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warm (or map) a unit square onto an arbitrary quadrilateral according to the 4-point correspondences: (0,0) -> (x0,y0) (1,0) -> (x1,y1) (1,1) -> (x2,y2) (0,1) -> (x3,y3) The mapping is done using perspective transformation which preserve lines in all orientations and permit quadrilateral to quadrilateral mappings. see ref. bellow.

topsquare2quadrilateral Picture, Grid

result = square2quadrilateral(x0in, y0in, x1in, y1in, x2in, y2in, x3in, y3in[, xxin][, yyin], DOUBLE=salar 0 or 1)

Return value

(2,n) array: the new coordinates (xout,yout) of the (xin,yin) point(s) after mapping. If xin is a scalar, then n is equal to the number of elements of x0. If xin is an array , then n is equal to the number of elements of xin. If xin and yin are omitted, square2quadrilateral returns the matrix A which is used for the inverse transformation.


x0in        in required

y0in        in required

x1in        in required

y1in        in required

x2in        in required

y2in        in required

x3in        in required

y3in        in required

the coordinates of the quadrilateral (see above for correspondence with the unit square). Can be scalar or array. (x0,y0), (x1,y1), (x2,y2) and (x3,y3) are given in the anticlockwise order.

xxin        in optional

first coordinates of the point(s) for which we want to do the mapping.

yyin        in optional

second coordinates of the point(s) for which we want to do the mapping.


DOUBLE        type: salar 0 or 1 default: 0

activate to perform double precision computation


IDL> splot,[0,5],[0,3],/nodata,xstyle=1,ystyle=1 IDL> tracegrille, findgen(11)*.1, findgen(11)*.1,color=indgen(12)*20 IDL> xin = (findgen(11)*.1)#replicate(1, 11) IDL> yin = replicate(1, 11)#(findgen(11)*.1) IDL> out = square2quadrilateral(2,1,3,0,5,1,2,3, xin, yin) IDL> tracegrille, reform(out[0,*],11,11), reform(out[1,*],11,11),color=indgen(12)*20

Version history


$Id: square2quadrilateral.pro 327 2007-12-13 16:22:35Z pinsard $


Sebastien Masson (smasson@lodyc.jussieu.fr) August 2003 Based on "Digital Image Warping" by G. Wolberg IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, California Chapter 3, see p 52-56

Known issues


I think degenerated quadrilateral (e.g. flat of twisted) is not work. This has to be tested.


McCabe cyclic 14
McCabe essential 1
McCabe modular design 1
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