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Draw horizontal graph (map) with CONTOUR procedure

topplt Graphics



tab1        in required

The field whose we want to make the horizontal map can be: 1) an array. if needed, its mean along the z and t direction will be automatically performed. 2) a structure respecting all criterions specified by litchamp.pro. cf. IDL> xhelp,'litchamp'

param2        in optional default: min of tab1 (on ocean points)

Min value we want to consider in the contour's drawing. Note: Could also be the type of plot that can be only 'xy' for plt

param3        in optional default: max of tab1 (on ocean points)

Max value we want to consider in the contour's drawing. Note: if param2 is defined as 'xy' then param3 is used to define the min (see param2)

param4        in optional default: 'xy'

Type of plot (can be only 'xy' for plt). Note: if param2 is defined as 'xy' then param4 is used to define the max (see param3)



Allow to draw continents defined in IDL. REALCONT can have 2 form: /REALCONT: we draw continents in place of the mask REALCONT=2 we draw continent's contour over the mask (this allows to see if the mask correspond at real continents).


If we want to trace contours of a different field than the one whose we have the colored drawing (by example E-P in color and QSR in contours). It must be a field respecting same characteristics than the argument number one of plt.


Value of an internal between to isoline. If there is none specified min, we choose a min contour which goes well with the specified interval!. If this keyword is not specified, we trace 20 isoline from the min to the max. Comment: When CONTOUR is activated, INTERVALLE only specify the interval between 2 colored isoline. To specify the interval between 2 isolines traced by a trait, use CONTINTERVALLE.


Invert the color vector used to color the graph (without use the black, the white and the used palette)


'U','T','V','W' or 'F' to specify possibly the grid on which the field is joined. Comment: In this case, we should use a structure like field.

BOXZOOM        type: vector

Vector indicating the geographic zone on which we want to cut the map. If BOXZOOM has : 1 element : The extraction is made on [lon1, lon2, lat1, lat2, 0.,boxzoom[0]] 2 elements: The extraction is made on [lon1, lon2, lat1, lat2, boxzoom[0],boxzoom[1]] 4 elements: The extraction is made on [Boxzoom, 0, max([gdept, gdepw])] 5 elements: The extraction is made on [Boxzoom[0:3], 0, Boxzoom[4]] 6 elements: The extraction is made on Boxzoom Where lon1, lon2,lat1,lat2 are global variables defined at the last domdef!


When CONTOUR is activated, it is the value between 2 isolines traced by a trait. So it can be different from the one specified by INTERVALLE which, in this case, does not control colored isolines in color anymore. If there is noone specified min, we choose a contour min which goes well with the specified interval! If this keyword is not specified, we trace 20 isolines from the min to the max.

LABEL        type: integer

It is an integer n. If n different of 0, it choose the label's type corresponding to cases n. cf label.pro Comment: When CONTOUR is activated, it only specify the label's type for colored isolines. For these one traced by a trait, use CONTLABEL.

CONTLABEL        type: integer

It is an integer n. When CONTOUR is activated, if n is different of 0, choose the label type corresponding to n cases for the traced by a traitisolines. To specify the type of label of the colored contour, use LABEL

STYLE        default: style

Contour's style to adopt to draw isolines.

CONTMAX        default: The max of the array passed in the keyword CONTOUR (on ocean points)

When CONTOUR is activated, max value we want to consider in the isoline traced by a trait's line

CONTMIN        default: The min of the array passed in the keyword CONTOUR (on ocean points)

When CONTOUR is activated, min value we want to consider in the isoline traced by a trait's line.

NLEVEL        default: 20

Number of contour to draw by default =20. active if LABEL=0 or is not specified.

CONTNLEVEL        default: 20

When CONTOUR is activated, it is the number of contours traced by a trait for drawing (active if CONTLABEL=0)

VECTEUR        type: struct

is also appropriated.

MAP        default: Cylindrical projection

We use it when we want to do a projection. This keyword can be of two types: MAP=[P0lat,P0lon,Rot]. For the description of these 3 values (see the online help of MAP_SET). /MAP: In this case, map is automatically calculated have the value: map = [0, (lon1+lon2)/2., 0] Comment: A good way to choose the type of the projection we want to do is to have a look at IDL demo: IDL> demo Then choose earth sciences and mapping. Comment2: By default it is a cylindrical projection which is effectuated (with or without the keyword map). If we want an other projection, MAP must be activated and we have to add the keyword: /nom_projection. For example, for a polar projection centered on the south pole: IDL> domdef,-180,180,-90,-45 IDL> plt, tab, /stereo,map=[-90,0,0]


to specify the min value we want to plot with a keyword instead of with the input parameter min. If min is defined by both, parameter and keyword, the keyword is retained.


to specify the max value we want to plot with a keyword instead of with the input parameter max. If max is defined by both, parameter and keyword, the keyword is retained.


Activate it not to fill the point mask to let them transparent! Comment: Nevertheless, we trace mask's contour.


To force using triangulation.


To force not to use the triangulation. Beware, in this case, the drawing only works if the grid is undeformed (It means that each point of a longitude give one latitude and each point of a latitude give one longitude) except if we use the keyword CELL_FILL=2. Comment: if the field contain points !values.f_nan, then we even do a triangulation.




Activate this keyword to that the filling of contours be precisely done between the min and the max specified letting values inferior at the specified min and values superior at the specified max in white.


To make a plot over an other one. Comment: Contrarily to the use of CONTOUR or VECTEUR, the use of this keyword does not the caption and/or the color bar.


LABMAP        default: labmap

Corresponds to label keywords of map_set.


used to pass your keywords

Version history


$Id: plt.pro 171 2006-09-07 14:11:11Z smasson $


Sebastien Masson (smasson@lodyc.jussieu.fr) 7/1999 Sebastien Masson 08/02/2000 checkfield and notri keyword (or triangule = -1) .

Known issues

Todo items

seb Changer param "tab1",keyword "REMPLI", "UNLABSUR", "UNSUR2", "UNVECTSUR"+ quelques trucs dans la routine.

Other attributes

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