    801 <p>the indicated plot type is made.</p> 
    802 </dd> 
    803 </dl> 
     775<p>In summary:</p> 
     776<div class="itemizedlist"> 
     777<ul type="disc"> 
     779<div class="figure"><a name="fig_mousell" id="fig_mousell"></a> 
     780<p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;11.&nbsp;<abbr class= 
     781"abbrev">LCL</abbr>---&gt;<code class="constant">plt</code></b></p> 
     782<div class="figure-contents"> 
     783<div class="mediaobjectco"><img border="0" usemap="d0e602" src= 
     784"figpng/xxx_mousell.png" alt="LCL---&gt;plt"><map name="d0e602" id= 
     788<p><br class="figure-break"></p> 
     791<div class="figure"><a name="fig_mouselm" id="fig_mouselm"></a> 
     792<p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;12.&nbsp;<abbr class= 
     793"abbrev">LCM</abbr>---&gt;<code class= 
     795<div class="figure-contents"> 
     796<div class="mediaobjectco"><img border="0" usemap="d0e617" src= 
     797"figpng/xxx_mouselm.png" alt="LCM---&gt;pltz"><map name="d0e617" 
     801<p><br class="figure-break"></p> 
     804<div class="figure"><a name="fig_mouselr" id="fig_mouselr"></a> 
     805<p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;13.&nbsp;<abbr class= 
     806"abbrev">LCR</abbr>---&gt;<code class= 
     808<div class="figure-contents"> 
     809<div class="mediaobjectco"><img border="0" usemap="d0e632" src= 
     810"figpng/xxx_mouselr.png" alt="LCR---&gt;pltt"><map name="d0e632" 
     814<p><br class="figure-break"></p> 
     818<div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;"> 
     819<h3 class="title">Note</h3> 
     820<p>If the plot selector is on something other than <code class= 
     821"constant">plt</code> the indicated plot type is made.</p> 
    810828<h3 class="title"><a name="multipleplots" id= 
    811 "multipleplots"></a>5.4.&nbsp;Create multiple plots on the same 
     829"multipleplots"></a>2.4.&nbsp;Create multiple plots on the same 
    812830sheet and make them interact</h3> 
    827845double-click with the right button in the second frame will erase 
    828846the plot.</p> 
    829 <p>In summary: <abbr class= 
     847<p>In summary:</p> 
     848<div class="itemizedlist"> 
     849<ul type="disc"> 
     851<div class="figure"><a name="fig_mousedl" id="fig_mousedl"></a> 
     852<p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;14.&nbsp;<abbr class= 
    830853"abbrev">DCL</abbr>---&gt;&ldquo;<span class= 
    831 "quote">reference</span>&rdquo; frame</p> 
    832 <p><abbr class="abbrev">DCM</abbr>---&gt;&ldquo;<span class= 
    833 "quote">target</span>&rdquo; frame</p> 
    834 <p><abbr class="abbrev">DCR</abbr>---&gt;erase the frame</p> 
     854"quote">reference</span>&rdquo; frame</b></p> 
     855<div class="figure-contents"> 
     856<div class="mediaobjectco"><img border="0" usemap="d0e676" src= 
     857"figpng/xxx_mousedl.png" alt="DCL---&gt;reference frame"><map name= 
     858"d0e676" id="d0e676"></map></div> 
     861<p><br class="figure-break"></p> 
     864<div class="figure"><a name="fig_mousedm" id="fig_mousedm"></a> 
     865<p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;15.&nbsp;<abbr class= 
     866"abbrev">DCM</abbr>---&gt;&ldquo;<span class= 
     867"quote">target</span>&rdquo; frame</b></p> 
     868<div class="figure-contents"> 
     869<div class="mediaobjectco"><img border="0" usemap="d0e692" src= 
     870"figpng/xxx_mousedm.png" alt="DCM---&gt;target frame"><map name= 
     871"d0e692" id="d0e692"></map></div> 
     874<p><br class="figure-break"></p> 
     877<div class="figure"><a name="fig_mousedr" id="fig_mousedr"></a> 
     878<p class="title"><b>Figure&nbsp;16.&nbsp;<abbr class= 
     879"abbrev">DCR</abbr>---&gt;erase the frame</b></p> 
     880<div class="figure-contents"> 
     881<div class="mediaobjectco"><img border="0" usemap="d0e705" src= 
     882"figpng/xxx_mousedr.png" alt="DCR---&gt;erase the frame"><map name= 
     883"d0e705" id="d0e705"></map></div> 
     886<p><br class="figure-break"></p> 
    835890<p>Here's a series of commands to show how this works.</p> 
    836891<div class="procedure"> 
    905960<h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="crash" id= 
    906 "crash"></a>6.&nbsp;How to quit when it crashes</h2> 
     961"crash"></a>3.&nbsp;How to quit when it crashes</h2> 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/mini_notice.xml

    r147 r149  
     91<!-- ++ n'a plus rien à faire ici 
    9192<sect1 id="intro"><title>Introduction and assumptions</title> 
    209 <!-- ++ n'a plus rien à faire ici 
    210210<sect2 id="modifinit"><title>Modification of the <filename></filename> script</title> 
    253 --> 
    254253<sect2 id="modifinitgrid"><title>Modification or creation of the <filename></filename> script</title> 
    276 <sect1 id="introxxx"><title>Starting the <application>SAXO</application> package and an explanation of the XXX widget functions</title> 
     276<sect1 id="introxxx"><title>XXX widget functions</title> 
    277277<sect2 id="launchxxx"><title>Launching XXX</title> 
    297 <para> 
    298 To work without the XXX interface, initialize a grid 
    300   <screen format="linespecific"> 
    302 <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput>@initgrid</userinput> 
    303 </screen> 
    306 </para> 
    307 <para> 
    308298A window will open with 2 lines to complete. 
    309299<figure id="fig_xxx_0101"> 
    310300<title>Window xxx 1</title> 
    312 <!-- ++ pas encore au point cf. !! --> 
    314303<areaspec units="calspair"> 
    315 <area id="datafile" coords="96,1779 9903,2912"/> 
    316 <area id="initfile" coords="96,4854 9903,6472"/> 
     304<area id="datafile" coords="500,1715 9326,3074"/> 
     305<area id="initmethod" coords="1500,3268 8326,4919"/> 
     306<area id="initprogram" coords="57,5145 9961,8996"/> 
    319 <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_0101.png"/> <!-- ++ instead of xxx_0101_org.png --> 
     309<imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_0101.png"/> <!-- ++ instead of figpng/xxx_0101_org.png --> 
    322312<callout arearefs="datafile"> 
    323 <para>datafile</para> 
    324 </callout> 
    325 <callout arearefs="initfile"> 
    326 <para>initfile</para> 
     313<para>Data file</para> 
     315<callout arearefs="initmethod"> 
     316<para>Init method</para> 
     318<callout arearefs="initprogram"> 
     319<para>Init program</para> 
    335 </para> 
    336 <para> 
    337 These lines must contain 
    338 the address of a file.  The name can be typed directly in the window 
    339 provided, or selected with the help of the <guibutton>browse</guibutton> button.  The first 
    340 line must contain the name of the data file, the second the name of 
    341 the <filename></filename> script which will permit the reading and processing of the 
    342 grid associated with the data file. 
    343 </para> 
    344 <para> 
    345 Once these two lines have been completed, click on <guibutton>let's go</guibutton>.  Two 
    346 other windows will then open, giving you the parameters for reading 
    347 the grid and the file (these parameters are read in the <filename></filename> 
    348 script).  Click twice on <guibutton>OK</guibutton>. 
    349 </para> 
     328<sect3 id="datafiletxt"><title>File name</title> 
     329  <para> 
     330    the name of the data file. The name can be typed directly in the window 
     331    provided, or selected with the help of the <guibutton>browse</guibutton> button. 
     334<sect3 id="initmethodtxt"><title>Grid initalization method</title> 
     335  <para> 
     336    +++ 
     337  </para> 
     339<sect3 id="initprogramtxt"><title>Grid initalization parameters</title> 
     340  <para> 
     341    <figure id="fig_xxx_0102"> 
     342      <title>Window xxx 1</title> 
     343      <mediaobjectco> 
     344        <imageobjectco> 
     345          <imageobject> 
     346            <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_0102.png"/> 
     347          </imageobject> 
     348        </imageobjectco> 
     349      </mediaobjectco> 
     350    </figure> 
     351  </para> 
     352  <para> 
     353    the second the name of 
     354    the <filename></filename> script which will permit the reading and processing of the 
     355    grid associated with the data file. 
     356  </para> 
     357  <para> 
     358    Once these two lines have been completed, click on <guibutton>let's go</guibutton>. 
     359  </para> 
    351 <sect2 id="wigdets"><title>An explanation of the different widgets</title> 
     363<sect2 id="wigdets"><title>Description of XXX window</title> 
    363375<title>Window xxx 2</title> 
    365 <!-- ++ pas encore au point cf. !! --> 
    367378<areaspec units="calspair"> 
    368 <area id="pagelayout" coords="578,873 1651,1269"/> 
    369 <area id="calendar" coords="82,2222 1899,2857"/> 
    370 <area id="domain" coords="82,3174 2477,6349"/> 
    371 <area id="specify" coords="82,7142 2890,7936"/> 
     379<area id="plottype" coords="69,380 2261,809"/> 
     380<area id="menu" coords="2517,380 7575,841"/> 
     381<area id="ok" coords="116,936 1025,1365"/> 
     382<area id="pagelayout" coords="1631,936 4498,1365"/> 
     383<area id="variableslist" coords="4871,952 7529,1349"/> 
     384<area id="fileslist" coords="46,1507 8018,1857"/> 
     385<area id="commandtext" coords="46,2000 8065,2539"/> 
     386<area id="calendar" coords="46,2682 4941,3428"/> 
     387<area id="domdef" coords="372,3603 7179,7095"/> 
     388<area id="specifications" coords="23,7269 8041,9206"/> 
    374 <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_0201.png"/> <!-- ++ instead of xxx_0201_org.png --> 
     391<imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_0201.png"/> <!-- ++ instead of figpng/xxx_0201_org.png --> 
     394<callout arearefs="plottype"> 
     395<para>Plot type</para> 
     397<callout arearefs="menu"> 
     400<callout arearefs="ok"> 
    377403<callout arearefs="pagelayout"> 
    378 <para> Page layout </para> 
     404<para>Page layout</para> 
     406<callout arearefs="variableslist"> 
     407<para>Variables list</para> 
     409<callout arearefs="fileslist"> 
     410<para>Files list</para> 
     412<callout arearefs="commandtext"> 
     413<para>Command text</para> 
    380415<callout arearefs="calendar"> 
    381 <para> Calendar </para> 
    382 </callout> 
    383 <callout arearefs="domain"> 
    384 <para> Domain </para> 
    385 </callout> 
    386 <callout arearefs="specify"> 
    387 <para> Specify </para> 
     418<callout arearefs="domdef"> 
     421<callout arearefs="specifications"> 
    403 <sect3 id="menubar"><title>The menu bar made up of 3 submenus</title> 
     438<sect3 id="plottypetxt"><title>Plot type list</title> 
     439<para>allows specification of the type of plot desired.</para> 
     441    <figure id="fig_xxx_0202"> 
     442      <title></title> 
     443      <mediaobjectco> 
     444        <imageobjectco> 
     445          <imageobject> 
     446            <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_0202.png"/> 
     447          </imageobject> 
     448        </imageobjectco> 
     449      </mediaobjectco> 
     450    </figure> 
     454If the type <constant>plt</constant> is selected, the selection of plot type 
     455is made by mouse. Cf <xref linkend="mouse"/></para> 
     459<sect3 id="menutxt"><title>The menu bar made up of 3 submenus</title> 
    404460<sect4 id="filesubmenu"><title><guisubmenu>File</guisubmenu> submenu</title> 
     462    <figure id="fig_xxx_0203"> 
     463      <title></title> 
     464      <mediaobjectco> 
     465        <imageobjectco> 
     466          <imageobject> 
     467            <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_0203.png"/> 
     468          </imageobject> 
     469        </imageobjectco> 
     470      </mediaobjectco> 
     471    </figure> 
    420488<sect4 id="saveassubmenu"><title><guisubmenu>Save As</guisubmenu> submenu</title> 
     490    <figure id="fig_xxx_0204"> 
     491      <title></title> 
     492      <mediaobjectco> 
     493        <imageobjectco> 
     494          <imageobject> 
     495            <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_0204.png"/> 
     496          </imageobject> 
     497        </imageobjectco> 
     498      </mediaobjectco> 
     499    </figure> 
    455535<sect4 id="flagsubmenu"><title><guisubmenu>Flag options</guisubmenu> submenu</title> 
    457 <para> 
    458 <itemizedlist> 
    459 <listitem><para><guibutton>OK</guibutton> To show/hide the OK button in the upper left corner.</para></listitem> 
     537    <figure id="fig_xxx_0205"> 
     538      <title></title> 
     539      <mediaobjectco> 
     540        <imageobjectco> 
     541          <imageobject> 
     542            <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_0205.png"/> 
     543          </imageobject> 
     544        </imageobjectco> 
     545      </mediaobjectco> 
     546    </figure> 
    460551<listitem><para><guibutton>Portrait/Landscape:</guibutton> changes the configuration of the plot.</para></listitem> 
    461552<listitem><para><guibutton>Overlay:</guibutton> to plot contours of a different field on top the 
    475 <sect3 id="typeplot"><title>What type of plot and where?</title> 
    476 <para> 
    477 <itemizedlist> 
    478 <listitem><para><guibutton>OK</guibutton> Show/hide the OK button in the upper left.  When 
    479 present, a click is required to make a new plot appear. Otherwise 
    480 each action creates a new plot. </para></listitem> 
    481 <listitem><para><guimenuitem>Plot type list:</guimenuitem> allows specification of the type of plot 
    482 desired. 
    483 </para> 
    484 <note> 
    485 <para> 
    486 If the type <constant>plt</constant> is selected, the selection of plot type 
    487 is made by mouse. Cf <xref linkend="mouse"/></para> 
    488 </note> 
    489 </listitem> 
    490 <listitem><para><guimenuitem>Layout configuration:</guimenuitem> specify the number of columns and 
    491 rows for plots on the sheet of paper.  There's no code behind the undo 
    492 command!  The <guibutton>clear</guibutton> button erases all plots.</para></listitem> 
    493 <listitem><para><guimenuitem>List of open files:</guimenuitem> you can choose the file to work on.</para></listitem> 
    494 <listitem><para><guimenuitem>Command window:</guimenuitem> this window permits simple operations on 
    495 the fields:</para><para> 
    496 for example: <literallayout>toto - 10*field + 36</literallayout></para> 
    497 <note> 
    498 <para> 
    499 In the default case, the name given to a field is of no importance.</para> 
    500 </note> 
    501 </listitem> 
    502 </itemizedlist> 
    503 </para> 
    504 </sect3> 
    505 <sect3 id="sect_calendar"><title>Calendar</title> 
     567<sect3 id="oktxt"><title>OK button</title> 
     568<para>click on this <guibutton>OK</guibutton> button is required to make a new plot appear</para> 
     571<sect3 id="pagelayouttxt"><title>Page Layout</title> 
     572<para>specify the number of columns and rows for plots on the sheet of paper.</para> 
     574    <figure id="fig_xxx_0206"> 
     575      <title></title> 
     576      <mediaobjectco> 
     577        <imageobjectco> 
     578          <imageobject> 
     579            <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_0206.png"/> 
     580          </imageobject> 
     581        </imageobjectco> 
     582      </mediaobjectco> 
     583    </figure> 
     587<sect3 id="variableslisttxt"><title><guimenuitem>List of variables</guimenuitem></title> 
     588<para> you can choose the variable to work on.</para> 
     590    <figure id="fig_xxx_0207"> 
     591      <title></title> 
     592      <mediaobjectco> 
     593        <imageobjectco> 
     594          <imageobject> 
     595            <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_0207.png"/> 
     596          </imageobject> 
     597        </imageobjectco> 
     598      </mediaobjectco> 
     599    </figure> 
     603<sect3 id="fileslisttxt"><title><guimenuitem>List of open files</guimenuitem></title> 
     604<para> you can choose the file to work on.</para> 
     606    <figure id="fig_xxx_0208"> 
     607      <title></title> 
     608      <mediaobjectco> 
     609        <imageobjectco> 
     610          <imageobject> 
     611            <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_0208.png"/> 
     612          </imageobject> 
     613        </imageobjectco> 
     614      </mediaobjectco> 
     615    </figure> 
     619<sect3 id="commandtexttxt"><title><guimenuitem>Command text</guimenuitem></title> 
     620<para>To specify the computation you want to do  
     621+++ donner plus d'infos et des examples 
     622<note><para>In the default case, the name given to a field is of no importance.</para></note> 
     626<sect3 id="calendartxt"><title>Calendar</title> 
    507628The calendar is made up of two droplists, which allow specification of 
    512 <sect3 id="sect_domain"><title>Domain specification</title> 
     634<sect3 id="domdeftxt"><title>Define the domain</title> 
    514636A series of widgets that allow specification of the min/max limits of 
    520 <sect3 id="details"><title>Plot details</title> 
     643<sect3 id="specificationstxt"><title>specify your plot</title> 
    522645You can specify the min, max, and contour interval by filling out the 
    523646provided boxes! For the color palette, you can either specify the name 
    524647or go search for one among the palettes available. 
    525 </para> 
    527649The "keywords" window allows specification of all desired 
    530652<filename></filename>, or those of contour, plot, or all other programs that are 
    531653used. Cf <xref linkend="example1"/> 
    532 </para> 
    533 </sect3> 
    600724(click-drag).  The domains are thus defined by a long click (<abbrev>LC</abbrev>).  To 
    601725determine which type of plot should be made of selection, use: 
    602 <variablelist> 
    603 <varlistentry> 
    604 <term> 
    605728If the plot selector is on <constant>plt</constant> 
    606 </term> 
    607 <listitem> 
    608 <para> 
    609 the left mouse button to create horizontal plots (<constant>plt</constant>)</para> 
    610 <para> 
    611 the middle mouse button to create vertical plots (<constant>pltz</constant>)</para> 
    612 <para> 
    613 the right mouse button to create common hovmoellers for xt and yt cuts 
    614 (<constant>pltt</constant>)</para> 
    615 <para> 
    616 In summary: <abbrev>LCL</abbrev>---><constant>plt</constant></para> 
    617 <para> 
    618 LCM---><constant>pltz</constant></para> 
    619 <para> 
    620 LCR---><constant>pltt</constant></para> 
    621 </listitem> 
    622 </varlistentry> 
    623 <varlistentry> 
    624 <term> 
    625 If the plot selector is on something other than <constant>plt</constant> 
    626 </term> 
    627 <listitem> 
    628 <para> 
    629 the indicated plot type is made. 
    630 </para> 
    631 </listitem> 
    632 </varlistentry> 
    633 </variablelist> 
    634 </para> 
     730<listitem><para>the left mouse button to create horizontal plots (<constant>plt</constant>)</para></listitem> 
     731<listitem><para>the middle mouse button to create vertical plots (<constant>pltz</constant>)</para></listitem> 
     732<listitem><para>the right mouse button to create common hovmoellers for xt and yt cuts (<constant>pltt</constant>)</para></listitem> 
     736<para>In summary:</para> 
     740    <figure id="fig_mousell"> 
     741      <title><abbrev>LCL</abbrev>---><constant>plt</constant></title> 
     742      <mediaobjectco> 
     743        <imageobjectco> 
     744          <imageobject> 
     745            <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_mousell.png"/> 
     746          </imageobject> 
     747        </imageobjectco> 
     748      </mediaobjectco> 
     749    </figure> 
     753    <figure id="fig_mouselm"> 
     754      <title><abbrev>LCM</abbrev>---><constant>pltz</constant></title> 
     755      <mediaobjectco> 
     756        <imageobjectco> 
     757          <imageobject> 
     758            <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_mouselm.png"/> 
     759          </imageobject> 
     760        </imageobjectco> 
     761      </mediaobjectco> 
     762    </figure> 
     766    <figure id="fig_mouselr"> 
     767      <title><abbrev>LCR</abbrev>---><constant>pltt</constant></title> 
     768      <mediaobjectco> 
     769        <imageobjectco> 
     770          <imageobject> 
     771            <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_mouselr.png"/> 
     772          </imageobject> 
     773        </imageobjectco> 
     774      </mediaobjectco> 
     775    </figure> 
     781<note><para>If the plot selector is on something other than <constant>plt</constant> the indicated plot type is made.</para></note> 
    636784<sect2 id="multipleplots"><title>Create multiple plots on the same sheet and make them interact</title> 
    650798double-click with the right button in the second frame will erase the 
    652 <para> 
    653 In summary: <abbrev>DCL</abbrev>---><quote>reference</quote> frame</para> 
    654 <para> 
    655 <abbrev>DCM</abbrev>---><quote>target</quote> frame</para> 
    656 <para> 
    657 <abbrev>DCR</abbrev>--->erase the frame</para> 
    658 <para> 
    659 Here's a series of commands to show how this works. 
    660 </para> 
     800<para>In summary: </para> 
     803    <figure id="fig_mousedl"> 
     804      <title><abbrev>DCL</abbrev>---><quote>reference</quote> frame</title> 
     805      <mediaobjectco> 
     806        <imageobjectco> 
     807          <imageobject> 
     808            <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_mousedl.png"/> 
     809          </imageobject> 
     810        </imageobjectco> 
     811      </mediaobjectco> 
     812    </figure> 
     816    <figure id="fig_mousedm"> 
     817      <title><abbrev>DCM</abbrev>---><quote>target</quote> frame</title> 
     818      <mediaobjectco> 
     819        <imageobjectco> 
     820          <imageobject> 
     821            <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_mousedm.png"/> 
     822          </imageobject> 
     823        </imageobjectco> 
     824      </mediaobjectco> 
     825    </figure> 
     829    <figure id="fig_mousedr"> 
     830      <title><abbrev>DCR</abbrev>--->erase the frame</title> 
     831      <mediaobjectco> 
     832        <imageobjectco> 
     833          <imageobject> 
     834            <imagedata fileref="figpng/xxx_mousedr.png"/> 
     835          </imageobject> 
     836        </imageobjectco> 
     837      </mediaobjectco> 
     838    </figure> 
     842<para>Here's a series of commands to show how this works.</para> 
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.