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Return the calendar date and time given julian date. This is the inverse of the function JULDAY. 3 calendars are available according to the value of key_caltype (variable of the common file cm_4cal): 'greg', '360d', 'noleap'

caldat Calendar

caldat, julian, month, day, year, hour, minute, second, NDAYSPM=NDAYSPM


julian        in required

contains the Julian Day Number (which begins at noon) of the specified calendar date. It should be a long integer.

month        out

Number of the desired month (1 = January, ..., 12 = December).

day        out

Number of day of the month.

year        out

Number of the desired year.

hour        out

Hour of the day

minute        out

Minute of the day

second        out

Second (and fractions) of the day.


NDAYSPM        default: 30

To use a calendar with fixed number of days per months. see also the use of key_caltype (variable of the common file cm_4cal)

Version history


$Id: 163 2006-08-29 12:59:46Z navarro $


Translated from "Numerical Recipies in C", by William H. Press, Brian P. Flannery, Saul A. Teukolsky, and William T. Vetterling. Cambridge University Press, 1988 (second printing). DMS, July 1992. DMS, April 1996, Added HOUR, MINUTE and SECOND keyword AB, 7 December 1997, Generalized to handle array input. Eric Guilyardi, June 1999 Added key_work ndayspm for fixed number of days per months AB, 3 January 2000, Make seconds output as DOUBLE in array output. Sebastien Masson, May 2006, add different calendat with key_caltype (variable of the common file cm_4cal)

Known issues


Accuracy using IEEE double precision numbers is approximately 1/10000th of a second.

Other attributes

Uses routines



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