{{{ #!html

Frequently Asked questions about SAXO

svn Id of xml source file : $Id: faqsaxo.xml 345 2008-04-16 09:15:20Z pinsard $

Revision History
Revision 0.0August 2006
First draft
Revision 0.1September 2006
+ onlinehelp
Revision 0.2April 2008
migration from DocBook 4.2 to Docbook 5.0

1. General
1.1. What is SAXO ?
1.2. How can I get help ?
1.3. How do I get SAXO ?
1.4. What is the current version of SAXO ?
1.5. On what systems does SAXO run ?
1.6. Does SAXO works with GDL instead of IDL ?
1.7. When is the next version of SAXO due out ?
1.8. How can I find if a routine to do what I want already exists ?
1.9. How should SAXO be cited or acknowledged in publication ?
2. Technical questions
2.1. Is there on-line help for SAXO ?
3. Contributors
3.1. Is there an SAXO Style Guide available ?
3.2. Is there any trouble with IDLdoc ?
3.3. How can I check spelling of XML files ?
3.4. How can I check spelling of IDL files ?
3.5. How can I see online help update ?

This is a list of Frequently Asked Questions about SAXO.

This list is roughly divided into categories: general questions, technical questions, contributors questions.

Suggestions for corrections or additional sections are welcome -- please email them to .

1. General

1.1. What is SAXO ?
1.2. How can I get help ?
1.3. How do I get SAXO ?
1.4. What is the current version of SAXO ?
1.5. On what systems does SAXO run ?
1.6. Does SAXO works with GDL instead of IDL ?
1.7. When is the next version of SAXO due out ?
1.8. How can I find if a routine to do what I want already exists ?
1.9. How should SAXO be cited or acknowledged in publication ?

What is SAXO ?

see document What is SAXO.


How can I get help ?

see Support in document Main page of SAXO.


How do I get SAXO ?

see document Get SAXO.


What is the current version of SAXO ?


On what systems does SAXO run ?


Does SAXO works with GDL instead of IDL ?

Not yet.


When is the next version of SAXO due out ?


How can I find if a routine to do what I want already exists ?


How should SAXO be cited or acknowledged in publication ?

2. Technical questions

2.1. Is there on-line help for SAXO ?

Is there on-line help for SAXO ?

Yes, if you use at least IDL 6.2. It is produced by IDLdoc. SAXO and IDL online_help have been merged, you can simply get the help by typing:

       idl> ?

3. Contributors

3.1. Is there an SAXO Style Guide available ?
3.2. Is there any trouble with IDLdoc ?
3.3. How can I check spelling of XML files ?
3.4. How can I check spelling of IDL files ?
3.5. How can I see online help update ?

Is there an SAXO Style Guide available ?

There is a template for header new_header.txt which can be parsed by IDLdoc.

This file can be added in Emacs configuration IDLWAVETemplatesDoc Header ( C-c-C-h ). in your ${HOME}/.emacs like this :

(add-hook 'idlwave-mode-hook
    (lambda ()
     (setq idlwave-file-header '("SAXO_basedirectory/SAXO_DIR/SRC/Documentation/new_header.txt")


Is there any trouble with IDLdoc ?

Yes, there are some :

  • \ in *.pro are not written in *.html. They must be escaped by an other \ or you can choose an other character.

  • Search doesn't handle characters like - and |.

  • Paragraphs of *.pro headers are shown with a proportional font in the HTML release.

    If you need to draw some small figure like grid cell, you can encapsulate the block to be shown in constant font between ; <fixe> and ; </fixe>

Unfortunately, these troubles may not be fixed because the author does not have anymore the opportunity to work on his own work.

Bugs can be submitted to IDL but we do not expect answers !


How can I check spelling of XML files ?

There is one way with command line :

       $ aspell --mode=sgml -c xmlfile


How can I check spelling of IDL files ?

Not so easy but you can start with something like this :

       $ cd ${HOME}/SAXO_DIR/SRC/
       $ list=$(find . -name "*.pro")
       $ for file in ${list}; do aspell list < ${file}; done > /tmp/list_word 
       $ sort -u /tmp/list_word > /tmp/list_sort

This will give /tmp/list_sort a list of sorted word used in IDL files that are not in the default dictionnary. Some of these words are correct in IDL and SAXO vocabulary, so they do not have to be replaced but some typo can be found.

To find occurences of one of these misspelled words, you have to do this :

       $ find . -name "*.pro" -exec grep -h "misspelled_word" {} \;

We should improve this by providing some IDL and SAXO dictionnary.


How can I see online help update ?

You won't see online help update if you are working with the official distribution because of !HELP_PATH. To override this problem, when you are in SAXO_basedirectory/SAXO_DIR/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/, you can call online help like this :

       idl> ONLINE_HELP,book="../idldoc_assistant_output/idldoc-lib.adp"
