
Version 7 (modified by peylin, 11 years ago) (diff)


Summary of the 2-days ORCHIDEE meeting (13 and 14 of May 2013)

A 2 days meeting was organized in Jussieu to gather all developpers and users of ORCHIDEE to discuss about the futur of the model developments concerning primarily the "Physic" of the modele. Few external contributors also came to provide an independant view of ongoing developments in other groups.

The meeting successfully gathered around 70 peopled.. Below is the agenda with a link to the different presentations and few words about the "round table discussions"

Monday 14 morning: Session: overview of ORCHIDEE

Welcome (P. Peylin) ([ presentation)

An historical view of the land surface model at IPSL – (K. Laval) ([ presentation)

The ORCHIDEE project: Status & Ongoing developments (P. Peylin) ([ presentation)

Land use change in ORCHIDEE (N. De Noblet) ([ presentation)

Link between Physical & Biogeochemical processes (S. Luyssaert) ([ presentation)

The High Latitude developments. (I. Gouttevin) ([ presentation)

(Seabastiaan presentation)

(Katia presentation)

Session on Evaluation (chair: N. Vuichard)

Presentation of the on-going effort towards a systematic evaluation chain (N. Vuichard)

YOUR Contributions