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From a ration aspect and values (in line of character) of different margins, it calculate POSFENETRE and POSBAR which serve to place the drawing and the color bar thanks to !p.position on a leaf or a screen output whose the window has the same proportion.

calibre Graphics

calibre, rapportyx, marge, margebar, smalldraw, posfenetre, posbar, REMPLI=REMPLI, YXASPECT=YXASPECT, PORTRAIT=PORTRAIT, LANDSCAPE=LANDSCAPE, _EXTRA=_EXTRA


rapportyx        in required

Scale ratio between the length of the y axis and the x one. For example, for an xy map: rapportyx=(lat2-lat1)/(lon2-lon1)

marge        in required type: vector

Vector made of 4 elements containing the size of the left, right, up and bottom margin having to surround the graph. All is measured in lines of characters.

margebar        in required type: vector

Vector made of 4 elements containing the size of the left, right and bottom margin and -BEWARE- the last element is this time the position of the right up corner, having to surround the color bar. All is measured in lines of characters.

smalldraw        in required type: vector

2 possibilities: It is vector made of 4 elements giving (in portrait or landscape) the position of the frame in which the drawing must go in. This position is given by coordinates of the 2 corners of the frame: in the left bottom and the right up. It is always (for a postscript or a screen output) express in cm, the origin being the left bottom corner. It is a vector made of 3 elements giving the number of column to be done in the drawing, the number of line and the number of the case the number have to fill (see matlab). For example, to do 6 drawings in 3 columns and 2 lines and fill the 4th case, small=[2,3,4]

posfenetre        type: vector

It is a vector made of 4 elements containing the position of the frame containing captions + the graph in normalized coordinates. Comment: to position the drawing, we have to do !p.position=POSFENETRE after the call of calibre.

posbar        type: vector

See POSFENTERE but for the color bar. Same comment to position the color bar, !p.position=POSBAR



Force the drawing to fill the biggest possible place defined by SMALLDRAW without respect the y/x ratio.


Force the y/x ratio to take the value RAPPORTYX*YXASPECT. This keyword can be used in 2 cases: 1) YXASPECT=1 : force RAPPORTYX to be respected otherwise, calibre take the initiative to change it a little in the case of the aspect ratio of SMALL is too different of the one of SMALLDRAW. 2) YXASPECT=n : multiply by n the aspect ratio given by default. For example in plt, RAPPORTYX is calculated to the reference be orthonormal, to have a reference where the y axis is 2 time bigger than the x one, YXASPECT=2.


Force the page or the window to be in standing position.


Force the page or the window on the screen to be in lengthened position.


Used to pass keywords

Version history


$Id: 378 2008-08-12 12:35:46Z pinsard $


Sebastien Masson ( 11/12/98

Other attributes

Uses routines



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