= Fair Use Policy & intended studies = - This page is intended to provide a fair-use policy for all user of ORCHIDEE. The main text together with tables of model functionalities AS WELL AS the intended studies are found under: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/13R22r1fx0JoYKCojG1k3IM2C18RWuFNvxoYKdtacJEI/edit#heading=h.hvy1tlzkl5h Fair-use policy] - In the context of a special issue in GMD, here is the list of possible studies [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SUWYBmcSFQNZe8EZhY6R8_PilHUgTH_nEs0M5BcDKWQ/edit?usp=sharing Special issue GMD]