#!/bin/bash # # # TODO # ==== # # use doidldoc.sh for assistant outputs # # EVOLUTIONS # ========== # # $Id$ # # - fplod 20091112T091437Z aedon.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr (Darwin) # # * define idl_dir (ref = idl6.4 on zeus) # * use doidldoc.sh for HTML outputs # # fplod 2008-04-28T08:40:23Z aedon.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr (Darwin) # add wiki update # fplod 2008-04-16T12:23:44Z aedon.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr (Darwin) # add wiki production # fplod 2008-04-16T09:02:45Z aedon.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr (Darwin) # html files produced from DocBook files are now produced using makefile # instead of makehtml.sh # fplod 2007-08-21T09:29:04Z aedon.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr (Darwin) # follow changes of calling sequence of pro2href.sh # add call to pro2href.sh for replacement of ... # fplod 2007-06-26T14:33:12Z aedon.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr (Darwin) # copy listings.css in idldoc_assistant_output # fplod 2007-03-20T15:10:29Z aedon.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr (Darwin) # . replace ginette by a sequence like # ginette in idldoc html and assistant outputs # . encaspulate example content in
in idldoc assistant outputs # smasson Fri Sep 22 17:28:10 CEST 2006 # check that the number of existing html files for each .pro file is 2! # fplod 2006-09-21T14:55:09Z aedon.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr (Darwin) # remove css in idldoc html output (/embed) # entraine modif de modification de css pour nonproportional font ++ anglais # fixe is replace by pre and no more css modification # bug in idldoc html output file idldoc-categories.html # http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml-transitional.dtd # au lieu de # http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd # ++ prévenir l'auteur # fplod 2006-09-21T13:05:32Z aedon.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr (Darwin) # add an svn id in idldoc-lib.adb after # fplod 2006-09-20T16:34:38Z aedon.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr (Darwin) # suppress ?format=raw # fplod 2006-09-20T15:30:15Z aedon.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr (Darwin) # add copy of html files under xmldoc and idldoc_html_output on # saxo@forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr:/ipsl/forge/projets/saxo/download/ # see dodocdownload # fplod 2006-09-20T11:05:23Z aedon.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr (Darwin) # correction to really suppress date in idldoc assistant outputs (font # instaed of div in html output) # fplod 2006-09-18T13:25:12Z aedon.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr (Darwin) # add status checking after makehtml.sh # smasson Fri Sep 15 10:42:01 CEST 2006 # merge idldoc html and idldoc assistant # smasson Thu Sep 14 15:19:23 CEST 2006 # add the revision number in the name of SAXO_SRC_*.tar.gz # smasson Wed Sep 13 14:18:02 CEST 2006 # add the directory-overview.html from dir-files.html in idldoc_html_output # fplod 2006-09-07T08:09:47Z aedon.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr (Darwin) # main is rename to websaxo # fplod 2006-09-05T15:39:47Z aedon.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr (Darwin) # add Source link in idldoc html outpout # snlod/fplod 2006-08-25T08:30:36Z electre.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr (Darwin) # add for idldoc assistant # fplod 2006-08-17T09:19:06Z aedon.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr (Darwin) # add transformation after idldoc to force non-proportional font # on bloc delimited by # # # in .pro files (with modification of css) # !! do not replace \ by \\ inside this block # !! replace \ by an other character is a good idea # cf. example in ToBeReviewed/TRIANGULATION/definetri.pro # fplod 2006-07-21T08:23:52Z aedon.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr (Darwin) # add mini_notice production # fplod 2006-07-11T08:26:05Z aedon.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr (Darwin) # commented tidy in dohtml section is moved in makehtml # fplod 2006-07-10T08:22:53Z aedon.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr (Darwin) # ajout de white-space: pre; dans la css pour file_comments # fplod 2006-07-04T13:09:19Z aedon.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr (Darwin) # for idldoc html output # because preformat option doesn't seem to work well # replace # div class="value" # by # div class="preformat" # fplod 2006-06-19T08:46:39Z aedon.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr (Darwin) # for idldoc html output #. replace # -e 's/\(href=".*\)\(\.html\)\("\)/\1\2?format=raw\3/g' \ # -e 's/\(href=".*\)\(\.html\)\(#.*"\)/\1\2?format=raw\3/g' \ # -e 's/\(src=".*\)\(\.html\)\("\)/\1\2?format=raw\3/g' \ # by # -e 's@\(href="[^.]*[^h]*[^t]*[^m]*[^l]*[^"]*\)\(\.html\)\("\)@\1\2?format=raw\3@g' \ # -e 's@\(href="[^.]*[^h]*[^t]*[^m]*[^l]*[^"]*\)\(\.html\)\(#.*"\)@\1\2?format=raw\3@g' \ #-e 's@\(src="[^.]*[^h]*[^t]*[^m]*[^l]*[^"]*\)\(\.html\)\("\)@\1\2?format=raw\3@g' # in order to be able to add ?format=raw several time on one line # . suppress .html in line like # a parameter from the routine ./ReadWrite/idl-NetCDF/ncdf_read.html # in files idldoc-index*.html # fplod 2006-06-14T12:41:37Z aedon.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr (Darwin) # add embed parameter idldoc instructions to try to fix ticket#17 # fplod 2006-06-07T12:11:50Z aedon.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr (Darwin) # add g option in ?format=raw sed transformation in order to fix # link on top of idldoc like directory-overview.html # fplod 2006-06-07T10:57:35Z aedon.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr (Darwin) # add ?format=raw in idldoc production for frames # fplod 2006-06-07T08:14:15Z aedon.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr (Darwin) # add action for idldochtml # fplod 2006-06-02T14:28:30Z aedon.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr (Darwin) # modification to produce tar files in /tmp/saxo_${$} when dotar=1 # modification to copy tar files on http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/saxo/download/ # when doforge=1 # produce tar files in /tmp/saxo_${$} when dotar=1 set -x set -u # # define idl_dir # reference is idl 64 on zeus.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr idl_dir=/usr/local_linux/idl/idl_6.4/idl/ # docompileall=0 dohtml=0 dowiki=0 dooldtest=0 doidlwavedoc=0 doidldoc=1 doTARsrc=0 doTARdata=0 doforge=0 doSRClocean=0 doDTAlocean=0 doSRCipsl=0 doDTAipsl=0 doSRCidris=0 doDTAidris=0 dodocdownload=0 dowikiupdate=0 # case $( whoami ) in smasson) lgforge=smasson ;; floseb) lgforge=smasson ;; *) lgforge=saxo ;; esac # if [ ${lgforge} != smasson ] then doSRClocean=0 doDTAlocean=0 doSRCipsl=0 doDTAipsl=0 doSRCidris=0 doDTAidris=0 fi # # get the date in a nice format # ndate=`date +%Y%m%d` rev=$( svn info | grep -i revision | awk '{print $NF}' ) # memorize current directory memopwd=$(pwd) # should be /SRC/Documentation/xmldoc # #------------------------------------------------------------------ if [ ${docompileall} -eq 1 ] then cat < /tmp/compileall${$}.pro .reset_session ; !path = expand_path('+' + '../..') + ':' + expand_path('+' + !dir) resolve_all, resolve_either='def_myuniquetmpdir', skip_routines = ['xxx2ps','trends', 'label_gmt'] resolve_all, resolve_either = 'find', skip_routines = ['xxx2ps','trends', 'label_gmt'] def_myuniquetmpdir oldcm = find('oldcm_empty') ;oldcm = find('oldcm_full') oldcm = oldcm[0] @cm_general file_copy, oldcm, myuniquetmpdir + 'oldcm_used.pro', /overwrite !path = myuniquetmpdir + ':' + !path IF !journal NE 0 THEN journal journal, myuniquetmpdir + 'cm_demomode_used.pro' journal path_cache, /rebuild ; resolve_all, resolve_either='keep_compatibility', skip_routines = ['xxx2ps','trends', 'label_gmt'] ; EOF # for i in $( find ${memopwd}/../.. -name "*.pro" | grep -iv label_gmt | grep -iv report ) do # does it contains pro or function ? egrep -iq '^ * *(pro|function)' ${i} if [ ${?} -eq 0 ] then echo "print, '$( basename ${i} .pro ) :'" >> /tmp/compileall${$}.pro echo "resolve_all, resolve_either = '$( basename ${i} .pro )', skip_routines = ['xxx2ps','trends', 'label_gmt', 'report']" >> /tmp/compileall${$}.pro fi done echo "exit" >> /tmp/compileall${$}.pro IDL_STARTUP=/tmp/compileall${$}.pro ${idl_dir}/bin/idl &> /tmp/compileallerr_${$} echo echo grep -i "error" /tmp/compileallerr_${$} # grep -q "Compilation error(s)" /tmp/compileallerr_${$} if [ ${?} -ne 0 ] then echo "ALL SAXO files are OK..." rm -f /tmp/compileallerr_${$} /tmp/compileall${$}.pro else grep "Compilation error(s)" /tmp/compileallerr_${$} echo "eee : see /tmp/compileallerr_${$}" more /tmp/compileallerr_${$} exit 1 fi echo echo fi #------------------------------------------------------------------ if [ ${dohtml} -eq 1 ] then # # redo the HTML files # cd ${memopwd} make clean make html fi #------------------------------------------------------------------ if [ ${dowiki} -eq 1 ] then # # redo the WIKI files # cd ${memopwd} make clean make tracwiki fi #------------------------------------------------------------------ if [ ${dooldtest} -eq 1 ] then # make the old test # cd ${memopwd}/../../Tests/ ./makeold.sh exit 0 fi #------------------------------------------------------------------ if [ ${doidlwavedoc} -eq 1 ] then # # redo idlwave doc # cd ${memopwd}/../.. Documentation/idlwave_catalog -v -f saxo exit 0 fi #------------------------------------------------------------------ if [ ${doidldoc} -eq 1 ] then # # build HTML idldoc outputs ${SAXO_DIR}/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/doidldoc.sh \ -i ../.. -t "SAXO Documentation" \ -o ../idldoc_html_output/ -idl_dir ${idl_dir} # # build a idl file to launch idldoc output=../idldoc_assistant_output/ log="/tmp/idldocassistant_${$}.log" pro="/tmp/idldocassistant_${$}.pro" cat < ${pro} !path = expand_path('+' + '../idldoc/') print,!path idldoc,root="../../",title="SAXO Documentation Assistant", $ LOG_FILE="${log}", $ output="${output}", overview='../../overview', /statistics, /preformat, /embed, /assistant exit EOF # launch idl with the file built above IDL_STARTUP=${pro};${idl_dir}/bin/idl /bin/rm ${pro} # In order to do not have to many revision in svn, we modify some # lines produced by idldoc : # examples : # # will be replaced by # #

  Produced by IDLdoc 2.0 on Wed Sep 13 16:32:10 2006.

# will be replaced by #

  Produced by IDLdoc 2.0


Produced on Wed Jun 7 10:23:13 2006

# will be delete # other lines will be deleted because the time is the time of checkout not # the time of revision. # the sequence of lines #
Last modification:
Fri Jun 2 11:46:24 2006
# should also be removed ++ je ne sais pas dire en sed la ligne # suivant l'occurence de Last modification # replace *_param_* in href attributes because anchors are badly written # with _keyword_ #++ -e 's@\(href="#_.*\)\(_param_\)\(.*"\)@\1_keyword_\3@g' \ # ++ pb global # ONLINE_HELP, book="../idldoc_assistant_output/idldoc-lib.adp", /full_path # won't work # encaspulate example content in
in idldoc assistant outputs # Examples section is supposed to start with


# and end is before

Version history

list_html=$(find ${output} -name "*.html") for file_html in ${list_html} do sed \ -e "s/\(Generated by IDLdoc 2.0\)\( on .*\)\( -->\)/\1\3/" \ -e "s/\(Produced by IDLdoc 2.0\)\( on .*\)\(\.<\/font>\)/\1\3/" \ -e "/

Produced on/d" \ -e "/Last modification:/d" \ -e "/
... ... .* ..:..:.. ....<\/dd>/d" \ -e '/href/s@_param_@_keyword_@g' \ -e 's@
@' \ -e 's/div\#file_comments {/div\#file_comments { white-space: pre;/' \ -e 's@^ @
@' \
     -e 's@^ @
@' \ -e "s@




@" \
     -e "s@

Version history


Version history

@" \ ${file_html} > ${file_html}_modify mv ${file_html}_modify ${file_html} done # replace ginette by a sequence like # ginette ./pro2href.sh -i ${output} -r ${output} -e pro status=${?} if [ ${status} -ne 0 ] then echo "eee : pb during ./pro2href.sh for ..." exit 1 fi # replace ginette by a sequence like # ginette ./pro2href.sh -i ${output} -r ${idl_dir}/help/online_help -e proidl status=${?} if [ ${status} -ne 0 ] then echo "eee : pb during ./pro2href.sh for ..." exit 1 fi # add the directory-overview.html from dir-files.html in idldoc_html_output list_html=$(find ../idldoc_html_output -name dir-files.html) for file_html in ${list_html} do fout=../idldoc_assistant_output/${file_html#../idldoc_html_output/*} fout=${fout%/*}/directory-overview.html cp ${file_html} ${fout} done # copy listings.css (needed by directory-overview.html files) cp ../idldoc/resource/listings.css ${output} # add an id in idldoc-lib.adp cat << EOF > /tmp/adp_modification EOF sed -e "/<\/profile>/r /tmp/adp_modification" \ ../idldoc_assistant_output/idldoc-lib.adp > \ ../idldoc_assistant_output/idldoc-lib.adp_${$} mv ../idldoc_assistant_output/idldoc-lib.adp_${$} \ ../idldoc_assistant_output/idldoc-lib.adp rm /tmp/adp_modification echo "iii : you can see log file in ${log}" echo "iii : and look ${output}/idldoc-warnings.html#undoc" # check that the number of existing html files for each .pro file is 2! for i in $( find ../.. -name "*.pro" ) do nhtml=$( find ../.. -name $( basename ${i} .pro ).html | wc -l ) if [ ${nhtml} -ne 2 ] then echo "ERROR there is no 2 $( basename ${i} .pro ).html files" find ../.. -name $( basename ${i} .pro ).html echo fi done fi #------------------------------------------------------------------ if [ ${doTARsrc} -eq 1 ] then localtarbase=/tmp/savesaxo_${$} mkdir ${localtarbase}/ # clean backup files : *~ find ${memopwd}/../../.. -name "*~" -exec rm {} \; # prepare the source tar (without the svn...) # cd ${memopwd}/../../.. tar czf ${localtarbase}/SAXO_SRC_${ndate}r${rev}.tar.gz --exclude .svn SRC # # informations echo "iii : following file may be copied on http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/saxo/download/" ls -l ${localtarbase} fi #------------------------------------------------------------------ if [ ${doTARdata} -eq 1 ] then localtarbase=/tmp/savesaxo_${$} mkdir ${localtarbase}/ # # prepare the data tar (without the svn...) # cd ${memopwd}/../../.. tar czf ${localtarbase}/SAXO_DATA_${ndate}.tar.gz --exclude .svn DATA # # informations echo "iii : following file may be copied on http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/saxo/download/" ls -l ${localtarbase} fi #------------------------------------------------------------------ if [ ${doforge} -eq 1 ] then echo "iii : you will be asked ${lgforge}@forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr passwd two times" if [ ${doTARsrc} -ne 1 ] then localtarbase=${1} fi scp ${localtarbase}/SAXO_*.tar.gz ${lgforge}@forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr:/ipsl/forge/projets/saxo/download/ echo "iii : do not forget to update getsaxo.html" echo "iii : \$ make ./getsaxo.html" echo "iii : do not forget to clean ${localtarbase}" fi #------------------------------------------------------------------ if [[ (${doDTAlocean} -eq 1) || (${doDTAipsl} -eq 1) ]] then echo "iii : you will be asked ${lgforge}@forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr passwd" infodata=$(ssh ${lgforge}@forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr ls -lht /ipsl/forge/projets/saxo/download/SAXO_DATA_*.tar.gz | head -n 1) filedata=$(echo ${infodata} | awk '{print $NF}') filedata=$(basename ${filedata}) cat < job_data_$$ #!/bin/bash cd SAXO_DIR # rm -rf DATA wget http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/saxo/download/${filedata} gunzip ${filedata} tar vxf $( basename ${filedata} .gz ) rm -f $( basename ${filedata} .gz ) # chmod -R 755 * exit # EOF fi #------------------------------------------------------------------ if [ ${doSRClocean} -eq 1 ] then # update src on cerbere # echo "iii : update src on cerbere" ssh smasson@cerbere.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr "svn update SAXO_DIR/SRC ; chmod -R 755 SAXO_DIR" fi #------------------------------------------------------------------ if [ ${doDTAlocean} -eq 1 ] then # update data on cerbere echo "iii : update data on cerbere" scp job_data_$$ smasson@cerbere.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr:. ssh smasson@cerbere.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr "chmod 755 job_data_$$ ; ./job_data_$$ ; rm -f job_data_$$" fi #------------------------------------------------------------------ if [ ${doSRCipsl} -eq 1 ] then # update src on calcul2 # echo "iii : update src on calcul2" ssh smlod@calcul2.ipsl.jussieu.fr "svn update SAXO_DIR/SRC ; chmod -R 755 SAXO_DIR" fi #------------------------------------------------------------------ if [ ${doDTAipsl} -eq 1 ] then # update data on cook echo "iii : update data on cook" scp job_data_$$ smlod@cook.ipsl.jussieu.fr:. ssh smlod@cook.ipsl.jussieu.fr "chmod 755 job_data_$$ ; ./job_data_$$ ; rm -f job_data_$$" fi #------------------------------------------------------------------ if [ ${doSRCidris} -eq 1 ] then # update src on rhodes echo "iii : update src to rhodes" ssh -t smasson@cerbere.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr ssh reee217@rhodes.idris.fr "/usr/local/pub/svn/svn-1.3.1/bin/svn update SAXO_DIR/SRC ; chmod -R 755 SAXO_DIR" fi #------------------------------------------------------------------ if [ ${doDTAidris} -eq 1 ] then # create the update script for rhodes if [[ (${doDTAlocean} -eq 0) && (${doDTAipsl} -eq 0) ]] then echo "iii : you will be asked ${lgforge}@forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr passwd" infodata=$(ssh ${lgforge}@forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr ls -lht /ipsl/forge/projets/saxo/download/SAXO_DATA_*.tar.gz | head -n 1) filedata=$(echo ${infodata} | awk '{print $NF}') filedata=$(basename ${filedata}) fi cat < job_data_idris_$$ #!/bin/ksh cd SAXO_DIR # rm -rf DATA echo "iii : you will be asked ${lgforge}@forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr passwd" scp ${lgforge}@forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr:/ipsl/forge/projets/saxo/download/${filedata} . gunzip ${filedata} tar vxf $( basename ${filedata} .gz ) rm -f $( basename ${filedata} .gz ) # chmod -R 755 * exit # EOF # update data on gaya echo "iii : update data to gaya" scp job_data_idris_$$ reee217@gaya.idris.fr:. ssh reee217@gaya.idris.fr "chmod 755 job_data_idris_$$ ; ./job_data_idris_$$ ; rm -f job_data_idris_$$" fi #------------------------------------------------------------------ if [ ${dodocdownload} -eq 1 ] then # ++ on pourrait peut-etre faire un rsync en enlevant les .sh et le .xsl # et faire le ménage des fichiers qui n'existent plus echo "iii : you will be asked ${lgforge}@forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr passwd several times" # # copy files in a temporary directory mkdir /tmp/download_${$}/ cp -rp ../xmldoc /tmp/download_${$}/ cp -rp ../idldoc_html_output /tmp/download_${$}/ # # remove svn files find /tmp/download_${$}/ -name ".svn" -exec rm -rf {} \; # # replace relative path # by http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/saxo/browser/trunk/SRC/ # on ulink lines containing some directories like ../../ToBeReviewed/ or ../../Test/ or file like newheader.txt list_html=$(find /tmp/download_${$}/ -name "*.html") for file_html in ${list_html} do sed \ -e "/Source code of a file/s+../.*/../+http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/saxo/browser/trunk/SRC/+" \ -e "/..\/..\/ToBeReviewed/s+../../+http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/saxo/browser/trunk/SRC/+" \ -e "/..\/..\/Test/s+../../+http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/saxo/browser/trunk/SRC/+" \ -e "/..\/..\/Calendar/s+../../+http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/saxo/browser/trunk/SRC/+" \ -e "/..\/newheader/s+../../+http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/saxo/browser/trunk/SRC/Documentation/+" \ ${file_html} > ${file_html}_${$} mv ${file_html}_${$} ${file_html} done echo echo "give SAXO password if asked" scp -rp /tmp/download_${$}/* saxo@forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr:/ipsl/forge/projets/saxo/download/ rm -rf /tmp/download_${$}/ fi # # update wiki pages if [ ${dowikiupdate} -eq 1 ] then # uncomment this following line if you want to start from scratch # ssh saxo@forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr mkdir -p /tmp/saxo rsync -av --exclude=".DS_Store" --exclude=".svn" ./wiki/ saxo@forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr:/tmp/saxo ssh saxo@forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr trac-admin /ipsl/forge/projets/saxo/trac wiki load /tmp/saxo # uncomment this following line if you want to leave without any trace # ssh saxo@forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr rm -rf /tmp/saxo fi #------------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------------ # [ -f job_src_$$ ] && rm -f job_src_$$ [ -f job_data_$$ ] && rm -f job_data_$$ [ -f job_data_idris_$$ ] && rm -f job_data_idris_$$ # exit