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Model developments


Source Code

Reference Simulations

Group Activities & Contact

}}} = Wiki of ORCHIDEE model = This wiki aims at gathering information on ORCHIDEE model : code versions and documentation, configurations used by the model, evaluation, seminars...[[BR]] Information is organized according different sections which are described below : The official website for ORCHIDEE is available at [http://orchidee.ipsl.fr] ||'''Section'''||'''Description'''||'''Highlights or short cuts to sub-sections''' ||[wiki:DevelopmentActivities Model Developments] || In this section, you will find all the informations on the ongoing developments ||[wiki:DevelopmentActivities/CMIP6 CMIP6 ] ||[wiki:Documentation Documentation] ||[wiki:Documentation/News '''News'''], Scientific documentation, Information on the implementation of the code, Users guide/How To, Informations on the forcing|| [wiki:Documentation/UserGuide UserGuide/How To] ||[wiki:SourceCode Source Code] ||Where you will find the source code of the different versions, restricted access for some ongoing developments|| [https://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/browser/trunk See the trunk here.] ||[wiki:ReferenceSimulations Reference Simulations]|| All the information on evaluation protocol and reference simulation. Log in is needed to access this page. || ||[wiki:GroupActivities Group Activities & Contact]||Include: [wiki:GroupActivities/UseOfORCHIDEEpolicy ORCHIDEE-POLICY], meetings, seminars, users list, contact, training courses|| [wiki:GroupActivities/Training Training courses] ---- [[BR]] * To see Last Changes done on the wiki : [wiki:RecentChanges] * To get some instructions on how to format a wiki page, please visit [wiki:WikiFormatting]