
Version 8 (modified by jgipsl, 4 years ago) (diff)


VARIOUS actitivies / information

Josefine critical activities (to be backed up during her maternity leaves)

  • Trusting Chain: contact person: Patricia Cadule
    • Objectif: Running the trusting chain at every new commit on the ORCHIDEE trunk (source code and experiment set up).

  • Creation of user account for svn and forge: Use orchidee-help mailing list. Contact person: Fabienne Maignan
    • objectif: xxx
  • Commit on the trunk. Requirements for a valid commit:
    • Always use "svn diff" to carefully check what will be committed and to avoid committing unintended WRITE statements, hacks and/or changes in flags and parameters.
    • Always test the modification in prod and debug mode with a land-only configuration. Use strict error settings for these tests ERR_ACT = 3 (to be set in PARAM/orchidee.def)
    • Big intrusive commits, commits related to the coupling to the atmosphere, or related to parallelisation should be discussed in the group before changing the code.
    • If the commit requires changes in the default configurations, parameters values, and/or input files, these changes should be discuss in the group to avoid unintended changes in other parts of the code. Remember that such changes will need some coordination between the land-only and the coupled land-atmosphere setup.
    • For big intrusive commits, the coupled land-atmosphere configuration should be tested in addition to the previous tests.
    • If possible, all trusting tests should be completed and passed prior to a big intrusive commit. While Josefine is on leave, Patricia will be responsible for the trusting. If it is not possible to do the trusting prior to the commit, commit first and then contact the person responsible for the trusting to run the trusting. Tell the person responsible for the trusting whether the commit is expected to change the results or not.
    • If the trusting was not passed correctly for all test cases (the person responsible for the trusting should send the outcomes of the tests to the person responsible for the commit), correcting the code should be a priority of the person responsible for the commit. If it turns out to be too difficult to find a solution, revert the commit.
  • Budget Labex : Qui s'occupe ?