Changes between Version 17 and Version 18 of GroupActivities/Meetings/Retreat20122013

2013-05-27T23:48:49+02:00 (11 years ago)



  • GroupActivities/Meetings/Retreat20122013

    v17 v18  
    11= Summary of the 2-days ORCHIDEE meeting (13 and 14 of May 2013) = 
    3 A 2 days meeting was organized in Jussieu to gather all developpers and users of ORCHIDEE to discuss about the futur of the model developments concerning primarily the "Physic" of the modele. Few external contributors also came to provide an independant view of ongoing developments in other groups. 
     3A 2 days meeting was organized in Jussieu to gather all developpers and users of ORCHIDEE in order to discuss the futur of the model developments concerning primarily the "Physic" of the modele. Few external contributors also came to provide an independant view of ongoing developments in other groups. 
    5 The meeting successfully gathered around 70 people.. Below is the agenda with a link to the different presentations and few words about the "round table discussions" 
     5The meeting was successfull and around 70 people attended each day.. Below is the agenda with a link to the different presentations and few words about the "round table discussions" 
    77== Monday 14 morning session: overview of ORCHIDEE == 
    2626Round table: The future of hydrology in ORCHIDEE: which ways? which collaborations ? 
    2727We had a short discussion on how to improve the ORCHIDEE model which lead to the following remarks: 
     29- One priority should be the description of the soil depth, maximum soil water content and the root profile 
     30that may evolve through time and depend on soil texture (A. Perrier); There are new database that provide these informations (especially for Europe). Variation in soil porosity may be crucial. 
     32- There is also some information on soil albedo based on soil texture, that we need to account for (F. Habets); we may also use the ECOCLIMAP maps to improve  
     34- Using detailed numerical models to characterise the "emergent properties" as a function of the scale that is considered could be investigatet (E. Mouche) 
     36- Link to ground water: need to distinguish Captive from non Captive ground water (A. Perrier) 
     38- Wee need to treat all types of flood-plains in ORC and merge the past developments (I. Gouttevin) 