= Description of differences between ORCHIDEE versions = Last change : [[Timestamp]] This page describe the different ORCHIDEE versions. Only physical or important informatic differences will be describe. Then no line cut nore modifications in comments in this description.[[BR]] To get a specific version of ORCHIDEE, you can use this alias in your .cshrc : {{{ alias cvs_orc 'cvs -d :pserver:sechiba@cvs.ipsl.jussieu.fr:/home/ssipsl/CVSREP' }}} You must have ORCHIDEE source login/password registred in your ~/.cvspass file. [[BR]] You must ask Martial Mancip (or other authorized ORCHIDEE group members) for login/password to access to the protected source (not by mail) - see [http://www.ipsl.jussieu.fr/~mmaipsl Martial Mancip] for contact. When this configuration is set correctly (and adapted if your login shell is bash or other), you can get a specific orchidee_version_to_get with the simple command : {{{ prompt> cvs_orc co -r orchidee_version_to_get ORCHIDEE }}} For branch TAGs only, you must specify the date of the beginning of the branch, otherwise you will get le last point of the branch by default : {{{ prompt> cvs_orc co -r orchidee_branch_to_get -d the_date ORCHIDEE }}} == Models and Configurations == Model ORCHIDEE can be reach at link [http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/viewvc/?root=orchidee ORCHIDEE source]. Each ORCHIDEE versions are validated with three sort of runs : * OFF-LINE mode : * that is for ORCHIDEE group the mode with ORCHIDEE_OL driver. Please have a look on [http://orchidee.ipsl.jussieu.fr/ ORCHIDEE Scientific Web] * In this configuration, we use atmospheric climatology to force the surface model. There are two sorts of atmospheric datas : * NCC datas high frequency (6 hours average) in one degree resolution. The model will interpolate them to obtain half hour time step values. * WG_cru file with monthly average datas. The driver has a special mode to generate half hour time step values. The resolution can change from half degree to four degrees. * Most versions were tested with NCC files with 20 years runs from 1980 to 1999. Then we compare last 10 years averages. * ON-LINE mode : * that is for ORCHIDEE group the mode where ORCHIDEE is built as a module of the atmospheric model LMDz4 (see [http://web.lmd.jussieu.fr/cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi/LMDZ4/ LMDZ4]). * In this configuration, we use a 96x71 grid to validate TO DO. * Couple mode : * that is the Global Climate Model of IPSL. See [http://igcmg.ipsl.jussieu.fr/ IGCMG Web] and [http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/igcmg IGCMG Models] for more informations. * In this configuration, we have all IPSL climate models coupled together. It is the IPCC configuration. == Versions == List of ORCHIDEE TAGs and Branchs and TAG action date : * MAIN 08/02/2000 : ORCHIDEE CVS creation point. * orchidee-1-0 03/02/2002 : first ORCHIDEE version (not describe here). * orchidee_1_1 12/04/2002 : first reference version (not describe here). * orchidee_1_2 03/04/2003 : Beginning of '''reference branch'''. This the beginning of the so called "reference branch" by people.[[BR]] This branch has 4 TAGs : * orchidee_1_3 : This TAG has a branch for adding compilation in brodie IDRIS calculator : orchidee_1_3_1. * This specific branch orchidee_1_3_1 won't be compared because there is no modification on source code. * Only makefiles were updated. * orchidee_1_4 * orchidee_1_5 * orchidee_1_6 * orchidee_1_3 04/01/2004 : TAG version used for '''IPCC AR4''' for IPSL_CM4_v1_OASIS3 couple model. * orchidee_1_4 09/01/2005 : TAG for LOOP couple model. * orchidee_1_5 11/07/2006 : First implementation of so called "orchidee_beton". It contains modifications of Frederic Hourdin. [[BR]] This version has many bugs and shouldn't be used. * orchidee_1_6 ../../.... : That is the '''end of "reference branch"'''. Implementation of Nathalie De Noblet modifications. [[BR]] This is the right version with a lot of bug corrections. * orchidee_1_7 09/15/2006 : Intermediate TAG in root of parallel branch ORCHIDEE_PARA. * ORCHIDEE_PARA 11/07/2006 : working branch for parallel version. [[BR]] This version has many bugs and shouldn't be used. * orchidee_1_8 ../../.... : First merge of FH/NdN in HEAD branch.[[BR]] This version has many bugs and shouldn't be used. * orchidee_1_9 ../../.... : Add parallelization. [[BR]] This version has many bugs and shouldn't be used. * orchidee_1_9_1 ../../.... : Tag japan. * orchidee_1_9_2 04/08/2006 : ajout correction hdry hydrolc + slowproc land_use (with only one year). [[BR]] This is '''the right version''' with a lot of bug corrections. == Difference between versions == To see difference between version, you have to get both version in local (namely orchidee_path_1, orchidee_path_2). Then you can apply two commands to see informations between versions : {{{ diff -w --ignore-all-space --ignore-case --recursive --exclude="Entries" --exclude="Tag" orchidee_path_1/ORCHIDEE/ orchidee_path_2/ORCHIDEE/ > diff_1-2.f90 }}} And to get log informations with date1 and date2 refered respectively to TAG actions dates for version1 and version2 (see TAG informations above) : {{{ cvs log -d 'date1+1 cvs_log_diff_1_2-1_3 }}} note : 1. I put "date1+1" that means "date1 + 1 day" because you only want to see commit messages after version1 TAG. [[BR]] For example, orchidee_1_1 has been tagged the 12/04/2002. Then you must use date1+1 = 12/05/2002 (dates for CVS are in american format). 2. You will get all informations on commits between the two dates. Then you will get some commit messages on other branch too if there are some. === differencies between orchidee_1_1 and orchidee_1_2 === The differencies between orchidee_1_1 and orchidee_1_2 are describe here [wiki:ModelVersions/Diff1_1-1_2 Differences orchidee_1_1-1_2] . === differencies between orchidee_1_2 and orchidee_1_3 === The differencies between orchidee_1_2 and orchidee_1_3 are describe here [wiki:ModelVersions/Diff1_2-1_3 Differences orchidee_1_2-1_3] . === differencies between orchidee_1_3 and orchidee_1_4 === === differencies between orchidee_1_4 and orchidee_1_6 === === differencies between orchidee_1_2 and orchidee_1_7 === The differencies between orchidee_1_2 and orchidee_1_7 are describe here [wiki:ModelVersions/Diff1_2-1_7 Differences orchidee_1_2-1_7] . * orchidee_1_7 09/15/2006 : Intermediate TAG in root of parallel branch ORCHIDEE_PARA. * ORCHIDEE_PARA 11/07/2006 : working branch for parallel version. [[BR]] === differencies between orchidee_1_7 and orchidee_1_8 === The differencies between orchidee_1_7 and orchidee_1_8 are describe here [wiki:ModelVersions/Diff1_7-1_8 Differences orchidee_1_7-1_8] . === differencies between orchidee_1_8 and orchidee_1_9 === The differencies between orchidee_1_8 and orchidee_1_9 are describe here [wiki:ModelVersions/Diff1_8-1_9 Differences orchidee_1_8-1_9] . We describe here the parallel version relative to the sequentiel one. === differencies between ORCHIDEE_PARA and orchidee_1_9 === We only compare here differences relative to parallel implementation in those two versions. === differencies between orchidee_1_9 and orchidee_1_9_1 === Some problems have been corrected in version orchidee_1_9_1 for parallelization. See this link : [wiki:ModelVersions/Diff1_9-1_9_1 Differences orchidee_1_9-1_9_1]. === differencies between orchidee_1_9_1 and orchidee_1_9_2 === The version orchidee_1_9_1 contains many bugs and should not be used. This link describes those corrections : [wiki:ModelVersions/Diff1_9_1-1_9_2 Differences orchidee_1_9_1-1_9_2]. == Validations == See page ValidateOrchidee.