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The purpose of this function is to convert a RGB color triple into the equivalent 24-big long integer. This routine was written to be used with routines like or getcolor.

color24 Graphics, Color

result = color24(rgb_triple)

Return value

{type=long integer} a 24-bit long integer that is equivalent the input color. The color is described in terms of a hexadecimal number (e.g., FF206A) where the left two digits represent the blue color, the middle two digits represent the green color, and the right two digits represent the red color.


rgb_triple        in required type: byte, A three-element array

A color triple. The values of the elements must be between 0 and 255.


 To convert the color triple for the color YELLOW,
 (255, 255, 0), to the hexadecimal value '00FFFF'x
 or the decimal number 65535, type:

   IDL> color = COLOR24([255, 255, 0])


Version history


$Id: 371 2008-08-07 09:32:02Z pinsard $


Written by: David Fanning, 3 February 96.


  Produced by IDLdoc 2.0.