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Initfile for Netcdf file. define all the grid parameters through an appropriate call to computegid

initncdf Grid

initncdf, ncfilein, XAXISNAME=scalar string, YAXISNAME=scalar string, ZAXISNAME=scalar string, MASKNAME=string, INVMASK=scalar: 0 or 1, USEASMASK=scalar string, MISSING_VALUE=scalar, START1=scalar: 0 or 1, XYINDEX=scalar: 0 or 1, ZINDEX=scalar: 0 or 1, _EXTRA=_EXTRA


ncfilein        in required type: scalar string

A string giving the name of the NetCdf file


XAXISNAME        type: scalar string default: 'x', 'longitude', 'nav_lon', 'lon', 'lon_rho' or 'NbLongitudes'

A string giving the name of the variable in the file that contains the [xyz]axis.

YAXISNAME        type: scalar string default: 'y', 'latitude', 'nav_lat','lat', 'lat_rho' or 'NbLatitudes'

A string giving the name of the variable in the file that contains the [xyz]axis.

ZAXISNAME        type: scalar string default: 'z', 'level', 'lev', 'depth...'

A string giving the name of the variable in the file that contains the [xyz]axis.

MASKNAME        type: string

A string giving the name of the variable in the file that contains the land/sea mask

INVMASK        type: scalar: 0 or 1 default: 0

Inverse the land/sea mask (that should have 0/1 values for land/sea): mask = 1-mask

USEASMASK        type: scalar string

A string giving the name of the variable in the file that will be used to build the land/sea mask. In this case the mask is based on the first record (if record dimension exists). The mask is build according to : 1 the keyword missing_value if existing 2 the attribute 'missing_value' if existing 3 NaN values if existing

MISSING_VALUE        type: scalar

To define (or redefine if the attribute is already existing) the missing values used with USEASMASK keyword

START1        type: scalar: 0 or 1 default: 0

Index the axis from 1 instead of 0 when using /xyindex and/or zindex

XYINDEX        type: scalar: 0 or 1 default: 0

To define the x/y axis with index instead of using the values contained in X/YAXISNAME. x/yaxis = keyword_set(start1) + findgen(jpi/jpj) this forces key_onearth = 0

ZINDEX        type: scalar: 0 or 1 default: 0

To define the z axis with index instead of using the values contained in ZAXISNAME. zaxis = keyword_set(start1) + findgen(jpk)


Used to pass keywords to computegrid


IDL> initncdf,'',glam=[-180,180]

Version history


$Id: 172 2006-09-11 07:11:26Z smasson $


Sebastien Masson ( 8 May 2002

Known issues


Change the grid parameters (see computegrid) the file must contain an x and an y axis. (1 ou 2 dimentional array)

Other attributes

Uses routines


  Produced by IDLdoc 2.0 on Wed Sep 13 16:32:39 2006.