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Given the arrays X and Y, which tabulate a function (with the X[i] AND Y[i] in ascending order), and given an input value X2, the spl_incr function returns an interpolated value for the given values of X2. The interpolation method is based on cubic spline, corrected in a way that integral of the interpolated values is the same as the integral of the input values. (-> for example to build daily data from monthly mean and keep the monthly mean of the computed daily data equal to the original values)


result = spl_keep_mean(x, yin, x2, YP0=YP0, YPN_1=YPN_1, GE0=GE0)

Return value

y2: the mean value between two consecutive values of x2. This array has one element less than y2. y2 has double precision.


x        in required

An n-elements (at least 2) input vector that specifies the tabulate points in a strict ascending order.

yin        in required type: array

an array with one element less than x. y[i] represents the mean value between x[i] and x[i+1]. if /GE0 is activated, y must have positive values.

x2        in required

The input values for which the interpolated values are desired. Its values must be strictly monotonically increasing.



The first derivative of the interpolating function at the point X0. If YP0 is omitted, the second derivative at the boundary is set to zero, resulting in a "natural spline."


The first derivative of the interpolating function at the point Xn-1. If YPN_1 is omitted, the second derivative at the boundary is set to zero, resulting in a "natural spline."


to force that y2 is always GE than 0. In that case, y must also be GE than 0.


12 monthly values of precipitations into daily values: IDL> yr1 = 1990 IDL> yr2 = 1992 IDL> nyr = yr2-yr1+1 IDL> n1 = 12*nyr+1 IDL> x = julday(1+findgen(n1), replicate(1, n1) $ IDL> , replicate(yr1, n1), fltarr(n1)) IDL> n2 = 365*nyr + total(leapyr(yr1+indgen(nyr))) + 1 IDL> x2 = julday(replicate(1, n2), 1+findgen(n2) $ IDL> , replicate(yr1, n2), fltarr(n2)) IDL> y = abs(randomn(0, n1-1)) IDL> y2 = spl_keep_mean(x, y, x2, /ge0) IDL> print, min(x, max = ma), ma IDL> print, min(x2, max = ma), ma IDL> print, vairdate([min(x, max = ma), ma]) IDL> print, total(y*(x[1:n1-1]-x[0:n1-2])) IDL> print, total(y2*(x2[1:n2-1]-x2[0:n2-2]))

Version history


$Id: spl_keep_mean.pro 372 2008-08-08 12:31:53Z pinsard $


Sebastien Masson (smasson@lodyc.jussieu.fr): May 2005

Known issues


It might be possible that y2 has very small negative values (amplitude smaller than 1.e-6)...


McCabe cyclic 8
McCabe essential 1
McCabe modular design 1
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