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Construct the triangulation array. The idea is: construct a list of triangle which link points between them. This is automatically done by the function TRIANGULATE Here: we consider the fact that points are disposed on a grid (regular or not, but not unstructured, that is to say that points are written following a rectangular matrix). A easy way to do triangles between all points is then: for each point (i,j) of the matrix -except those of the last line and of the last column- we call rectangle (i,j) the rectangle made of the four points (i,j), (i+1,j), (i,j+1), (i+1,j+1). To trace all triangle, we just have to trace the 2 triangles contained in rectangles (i,j) We notice that each rectangle (i,j) have 2 diagonals (it is true... Make a drawing to make sure!!), so there are two possible choice for each rectangle we want to cut in 2 triangles... It is thanks to this choice that we will be able to trace coast with right angles. At each angle of coast remarkable by the existence of an unique land point or of an unique ocean point on one of the four summit of a rectangle (i,j), we have to cut the rectangle following the diagonal passing by this point.

triangule_c Graphics

result = triangule_c([maskentree], COINMONTE=array, COINDESCEND=array, BASIC=BASIC, KEEP_CONT=KEEP_CONT)

Return value

res: tableau 2d (3,nbre de triangles). Each line of res represent indexes of points constituting summits of a triangle. See how we trace triangles in


maskentree        in optional type: 2d array

It is a 2d array which will serve to mask the field we will trace after with CONTOUR, ...TRIANGULATION=triangule(mask) If this argument is not specified, the function use tmask


COINMONTE        type: array

To obtain the array of "ascending land corner" to be treated with in the variable array instead of make it pass by the global variable twin_corners_up.

COINDESCEND        type: array



Specify that the mask is on a basic grid (use the triangulation for vertical cuts and hovmoellers)


To keep the triangulation even on the continents

Version history


$Id: 370 2008-08-07 07:59:15Z pinsard $


Sebastien Masson ( 26/4/1999

Known issues

Todo items

seb L.267->268 je ne pense pas que ce soit ce que tu voulais dire mais c'est la traduction de ce qu'il y avait écrit. Correction si besoin.


Data whose we want to do the contour must be disposed in a matrix. On the other hand, in the matrix, the points's arrangement can not be irregular. If it is, use TRIANGULE.

Other attributes

Uses routines

common different definetri


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