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Directory overview for Interpolation/

File summary

north stereographic polar projection Compute angles between grid lines and direction of the North (fom angle.
click on a map and find in which cell the click was
compute the weight and address needed to interpolate data from an "irregular 2D grid" (defined as a grid made of quadrilateral cells) to any grid using the bilinear method
compute the weight and address needed to interpolate data from a "regular grid" to any grid using the bilinear method
compute the weight and address neede to interpolate data from a "regular grid" to any grid using the imoms3 method
cut p parallelogram(s) into p*n^2 parallelograms
cut p segments into p*n equal parts
extrapolate data (zinput) where maskinput eq 0 by filling step by step the coastline points with the mean value of the 8 neighbourgs.
interpolate data from an irregular 2D grid to any 2D grid.
interpolate data from a "regular/rectangular grid" to any grid.
1) extract from a NetCDF file the longitude, latidude, and their dimensions and make sure it is 1D or 2D arrays or 2) given longitude and latitude arrays get their dimensions and make sure they are 1D or 2D arrays
to find if an (x,y) point is in a quadrilateral (x1,x2,x3,x4)
given - a list of points, (x,y) position - the x and y limits of a rectangular grid find in which cell is located each given point.
This function returns the longitude and latitude [lon, lat] of a point a given arc distance (-pi <= Arc_Dist <= pi), and azimuth (Az), from a specified location Lon0, lat0.
Return the distance in meter between all np0 points P0 and all np1 points P1 on a sphere.
find the closetest point of (P0) within a list of np1 points P1 Which can be on a sphere
warm (or map) an arbitrary quadrilateral onto a unit square according to the 4-point correspondences: (x0,y0) -> (0,0) (x1,y1) -> (1,0) (x2,y2) -> (1,1) (x3,y3) -> (0,1) This is the inverse function of square2quadrilateral.
SPL_FSTDRV returns the values of the first derivative of the interpolating function at the points X2i.
Given the arrays X and Y, which tabulate a function (with the X[i] AND Y[i] in ascending order), and given an input value X2, the SPL_INCR function returns an interpolated value for the given values of X2.
Given the arrays X and Y, which tabulate a function (with the X[i] AND Y[i] in ascending order), and given an input value X2, the SPL_INCR function returns an interpolated value for the given values of X2.
warm (or map) a unit square onto an arbitrary quadrilateral according to the 4-point correspondences: (0,0) -> (x0,y0) (1,0) -> (x1,y1) (1,1) -> (x2,y2) (0,1) -> (x3,y3) The mapping is done using perspective transformation which preserve lines in all orientations and permit quadrilateral to quadrilateral mappings.
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