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Given a number, returns a string of that B number in scientific notation format ( e.g. A x 10 )

topstrsci String

result = strsci(Data, Format=Format, POT_Only=POT_Only, MANTISSA_ONLY=MANTISSA_ONLY, SHORT=SHORT, TRIM=TRIM)


Data        in required

A floating point or integer number to be converted into a power of 10.


Format        default: '(f12.2)'

The format specification used in the string conversion for the mantissa (i.e. the "A" of "A x 10^B").


Will return only the "power of 10" part of the string (i.e. the "10^B"). Default is to return the entire string (e.g. "A x 10^B" )


return only mantissa of the string


return 10^0 as '1' and 10^1 as '10'


don't insert blanks (i.e. return Ax10^B)


Result = STRSCI( 2000000, format='(i1)' ) print, result ; 6 ; prints 2 x 10!u6!n, which gets plotted as 2 x 10 Result = STRSCI( -0.0001 ) print, result ; 4 ; prints -1.00 x 10!u-4!n, which gets plotted as 1.00 x 10 Result = STRSCI( 0d0, format='(f13.8)' ) print, result ; ; prints, 0.00000000

Version history


$Id: strsci.pro 232 2007-03-20 16:59:36Z pinsard $


bmy, 28 May 1998: VERSION 1.00 B - now returns string of the form A x 10 mgs, 29 May 1998: - bug fix: now allows negative numbers - keyword MANTISSA_ONLY added - default format changed to f12.2 bmy, 02 Jun 1998: - renamed to STRSCI ("STRing SCIentific notation"), mgs, 03 Jun 1998: - added TRIM keyword mgs, 22 Sep 1998: - added SHORT keyword - modified handling of TRIM keyword mgs, 24 Sep 1998: - bug fix with SHORT flag bmy & mgs, 02 Jun 1999: - now can handle DATA=0.0 correctly - updated comments mgs, 03 Jun 1999: - can now also handle values lt 1 ;-) - and doesn't choke on arrays

Known issues


This function does not "evaluate" the format statement thoroughly which can result in somewhat quirky strings. Example: print,strsci(-9.999) results in -10.0x10^0 instead of -1.0x10^1. Need a better symbol than the 'x' for the multiplier...


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