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Return the proper IDL font positioning command for TeX sub/superscripts.

Routine summary

result = sub_sup_idl(token, FORCE_UD=FORCE_UD)
result = translate_sub_super(InputString, RECURSED=RECURSED, HELP=HELP)
NAME: TRANSLATE_SUB_SUPER PURPOSE: Translate TeX sub/superscripts to IDL sub/superscripts.


sub_sup_idl Text, String

result = sub_sup_idl(token, FORCE_UD=FORCE_UD)

Return value

Either '!U' or !E' for superscripts, or '!D' or '!I' for subscripts.



Either '^' or '_', the TeX super/subscript characters



Set this to use !U/!D instead of !E/!I for sub/superscripts.



Version history


$Id: 327 2007-12-13 16:22:35Z pinsard $


$Log:,v $ Revision 1.5 2000/06/14 19:09:22 mcraig Changed name of strtok str_token to avoid conflict in IDL 5.3. Revision 1.4 1996/06/14 20:00:27 mcraig Updated Copyright info. Revision 1.3 1996/05/09 00:22:17 mcraig Changed some function calls to reflect changes in those functions, moved some code out of the main loop that didn't need to be there, added documentation. Revision 1.1 1996/01/31 18:47:37 mcraig Initial revision Copyright (C) 1996 The Regents of the University of California, All Rights Reserved. Written by Matthew W. Craig. See the file COPYRIGHT for restrictions on distrubting this code. This code comes with absolutely NO warranty; see DISCLAIMER for details.

Known issues


Make sure sub_sup_idl stays before translate_sub_super. At least for now, when IDL encounters a function and automatically compiles it, it only compiles the functions in the file up to the named function. So even if sub_sup_idl was declared with FORWARD_FUNCTION in translate_sub_super, it would not properly compile. The file contains two functions, translate_sub_super, and sub_sup_idl. The former is the generic routine for processing TeX sub/superscripts, the latter is used only by translate_sub_super and has no general utility. Hence it lives here. You will see documentation for translate_sub_super second if you use DOC_LIBRARY. Used only by translate_sub_super. Should be kept in same file.

Other attributes

Uses routines



result = translate_sub_super(InputString, RECURSED=RECURSED, HELP=HELP)

NAME: TRANSLATE_SUB_SUPER PURPOSE: Translate TeX sub/superscripts to IDL sub/superscripts. CATEGORY: text/strings CALLING SEQUENCE: new = translate_sub_super( old ) INPUTS: old -- string to be translated from TeX to IDL. in KEYWORD PARAMETERS: /RECURSED -- set if this function is being called recursively. /HELP -- Set to print useful message and exit. OUTPUTS: new -- string old converted from TeX to IDL out COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: NOTES: - For best results, when both a sub and superscript are used, place the shorter of the two first (e.g. 'N^{a}_{bbbb}' is better than 'N_{bbbb}^{a}'). - Single character sub/super scripts do not need to be protected by braces. - Sub/superscripts may be nested (e.g. 'N^{N_1^N}'). EXAMPLE: out = translate_sub_super( 'N^2_{big}' ) Then out='N!U2!N!Dbig!N' which looks like it should on the display. LIBRARY FUNCTIONS CALLED: str_token -- Text/string (mcraig) sub_sup_idl -- contained in this file MODIFICATION HISTORY: $Id: 327 2007-12-13 16:22:35Z pinsard $ $Log:,v $ Revision 1.5 2000/06/14 19:09:22 mcraig Changed name of strtok str_token to avoid conflict in IDL 5.3. Revision 1.4 1996/06/14 20:00:27 mcraig Updated Copyright info. Revision 1.3 1996/05/09 00:22:17 mcraig Changed some function calls to reflect changes in those functions, moved some code out of the main loop that didn't need to be there, added documentation. Revision 1.2 1996/02/08 18:54:20 mcraig Changed default sub/superscript size to be !D/!U rather than !I/!E to improve readability of plat annotations. Revision 1.1 1996/01/31 18:47:37 mcraig Initial revision RELEASE: $Name: Rel_2_1_2 $ COPYRIGHT: Copyright (C) 1996 The Regents of the University of California, All Rights Reserved. Written by Matthew W. Craig. See the file COPYRIGHT for restrictions on distrubting this code. This code comes with absolutely NO warranty; see DISCLAIMER for details.







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