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get the land/sea mask array from a NetCDF file

ncdf_getmask Read NetCDF file

result = ncdf_getmask(fileid, ADDSCL_BEFORE=scalar: 0 or 1, MASKNAME=string, USEASMASK=scalar string, MISSING_VALUE=scalar, INVMASK=scalar: 0 or 1, XMINMESH=scalar, XMAXMESH=scalar, YMINMESH=scalar, YMAXMESH=scalar, ZMINMESH=scalar, ZMAXMESH=scalar, TESTOP=scalar string, for example 'GT 0.5', _EXTRA=_EXTRA)

Return value

the land/sea mask 2D or 3D array or -1 in case of error or mask absence


fileid        in required type: salar string or long

if fileid is a scalar string then it is the name of the file (with the full path) to be opened (in that case, the file will be opened and closed within ncdf_getmask). if fileid is a scalar then it is the id of the file return by a call to ncdf_open outside of ncdf_getmask (in that case, the file will NOT be opened and closed within ncdf_getmask)


ADDSCL_BEFORE        type: scalar: 0 or 1 default: 0

put 1 to apply add_offset and scale factor on data before looking for missing values when using USEASMASK keyword

MASKNAME        type: string

A string giving the name of the variable in the file that contains the land/sea mask

USEASMASK        type: scalar string

A string giving the name of the variable in the file that will be used to build the land/sea mask. In this case the mask is based on the first record (if record dimension exists). The mask is build according to operator defined by TESTOP keyword (default NE) and the testing values defined as 1) the second word of TESTOP if existing 2) MISSING_VALUE keyword 3) attribute missing_value or _fillvalue of the variable USEASMASK 4) !Values.f_nan (can be used only with NE and EQ operators)

MISSING_VALUE        type: scalar

To define (or redefine if the attribute is already existing) the missing values used with USEASMASK keyword. Note that this value is not used if TESTOP keyword is given and contains 2 words.

INVMASK        type: scalar: 0 or 1 default: 0

Inverse the land/sea mask (that should have 0/1 values for land/sea): mask = 1-mask

XMINMESH        type: scalar default: 0L

Define common (cm_4mesh) variables ixminmesh used to define the localization of the first point of the grid along the x direction in a zoom of the original grid

XMAXMESH        type: scalar default: jpiglo-1

Define common (cm_4mesh) variables ixmaxmesh used to define the localization of the last point of the grid along the x direction in a zoom of the original grid Note that if XMAXMESH < 0 then ixmaxmesh is defined as ixmaxmesh = jpiglo -1 + xmaxmesh

YMINMESH        type: scalar default: 0L

Define common (cm_4mesh) variables iyminmesh used to define the localization of the first point of the grid along the y direction in a zoom of the original grid

YMAXMESH        type: scalar default: jpjglo-1

Define common (cm_4mesh) variables iymaxmesh used to define the localization of the last point of the grid along the y direction in a zoom of the original grid Note that if YMAXMESH < 0 then iymaxmesh is defined as iymaxmesh = jpjglo -1 + ymaxmesh

ZMINMESH        type: scalar default: 0L

Define common (cm_4mesh) variables izminmesh used to define the localization of the first point of the grid along the z direction in a zoom of the original grid

ZMAXMESH        type: scalar default: jpkglo-1

Define common (cm_4mesh) variables izmaxmesh used to define the localization of the last point of the grid along the z direction in a zoom of the original grid Note that if ZMAXMESH < 0 then izmaxmesh is defined as izmaxmesh = jpkglo -1 + maxmesh

TESTOP        type: scalar string, for example 'GT 0.5' default: 'NE'

a string describing the type of test that will be done to define the mask. The test is performed on the variable specified by USEASMASK keyword. TESTOP can contain 1 or 2 words. The first word is the operator definition: "EQ" "NE" "GE" "GT" "LE" "LT" (default is NE). The second word define the testing value. If TESTOP contains only 1 word, then the test value is denifed by 1) MISSING_VALUE keyword 2) attribute missing_value or _fillvalue of the variable USEASMASK 3) !Values.f_nan (can be used only with NE and EQ operators)


to be able to call ncdf_getmask with _extra keyword


   IDL> mask = ncdf_getmask('',useasmask = 'sst', missing_value = -1.00000e+30)

   IDL> mask = ncdf_getmask('', maskname = 'tmask')

   IDL> mask = ncdf_getmask('', useasmask = 'SLM', testop = 'le 0.5')


Version history


$Id: 399 2009-07-02 08:38:54Z smasson $


August 2007: Sebastien Masson (


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