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Check that the input array has size and dimensions compatible with the domain that was defined with the previous call of domdef.

topfitintobox Compatibility

result = fitintobox(field[, nx][, ny][, nz][, firstx][, firsty][, firstz][, lastx][, lasty][, lastz], WDEPTH=WDEPTH)

Return value

an array with dimensions matching the domain or -1 if there is an error...


field        in required type: array or struct

an array or a structure that can be read by the function litchamp.pro

nx        in optional default: define by grille.pro

ny        in optional default: define by grille.pro

nz        in optional default: define by grille.pro

firstx        in optional default: define by grille.pro

firsty        in optional default: define by grille.pro

firstz        in optional default: define by grille.pro

lastx        in optional default: define by grille.pro

lasty        in optional default: define by grille.pro

lastz        in optional default: define by grille.pro



To specify that we are at W level


IDL> help, fitintobox(findgen(jpi,jpj)) FLOAT = Array[41, 3] IDL> help, fitintobox(findgen(jpi,jpj,78)) Error: the array dimensions [180,148,78] are incompatible with the the domain dimensions [jpi/nx, jpj/ny, jpk/nz, jpt] = [180/41, 148/3, 31/31, 1] INT = -1

Version history


$Id: fitintobox.pro 157 2006-08-21 09:01:50Z navarro $


Sebastien Masson (smasson@lodyc.jussieu.fr) 10 juin 2000. June 2005: S. Masson rewrite all.

Other attributes

Uses routines

cm_4mesh cm_4cal


McCabe cyclic 66
McCabe essential 1
McCabe modular design 1
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