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Concatenate 2 structures together. The difference with CREATE_STRUCT is that if the 2 structures have same elements's name, then mixstru do not break down but choose for the common element the value specified by the first structure.

mixstru Structure

result = mixstru(stru1, stru2)

Return value

A structure


stru1        in required

Structure which can have same elements's name than STRU2 but with a different value.

stru2        in required

Structure which can have same elements's name than STRU1 but with a different value.


   IDL> a=get_extra(/toto,ok=123)
   IDL> b=get_extra(ok=111, year=1999, age_capitaine=35)
   IDL> help, a,b,/struct
     ** Structure <8334424>, 2 tags, length=4, refs=1:
        OK              INT            123
        TOTO            INT              1
     ** Structure <8373da4>, 3 tags, length=6, refs=1:
        AGE_CAPITAINE   INT             35
        OK              INT            111
        YEAR            INT           1999
   IDL> help, mixstru(a,b),/struct
     ** Structure <82f25ac>, 4 tags, length=8, refs=1:
        AGE_CAPITAINE   INT             35
        YEAR            INT           1999
        OK              INT            123
        TOTO            INT              1
   IDL> help, mixstru(b,a),/struct
     ** Structure <834604c>, 4 tags, length=8, refs=1:
        TOTO            INT              1
        AGE_CAPITAINE   INT             35
        OK              INT            111
        YEAR            INT           1999


Version history


$Id: 375 2008-08-08 15:55:40Z pinsard $


Sebastien Masson ( 7/10/1999

Known issues


If STRU1 or STRU2 are not structure, mixstru send back -1


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