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Read the Hope grid file converted in NetCdf by xconv

Routine summary

read_hope_event, event

result = read_hope(typein, varnamein, FILENAME=string, XLIMITS=vector, YLIMITS=vector, ZLIMITS=vector, TLIMITS=vector, ODDPT=ODDPT, ODDEVENPT=ODDEVENPT, EVENPT=EVENPT, _extra=_extra)


read_hope_event, event

Return value




Version history


$Id: read_hope.pro 163 2006-08-29 12:59:46Z navarro $


Known issues



McCabe cyclic 39
McCabe essential 1
McCabe modular design 1

topread_hope Reading

result = read_hope(typein, varnamein, FILENAME=string, XLIMITS=vector, YLIMITS=vector, ZLIMITS=vector, TLIMITS=vector, ODDPT=ODDPT, ODDEVENPT=ODDEVENPT, EVENPT=EVENPT, _extra=_extra)

Return value

-1 if typein and varnamein are undefine (this is the widget version) A structure which but be read by litchamp.pro and is necessary to complete the grid associated to the data (see the example).


typein        in required type: string

A string specifying from which type of section the 4D array based: 'xy, 'xz', 'yz'

varnamein        in required type: string

A string the name of the variable to be read (in lower or upper case)


FILENAME        type: string

The name of the file to be read

XLIMITS        type: vector

A two elements vector [lonmin, lonmax]] the boundary of the longitudes (from 0 to 360)

YLIMITS        type: vector

A two elements vector [latmin, latmax]] the boundary of the latitudes (from -90 to 90)

ZLIMITS        type: vector

A two elements vector [depthmin, depthmax]] the boundary of the depth

TLIMITS        type: vector

A two elements vector [date1, date2]] the boundary of the calendar with date1 and date2 folowing the syntax yyyymmdd


Activate to read only the sections located on ODD points


Activate to read only the sections located on both even and odd points (horizontal sections)


Activate to read only the sections located on even points


Used to pass your keywords


IDL> a=read_hope('xy','ocpt',filename='CLIM_CNT_1993-1998.nc') IDL> help, a,/struct ** Structure <82ec344>, 6 tags, length=1860176, refs=1: ARRAY FLOAT Array[128, 242, 15] UNIT STRING 'deg C' NAME STRING 'Ocean potential temperature' DATE FLOAT Array[1] GRID STRING 'T' HOPEGRID STRUCT -> Array[1] IDL> help, a.hopegrid,/struct ** Structure <82eb9cc>, 8 tags, length=1588, refs=2: XAXIS FLOAT Array[128] YAXIS FLOAT Array[242] ZAXIS FLOAT Array[15] FIRSTS LONG Array[3] LASTS LONG Array[3] TYPE STRING 'xy' LINETYPE STRING 'odd-even' PTTYPE STRING 'T' IDL> help, litchamp(a) FLOAT = Array[128, 242, 15]

Version history


$Id: read_hope.pro 163 2006-08-29 12:59:46Z navarro $


Sebastien Masson (smasson@lodyc.jussieu.fr) June 2001

Known issues


'x', 'y', 'z', 't', 'xt', 'yt' and 'zt' section not coded, xconv must be able to works with this kind of function. The grid file has no zoom possibilities on horizontal dimensions. When typein and varnamein are defined, the method to find the good variable is: 1) find the variables which are available on this type of sections with this name 2) if ODDPT, EVENPT or ODDEVENPT are specified, consider only these types of sections 3) For an XY section the chosen variable is the one which has the most level in the vertical domain specified by ZLIMITS. For an XZ section the chosen variable is the one which has the most points in the latitude domain specified by YLIMITS. For an YZ section the chosen variable is the one which has the most points in the longitude domain specified by XLIMITS.

Other attributes

Uses routines

common.pro (useful only for the definition of iodir)


McCabe cyclic 41
McCabe essential 1
McCabe modular design 1
Produced by IDLdoc 2.0.