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interpolate data from a "regular/rectangular grid" to any grid. 2 metods availables: bilinear and imoms3 A "regular/rectangular grid" is defined as a grid for which each lontitudes lines have the same latitude and each latitudes columns have the same longitude.

topfromreg interpolation

result = fromreg(method, datain[, lonin][, latin][, lonout], latout, WEIG=WEIG, ADDR=ADDR, NONORTHERNLINE=NONORTHERNLINE, NOSOUTHERNLINE=NOSOUTHERNLINE)

Return value

2D array: the interpolated data


method        in required

a string defining the interpolation method. must be 'bilinear' or 'imoms3'

datain        in required

a 2D array the input data to interpolate

lonin        in optional

longitude of the input data. optionals if WEIG and ADDR keywords used.

latin        in optional

latitude of the input data. optionals if WEIG and ADDR keywords used.

lonout        in optional

longitude of the output data. optionals if WEIG and ADDR keywords used. latitude of the output data. optionals if WEIG and ADDR keywords used.




(see ADDR)


2D arrays, weig and addr are the weight and addresses used to perform the interpolation: dataout = total(weig*datain[addr], 1) dataout = reform(dataout, jpio, jpjo, /over) Those keywords can be set to named variables into which the values will be copied when the current routine exits. Next, they can be used to perform the interpolation whithout computing again those 2 parameters. In that case, lonin, latin, lonout and latout are not necessary.


and /NOSOUTHERNLINE activate if you don't whant to take into account the northen/southern line of the input data when perfoming the interpolation.



dataout = fromreg(method, datain [, lonin, latin, lonout, latout]) topa = fromreg('bilinear', tncep, xncep, yncep, glamt, gphit) or t1opa = fromreg('bilinear', t1ncep, xncep, yncep, glamt, gphit, WEIG = a, ADDR = b) help, a, b t2opa = fromreg('bilinear', t2ncep, xncep, WEIG = a, ADDR = b)

Version history


November 2005: Sebastien Masson (smasson@lodyc.jussieu.fr)

Known issues


We supposed the data are located on a sphere, with a periodicity along the longitude.
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