First steps with SAXO

svn Id of xml source file : $Id: firststeps.xml 193 2006-09-22 10:13:30Z pinsard $

Revision History
Revision 0.0 29 July 2005
First draft
Revision 0.1 29 August 2005
last Japanese version!
Revision 0.2 May 2006
split with getsaxo

Table of Contents

1. Before this
2. First plots …
2.1. Start IDL session: @init
2.2. basic plots …
3. Explore gridded data (model outputs and observations)
3.1. Load the data grid
3.2. horizontal plots and maps
3.3. vertical sections
3.4. hovmoellers and time series
3.5. 1D plots

1. Before this

In this document, we supposed that you followed Get SAXO recommendations.

2.  First plots …

2.1.  Start IDL session: @init

Each IDL session using SAXO must always start with: idl> @init.

The @ is equivalent to an include. It is used to execute a set of IDL commands that will be directly executed without any compilation (as it is the case for a procedure or a function). All variables defined and used in the @… file will still be accessible after the execution of the @… is finished (which is not the case for procedures and functions that ends with the return instruction).

  $ cd ${HOME}/My_IDL/
  $ idl
  IDL Version 6.0, Mac OS X (darwin ppc m32). (c) 2003, Research Systems, Inc.
  Installation number: 35411.
  Licensed for personal use by Jean-Philippe BOULANGER only.
  All other use is strictly prohibited.
  idl> @init
  % Compiled module: KEEP_COMPATIBILITY.
  % Compiled module: FIND.
  % Compiled module: PATH_SEP.
  % Compiled module: STRSPLIT.
  % Compiled module: DEF_MYUNIQUETMPDIR.
  We forget the compatibility with the old version
  % Compiled module: DEMOMODE_COMPATIBILITY.
  % Compiled module: ISADIRECTORY.
  % Compiled module: LCT.
  % Compiled module: RSTRPOS.
  % Compiled module: REVERSE.
  % Compiled module: STR_SEP.
  % Compiled module: LOADCT.

As an IDL session using SAXO must always start with idl> @init, it could be convenient to define the environment variable IDL_STARTUP to ${HOME}/My_IDL/ In that way, will automatically been executed when starting IDL. This can be done with the following command:

$ setenv IDL_STARTUP ${HOME}/My_IDL/
$ export IDL_STARTUP=${HOME}/My_IDL/

2.2.  basic plots …

2.2.1.  splot

   idl> n = 10                                             (1)
   idl> y = findgen(n) 1
   idl> plot, y show result

findgen stands for float index generator.

  idl> print, findgen(6)
        0.00000      1.00000      2.00000      3.00000      4.00000      5.00000

Using IDL plot command is quite inconvenient to save the figure as a postscript. In addition, positioning the figure on the window/page by using !p.position, !p.region and !p.multi is often a nightmare. That's why we developed splot (like super-plot) which can be used in the same way as plot but is much more convenient to make postscript and position the figure.

  idl> splot, y show result
  % Compiled module: SPLOT.
  % Compiled module: REINITPLT.
  % Compiled module: PLACEDESSIN.
  % Compiled module: CALIBRE.
  % Compiled module: GIVEWINDOWSIZE.
  % Compiled module: GET_SCREEN_SIZE.
  % Compiled module: TERMINEDESSIN.

Save the figure seen on the screen as a (real, not a screen capture) postscript in only one command.

  idl> @ps
  % Compiled module: GETFILE.
  % Compiled module: PUTFILE.
  % Compiled module: OPENPS.
  % Compiled module: XQUESTION.                            (1)
  Name of the postscript file? (default answer is 1
  % Compiled module: ISAFILE.
  % Compiled module: XNOTICE.
  % Compiled module: CLOSEPS.
  % Compiled module: PRINTPS.
  % Compiled module: FILE_WHICH.
  % Compiled module: CW_BGROUP.
  % Compiled module: XMANAGER.

If needed, the name of the postscript will automatically be completed with .ps. Just hit return, if you want to use the default postscript name:

Check that the “” file is now existing …

  idl> print, file_test(psdir + '')
  idl> help, file_info(psdir + ''), /structure
  ** Structure FILE_INFO, 21 tags, length=64, data length=63:
     NAME            STRING    '/Users/sebastie/IDL/'
     EXISTS          BYTE         1
     READ            BYTE         1
     WRITE           BYTE         1
     EXECUTE         BYTE         0
     REGULAR         BYTE         1
     DIRECTORY       BYTE         0
     BLOCK_SPECIAL   BYTE         0
                     BYTE         0
     NAMED_PIPE      BYTE         0
     SETUID          BYTE         0
     SETGID          BYTE         0
     SOCKET          BYTE         0
     STICKY_BIT      BYTE         0
     SYMLINK         BYTE         0
                     BYTE         0
     MODE            LONG               420
     ATIME           LONG64                1122424373
     CTIME           LONG64                1122424373        
     MTIME           LONG64                1122424373        
     SIZE            LONG64                      4913


It can therefore be customized as much as you want. See this short example:

  idl> splot, y, y^2, linestyle = 2, thick = 2, title = 'y = x^2', /portrait show result

splot can be used to setup the graphic environment (!p, !x, !y, !z variables) needed by procedures like oplot

  idl> splot, y, yrange = [0, (n-1)^2], title = 'x and x^2'
  idl> oplot, y^2, color = 50, linestyle = 2 show result

Use the keyword small to produce multi plots figures.

  idl> splot, y, y^2, title = 'y = x^2', psym = 2, small 1 =(1)(2) [1, 2, 1]
  idl> splot, findgen(360)/36., findgen(360)*2.*!dtor, /polar $
  idl>     , small 1 = [1, 2, 2], /noerase 2 show result

the small keyword is a 3 elements vector which defines how we divide the page and in which case we should make the plot: [number of columns, number of rows, case number]. The case numbering is starting at 1, from top to bottom and left to right.

2 you must put /noerase otherwise the second plot will be done in a new window.

2.2.2.  scontour

Following splot example, we provide scontour as a "super contour".

  idl> z = dist(n)
  % Compiled module: DIST.
  idl> scontour, z show result
  % Compiled module: SCONTOUR.
  % Compiled module: CHKSTRU.

scontour accepts the same keywords as contour (C_ANNOTATION=vector_of_strings, C_CHARSIZE=value, C_CHARTHICK=integer, C_COLORS=vector, C_LABELS=vector{each element 0 or 1}, C_LINESTYLE=vector, { /FILL | /CELL_FILL | C_ORIENTATION=degrees}, C_SPACING=value, C_THICK=vector, /CLOSED, /DOWNHILL, /FOLLOW, /IRREGULAR, /ISOTROPIC, LEVELS=vector, NLEVELS=integer{1 to 60}, MAX_VALUE=value, MIN_VALUE=value, /OVERPLOT, {/PATH_DATA_COORDS, PATH_FILENAME=string, PATH_INFO=variable, PATH_XY=variable}, TRIANGULATION=variable, /PATH_DOUBLE, /XLOG, /YLOG, ZAXIS={0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4}), including the graphics keywords (except LINESTYLE, PSYM, SYMSIZE).

It can therefore be customized as much as you want. See these short examples:

  idl> scontour, z, /fill, nlevels = 15, subtitle = 'nicer contour' $
  idl>     , xtitle = 'x index', charsize = 1.5 show result

It can be used in combination with contour to make more complex plots:

  idl> ind = findgen(2*n)/(2.*n)
  idl> scontour, z, levels = n*ind, c_orientation = 180*ind, c_spacing = 0.4*ind
  idl> contour, z, /overplot, c_label = rebin([1, 0], 2, n) 1, levels = n*ind $
  idl>     , c_charthick = 2, c_charsize = 1.5, c_colors = 250*ind show result

rebin is used to build an array containing an alternation of 1 and 0 in order to label one contour every two contours.

  idl> print, rebin([1, 0], 2, 3)
         1       0
         1       0
         1       0

scontour is compatible with the positioning method associated with the small keyword. See for example the test file

  idl> tst_basic show result

2.2.3.  Quick look and explore 2D arrays: tvplus

tvplus is a enhanced version of tvscl and allow you to have a quick look and perform basic exploration of 2D arrays.

  idl> tvplus, dist(20) show result
  left button  : mouse position and associated array value
  middle button: use it twice to define a zoom box
  right button : quit
  (x, y) = (  5,   5), value = 7.07107
  (x, y) = ( 12,   8), value = 11.3137

For more informations on tvplus, try:

  idl> xhelp, 'tvplus'

To see the source code of tvplus, try:

  idl> xfile, 'tvplus'

New Feature

If you use an IDL 6.2 or later revision, you can simply get the help of any command by typing ?command_name, for example:

  idl> ?tvplus

2.2.4.  Formal quick look at 2D arrays: pltv

pltv is a mix between tvplus and plt and allow you to have formal quick look of 2D arrays.

  idl> pltv, dist(20) show result

3.  Explore gridded data (model outputs and observations)

This section briefly describes the main functionalities offered by SAXO to explore gridded data on regular or irregular grid.

3.1.  Load the data grid

As we focus in this section on the gridded data, we must first load the grid informations before reading and plotting the data. Loading the grid independently of the data allow you to reload the grid only when it is strictly necessary and not every time you access the data. In ${HOME}/SAXO_DIR/Tests/, we provide several examples to load a grid.

3.1.1.  Easiest solution: load data grid (regular or not) directly from the data file.

Example of Levitus temperature on a regular 1x1 grid.

  idl> @tst_initlev
  % Compiled module: INITNCDF.
  % Compiled module: ISAFILE.
  % Compiled module: UNIQ.
  % Loaded DLM: NCDF.
  % Compiled module: COMPUTEGRID.
  % Compiled module: DOMDEF.
  % Compiled module: INTER.
  % Compiled module: TRIANGULE.
  % Compiled module: TRIANGULE_C.
  % Compiled module: UNDEFINE.
  % Compiled module: TESTVAR.
  % Compiled module: DIFFERENT.
  % Compiled module: DEFINETRI.

This @tst_initlev command allows us to define:

  • domain dimensions, stored in jpi, jpj and jpk
  • points abscissa, stored in 2D array glamt
  • points ordinates, stored in 2D array gphit
  • points depths, stored in 1D array gdept
  • cells corners abscissa, stored in 2D array glamf
  • cells corners ordinates, stored in 2D array gphif
  • cells upper boundary depth, stored in 1D array gdepw
  • land-sea mask, stored in tmask
  • the cells size in the longitudinal direction, stored in 2D array e1t
  • the cells size in the latitudinal direction, stored in 2D array e2t
  • the cells size in the vertical direction, stored in 1D array e3t
  • the triangulation used to fill the land points, stored in triangles_list
  idl> help, jpi,jpj,jpk
  JPI (LOCAL_COORD)   LONG      =          360
  JPJ (LOCAL_COORD)   LONG      =          180
  JPK (LOCAL_COORD)   LONG      =           33
  idl> help, glamt, gphit,glamf, gphif
  GLAMT (LONGITUDES)  FLOAT     = Array[360, 180]
  GPHIT (LATITUDES)   FLOAT     = Array[360, 180]
  GLAMF (LONGITUDES)  FLOAT     = Array[360, 180]
  GPHIF (LATITUDES)   FLOAT     = Array[360, 180]
  idl> help, gdept, gdepw
  GDEPT (VERTICAL)    FLOAT     = Array[33]
  GDEPW (VERTICAL)    FLOAT     = Array[33]
  idl> help, e1t, e2t, e3t
  E1T (SCALE_FACTORS) FLOAT     = Array[360, 180]
  E2T (SCALE_FACTORS) FLOAT     = Array[360, 180]
  E3T (VERTICAL)      FLOAT     = Array[33]
  idl> help, tmask
  TMASK (MASKS)       BYTE      = Array[360, 180, 33]
  idl> help, triangles_list
  idl> tvplus, glamt*tmask[*,*,0]
  idl> tvplus, gphit*tmask[*,*,0]

We provide other initialization methods/examples

3.1.2.  Load the grid from OPA meshmask file

When the grid is really irregular (its abscissa and ordinate cannot be descried by a vector), loading the grid directly from the data forces us to make an approximation when computing the grid corners position and the cells size. In that case, it can be preferable to load the grid from the meshmask file created by OPA. As OPA use a Arakawa-C discretization, loading the grid from the meshmask will also define all parameters related to the U, V and F grids (glam[uv],gphi[uv], e[12][uvf]). Note that, when using a simple grid definition from the data itself (with initncdf or computegrid), adding the keyword /FULLCGRID leads also to the definition of all U, V and F grids parameters. There is the examples to load ORCA grids from OPA meshmask.

3.2.  horizontal plots and maps

A quick presentation of horizontal plots and maps is shown in tst_plt. After loading any of the grid (for example with one of the above examples). Just try:

  idl> tst_plt

Beware, the command is tst_plt and not @tst_plt as is a procedure and not an include.

See the results with

  • @tst_initlev show result show result show result show result show result show result show result show result show result show result
  • @tst_initorca2 show result show result show result show result show result show result show result show result show result show result
  • @tst_initorca05 show result show result show result show result show result show result show result show result show result show result
  • @tst_initlev_stride show result show result show result show result show result show result show result show result show result show result
  • @tst_initorca2_stride show result show result show result show result show result show result show result show result show result show result
  • @tst_initorca05_stride show result show result show result show result show result show result show result show result show result show result

3.3.  vertical sections

A quick presentation of vertical sections is shown in tst_pltz. After loading any of the grid (for example with one of the above examples). Just try:

  idl> tst_pltz

Beware, the command is tst_pltz and not @tst_pltz as is a procedure and not an include.

See the results with

  • @tst_initlev show result show result show result show result show result show result show result show result show result show result show result
  • @tst_initorca2 show result show result show result show result show result show result show result show result show result show result show result show result
  • @tst_initorca05 show result show result show result show result show result show result show result show result show result show result show result show result
  • @tst_initlev_stride show result show result show result show result show result show result show result show result show result show result show result
  • @tst_initorca2_stride show result show result show result show result show result show result show result show result show result show result show result
  • @tst_initorca05_stride show result show result show result show result show result show result show result show result show result show result show result

3.4.  hovmoellers and time series

A quick presentation of hovmoellers and time series is shown in tst_pltt. After loading any of the grid (for example with one of the above examples). Just try:

  idl> tst_pltt

Beware, the command is tst_pltt and not @tst_pltt as is a procedure and not an include.

See the results with

  • @tst_initlev show result show result show result show result show result show result
  • @tst_initorca2 show result show result show result show result show result show result
  • @tst_initorca05 show result show result show result show result show result show result
  • @tst_initlev_stride show result show result show result show result show result show result
  • @tst_initorca2_stride show result show result show result show result show result show result
  • @tst_initorca05_stride show result show result show result show result show result show result

3.5.  1D plots

To be continued …