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Jussieu, 75252 PARIS[[BR]]Anais.Barella-ortiz@lmd.jussieu.fr * __Stage in career__: PhD * __Project title, duration and supervisor/colleagues__: Analyse et modélisation de l'humidité des sols et des zones humides, implications pour le réchauffement climatique.[[BR]]Duration: 3 years[[BR]]Supervisor: Jan Polcher[[BR]]Co-supervisor: Filipe Aires * __Primary objective of your current work with ORCHIDEE__: The model has been developed in order to implement a new method to compute potential evapotranspiration. * __What type of simulations are you doing?__: Regional and global forced simulations * '''BELLASSEN Valentin''' ''forest, forest management'' * __Contact details__: CDC Climat Recherche[[BR]]47 rue de la Victoire[[BR]]75009 Paris[[BR]]valentin.bellassen.pro@gmail.com * __Stage in career__: Other * __Project title, duration and supervisor/colleagues__: Supervisor: N. Viovy[[BR]]Colleagues: S. Luyssaert, P. Peylin, P. Ciais, M. Saito, M. Peaucelle * __Primary objective of your current work with ORCHIDEE__: All, ORCHIDEE-FM only.[[BR]][[BR]]Bellassen V., Viovy N., Le Maire G., Luyssaert S., Schelaas, M-J., Ciais P. (in press), “Reconstrution and attribution of the European forest sink between 1950 and 2000: importance of forest management”, Global Change Biology.[[BR]]Bellassen V., Delbart N., Le Maire G., Luyssaert S., Ciais P., Viovy N. (2011), “Potential knowledge gain in large-scale simulations of forest carbon fluxes from remotely sensed biomass and height”, Forest Ecology and Management 261, 515-530.[[BR]]Bellassen V., Le Maire G., Dhôte J-F., Guin O., Ciais P., Viovy N. (2011), “Modelling forest management within a global vegetation model – Part 2: model validation from a tree to a continental scale”, Ecological Modelling 222, 57–75.[[BR]]Bellassen V., Le Maire G., Dhôte J-F., Ciais P., Viovy N. (2010), “Modelling forest management within a global vegetation model – Part 1: model structure and general behaviour”, Ecological Modelling 221, 2458–2474. * __What type of simulations are you doing?__: All scales, forced * __History of your work with ORCHIDEE__: PhD at LSCE under the supervision of N. Viovy:[[BR]]1) Developping ORCHIDEE-FM[[BR]]2) Validating ORCHIDEE-FM[[BR]]3) Assimilation of remote sensing data (height, biomass) into FM[[BR]]4) Attribution of the European forest C sink between climate, CO2, and management effects[[BR]][[BR]]Now supervising :[[BR]]Makoto Saito, adapting FM to semi-arid african woolands[[BR]]Marc Peaucelle, finding "intelligent" sub-groups to PFT 4 (temperate coniferous) * '''BERTRAND Nathalie''' ''River flow, soil wetness, drought'' * __Contact details__: LMD[[BR]]room 312[[BR]]Jussieu * __Stage in career__: Post-doc * __Project title, duration and supervisor/colleagues__: Title : The Watch project[[BR]]Duration: 2years[[BR]]Supervisor: Jan Polcher * __Primary objective of your current work with ORCHIDEE__: The first objective was to run ORCHIDEE with the WATCH forcing data for the 20th Century and then for the 21th following the A2 IPCC scenario outputs from IPSL, CNRM and ECHAM models. * __What type of simulations are you doing?__: Forced simulations with the WATCH forcing data in global at 0.5° for the two soil parametrizations : Choisnel and CWRR. * __Secondary objectives of the work you're doing with ORCHIDEE__: My second objective is to compare Choisnel and CWRR parametrizations to see how they are able to represent extremes drought in Europe. We compare meteorological, agricultural and hydrological droughts. * '''BRENDER Pierre''' ''ORCHIDEE, REDD+, "greening of the Sahel", "tropical ecoystem carbon stocks resilience","Farquhar model"'' * __Contact details__: LSCE[[BR]]Gif sur Yvette (left)[[BR]]pierre.brender@m4x.org * __Stage in career__: PhD (about to finish), working out of research now * __Project title, duration and supervisor/colleagues__: Supervisor : P. Ciais and C. Ottle[[BR]] * __Primary objective of your current work with ORCHIDEE__: work was centered on the phenology of savanna grasses and on the fast response to rain event in semi-arid ecosystem, through evaluation work of the multi-layer hydrology scheme (CWRR) and STOMATE (including an analytical resolution of the stomatal conductance) * __What type of simulations are you doing?__: site-scale/regional[[BR]]ORCHIDEE in forced mode[[BR]][[BR]]additional work with colleagues of UCAD (Dakar) on simulations done for CMIP5 with the IPSL coupled model (and thus ORCHIDEE coupled) * __Potential future work with ORCHIDEE?__: work more on the carbon stocks resilience in tropical ecosystem and contribute to the estimate of the uncertainty in the scenarios provided by the use of models like ORCHIDEE = C = * '''CHEN yiying''' ''ORCHIDEE-CAN'' * __Contact details__: LSCE, Orme[[BR]]Bat. 712 Pe.122[[BR]]Email: spancer_hot@hotmail.com or yiying.chen@lsce.ipsl.fr * __Stage in career__: PostDoc * __Project title, duration and supervisor/colleagues__: DOFOCO[[BR]]Duration : 1.5 years[[BR]]Supervisor : Sebastiaan Luyssaert [[BR]] more than Colleages: Sebastiaan, Kim, Chao, James, Matt, Julian, Aude, Rong, Yeves, Bertrend, Yann, Nicolas, Philippe(s).... * __Primary objective of your current work with ORCHIDEE__: [[BR]] (1) parameterizing and validating a novel implicit multi-layer energy budget scheme [[BR]] (2) developing an elegant method to analyse changes in atmospheric temperature in a factorial modeling experiment. * __What type of simulations are you doing?__: Site Level, Global (zoom in Europe) * '''CHANG Jinfeng''' ''ORCHIDEE-PASIM'' * __Contact details__: LSCE, Orme[[BR]]Bat. 712 Pe.26[[BR]]Email: jinfeng.chang@lsce.ipsl.fr * __Stage in career__: PhD * __Project title, duration and supervisor/colleagues__: Improving the representation of grassland systems in a dynamic global vegetation model (ORCHIDEE)[[BR]]Duration : 3 years[[BR]]Supervisor : Nicolas Viovy * __Primary objective of your current work with ORCHIDEE__: I am developing, calibrating, validating the model OECHIDEE-PASIM.[[BR]]EC fluxes data of grassland sites in Carbo-Europe are used.[[BR]]Version of ORCHIDEE, ORCHIDEE-PASIM * __What type of simulations are you doing?__: Site-scale, forced = D = * '''DE GROOTE Toon''' ''SRC Short Rotation Coppice Management'' * __Contact details__: Universiteit Antwerpen[[BR]]Campus Drie Eiken (C0.17)[[BR]]Universiteitsplein 1[[BR]]2610 Wilrijk[[BR]]Belgium[[BR]]Toon.DeGroote@ua.ac.be[[BR]]http://www.ua.ac.be/Toon.DeGroote * __Stage in career__: PhD student * __Project title, duration and supervisor/colleagues__: Model-based optimisation of the trade-offs between biomass production, climate feedback and water consumption in short rotation coppice forestry.[[BR]]4 years[[BR]]Supervisor: Ivan Janssens - Universiteit Antwerpen[[BR]]Worked with: Kun Tan, Nicolas Vuichard, Sebastiaan Luysaert * __Primary objective of your current work with ORCHIDEE__: I am developing and calibrating the SRC option in ORCHIDEE-FM using data from field studies:[[BR]]- POPFULL, Lochristi, Belgium[[BR]]- POPFACE/EUROFACE, Viterbo, Italy[[BR]]- Boom, Belgium[[BR]]- Vigevano, Italy * __What type of simulations are you doing?__: Site-scale, forced * __Secondary objectives of the work you're doing with ORCHIDEE__: The aim of the project is to, after the development and calibration, simulate SRC sites throughout Europe and predict water use and GHG production for different managements (rotation length, irrigation, ...). And then select the best management for those regions. * __History of your work with ORCHIDEE__: / * __Potential future work with ORCHIDEE?__: / * '''DE WEIRDT Marjolein''' ''tropics, phenology, assimilation of vegetation indexes, ..'' * __Contact details__: Coupure Links 653[[BR]]9000 Ghent[[BR]]Belgium * __Stage in career__: PhD student * __Project title, duration and supervisor/colleagues__: VEGECLIM project (2009-2013): carbon stocks and dynamics in Central African forests * __Primary objective of your current work with ORCHIDEE__: improve ORCHIDEE for tropical forests - phenology * __What type of simulations are you doing?__: site and regional scale - forced * __History of your work with ORCHIDEE__: Seasonal leaf dynamics for tropical evergreen forests in a process based global ecosystem model. Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss., 5, 639–681, 2012 * __Potential future work with ORCHIDEE?__: projects related to tropical forest phenology and its leaf properties * '''DUCHARNE Agnès''' * __Contact details__: UMR METIS, UPMC/CNRS[[BR]]UPMC, Case 105, 4 place Jussieu, 75005[[BR]]Tower 56, 4th floor, corridor 56-46[[BR]]http://www.metis.upmc.fr/~ducharne/[[BR]] * __Stage in career__: Permanent researcher (CNRS) * __Project title, duration and supervisor/colleagues__: Main research theme : continental hydrology, groundwater, water resources and climate[[BR]]Colleagues : Polcher, Cheruy, Hourdin (LMD), Jost, Guimberteau, Campoy, Magand, Schneider (METIS), Ciais, de Noblet, Ottlé, Mouche, Mugler, Maquin (LSCE) * __Primary objective of your current work with ORCHIDEE__: GEM / I-GEM projects on teh role of groundwater in teh climate system + supervision of developments and validation exercises on the hydrological facets of ORCHIDEE, including the interactions with the boundary layer. * __What type of simulations are you doing?__: global, regional and site-scale simulation, in both off-line and on-line mode. * __History of your work with ORCHIDEE__: During my PhD with Katia Laval and Jan Polcher :[[BR]]- I implemented a description of subgrid scale hydrology in ORCHIDEE-Choisnel : Ducharne A, Laval K, Polcher J (1998). Sensitivity of the hydrological cycle to the parameterization of soil hydrology in a GCM, Climate Dynamics, 14: 307-327.[[BR]]- I showed how a better description of the soil's water-holding capacity could influence the simulated climate : Ducharne A, Laval K (2000). Influence of the realistic description of soil water-holding capacity on the global water cycle in a GCM, Journal of Climate, 13: 4393-4413.[[BR]]- I developed the first routing scheme for ORCHIDEE : Ducharne A, Golaz C, Leblois E, Laval K, Polcher J, Ledoux E, de Marsily G (2003). Development of a High Resolution Runoff Routing Model, Calibration and Application to Assess Runoff from the LMD GCM. Journal of Hydrology, 280: 207-228. [[BR]]More recently, with Frédérique Cheruy, Aurélien Campoy and Frédéric Hourdin, we showed the superiority of ORCHIDEE-Richards over ORCHIDEE-Choisnel when coupled to the LMDZ atmosheric model by comparaison with site-observation from the SIRTA observatory, and analysed the effect of the soil bottom's boundary condition (free drainage, impermeable bottom, or forced water table depth) on the surface fluxes and clocal climate :[[BR]]- Cheruy F, Campoy A, Dupont J-C, Ducharne A, Hourdin F, Haeffelin M, Chiriaco M, Idelkadi A. Combined influence of atmospheric physics and soil hydrology on the simulated meteorology at the SIRTA atmospheric observatory. Climate Dynamics, in revision. [[BR]]- Campoy A , Ducharne A, Hourdin F, Cheruy F, Polcher J, Dupont JC, Haeffelin M : Influence of soil bottom boundary condition on land surface fluxes in a general circulation model, in prep.[[BR]] * __Potential future work with ORCHIDEE?__: Groundwater, routing, and wetlands. = E = = F = = G = * '''GUENET Bertrand''' ''soil, carbon, nitrogen, microorganisms, ecology'' * __Contact details__: Antwerp University, Campus Drie Eiken - Gebouw C- lokaal C2.03, Onderzoeksgroep, Planten- en Vegetatie- ecologie, Universiteitsplein 1, B-2610 WILRIJK, bertrand.guenet@ua.ac.be * __Stage in career__: post doc * __Project title, duration and supervisor/colleagues__: No title, one year, Ivan Janssens, Philippe Ciais, Philippe Peylin * __Primary objective of your current work with ORCHIDEE__: Improving the soil modules in orchidee, in particular incorporating a explicit representation of microbila decomposers in orchidee-N * __What type of simulations are you doing?__: site-scale, regional and global forced for the moment but global and coupled at the end of the project * __Secondary objectives of the work you're doing with ORCHIDEE__: To represent the soil carbon distribution in function of the depth, improving the soil moisture function which control the decomposition. * __History of your work with ORCHIDEE__: I worked with Orchidee-N for 2 years with the aim to stabilze the model, we submit a study where we look at the effect of the active N cycle on the long term trend of LAI. Then I used ORCHIDEE 1 9 5 2 to study the soil C dynamic in England and Wales and understand the decrease observed in the data. * __Potential future work with ORCHIDEE?__: Continue to impove the soil modules, work to merge the N version with the standard version. * '''GUIMBERTEAU Matthieu''' ''Hydrology, water cycle, streamflow, evapotranspiration, irrigation, routing'' * __Contact details__: Address: IPSL/LCSE Sisyphe[[BR]]Unité Mixte de Recherche 7619 SISYPHE[[BR]]Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Tour 55/56, 4ème étage, bureau 409.[[BR]]Boite 105, 4 Place Jussieu 75252 Paris Cedex 05[[BR]]Mail: matthieu.guimberteau_at_upmc.fr[[BR]]Phone number: 01 44 27 63 26[[BR]]Web page: www.sisyphe.upmc.fr/~guimberteau * __Stage in career__: Post-doc * __Project title, duration and supervisor/colleagues__: Project title: EU-FP7 AMAZALERT "Raising the alert about critical feedbacks between climate and long-term land use change in the Amazon"[[BR]]Duration: 3 year (until June 2014)[[BR]]Supervisor/colleagues: P.Ciais (LSCE) and A.Ducharne (SISYPHE) * __Primary objective of your current work with ORCHIDEE__: Primary objective: validation of SECHIBA hydrology coupled with STOMATE over the Amazon basin.[[BR]]Data used: evapotranspiration, MODIS, GRACE, FLUXNET, Topex/Poseidon, Envisat...[[BR]]ORCHIDEE version used: merghydro version ( + LMD SECHIBA hydrology) * __What type of simulations are you doing?__: ORCHIDEE is forced by several forcing (NCC, PRUNI, CRU-NCEP) over the Amazon River basin. * __History of your work with ORCHIDEE__: * Irrigation *[[BR]]- Analyse et modifications proposées de la modélisation de l'irrigation dans un modèle de surface.[[BR]] Guimberteau M. (2006).[[BR]] Stage de fin d'étude. Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique (LMD), Paris (France).[[BR]]- Modélisation de l'hydrologie continentale et influences de l'irrigation sur le cycle de l'eau.[[BR]] Guimberteau M. (2010).[[BR]] Thèse de doctorat de l'Université Paris VI. Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique (LMD), [[BR]] Paris (France). [[BR]]- Global effect of irrigation and its impact on the onset of the Indian summer monsoon.[[BR]] Guimberteau M., Laval K., Perrier A. and Polcher J.[[BR]] In press (Available online 5 Dec. 2011), Climate Dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-011-1252-5.[[BR]][[BR]]* Mississippi streamflow *[[BR]]- Streamflows simulated by ORCHIDEE over the Mississippi river basin: sensitivity to the forcing resolution and parameters.[[BR]] Guimberteau M., Laval K., Perrier A. & Polcher J. (2009).[[BR]] iLEAPS Newsletter Issue No.7, 20-22.[[BR]][[BR]]* Climate change and crops *[[BR]]- Projections of climate change impacts on potential C4 crop productivity over tropical regions.[[BR]] Berg A., De Noblet-Ducoudré N., Sultan B., Lengaigne M. and Guimberteau M.[[BR]] In press (Available online 25 Jan. 2012), Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,[[BR]] ISSN 0168-1923, doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2011.12.003[[BR]][[BR]]* Amazon River basin hydrology *[[BR]]- Discharge simulation in the sub-basins of the Amazon using ORCHIDEE forced by new [[BR]] datasets.[[BR]] Guimberteau M., Drapeau G., Ronchail J., Sultan B., Polcher J., Martinez J.-M., Prigent C., Guyot [[BR]] J.-L., Cochonneau G., Espinoza J.-C., Filizola N., Fraizy P.,[[BR]] Lavado W., De Oliveira E., Pombosa R., Noriega L. and Vauchel P.[[BR]] Under review (Available online 15 Dec. 2011), Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discuss., [[BR]] 8, 11171-11232, doi:10.5194/hessd-8-11171-2011. = H = = I = = J = = K = * '''KATO Tomomichi''' ''extreme climate, mortality, future, Europe '' * __Contact details__: Laboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement (LSCE), CEA-orme des Merisiers, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, Bat 712, Porte 120, tomomichi.kato@lsce.ipsl.fr * __Stage in career__: post-doc * __Project title, duration and supervisor/colleagues__: GHG-Europe, CarboExtreme, supervised by Nicolas Viovy, Philippe Ciais, Nicolas Vuichard, Philippe Peylin * __Primary objective of your current work with ORCHIDEE__: 1) To understand the effect on terrestrial carbon budget by CO2, climate, and land use change over Europe in the past and future using ORCHIDEE standard and ORCHIDEE-STICS[[BR]]2) To understand terrestrial ecosystem's response to extreme climate events over Europe using ORCHIDEE standard * __What type of simulations are you doing?__: regional and off-line simulations * __History of your work with ORCHIDEE__: Joined LSCE in Nov 2010, start of ORCHIDEE carrier. * '''KOFFI Ernest''' ''CCDAS, Adjoint codes'' * __Contact details__: LSCE/CEA Saclay, Ormes les Merisiers, Bat. 701/Room 3[[BR]] 91191 Gif sur Yvette * __Stage in career__: Post-Doc * __Project title, duration and supervisor/colleagues__: CARBONES project: Contribution to the development of the adjoint of ORCHIDEE * __Primary objective of your current work with ORCHIDEE__: Development of adjoint of ORCHIDEE for the CCDAS of the CARBONES project * __What type of simulations are you doing?__: I will do site-scale, regional, global, forced, but not coupled for the moment * __History of your work with ORCHIDEE__: Adaptation of the ORCHIDEE code for the software TAF of the compagny FastOpt for an automatic generation of the adjoint codes of ORCHIDEE * __Potential future work with ORCHIDEE?__: Once the adjoint codes OK, several perspectives are opened: i) Revisit of some of the resuts regarding the CDDAS on carbon accounting at global scale. ii) optimized ORCHIDEE can be used for future predictions for etresstrial carbon fluxes, iii) building a CCDAS at regional scale, etc... * '''KRINNER Gerhard''' ''permafrost; snow; high latitudes'' * __Contact details__: LGGE[[BR]]http://lgge.osug.fr/Gerhard-Krinner[[BR]]krinner@ujf-grenoble.fr * __Stage in career__: permanent researcher * __Project title, duration and supervisor/colleagues__: High-latitude surface processes : evolution of the permafrost carbon reservoir[[BR]](FP7 PAGE21 2011-2015, ANR Classique 2011-2014)[[BR]][[BR]]Collaborators : P. Ciais, P. Peylin, M. Kageyama, N. Viovy (LSCE) * __Primary objective of your current work with ORCHIDEE__: -Develop a high-latitude version of ORCHIDEE that represents essential processes determining the carbon and energy exchanges in high latitudes, particularly permafrost regions.[[BR]]Use that version to project the future evolution of the permafrost organic carbon reservoir * __What type of simulations are you doing?__: site (for development and validation), regional (pan-Arctic) for applications. Forced. * __History of your work with ORCHIDEE__: Krinner et al., 2005 ;-)[[BR]]More recently :[[BR]][[BR]]Gouttevin, I., G. Krinner, P. Ciais, J. Polcher, et C. Legout. Multi-scale validation of a new soil freezing scheme for a land-surface model with physically-based hydrology. The Cryosphere Discussions, 5, 2197-2252, doi:10.5194/tcd-5-2197-2011, 2011.[[BR]][[BR]]Koven, C.D. and 7 others. 2011. Permafrost carbon-climate feedbacks accelerate global warming. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America, 108(36), 14769–14774. * __Potential future work with ORCHIDEE?__: Glacial permafrost carbon : Collaborative French (LSCE)-Swedish project[[BR]][[BR]]Continue to work on all high-latitude related aspects of ORCHIDEE * __Photo__: Might take the one from my web site http://lgge.osug.fr/Gerhard-Krinner * '''KUPPEL Sylvain''' ''Data assimilation, Bayesian techniques, eddy-covariance'' * __Contact details__: Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement[[BR]]Bâtiment 706, porte 25[[BR]]Orme des Merisiers[[BR]]91191 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex[[BR]]sylvain.kuppel@lsce.ipsl.fr * __Stage in career__: PhD * __Project title, duration and supervisor/colleagues__: Title : Optimization of the terrestrial biosphere model ORCHIDEE with an ensemble of carbon and water turbulent flux measurements.[[BR]]Duration : 3 years[[BR]]Supervisors : Frédéric Chevallier and Philippe Peylin * __Primary objective of your current work with ORCHIDEE__: Model-data fusion : calibration of ORCHIDEE parameters by assimilating net CO2 flux (NEE) and latent heat flux (LE) data measured at eddy-covariance flux towers sites (FluxNet network).[[BR]][[BR]]- Kuppel, S., Peylin, P., Chevallier, F., Bacour, C., Maignan, F., and Richardson, A.D., Constraining a global ecosystem model with multi-site eddy-covariance data, submitted.[[BR]]See also :[[BR]]- Santaren, D., Peylin, P., Viovy, N., and Ciais, P.: Optimizing a process-based ecosystem model with eddy-covariance flux measurements: A pine forest in southern France, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 21, 10.1029/2006gb002834, 2007. * __What type of simulations are you doing?__: Offline site-scale simulations, using local meteorological forcings. * __Secondary objectives of the work you're doing with ORCHIDEE__: Characterization of the structural model error, i.e. the uncertainty brought by the potentially inadequate/missing equations in ORCHIDEE, using a simple data-oriented approach. = L = * '''LATHIERE Juliette''' ''atmospheric chemistry, VOCs, biogenic, land-use'' * __Contact details__: LSCE (Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement)[[BR]]LSCE-IPSL CEA/CNRS/UVSQ[[BR]]L'Orme des Merisiers - Bat 712[[BR]]Point courrier 132[[BR]]91191 Gif-sur-Yvette FRANCE[[BR]][[BR]]Bâtiment 712 room 115[[BR]][[BR]]juliette.lathiere@lsce.ipsl.fr[[BR]][[BR]]https://w3.lsce.ipsl.fr/Phocea/Pisp/index.php?nom=juliette.lathiere * __Stage in career__: CNRS permanent reasercher (CR2) * __Project title, duration and supervisor/colleagues__: Interactions between the continental biosphere and atmospheric chemistry: emission of reactive chemical compounds by vegetation (Volatile Organic Compounds, Nitrogen Oxides), importance for atmospheric chemistry processes (ozone cycle, atmospheric oxidizing capacity, etc.), impact of the atmospheric chemical composition on vegetation growth an development, evolution under the influence of land-use and climate changes. * __Primary objective of your current work with ORCHIDEE__: Coupling between ORCHIDEE and the LMDzINCA chemistry-transport model for exchange of reactive chemical compounds, deposition processes and impact of pollution on vegetation * __What type of simulations are you doing?__: Global simulations for past, present and future periods, forced mode * __Secondary objectives of the work you're doing with ORCHIDEE__: Global simulations in coupled mode with both ORCHIDEE and LMDzINCA * __History of your work with ORCHIDEE__: Started at the LSCE as a PhD between 2001 and 2005, supervised by Didier Hauglustaine: Evolution of VOCs and NOx emissions from the continental biosphere in the LMDzINCA-ORCHIDEE model. Implementation in ORCHIDEE to estimate VOC emissions from vegetation and NOx emissions from soils, global runs to study the impact of climate and vegetation distribution changes on biogenic emissions and on atmospheric chemistry. * __Potential future work with ORCHIDEE?__: Intra-canopy processes (chemical reactions and deposition of compounds within the canopy) importance on net fluxes of compounds above vegetation, potential coupling with ORCHIDEE or LMDzINCA * '''LAUNOIS Thomas''' ''ORCHIDEE-FM, parameterization '' * __Contact details__: LSCE, Orme des Merisiers, Bât. 701, room 7B. [[BR]]thomas.launois@lsce.ipsl.fr * __Stage in career__: PhD student (UVSQ) * __Project title, duration and supervisor/colleagues__: PhD that ends in Sept. 2013. Advisor is P.Peylin. [[BR]][[BR]]Title : optimization of hydric-stress-related parameters of ORCHIDEE, by using tree-ring widths, and isotoopic (both carbon and oxygen) dataset measured at site-scale. * __Primary objective of your current work with ORCHIDEE__: Parameters optimization. * __What type of simulations are you doing?__: Site-scale studies. Forced climate. * __History of your work with ORCHIDEE__: Merge of ORCHIDEE-FM(V. Bellassen) and ORCHIDEE-C13 (Th. Eglin). [[BR]]In ORCHIDEE-O18 model (C. Risi), addition of mixing ratio between early formed synthetates of the leaf and xylem water. [[BR]][[BR]]Reactualisation of ORCHIDEE-FM until the "AR5" standard version. * '''LECLERE David''' ''agriculture; biosphere-atmosphere feedbacks; climate change; non-CO2 GHG emission mitigation'' * __Contact details__: LSCE/IPSL (currently under short-term CNRS contract)[[BR]]Bat 712 (p 116)[[BR]]Orme des Meurisiers, 91191 Gif/Yvette[[BR]][[BR]]david.leclere@lsce.ipsl.fr[[BR]]personnal webpage:[[BR]]http://www4.versailles-grignon.inra.fr/economie_publique/PagesPerso/David-Leclere * __Stage in career__: PhD * __Project title, duration and supervisor/colleagues__: Impacts of agriculture on biosphere-atmosphere exchanges over Europe under climate change, adaptation to climate change, mitigation policies[[BR]](PhD)[[BR]]Supervisors:[[BR]]Nathalie De Noblet-Ducoudré (LSCE/IPSL)[[BR]]Pierre-Alain jayet (UMR Economie Publique INRA/AgroParisTech, Grignon) * __Primary objective of your current work with ORCHIDEE__: ORCHIDEE-STICS[[BR]]- Spatializing agricultural management practices[[BR]]- Off-line simulations under various agricultural land covers and management and climate scenarios over Europe[[BR]] * __What type of simulations are you doing?__: Forced simulations[[BR]]0,5° x 0,5° grid over Europe * __History of your work with ORCHIDEE__: Started with M2 internship:[[BR]]Diagnosis of changes in biosphere-atmosphere exchanges due to changes in agricultural land cover, under future climate over France[[BR]]Then, PhD * __Potential future work with ORCHIDEE?__: Do what was initially planned in the PhD project * '''LUYSSAERT Sebastiaan''' ''forest management, total climate impact, land use intensity'' * __Contact details__: LSCE - IPSL[[BR]]CEA - CNRS - UVSQ[[BR]]Orme des Merisiers, bat 712, 100 D[[BR]]91191 Gif sur Yvette CEDEX[[BR]]Sebastiaan.Luyssaert _at_ lsce.ipsl.fr[[BR]]http://www.lsce.ipsl.fr/Pisp/sebastiaan.luyssaert/[[BR]] * __Stage in career__: Permanent researcher * __Project title, duration and supervisor/colleagues__: Projects titles:[[BR]]- DOFOCO: Do forests cool the Earth? Reconciling sustained productivity and minimum climate response with ensembles of contrasting forest management strategies, 2010-2015, PI[[BR]]- Trees4Future: Designing Trees for the Future, 2012-2015, WP10 - task 1[[BR]]- ORCHIDEE PROJECT, 2010 - ad infinitum[[BR]][[BR]]Projects-related colleagues:[[BR]]Juliane Otto (JO), James Ryder (JR), Elisa Fenu (EF), Kim Naudts (KN), Yuan Yan (YY), Marta Camino Serrano (MCS) * __Primary objective of your current work with ORCHIDEE__: - Develop the capacity of ORCHIDEE to quantify and unravel the role of forest management in mitigating climate change.[[BR]]- Implementing the v. O-CN allocation scheme in and adding v. FM to this (SL)[[BR]]- Developing Pinty's radiative canopy transfer model as a submodel for v. (JO/EF)[[BR]]- Developing a new multi-layer radiation scheme for v. (JR)[[BR]]- Developing a global framework for FM including temperate and tropical management trajectories (EF).[[BR]]- Developing a submodel for DOC fluxes in v. (MCS)[[BR]]- Calibrating management trajectories making use of national forest inventory data and yield tables in v. 1.9.5 - FM (YY)[[BR]]- Calibrating species, provenances and genotypes for making better use of tree breeding experiments, ORC-EXT, (KN)[[BR]][[BR]]At present, these new developments and calibrations have not resulted in publications * __What type of simulations are you doing?__: DOFOCO aims for coupled simulations land-atmosphere-ocean[[BR]]Trees4Future aims for regional (EU) forced simulations * __Secondary objectives of the work you're doing with ORCHIDEE__: Contributing to the development and maintenance of a state-of-the-art land-surface component of an Earth System Model (IPSL) in support of climate and climate mitigation science. * __History of your work with ORCHIDEE__: * regional forced ORCHIDEE simulation were used as one of the data sources to compile the European Carbon budget. [[BR]][[BR]]Schulze, E.D., et al., Importance of methane and nitrous oxide for Europe's terrestrial greenhouse-gas balance. Nature Geoscience, 2009. 2(12): p. 842-850.[[BR]]Schulze, E.D., et al., The European carbon balance. Part 4: integration of carbon and other trace-gas fluxes. Global Change Biology, 2010. 16(5): p. 1451-1469.[[BR]]Luyssaert, S., et al., The European carbon balance. Part 3: forests. Global Change Biology, 2010. 16(5): p. 1429-1450.[[BR]]Ciais, P., et al., The European carbon balance. Part 2: croplands. Global Change Biology, 2010. 16(5): p. 1409-1428.[[BR]][[BR]]* Contributed to the validation and parameterisation of ORC-FM with an application for short rotation coppice management[[BR]][[BR]]Liberloo, M., et al., Bio-Energy Retains Its Mitigation Potential Under Elevated CO2. Plos One, 2010. 5(7).[[BR]][[BR]]* Contributed to a study attributing the European forest C-sink to [CO2], climate and forest management[[BR]][[BR]]Bellassen, V., et al. Reconstruction and attribution of the carbon sink of European forests between 1950 and 2000. Global Change Biology, 2011. 17: p. 3274-3292. = M = * '''MACBEAN Natasha''' ''Phenology, satellite reflectance, NDVI, calibration, data assimilation'' * __Contact details__: Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environment,[[BR]]CEA Saclay, Orme de Merisiers, Bâtiment 701, Pièce 40, 91 191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex. [[BR]]natasha.macbean@lsce.ipsl.fr * __Stage in career__: Post-doc * __Project title, duration and supervisor/colleagues__: Using remote sensing data and modelling for the monitoring of land carbon fluxes - CARBONES Project, FP7, 2011-2013, F. Maignan, F-M Bréon and P. Peylin (supervisors), C. Bacour, S. Kuppel, E. Koffi, F. Chevallier (project-related colleagues).[[BR]] * __Primary objective of your current work with ORCHIDEE__: To use satellite reflectance data to optimise the parameters of, and improve, the phenology models in the standard version of ORCHIDEE (currently version, particularly tropical raingreen forests and grasslands/crops. I am developing, calibrating and validating ORCHIDEE as well as using it for simulations. Satellite reflectance data are being used for calibration and validation. * __What type of simulations are you doing?__: global, forced * __Potential future work with ORCHIDEE?__: Possibly to collaborate with J. Otto and S. Luyssaert (as well as current project-related colleagues) to use the radiative transfer algorithm they are developing in the assimilation of satellite reflectance data.[[BR]]I'd also like to use the ORCHIDEE to examine impacts of future climate change/disturbance on the vegetation phenology. * '''MAIGNAN Fabienne''' ''Phenology; Remote Sensing; Benchmarking'' * __Contact details__: Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement[[BR]]CEA Saclay, Orme des Merisiers[[BR]]Bâtiment 701, Pièce 46[[BR]]91 191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex[[BR]]maignan@lsce.ipsl.fr * __Stage in career__: permanent researcher * __Project title, duration and supervisor/colleagues__: - CARBONES, FP7, 2010-2013, contact LSCE: P. Peylin [[BR]]- VEGECLIM, BELSPO, 2009-2013, contact LSCE: F. Maignan[[BR]]- CLASSIQUE, ANR, 2011-2015, contact LSCE: C. Ottlé[[BR]]- GEOLAND2 LC-CIS, 2009-2012, contact LSCE: F. Chevallier[[BR]] * __Primary objective of your current work with ORCHIDEE__: My main goal is to improve the prognostic phenology in ORCHIDEE (standard version I'm using satellite NDVI (MODIS, AVHRR) for both optimization and validation.[[BR]]Maignan, F., Bréon, F.M., Chevallier, F., Viovy, N., Ciais, P., Trules, J. & Mancip, M. (2011). Evaluation of a Global Vegetation Model using time series of satellite vegetation indices. Geoscientific Model Development, 4, 1103–1114, doi:10.5194/gmd-4-1103-2011 * __What type of simulations are you doing?__: global, forced * __Secondary objectives of the work you're doing with ORCHIDEE__: Benchmarking: the developed method may be used to evaluate whatever modification that has an impact on the leaf seasonal cycle. * __History of your work with ORCHIDEE__: - 2008: beginning, write technical documentation[[BR]]- inclusion in the 1.8.2 release of a phenology improvement implemented in the version of Nicolas Viovy; should be merged in the 1.9.6 tag[[BR]]- on-going effort on the scientific documentation[[BR]]- creation of ERA-Interim forcing fields[[BR]]- global simulations with carbon spinup[[BR]]- participation in model inter-comparison projects:[[BR]]Mueller, B., Seneviratne, S., Jimenez, C., Corti, T. , Hirschi, M., Balsamo, G. , Ciais, P., Dirmeyer, P., Fisher, J., Guo, Z., Jung, M., Maignan, F., McCabe, M., Reichle, R., Reichstein, M., Rodell, M., Sheffield, J., Teuling, A., Wang, K., Wood, E. & Zhang, Y. (2011). Evaluation of global observations-based evapotranspiration datasets and IPCC AR4 simulations. Geophysical Research Letters, 38, doi:10.1029/2010GL046230[[BR]]Lafont, S., Zhao, Y., Calvet, J.-C., Peylin, P., Ciais, P., Maignan, F., & Weiss, M (2012). Modelling LAI, surface water and carbon fluxes at high-resolution over France: comparison of ISBA-A-gs and ORCHIDEE, Biogeosciences, 9, 439-456, doi:10.5194/bg-9-439-2012 * __Potential future work with ORCHIDEE?__: - Improve the phenology of tropical Plant Functional Types[[BR]]- Automation of the benchmarking[[BR]]- Improve ORCHIDEE's project management (Quality task) = N = = O = * '''OGEE Jerome''' * __Contact details__: INRA-Bordeaux[[BR]]EPHYSE[[BR]]71 Av. E Bourleaux[[BR]]33140 Villenave d'Ornon[[BR]]Email: jogee@bordeaux.inra.fr * __Stage in career__: INRA permanent researcher * __Project title, duration and supervisor/colleagues__: No current project * __Primary objective of your current work with ORCHIDEE__: No current project * __What type of simulations are you doing?__: Site-scale simulations, eventually forced regional simulations * __History of your work with ORCHIDEE__: Validation at site-level across FluxNet sites (Krinner et al. 2005; Morales et al. 2006; Friend et al. 2007)[[BR]]Projections of forest productivity over France using a regionalised climate scenario provided by Meteo-France and different soil water holding capacity conditions (Loustau et al. Tree Physiology, 2005)[[BR]] * '''OTTO Juliane''' ''albedo'' * __Contact details__: -- [[BR]]Juliane Otto[[BR]]i) Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et l'Environnement (LSCE)[[BR]]ii) L'Orme des Merisiers[[BR]]91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France[[BR]] Bâtiment 712, Room 100C [[BR]]iii) Tel: +331 69 08 12 69[[BR]]Email: juliane.otto@lsce.ipsl.fr[[BR]] * __Stage in career__: post-doc * __Project title, duration and supervisor/colleagues__: DOFOCO, 5 years, Sebastiaan Luyssaert, James Ryder * __Primary objective of your current work with ORCHIDEE__: Currently I am developing a new scheme for the snow-free albedo. Probably I will implement it in ORCHIDEE-FM. * __What type of simulations are you doing?__: So far I haven't done any simulations yet but I intend to do forced simulations first on site-scale for the validation with FLUXNET data and later for regional and global simulation. The aim is to run ORCHIDEE in a coupled mode. * __History of your work with ORCHIDEE__: So far I run the new albedo scheme in IDL so I haven't worked with ORCHIDEE yet. * __Potential future work with ORCHIDEE?__: I want to be in all kind of albedo work in ORCHIDEE, e.g. I want to collaborate with Tao Wang who was/is working on the snow albedo to join our two approaches. = P = * '''PEYLIN Philippe''' ''Coordination, Parameter optimization, Adjoint model '' * __Contact details__: LSCE[[BR]]CEA Orme des Merisiers, Bat 701[[BR]]peylin@lsce.ipsl.fr * __Stage in career__: Permanent researcher (CNRS) * __Project title, duration and supervisor/colleagues__: Management of the ORCHIDEE project since 2009[[BR]]Coordination of the integration of all developments into the Main version[[BR]] * __Primary objective of your current work with ORCHIDEE__: Calibration of ORCHIDEE parameters for the Carbon Cycle[[BR]]Use standard ORCHIDEE version[[BR]]Participate in the development of the Tangent Linear and Adjoint models of ORCHIDEE[[BR]] * __What type of simulations are you doing?__: No direct simulation performed myself [[BR]]Involve in site-scale and global simulations in forced mode[[BR]] * __Secondary objectives of the work you're doing with ORCHIDEE__: Involved in the new energy balance scheme under development[[BR]]Involved in the development of the 13C isotopes in ORCHIDEE * __History of your work with ORCHIDEE__: Started to use ORCHIDEE for site simulation (including 13C isotopes)[[BR]]and progressively moved in the coordination of the ORCHIDEE group * '''POULTER Ben''' * __Contact details__: LSCE[[BR]]benjamin.poulter@lsce.ipsl.fr[[BR]]http://www.lsce.ipsl.fr/Pisp/benjamin.poulter/ * __Stage in career__: Post-doc * __Project title, duration and supervisor/colleagues__: GEOLAND2, June 2012, Chevallier * __Primary objective of your current work with ORCHIDEE__: Biomass benchmarking (validating)[[BR]]Northern hemisphere carbon sink (application)[[BR]]Land-cover change (development) * __What type of simulations are you doing?__: Global offline = Q = = R = * '''RINGEVAL Bruno''' ''methane, wetland'' * __Contact details__: Bruno Ringeval[[BR]]Institute for Marine and Atmospheric research Utrecht (IMAU)[[BR]]Utrecht University[[BR]]Princetonplein 5[[BR]]3584 CC Utrecht[[BR]]B.Ringeval@sron.nl[[BR]]http://brunoringeval.jimdo.com/[[BR]] * __Stage in career__: Post-doc * __Project title, duration and supervisor/colleagues__: GEOCARBON[[BR]]Supervisor: Sander Houweling * __Primary objective of your current work with ORCHIDEE__: In my current position, I am mainly working on the LPX model but I plan to do some ORCHIDEE simulations to update the work I have done during my PhD. By "update", I mean: doing the same simulations I have done before but with new updated climate forcing data (over the last years, after 2009).[[BR]]I plan to use the ORCHIDEE version I developed during my PhD (ORCHIDEE with wetlands; ie. TOPMODEL to model the wetland dynamic and some routines to compute the CH4 flux densities; cf. "History of your work with ORCHIDEE" section). [[BR]]But currently, this version cannot be run on any computer (I used to launch my ORCHIDEE version on MERCURE but Mercure stopped since the beginning of 2012).[[BR]][[BR]]Refs:[[BR]][[BR]]Ringeval, B., N. de Noblet-Ducoudré, P. Ciais, P. Bousquet, C. Prigent, F. Papa, and W. B. Rossow (2010), An attempt to quantify the impact of changes in wetland extent on methane emissions on the seasonal and interannual time scales, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 24(2), 1-12, doi:10.1029/2008GB003354. [[BR]][[BR]]Ringeval, B., P. Friedlingstein, C. Koven, P. Ciais, N.de Noblet-Ducoudré, B. Decharme, P. Cadule (2011), Climate-CH4 feedback from wetlands and its interaction with the climate-CO2 feedback, Biogeosciences, 8, 2137-2157, doi:10.5194/bg-8-2137-2011.[[BR]][[BR]]Ringeval B., B. Decharme, S.L. Piao, P. Ciais, F. Papa, N. de Noblet-Ducoudré, C. Prigent, P. Friedlingstein, I. Gouttevin, C. Koven, A. Ducharne (2012), Modelling sub-grid wetand in the ORCHIDEE global land surface model: evaluation against river discharges and remotely sensed data, submitted to Geoscientific Model Development [[BR]] * __What type of simulations are you doing?__: Global simulations [[BR]]Forced * __History of your work with ORCHIDEE__: During both my 3‐year Ph.D. (LSCE) and my first short post‐doc (Bristol - 7 months), I have aimed to improve our knowledge of the relationships between climate and wetland methane (CH4) emissions at the global scale. My objectives were divided into three points: (i) to better understand the wetland CH4 emissions sensitivity to climate [Ringeval et al., 2010; Koven et al., 2011, Ringeval et al., 2012, in prep (cf. the "Potential future work with ORCHIDEE" section)] and to estimate the effect of this sensitivity on both (ii) the atmospheric CH4 concentration [Bousquet et al., 2011] and (iii) the climate through a potential feedback [Ringeval et al., 2011]. These three purposes covered different time scales: from year‐to‐year variability up to the millennial scale.[[BR]][[BR]]To reach these objectives, I implemented during my PhD the ORCHIDEE model with a wetland CH4 emissions scheme. I proceeded in two steps. The first one was the integration of a simplified version of TOPMODEL, a sub‐grid topographic model [Beven and Kirkby, 1979, Ringeval et al., 2012, submitted] to compute the wetland area dynamically. The second step was the integration of a based process model of CH4 flux densities [Walter et al., 2001]. The latter represents the mechanisms leading to CH4 flux to the atmosphere at the wetland site scale: production from the soil carbon pool, transport to the atmosphere and oxidation during this transport. [[BR]][[BR]]For main references, please, cf. "Primary objective of your current work with ORCHIDEE" section[[BR]][[BR]]Others:[[BR]]Bousquet P., B. Ringeval, I. Pison, C. Yver, E. J. Dlugokencky et al. (2010), Source attribution of the recent increase in atmospheric methane, Atm. Chem. And Physics, 11, 3689‐3700, doi:10.5194/acp‐11‐3689‐2011,[[BR]][[BR]]Koven C., B. Ringeval, P. Friedlingstein, P. Ciais, P. Cadule, D. Khvorostyanov, G. Krinner, C. Tarnocai (2011), Permafrost carbon‐climate feedbacks accelerate global warming, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 1103910108v1‐6. http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2011/08/17/1103910108[[BR]] * __Potential future work with ORCHIDEE?__: Finish writing the following paper:[[BR]][[BR]]Ringeval B., et al. [[BR]]Response of methane emissions from wetlands to an idealized Dansgaard-Oeschger climate event: insights from two models of different complexity, [[BR]]in prep for Climate of the Past[[BR]] * '''RISI Camille''' ''isotopes, model evaluation, land-atmosphere feedbacks'' * __Contact details__: LMD[[BR]]Jussieu[[BR]]crlmd@lmd.jussieu.fr[[BR]]http://www.lmd.jussieu.fr/~crlmd * __Stage in career__: permanent researcher * __Project title, duration and supervisor/colleagues__: Evaluating climate models and their climate projections: the added value of water isotopes * __Primary objective of your current work with ORCHIDEE__: - Objective: use water isotopic measurements to better evaluate the hydrological processes in models. In particular: partition water budget of the soil column (drainage, surface runoff, transpiration, bare soil evap); continental recycling and its role in land-atmosphere feedbacks[[BR]]- I have developed and continue to develop water isotopes in ORCHIDEE and LMDZ. [[BR]]- I evaluate the results against satellite datasets of water vapor isotopes and in-situ isotopic measurements in precip, plants, soils, rivers. Also use meteo and flux data on instrumented sites.[[BR]]- so far, I've used ORCHIDEE-béton with 1.5 layers. Plan to have isotopes in the most recent version and 11 layers hydrology within 2 or 3 years[[BR]]- I use only the SECHIBA part of ORCHIDEE[[BR]]- reference paper with comprehensive evaluation is in revision. One other paper on evaluating land-atmosphere feedbacks using GOSAT data is in prep. Risi et al 2010 uses ORCHIDEE couples to LMDZ but with little description of the ORCHIDEE part: http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/2010/2010JD014690.shtml[[BR]][[BR]] * __What type of simulations are you doing?__: - global coupled with LMDZ[[BR]]- offline on instrumented sites (e.g. fluxnet/carbo-Europe sites that have isotopic measurements, e.g. Le Bray, Yatir...) forced by meteo data or ECMWF reanalyses * __Secondary objectives of the work you're doing with ORCHIDEE__: - there are currently collaborations with people at LSCE (Valérie Masson-Delmotte, Valérie Daux) for paleo-climate applications: simulation of tree-ring cellulose isotopic composition[[BR]]- my simulations with LMDZ-ORCHIDEE are also used by some other groups for regional applications: arctic (NASA-JPL) and Amazon (Univ Austin) * __History of your work with ORCHIDEE__: - started implementation in 2007 * __Potential future work with ORCHIDEE?__: - post-doc co-advised with Catherine Ottlée to implement isotopes in 11 layer hydrology, as part of a Russian megagrant[[BR]]- merge water isotope version with C13 version developed by Thomas Launois (LSCE)[[BR]]- longer term: coupling with isotopes in CO2 and in O2 in LMDZ. * '''RYDER James''' ''Energy budget; latent heat; sensible heat; radiation; land use'' * __Contact details__: LSCE CEA-Orme des Merisiers, Bat. 712, room 100C, Point Courrier 132, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette CEDEX, France. Tel: +33 (0) 1 69 08 12 69; james.ryder@lsce.ipsl.fr * __Stage in career__: Post-doc * __Project title, duration and supervisor/colleagues__: 'Towards a more detailed representation of the energy balance in the coupled land surface model ORCHIDEE'; September 2011 - August 2014 with Sebastiaan Luyssaert and Philippe Peylin * __Primary objective of your current work with ORCHIDEE__: I'm developing a new detailed and practical simulation of the energy budget within ORCHIDEE, coupled to the atmospheric model LMDZ.[[BR]][[BR]]As with other land surface models, the present release of ORCHIDEE has difficulties in reproducing consistently observed energy balances (e.g. Pitman et al., 2009; Jimenez et al., 2011; de Noblet-Ducoudré et al., 2011). Hence, the model must be improved to be better able to study the radiative effect of forest management and land use change. This observation serves as a starting point to this project – improving the level of detail in energy balance simulations of the surface layer.[[BR]][[BR]]The most in-depth simulations of surface layer energy budget are detailed iterative multi-layer canopy models, such as Ogeé et al. (2003). These are linked to specific measurement sites and do not interact with the atmosphere. In this current project, the aim is to create a model that will implement the insights obtained in those previous studies and improve upon the present ORCHIDEE parameterisation, but will run stably and efficiently when coupled to an atmospheric model.[[BR]][[BR]]This work involves a replacement of the existing allocation of 14 different types of vegetation within each surface tile (the 'Plant Functional Types') by a more granular scheme that can be modified to reflect changes in attributes such as vegetation density, leaf type, distribution (clumping factors), age and height of vegetation within the surface tile. There will be the implementation of more than one canopy vegetation layer to simulate the effects of scalar gradients within the canopy for determining, more accurately, the net sensible and latent heat fluxes that are passed to the atmosphere.[[BR]][[BR]]The model will include representation of characteristics such as in-canopy transport, coupling with sensible heat flux from the soil, a multilayer radiation budget and stomatal resistance, and interaction with the bare soil flux within the canopy space (and also with snow pack). The implicit coupling approach of Polcher et al. (1998) and Best et al. (2004) is to be extended to a multilayer scenario, and will then be tested and validated. * __What type of simulations are you doing?__: For the moment I'm preparing a series of site scale runs as a first evaluation for the multilayer model, and as a comparison to the present ORCHIDEE simulation run on the same parameters. The simulations will be forced to begin with, but the code is written with coupling in mind, as this will be the next step. * __Potential future work with ORCHIDEE?__: Simulation of interaction of snow packs underneath and above the canopy; mixing between grid squares at the surface layer; possible emission and interaction of chemical species? * __Photo__: https://w3.lsce.ipsl.fr/Images/Trombinoscope/jryder.jpg = S = * '''SOLYGA Didier''' ''Engineer, Externalization, Spinup'' * __Contact details__: Laboratoire des Sciences du climat et de l'environnement (LSCE)[[BR]]CEA Saclay - Orme des Merisiers - Bât 712- room 112[[BR]]91191 Gif-sur-Yvette[[BR]]Tél: (+33) 1 69 08 77 24[[BR]]fax: (+33) 1 69 08 30 73 [[BR]][[BR]]email : Didier.Solyga@lsce.ipsl.fr * __Stage in career__: Engineer * __Project title, duration and supervisor/colleagues__: ORCHIDEE PROJECT (supervisor : Nicolas Vuichard)[[BR]](engineer hired on common funds (2010-2013)) * __Primary objective of your current work with ORCHIDEE__: Developing ORCHIDEE :[[BR]]- Faster SPINUP (Spinup Analytic branch) - Validation (ncc modified in noleap calendar) * __What type of simulations are you doing?__: all kind of simulations : on site-scale, regional, global, forced and coupled * __Secondary objectives of the work you're doing with ORCHIDEE__: - Users training : SVN, tutorial for new users[[BR]]- Support[[BR]]- Code management * __History of your work with ORCHIDEE__: - Externalization of the code (trunk : principal version) : dynamic allocation of PFTs and[[BR]] configurations of some 400 parameters - Validation (ncc forcing) [DONE][[BR]] (see [wiki:Tags/196/ExternalisationParameters]) [[BR]]- Partial reorganization of STOMATE modules * __Potential future work with ORCHIDEE?__: - Spatialization of the ORCHIDEE parameters : for some runs, the model can read [[BR]] parameter values from a netcdf file[[BR]]- Full reorganization of STOMATE modules[[BR]] - Help to merge the different branches * See my wiki page in french summarizing my works :[wiki:UserList/BilanDidier] * '''STEFANON Marc''' * __Contact details__: CNRS/IPSL/LMD [[BR]]Ecole Polytechnique F-91128 Palaiseau Cedex, France [[BR]]marc.stefanon@lmd.polytechnique.fr * __Stage in career__: PhD * __Project title, duration and supervisor/colleagues__: Model of the Regional Coupled Earth system (MORCE)[[BR]]Advisor : Philippe Drobinski[[BR]]Colleagues : Nathalie de Noblet Ducoudré - Nicolas Viovy - Martial Mancip * __Primary objective of your current work with ORCHIDEE__: I developed the coupling between WRF and ORCHIDEE (AR5) and assess the impact of vegetation on regional water cycle, droughts and heat waves.[[BR]]Published :[[BR]]Drobinski P., Anav A., Lebeaupin Brossier C., Samson G., Stéfanon M., Bastin[[BR]]S., Baklouti M., Béranger K., Beuvier J., Bourdallé-Badie R., Coquart L.,[[BR]]D’Andrea F., De Noblet-Ducoudré N., Diaz F., Dutay J.C., Ethe C., Foujols[[BR]]A.M., Khvorostyanov D., Madec G., Mancip M., Masson S., Menut L., Palmieri[[BR]]J., Polcher J., Turquety S., Valcke S., Viovy N., 2012: Modelling the[[BR]]Regional Coupled Earth system (MORCE): application to process and climate[[BR]]studies in vulnerable regions. Env. Modelling and Software,[[BR]]10.1016/j.envsoft.2012.01.017[[BR]]In progress :[[BR]]Stéfanon M., Drobinski P., D’Andrea F. and De Noblet-Ducoudré N: Effects of interacting vegetation phenology on the 2003 summer heat waves. Journal of Geophysical Research. * __What type of simulations are you doing?__: Regional simulations forced and coupled with WRF = T = * '''TAN Kun''' * __Contact details__: Lab. des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement[[BR]]L'Orme des Merisiers, Bat 706, Piece 25[[BR]]91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex, France.[[BR]]Kun.Tan@lsce.ipsl.fr * __Stage in career__: post-doc * __Project title, duration and supervisor/colleagues__: CARBO-Extreme, May 2013, Philippe Ciais * __Primary objective of your current work with ORCHIDEE__: Validating and using ORCHIDEE-FM with tree ring data * __What type of simulations are you doing?__: site-scale and regional forced * '''THUM Tea''' ''optimization, biomass'' * __Contact details__: i) Finnish Meteorological Institute[[BR]]ii) Erik Palménin aukio 1, 00560 Helsinki, Finland[[BR]]iii) tea.thum@fmi.fi * __Stage in career__: post-doc * __Project title, duration and supervisor/colleagues__: Optimization of ORCHIDEE using both micrometeorological flux and biomass data, supervisor Philippe Peylin * __Primary objective of your current work with ORCHIDEE__: I'm using ORCHIS code for optimization and I'm using flux and biomass data. So far I've been working at sites Hesse, Le Bray and Soro. No publications yet. * __What type of simulations are you doing?__: Site-scale, forced. * __Secondary objectives of the work you're doing with ORCHIDEE__: I've also worked with Brandbjerg data. Brandbjerg is a ecosystem manipulation site, a shrubland in Denmark. * __Potential future work with ORCHIDEE?__: I work at the moment in Finnish Meteorological Institute and we have many flux measurement sites in Finland. I've earlier worked with the seasonality of the carbon cycle in coniferous forests. I'd like to further continue this work by also using ORCHIDEE, i.e., studying different seasonal responses of Vcmax, comparing with chlorophyll fluorescence measurements etc. = U = = V = * '''VALADE Aude''' ''biofuels, ORCHIDEE-STICS, calibration, validation, parameters'' * __Contact details__: LSCE - Orme des merisiers [[BR]]p 114, bât 712[[BR]]aude.valade@lsce.ipsl.fr * __Stage in career__: PhD * __Project title, duration and supervisor/colleagues__: Simulation of biofuels crops' impacts on carbon cycle and climate[[BR]]3 years[[BR]]Philippe Ciais, Nicolas Vuichard, Nicolas Viovy * __Primary objective of your current work with ORCHIDEE__: My aim is to parameterize and validate the model ORCHIDEE-STICS for sugar cane simulations.[[BR]]The data used for calibration and validation are biomass measurements of LAI growth in Australia and La Reunion. * __What type of simulations are you doing?__: site-scale * '''VERBEECK Hans''' ''ORCHIDEE, data assimilation, parameter optimisation, tropical forest, eddy covariance'' * __Contact details__: Laboratory of Plant Ecology[[BR]]Ghent University[[BR]]Coupure Links 653[[BR]]9000 Gent[[BR]]Belgium[[BR]]hans. verbeeck@ugent.be[[BR]]www.plantecology.ugent.be[[BR]] * __Stage in career__: Assistant-professor * __Project title, duration and supervisor/colleagues__: VEGECLIM. (2010-2013) Marjolein De Weirdt is doing a PhD on this project here in Ghent. I am supervising her. Project on carbon fluxes in the Amazon and Congo basin. Using SPOT data.[[BR]][[BR]]AMAZALERT (2011-2014). FP 7 project. Veerle De Schepper is a post doc on this project here with me in Ghent. Improving ORC for tropical forests in the Amazon.[[BR]][[BR]] * __Primary objective of your current work with ORCHIDEE__: Here in Ghent we are improving parts of the model specifically for tropical forest. We are doing calibration and validation as well. Different types if data are used: eddy fluxes, emote sensing data, litterfall data, forest inventories, ...[[BR]][[BR]]Veerle and Marjolein are using the standard ORC version. [[BR]]Myself I have mostly been working with the ORC version of Cedric Bacour, coupled to the ORCHIS data assimilation system.[[BR]][[BR]][[BR]]publications were I contributed with ORC simulations[[BR]]1. Williams M, Richardson AD, Reichstein M, Stoy PC, Peylin P, Verbeeck H, Carvalhais N, Jung M, Hollinger DY, Kattge J, Leuning R, Luo Y, Tomelleri E, Trudinger CM, Wang Y-P. 2009. Improving land surface models with FLUXNET data. Biogeosciences, 6, 1341-1359. (Discussion paper: Biogeosciences Discussions, 6, 2785-2835.)[[BR]][[BR]]2. Gielen B, Verbeeck H, Neirynck J, Sampson DA, Vermeiren F, Janssens IA. 2010. Decadal water balance of a temperate Scots pine forest (Pinus sylvestris L.) based on measurements and modelling. Biogeosciences, 7, 1247-1261. (Discussion paper: Biogeosciences Discussions, 6, 10519-10555.)[[BR]][[BR]]3. Schwalm C, Williams CA, Schaefer K, Anderson R, Arain MA, Baker I, Barr A, Black TA, Chen G, Chen JM, Ciais P, Davis KJ, Desai A, Dietze M, Dragoni D, Fischer ML, Flanagan LB, Grant R, Gu L, Hollinger D, Izaurralde RC, Kucharik C, Lafleur P, Law BE, Li L, Li Z, Liu S, Lokupitiya E, Luo Y, Ma S, Margolis H, Matamala R, McCaughey H, Monson RK, Oechel WC, Peng C, Poulter B, Price DT, Riciutto DM, Riley W, Sahoo AK, Sprintsin M, Sun J, Tian H, Tonitto C, Verbeeck H, Verma S. 2010. A model-data intercomparison of CO2 exchange across North America: Results from the North American Carbon Program site synthesis. JGR – Biogeosciences, 115, G00H05.[[BR]][[BR]]4. Verbeeck H, Peylin P, Bacour C, Bonal D, Steppe K, Ciais P. 2011 Seasonal patterns of CO2 fluxes in Amazon forests: fusion of eddy covariance data and the ORCHIDEE model. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences, 116, G02018.[[BR]][[BR]]5. De Boeck HJ, Verbeeck H. 2011. Drought-associated changes in climate and their relevance for plant experiments and models. Biogeosciences, 8, 1121-1130. (Discussion paper: Biogeosciences Discussions, 8, 463-485.)[[BR]][[BR]]6. Dietze MC, Vargas R, Richardson AD, Stoy P, Barr AG, Anderson RS, Arain MA, Baker IT, Black TA, Chen JM, Ciais P, Flanagan LB, Gough CM, Grant RF, Hollinger D, Izaurralde RC, Kucharik CJ, Lafleur P, Liu S, Lokupitiya E, Luo Y, Munger JW, Peng C, Poulter B, Price DT, Ricciuto DM, Riley WJ, Sahoo AK, Schaefer K, Suyker AE, Tian H, Verbeeck H, Verma SB, Wang W, Weng E. 2011. Characterizing the performance of ecosystem models across time scales: A spectral analysis of the North American Carbon Program site-level synthesis. JGR Biogeosciences, 116, G04029.[[BR]][[BR]]7. Richardson AD, Anderson RS, Arain MA, Barr AG, Bohrer G, Chen G, Chen JM, Ciais P, Davis KJ, Desai AR, Dietze MC, Dragoni D, Garrity SR, Gough CM, Grant R, Hollinger DY, Margolis HA, McCaughey H, Migliavacca M, Monson RK, Munger JW, Poulter B, Raczka BM, Ricciuto DM, Sahoo AK, Schaefer K, Tian H, Vargas R, Verbeeck H, Xiao J, Xue Y. 2012. Terrestrial biosphere models need better representation of vegetation phenology: results from the North American Carbon Program site synthesis. Global Change Biology, 18, 566-584.[[BR]][[BR]]8. Sulman BN, Desai AR, Schroeder NM, Ricciuto D, Barr A, Richardson AD, Flanagan LB, Lafleur PM, Tian H, Chen G, Grant RF, Poulter B, Verbeeck H, Ciais P, Ringeval B, Baker IT, Schaefer K, Luo Y, Weng E. Impact of hydrological variations on modeling of peatland CO2 fluxes: results from the North American Carbon Program site synthesis. JGR Biogeosciences, accepted.[[BR]][[BR]]9. Keenan T, Baker I, Barr A, Ciais P, Davis K, Dietze M, Michael C, Dragoni D, Gough C, Grant R, Hollinger D, Hufkens K, Poulter B, McCaughey H, Rackza B, Ryu Y, Schaefer K, Tian H, Verbeeck H, Zhao M, Richardson A. Evaluation of terrestrial biosphere models for land-atmosphere CO2 exchange on inter-annual time scales: Results from the North American Carbon Program. Global Change Biology, accepted.[[BR]][[BR]]10. De Weirdt M, Verbeeck H, Maignan F, Peylin P, Poulter B, Bonal D, Ciais P, Steppe K. 2012. Seasonal leaf dynamics for tropical evergreen forests in a process based global ecosystem model. Geoscientific Model Development Discussions, 5, 639-681. [[BR]] * __What type of simulations are you doing?__: Myself site scale simulations. I contributed with site simulations to the NACP site level model intercomparison( North America), and to LBA MIP (Amazon).[[BR]][[BR]]Marjolein is doing regional simulations for the Amazon and Central Africa * __Secondary objectives of the work you're doing with ORCHIDEE__: / * __History of your work with ORCHIDEE__: See references above.[[BR]][[BR]]I did sites level runs for NACP and LBA MIP.[[BR]]I mainly worked on parameter optimisations (Verbeeck et al. 2011). * __Potential future work with ORCHIDEE?__: I plan to keep working on the development and testingof ORCHIDEE for tropical forests, within the ongoing projects VEGECLIM and AMAZALERT.[[BR]]I am interested to be involved in future projects dealing with tropical forests. * '''VUICHARD Nicolas''' * __Contact details__: CEA/LSCE[[BR]]CEA Saclay L’Orme des merisiers, Bât 712 [[BR]]91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex France [[BR]]Email : vuichard@lsce.ipsl.fr[[BR]]https://w3.lsce.ipsl.fr/Phocea/Pisp/index.php?nom=nicolas.vuichard * __Stage in career__: Permanent research scientist * __Project title, duration and supervisor/colleagues__: Involved into :[[BR]]ClimAfrica FP7 project (up to 2014)[[BR]]GHG-Europe FP7 project (up to 2013) * __Primary objective of your current work with ORCHIDEE__: My primary objective is to consolidate the main version of ORCHIDEE by [[BR]]integrating (or supervising the integration of) recent developments in [[BR]]it. It induces to both develop and evaluate the successive model [[BR]]versions and to built a benchmark strategy. [[BR]]I'm also responsible of the branch in which ORCHIDEE is coupled to [[BR]]STICS. The main objective of the coupled version is to better represent [[BR]]crop phenology within ORCHIDEE by using LAI from the agronomical model [[BR]]STICS. * __What type of simulations are you doing?__: I'm doing site-scale to regional simulations in 'forced' mode and will perform soon global simulations as well = W = * '''WANG Tao''' * __Contact details__: LSCE; Bat706, P27; twang@lsce.ipsl.fr; * __Stage in career__: post-doc * __Project title, duration and supervisor/colleagues__: Title: Page21 (Vulnerability of Arctic permafrost to climate change and[[BR]]implications for global GHG emissions and future climate);[[BR]]duration: 1/1/2012-10/01/2013:[[BR]]Krinner Gerhard, Catherine Ottlé, Philippe ciais * __Primary objective of your current work with ORCHIDEE__: Including snow model into the version of ORCHIDEE high latitudes; activate DGVM in merged high latitude version * __What type of simulations are you doing?__: site-scale; regional snow simulations = X = = Y = * '''YUE Chao''' ''high latitude, boreal forest, permafrost, fire'' * __Contact details__: LSCE[[BR]]Orme des Merisiers BAT712/Pe118[[BR]]chao.yue@lsce.ipsl.fr[[BR]] * __Stage in career__: PhD * __Project title, duration and supervisor/colleagues__: Fire emissions in boreal forests and its sensitivity to climate change[[BR]]supervisor: Dr. Patricia Cadule, Dr. Philippe Ciais, Dr. Nicolas Viovy * __Primary objective of your current work with ORCHIDEE__: The ORCHIDEE is validated against forest carbon dynamics observations after stand-replacing fires in North America. The ORCHIDEE_FM is used for this purpose. Validation data include Eddy-covariance measurements and field measures but mainly on the annual basis. The ORCHIDEE version is 1_9_5_2 * __What type of simulations are you doing?__: site scale/regional, forced * __Secondary objectives of the work you're doing with ORCHIDEE__: for a regional carbon balance analysis. * __History of your work with ORCHIDEE__: The ORCHIDEE_FM is validated against forest carbon dynamics observations after stand-replacing fires in North America. * __Potential future work with ORCHIDEE?__: validate and use the model to simulate high latitude land surface- climate feedbacks. = Z = * '''ZAEHLE Sönke''' * __Contact details__: Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry[[BR]]Hans-Knöll-Str. 10, 07745 Jena[[BR]]Germany * __Stage in career__: Research scientist * __Project title, duration and supervisor/colleagues__: various untitled project, including the FP7 ECLAIRE project and the NCEAS FACE benchmarking group, the TRENDY effort of the global carbon project. * __Primary objective of your current work with ORCHIDEE__: developing, calibrating and applying O-CN * __What type of simulations are you doing?__: forced, site-scale to global * __History of your work with ORCHIDEE__: I've been developing OCN, providing corrections to the DGVM. * __Other comments__: [[BR]]