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Utility function, adapted from CMPRODUCT cmapply_redim : Utility function, used to collect collaped dimensions Applies a function to specified dimensions of an array Description: CMAPPLY will apply one of a few select functions to specified dimensions of an array. Unlike some IDL functions, you *do* have a choice of which dimensions that are to be "collapsed" by this function. Iterative loops are avoided where possible, for performance reasons. The possible functions are: (and number of loop iterations:) + - Performs a sum (as in TOTAL) number of collapsed dimensions AND - Finds LOGICAL "AND" (not bitwise) same OR - Finds LOGICAL "OR" (not bitwise) same * - Performs a product LOG_2[no. of collapsed elts.] MIN - Finds the minimum value smaller of no. of collapsed MAX - Finds the maximum value or output elements USER - Applies user-defined function no. of output elements It is possible to perform user-defined operations arrays using CMAPPLY. The OP parameter is set to 'USER:FUNCTNAME', where FUNCTNAME is the name of a user-defined function. The user defined function should be defined such that it accepts a single parameter, a vector, and returns a single scalar value. Here is a prototype for the function definition: FUNCTION FUNCTNAME, x, KEYWORD1=key1, ... scalar = ... function of x or keywords ... RETURN, scalar END The function may accept keywords. Keyword values are passed in to CMAPPLY through the FUNCTARGS keywords parameter, and passed to the user function via the _EXTRA mechanism. Thus, while the definition of the user function is highly constrained in the number of positional parameters, there is absolute freedom in passing keyword parameters. It's worth noting however, that the implementation of user-defined functions is not particularly optimized for speed. Users are encouraged to implement their own array if the number of output elements is large.

Routine summary

result = cmapply_product(x)

cmapply_redim, newarr, dimapply, dimkeep, nkeep, totcol, totkeep



result = cmapply_product(x)



Version history


$Id: cmapply.pro 325 2007-12-06 10:04:53Z pinsard $

Known issues

Todo items



McCabe cyclic 3
McCabe essential 1
McCabe modular design 1


cmapply_redim, newarr, dimapply, dimkeep, nkeep, totcol, totkeep








Known issues

Todo items



McCabe cyclic 4
McCabe essential 1
McCabe modular design 1

topcmapply Array


Return value

An array of the required TYPE, whose elements are the result of the requested operation. Depending on the operation and number of elements in the input array, the result may be vulnerable to overflow or underflow.


op        in required type: string

The operation to perform, as a string. May be upper or lower case. If a user-defined operation is to be passed, then OP is of the form, 'USER:FUNCTNAME', where FUNCTNAME is the name of the user-defined function.

array        in required type: array

An array of values to be operated on. Must not be of type STRING (7) or STRUCTURE (8).

dimapply        in optional type: array default: 1 (ie, first dimension)

An array of dimensions that are to be "collapsed", where the first dimension starts with 1 (ie, same convention as IDL function TOTAL). Whereas TOTAL only allows one dimension to be added, you can specify multiple dimensions to CMAPPLY. Order does not matter, since all operations are associative and transitive. NOTE: the dimensions refer to the *input* array, not the output array. IDL allows a maximum of 8 dimensions.


DOUBLE        default: not set

Set this if you wish the internal computations to be done in double precision if necessary. If ARRAY is double precision (real or complex) then DOUBLE=1 is implied.

TYPE        default: same as input type

Set this to the IDL code of the desired output type (refer to documentation of SIZE). Internal results will be rounded to the nearest integer if the output type is an integer type.


If OP is 'USER:...', then the contents of this keyword are passed to the user function using the _EXTRA mechanism. This way you can pass additional data to your user-supplied function, via keywords, without using common blocks. DEFAULT: undefined (i.e., no keywords passed by _EXTRA)



First example: Shows how cmapply can be used to total the second dimension of the array called IN. This is equivalent to OUT = TOTAL(IN, 2) IDL> IN = INDGEN(5,5) IDL> OUT = CMAPPLY('+', IN, [2]) IDL> HELP, OUT OUT INT = Array[5] Second example: Input is assumed to be an 5x100 array of 1's and 0's indicating the status of 5 detectors at 100 points in time. The desired output is an array of 100 values, indicating whether all 5 detectors are on (=1) at one time. Use the logical AND operation. IDL> IN = detector_status ; 5x100 array IDL> OUT = CMAPPLY('AND', IN, [1]) ; collapses 1st dimension IDL> HELP, OUT OUT BYTE = Array[100] (note that MIN could also have been used in this particular case, although there would have been more loop iterations). Third example: Shows sum over first and third dimensions in an array with dimensions 4x4x4: IDL> IN = INDGEN(4,4,4) IDL> OUT = CMAPPLY('+', IN, [1,3]) IDL> PRINT, OUT 408 472 536 600 Fourth example: A user-function (MEDIAN) is used: IDL> IN = RANDOMN(SEED,10,10,5) IDL> OUT = CMAPPLY('USER:MEDIAN', IN, 3) IDL> HELP, OUT OUT FLOAT = Array[10, 10] (OUT[i,j] is the median value of IN[i,j,*])

Version history


$Id: cmapply.pro 325 2007-12-06 10:04:53Z pinsard $


Mar 1998, Written, CM Changed usage message to not bomb, 24 Mar 2000, CM Significant rewrite for *, MIN and MAX (inspired by Todd Clements ); FOR loop indices are now type LONG; copying terms are liberalized, CM, 22, Aug 2000 More efficient MAX/MIN (inspired by Alex Schuster), CM, 25 Jan 2002 Make new MAX/MIN actually work with 3d arrays, CM, 08 Feb 2002 Add user-defined functions, ON_ERROR, CM, 09 Feb 2002 Correct bug in MAX/MIN initialization of RESULT, CM, 05 Dec 2002 Author: Craig B. Markwardt, NASA/GSFC Code 662, Greenbelt, MD 20770 craigm@lheamail.gsfc.nasa.gov


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McCabe essential 1
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