Changes between Version 15 and Version 16 of GroupActivities/UserList

2015-02-02T16:58:58+01:00 (9 years ago)



  • GroupActivities/UserList

    v15 v16  
    7878 * '''DUCHARNE Agnès''' 
    79   * __Contact details__: UMR Sisyphe, UPMC/CNRS[[BR]][[BR]]UPMC, Case 105, 4 place Jussieu, 75005[[BR]]Tower 56, 4th floor, corridor 56-46[[BR]][[BR]][[BR]][[BR]] 
     79  * __Contact details__: UMR METIS, UPMC/CNRS[[BR]]UPMC, Case 105, 4 place Jussieu, 75005[[BR]]Tower 56, 4th floor, corridor 56-46[[BR]][[BR]] 
    8080  * __Stage in career__: Permanent researcher (CNRS) 
    81   * __Project title, duration and supervisor/colleagues__: Main research theme : continental hydrology, water resources and climate[[BR]]Colleagues : Polcher, Cheruy, Hourdin (LMD), Guimberteau, Campoy, Magand (Sisyphe), Ciais, de Noblet, Ottlé (LSCE) 
    82   * __Primary objective of your current work with ORCHIDEE__: I supervise developments and validation exercises on the hydrological aspects of ORCHIDEE, including the interactions with the boundary layer.[[BR]]I use the two versions ORCHIDEE-Choisnel and ORCHIDEE-Richards. 
    83   * __What type of simulations are you doing?__: I use global, regional and site-scale simulation, in both off-line and on-line mode. 
    84   * __History of your work with ORCHIDEE__: During my PhD with Katia Laval and Jan Polcher :[[BR]]- I implemented a description of subgrid scale hydrology in ORCHIDEE-Choisnel : Ducharne A, Laval K, Polcher J (1998). Sensitivity of the hydrological cycle to the parameterization of soil hydrology in a GCM, Climate Dynamics, 14: 307-327.[[BR]]- I showed how a better description of the soil's water-holding capacity could influence the simulated climate : Ducharne A, Laval K (2000). Influence of the realistic description of soil water-holding capacity on the global water cycle in a GCM, Journal of Climate, 13: 4393-4413.[[BR]]- I developed the first routing scheme for ORCHIDEE : Ducharne A, Golaz C, Leblois E, Laval K, Polcher J, Ledoux E, de Marsily G (2003). Development of a High Resolution Runoff Routing Model, Calibration and Application to Assess Runoff from the LMD GCM. Journal of Hydrology, 280: 207-228. [[BR]][[BR]]More recently, with Frédérique Cheruy, Aurélien Campoy and Frédéric Hourdin, we showed the superiority of ORCHIDEE-Richards over ORCHIDEE-Choisnel when coupled to the LMDZ atmosheric model by comparaison with site-observation from the SIRTA observatory, and analysed the effect of the soil bottom's boundary condition (free drainage, impermeable bottom, or forced water table depth) on the surface fluxes and clocal climate :[[BR]]- Cheruy F, Campoy A,  Dupont J-C, Ducharne A, Hourdin F, Haeffelin M, Chiriaco M, Idelkadi A. Combined influence of atmospheric physics and soil hydrology on the simulated meteorology at the SIRTA atmospheric observatory. Climate Dynamics, in revision.  [[BR]]- Campoy A , Ducharne A, Hourdin F, Cheruy F, Polcher J, Dupont JC, Haeffelin M : Influence of soil bottom boundary condition on land surface fluxes in a general circulation model, in prep.[[BR]] 
    85   * __Potential future work with ORCHIDEE?__: In a near future, my main project will be to develop a description of ground water that is consistent with ORCHIDEE's principles, sufficiently simple to be used at the global scale in the Earth system model, and sufficiently flexible to account for the various hydrogeological and topographical constraints.  
     81  * __Project title, duration and supervisor/colleagues__: Main research theme : continental hydrology, groundwater, water resources and climate[[BR]]Colleagues : Polcher, Cheruy, Hourdin (LMD), Jost, Guimberteau, Campoy, Magand, Schneider (METIS), Ciais, de Noblet, Ottlé, Mouche, Mugler, Maquin (LSCE) 
     82  * __Primary objective of your current work with ORCHIDEE__: GEM / I-GEM projects on teh role of groundwater in teh climate system + supervision of developments and validation exercises on the hydrological facets of ORCHIDEE, including the interactions with the boundary layer. 
     83  * __What type of simulations are you doing?__: global, regional and site-scale simulation, in both off-line and on-line mode. 
     84  * __History of your work with ORCHIDEE__: During my PhD with Katia Laval and Jan Polcher :[[BR]]- I implemented a description of subgrid scale hydrology in ORCHIDEE-Choisnel : Ducharne A, Laval K, Polcher J (1998). Sensitivity of the hydrological cycle to the parameterization of soil hydrology in a GCM, Climate Dynamics, 14: 307-327.[[BR]]- I showed how a better description of the soil's water-holding capacity could influence the simulated climate : Ducharne A, Laval K (2000). Influence of the realistic description of soil water-holding capacity on the global water cycle in a GCM, Journal of Climate, 13: 4393-4413.[[BR]]- I developed the first routing scheme for ORCHIDEE : Ducharne A, Golaz C, Leblois E, Laval K, Polcher J, Ledoux E, de Marsily G (2003). Development of a High Resolution Runoff Routing Model, Calibration and Application to Assess Runoff from the LMD GCM. Journal of Hydrology, 280: 207-228. [[BR]]More recently, with Frédérique Cheruy, Aurélien Campoy and Frédéric Hourdin, we showed the superiority of ORCHIDEE-Richards over ORCHIDEE-Choisnel when coupled to the LMDZ atmosheric model by comparaison with site-observation from the SIRTA observatory, and analysed the effect of the soil bottom's boundary condition (free drainage, impermeable bottom, or forced water table depth) on the surface fluxes and clocal climate :[[BR]]- Cheruy F, Campoy A,  Dupont J-C, Ducharne A, Hourdin F, Haeffelin M, Chiriaco M, Idelkadi A. Combined influence of atmospheric physics and soil hydrology on the simulated meteorology at the SIRTA atmospheric observatory. Climate Dynamics, in revision.  [[BR]]- Campoy A , Ducharne A, Hourdin F, Cheruy F, Polcher J, Dupont JC, Haeffelin M : Influence of soil bottom boundary condition on land surface fluxes in a general circulation model, in prep.[[BR]] 
     85  * __Potential future work with ORCHIDEE?__: Groundwater, routing, and wetlands.  
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