What is SAXO Sébastien Masson Sebastien.Masson_at_locean-ipsl.upmc.fr Françoise Pinsard Francoise.Pinsard_at_locean-ipsl.upmc.fr idl SAXO 0.0 May 2006 First draft $Id$ Prerequisites SAXO needs at least IDL 6.0. SAXO can be used with the 7 minutes demo-mode (within the limitations of this mode: impossible to save data and create a file). Include idl-NetCDF written and maintained by Alan Iwi IDLdoc written and maintained by Mike Galloy color24, colorbar, getcolor, binary, different, inter, union, str_size and undefine written and maintained by David Fanning delchr, getfile, getwrd, isnumber, nwrds and putfile written and maintained by R. Sterner in JHU/APL/S1R IDL Library cmapply and cmset_op written and maintained by Craig Markwardt imdisp, saveimage and showimage written and maintained by Liam E. Gumley make_selection, strrepl, strright, strsci, strwhere and chkstru written and maintained by Martin Schultz image_viewer written and maintained by AEB??