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check the lateral boundaries condition (east-west and north) of a 2D/3D/4D array located on a grif of the orca grid familly.

toplbcorca ORCA grid

result = lbcorca(arr, grid[, psign][, VERBOSE=0 or 1][, CORRECTION=0 or 1])

Return value

the number of wrong lateral boundary condition found in arr (-> 0 means arr is OK)


arr        in required type: 2D/3D/4D array

array to be checked (and corrected if CORRECTION keyword is activated)

grid        in required type: scalar string

type of grid-point on which is located the array: 'T', 'U', 'V' or 'F'

psign        in optional type: 1. or -1. default: 1.


VERBOSE        optional type: 0 or 1 default: 0

Activate to get error information when getting a wrong lateral boundaries condition

CORRECTION        optional type: 0 or 1 default: 0

Activate to correct the wrong lateral boundary condition in arr (in that case arr is changed)


IDL> @tst_initorca2 IDL> a = dist(jpiglo, jpjglo) IDL> print, lbcorca(a, 'T') IDL> dummy = lbcorca(a, 'T', /correction) IDL> print, lbcorca(a, 'T')

Version history


$Id: lbcorca.pro 262 2007-08-21 14:19:32Z pinsard $


Mai 2007: Creation, smasson@locean-ipsl.upmc.fr

Known issues


only ORCA2, ORCA05 and ORCA025 are coded (but others are very easy to add...)


McCabe cyclic 55
McCabe essential 1
McCabe modular design 1
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