source: trunk/SRC/Computation/ @ 454

Last change on this file since 454 was 371, checked in by pinsard, 16 years ago

improvements of headers (alignments of IDL prompt in examples)

  • Property svn:eol-style set to native
  • Property svn:keywords set to Id
File size: 21.6 KB
3; @file_comments
4; calculate the norm of vectors field located on Arakawa C-grid
6; @categories
7; Calculation
9; @param UU {in}{required}
10; Matrix representing the zonal coordinates (at U/V point) of a field of vectors
11; A 2D (xy), 3D (xyz or yt), 4D (xyzt) or a structure readable by
12; <pro>litchamp</pro> and containing a 2D (xy), 3D (xyz or yt), 4D (xyzt) array.
13; Note that the dimension of the array must suit the domain dimension.
15; @param VV {in}{required}
16; Matrix representing the meridional coordinates (at V/U point) of a field of vectors
17; A 2D (xy), 3D (xyz or yt), 4D (xyzt) array or a structure readable by
18; <pro>litchamp</pro> and containing a 2D (xy), 3D (xyz or yt), 4D (xyzt) array.
19; Note that the dimension of the array must suit the domain dimension.
21; @keyword DIREC
22; 't' 'x' 'y' 'z' 'xys' 'xz' 'yz' 'xyz' 'xt' 'yt' 'zt' 'xyt'
23;       'xzt' 'yzt' 'xyzt' Direction on which do averages
25; @keyword _EXTRA
26; Used to declare that this routine accepts inherited keywords
28; @returns
29; a 2D (xy), 3D (xyz or yt), 4D (xyzt) array
31; @uses
32; <pro>cm_4mesh</pro>
33; <pro>cm_4data</pro>
34; <pro>cm_4cal</pro>
36; @restrictions
37; The norm is calculated on points T. To do this calculation, we average
38; field U and V on points T before calculate the norm. At the edge of
39; coast and of domain, we can not calculate fields U and V at points T,
40; that is why these points are at value !values.f_nan.
42; When we calculate on a reduce geographic domain, field U and V have not
43; necessarily the same number of point. In this case, we recut U and V to
44; keep only common points. We profit of this to redo a <pro>domdef</pro> which redefine
45; a geographic domain on which fields U and V are extracted on same points
47; To know what type of array we work with, we  test its size and dates
48; gave by time[0] and time[jpt-1] to know if thee is a temporal dimension.
49; Before to start norm, make sure that time and jpt are defined how
50; they have to!
52; @examples
54; To calculate the average of the norm of streams on all the domain
55; between 0 and 50:
56;   IDL> domdef, 0, 50
57;   IDL> res = norm(un, vn, dir = 'xyz')
59; @history
60; Sebastien Masson (smasson\
61;                       9/6/1999
62; @version
63; $Id$
66FUNCTION norm, uu, vv, DIREC=direc, _EXTRA=ex
68  compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs
73  IF NOT keyword_set(key_forgetold) THEN BEGIN
78  time1 = systime(1)          ; To key_performance
80  IF finite(glamu[0])*finite(gphiu[0])*finite(glamv[0])*finite(gphiv[0]) EQ 0 THEN $
81     return, report(['This version of norm is based on Arakawa C-grid.' $
82                     , 'U and V grids must therefore be defined'])
84  if NOT keyword_set(direc) then direc = 0
85; construction of u and v at points T
86  u = litchamp(uu)
87  v = litchamp(vv)
88  date1 = time[0]
89  if n_elements(jpt) EQ 0 then date2 = date1 ELSE date2 = time[jpt-1]
91  if (size(u))[0] NE (size(v))[0] then return,  -1
93  grilleu = litchamp(uu, /grid)
94  if grilleu EQ '' then grilleu = 'U'
95  grillev = litchamp(vv, /grid)
96  if grillev EQ '' then grillev = 'V'
97  IF grilleu EQ 'V' AND grillev EQ 'U' THEN inverse = 1
98  IF grilleu EQ 'T' AND grillev EQ 'T' THEN BEGIN
99    interpolle  = 0
100    return, report('Case not coded, but easy to do...!')
101  ENDIF ELSE interpolle = 1
102  if keyword_set(inverse) then begin
103    tmp = u
104    u = temporary(v)
105    v = temporary(tmp)
106  endif
108; We find common points between u and v
110  indicexu = (lindgen(jpi))[firstxu:firstxu+nxu-1]
111  indicexv = (lindgen(jpi))[firstxv:firstxv+nxv-1]
112  indicex = inter(indicexu, indicexv)
113  indiceyu = (lindgen(jpj))[firstyu:firstyu+nyu-1]
114  indiceyv = (lindgen(jpj))[firstyv:firstyv+nyv-1]
115  indicey = inter(indiceyu, indiceyv)
116  nx = n_elements(indicex)
117  ny = n_elements(indicey)
119  vargrid = 'T'
120  varname = 'norm'
121  if n_elements(valmask) EQ 0 THEN valmask = 1e20
122  firstxt = indicex[0] & lastxt = indicex[0]+nx-1 & nxt = nx
123  firstyt = indicey[0] & lastyt = indicey[0]+ny-1 & nyt = ny
125  case 1 of
131    (size(u))[0] EQ 3 AND date1 EQ date2 :BEGIN
133      indice2d = lindgen(jpi, jpj)
134      indice2d = indice2d[indicex[0]:indicex[0]+nx-1, indicey[0]:indicey[0]+ny-1]
135      indice3d = lindgen(jpi, jpj, jpk)
136      indice3d = indice3d[indicex[0]:indicex[0]+nx-1, indicey[0]:indicey[0]+ny-1, firstzt:lastzt]
138; extraction of u and v on the appropriated domain
140      case 1 of
141        (size(u))[1] EQ nxu AND (size(u))[2] EQ nyu AND $
142           (size(v))[1] EQ nxv AND (size(v))[2] EQ nyv:BEGIN
143          case (size(u))[3] OF
144            nzt:BEGIN
145              if nxu NE nx then $
146                 if indicex[0] EQ firstxu then u = u[0:nx-1, *, *] ELSE u = u[1: nx, *, *]
147              IF nxv NE nx THEN $
148                 if indicex[0] EQ firstxv then v = v[0:nx-1, *, *] ELSE v = v[1: nx, *, *]
149              IF nyu NE ny THEN $
150                 if indicey[0] EQ firstyu then u = u[*, 0:ny-1, *] ELSE u = u[*, 1: ny, *]
151              IF nyv NE ny THEN $
152                 if indicey[0] EQ firstyv then v = v[*, 0:ny-1, *] ELSE v = v[*, 1: ny, *]
153            end
154            jpk:BEGIN
155              if nxu NE nx then $
156                 if indicex[0] EQ firstxu then u = u[0:nx-1, *, firstzt:lastzt] ELSE u = u[1: nx, *, firstzt:lastzt]
157              IF nxv NE nx THEN $
158                 if indicex[0] EQ firstxv then v = v[0:nx-1, *, firstzt:lastzt] ELSE v = v[1: nx, *, firstzt:lastzt]
159              IF nyu NE ny THEN $
160                 if indicey[0] EQ firstyu then u = u[*, 0:ny-1, firstzt:lastzt] ELSE u = u[*, 1: ny, firstzt:lastzt]
161              IF nyv NE ny THEN $
162                 if indicey[0] EQ firstyv then v = v[*, 0:ny-1, firstzt:lastzt] ELSE v = v[*, 1: ny, firstzt:lastzt]
163            end
164            ELSE: return, report(['the third dimension of u (' + strtrim((size(u))[3], 1) $
165                                  +') must be equal to nzt (' + strtrim(nzt, 1) + ') or jpk ('+strtrim(jpk, 1)+')'])
166          endcase
167        END
168        (size(u))[1] EQ jpi AND (size(u))[2] EQ jpj AND (size(u))[3] EQ jpk AND $
169           (size(v))[1] EQ jpi AND (size(v))[2] EQ jpj AND (size(u))[3] EQ jpk :BEGIN
170          u = u[indice3d]
171          v = v[indice3d]
172        END
173        ELSE: return $
174           , report(['We cannot find re-cut on common indexes (see restriction un the header.).' $
175                     , 'To avoid this problem, read the full domain' $
176                     , 'or use the keyword /memeindice in domdef when defining the zoom area'])
177      endcase
179; We reshape u and v to make sure that no dimension has been erased
181      if nzt EQ 1 then begin
182        u = reform(u, nx, ny, nzt, /over)
183        v = reform(v, nx, ny, nzt, /over)
184      endif
186; construction of u and v at points T
188      a = u[0, *, *]
189      u = (u+shift(u, 1, 0, 0))/2.
190      if NOT keyword_set(key_periodic) OR nx NE jpi then u[0, *, *] = a
191      a = v[*, 0, *]
192      v = (v+shift(v, 0, 1, 0))/2.
193      if NOT keyword_set(key_periodic) OR nx NE jpi then v[*, 0, *] = a
195; attribution of the mask and of longitude and latitude arrays
197      mask = tmask[indice3d]
198      if nzt EQ 1 then mask = reform(mask, nx, ny, nzt, /over)
200      if n_elements(valmask) EQ 0 THEN valmask = 1e20
201      landu = where(u GE valmask/10)
202      if landu[0] NE -1 then u[landu] = 0
203      landv = where(v GE valmask/10)
204      if landv[0] NE -1 then v[landv] = 0
205      res = sqrt(u^2+v^2)
206      if NOT keyword_set(key_periodic) OR nx NE jpi then res[0, *, *] = !values.f_nan
207      res[*, 0, *] = !values.f_nan
208      mask = where(mask eq 0)
209      IF mask[0] NE -1 THEN res[mask] = valmask
210; All kind of average
211      domdef, (glamt[indice2d])[0, 0], (glamu[indice2d])[nx-1, 0], (gphit[indice2d])[0, 0], (gphiv[indice2d])[0, ny-1], vert1, vert2, /meme
212      if keyword_set(direc) then res = moyenne(res, direc, /nan, boxzoom = boxzoom, /nodomdef)
214    END
220    date1 NE date2 AND (size(u))[0] EQ 3 :BEGIN
221      indice2d = lindgen(jpi, jpj)
222      indice2d = indice2d[indicex[0]:indicex[0]+nx-1, indicey[0]:indicey[0]+ny-1]
224; extraction of u and v on the appropriated domain
226      case 1 of
227        (size(u))[1] EQ nxu AND (size(u))[2] EQ nyu AND $
228           (size(v))[1] EQ nxv AND (size(v))[2] EQ nyv:BEGIN
229          if nxu NE nx then $
230             if indicex[0] EQ firstxu then u = u[0:nx-1, *, *] ELSE u = u[1: nx, *, *]
231          IF nxv NE nx THEN $
232             if indicex[0] EQ firstxv then v = v[0:nx-1, *, *] ELSE v = v[1: nx, *, *]
233          IF nyu NE ny THEN $
234             if indicey[0] EQ firstyu then u = u[*, 0:ny-1, *] ELSE u = u[*, 1: ny, *]
235          IF nyv NE ny THEN $
236             if indicey[0] EQ firstyv then v = v[*, 0:ny-1, *] ELSE v = v[*, 1: ny, *]
237        END
238        (size(u))[1] EQ jpi AND (size(u))[2] EQ jpj AND $
239           (size(v))[1] EQ jpi AND (size(v))[2] EQ jpj:BEGIN
240          u = u[indicex[0]:indicex[0]+nx-1, indicey[0]:indicey[0]+ny-1, *]
241          v = v[indicex[0]:indicex[0]+nx-1, indicey[0]:indicey[0]+ny-1, *]
242        END
243        ELSE:return $
244           , report(['We cannot find re-cut on common indexes (see restriction un the header.).' $
245                     , 'To avoid this problem, read the full domain' $
246                     , 'or use the keyword /memeindice in domdef when defining the zoom area'])
247      endcase
249; construction of u and v at points T
251      a = u[0, *, *]
252      u = (u+shift(u, 1, 0, 0))/2.
253      if NOT keyword_set(key_periodic) OR nx NE jpi then u[0, *, *] = a
254      a = v[*, 0, *]
255      v = (v+shift(v, 0, 1, 0))/2.
256      if NOT keyword_set(key_periodic) OR nx NE jpi then v[*, 0, *] = a
258; attribution of the mask and of longitude and latitude arrays.
259; We recover the complete grid to establish a big mask extent in the four
260; direction to cover pointsfor which a land point has been
261; considerated (make a small drawing)
263      mask = tmask[indice2d+jpi*jpj*firstzt]
264      if ny EQ 1 then mask = reform(mask, nx, ny, /over)
266; construction of land containing all points to mask
268      if n_elements(valmask) EQ 0 THEN valmask = 1e20
269      landu = where(u GE valmask/10)
270      if landu[0] NE -1 then u[landu] = 0
271      landv = where(v GE valmask/10)
272      if landv[0] NE -1 then v[landv] = 0
273      res = sqrt(u^2+v^2)
274      if NOT keyword_set(key_periodic) OR nx NE jpi then res[0, *, *] = !values.f_nan
275      res[*, 0, *] = !values.f_nan
276      mask = where(mask eq 0)
277      IF mask[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN
278        coeftps = lindgen(jpt)*nx*ny
279        coeftps = replicate(1, n_elements(mask))#coeftps
280        mask = (temporary(mask))[*]#replicate(1, jpt)
281        mask = temporary(mask[*]) + temporary(coeftps[*])
282        res[temporary(mask)] = valmask
283      ENDIF
284; moyennes en tous genres
285      domdef, (glamt[indice2d])[0, 0], (glamu[indice2d])[nx-1, 0], (gphit[indice2d])[0, 0], (gphiv[indice2d])[0, ny-1], vert1, vert2, /meme
286      if keyword_set(direc) then res = grossemoyenne(res, direc, /nan, boxzoom = boxzoom, /nodomdef)
287    END
293    date1 NE date2 AND (size(u))[0] EQ 4:BEGIN
294      indice2d = lindgen(jpi, jpj)
295      indice2d = indice2d[indicex[0]:indicex[0]+nx-1, indicey[0]:indicey[0]+ny-1]
296      indice3d = lindgen(jpi, jpj, jpk)
297      indice3d = indice3d[indicex[0]:indicex[0]+nx-1, indicey[0]:indicey[0]+ny-1, firstzt:lastzt]
299; extraction of u and v on the appropriated domain
301      case 1 of
302        (size(u))[1] EQ nxu AND (size(u))[2] EQ nyu AND $
303           (size(v))[1] EQ nxv AND (size(v))[2] EQ nyv:BEGIN
304          case (size(u))[3] OF
305            nzt:BEGIN
306              if nxu NE nx then $
307                 if indicex[0] EQ firstxu then u = u[0:nx-1, *, *, *] ELSE u = u[1: nx, *, *, *]
308              IF nxv NE nx THEN $
309                 if indicex[0] EQ firstxv then v = v[0:nx-1, *, *, *] ELSE v = v[1: nx, *, *, *]
310              IF nyu NE ny THEN $
311                 if indicey[0] EQ firstyu then u = u[*, 0:ny-1, *, *] ELSE u = u[*, 1: ny, *, *]
312              IF nyv NE ny THEN $
313                 if indicey[0] EQ firstyv then v = v[*, 0:ny-1, *, *] ELSE v = v[*, 1: ny, *, *]
314            end
315            jpk:BEGIN
316              if nxu NE nx then $
317                 if indicex[0] EQ firstxu then u = u[0:nx-1, *, firstzt:lastzt, *] ELSE u = u[1: nx, *, firstzt:lastzt, *]
318              IF nxv NE nx THEN $
319                 if indicex[0] EQ firstxv then v = v[0:nx-1, *, firstzt:lastzt, *] ELSE v = v[1: nx, *, firstzt:lastzt, *]
320              IF nyu NE ny THEN $
321                 if indicey[0] EQ firstyu then u = u[*, 0:ny-1, firstzt:lastzt, *] ELSE u = u[*, 1: ny, firstzt:lastzt, *]
322              IF nyv NE ny THEN $
323                 if indicey[0] EQ firstyv then v = v[*, 0:ny-1, firstzt:lastzt, *] ELSE v = v[*, 1: ny, firstzt:lastzt, *]
324            end
325            ELSE: report, (['the third dimension of u (' + strtrim((size(u))[3], 1) $
326                            +') must be equal to nzt (' + strtrim(nzt, 1) + ') or jpk ('+strtrim(jpk, 1)+')'])
327          endcase
328        END
329        (size(u))[1] EQ jpi AND (size(u))[2] EQ jpj AND (size(u))[3] EQ jpk AND $
330           (size(v))[1] EQ jpi AND (size(v))[2] EQ jpj AND (size(u))[3] EQ jpk :BEGIN
331          u = u[indicex[0]:indicex[0]+nx-1, indicey[0]:indicey[0]+ny-1, firstzt:lastzt, *]
332          v = v[indicex[0]:indicex[0]+nx-1, indicey[0]:indicey[0]+ny-1, firstzt:lastzt, *]
333        END
334        ELSE: return $
335           , report(['We cannot find re-cut on common indexes (see restriction un the header.).' $
336                     , 'To avoid this problem, read the full domain' $
337                     , 'or use the keyword /memeindice in domdef when defining the zoom area'])
338      endcase
340; construction of u and v at points T
342      a = u[0, *, *, *]
343      u = (u+shift(u, 1, 0, 0, 0))/2.
344      if NOT keyword_set(key_periodic) OR nx NE jpi then u[0, *, *, *] = a
345      a = v[*, 0, *, *]
346      v = (v+shift(v, 0, 1, 0, 0))/2.
347      if NOT keyword_set(key_periodic) OR nx NE jpi then v[*, 0, *, *] = a
349; attribution of the mask and of longitude and latitude arrays
351      mask = tmask[indice3d]
352      if nzt EQ 1 then mask = reform(mask, nx, ny, nzt, /over)
354      if n_elements(valmask) EQ 0 THEN valmask = 1e20
355      landu = where(u GE valmask/10)
356      if landu[0] NE -1 then u[landu] = 0
357      landv = where(v GE valmask/10)
358      if landv[0] NE -1 then v[landv] = 0
359      res = sqrt(u^2+v^2)
360      if NOT keyword_set(key_periodic) OR nx NE jpi then res[0, *, *, *] = !values.f_nan
361      res[*, 0, *, *] = !values.f_nan
362      mask = where(mask eq 0)
363      IF mask[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN
364        coeftps = lindgen(jpt)*nx*ny*nzt
365        coeftps = replicate(1, n_elements(mask))#coeftps
366        mask = (temporary(mask))[*]#replicate(1, jpt)
367        mask = temporary(mask[*]) + temporary(coeftps[*])
368        res[temporary(mask)] = valmask
369      ENDIF
370; All kind of average
371      domdef, (glamt[indice2d])[0, 0], (glamu[indice2d])[nx-1, 0], (gphit[indice2d])[0, 0], (gphiv[indice2d])[0, ny-1], vert1, vert2, /meme
372      if keyword_set(direc) then res = grossemoyenne(res, direc, /nan, boxzoom = boxzoom, /nodomdef)
373    END
379    ELSE:BEGIN                  ;xy
380      indice2d = lindgen(jpi, jpj)
381      indice2d = indice2d[indicex[0]:indicex[0]+nx-1, indicey[0]:indicey[0]+ny-1]
383; extraction of u and v on the appropriated domain
385      case 1 of
386        (size(u))[1] EQ nxu AND (size(u))[2] EQ nyu AND $
387           (size(v))[1] EQ nxv AND (size(v))[2] EQ nyv:BEGIN
388          if nxu NE nx then $
389             if indicex[0] EQ firstxu then u = u[0:nx-1, *] ELSE u = u[1: nx, *]
390          IF nxv NE nx THEN $
391             if indicex[0] EQ firstxv then v = v[0:nx-1, *] ELSE v = v[1: nx, *]
392          IF nyu NE ny THEN $
393             if indicey[0] EQ firstyu then u = u[*, 0:ny-1] ELSE u = u[*, 1: ny]
394          IF nyv NE ny THEN $
395             if indicey[0] EQ firstyv then v = v[*, 0:ny-1] ELSE v = v[*, 1: ny]
396        END
397        (size(u))[1] EQ jpi AND (size(u))[2] EQ jpj AND $
398           (size(v))[1] EQ jpi AND (size(v))[2] EQ jpj:BEGIN
399          u = u[indice2d]
400          v = v[indice2d]
401        END
402        ELSE:return $
403           , report(['We cannot find re-cut on common indexes (see restriction un the header.).' $
404                     , 'To avoid this problem, read the full domain' $
405                     , 'or use the keyword /memeindice in domdef when defining the zoom area'])
406      endcase
408; We reshape u and v to make sure that no dimension has been erased
410      if ny EQ 1 then begin
411        u = reform(u, nx, ny, /over)
412        v = reform(v, nx, ny, /over)
413      endif
415; construction of u and v at points T
417      a = u[0, *]
418      u = (u+shift(u, 1, 0))/2.
419      if NOT keyword_set(key_periodic) OR nx NE jpi then u[0, *] = a
420      a = v[*, 0]
421      v = (v+shift(v, 0, 1))/2.
422      if NOT keyword_set(key_periodic) OR nx NE jpi then v[*, 0] = a
424; attribution of the mask and of longitude and latitude arrays.
425; We recover the complete grid to establish a big mask extent in the four
426; direction to cover pointsfor which a land point has been
427; considerated (make a small drawing)
429      mask = tmask[indice2d+jpi*jpj*firstzt]
430      if nyt EQ 1 THEN mask = reform(mask, nx, ny, /over)
432; construction of land containing all points to mask
434      if n_elements(valmask) EQ 0 THEN valmask = 1e20
435      landu = where(u GE valmask/10)
436      if landu[0] NE -1 then u[landu] = 0
437      landv = where(v GE valmask/10)
438      if landv[0] NE -1 then v[landv] = 0
439      res = sqrt(u^2+v^2)
440      if NOT keyword_set(key_periodic) OR nx NE jpi then res[0, *] = !values.f_nan
441      res[*, 0] = !values.f_nan
442      mask = where(mask eq 0)
443      IF mask[0] NE -1 THEN res[mask] = valmask
444; All kind of average
445      domdef, (glamt[indice2d])[0, 0], (glamu[indice2d])[nx-1, 0], (gphit[indice2d])[0, 0], (gphiv[indice2d])[0, ny-1], vert1, vert2, /meme
446      if keyword_set(direc) then res = moyenne(res, direc, /nan, boxzoom = boxzoom, /nodomdef)
447    END
449  endcase
451  if keyword_set(key_performance) THEN print, 'time norm', systime(1)-time1
452  return, res
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