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Reading of a Net Cdf file with widgets ! Procedure called by xmanager when we press on a button of a second widget created by wid_var. This procedure manage the second created whiget when we call xncdf_lec. This widget concern the reading of the variable. Procedure called by xmanager when we press a button of the first widget created by par xncdf_lec

Routine summary

result = xncdf_lec([name], ATT=ATT, COUNT=vector, GROUP=GROUP, OFFSET=vector, IODIR=string, SHIFT=vector, STRIDE=vector, VAR=VAR)

wid_var_event, event

wid_var, widid_pere

xncdf_lec_event, event

topxncdf_lec Widget

result = xncdf_lec([name], ATT=ATT, COUNT=vector, GROUP=GROUP, OFFSET=vector, IODIR=string, SHIFT=vector, STRIDE=vector, VAR=VAR)

Return value

2 different cases: 1) None attribute has been selected. In this case, res is the array we wanted to read. 2) Some attributes has been selected. In this case, res is a structure whose the first element having the name of the variable is the values array and the other arguments are the select arguments.


name        in optional type: string

It give the name of the file to be opened. If NAME does not contain the separating character of directories ('/' under unix for example), the file will be looked for in the current directory.



COUNT        type: vector

An optional vector containing the counts to be used in reading Value. COUNT is a 1-based vector with an element for each dimension of the data to be written.The default matches the size of the variable so that all data is written out.


The widget ID of the widget that calls XNCDF_LEC. When this ID is specified, a death of the caller results in a death of XNCDF_LEC.

OFFSET        type: vector default: [0, 0,...]

An optional vector containing the starting position for the read. The default start position is [0, 0, ...].

IODIR        type: string

It contains the directory where to go look for the file to be read. If NAME does not contain the separating character of directories ('/' under unix for example), the file will be called iodir+nom_fichier.

SHIFT        type: vector default: [0, 0,...]

A vector of integers, specifying for each dimension how much we have to shift it. By default, it is [0,0,...]. See the function shift for more explanations. BEWARE, the shift is done on the biggest array before a possible reduction determined by OFFSET and COUNT. On the other hand, it is done after the possible extraction created by the STRIDE.

STRIDE        type: vector default: [1, 1,...]

An optional vector containing the strides, or sampling intervals, between accessed values of the netCDF variable. The default stride vector is that for a contiguous read, [1, 1,...].



help, xncdf_lec()

Version history


$Id: xncdf_lec.pro 157 2006-08-21 09:01:50Z navarro $


Sebastien Masson (smasson@lodyc.jussieu.fr) 24/8/1999

Other attributes

Uses routines

wididbase, infovariable, resultat, motcle

Common blocks used

wididbase infovariable resultat motcle


McCabe cyclic 23
McCabe essential 1
McCabe modular design 1


wid_var_event, event


event        in required

A structure caracterizing the type of event which arrive to a widget number1 2

Version history


$Id: xncdf_lec.pro 157 2006-08-21 09:01:50Z navarro $

Other attributes

Uses routines


Common blocks used

wididbase resultat infovariable indicewid_var motcle


McCabe cyclic 34
McCabe essential 1
McCabe modular design 1


wid_var, widid_pere


widid_pere        in required type: scalar

It contains the identity of the father widget which was created by xncdf_lec and which has allowed to select the variable to be read. OUTPUTS: indirectement res (le tableau ou la structure resultat)

Version history


$Id: xncdf_lec.pro 157 2006-08-21 09:01:50Z navarro $

Other attributes

Uses routines


Common blocks used

resultat infovariable indicewid_var motcle


McCabe cyclic 7
McCabe essential 1
McCabe modular design 1


xncdf_lec_event, event



A structure caracterising the event type which arrive at the widget number 1.

Version history


$Id: xncdf_lec.pro 157 2006-08-21 09:01:50Z navarro $

Other attributes

Uses routines

resultat, infovariable, motcle

Common blocks used

resultat infovariable motcle


McCabe cyclic 5
McCabe essential 1
McCabe modular design 1
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